Southport Yacht Club presents Fastway Couriers Cat Weekend inc SEQ Nacra Titles Sponsored By 31st January – 1st February 2015 NOTICE OF RACE INVITATION Southport Yacht Club and the SYC Hollywell Sailing Squadron invite all owners, skippers and crews of all eligible Off-The-Beach Multihull boats to enter and compete in the Fastway Couriers Cat Weekend & SEQ Nacra Titles. ORGANISING AUTHORITY The Organising Authority shall be Southport Yacht Club Inc. (SYC) located at Macarthur Parade, Main Beach, 4217, QLD. To contact phone 07 5537 7030. 1 RULES The races will be governed by the current rules as defined in the International Sailing Federation Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the Special Regulations of Yachting Australia (YA), the relevant Class Rules (as applicable), and by this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions. 2 2.1 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY The races are open to all classes of off-the-beach Multihulls, who comply with Yachting Australia Special Regulations Part 2 for Off-The-Beach Boats. 2.2 Every boat shall be entered by and shall have on board while racing a person-in-charge who shall be a current financial member of a Sailing Club and an affiliated member of Yachting Australia or their respective MYA, in accordance with the Yachting Australia prescription to Rule 46. Where the person-in-charge of a boat is under the age of eighteen (18) years, their Parent or Guardian shall also witness the Entry Form. 2.3 Every boat shall hold current and valid Public Liability and Third Party Insurance coverage for the sum of not less than AUD$5Million. 2.4 Entries shall be lodged on the Entry Form, attached to the Notice of Race as Appendix A, with the SYC Sailing Office before 1700 hrs on Thursday 29 January 2015, accompanied by the required entry fee. The entry fee for Australia Day Weekend Cat Champs including the SEQ Nacra Titles is $50. Late Entries will be accepted up to 0900hrs on Saturday 31st January 2015 accompanied by the additional late entry fee of $20. PAGE 1 3 NOTICES TO COMPETITORS & REGATTA SITE Notices to competitors will be posted on the Official Notice Board located outside the Sailing Office at the Southport Yacht Club Hollywell Sailing Squadron, 1 Marina Crescent, Hollywell, Qld 4216. 4 RACING AREA The racing area will be the Broadwater, incorporating the “Deep Hole” and around Crab Island. 5 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. Date Saturday 31 January Saturday 31 January Beach Party Sunday 1 February EVENT Briefing Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Time 1100 hrs 1200hrs Asap after Race 1 Asap after Race 2 ASAP 1100hrs Asap after Race 4 COURSE TYPE Short Course Short Course Passage Race After racing concludes Short Course Long Passage Race 6 6.1 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions will be available on the internet or at the Sailing Office from Friday 30 January 2015. 7 7.1 PRIZES Prizes will be awarded to First, Second and third places overall on V.Y.C calculations in each division. Class scratch prizes may be awarded subject to sufficient entries (more than 5). Other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the Race Committee. Presentations will be ASAP after racing but not prior to 1600hrs Sunday 1 February 2015. 8 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in Southport Yacht Club events entirely at their own risk. See Rule 4 (Decision to Race). The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. 9 FURTHER INFORMATION Contact SYC Sailing Administrator on Phone (07) 5537 7030, Fax (07) 5537 7131, E-mail [email protected]. PAGE 2 ATTACHMENT A – OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Boat Name Sail Number Yachting Vic. Yardstick Design / Class Complies with Class Rule Yes No Person-in-Charge Name Member of SYC No Cadet Sailing Intermediate Gold Sailing Club Membership SYC Member Number YA Silver Card Number Home Address Suburb State / Postcode Home Phone Work Phone Mobile Phone Fax Number E-Mail Address Entry Fee…………………..$50 Entry Fees Cash Additional Late Fee………$20 Cheque EFTPOS Visa if after 1700hrs Thursday 29th January 2015 Mastercard American Express *Please by advised that a 3.5% surcharge on all American Express and Diners Card transactions applies. This surcharge does not apply on any EFT, Mastercard or Visa transactions. Credit Card Number Credit Card Expiry Date Cardholder Signature DECLARATION BY PERSON IN CHARGE: I declare that all the above details are correct. I agree to be bound by the ISAF Racing Rules for Sailing, the Prescriptions and Special Regulations of Yachting Australia, the relevant Class Rules, the Notice of Race, the Sailing Instructions and any other rules or Regulations which govern the Series. I acknowledge that Southport Yacht Club Inc (SYC) is not responsible for the seaworthiness of a boat whose entry is accepted or the sufficiency or adequacy of its equipment. Furthermore I agree to indemnify SYC from any responsibility in regard to myself, my crew and my vessel during this Series. I agree that this indemnity extends to all Officers, Sponsors and Agents of SYC. I understand my obligation under RRS Fundamental Rule 4, which states, “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”. I agree that SYC and their employees and volunteers may exchange information about me that includes the information I provide to administer my entry into the Series and to run their business. I agree that the name of the boat and her crew nominated in my entry and my results may be used by SYC to publicise and promote activities at SYC and may be released to the press for public audience. I agree that all information may be disclosed to necessary stakeholders in emergent situations and when bound by law to do so. I agree that SYC may use the information that I provide to inform me of other events and club promotions. If I do not want this I can let them know. SIGNATURE OF PERSON-IN-CHARGE DATE _____ / _____ / 20___ Signature of Parent/Guardian is required if Person-in-Charge is under the age of 18 years SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT # PAGE 3 DATE _____ / _____ / 20___ DATE _____ / _____ / 20___
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