The Life and Work of CLIFFORD PASTORAL CHARGE Box 205, Clifford, ON N0G 1M0 519-327-8378 [email protected] Minister: Reverend Jennifer Mountain ALSFELDT KNOX, CLIFFORD 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Join us Sunday, February 1st, 2015 at Knox at 10:00 a.m. for Combined Worship followed by our Congregation & Pastoral Charge Annual Meetings. Plan to stay for a Pot Luck Lunch and a time of fellowship to follow. Table of Contents Clifford Pastoral Charge Alsfeldt Minister’s Opening Reflection ............................ 1 Annual Meeting Minutes ............................. 2 & 3 Statistics .............................................................. 4 Board Co-chairperson Reports ............................ 5 Ministry and Personnel Report ........................... 5 Bruce Presbytery Report ..................................... 5 Benevolent Fund Report ..................................... 6 2014 Financial Summary .............................. 6 Worship Report ................................................... 6 Christian Education Report ................................. 7 Outreach Report .................................................. 8 Mission and Service Fund Report ....................... 8 Library Report ..................................................... 9 U.C.W. Activity Report ............................. 9 & 10 2015 U.C.W. Officers ................................. 10 2014 Financial Summary & 2015 Budget .. 11 Adult Fellowship Report ................................... 12 2014 Financial Summary ............................ 12 Clifford Oakville Foodgrains Project Report .... 12 2014 Financial Summary ............................ 13 Youth Group Report ......................................... 13 2014 Financial Summary ............................ 13 Charge 2015 Proposed Budget.......................... 14 Charge 2014 Financial Summary............. 14 & 15 Sale of Manse Investments ............................... 15 Nominations ...................................................... 16 Alsfeldt Administration Report......................... 17 Alsfeldt Pastoral Care Report ........................... 17 Alsfeldt Trustee Report ..................................... 17 2014 Summary of Weekly Envelope Givings .. 18 Alsfeldt-Ayton Cemetery Report ...................... 18 2014 Financial Summary ............................ 18 2014 Building & Memorial Fund Report.......... 19 2014 Alsfeldt Education Bursary ...................... 19 2014 Alsfeldt Sunday School Financial Report 19 2014 Alsfeldt Financial Report ......................... 20 2015 Alsfeldt Proposed Budget ........................ 21 Knox Knox Administration Report............................. 22 Knox Ad Hoc Fundraising Committee Report . 22 Knox Trustee Report ......................................... 22 Knox Fellowship Report ................................... 23 Pastoral Care Report ......................................... 23 Knox Observer Report ...................................... 23 Knox BBQ Report............................................. 24 2014 Financial Summary ............................ 24 2014 Summary of Weekly Envelope Givings .. 24 2014 Knox Financial Summary ........................ 25 2015 Knox Proposed Budget ............................ 26 “God’s purpose is that all people might experience the fullness of God’ love. We, the people of the Clifford Pastoral Charge, will participate in that purpose by developing a worshipping, learning, caring, and serving community of faith.” As we reflect back on 2014, there is much to celebrate! Yes, many of you have spent time in hospital enduring major surgeries, medical procedures, or at bedside experiencing the loss of a loved one. Yet even amid these challenges, I have been humbled by your zest for life and your resiliency. Your love of life is inspiring! I observed this too as I have been privileged to attend many important birthdays: Allan Lee’s, Stuart Douglas’, Larry Grummett’s, Ruby Bell’s, Jack Murray’s and Dorothy Domm’s. These were all fabulous celebrations! So that is what I want to stress most this year – the theme of ‘Celebration amidst Challenge!’ In March the Board was informed that the Charge treasury was nearing depletion. This was due in large part to the excessively cold winter and to Knox’s huge utility bills. Fortunately, Alsfeldt was graciously able to advance a month’s remittance in order to cover expenditures. After conversation with Bruce Shannon, I decided to call a Knox Congregational Meeting so that a Fundraising Task Group could be formed. Ryan and Crystal Kreager, Jim Measures, Marg Shannon, Garth Dickert and Lorne Underwood offered their time and talents to this ad hoc committee. A target of $10,000 was set. Now here is where more celebrating comes into play…while the Task Group began brainstorming… Marion Agla offered to coordinate ‘pot pie’ fund-raisers once more. The pot pie making was so successful – along with other exciting initiatives (like our first ever Quilt Show) – that September saw the deficit covered. The Black Family concert (co-ordinated by Marg Shannon), over more than 3,000 pot pies, and much more (thank you everyone!) achieved our goal! Knox now has money in the bank! The fundraising campaign was entitled ‘Keep the Heat On.’ The Task Group focused on ‘raising’ and ‘saving’ money. Therefore Jim Measures gave of his time and expertise to help submit a ‘New Horizon’s Senior’s Grant’ request. These grants are for up to $25,000. We will learn early in 2015 if our request is affirmed. Regardless, this year a new gas boiler system will replace Knox’s old oil one. Careful stewardship of our aging church buildings which insures that improvements happen as required (like the gorgeous new sidewalk and step at Alsfeldt!) is an important part of our ministry. These are our ‘church homes.’ How they are cared for reflects our care of them as sacred places of worship. Also, creatively using our sanctuaries – like how this fall Knox was transformed into a concert venue – will enable our sanctuaries to more frequently be as lively and vibrant as the people of our Charge. This year Alieda Murray decided to retire as Knox’s Choir Director after more than 40 years. So in November, we celebrated Alieda and Lyle. The worship service and afternoon gathering were a celebration of Alieda’s leadership. Yet the choir ‘reunion’ was also a day to celebrate church choral music and its important ability to shape young singing voices. Alieda’s legacy is to be celebrated! I close by noting one other point of celebration that is both personal and vocational: I celebrate with you the completion of the ‘Dignity Quilt’ for Caressant Care. I celebrate how a very brutal winter was warmed by the making of the quilt at Sharon Kaufman’s home. I celebrate the hands that quilted it and how proud I was to tell its story to the Quilt Show attendees. I celebrate all of you who were a part of its creation! Dianne Epworth’s sister marvelled at our vibrant churches when I spoke with her at the Holly Berry Bazaar. I agreed! Lively, vibrant and with a great zest for life! This you will undoubtedly sense as you read the enclosed reports. Clifford Pastoral Charge has much to celebrate! Thanks be to God! Reverend Jennifer Clifford Pastoral Charge Annual Meeting Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 Knox United Church Co-chairman Bruce Shannon welcomed Rev. Jennifer Mountain and 42 members and guests to the Clifford Pastoral Charge Annual meeting held Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 at the Knox United Church and called the meeting to order at 11:45 a.m. In Attendance: Rev. Jennifer Mountain Alsfeldt: Art Domm; Randy Domm; Anne Matthews; Leigh and Lyle McIntosh; Louise and Ron McIntosh; Brenda, Braden, Michael Newman and Joe Pereira; Chris Newman; Helen and Stan Newman Knox: Joyce and Ron Cook; Brenda Cummings; Marion and Ross Derbecker; Jennifer Devlin; Judith Anne Douglas; Kathy Douglas; Stuart Douglas; Audrey Dickert; Dianne Epworth; Elaine and Claude Field; Blanche and Merle Freeman; Elsie and Larry Grummett; Esther Hallman; Bertha Koeslag; Marlene McHarg; Sharon Prieb; Marg and Bruce Shannon; Ron Topham; Arthena Underwood; Ellen and Lorne Underwood; Marion Wylie; Bonnie Whitehead. Bruce Shannon invited the congregations to meet separately to discuss the annual report and any concerns before the annual meeting. Ron McIntosh met with the Alsfeldt congregation and Bruce Shannon with the Knox congregation. Rev. Jennifer Mountain shared a prayer to help discern our way and to celebrate the life of the church in 2013. Motion: Ellen Underwood moved to vote by a show of hands unless voting by ballot is requested by one person, seconded by Brenda Cummings, carried. Motion: Brenda Cummings moved that visitors be made corresponding members, seconded by Ron McIntosh, carried. Motion: Lorne Underwood moved for adherents be eligible to vote on temporal matters at this meeting, seconded by Larry Grummett, carried. Motion: Marg Shannon moved to adopt the Clifford Pastoral Charge minutes of February 3rd, 2013 as read by Bonnie, seconded by Leigh McIntosh, carried. Business from Minutes: 1. Sarah McIntosh is reporting Alsfeldt news for the newsletters. 2. Rev. Jennifer is pleased the names are back on the rolls, 192 cards were sent for Christmas, grateful appreciation to the ladies who helped, we care and are still connected. Pastoral Charge Reports Statistics – Rev. Jennifer Mountain offered a moment of silence. Motion: Brenda Cummings moved to accept the Pastoral Charge Reports as corrected, seconded by Elaine Field, carried. Correction: p. 11, Outreach Report - ‘pop and bread tabs no longer being collected’ should read, ‘milk and bread tags’. Financial Report and Budget – Leigh McIntosh noted the investment from the sale of the manse $9,500.00 will be cashed and added to the Charge giving congregations two months off, the balance has been invested; the amount of a new computer for Ellen Underwood was not listed in the budget. Motion: Larry Grummett moved that $1,600.00 should be the maximum amount spent on the new computer system for secretary Ellen Underwood’s office, seconded by Sharon Prieb, carried. Motion: Kathy Douglas moved to accept the Financial Report as printed, seconded by Brenda Newman, carried. Motion: Leigh McIntosh moved to accept the Pastoral Charge Budget as printed, seconded by Karen Dowler, carried. Alsfeldt Reports Anne Matthews requested that Liam, son of April and David Francis be baptized on Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 at Alsfeldt. Lyle McIntosh is now the trustee rep for Alsfeldt. Motion: Helen Newman moved to accept the Alsfeldt Reports as printed, seconded by Randy Domm, carried. Motion: Chris Newman moved to accept the Alsfeldt Financial Report as corrected, seconded by Ron McIntosh, carried. Correction: p. 20, Building and Memorial Fund Report, receipts, interest bank $.06 cents, interest GIC $315.00. Motion: Chris Newman moved to accept the Alsfeldt Proposed Budget as corrected, seconded by Leigh McIntosh, carried. Correction: p.21, Pastoral Charge, 2014 Proposed $25,799.50, Total $38,759.50. Knox Reports Motion: Lorne Underwood moved to accept the Knox Reports as printed, seconded by Ellen Underwood, carried. Motion: Kathy Douglas moved to accept the Knox Financial Report, seconded by Lyle McIntosh, carried. Motion: Kathy Douglas moved to accept the Knox Proposed Budget as corrected, seconded by Brenda Cummings, carried. Correction: p.25, Knox Proposed Budget, Pastoral Charge, 2013 Actual $52,792.10. Nominations Report Ron McIntosh, Marion Wylie, and Bonnie Whitehead were thanked for their time on the Board. Bruce Shannon called for nominations three times and declared nominations closed. The report will stand. Motion: Lorne Underwood moved the Nominations Report as written, seconded by Marion Derbecker, carried. New Business 1. Website - Leigh McIntosh received two quotes to set up a website for the Charge; a committee will need to customize and update the site; form a task group; work through the Outreach Committee. Motion: Sharon Prieb moved that Leigh McIntosh continue looking into setting up a website for the Charge, seconded by Karen Dowler, carried. 2. Cemetery Stroll - to be held Saturday and Sunday; view cemeteries at Lakelet, Clifford, Salem, EUB Ayton, Union, and Alsfeldt; set up special displays at Knox and Alsfeldt; form a task group; contact people for information and artifacts. 3. Auditors - need to appoint four people. Motion: Larry Grummett moved that four auditors be appointed, namely Sharon Prieb, Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx, Peggy Reist, seconded by Brenda Cummings, carried. 4. Constitution - in 2005, the Board merged to create fewer meetings and make better use of volunteers; congregations meet together, but do separate work of churches; it is time to look at and update the constitution for 2014. Helen Newman moved to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Grace was sung before everyone headed to the Salem Room for lunch and a time of fellowship. Co-chairperson______________________ Bruce Shannon/ Ron McIntosh _________________________Secretary Bonnie Whitehead Clifford Pastoral Charge Statistics 2014 ALSFELDT KNOX BAPTISMS Matteo Richard Legault Tripp Derek Grayson Matthews Lyla Leanne Rehorst Zoey Alice Janet Coulas Evan Grant Lee Smith Zoey Katherine Gillies IN MEMORY OF Gladys Bargy Anne Harrison Allen Harrison Mary-Louise Button Marlene Jarvis Doris Hefkey MEMBERS REMOVED BY DEATH Gladys Bargy Doris Hefkey MEMBERS RECEIVED BY CONFIRMATION Adam Gibson Jenny Gibson Kyla Garrett-Tunstall Paige Garrett-Tunstall Garret Kreager ALSFELDT KNOX TOTAL BAPTISMS 3 3 6 FUNERALS, MEMORIALS & COMMITTALS 3 2 5 MEMBERS REMOVED BY DEATH 1 1 2 MEMBERS RECEIVED BY CONFIRMATION 0 5 5 RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP 64 178 242 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP 35 71 106 ACTIVE HOUSEHOLDS UNDER PASTORAL CARE 31 74 105 INACTIVE HOUSEHOLDS UNDER PASTORAL CARE 52 132 184 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE AT WORSHIP 28 45 73 Pastoral Charge Board Co-Chairpersons Report We have had a relatively productive year with organizing and the completion of concrete work along the west side of the Church. A highlight of the year were the cemetery services that Rev. Jennifer orchestrated of which Salem and Alsfeldt I was able to attend. Thank you to Rev. Jennifer for all her efforts, weekly sermons and guidance. Thank you to all the committee members for their time and efforts over the past year to help Alsfeldt run smoothly. I welcome the new committee members and look forward to the challenge of 2015 and working with such an awesome crew. Gary Matthews, Co-Chairperson With the arrival of the new year, we look back at the year that passed with some sadness, but also with joy and satisfaction. Sadness in losing members of our congregation through death, relocation or other reasons. Satisfaction in knowing that as a congregation, we continue to do what's necessary to keep the doors open at Knox. Joy in being there as new babies are baptized and new families are welcomed into our congregation. I offer a heartfelt thank you to all those who are committed to the ongoing success of our church. Whether you sit on the board, help with food, help with children or adult events or any of the many other things that must be done.....thank you. Keep up the good work. God bless you. Bruce Shannon, Co-chairperson Ministry and Personnel Report Members of the committee: Audrey Garrett (Chairperson), Crystal Kreager, Marlene Brown, Chris Newman, Anne Matthews (Rev. Jennifer’s representative) and Marion Wylie (Ellen Underwood’s representative) I would first like to thank the members of this committee for their dedication. It is a pleasure to work with all of you. The committee only met once this year. There were no reasons to hold any other meetings. God smiled on us this year and as we move forward to next year may He continue to bless our work. Audrey Garrett, Chairperson Bruce Presbytery Report Rev. Jennifer, along with Knox representatives Brenda Cummings and Ellen Underwood continue to attend the Bruce Presbytery meetings. The meeting in April was hosted by Clifford Pastoral Charge at the Community Centre. The Learning Times are informative (included Bill 168 training), worship each time is a different experience, and this year we also voted on Remits for General Council 42. Conference Annual Meeting was held in May at Port Elgin. Brenda Cummings commented that she enjoyed and was inspired by Moderator Right Rev. Gary Paterson’s message. The “Friday File” is a new venture sent weekly by the Presbytery Secretary as a way of being better informed of events and happenings. Ellen Underwood, Knox Presbytery Benevolent Fund Report Our Benevolent Fund serves to act as God’s Presence during times of tragedy and/or financial crisis. The most frequent need comes when someone is unable to cover a utility bill. We didn’t receive as many requests this year. This is surprising given last winter’s cold. So if you hear of anyone who is struggling and in need, please don’t hesitate to contact Ellen or I. Because of your attention to this Fund, it is our privilege to respond. Thanks be to God! 2014 Financial Summary Receipts Opening Balance Deposits- January April October December Interest - Expenses $1,104.11 $280.00 240.00 20.00 440.00 .33 Dispersals– May $300.00 November 172.33 $ 472.33 $ 980.33 $2,084.44 Closing Balance - 1,612.11 $2,084.44 Jennifer Mountain, Minister Reviewed January 15, 2015 Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx Worship Report Members: Rev. Jennifer Mountain, Alieda Murray, Judith Anne Douglas, Sandra Weber, Kathryn Rehorst, Helen Newman, Leigh McIntosh, Peggy Reist and Sharon Prieb The Committee was busy planning the worship services throughout the year with emphasis on Lent, Easter, Pentecost, summer pulpit supply, the River Service, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, the Longest Night Service and Christmas. Other special services included our Baptism and Confirmation Sundays. Some of the highlights of the year were the six Cemetery Services and the fellowship that followed, the Appreciation Day for Alieda and Lyle Murray and the Birthday celebration for Dorothy Domm. All of these services let us celebrate and honour those who have gone before us, as well as those who are such vibrant members of our congregations and contribute to our church families today. It was also a year of change as Jennifer realigned the six Communion Services so that they are joint services at 11:00 am., followed by fellowship. This allows Jennifer more opportunities to visit with the Alsfeldt Congregation. The three times that Communion is held at Alsfeldt, there will be Communion Services held at Jamesway in the following week. Fellowship is now the 4th Sunday of the month at Alsfeldt and Christmas Eve and Easter Services will be held at Knox and Alsfeldt respectively. So far this has been received with mixed feelings and will be reviewed at the end of the summer. We are very fortunate to have so many people that add to our services through their musical talents, acting as greeters and ushers, reading scripture, decorating, creating banner boards, serving communion and the list goes on. A huge thank-you to everyone! Leigh McIntosh Christian Education Report Christian Education has played an important role within our Churches throughout 2014. We have held Sunday School most Sundays with the exception of intergenerational services or other special services. Since July, we have been using unused lessons from previous classroom materials from past years. This is working out well as it helps clear up excess paper and it reduces our costs. Many thanks go to all teachers and helpers who have contributed throughout the year. We have been holding monthly Kid’s Worship Events on the third Saturday of each month, except July, August, October and December. This is such a fun way to help the kids in our community to learn more about the Bible and to get to know our dear friend, Jesus. It is a great way to promote fellowship within the kids, youth and leaders, and a great way to use up some excess energy! At each event the Outreach Committee provide us with a hotdog lunch for which we extend a big Thank You to them as this is a great way to finish off our mornings activities. Thanks also go to all helpers and leaders who assisted throughout the year helping to make this event a success. During Lent, Reverend Jennifer lead a Book Study of Rabbi Kushner’s, The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happened to a Good Person. Many sessions were postponed due to the weather. Yet Friday afternoon’s proved to be a good meeting time. Lyle and Alieda Murray, Lois Hawton, Dorothy Domm, Stuart and Anna Douglas and Art Domm were the participants. By the end of the five weeks, each person was invited to share their ‘belief’ statement as to why good people suffer followed by lively discussion. On June 15th, our Church service was held on the lawn at Knox. This was followed by our Sunday School annual picnic which consisted of a hotdog and burger BBQ followed by games led by the Kreager family. The water balloon toss was welcomed - it gave some of us a chance to cool down as it was a very warm day. Many thanks go to all those who either provided food or helped with this event. Bibles were presented throughout the year to ten year olds in our congregations – on June 15th Nigel Kreager received his at Knox, and on December 7th Braden Newman received his at Alsfeldt. “Food For All” was our theme for Vacation Bible School this year. This was held at Knox United Church from August 18th to 22nd. The children explored a number of continents learning about hunger, the importance of sharing and giving, they experienced different tastes from around the world and gained an insight of other cultures. We had a fabulous group of leaders and helpers who were very creative in helping the children understand God’s messages. A big Thank You goes to all the leaders, helpers, musicians, registration, and kitchen staff, those who provided food or materials for crafts and those who organized the games at recess. On August 24th, VBS took over the service at Alsfeldt where the activities of the VBS week were relayed to the congregation. What a lovely way to share our fun experiences! Confirmation classes were held from August 18th to 22nd for Jenny Gibson, Adam Gibson, Garret Kreager, Kyla Garrett-Tunstall and Paige Garrett-Tunstall. They met daily with Rev, Jennifer Mountain and their mentors Audrey Garrett, Alidea Murray, Lyle Murray and Sharon Prieb. On Sunday, September 21st, Bruce Shannon presented them with their Certificate of Confirmation at a special service in Knox United Church. Many thanks go to all those who contributed to the confirmations and made this such a special event for the youth of our Churches. A big Thank You goes to Rev. Jennifer Mountain, Ellen Underwood and Bonnie Whitehead for all their background contributions given throughout the year. If we have not mentioned you by name, please do not be offended but know that we truly appreciate all help given to promote sharing and learning together. Jennifer Devlin, Chairperson Outreach Report Members: Marg Shannon (chairperson), Elaine Field (secretary), Dennie Matthews, Lorne Underwood (Mission & Service enthusiast) Thank you to everyone who supported Outreach both financially and by donating food and White Gifts, and working with us on our projects. Mission and Service: The objective for 2014 was $12,500.00. Actual givings were $12,302.50. The suggested objective for 2015 is $12,500.00. Donations: From the Outreach budget were Grey Bruce Chaplaincy $150.00 and Queen’s Bush Rural Ministries $150.00. Budget for 2015: Grey Bruce Chaplaincy- $200.00 Queen’s Bush Rural Ministry- $200.00 Kids Worship (includes crafts and food) $300.00 Activities and Projects Website- set up. Minute for Mission- read in Church Service and/or printed in the bulletin. Share the Bounty- extra items and produce shared. Kids Worship- the fourth Saturday of the month food is provided and served. The program is run by the Christian Education committee. M & S Sunday Church Service- On November 23rd, the service was led at Knox by Lorne Underwood and at Alsfeldt by Deenie Matthews. Rev. Donna Mann was the guest speaker. Elaine Field was responsible for the Drama at Knox. Other November activities were: Jeans for Jesus- with a loonie or toonie given to M&S. Gifts with a Vision- was read each Sunday to encourage people to donate to various Church projects either at home or in other countries in place of Christmas gifts. Santa Claus Parade- we had a float in the Clifford parade and served hot chocolate and cookies to about 50-60 people at Knox in the Salem Room. White Gift Sunday- on December 14th, White Gifts were shared with the Clifford Food Bank and then taken to Cape Croker to aid with their Christmas Eve Gift Give-a-way. Marg Shannon, Chairperson 2014 Mission and Service Fund Report Mission and Service World Development & Relief Total Mission & Service Givings 2014 Objective was $12,500.00 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist Alsfeldt Knox U.C.W. Youth Group Alsfeldt Knox U.C.W. $4,493.75 3,903.75 2,600.00 165.00 550.00 390.00 200.00 $11,162.50 $ 1,140.00 $12,302.50 Proposed 2015 Objective is $12,500.00 Leigh McIntosh, Treasurer Library Report The Library, which is situated at Knox is well used. Again, as last year, there were more than 100 books taken out during the year. Some books have been taken to Alsfeldt to share. Remember the Library is for both churches and anyone can come to Knox to take out books. There is no time limit for how long you have the book. Suggestions for purchasing books are welcome. Thank you to those who donated books to the Library. New books are purchased each year. Some suggestions are: “Prisoner in Tehran” and “After Tehran”. The Author now lives in Toronto. It’s an insight into living in Iran. “Half Stitched Quilting Club” – an interesting group who took a quilting course- yes there were men too. “I told the Mountain to Move” is a book on a woman’s search for ways to pray, but written as an easy reading fiction type book. Some other newer books are “The Care Giver”, “The Protector”, and “The Wounded Yankee”. There are also many books, tapes, and CD’s for children to take out. There are helps re: Cancer, Alzheimer’s, plus topic helps for presentations. Elaine Field, Librarian U.C.W. Report I have enjoyed serving the ladies of Alsfeldt and Knox as their president. We have discussed some changes in the structure of the Bruce Presbyterial U.C.W. to address the current needs. We have chosen a smaller executive for our own U.C.W. for a one year term, but are still in search of a vice-president. I leave the leadership to incoming president Marion Derbecker. Please support her as you have helped me throughout 2014. Lynne Nancekivell, President Unit 3 The first three months of 2014 were work meetings consisting of tying quilts. At the April meeting, it was decided to send three large quilts to Women’s Crisis Centres in Kincardine, and one is kept for emergencies. Four crib quilts were sent to Ramoth House in Mount Forest. At the May meeting, it was decided to take part in the Operation Christmas Shoebox program. The annual pot-luck picnic was held at Brenda Cummings new home at Drew. Our September meeting enjoyed a demonstration by Heather Harper who works in the floral department at Stewart’s Town and Country. Heather made a floral table centrepiece, a Hallowe’en swag and door wreath. All items were given away by drawing members’ names. At the October meeting, Unit 3 decided to cater to the Lutheran Church Women on December 16, and to have them cater to us on December 10. Elaine Field picked up 20 boxes for the Christmas shoebox child project and returned 20 filled boxes to the Crier at Mildmay on November 19. Alieda Murray, Secretary Unit 5 Unit 5 has 15 faithful ladies who usually meet at Jamesway Manor on the third Thursday of the month. We began our year with a potpourri meeting with everyone willingly bringing a poem, reading, or something of interest to share with our members. We were then challenged to look ahead with faith, hope, courage, and prayer. In February and March, those who were able attended the work meetings in Knox. April was our Easter meeting when we studied various people connected to the Easter story. Lenten symbols reminded us of various events of Passion Week. In May, we reminisced about mothers with poems and readings which helped to remind us of the guidance and love mothers show. June was our day away trip to the home of Sharon Hyde near Holland Centre. Following a delicious lunch, we enjoyed a meditation on the iris flower and looked at the silver dollar shell with a different view. A great story! In September, Helen Matthews told of her driving trip to Labrador. In October, we thought about pumpkins and contrasted them with Biblical truths. Our roll call was ‘the ways we share our blessings with other people’. Many attended Christmas in the country at the home of Georgie Hutchison. Our gatherings all well attended and all members share their thoughts. Our president Marion Derbecker is able to instill enthusiasm as she leads our meetings and reminds us of activities of the church. Marlene Brown, Secretary Supply & Welfare Several quilts were tied. One large quilt was given to Mike and Julie Robinson of Gorrie. The butterfly quilt was saved for fire victims. Three quilts went to the Palmerston women’s shelter, three to the Kincardine women’s shelter, and 4 crib quilts to Ramoth Life Centre in Mount Forest. Pop tabs were taken to the Harriston Legion. Ten pounds of stamps collected from Bruce Presbyterial were trimmed and taken to the Bible Society in Kitchener. Ten pneumonia vests were sent to Bev May. 1,129 Campbell soup labels went to the Cargill School. The knitting tree was set up for mitts, scarves, and toques. The sick and shut-ins – three received cards, 13 each received a card, gift, and calendar. 20 Christmas boxes were filled for Samaritan’s Purse. Elaine Field, Convenor U.C.W. Officers for 2015 Past President – President – Vice President – Treasurer – Secretary – Outreach – Catering Contact – Co-leaders – Nominations – Unit 3 Leader – Unit 5 Co-leaders – In Memoriam – Lynne Nancekivell Marion Derbecker vacant Brenda Cummings Bonnie Whitehead Elaine Field and Brenda Cummings Arthena Underwood and Marion Wylie Lynne Nancekivell Brenda Cummings Georgie Hutchison and Dorothy Domm Alsfeldt – Dorothy Domm / Knox – Marion Wylie U.C.W. 2014 Financial Summary and 2015 Budget Receipts Budget 2014 Opening Balance 763.97 General & Unit Offerings/Donations 1,500.00 ProjectsValentine Lunch Bazaar 2,000.00 Catering 2,000.00 Thank Offerings 500.00 Total Receipts Expenditures Presbyterial UCW Fees General UCW Expense Catering Expense Bazaar Expenses Valentine Lunch Supply & Other Assistance Misc(Bank Fees; Postage) Campers United Church Appeals Mission & Service World Development & Relief Silver Lake Camp Five Oaks Bruce Presbytery Bursary Fund Wesley Urban Ministries Community & Other Appeals Canadian Foodgrains Local Project Queen's Bush Rural Ministries Women's Crises Centres (3) Ramoth Life Centre Amnesty International The Leprosy Mission Total Expenditures December 31, 2014 Bank Balance Reviewed January 15, 2015 Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx Actual 2014 763.97 909.38 Budget 2015 939.32 1,000.00 802.00 2,545.70 913.00 610.00 800.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 $6,763.97 $6,544.05 $6,239.32 140.00 200.00 300.00 140.00 44.18 356.24 87.13 40.60 239.59 64.99 150.00 $1,122.73 168.75 200.00 300.00 150.00 50.00 300.00 75.00 200.00 $1,443.75 2,600.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 2,600.00 200.00 282.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 $3,482.00 2,600.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 $3,400.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $1,000.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $1,000.00 $5,625.00 $5,604.73 $5,843.75 400.00 75.00 250.00 $939.32 $6,544.05 Brenda Cummings, Treasurer Adult Fellowship Report Adult Fellowship meet the first Thursday of the month from January to June then from September to December at 8:00 pm. The executive for 2014 was President Claude Field, Vice-President Marie Hall, Secretary Helen Newman, Treasurer Eleanore Gerber, and Cheer Committee Marion Derbecker. 2015 executive is President Marie Hall, Vice-President Lyle Murray, Secretary Betty Fraser, Treasurer Eleanore Gerber and Cheer Committee Marion Derbecker. Some of the mission projects were: Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Clifford Food Bank, Sleeping Children Around the World, Youth for Christ, and New Growth Family Centre in Mount Forest. Some of the other fun things we do are a games night in January, a travelling supper in June and our Christmas banquet in December. Take care and have a Happy and Healthy 2015. Helen Newman, Secretary Receipts Beginning Bank Balance Christmas ticket sales (40) Collections (7) Bank interest Total Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist 2014 Financial Summary Expenses $ 130.15 Christmas banquet 600.00 Banquet hall rental and treats 497.30 Easter lilies .07 Donations $1,227.52 Speakers (4) Bank expenses Closing Bank Balance $ 588.00 55.00 18.06 300.00 144.30 14.00 108.16 $1,227.52 Eleanore Gerber, Treasurer Canadian Foodgrains Bank Clifford-Oakville Growing Project Report 2014 started off with another successful bonspiel. Our guest speaker at noon was Eric Versteeg and his friends who talked about their most recent mission trip to El Salvador to build seven houses. During the day there was plenty of opportunity to hear more about their adventures as they made up two curling teams. Thanks to the volunteers at the Clifford arena food booth who donate their hours through the Clifford Recreation Association towards the cost of the ice rental for the bonspiel. 18 acres of soybeans were planted. Tom Booth donates land at Greenbush and the land beside Jamesway Manor in Clifford was donated by new owner Vance Dettman. Thanks to the many volunteers from the community who contribute to the planting and harvesting – Leland Harkness, Mark Hohnstein, Dick Dirksen, George Murray and Dwayne Koeslag. Special thanks to Claude Field for all his work as treasurer, for looking after the oatmeal purchasing, delivery to Maple Grove United in Oakville, and the sales at Clifford. He is always a willing helper. After 18 years as the Ontario Co-ordinators, David and Katherine Mayberry have announced their retirement as of February 28, 2015. They were a great source of information and support. We eagerly await to hear who will be their successors. Lorne Underwood, Chairperson Clifford-Oakville Growing Project Report 2014 Financial Summary Receipts Expenses Bank Balance, January 1, 2014 $ 6,111.07 Sent to Foodgrains in Winnipeg $ 8,000.00 Lutheran Youth Group 572.07 Bonspiel (ice rental, lunch, prizes) 776.70 U.C.W. 200.00 Soybean seed 883.15 Donations 562.51 Fertilizer and spraying 1,100.42 Donation- Maple Grove U.C. 500.00 Cultivating land 150.00 Oatmeal- Clifford & Oakville 552.75 Purchase oatmeal 510.00 Curling Bonspiel 2,626.40 Bank Expenses 8.00 Soybean sales 6,298.33 Total Expenses $11,428.27 Bank interest 12.68 Bank Balance, December 31, 2014 6,007.54 Total Receipts $17,435.81 $17,435.81 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist Note: Clifford-Oakville Project has given a total of $117,500.00 to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank from 2000-2014. Claude Field, Treasurer Youth Group Report The youth enjoyed hosting another wonderful Sunrise Service on Sunday, April 20th at Alsfeldt complete with a nutritious breakfast for all. The youth are quite appreciative of the adult helpers. Assistance was offered to Nicole Kreager who requested financial support to attend a 16 day Leadership Development Camp sponsored by Hamilton Conference. Nicole’s faith, genuine enthusiasm, and willingness to volunteer are three of the strong points that made saying yes to the request quite simple. 25 Canadian Church calendars were purchased to sell. We appreciate everyone who looks forward to buying these calendars each year and the U.C.W. for their continued support in purchasing several of them for those on their Christmas visitation list. The Youth Group is maintained by president Kathryn Rehorst, treasurer Nicole Kreager, and secretary Bonnie Whitehead. Bonnie Whitehead, Secretary Receipts Bank Bal. – Jan. 1st, 2014 Sunrise Service offering Calendar sales Interest Total Receipts 2014 Financial Report Expenses $ 815.99 Mission & Service Fund 165.00 Nicole Kreager 108.50 Calendars .19 Total Expenses $1,089.68 Bank Bal. – Dec. 12th, 2014 Less Outstanding Cheque #13 $ 165.00 400.00 98.88 $ 663.88 524.68 $1,188.56 98.88 $1,089.68 Clifford Pastoral Charge 2014 Financial Summary and 2015 Budget Expenses Pastor-Salary United Church Pension;C.P.P.,E.I. Housing Allowance Continuing Education and Learning Resources Travel Allowance Telephone Hamilton Conference Pastoral Charge Office Administrative Secretary Administrative Secretary C.P.P., E.I. Centralized Payroll Photocopier Office Supplies Bulletins Telephone Insurance Secretary Supply Worship Devotional Books Pulpit Supply Copyright - LicenSing Worship Resources & Supplies Special Events Christian Education Site Video License Vacation Bible School Kid's Worship Confirmation/ Membership/Bibles Sunday School Curriculum Library Outreach Projects-Queen’s Bush & G/B Chap. Hamilton Conference - Delegate Expenses Bruce Presbytery - Charge Allocation Treasurer - Honorarium Miscellaneous postage Computer (Ellen) Website Printer/Ink-Jennifer Strawberries & cards Total Expenses 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2015 Budget $37,600.00 10,000.00 13,400.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 420.00 $37,599.96 12,180.67 13,400.04 1,500.00 2,127.53 420.00 115.00 $39,450.00 12,850.00 13,525.00 1,520.00 2,200.00 425.00 6,920.00 375.00 350.00 2,800.00 1,200.00 900.00 1,000.00 500.00 6,920.04 351.48 284.66 2,608.67 542.86 869.26 1,102.19 555.12 7,020.00 375.00 300.00 2,800.00 800.00 500.00 1,100.00 560.00 500.00 1,400.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 224.27 1,562.00 226.19 218.71 30.00 200.00 1,500.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 130.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 4,496.08 250.00 122.76 160.37 130.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 4,500.00 250.00 $90,541.08 119.54 164.96 139.47 400.00 4,496.08 250.00 35.60 1,481.28 175.15 272.44 42.78 $90,699.08 $91,705.00 Clifford Pastoral Charge 2014 Financial Summary as of December 31, 2014 Beginning Bank Balance Receipts Knox Alsfeldt Interest GIC Distribution GIC Interest Total Receipts Receipts + Beginning Balance Expenses $ 7,961.38 $66,341.52 25,799.50 .11 29,000.00 2,494.00 $123,635.13 $131,596.51 - 90,699.08 Ending Balance $40,897.43 (without GIC) ($ 9,403.43) Leigh McIntosh, Treasurer Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist Sale of the Manse Investments The Manse sold on August 24, 2012 for $154,471.50. The money was invested in six G.I.C.'s with RBC. $9,500.00 was invested for one year and was deposited into the Charge Account on November 20, 2013 plus $95.00 interest. The remaining $145,000.00 was divided into five- $29,000.00 allotments at 2.15%, to mature consecutively over the next 5 years with the understanding that they would be reinvested unless needed. On November 20, 2014, $29,000.00 plus $2,494.00 in interest was deposited and is being held in the Charge Account pending the grant application for the new furnace at Knox. Submitted by Leigh McIntosh 2015 Clifford Pastoral Charge Board Executive: Minister Reverend Jennifer Mountain Secretary Karen Dowler (14-16) 327-8308 Treasurer Leigh Mclntosh (08-15) 327-8431 Co-Chairpersons: Alsfeldt – Gary Matthews (14-16) / Knox - Bruce Shannon (13-15) 327-8306 327-8053 Members: Clifford C.E. Jennifer Devlin (06-10-15) 335-3544 Clifford M & P Audrey Garrett (11-16) 327-8360 Clifford Outreach Marg Shannon (13-16) 327-8053 Clifford Worship Leigh Mclntosh (15-17) 327-8431 Clifford U.C.W. Marion Derbecker (2015) 327- 8967 Treasurers: Alsfeldt - Chris Newman (04-15) 665-7521 Pastoral Care: Alsfeldt - Anne Matthews (08-15) 327-8306 Trustees: Alsfeldt - Lyle Mclntosh (14-19) 327-8431 Administration: Knox - Kathy Douglas (12-15) 327-8680 Knox - Alieda Murray Knox - Bruce Shannon (05-15) 327-8053 Alsfeldt – Stuart McIntosh (15-17) Knox - Claude Field (11-15) 367-3593 Presbytery Reps: (15-17) 327-8650 Alsfeldt ______________ Knox - Brenda Cummings (04-15) 327-8520 Ellen Underwood (07-15) 327-8573 327-8618 Alsfeldt Administration Report Members: Randy Domm (chairperson), Matt Rehorst, Rick Lekx Activities for 2014 included: - Grounds improvements around the church including painting the sign and railings, flowerbed improvement, and the cleanup and placing of plants around the bell were completed. A big thanks to Joe Pereira for all his work. - The re-building of the sidewalk and steps along the west side of the church was approved at a congregational meeting in August and the work completed in October. - The eave troughs on both sides of the church were cleaned and repaired in November. - The furnace was serviced and cleaned in November. It was recommended that the oil line from the tank be replaced due to corrosion. The committee wishes to thank all the people who helped out by volunteering their time and efforts in completing this work. I would especially like to thank Stan, Helen and Chris Newman, Gary Matthews, Stuart McIntosh and Joe Pereira for all they did. Randy Domm, Chairperson PASTORAL CARE REPORT We enjoyed a year of much celebration with births and baptisms as follows: The birth of Maci, daughter of Grant and Kandis Matthews. Birth and baptisms of Lyla, daughter of Matt and Kathryn Rehorst and Tripp, son of Derek and Holly Matthews. Baptisms of Liam, son of David and April Francis and Matteo, son of Mandy Newton and Matt Legault. A Bible was presented to Braden Newman upon turning 10 years old. An overwhelming 85th birthday celebration as part of the Church service was held for Dorothy Domm. Visiting and a time of fellowship were held with Bev and Marlene Brown after their accident and Lyle McIntosh after his eye surgery. We are so grateful for their continued recovery. We have also enjoyed the presence of Carmen and BethAnn Weppler and their family worshiping with us as well as the talent they have shared. We continue to enjoy the blessings of a wonderful Church family of which I feel privileged to be a part. Anne Matthews, Chairperson Alsfeldt Trustee Report There were only two concerns brought forward this year which were directed to the Trustees. One was to review the Property Survey before beginning work on the sidewalk and steps leading to the Annex. It was determined that all of the work to be done would be within church boundaries and not an issue with the adjacent landowners. Gary Matthews did contact them to ask permission to use the laneway while the construction was underway and permission was granted. The other concern that was discussed was the liability of the church when holding Fellowship time and serving food. It was agreed that our fellowship times are always optional for both those being asked to provide the food and those who choose to eat and it is more of a family setting as opposed to a catered event. We will continue on as we have in the past. Lyle McIntosh, Chairperson 2014 Summary of Weekly Envelope Givings Alsfeldt is supported by 21 Regular Weekly Givers and several very generous non-resident members and adherents. 1 gave ........................ $1-100 2 gave .................$901-1,000 1 gave ..............$1,801-1,900 2 gave .................... $101-200 1 gave ..............$1,401-1,500 1gave ...............$2,301-2,400 2 gave ............... .....$201-300 2 gave ..............$1,501-1,600 1 gave ..............$2,701-2,800 3 gave .................... $401-500 1 gave ..............$1,601-1,700 1 gave ..............$4,001-4,100 1 gave .................... $801-900 1 gave ..............$1,701-1,800 1 gave ..............$6,101-6,200 11 Regular givers to Mission and Service 3 gave ........................ $1-100 1 gave ....................$301-400 2 gave .................... $101-200 2 gave ....................$401-500 1 gave .................... $201-300 1 gave ...............$1,101-1200 1 gave ..............$1,301-1,400 Stuart McIntosh, Envelope Steward Alsfeldt-Ayton Cemetery Board Report The cemetery board members are as follows: Chairperson Gary Matthews, Secretary/Treasurer Ron McIntosh Alsfeldt Cemetery Steward- Stan Newman, alternate Brian Damm Ayton Cemetery Steward- Art Domm, alternate Neil Damm The annual cemetery clean up at Alsfeldt cemetery was done by Joe Pereira and the Newman family. Thank you for getting the Alsfeldt cemetery in great shape and maintaining it for a busy summer, it looked great all summer. A special thank you for the work involved in preparing and maintaining the flower beds for the Memorial Cemetery service in June. Fred Newman and family continue to do a great job of looking after the Ayton cemetery. Kevin Newman Contracting was hired to repair monuments at the Alsfeldt cemetery. The AlsfeldtAyton cemetery board will be meeting in the new year, please contact a board member with any questions or concerns regarding the cemeteries. The application for the Cemetery Operator’s License with regard to the Cemeteries Services Act 2002 was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services in December. This is a renewal of our current license. Anyone with questions regarding the purchase of a plot, please contact Ron McIntosh. Ron McIntosh, Secretary/Treasurer Receipts Bank balance Jan., 1, 2014 Interest 8.21 Donations 50.00 Care & Maintenance 56.50 Lawn Care Refund 150.00 Plot sales 1,000.00 Total Receipts Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist 2014 Financial Summary Expenses $9,817.80 Lawn Care & Maintenance $650.00 Care & Maintenance Fund 556.50 Kevin Newman Contracting (monument repairs) 847.50 Newman Monument 339.00 1,264.71 Bank balance Dec. 31, 2014 $11,082.51 $2,393.00 8,689.51 $11,082.51 Ron McIntosh, Secretary/Treasurer 2014 ALSFELDT BUILDING AND MEMORIAL FUND REPORT RECEIPTS Bank Balance - Jan 1, 2014 Donations $5,532.34 $1,800.00 Interest - Bank Acct Interest - GIC's 0.06 585.00 $2,385.06 $7,917.40 EXPENDITURES Sidewalk and Side Steps Repairs Bank Balance - Dec 31, 2014 $6,169.80 1,747.60 $7,917.40 INVESTMENTS GIC - 0008 - Invested Jan 23, 2014 - 5yr $9,000.00 $9,000.00 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx Chris Newman, Treasurer 2014 ALSFELDT EDUCATION BURSARY No one applied to receive a $500.00 bursary this year. This fund contains $ 4,346.47 as of Dec. 31/14. Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist Chris Newman, Treasurer 2014 ALSFELDT SUNDAY SCHOOL FINANCIAL REPORT RECEIPTS Bank Balance - Jan 1, 2014 Donations $70.06 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $74.06 EXPENDITURES Bank Balance - Dec 31, 2014 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Sharon Prieb, Peggy Reist $74.06 Chris Newman, Treasurer 2014 ALSFELDT FINANCIAL REPORT RECEIPTS Opening Balance - Jan 1, 2014 Envelopes Loose Mission & Service Mission & Service - Jeans for Jesus Interest Benevolent Fund Donations In/Outs (Observer, Food Bank, Breakfast Club) $17,508.71 $34,805.50 1,146.76 4,267.50 226.25 0.12 480.00 380.00 $41,306.13 $58,814.84 EXPENDITURES Charge Mission & Service World Development & Relief Benevolent Fund Observer-Church Subscription WORSHIP & PASTORAL CARE Music Flowers & Gifts Worship ADMINISTRATION Oil Hydro Telephone Insurance Office Repairs & Maintenance Kitchen Supply Snow Removal CEMETERIES Grass Cutting HONORARIA Caretaker Organist/Pianist Treasurer Envelope Steward Choir Director CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Guideposts OTHER In/Outs (Observer, Breakfast Club, Food Bank) HST OUTREACH $25,799.50 4,493.75 550.00 780.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 17.80 2621.80 1,778.86 343.56 841.00 6.00 195.00 156.86 100.00 150.00 1440.00 1760.00 600.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 378.00 605.49 $42,787.62 Bank Balance - Dec. 31, 2014 Outstanding Cheques (#295, 298, 299, 300, 303, 304, 305) ACTUAL BALANCE - Dec. 31, 2014 $17,845.90 - 1,818.68 $16,027.22 $58,814.84 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx Chris Newman, Treasurer 2015 ALSFELDT PROPOSED BUDGET 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2015 Proposed $25,799.50 $25,799.50 $25,579.40 WORSHIP & PASTORAL CARE Music Flowers & Gifts Piano/Organ Supply Worship & Accessories $500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 17.80 $500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 OUTREACH World Development & Relief Observer Benevolent Fund $550.00 20.00 300.00 $550.00 20.00 300.00 $550.00 20.00 300.00 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School Material & Guideposts $200.00 $0.00 $150.00 ADMINISTRATION Oil Hydro Telephone Insurance Repairs Office Kitchen Supply, Cleaning, Funerals Snow Removal $1,500.00 2,000.00 400.00 950.00 1,000.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 $2,621.80 1,778.86 343.56 841.00 6,364.80 6.00 156.86 100.00 $2,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 950.00 1,000.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 HONORARIA Caretaker Organist/Piano Choir Leader Treasurer Envelope Steward $1,440.00 2,000.00 100.00 600.00 150.00 1,440.00 1,760.00 0.00 600.00 150.00 $1,440.00 2,000.00 100.00 600.00 150.00 $150.00 $38,759.50 $150.00 $43,000.18 $150.00 $38,989.40 PASTORAL CHARGE CEMETERY Maintenance Totals 2015 MISSION & SERVICE GOAL -- _____________________ Knox Administration Report Members- Claude Field, Garth Dickert, John Mazereeuw, Wes Gerber Thank you to Larry Nancekivell for helping with many jobs around the church and to Merle Freeman, Lyle Murray, and Ross Derbecker for mowing the lawn. Thank you to Brenda Cummings who co-ordinated the caretaking of the church. A gas meter was installed by the gas company up to the entrance of the church. We are planning to install a gas furnace, but are trying to get a grant for it. JSW from Mildmay will install it when we get the grant approved. A water meter was put in the church. Claude Field, Chairperson Knox Ad Hoc Fundraising Committee The 'old fashioned' winter of 2013/2014 created much higher energy costs for everyone, including Knox United. In order to replenish the deficit of treasury funds, an Ad Hoc committee was elected at the emergency congregation meeting held early in 2014. A fundraising/cost savings goal of $10,000.00 was set and a variety of initiatives where suggested. Throughout 2014, several of these were organized and completed. At the end of 2014, net funds raised totaled $9,280.06. This figure brought the treasury out of a deficit position to a healthier surplus of $6,021.97 at year end. There also remains a pot pie inventory that has its expenses already paid for and will realize a net profit in 2015 of an estimated $1,000.00. It is now possible to continue with some of the ideas tried this past year to keep a healthy bank balance and also to carry out further repairs and maintenance to the church building. By reaching out to the surrounding community through these projects, we may have shown that Knox is an active and welcoming place to attend. The fellowship of working together with people outside our usual circle of friends has also been a plus. Many thanks to the concerned volunteers who contributed their time and skills to the effort of raising funds for the ongoing life of Knox United Church. This shows what can be accomplished when we are willing to try new things and give what we can in the way of time, talents, resources and also that little extra on the offering plate. Thank you all again from the Ad Hoc Fundraising Committee of Knox. Marg Shannon Knox Trustee Report Knox trustees contacted Miller Insurance to arrange a review of our coverage with the intent of lowering yearly premiums. It was determined that we could not lower our fire coverage and still be adequately protected. We agreed to leave our policy as is. Bruce Shannon, Chairperson Knox Fellowship Report Thank you to the Knox Fellowship committee members Dianne Epworth and Marlene McHarg for all their help organizing and preparing lunches over the past year. I'd also like to thank everyone who helped out by taking a turn organizing one of the monthly Fellowship lunches and for the contributions at church pot lucks. Special thanks goes to Marion Wylie for the decorated cakes she does for baptisms and confirmation lunches. If you have an idea for a lunch menu or would like to work along with us preparing, cleaning up or learning how to run the dishwasher, please don't be afraid to contact one of us and get involved. Besides Fellowship lunch for the congregation, we also prepare a light lunch for Kid's Worship once a month. The standard menu keeps things simple and all attending seem to enjoy this. All the best in the coming year as we look forward to more baptisms, celebrations, and pot luck lunches. Regards, Margaret Shannon Pastoral Care Report In March, a group of ladies joined talents and created a beautiful Dignity quilt. It was dedicated at Jamesway Manor, a neutral setting and also at Harriston’s Caressant Care where it will remain to be used. A new website was launched in May. Rev. Jennifer set up dates and times for Memorial Decoration Services at six local cemeteries associated with Clifford Pastoral Charge. These services were held on June 21st and 22nd. Strawberry shortcake and ice cream was served at Knox following the Clifford cemetery service. Our first baptism this year was that of Zoey Alice Janet Coulas in March. During the Sunday School Picnic service, we celebrated the baptism of Evan Grant Lee Smith in an outdoor setting. In December, Zoey Katherine Gillies was baptized. There have been four persons delegated to phone parishioners of Knox if there is a change in the time or cancellations or reminding of special events. Thanks to Marion Wylie who sends cards for sympathy and also sends cards or makes phone calls for special birthdays, anniversaries and get well wishes. Many thanks to Rev. Jennifer and Ellen for your guidance and help during the year. Marlene McHarg, Chairperson Knox Observer Report There are about 48 households receiving “The Observer” on the group plan which Knox church pays. It you would like to receive The Observer and are currently not getting it, May is renewal month. Contact Marion Wylie 519-327-8596. If you would like to pay for your subscription ($20.00), simply mark your donation “Observer” and place it on the offering plate. Marion Wylie, Observer Representative Knox BBQ Report Thanks to all who helped with the Smoked Pork Chop BBQ Dinner this year in June. Thanks to those who faithfully help to organize and phone each year- Arthena Underwood, Marion Wylie and Marlene McHarg. Also thanks to Georgie Hutchison who does a good job of advertising. Knox’s annual dinner would not be possible without all the volunteers who give of their time, donate food, sell tickets, etc. It was a new venture for Knox as we were not able to secure a ‘fish fry guy’ this year. Howell’s Fish had been supplying and cooking fish for us since 1991 and have now retired. However, we have secured a fish fry guy, Jim Hockley from Blue Mountain Catering, who has been booked for June 26, 2015. 2014 Knox BBQ Financial Summary Income Expenses Ticket Sales $2,591.00 Pork Chops $790.00 Donations 138.00 Hall Rental 423.75 Food Sales 308.50 Groceries & Misc. 620.65 Tray Rental 20.00 Total Income $3,037.50 Total Expenses $1,854.40 Net Profit 1,183.10 $3,037.50 Ellen Underwood, Co-ordinator 2014 Summary of Weekly Envelope Givings Out of 63 envelope and PAR givers to the local church: 9 gave ................................................ $1-100 4 gave ....................................... $2,001-3,000 17 gave ........................................... $101-500 2 gave ...................................... $3,001-4,000 13 gave ................................... .....$501-1,000 2 gave ...................................... $4,001-5,000 14 gave ..................................... $1,001-2,000 2 gave ...................................... $6,000-8,000 Brenda Cummings, Envelope Steward 2014 Knox Financial Summary Receipts Expenses Opening Bank Balance- Jan. 1, 2014 $ 8,821.89 H.S.T. $ 2,474.13 Less Outstanding 2013 Cheques -1,972.50 United Church Mission & Service 3,903.75 390.00 Opening Balance- Jan. 1, 2014 6,849.39 United Church World Development Local Offering $73,661.95 Five Oaks 600.00 Loose Offering 1,770.75 Benevolent Fund 20.00 Mission & Service 3,903.75 Pastoral Charge 66,341.52 World Development 390.00 Organist 1,920.00 Donations in Memory of 762.00 Pianist 80.00 Member Donations 1,900.00 Honoraria 1,300.00 Non-Member Donations 1,200.00 Caretaker 0.00 U.C.W 0.00 Caretaker Supplies 108.63 Miscellaneous Donations 2,320.00 Office Supplies 469.58 Fellowship 818.60 Administration - General 675.11 Funeral & Celebration Lunches 850.00 Hydro - Westario Power 4,716.90 Fundraising 17,300.20 Telephone 343.98 Redirection 1,015.00 Furnace Oil - Chalmer Fuels 8,065.85 H.S.T. Refund 2,133.32 Water & Sewer 1,270.00 Interest 0.05 Snow Removal 485.00 Total Receipts 108,025.62 Elevator - Delta Elevator 1,079.39 248.38 $114,875.01 Kitchen Supplies Insurance 3,968.00 2014 Outstanding Cheques Sunday School 140.83 4648 $20.00 Fundraising 8,020.14 4652 67.80 Public Relations 0.00 4653 429.50 Remembrance Wreath 40.00 4654 50.00 Pastoral Care 244.50 4655 182.00 Funeral Lunches 285.99 $749.30 Card Representative Supplies 8.50 Observer 619.46 Fundraising Totals Worship 38.40 Pot Pies $5,652.26 Outreach 0.00 Talents 177.00 Clifford Food Bank 770.00 Quilt Show 611.95 Clifford Foodgrains 225.00 BBQ 1,183.10 Total Expenses $108,853.04 Silent Auction 452.50 Black Family in Concert 1,053.25 Closing Bank Balance $6,771.27 Men's Breakfast 150.00 Less Outstanding Cheques 749.30 $9,280.06 Closing Book Balance 6,021.97 $114,875.01 Reviewed January 15, 2015 Karen Dowler, Rick Lekx Kathy Douglas, Treasurer 2015 Knox Proposed Budget 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2015 Budget $ 2,000.00 $ 2,474.13 $ 2,000.00 Five Oaks 600.00 600.00 600.00 Benevolent Fund 400.00 20.00 400.00 64,109.58 66,341.52 65,775.60 2,000.00 1,920.00 2,000.00 120.00 80.00 100.00 HST Pastoral Charge Organist Pianist Honoraria Choir Director Treasurer Envelope Steward 500.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 0.00 500.00 300.00 Caretaker Wages Supplies 0.00 200.00 0.00 108.63 0.00 200.00 300.00 469.58 300.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 400.00 7,800.00 1,275.00 500.00 850.00 300.00 3,880.00 675.11 4,716.90 343.98 8,065.85 1,270.00 485.00 1,079.39 248.38 3,968.00 2,000.00 4,300.00 350.00 8,000.00 1,275.00 500.00 850.00 300.00 4,000.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sunday School 0.00 100.00 0.00 140.83 0.00 150.00 Outreach General Fundraising Public Relations Remembrance Wreath 150.00 100.00 100.00 40.00 0.00 8,020.14 0.00 40.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 45.00 Pastoral Care General (pizza, baptism) Fellowship Card Rep Observer Funeral Lunches 350.00 100.00 50.00 800.00 500.00 244.50 0.00 8.50 619.46 285.99 350.00 0.00 25.00 700.00 500.00 200.00 38.40 200.00 $94,624.58 $103,564.29 $96,070.60 Office Supplies Administration General Hydro Telephone Furnace Oil Water & Sewer Snow Removal Elevator Kitchen Supplies Insurance Beautification Trustees Christian Education Worship TOTAL EXPENSES REDIRECTION Total Expenses & Redirection 5,288.75 $108,853.04
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