St. Thomas’, Tean St. Giles’, Cheadle St. Wilfrid’s, Cotton Presbytery & Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, ST10 1ED Tel: 01538 753130 Fax: 01538 751940 Email: [email protected] Parish Priest: Father Sandy Brown Email: [email protected] Parish Child Protection Officers: Lynn & John Smith 01538 756314 Diocesan Child Protection Co-ordinator: Jane Jones 0121 230 6240 Guild Hall Bookings: 07518 786149 NEW NUMBER Newsletter items to: [email protected] FEAST of the BAPTISM of the LORD - Year B; Psalter: Week 1 (Ordinary Time) ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.’ PLEASE PRAY FOR: The Sick Ruth Addison, Barbara Ashton, Winifred Birch, John Bowler, Blanche Briscoe, Patricia Buckley, Alban Burton, Andrea & John Butler, Edna Carr, Violet Chell, Margaret Clowes, Josie Coates, Reverend Ray & Anne Cummins, Janet Daniels, Elsie Done, Joe Doyle, George Hebda, Jane Feeney, Isabel Finney, Michelle Forrester, Clare Green, Joyce Harrison, Roy Harrison, Jill Jervis, Fr Peter Jones, Alan Johnson, Carmel Johnson, Mary Johnson, Mary Jose, Chris Keates, Trevor Kellett, Sandra Kellett, Arthur Moult, Sheila Murray, Barbara-Ann Nash, Andrew Norton, Eleanor Oldroyd, John O'Leary, Michael Phillips, Marion Pilling, Cara Plant, Irene Poole, David Routledge, Fr Vincent Royals, The Sargeant Family, Dorothy Swift, Canon P Taylor, Beryl Trowel, Jim & Ethel Wardrop, Pauline Watkins, Betty Whieldon, Sheila Wilson. Rest in Peace Joe Cooke, Edward Ellkes, Harry Boucher, Mary Johnson, all who have died recently, those with anniversaries falling at this time, HYMN FOR THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM: LONG METRE When Jesus comes to be baptised, He leaves the hidden years behind, The years of safety and of peace, To bear the sins of all mankind. The Spirit of the Lord comes down, Anoints the Christ to suffering, To preach the word, to free the bound, And to the mourner comfort bring. He will not quench the dying flame And what is bruised he will not break, But heal the wound injustice dealt And out of death his triumph make. Our everlasting Father, praise, With Christ, his well-beloved Son, Who with the Spirit reigns serene’, Untroubled Trinity in One. (from The Divine Office) MASS TIMES Saturday 10 January: Christmas Feria 10.00 am Cheadle: Mass/ Private Intention (followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 11am) 10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD - B 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions 5.00 pm Cheadle: Betty Matthews Sunday 11 January: 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention ————————————————————————————————————— Monday 12 January: Feria in Ordinary Time (see below) 9.15 am Cheadle: Peter Chandler R.I.P. 9.15 am Tean: Special Intention 2.00 pm Cheadle: Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 13 January: Feria (St Hilary, Bishop and Doctor) 10.00 am Cheadle: Eucharistic Service Wednesday 14 January: Feria 9.15 am Tean: Special Intention 9.15 am Cheadle: Martin Scheuber Thursday 15 January: Feria 9.15 am Cheadle: Nora Stephens. 1.30 pm Cheadle: Funeral: Harry Boucher, Friday 16 January: Feria 11.00 am Tean: Funeral Mass: Joe Cooke ` 6.30 pm Tean: Special Intention Saturday 17 January: 10.00 am Cheadle: Mass (followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament till 11.00) In thanksgiving 10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions 5.00 pm Cheadle: Cartlidge family Thought for the week: Today we celebrate the baptism of the Lord. Baptism is the first sacrament, the gateway to all other sacraments. We are baptised for the forgiveness of sins, to restore us to the right relationship with the Father and to incorporate us into the family of believers. We understand our need for baptism. We know that the disobedience of the human race, portrayed in the story of Adam and Eve, removed us from the relationship of love for which we were created. Our fallen human nature inclines us to sin, and baptism not only restores our souls to the state God intended but gives us the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit to help us to live the way God intended. This gift will be further strengthened at Confirmation which used to be conferred immediately after Baptism in the early Church. Since Baptism is celebrated for the forgiveness of sin and Jesus was sinless, why did he need to be baptised by John? The reason is explained in Matthew’s gospel - it is to “do all that righteousness demands.” Jesus did not need baptism but he showed us that it is necessary for our redemption and the Father reinforced its necessity as the Holy Spirit descends on Christ as he announces that this man – Jesus – is the Beloved Son, confirming his identity as the Christ, just as he confirms our identity as his children in our baptism. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - B WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY BEGINS Sunday 18 January: Day of Prayer for World Peace. 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 5.30 pm Tean: Priest's Intention SECOND COLLECTION: Pax Christi (for Peace) ORDINARY TIME begins on Monday. On Weekdays, until Lent, the Lectionary follows the Year 1 scheme. The Sunday Lectionary follows Year B (Mark) PRAYER INTENTIONS - January 2015 Universal: Peace - That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. Evangelization: Consecrated life - That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Liturgy 1st Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11 (Psalm): Isaiah 12:2-6 2nd Reading: 1 John 5:1-9 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 ST THOMAS’, TEAN At our monthly parish meeting this week we discussed the Christmas arrangements and how we could ensure that next Christmas we were able to prepare for services and events catering for such a large congregation on Christmas Eve. One factor to consider was the point that the 4pm Mass at St Thomas' was the first of Christmas and we had so many attending from neighbouring parishes. We did try to ensure everyone had a seat but when 230 turn up in a building with regular seating for 105, even with extra chairs we were going to struggle. We did our best and managed the movement around the church as tactfully as we could, but it was difficult. If anyone has any suggestions for ways to improve things for next year please do let us know. We dismantled our High Street crib this week and asked around for somewhere to store the "stable" and figures. We asked all the local shops and businesses if the entourage could stay in their place but the answer was the same at every stop " Sorry, we have no room" Sound familiar? Eventually, Lynn and Eddie Plant came to the rescue. The stable is now stored in their barn at Teanford and the figures have found a spot in the loft at St Thomas' school. Thanks indeed to Plants. Sign writers? Know anyone? Do let us know please as we have to erect some signage on our entrance wall. POPE FRANCIS: In his Angelus address on Sunday, he spoke as follows on PEACE: Certainly, peace is not only the absence of war, but a general condition in which the human person is in harmony with himself, with nature, and with others. First of all, to silence arms and to extinguish the outbreaks of war remain the unavoidable conditions to begin a journey that leads to the achievement of peace in its different aspects. I think of conflicts still shedding blood in too many regions of the planet, of tensions in families and in communities, as well as the sharp conflicts in our cities and towns between groups of different culture, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We must convince ourselves, despite any appearances to the contrary, that concord is always possible, at every level and in every situation. There is no future without proposals and projects for peace! Let us invoke Mary, the Queen of Peace. She, during her earthly life, knew no small difficulties, joined to the daily fatigue of existence. But she never lost peace of heart, the fruit of trustful abandonment to the mercy of God. Let us ask Mary, our tender Mother, to show to the whole world the sure path of love and of peace. NEW CARDINALS: On Sunday, the Pope announced twenty new cardinals. Fifteen of these come from all over the world and will be electors of his successor. One of them, Archbishop Ricardo Blazquez, is Archbishop of Valladolid and President of the Spanish Conference of Bishops. He is well known to Fr Tony, and I have met him - a nice man. Others come from New Zealand, Thailand, Burma, Cape Verde, a real international grouping, and good to see. Five are very old men, whom Pope Francis wants to remember for their sterling service over the years. PAPAL TRAVELS: Francis is away from Rome from 12-19 January, Monday to Monday, visiting Sri Lanka and the Philippines - poles apart geographically. Where does he get him energy from? Keep him in your prayers. CHEADLE & DISTRICT FOODBANK: Thank you for your continued generosity. To get involved please see Glenn or Chris. TABLE TOP SALE: Table Top Sale to take place at the Guild Hall Cheadle, on the last Saturday of each month from 9am-1pm, the doors will be open at 8.30am to put stalls up. First sale Sat 31st Jan 2015. Proceeds to Church Lighting Fund. Wanted: volunteers to serve refreshments for around 3 hours on the day. If we have enough volunteers we could have a rota which will mean perhaps one Saturday morning every 3 to 4 months. Please contact Mike O'Callaghan for more details. BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES: These days we issue them at the time of Baptism, not so in earlier years. Needed when applying to Painsley Catholic College. We can gladly oblige, provided that you apply in writing, include a s.a.e., and do not leave it to the last minute! THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS. DO NOT apply by phone. ST GILES FAIRTRADE STALL: Please note there will be no Fairtrade Stall during January 2015. PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES: The white envelopes for non-tax payers at St Giles are available to collect from the back of church. If you are a tax payer and would like a supply of Gift Aid envelopes, then please contact Peter Lucas on 07971 643648. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BIRMINGHAM: Are you interested in working for your Diocese? Come along to an open evening for 30 minutes between 6pm and 8pm on Monday 26th January 2915, to Alton Castle, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST10 4TT. For further information, contact Fr Michael and his staff at the Castle. This is an initiative of the Kenelm Trust, responsible for the Diocesan Youth Service. You can also contact Maria Bracken on 07980 253565 / [email protected] There are some cards, postcard size, at the back of Church, giving details of interesting job vacancies. WEEK of PRAYER for CHRISTIAN UNITY: 18th-25th January. This is the traditional week for this prayer, and I shall hopefully have available some prayer sheets, available next Sunday. We shall be holding joint services around the time of Pentecost. PRAYER POSTERS: In Church, you will find them. One gives the names of priests to be prayed for every day. The Second gives the dates of PRAYER & EXPOSITION throughout the diocese for 2015. Ours is due on 25th September. CONGRATULATIONS: to our December lottery, winner Mrs J Collett from Tean, who won £90!! LITTLE DRESSES FOR AFRICA: Thank you to the lovely people who have volunteered to make pillowcase dresses! However, we need more volunteers, and the following items: pillowcases, sewing materials such as double bias tape, 1/2 inch elastic, thread, ribbon and material. For more information please contact Nicole Watson (756510). JOURNEY INTO FAITH 2015-2016 For those enquiring about the Catholic Faith. For parishioners to sponsor the enquirers on their journey. For parishioners to invite those interested. Please contact Fr Sandy for more details. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Next meeting will be on Monday 2nd Feb at 7.30pm in the Presbytery (Parish Room). It is very important to prepare for the Sacrament so please attend. I am eternally grateful to the good parishioners who give their time. Please see Fr Sandy for more details DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 16 Jan: Property Advisory Comm’ 9.15am. Presbytery. 19 Jan: Guild Hall Comm’ mtg 9.30am/ followed by Finance Comm’ mtg 11am 2 Feb: Baptismal preparation 7.30pm. Parish Room. 5 March: Confirmation at St Giles. 7.00pm Church Terrace: Friday at 3.30pm 13th Feb, 13th Mar Daisy Bank: Wednesday at 2.00pm 14th Jan, 11th Feb, 11 Mar Sat 10 Jan: J Blackburn Sat 17 Jan: V Blaxhall Sun 11 Jan: G Shaw Sun 18 Jan: J Varghese S.V.P: If you know of anyone in need of help, or who would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office on 01538 753130. REMINDER: You are ALWAYS welcome to call Jane Jones, safeguarding Officer, at any time. Tel: 07976 516629 Churches Together Prayer Services in Residential Homes: Beech Lodge: Thursday at 2.30pm 15th Jan, 12th Feb, 19th Mar READERS: If you are unable to attend please find a substitute. Parish Finances: St Giles: £211.04 + Gift Aid £190.88 = £401.92 St Thomas’: £72.31 + Gift Aid £163.00 = £253.31 And finally… remember God wants full custody, not just weekend visits...
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