Those on our Prayer list below have special prayer needs at this time. We keep the entire congregation in our prayers at all times, but sometimes special prayers are needed. If your name is on the list or you have added someone’s name and they no longer need to be on the list, please contact the church office so the name can be removed. Names on the prayer list are left on for two months, but may be extended upon request. llmars & Faith Birznieks Robin Blocker Chris Boland Wally Core (friend of Howard Hughes) Randall Culp (brother-in-law of Don Horton) Katie Doble Raymond Eargle Margaret Ford (Oakleaf Village, Apt. 335) Clara Gregory (Harbor Chase, #203) Kelly Hallman (friend of Steven & Kathy Hutto) Louvenia Hendrix (sister of Jane Wallace) Brian Herring Sunday (February 1) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday (February 8) 9:15 am 9:15 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:45 pm 2:00 pm 8:15 am 9:15 am 10:00 am 10:30 am Fourth Sunday After Epiphany February 1, 2015 Patsy Horton Chris Keitt Evelyn Lybrand (Presbyterian Communities, Room 217) Savannah McRae Mabel Counts Miller The family of Bunny Richardson (friend of the Hughes & Tisdale families) Pearl Richardson (The Heritage at Lowman) Janice Satterfield (friend of the Hughes family) Marie Shealy (Morningside Ret Ctr Apt 131) Paul Shealy (friend of Hughes family) Vera Summer (Oakleaf Village, Room 214) Sunday School Confirmation Chat & Snack Holy Communion Souper Bowl Soup Sale Bible Study Bible Study Choir Practice Handbell Practice Memorials & Gifts Meeting Church Council Sunday School Chat & Snack Holy Communion Our Saviour Lutheran Church The Head Usher will ring a chime and close the doors from the Narthex to the sanctuary ten minutes prior to service so that participants might prepare for worship. Visitation and conversation are still warmly welcome in the Narthex. SERVERS Today Nursery Greeters Lector Worship Acolyte Crucifer Chat & Snack ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. Ushers ….. Nursery Monitor Tellers ….. ….. Offering Pickup Property ….. ….. OFFERING General Building Fund Doris Wessinger DeLeon & Jane Wallace Linda Hill Bill Hill Chris Boland Beth Boland Lance & Robin Henderson February Floyd Hanna, Chief Gary Black Mark Satterwhite Isma Boland Horace Meetze & Doris Wessinger Floyd Hanna Floyd Hanna Last Week $1,643.00 $ 590.00 Next Week Sue Drafts Gail Marcum Howard Hughes Howard Hughes Chris Boland Beth Boland Caroline Raszewski March Howard Hughes, Chief Jim Garner Barney Keitt Kay Black Ben & Judy Lemons Judy Lemons Heyward Wessinger Total for January $15,958.00 $ 3,987.00 The Elderberries have planned a trip to the Newberry Opera House on TUESDAY, February 24 for an 8 PM performance by the "Women of Ireland." Group ticket price is $31 per person which includes a dollar facility fee. We must have at least 15 for this price. In order to get our tickets together, we need to place our order by February 2nd. ABOUT THE PRODUCTION: 'Women of Ireland' is an innovative and exciting full stage concert production, which showcases the next generation of Ireland's leading female performers. The show demonstrates the well of talent that exists within Ireland's traditions of music, song and dance. The common theme inherent in all performances is the presentation of the most revered qualities of Ireland's ethnic music. Special significance is placed on depicting the pure qualities of Irish music in a contemporary setting. Experience the talents of some of Ireland's finest female performers....the 'Women of Ireland'. Sponsored by The Dufford Institute for Cultural Diversity. Please make checks payable to Newberry Opera House and give to Jane Wallace. Plans are to carpool. Razberries will celebrate a special Valentine Dinner on Friday February 13 at 7:00 pm at DeLucca’s Italian Grill (1720 Sunset Boulevard, West Columbia). In addition to the already stunning menu items and world-class pizza, Chef Mike will be offering a "Valentine’s Day Weekend Food & Wine Specials”. After dinner, dessert, coffees and cordials will be served at Dan & Pam Hanfland’s home (105 Woodcock Trail, West Columbia). Plan to make this the BEST Friday the 13th ever with your Razberry friends in celebration of this “Holiday of Love”! Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, February 10 to Pam at [email protected] Memorials & Gifts Ministry Team will meet on Thursday, February 5th at 2:00 pm in the conference room. The flowers today are given to the glory of God by the congregation. A Nursery is available for ages 4 years and younger. There are Activity bags located in the Narthex for older children to use. God’s Helping Hands pantry needs are for cleaning supplies, Kleenex, paper towels, Lysol, etc. Items may be brought to the church and placed in the boxes, which are located in the Cameron Hallway. The 2015 Directory and Ministries Booklet is available to members of the congregation. They are in the basket in the Cameron Hallway. Cameron Circle has changed our meeting time to the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 am at the church. Our first meeting at this new time is on February 9 at 10:00 am in the fellowship hall. We invite all ladies of the congregation who prefer a morning meeting to join us at that time. You will certainly be welcome! Prelude—Prelude and Fugue in e minor Anthem—O Sing Ye to the Lord Postlude—Faith of our Fathers Hymns: Opening—A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Psalmody—The congregation will read responsively Sermon—Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Communion—Let Us Break Bread Together Strengthen for Service, Lord Closing—On Our Way Rejoicing BACH PITONI INGRAM ELW 504 ELW ELW ELW ELW 886 471 497 537
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