FISCAL YEAR 2014 Descrip on of The purpose of the Chronic Disease Preven on Council (CDPC) is to serve as a coordi‐ na ng body for addressing chronic disease preven on in New Mexico. Statement of Need Formed in 1997, the CDPC is a mul disciplinary body of experts seeking to reduce chronic disease in New Mexico. Through quarterly mee ngs, the Council creates a forum for collabora on and communica on to prevent and control chronic diseases. The CDPC is responsible for facilita on of the New Mexico Shared Strategic Plan for Preven on and Control of Chronic Disease 2012‐2016 (NMSSP), created by a statewide leadership team in 2010. The NMSSP iden fies common risk factors for chronic disease, promotes mul ‐level preven on and management strategies, and improves health at both the individual and community levels. The Council, through its work with the NMSSP, ac vely coordinates the skills, talents, and experiences of a diverse group of member organiza ons. The mission of the CDPC is to reduce common risk factors for the chronic diseases of arthri‐ How much was done? s, cancer, heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and diseases The full Council convened quarterly: September 2013, Health Systems Interven ons related to tobacco use and obesity by: December 2013, Strategies that Support and Reinforce Healthful Behaviors Advoca ng for preven on policies and programs; March 2014, Community‐Clinical Linkages Enhancement June 2014, Epidemiology and Surveillance The Council con nued to build sustainability by applying for non‐profit status among agencies and organi‐ and working to secure addi onal funding. za ons working to prevent Five CDPC workgroups con nued address the priori es and objec ves in the Facilita ng collabora on and/or manage chronic disease; Suppor ng ini a ves to un‐ NMSSP. These groups include the communica ons workgroup, tobacco control policy workgroup, a partnership with the New Mexico Cancer Council survivor‐ ship workgroup, Complete Streets Leadership Team logic model workgroup, and the prediabetes training infrastructure workgroup. derstand, iden fy, and ad‐ A media and marke ng contractor developed a social media plan for the Council, dress social determinants crea ng a Facebook page and producing a video highligh ng a New Mexican that impact chronic disease. living with mul ple chronic diseases. The contractor designed six fact sheets for prediabetes, transporta on and health policy, the Million Hearts ini a ve, can‐ cer survivors, mul ple chronic condi ons, and tobacco control programs. CDPC worked on 7 priori es from the NMSSP, including two priori es related to tobacco policy. Ten new members and organiza ons joined the Council, including Montañas del Norte Area Health Educa on Center, Presbyterian Health Plan, the American Heart Associa on, Concillo Campesino del Sudoeste, and the American Lung Associa on, increasing representa on of health related and non‐tradi onal partners. An undergraduate intern from the University of New Mexico assisted the Council for her spring senior internship. Her work focused on social media, quarterly mee ngs, the Million Hearts workshop, and funding development. How well was the work done? The Council held 100% (4/4) of all quarterly mee ngs. CDPC worked on 23 of the 52 priori es, 44%, listed in the NMSSP. CDPC completed work on 6 of the 7 priori es, 86%, targeted for the year and made progress on 7 out of 7 priori es, 100%. Ten new members and organiza ons joined the Council, exceeding the goal of 6 (167% or 10/6) new members. Of the 47 Council members, 21% (10/47) were new this year. The number of a endees at each Chronic Disease Preven on Council quarterly mee ng increased throughout the year: 29 in September, 36 in December, and 44 in March. Is anyone be er off? Increased collabora ons among organiza ons benefited Council members. For example, partnerships with the Million Hearts planning commi ee facilitated work related to heart disease and stroke preven on throughout New Mexico. Work on priori es, including a health equity breakout group facilitated by the New Mexico Health Equity Partnership at the March quarterly mee ng, in the NMSSP impacted the social determinants of health. Chronic disease outcomes gained improved efficiency with the work of the Council. For instance, members on the prediabetes training infrastructure workgroup collec vely developed diverse materials to assist with prediabetes pa ent care and educa on. Key Accomplishments The Council conducted focus groups in rural areas of the state to educate communi es about the NMSSP and to be er understand cri cal chronic disease challenges throughout the state. Council infrastructure was further strengthened by the addi on of diverse members and by greater collabora on between lead organiza ons and stakeholders represen ng priority popula ons. The Council worked towards Council sustainability by applying for non‐profit status, developing Board policies, and seeking funding opportuni es. The finalized Complete Streets logic model provided a roadmap for implementa on, including the development of transporta on policy with health components. A Complete Streets memorial passed at the 2014 legislature. The Execu ve Director con nued to run the Council and coordinate mee ngs. Three new representa ves joined the Steering Commi ee, increasing diversity and spreading responsibility for the progress of the Council. CDPC increased efficiency by consolida ng mee ng topics, minimizing duplica on, and be er u lizing resources impac ng chronic disease outcomes in New Mexico. Con nuing Efforts (for fiscal year 2015) Ensure sustainability by finalizing non‐profit status, crea ng a board, securing funding, and beginning chronic disease advocacy work. Con nue to recruit new members to join the Council and encourage organiza ons to take leadership roles to complete the work of the NMSSP. Complete the 7 priori es selected in FY2014 and begin 10 new priori es for FY2015. Produce addi onal chronic disease video spotlight segments as part of the “New Mexico Health Starts Here” campaign, represen ng different demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Hold 4 Council quarterly mee ngs related to the 4 domains of the Centers for Disease Control and Preven on. Support workgroups, including the developing Million Hearts workgroup, to have a strong impact on coordina ng chronic disease ac vi es, and finish communica on resources, including mapping components and website materials.
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