Immanuel Lutheran Church and School Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your name.” Matthew 6:9 The (Worship) Times, They are a-Changin’ Immanuel Family Update Immanuel Lutheran Church & School 5545 Alessandro Blvd. Riverside, CA 92506 Published Monthly Cross alk By Pastor Steven Borst During the Fall of 2014, key leaders of our congregation wrestled with an important question: are our current worship times set at the most opportune hour for our congregation and our community to participate? A process was set in place to thoroughly examine the question. February 1, 2015 Volume 33, Issue 2 This Month: Elementary School ~ Carl Boburka 2 From the DCE ~ Jean Beck 3 New Bible Study! 4 Empower our Mission ~ Bob Holcomb 5 CYC ~ Beth Vangsness 6 Boy Scout Sunday ~ February 1 7 7 JOY Group Event ~ February 14 8 Calendar 9 Lenten Services/ Soup Suppers 12 This process began with the formation of a task force that included various stakeholders, such as pastors, elders, council members, Sunday school program, musicians, and school families. The team consisted of Pastor Steven, Pastor Seth, Jean Beck, Deacon Don, Chip Sartorius, Bob Holcomb, Mike O’Connell, Joe Erbland, Dr. Glenn Pickett, and Christian Carreon. As the task force’s work began, it was acknowledged that an 8 am worship time is difficult for some young families and elderly members to attend. Indeed, if no change is made to our 8 am service time, our attendance will most likely slowly continue to decline over the next decade. Some research of other churches’ worship times showed that 10:30 am is actually the most popular and best attended service time in our area. Adjusting the second service slightly later would put it in a more prime hour. The Task Force met twice in the Fall to review possible options for change and their work was then given to the Elders to consider. The Elders discussed the merits and drawbacks of service time changes over several months and included detailed analysis of what each service would look like. Finally, at their January meeting, the Elders prayerfully decided on a recommendation for the congregation to consider: 8:30 am 10:30 am Classical Liturgical Service Contemporary Liturgical Service This new schedule keeps the services in the same order as we currently have them, consistent with almost all churches with two services. The later first service start time encourages attendance for both young families and seniors. We recognize that 8:30 am is also the time that our school day begins during the week, making it familiar for our school families. Further, a later first service Continued on page 4 Page 2 Elementary School News Mr. Carl Boburka, Principal As a kid growing up just outside Chicago, New Year’s Eve was not a big event for me. I was more into the past than the future. I still enjoy reflecting on the year that has gone by; but, now it seems I get more excited about the future. Now I look forward to the challenging ways that God will use me in the coming year. What talent do I have to face the challenges ahead? I have discovered that our God is a god of the future. We see Him in the stories of His people throughout time but His real strength comes from His willingness to see each of us as new creations. As I look to 2015, I see great potential for sharing God’s word here at ILS. The New Year brings new opportunities for Immanuel. We are excited to begin a new program at school titled “Engineering for Kids.” Beginning in January, through the end of the school year, students will have opportunities to explore activities in robotics, rocketry and mechanical engineering. We also welcome a new member to our staff; Cecelia Richter has accepted the position of teacher’s aide in our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. We are excited about these new additions to our ministry. January 26-30, we celebrated National Lutheran Schools week. Many activities were planned each day throughout the week. Mrs. Gross and our Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students sang for the 10:15 church services on January 25 and February 1. January was a busy month as we began the 2015-16 enrollment process. Priority registration for our current families with students in grades Kindergarten through 5th began on January 12. We hosted an “Open House” for all interested families on Tuesday, January 27. Many new families attended the event and received information regarding Immanuel Lutheran School. On Thursday and Friday, January 22 and 23, the Preschool hosted an event geared toward introducing our students to the Elementary School program. Many parents stopped by for a “cup of coffee” with the Principal. Encourage your friends and family to look into Immanuel Lutheran School as an option for an excellent Christian education for their children. It’s a great time to be a ROADRUNNER! Mark your calendar for TWO MAJOR events in March; Members of our congregation are encouraged to attend our Curriculum/Science Fair on Wednesday, March 11 from 4:00 to 6:30. Projects that students have been working on will be displayed in their classrooms. The annual Immanuel Lutheran School Auction/ Raffle will be held on Friday, March 20, from 6:00 to 8:30. This year the event will take on a “Mardi Gras” theme. Many great items will be auctioned off during this event. Don’t miss out! SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIALS For the past few months, we have been focusing on areas of our curriculum that are important to the overall development of our children. These areas are not academic in nature but are “special” to the strength of the educational program at Immanuel. This month, we will focus on our Physical Education program which is taught by Mrs. Holly Smith. The development of the mind and body is important to the overall growth of children. Our PE program progresses at each grade level from basic motor skills, to simple games, to low organized games to high level organized games. The Presidents Fitness Test, a national physical assessment program, is administered in the upper grades. Students are also developing social and emotional skills. Rules of the games are taught and sportsmanship is stressed. Immanuel’s Physical Education program is an important part of our overall ministry. From the D.C.E. (Director of Christian Education) Jean Beck Serve Riverside Sunday February 8, 2015 This year we moved the date of Serve Riverside Sunday to February, while school is in session, instead of July, when many people go on vacation. We have some special activities involving the Immanuel school children that also tie into Lutheran Schools Week. I have not heard any negative feedback about Serve Riverside Sunday, so I don’t know exactly why people choose not to participate. Maybe there are no projects that interest them. If that’s true for you, I give you permission to design your own activity: visit a friend who would appreciate your company, take someone to lunch who does not get treated often, clean up your own neighborhood, do something for someone in the name of Christ without looking to get reimbursed. That’s what the day is about. Serve someone in your own way and let me know what you did so we know how many members participated. You don’t have to do what I have planned, just do something in service to someone. And do it because of all you have received from God. Please be at Immanuel at 9:00 a.m. on February 8, 2015. CLUB 56 We are moving to Tuesdays!! This month we meet on February 10, from 3-5 p.m. in Graumann Hall. Bring $1.00. Jr. High/Confirmation Classes meet February 4. No class February 11-April 8. Class resumes April 15. Plan to bring soup on Ash Wednesday and come to Lent Bible studies with a parent. High School Youth Night Thursday nights this month, meet on the 5th and12th at my house at 6:30-8 p.m. Page 4 Continued from page 1 ~ “Worship Times…” by Pastor Borst provides more positive energy for those serving, such as ushers, acolytes, musicians/ choir, and the school music program. We hope it will also provide the opportunity of getting more volunteers to serve. There is a nice symmetry to 8:30/10:30, making it easy to remember, and placing our second service in the “sweet spot” of 10:30 am. Our Bible studies would continue to meet between services. Women’s Bible Study Join us! This month, the ladies meet on the first and third Saturdays (February 7 and 21st) at 9:30 am in Graumann Hall. Georgia DeBarr has graciously offered to lead this study: “Your Strong Suit: Bible Study on God’s Armor with Donna Pyle – Ephesians 6:10-18.” For more information, please leave a message for Georgia in the church office. The final step in this process involves you! The pastors and elders would like your feedback. Please take the opportunity to respond by filling out a Tell-Us card, sending an email, or speaking to one of us after church. We look forward to speaking with you and are excited about continuing to strive to provide inspiring worship opportunities for God’s people! “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’… For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.” Psalm 127:1, 9 Men’s Bible Study Calling all men to join this small group held on the second and fourth Saturdays at 7:45 am in Graumann Hall. Bob Holcomb is leading a study on the Book of Numbers. Don’t miss out! Page 5 As of January 12, 2015: 120 Individuals/Families have responded with commitments totaling $1,154,557.00 Donations received on those commitments so far total $221,228.50 Thank you to every individual or family who: Joyfully committed a portion of your resources to our Empower Our Mission campaign. Joyfully uplifted and is uplifting our congregation’s campaign in prayer. Participated or is participating in the journey. Is still prayerfully considering your participation. The Support and Guidance Council asked Jon Myhre (Facilities Manager) to assemble a team to look at all of the projects we are going to do in our campaign and come back to the S&GC with a Facility Implementation Plan. The team consisted of Jon Myhre (Facilities Manager), Lisa Hjulberg (S&GC), and Ed Goeppinger (Member). Jon’s team presented a detailed report to the S&GC at their January meeting. Once the S&GC finishes their review of the report we will present the report to Immanuel’s Voting Members for approval at the next Voters Meeting. Refurbishment of the Multi-purpose building access ramps are currently in progress and should be completed shortly (weather permitting). I thank God for each and every one of you for your generosity and continued prayers for Empower Our Mission. I would like to close with The Christian Worker Poem: Although your work isn’t seen by all, nor recognized with special name call, Our Lord knows and sees each deed; He sees each detail and planted seed. We thank our Lord for you so much, the ways you serve, your special touch. We see Christ’s love in what you do; for how you serve, we say “Thank You!” “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…” Matthew 25:21 President/Campaign Director: Bob Holcomb Page 6 California Youth Connection By Beth Vangsness California Youth Connection (CYC) is a youth-led organization that develops leaders who empower each other and their communities to transform the foster care system through legislative and policy change. Their vision is that foster youth will be equal partners in contributing to all policies and decisions made in their lives with and that all youth in foster care will have their needs met and the support to grow into healthy and vibrant adults. CYC engages current and former foster youth in policy advocacy to improve child welfare policy and practice. This work is done both at the local and statewide levels. The county based chapters work on local issues, identifying what can be improved in child welfare in their county and proposing solutions to their local policy makers. Chapters also come together twice a year for the statewide conferences "DAY AT THE CAPITOL" in Sacramento and the "SUMMER LEADERSHIP AND POLICY CONFERENCE" in San Francisco. At these conferences members identify both common challenges youth experience in care as well as good experiences to be replicated and develop policy recommendations that will improve foster care for all youth who enter the system. Based on the work of CYC members and their policy recommendations, dozens of child welfare laws have been enacted since CYC was founded in 1988. Immanuel has been a supporter of the Riverside Chapter for the past year. We have generously supported the youth's trips to their conferences in San Francisco and now to Sacramento this February. We are proud to partner with these amazing young people. It has truly been a privilege to see Aaron, Malynda, Keturah, Nikki, and Kyrei use their time and talents to improve the foster care system. Their adult supporters Amada and Belinda have done an amazing job supporting and guiding them. For more information on this worthwhile organization and for a detailed list of the 20 bills they have helped turn into laws please see Page 7 Boy Scout/Cub Scout Troop 176 Greetings Immanuel Lutheran Congregation, Your very own Boy Scouts of America Boy Scout Troop 176 and Cub Scout Troop 176 will be joining you at the 8am and 10:15am services on Sunday, February 1, 2015. This day is designated as "Scout Sunday" and gives your scouts an opportunity to join with the fellowship, participate in the services, and help honor some younger scouts who have earned an important Religious Award. Scouts will be presenting the colors at both services. Scout Sunday is also one of the ways that Scouting honors the founding of Scouting in America. Scouting was founded on February 8, 1910, based on the program started by Lord Baden Powell in England on August 1, 1907. Scout Sunday was added to the Scout celebration in the middle 1940s. The Scout Sunday tradition was started to make people in houses of worship aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out their "Duty to God" pledge. The Scout Law says that a "Scout is Reverent" and Scouts of all ages promise to do their "Duty to God". These values strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith.** Your Scouts will also be preparing and serving breakfast to the congregation as a Thank you for supporting our scouting programs. Breakfast will be available during morning services. Please come and introduce yourselves to our Scouting family. Yours in Scouting, Joseph Cleary - Troop 176 Committee Chair ** JOY Group Valentine’s Day Party Join us for a fun Valentine’s Day luncheon with music provided by Lynda Dresser, who is working to re-launch her singing career! She has provided music for weddings, parties, other church activities. Come have lunch, fellowship with friends, enjoy the music and other planned festivities. This event will take place on February 14th and lunch will be served at 12:00. The cost is $20 per person. A sign-up book will be in the narthex through February 8th. Page 8 Happy Anniversary! Celena Peters 2/1 Trent Smith 2/2 Megan Smith 2/2 Gary Tardy 2/2 DeAnn Shaw 2/2 Gregory Good 2/3 Natalie Grover 2/3 Lisa Carreon 2/3 Katelyn Perry 2/4 Ryan Gross 2/5 Robert Kettledon 2/5 Deidre Goodwin 2/7 Megan Pfrunder 2/7 Agostino Milazzo 2/7 Teri Brayton 2/7 Ryder Calderon 2/8 Brad Jones 2/8 Janice McIntyre 2/8 Richard Stumpf 2/11 Danielle Mundy 2/11 Lucas Brown 2/12 William Curley 2/12 Diane Brandt 2/13 Ben Long-Herzog 2/13 Mike Malsed 2/13 Mary Thornell 2/13 Lori Wood 2/14 Te'a Gutierrez 2/14 Addison Curley 2/14 Jack Mundy 2/14 Susan Buster 2/16 Wayne Aiken 2/16 Judi Jack 2/17 Erika Durham 2/17 Chloe Spartos 2/18 Joelle Ramos 2/18 Mason Strickland 2/19 Diana Cantrell 2/20 Amanda Jack 2/20 Tomilynn Blanton 2/22 Amy Parker 2/22 Mary Brown 2/22 Doris Schwecke 2/23 Jacob Cook 2/23 Milton Pingel 2/24 Kevin Schmidt 2/24 Allan Meister 2/25 Briana Phillips 2/25 Ruben Rasso 2/25 Kevin and Kim Coleman Glenn and Melode Olsen Calvin and Micki Lemke Ted and Jennifer Weggeland James and Annabelle Mills Paul and Becki Spartos Donald and Marie Singer 2/7 2/8 2/14 2/16 2/19 2/21 2/28 MacKinnon Johnson 2/25 Sandra Hale 2/26 David De Lorenzo 2/26 Jean Nixon 2/26 Kyler Walker-Savage 2/26 Nick Mateljan 2/27 Ruthie Farrell 2/27 Carl Bunke 2/27 John Lundi 2/28 Jason Kennel 2/29 A Prayer for the Flick Family Lord, bless Baby Luca And his loving parents too. Support Seth and Melinda In each trial they go through. Lord, bless Luca's brothers With Your kind and tender care. Remind them You are listening To their every heartfelt prayer. Lord, bless this young family In all that they must do. Give them strength and courage As they depend on You. Carolyn Bolz FEBRUARY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 SCOUT SUNDAY Pancake Breakfast Scrip Available 2 3 4 5 6 2:00 pm 2nd Quarter Awards 7 8 SERVE RIVERSIDE SUNDAY 9 10 3:00pm Club 56 3:15pm PTL Mtg 11 6:30 “Hats” 1st and 2nd grade musical 12 13 14 Valentine’s Day 12:00 pm JOY Group Valentine luncheon 15 16 President’s Day Campus Closed 17 18 12:00pm Ash 6:30pm S&G Mtg Wednesday 19 20 21 Blue and Gold Dinner Cub Scouts 176 23 24 26 27 12:00pm dismissal 6:30pm Father Daughter dance 28 22 8:00 am 4th grade recorders 5:30 pm Soup Supper 6:30pm Ash Wednesday 25 12:00pm Lent Service 5:30 pm Soup Supper 6:30pm Lent Service Page 10 Quick Reference CHURCH/SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Senior Pastor Principal Director of Christian Education Director of Preschool Visitation Pastor Pastor of Outreach and Mission Deacon Choir Director Organist Pastor Steven Borst Carl Boburka Miss Jean Beck Mrs. Jeannie Jones Rev. David Schilling Pastor Seth Flick Don Kolafa Dr. Glenn Pickett Jan Smith CHURCH/SCHOOL OFFICE EXTENSIONS Information Church Secretary School Admin. Assist. Bookkeeper Sr. Pastor Pr. Of Outreach & Mission Principal Office Manager/Business Manager DCE Admissions Representative 100 Jamila Leggett, 200 Doris Schwecke, 201 Pastor Borst, 203 Pastor Flick, 222 Carl Boburka, 206 Teri Peters, 202 Jean Beck, 205 Kim Coleman, 201 SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE COUNCIL Bob Holcomb, President, 2016 David Vangsness, Vice President, 2015 Rick Stephens, Secretary, 2015 Brad Davis, Treasurer, 2015 Chip Sartorius, Member, 2015 Vern Goodwalt, Member, 2016 Lisa Hjulberg, Member, 2016 IF YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT Altar Guild Baptism Bulletin Elders Flower Chart Greeters Hospital Recovery Meal JOY Group Men's Bible Study Mission Outreach Newsletter, Family Update Nursery Prayer Chain Prayer Chain Quilters School Shut-ins Small Group Bible Study Sunday School/VBS Women's Ministries Women's Bible Study Youth Groups Joy Fosgett, Linda Holcomb Pastor Borst Jamila Leggett Marlin Brandt Karen Brooks Bev Barrier Becki Spartos Ken Unrath Bob Holcomb Beth Vangsness Jill Popeney Celena Peters Carolyn Elfman Dory Robb Charlotte Borst Doris Schwecke Pastor Schilling Deacon Don Kolafa Jean Beck Georgia DeBarr Jean Beck CHURCH/SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Memorial Gifts Memorial gift envelopes are located next to the regular envelopes in the narthex. These gifts can be undesignated or designated for specific items Do You Need A Little Help? or ministries. Please consider giving throughout Did you know that we have a ministry here at Immanuel the year in memory of a loved one, a birthday, or to help those who are recovering from illness? If you or a holiday. loved one just got out of the hospital and you need assisGoing into the tance with meals, or you would like to help by providing a Hospital? meal, please call Becki Spartos or write it on your attendance card. ANOINTING FOR HEALING We offering a brief service of anointing for our members and friends following the services on the second Sunday of each month and at other times by request. If you wish to be anointed, inform the pastor either before worship or following it and he will meet you at the altar rail when the rest of the congregants have been exited. BULLETIN AND NEWSLETTER ARTICLES It is important that you or a family member call the church office to let us know. When you are admitted, tell them that Immanuel Lutheran is your church. This way we can pray for you and visit with you. All Prayer Concerns Do you have a special prayer that you would Articles for the weekly bulletin must be submitted to the like our Prayer Chain to pray for? Contact church office by Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. Newsletter Carolyn Elfman or Dory Robb at the church articles must be submitted by the 15th of each month. All office at 682-7613. articles must be approved for printing by the pastor. Immanuel Lutheran Church and School 5545 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 682-7613 / (951) 682-4211 Church Website: OUR WORSHIP HOURS Traditional Service: 8:00 a.m. Adult and Youth Classes: 9:15 a.m. Family Praise Worship Service: 10:15 a.m. Sunday School: 10:15 a.m. Serve Riverside Sunday February 8, 2015 Experience, Equip & Engage! Sign up today! Please view the sign-up board on the court yard and find a project that best fits you/your family. Sunday schedule: 8:45-9:20 am 9:20 am 10:00-Noon Registration Praise and Worship Serve the Community Ash Wednesday Services February 18, 2015 12:00 pm 6:30 pm Lenten Season: A Focus on The Lord’s Prayer Soup Suppers at 5:30 pm Lenten Services at 6:30 pm
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