Methods DNA extraction and bisulfite conversion The genomic DNA was extracted from the tissue samples using the TIANamp Genomic DNA Kit (TianGen Biotech, Beijing, China) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Sodium bisulfite conversion of 500 ng genomic DNA extracted from the breast tissues was carried out using the EZ DNA Methylation-LightningTM Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. All DNA samples after bisulfite conversion were quantified using a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA). Bisulfite sequencing primer (BSP) design The 5’ promoter sequence for each candidate gene was obtained from UCSC genome browser ( The target-specific bisulfite sequencing primers (BSP) were designed for each gene using the online design tool, Methprimer (, with default parameters (Online Resource Table 2). Total 48 amplicons were designed for the promoter regions of the 48 candidate genes and covered an average of 13 CpG sites per amplicon (ranged from 4 to 37) with amplicon size around 300 bp or less. The universal sequencing tags were added to the 5’-end of the forward and reverse primers by following the User Guide of Access ArrayTM System for Illumina Sequencing Systems (Fluidigm, South San Franciso, CA, USA). All primers were validated by single-plex PCR and assessment of PCR products for expected size on agarose gel. 1 High-throughput microfluidic PCR for target enrichment and next generation bisulfite sequencing The Access ArrayTM system (Fluidigm, South San Franciso, CA, USA) was used for target enrichment to prepare sequencing libraries, which can simultaneously apply 48 distinct microfluidic PCR reactions on 48 samples to enrich target gene regions. Total 50 ng of each bisulfite treated DNA sample was amplified using bisulfite sequencing primers on the 48.48 Access Array IFC according to the manufacturer’s 2-Primer Target-Specific PCR Amplification protocol. Total 48 primer pairs were used to amplify 48 distinct regions in 48 bisulfite treated DNA samples on each Access Array. We divided the 180 patient sample pairs into the discovery set (89 sample pairs) and the validation set (91 sample pairs), then amplified the bisulfite treated DNA on 4 Access Array IFCs for each set. After microfluidic PCR, the 48 products for each sample were pooled automatically on the Access Array and harvested from their original sample wells. The sample-specific 10-base barcodes and sequencing tags were added to each PCR product pool according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Equal volume of each barcoded product was pooled into amplicon libraries and purified using Agencourt AMPure XP system (Beckman Coulter, CA, USA) then examined on Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 for product size distribution. The purified libraries were quantified with Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit (Life Technologies, CA, USA) and sequenced on a MiSeq sequencer using MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (300 cycles). We pooled the libraries 2 by the discovery set and the validation set separately, then sequenced them in two separate runs on MiSeq sequencer. In addition, to evaluate the reproducibility of the method, 10 repeated DNA samples of 4 random selected tumor/normal pairs and the Human Methylated & Non-methylated DNA Set were included in both runs. Sequencing data alignment and methylation analysis After MiSeq sequencing, the paired-end read data were demultiplexed according to sample-specific barcodes with default parameters by using MiSeq Reporter software. The sequencing reads were mapped to each gene reference sequence using the BiQ Analyzer 3.0 software [1] with default parameters. The methylation status and methylation level of each analyzed CpG-site in each gene were returned from the software. The methylation level for each gene was assigned by averaging the methylation level of all CpG sites in the gene for each sample. Figure Legends Online Resource Fig. 1 Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the discovery set (a) and the validation set (b) based on the methylation levels of the 48 candidate genes. Heat map and clustering of 48 genes show significant differences between tumors (red) and normal tissues (green). Heat-map colors symbolize DNA methylation, as indicated in the color key Reference for Online Resource 3 1. Bock C, Reither S, Mikeska T, Paulsen M, Walter J, Lengauer T (2005) BiQ Analyzer: visualization and quality control for DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing. Bioinformatics 21 (21):4067-4068 4 Online Resource Table 1 DAVID functional annotation of candidate genes Wnt fatty acid regulation regulation regulation regulation of response to tumor phosphorylatio estrogen signal signaling of cell of cell metabolic of Gene suppressor stimulus pathway proliferation n apoptosis cycle process ACADL x ADAMTSL1 x APC x x x x x x BMP6 x BRCA1 x x x x x x BRCA2 x x x x x CADM1 x x x CAV1 x x x CCND2 x x x x x CDH1 x x CDKN2A x x x x x COL1A2 x CST6 x DBC1 x x DIRAS3 x x EGFR x x x x x x ESR1 x x ESR2 x x GREM1 x GSTP1 x HIC1 x HRAS x x ICAM5 x IGFBP3 x x x x LAMA3 x MGMT x MLH1 x x NPY x PDGFRB x x x PGR x PPM1E x PRKCDBP x PTGS2 x x x x x x RASSF1 x RECK x x RUNX3 x x x SFN x x x x SFRP1 x x x SFRP2 x x SOX17 x SYK x x x TERT x TGFBR2 x x x x THBS1 x x x x TIMP3 x x x TNFRSF10D x x WIF1 x x WRN x 11 4 23 11 18 12 8 23 6 Total Online Resource Table 2 List of the bisulfite sequencing primers* Gene name ACADL ADAMTSL1 APC BMP6 BRCA1 BRCA2 CADM1 CAV1 CCND2 CDH1 CDKN2A COL1A2 CST6 DBC1 DIRAS3 EGFR ESR1 ESR2 GREM1 GSTP1 HIC1 HRAS ICAM5 IGFBP3 LAMA3 MGMT MLH1 NPY PDGFRB PGR F-primer (5'-3') AAATAAGAAAGAATGTTGTAAGTAAAGGTA TGGGAAGTATAGTGTTTGGTTTTATTTT GGGTTAGGGTTAGGTAGGTTGTG TAATTTAGGTTTTTTAAATGATGGTAAAAG GGTAGATTGGGTGGTTAATTTAGAGT GTTGGGATGTTTGATAAGGAATTT GGGGATTTGTTTTTTTATTTTTTATTTT AGAGTAGGGAAAATGTTGTTTTAGGTT AAGTGATGTTTAGAGGTTGGGAGTT GTATTTTGGGAGGTTAAGGTAGGAG GGTAGGTGGGGAGGAGTTTAGTT AGGGTTTAGGTTTAGGGTAGAATTG TTTTTGTATTGGTATTTGTTGTTGG TTAGGGGATTAGGGATTTGTATTGT TTGTTGTATTTTTTAGATGGTAAAAAGTAA GGGTGTTTGATAAGATTTGAAGGAT GAGATTAGTATTTAAAGTTGGAGGTT GAGGGTGTTTTTATTTAGAGGTTA GTTTTTTTTAGAGGGGAAGAATG AAATATAAAAATTAGTTAGATGTGGTA GTATAGGGGGATTTTAGGGTTTTAT TTAGGTTGGTTTTGAATTTTTGATT TAGTTAGGGTTGGGGTAGGG GGTTTTTGGGGATATAAATAGTTTAG GATTTAATTAATTTTTGTTTTGG TTATATATTTTGTTTTAAAAATTATTTTTG TTTTTTAGGAGTGAAGGAGGTTA TGTTTTTATTTTTGGTAGGATTAGA GAGAAATGATTTTTTTGGGTGTTAT GGAGAATTTTTTTGGAGAATTTTT CpG sites in R-primer (5'-3') product CCACCTATAATATCCTCCCAAAAA 10 CCAACCAATCAAACTCCTACTAATC 6 CAACACCTCCATTCTATCTCCAATA 17 ACTCAAATACCTCACTCCAACCC 4 ACCCAAAACAAAAAATAAAAACCTC 15 ATCACAAATCTATCCCCTCAC 27 TCTCCCTTAAAAAAATCCTCTATCC 16 TAAACACATCCCCAAAATTCTAACA 16 AACCCCCATAAAAAAATTACTCCA 7 AACTAAAAATACAAATACACACCACCAC 15 TCCCTCAAATCCTCTAAAAAAACC 13 AACTCATTCCAAAAAAAATCTTTTAAA 5 AAATTCAAAAAACCCAAAAAACC 13 AAATTCTCTAAAAACCACCAAAAAC 4 CACAAATTCTCCCACACTTAACTAAC 4 ACAAAACAAACTTATACCAACTTTAAACAA 16 TTAATATAAAAAATCATAATCATAATCC 12 AAATTTCAAAAAACAATTATTTCTC 17 TTCTCTACCCCAAATCTAAACTTTC 21 TATAACCCAAACTAAAATACAATAAC 37 AACCTAAACAAAAATATTACCCACAC 7 AAACTCACCCCAAACACATAAAC 7 TAATAACCCAAAACCTTCTAAAAAC 8 AATCACTCCTAACCAACTCAACAC 15 AACCTCTCAACTCTAAAACCTACC 25 CCTACCATCAATAAAAAACATACC 6 CCCAAAAAAAACAAAATAAAAATC 13 ACTTAAAAAACCACCCACACC 5 AATACTTAAAAATTCCACAACCCAC 6 CTAATCAACTCCTACCCTTAACCTC 11 PPM1E AGGGTAGGGTATTTAATTAATAAAGATATT TTCTAATTAAACATTACAAAATCCCTC PRKCDBP TTTGGGGTTAATAGGTTTTTTAGTAG CCCAACTCCAACTATAACTCAAAC PTGS2 AGATTTTTGGAGAGGAAGTTAAGTGT AAAAAATAATCCCCACTCTCCTATC RASSF1 TTTTTGTAGATTGTAAGTTTATTTGTTATT CCTACACTATAACCTACCCATCCTC RECK TTTAGTGATGAATTTTTGTTAGGGG CCAAAAAAACTTCTCTCCTTCATATAC RUNX3 GGTTTTGGGTTGTGGTATTG ACAAATCCTCCAAAATCAAATAAC SFN TTTTTTGAATTTTTATGGGTTTTGT AAACTCCAAACTACCCCCTCTTAT SFRP1 TTAGTTTGGTTAATATGGTGAAATTT ACAAACCCATAAAATTATAAAAACTTTTT SFRP2 TTATGTTTGGTAATTTAGTAGAAATTT ACAACAAACAAAAAAACCTAACC SOX17 TGGTTATATTTGTGTAGAAAAGGTTT AAAAAATAAAACACTAAAATACCCC SYK GGGTAGTTTTATTTTTTTTGTTTG ACTCTTCCTCATTTTAAACAACTTC TERT TTGAGAATTTGTAAAGAGAAATGA AATATAAAAACCCTAAAAACAAATAC TGFBR2 TTGTTATTTTGTGAATTGTGTGTATT CAACAACTAAACAAAACCTCTCTC THBS1 GGTTTTTTTAGGTGGTTTTTTTAGTTT AAACCAATCTAAACTCCTCTCTCC TIMP3 TGGTTTGGGTTAGAGATATTTAGTG TTCAAATCCTTATAAAAAATAATACC TNFRSF10D GATTTAGTTTGAGTGTTTGGAAGTG TTATCCCCAAAATCCCATAAA WIF1 GTTTTGGTTGAGGGAGTTGTA ACCAACAAACACAAAAAAATACTC WRN TTGGGTTTGGGGATAGAGTTTAT ACTTACAACTAAAAATAAAAAAAACCAAAC *The universal sequencing tags were added to the 5’-end of the forward and reverse primers by following the User Guide of Access ArrayTM System for Illumina Sequencing Systems (Fluidigm, South San Franciso, CA, USA). 6 13 10 28 8 32 4 11 9 16 30 26 7 21 15 12 13 8 Online Resource Table 3 The methylation level of the 48 genes in the discovery set and the validation set The Discovery Set Methylation level (Mean ± SD) T-test p Corrected 1 Tumor Normal Difference value2 p value3 Gene 71.7±8.7 68.6±3.9 3±8.5 0.0013 0.0208 ACADL 10.8±12.4 1.83E-12 6.04E-11 ADAMTSL1 16.3±11.6 5.5±3.3 14.4±15.1 2.1±4 12.3±14.7 6.37E-12 1.97E-10 APC 56.1±7.7 60.5±5.9 -4.4±9.7 5.24E-05 9.43E-04 BMP6 2.2±7 1±1.6 1.2±6 0.0657 0.6570 BRCA1 0.8±0.4 0.7±0.3 0.1±0.5 0.1629 1 BRCA2 3.7±4.4 2.4±2.1 1.3±4.9 0.1778 0.0127 CADM1 3.2±3.6 0.9±0.4 2.3±3.7 8.57E-08 2.06E-06 CAV1 12.8±9.6 3.4±2.6 9.4±10.2 1.47E-13 5.15E-12 CCND2 9.8±3.6 9.7±2.1 0±4.5 0.9219 1 CDH1 4.3±8.8 5.2±6.7 -0.9±11.2 0.4707 1 CDKN2A 54.1±13 45.2±10.8 8.9±16.5 2.18E-06 4.58E-05 COL1A2 16.8±11.6 10.8±5.3 6±12.5 1.62E-05 3.08E-04 CST6 22.8±9.3 18.4±6.8 4.4±10.9 2.40E-04 0.0041 DBC1 70.3±14.6 81.1±8.2 -9.9±13.9 6.21E-08 1.61E-06 DIRAS3 23.5±8.2 13.2±4 10.3±8.8 3.11E-18 1.31E-16 EGFR 8.3±5.7 10.5±5.7 -2.2±8.1 0.1833 0.0141 ESR1 3.6±7.5 2±1.9 1.6±7.8 0.0553 0.6083 ESR2 21±11.2 9.1±5.7 11.9±12.3 2.65E-14 9.54E-13 GREM1 16.6±3.3 14.6±1.9 2±3.8 4.29E-06 8.58E-05 GSTP1 4.7±6.6 2.9±1.3 1.8±6.5 0.1485 0.0099 HIC1 25.3±8.4 40.3±7.4 -15±10.5 3.96E-23 1.86E-21 HRAS 13.2±12.2 3±2.4 10.1±11.9 3.46E-12 1.11E-10 ICAM5 20.8±10.8 7.9±5.2 12.9±12 2.31E-16 9.24E-15 IGFBP3 1.7±2.4 1.7±2.9 0±4 0.9361 1 LAMA3 94.1±5.1 94.7±2.1 -0.7±5.3 0.2365 1 MGMT 0.7±0.3 0.7±0.3 0±0.4 0.6942 1 MLH1 12.9±7.5 3.2±2.3 9.8±7.7 4.95E-20 2.23E-18 NPY 20.3±11.4 7.2±4.5 13.1±12 7.82E-17 3.21E-15 PDGFRB 4.6±3.5 2±1.3 2.6±4 1.55E-08 4.34E-07 PGR 17.8±10.8 10.4±3 7.4±10.8 5.74E-09 1.66E-07 PPM1E The Validation Set Methylation level (Mean ± SD) T-test p Corrected 1 Tumor Normal Difference value2 p value3 72.9±8.6 70.3±7.9 2.6±12.8 0.0546 0.4212 17.3±13.6 6±2.8 11.2±14.1 3.71E-11 1.26E-09 11.3±15.1 1.9±3.9 9.4±14.5 3.67E-08 1.06E-06 55.5±8.6 61.4±5.7 -5.9±10.6 8.04E-07 2.01E-05 2.7±10.2 0.7±0.7 2±10.3 0.0751 0.4212 0.9±1.4 0.7±0.5 0.2±1.5 0.1613 0.4839 3.2±3.9 2.2±2.6 0.9±4.5 0.0517 0.4212 3.1±5.1 1±0.7 2.1±5 1.10E-04 0.0019 14.4±11.9 3.7±2.3 10.5±11.9 3.96E-12 1.46E-10 9.9±3.7 8.9±2.3 1±4.7 0.4212 0.0468 19.9±10.5 15.3±6.1 4.6±12.7 8.84E-04 0.0133 57.4±15.9 46.3±10.3 11±19.7 7.17E-07 1.86E-05 14.8±11.2 9±4.2 5.9±11.9 1.11E-05 2.55E-04 25.5±12.1 19.1±6.6 6.2±13.8 9.17E-05 0.0017 74.6±15.3 82.1±8.5 -7.7±16.4 7.01E-04 0.0112 24.2±11 12.5±4.2 11.8±11.7 1.99E-14 8.76E-13 7.2±4.7 11.2±5.7 -4.1±6.7 3.54E-07 9.56E-06 4.3±11.3 1.9±1.8 2.2±11.2 0.0859 0.4212 20±14 10.2±5.4 9.8±15.3 3.11E-08 9.33E-07 17.1±4.7 14.2±3.3 2.9±4.8 1.74E-07 4.87E-06 4±4.4 2.5±2.1 1.4±4 0.001 0.0140 28.3±10.6 41.7±6.4 -13.7±11.9 5.20E-17 2.44E-15 13.4±12.3 2.9±2.5 10.4±12.1 1.34E-12 5.23E-11 18.5±10.9 9.2±4.7 9.2±11.4 9.32E-11 3.08E-09 1.5±1.8 1±1.2 0.5±2.3 0.4100 0.0410 94.9±2.3 95±2.2 -0.1±3 0.7554 0.7554 0.8±0.5 0.7±0.3 0.1±0.6 0.0508 0.4212 13.4±10.8 3.6±2.1 9.7±10.4 5.10E-14 2.14E-12 20.8±12.6 8.1±4 12.7±12.9 4.48E-15 2.02E-13 4.7±4.5 2.2±1.8 2.6±5 3.63E-06 8.71E-05 18±11.1 10.2±3.1 7.7±10.8 1.86E-09 5.95E-08 PRKCDBP PTGS2 RASSF1 RECK RUNX3 SFN SFRP1 SFRP2 SOX17 SYK TERT TGFBR2 THBS1 TIMP3 TNFRSF10D WIF1 WRN 1 2 8.8±7.1 11.4±8.9 0.9±0.6 52.5±9.7 13.5±13.3 32.8±5.6 17.5±10.4 28.7±16.3 26.1±10.6 2.8±2.9 38.2±16 1.7±0.9 1.7±1.8 10.8±7.4 20±14 6.7±6.8 26.1±10.9 4.1±3.1 2.5±2.2 1.3±2.3 50.5±6.5 3.6±3.9 46.6±8.7 6.8±3.2 7±6.6 9.6±4.9 3.5±3.1 16.3±9.6 1.1±0.6 1.6±1.7 5.6±4.8 6.2±4.5 2.3±1.6 11.7±5.9 4.7±7.2 8.8±9.1 -0.4±2.5 1.9±8.8 9.8±13.2 -13.8±9.6 10.7±10.7 21.8±17.5 16.4±11.6 -0.7±4.5 21.8±20.7 0.6±1.1 0.1±2.5 5.1±9.3 13.8±15.1 4.4±7 14.5±12.3 2.10E-08 1.60E-14 0.1707 0.0425 4.03E-10 3.07E-23 5.28E-15 1.63E-19 7.17E-23 0.1416 7.76E-16 1.32E-06 0.8134 1.24E-06 2.25E-13 6.53E-08 2.47E-18 5.67E-07 5.92E-13 1 0.5100 1.21E-08 1.47E-21 2.01E-13 7.17E-18 3.30E-21 1 3.03E-14 2.90E-05 1 2.85E-05 7.65E-12 1.63E-06 1.06E-16 9±8.5 3.3±2.8 13.3±12.2 3±2.7 1.5±3.9 1±0.3 53.9±10.2 51.1±5.9 8.6±11.8 2.8±2 36.2±7.1 43.6±8 16.9±11.2 7.1±3.8 28±21.1 6.3±6.2 24.8±11.9 9.4±5 3.3±3.1 4.2±3.1 39.1±19.3 18.1±10.8 1.5±1.2 0.9±0.4 1.6±2.1 1.1±0.5 10.4±12.3 4.4±3.4 18.7±15.3 6.1±4.8 5.2±5.3 2.4±1.7 26.8±11.3 12.9±6.1 5.7±8.8 10.3±11.9 0.5±3.9 2.8±9.7 5.9±11.8 -7.5±9.2 9.7±11.5 21.6±23.5 15.6±12.8 -0.8±3.4 20.9±21 0.7±1.3 0.6±2.1 6±12.9 12.6±15 2.8±5.7 13.9±13 1.83E-08 9.69E-13 0.2428 0.0071 1.77E-05 1.15E-11 3.90E-12 4.36E-13 1.22E-18 0.0277 3.45E-14 1.72E-05 0.0171 5.45E-05 3.84E-12 1.24E-05 1.49E-15 5.67E-07 3.88E-11 0.4856 0.0923 3.61E-04 4.03E-10 1.46E-10 1.79E-11 5.86E-17 0.3047 1.48E-12 3.61E-04 0.2052 0.0010 1.46E-10 2.73E-04 6.85E-14 Difference: the mean of tumor methylation level minus the mean of normal methylation level; p value calculated with paired T-test; 3 Corrected p value using the Holm's procedure; p value<0.05 in bold; SD, standard deviation. Online Resource Table 4 Correlation of the gene methylation level with each breast cancer subtypes in tumor tissues Methylation level (mean±SD) Non-BasalCorrected Gene Basal-like like p value1 (n=23) p value2 (n=157) ACADL 65.8±10.9 73.2±7.9 1.25E-04 0.0235 ADAMTSL1 9.1±7.5 17.8±12.9 0.0012 0.2187 APC 7.8±12.2 13.4±15.4 0.0546 1 BMP6 60.4±11.2 55.1±7.4 0.0303 1 BRCA1 6.6±18.9 1.8±5.6 0.7922 1 BRCA2 0.7±0.3 0.9±1.1 0.4418 1 CADM1 3.3±4.7 3.5±4.1 0.8859 1 CAV1 2.5±6.4 3.3±4.1 0.0055 0.9495 CCND2 8.6±9.1 14.1±10.7 0.0075 1 CDH1 9.9±4 9.8±3.6 0.9402 1 CDKN2A 16.5±15.1 11.5±11.9 0.0893 1 COL1A2 61.7±16.2 54.9±14.1 0.0552 1 CST6 10.2±6.4 16.5±11.8 0.0114 1 DBC1 22.7±11.3 24±11.1 0.5702 1 DIRAS3 70±20.9 72.8±16.2 0.6840 1 EGFR 22.2±11.7 23.5±9.8 0.2430 1 ESR1 8.1±6.8 7.7±5.4 0.9198 1 ESR2 2±2.9 4±9.7 0.2870 1 GREM1 19±15.6 20.6±12.3 0.2870 1 GSTP1 15.3±3.4 17.1±4.2 0.0158 1 HIC1 4.9±6 4.2±5.5 0.7366 1 HRAS 24±8.2 27.1±10.5 0.2009 1 ICAM5 6.7±8.1 14.2±12.4 4.75E-04 0.0879 IGFBP3 12.1±8.8 20.4±11 5.58E-04 0.1026 LAMA3 1.9±2.5 1.6±2.1 0.6824 1 MGMT 92.5±8.4 94.8±2.8 0.4444 1 MLH1 0.6±0.3 0.7±0.4 0.3763 1 NPY 7.1±7.7 14±9.2 5.48E-05 0.0104 PDGFRB 18.5±16 20.9±11.3 0.1134 1 PGR 5.3±5.9 4.6±3.7 0.8421 1 PPM1E 11.8±6.4 18.7±11.2 0.0016 0.2923 PRKCDBP 6.5±5.6 9.2±8 0.1134 1 PTGS2 5.1±6.5 13.4±10.8 8.59E-06 0.0016 RASSF1 2.6±7.6 1±0.7 0.1245 1 RECK 49.1±14.9 53.8±8.9 0.1644 1 RUNX3 3.6±6 11.7±13.1 4.69E-05 0.0090 Methylation level (mean±SD) HER2- Non-HER2Corrected enriched enriched p value1 p value2 (n=17) (n=163) 72.5±5.2 72.2±8.9 0.6265 1 11.3±12.7 17.3±12.5 0.0164 1 13.9±16.8 12.6±15 0.6758 1 57.3±10.9 55.6±7.9 0.5788 1 0.7±0.4 2.6±9 0.6580 1 0.7±0.2 0.9±1.1 0.3514 1 3.4±4.1 3.4±4.1 0.8737 1 1.2±1 3.4±4.6 0.0051 0.8934 13.1±12.9 13.4±10.5 0.5361 1 10.9±4.6 9.7±3.5 0.3365 1 16.5±14.4 11.7±12.2 0.1655 1 58.9±16.7 55.4±14.3 0.4646 1 15.7±9.7 15.7±11.6 0.6830 1 22.8±12.6 23.9±11 0.5990 1 80.4±13.1 71.6±17 0.0655 1 18.9±10.3 23.8±9.9 0.0684 1 9.3±5.6 7.6±5.6 0.1957 1 7.7±20.9 3.3±6.8 0.6884 1 19.2±13.5 20.5±12.7 0.6024 1 17.2±4.5 16.8±4.1 0.5297 1 2.8±2 4.5±5.8 0.3907 1 31.3±12.4 26.2±9.9 0.1794 1 15.1±13.7 13.1±12.1 0.6058 1 18.3±10.6 19.5±11.1 0.7083 1 1.4±0.9 1.6±2.2 0.4324 1 95.2±1.8 94.4±4.2 0.7302 1 0.8±0.5 0.7±0.4 0.4706 1 12.8±10.8 13.2±9.1 0.6196 1 17.7±9.8 20.9±12.2 0.4353 1 6.1±4.5 4.5±4 0.0620 1 17.8±14.9 17.8±10.5 0.3934 1 12.4±10 8.5±7.5 0.1377 1 11±12.6 12.5±10.6 0.2700 1 0.9±0.4 1.2±2.9 0.9551 1 55.9±10.8 52.9±9.8 0.4827 1 4.7±9.7 11.3±12.9 0.0019 0.3431 Methylation level (mean±SD) NonCorrected Luminal Luminal p value1 A (n=55) p value2 A (n=125) 75.2±7.8 71±8.7 2.24E-04 0.0418 18±13.4 16.1±12.3 0.4440 1 11.9±15 13±15.2 0.9221 1 55.1±6.9 56.1±8.7 0.7152 1 1.1±1.8 2.9±10.2 0.2603 1 1.2±1.8 0.7±0.4 0.2113 1 2.6±2.3 3.8±4.7 0.2696 1 3.6±4.3 3±4.5 0.0162 1 13.3±10.7 13.4±10.7 0.9381 1 9.9±3.3 9.8±3.7 0.5014 1 14.8±11.4 11±12.8 0.0130 1 53.6±15.3 56.7±14.2 0.2805 1 14.6±10.3 16.2±11.9 0.4703 1 22.7±11 24.3±11.2 0.3548 1 72.1±17.3 72.6±16.7 0.9851 1 23.8±9.4 23.1±10.3 0.5541 1 7±5.4 8.2±5.7 0.1074 1 2.7±6 4.2±10.2 0.1496 1 18.4±12.4 21.3±12.8 0.1466 1 16.6±4 16.9±4.2 0.6967 1 3.4±2.7 4.7±6.4 0.9567 1 29.4±10.4 25.6±10 0.0095 1 14.8±13.3 12.6±11.7 0.2436 1 20.2±10.8 19±11.2 0.5376 1 1.2±1.7 1.8±2.3 0.0190 1 95±3 94.3±4.4 0.1545 1 0.8±0.5 0.7±0.4 0.8340 1 13.3±8.6 13.1±9.6 0.6095 1 18.8±10.4 21.4±12.6 0.2159 1 3.1±2.3 5.4±4.4 1.30E-04 0.0243 19.6±11.7 17±10.5 0.1406 1 8±5.7 9.3±8.6 0.9641 1 13.9±11.6 11.7±10.3 0.1618 1 1±0.5 1.3±3.3 0.5879 1 53±8.5 53.3±10.5 0.7835 1 10.2±10.4 10.9±13.6 0.0681 1 Methylation level (mean±SD) NonCorrected Luminal B Luminal B p value1 (n=79) p value2 (n=101) 71.9±8.5 72.5±8.8 0.5120 1 19.6±12.5 14.4±12.4 0.0012 0.2187 14±15.7 11.6±14.7 0.4024 1 54.6±7.1 56.7±8.9 0.1600 1 2.5±7.7 2.3±9.3 0.9598 1 0.8±0.4 1±1.4 0.7370 1 3.6±4.3 3.3±4 0.9368 1 3.6±4.4 2.8±4.5 0.1750 1 14.5±10.6 12.5±10.7 0.1335 1 9.6±3.6 10±3.6 0.3586 1 9±11.2 14.7±12.9 0.0011 0.1927 54.7±12.9 56.5±15.7 0.4288 1 18.3±13.3 13.7±9.3 0.0303 1 25.2±11.1 22.7±11 0.0787 1 71.5±16.2 73.2±17.4 0.4105 1 24.3±10.1 22.6±10 0.1723 1 7.8±4.9 7.8±6.1 0.5711 1 4.3±8.2 3.3±9.8 0.0294 1 23.1±11.9 18.3±13 0.0039 0.6824 17.4±4.4 16.4±3.8 0.0977 1 5.1±7.3 3.7±3.7 0.8797 1 25±9.9 28.1±10.4 0.0573 1 14.1±11.9 12.6±12.4 0.2299 1 21±11.3 18.1±10.8 0.0775 1 1.9±2.5 1.4±1.8 0.2471 1 94.6±2.9 94.4±4.7 0.6602 1 0.7±0.3 0.7±0.4 0.8210 1 14.7±9.4 11.9±9 0.0254 1 23.1±12 18.6±11.6 0.0059 1 4.9±3.6 4.5±4.3 0.1220 1 18.2±10.1 17.5±11.5 0.3321 1 9.6±9.1 8.3±6.6 0.9231 1 14.1±10.1 11±11.1 0.0065 1 1±0.9 1.3±3.6 0.1971 1 53.5±8.7 52.9±10.8 0.8143 1 14.5±15 7.7±9.6 0.0040 0.6973 SFN SFRP1 SFRP2 SOX17 SYK TERT TGFBR2 THBS1 TIMP3 TNFRSF10D WIF1 WRN 1 36.1±8.2 13.6±9.7 16.7±19.4 22.9±13.3 2.2±2.7 36.8±22.8 1.5±1.1 1.1±0.8 5.5±3.9 15.5±15.8 4.9±4 22.9±11 34.3±6.3 17.7±10.8 30±18.3 25.9±11.2 3±3 38.6±17.1 1.6±1.1 1.7±2 11.1±10.5 19.9±14.4 6.1±6.3 26.2±11.5 0.1469 0.0429 2.82E-04 0.2430 0.0594 0.5908 0.6481 0.0736 0.0016 0.0934 0.4970 0.2643 1 1 0.0524 1 1 1 1 1 0.2923 1 1 1 35.5±5.7 23±14.8 29.5±23.1 28.8±12.1 3.3±3.5 37.1±22.4 1.6±1 2.2±3.9 8.2±5.7 15.8±14.7 5.6±5 25.6±11.2 34.4±6.7 16.6±10.1 28.2±18.5 25.1±11.4 2.8±2.9 38.5±17.4 1.6±1.1 1.6±1.6 10.7±10.4 19.7±14.6 6±6.2 25.8±11.6 0.5075 0.0634 0.9746 0.1114 0.9085 0.6230 0.8163 0.9785 0.5169 0.2434 0.8930 0.7192 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35.1±6.7 16.8±8.7 31.1±18.6 22.6±10 2.8±2.5 41.1±16.9 1.3±0.8 1.6±1.6 11±10.4 19±15.6 5.7±6.3 26.5±13 34.2±6.5 17.4±11.5 27.1±19 26.8±11.9 2.9±3.2 37.1±18.2 1.7±1.2 1.7±2.1 10.2±9.9 19.5±14.2 6±6 25.5±10.8 0.3523 0.7644 0.1864 0.0163 0.8437 0.2194 0.0470 0.7175 0.7573 0.7526 0.9270 0.8170 p value calculated with Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test and 2 Corrected p value using the Holm's procedure for all 4*48 testings, p -value<0.05 in bold 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.5±6.3 17±10.9 29.7±17.2 27.6±11.7 3.2±3.3 37.2±16.4 1.7±1.3 1.8±1.8 11.8±11.6 21.2±13.4 6.7±6.8 26±10.7 35.3±6.7 17.4±10.6 27.2±20.2 23.8±11.1 2.7±2.7 39.3±19 1.4±0.9 1.6±2 9.3±8.6 17.9±15.4 5.3±5.4 25.6±12.2 0.0323 0.6498 0.1600 0.0453 0.1071 0.6129 0.1669 0.3586 0.0840 0.0581 0.1419 0.9254 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Online Resource Table 5 Correlation of the tumor methylation level of the 48 genes with ER/PR/HER2 status Methylation level (mean±SD) ER ER Corrected Gene Positive Negative p value1 p value2 (n=131) (n=49) ACADL 73.6±7.7 68.8±10.1 5.22E-04 0.0230 ADAMTSL1 18.9±13.0 10.8±9.6 4.38E-05 0.0020 APC 13.1±15.3 11.4±14.8 0.3060 1 BMP6 55.0±6.9 57.9±10.7 0.1522 1 BRCA1 1.3±3.2 5.1±15.4 0.6309 1 BRCA2 0.9±1.2 0.7±0.3 0.4245 1 CADM1 3.4±4.1 3.5±4.2 0.7081 1 CAV1 3.6±4.4 1.9±4.4 1.72E-05 7.91E-04 CCND2 14.1±10.5 11.2±11.0 0.0223 0.8151 CDH1 9.7±3.5 10.3±3.9 0.3106 1 CDKN2A 11.4±11.6 14.2±14.3 0.2350 1 COL1A2 54.0±14.0 60.3±15.2 0.0182 0.6935 CST6 17.0±12.3 12.3±7.8 1 0.0366 DBC1 24.1±11.1 22.9±11.3 0.3725 1 DIRAS3 72.0±16.7 73.8±17.2 0.6207 1 EGFR 23.9±9.8 21.8±10.6 0.1322 1 ESR1 7.4±5.1 9.0±6.6 0.1531 1 ESR2 3.6±7.4 4.1±12.7 0.3447 1 GREM1 20.9±12.3 19.1±13.9 0.2453 1 GSTP1 17.1±4.2 16.0±3.7 0.0648 1 HIC1 4.5±5.9 3.8±4.5 0.3000 1 HRAS 27.0±10.3 26.0±10.1 0.3076 1 ICAM5 14.2±12.2 10.9±12.0 0.0134 0.5493 IGFBP3 20.8±10.9 15.5±10.7 0.0029 0.1233 LAMA3 1.6±2.3 1.6±1.8 0.2251 1 MGMT 94.8±3.0 93.8±5.9 0.3230 1 MLH1 0.7±0.4 0.7±0.4 0.8408 1 NPY 14.3±9.0 10.1±9.4 7.70E-04 0.0331 PDGFRB 21.4±11.5 18.3±13.1 0.0540 1 PGR 4.2±3.4 5.9±5.2 0.8151 0.0220 PPM1E 18.8±11.0 15.0±10.3 0.0163 0.6517 Methylation level (mean±SD) PR PR Corrected Positive Negative p value1 p value2 (n=107) (n=73) 73.3±8.5 70.7±8.8 0.2451 0.0056 19.3±12.4 12.9±12.1 8.75E-05 0.0040 13.0±15.1 12.3±15.2 0.6716 1 55.3±7.1 56.4±9.6 0.6674 1 2.0±6.4 2.9±11.0 0.9663 1 0.9±1.1 0.8±0.9 0.2923 1 3.0±3.2 4.1±5.1 0.2528 1 3.8±4.4 2.3±4.4 1.73E-06 8.14E-05 13.9±10.0 12.5±11.6 0.1184 1 9.4±3.2 10.4±4.0 0.0802 1 10.4±11.5 14.8±13.3 0.0077 0.3317 55.2±13.4 56.5±16.2 0.6463 1 17.2±12.5 13.4±9.4 0.0848 1 24.3±11.5 23.1±10.6 0.6579 1 71.8±14.8 73.4±19.6 0.1835 1 24.2±9.5 22.0±10.8 0.1187 1 7.5±5.3 8.3±6.0 0.3086 1 4.0±7.9 3.4±10.6 0.6500 0.0155 20.7±11.6 20.0±14.3 0.3489 1 17.0±4.1 16.7±4.2 0.4655 1 4.4±6.1 4.1±4.7 0.6802 1 27.2±9.7 26.0±11.0 0.3565 1 14.5±12.5 11.4±11.5 0.0361 1 20.5±10.4 17.6±11.9 0.0477 1 1.5±1.9 1.7±2.4 0.3385 1 95.0±2.6 93.7±5.3 0.0833 1 0.7±0.4 0.7±0.4 0.5093 1 13.8±8.7 12.2±10.0 0.0812 1 21.2±11.4 19.6±12.8 0.2492 1 4.3±3.4 5.2±4.8 0.3641 1 19.2±11.3 15.7±10.0 0.0176 0.7235 Methylation level (mean±SD) HER2 HER2 Corrected Positive Negative p value1 p value2 (n=46) (n=112) 73.3±6.2 71.4±9.9 0.6737 1 17.1±13.3 16.9±12.7 0.9725 1 15.3±15.5 11.6±15.2 0.0324 1 55.9±9.2 55.6±8.0 0.8874 1 0.7±0.4 3.1±10.4 0.9238 1 0.7±0.3 1.0±1.3 0.1590 1 3.9±4.4 3.0±3.7 0.2324 1 2.5±4.0 3.3±4.6 1 0.0333 14.2±11.6 12.9±10.7 0.7162 1 10.2±3.9 9.8±3.7 0.5921 1 11.2±13.0 13.1±12.1 0.1779 1 55.5±12.5 55.4±15.3 0.7595 1 17.5±11.3 14.1±10.1 0.0777 1 25.4±10.6 23.0±11.6 0.0745 1 76.6±15.2 71.8±16.6 0.1071 1 23.3±10.9 23.6±9.9 0.8021 1 8.0±4.7 7.4±5.0 0.3787 1 5.3±14.5 3.2±6.4 0.4921 1 23.1±14.1 20.2±12.5 0.2703 1 18.1±5.1 16.3±3.5 1 0.0366 4.7±6.6 4.1±5.4 0.9970 1 28.3±11.3 26.3±9.8 0.3504 1 15.3±13.8 12.7±11.9 0.3367 1 20.1±10.7 18.9±11.2 0.4765 1 1.7±1.8 1.4±1.7 0.3644 1 94.8±2.3 94.5±4.5 0.3850 1 0.8±0.4 0.7±0.4 0.3160 1 15.0±10.4 12.5±8.9 0.2178 1 22.4±11.0 19.3±12.5 0.0470 1 5.7±4.0 4.1±3.9 0.1429 0.0030 20.9±13.7 16.7±9.9 0.0836 1 PRKCDBP PTGS2 RASSF1 RECK RUNX3 SFN SFRP1 SFRP2 SOX17 SYK TERT TGFBR2 THBS1 TIMP3 TNFRSF10D WIF1 WRN 1 8.8±7.8 14.1±10.7 1.0±0.7 53.3±8.7 13.0±13.4 34.4±6.3 16.7±9.8 29.9±17.7 25.3±11.3 2.9±2.9 38.5±16.8 1.5±1.1 1.7±1.7 11.3±11.1 20.6±14.5 6.2±6.7 26.3±11.6 9.1±7.8 0.7687 7.9±9.4 7.99E-06 1.7±5.2 0.5361 52.9±12.8 0.9910 4.6±7.9 1.75E-08 34.7±7.2 0.6796 18.6±13.0 0.5662 24.1±21.6 0.0178 25.9±12.2 0.4339 3.0±3.3 0.5804 37.9±20.8 0.8033 1.7±1.1 0.4043 1.5±2.4 0.2313 8.1±5.7 0.1522 15.8±14.6 0.0250 5.2±4.2 0.5361 24.4±11.1 0.5069 1 3.75E-04 1 1 8.38E-07 1 1 0.6934 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.8745 1 1 8.6±7.6 13.9±10.9 1.0±0.8 53.3±8.9 13.6±13.3 33.8±6.0 17.9±10.3 30.4±17.1 24.8±10.9 3.1±3.0 38.5±15.1 1.6±1.1 1.7±1.7 11.4±10.6 20.4±14.3 6.5±7.1 26.8±11.7 9.2±8.2 0.7898 10.1±10.2 0.0018 1.4±4.3 0.7920 53.0±11.3 0.9454 6.4±10.5 9.81E-08 35.6±7.2 0.0948 16.1±11.4 0.1140 25.2±21.1 0.0246 26.5±12.3 0.3086 2.6±2.9 0.0927 38.1±21.4 0.6030 1.6±1.1 0.9640 1.6±2.2 0.2409 9.1±9.0 0.0398 17.7±15.1 0.1642 5.1±4.1 0.3641 24.4±11.1 0.3611 1 0.0825 1 1 4.71E-06 1 1 0.9839 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12.0±11.1 15.1±11.2 1.0±0.9 53.4±9.3 11.3±14.2 34.2±5.8 20.3±12.3 29.6±19.5 29.5±11.8 3.1±3.7 35.2±18.1 1.6±1.0 2.0±2.9 11.0±13.0 19.8±13.5 8.0±8.2 26.3±10.7 7.7±5.9 11.4±10.5 1.0±0.6 52.5±10.3 10.3±11.5 34.4±6.8 16.0±10.0 28.1±19.3 24.5±11.7 2.9±2.7 39.5±17.7 1.5±1.2 1.6±1.6 9.8±7.9 18.7±14.9 5.2±5.1 25.7±11.6 p value calculated with Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test and 2 Corrected p value using the Holm's procedure, p -value<0.05 in bold 0.1448 0.0315 0.1706 0.7888 0.3849 0.7858 0.0318 0.5974 0.0098 0.8154 0.1867 0.2080 0.8783 0.9116 0.5815 0.0673 0.6419 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4597 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Online Resource Table 6 Correlation of the tumor methylation level of the 48 genes with P53 mutation, lymph node metastasis status and age Methylation level (mean±SD) P53 P53 Corrected Gene Positive Negative p value1 p value2 (n=141) (n=39) ACADL 72.5±7.8 71.5±11.2 0.8363 1 ADAMTSL1 17.1±12.8 15.3±12.0 0.4275 1 APC 13.6±15.6 9.2±12.9 0.2094 1 BMP6 55.5±8.0 56.7±8.8 0.4885 1 BRCA1 2.3±8.5 2.5±8.9 0.4439 1 BRCA2 0.9±1.2 0.8±0.4 0.5940 1 CADM1 3.5±4.3 3.2±3.4 0.7323 1 CAV1 3.3±4.8 2.6±2.8 0.8635 1 CCND2 13.4±10.7 13.1±10.9 0.7167 1 CDH1 9.8±3.6 10.0±3.7 0.8608 1 CDKN2A 13.2±12.4 8.5±12.3 1 0.0320 COL1A2 55.0±14.8 58.3±13.6 0.1762 1 CST6 15.8±12.0 15.4±9.4 0.5354 1 DBC1 24.2±11.1 22.5±11.3 0.3998 1 DIRAS3 72.7±16.4 71.4±18.4 0.7323 1 EGFR 23.0±10.1 24.4±9.8 0.3115 1 ESR1 7.7±5.7 8.2±5.2 0.4522 1 ESR2 4.0±10.0 2.9±4.7 0.6731 1 GREM1 20.4±12.8 20.3±12.7 0.9765 1 GSTP1 17.0±4.2 16.3±3.7 0.4995 1 HIC1 4.7±6.1 3.1±2.7 0.2107 1 . 7 HRAS 26.7±10.1 26.8±10.8 0.7012 1 ICAM5 13.4±12.2 12.7±12.3 0.3388 1 IGFBP3 19.5±11.1 19.0±11.0 0.8472 1 LAMA3 1.7±2.3 1.4±1.7 0.2673 1 MGMT 94.5±4.2 94.4±3.3 0.4076 1 MLH1 0.7±0.4 0.7±0.4 0.4460 1 NPY 13.1±9.5 13.2±8.7 0.8228 1 PDGFRB 20.6±12.5 20.5±10.0 0.6183 1 PGR 4.8±4.4 4.1±2.5 0.8120 1 PPM1E 17.3±10.4 19.6±12.4 0.2733 1 Methylation level (mean±SD) Node Node Corrected p positive negative p value1 value2 (n=73) (n=106) 72.7±7.1 72.0±9.6 0.9953 1 17.4±12.3 16.2±12.9 0.3112 1 12.4±15.3 12.5±14.7 0.5147 1 56.4±8.9 55.4±7.7 0.5165 1 2.1±5.6 2.6±10.2 0.9766 1 0.8±0.4 0.9±1.3 0.7379 1 3.4±4.2 3.5±4.1 0.4867 1 3.1±5.0 3.2±4.0 0.4577 1 11.5±9.7 14.5±11.2 0.0812 1 9.4±3.7 10.1±3.6 0.0628 1 12.0±12.1 12.4±12.7 0.8349 1 58.5±13.7 54.0±14.8 0.0482 1 13.9±9.2 16.8±12.6 0.1633 1 24.3±11.7 23.4±10.8 0.5015 1 75.4±17.4 70.5±16.3 0.0128 0.5740 23.0±11.0 23.4±9.2 0.7512 1 7.2±5.9 8.3±5.4 0.0926 1 4.2±11.5 3.5±7.1 0.3043 1 22.3±13.1 19.0±12.4 0.0870 1 17.0±3.6 16.6±4.4 0.0955 1 4.3±6.5 4.2±4.4 1 0.0479 0.0 79 27.1±11.5 26.5±9.4 0.7939 1 13.2±12.1 13.4±12.4 0.8212 1 18.4±10.1 19.8±11.6 0.5052 1 1.7±2.4 1.5±2.0 0.5052 1 94.2±5.0 94.7±3.2 0.7490 1 0.7±0.4 0.7±0.4 0.8810 1 13.1±9.9 13.1±8.9 0.7646 1 21.8±11.8 19.5±11.9 0.1219 1 3.8±2.4 5.3±4.8 0.0870 1 16.7±11.4 18.5±10.6 0.0683 1 Methylation level (mean±SD) age<=50 (n=99) age>50 (n=81) p value1 Corrected p value2 71.8±9.4 17±13 10.7±14.1 56±8.6 3.1±10.9 1±1.4 3±2.9 2.6±3.7 13.5±10.9 9.7±3.7 13.6±12.8 56.5±14.1 14.6±10.9 25.2±11.1 72.8±17.6 22.8±9.9 7.9±4.8 2.2±3.4 20±12.7 16.7±4.3 3.5±4.1 26.9±10 11.4±11.4 18.3±11.2 1.8±2.3 94.7±2.8 0.7±0.4 12.3±9.2 19.4±11.6 4.5±4.2 17.5±11.1 72.9±7.6 16.3±12.3 15.1±16 55.4±7.7 1.4±4.1 0.7±0.3 3.9±5.2 3.8±5.1 13.2±10.5 9.9±3.5 10.5±11.8 54.8±15.2 17±12 22.1±11 72±16 23.9±10.2 7.7±6.5 5.6±12.8 20.8±12.8 17±3.9 5.3±6.8 26.5±10.6 15.5±12.8 20.7±10.8 1.4±2 94.3±5.1 0.7±0.4 14.2±9.4 22±12.3 4.9±3.8 18.2±10.8 0.5760 0.7836 0.0694 0.8506 0.9027 0.9301 0.6199 0.1836 0.8495 0.5374 0.0792 0.3628 0.1469 0.0637 0.5460 0.3040 0.3122 0.0937 0.6673 0.3720 0.0055 0.7529 0.0252 0.1121 0.5450 0.6862 0.2519 0.1337 0.1707 0.2413 0.4838 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.2617 . 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRKCDBP PTGS2 RASSF1 RECK RUNX3 SFN SFRP1 SFRP2 SOX17 SYK TERT TGFBR2 THBS1 TIMP3 TNFRSF10D WIF1 WRN 1 8.6±7.9 12.1±10.7 1.3±3.1 53.4±10.3 10.1±12.0 34.8±6.7 16.6±9.8 27.5±18.4 25.4±11.6 3.0±3.1 37.6±18.3 1.6±1.1 1.7±2.1 10.3±10.6 19.6±14.9 5.7±6.0 26.2±11.5 10.0±7.7 13.3±11.1 0.9±0.8 52.6±8.6 12.8±15.0 33.4±6.2 19.2±13.5 31.2±20.8 25.9±11.2 2.6±2.3 40.9±16.3 1.6±1.0 1.5±1.1 11.0±7.9 18.5±13.8 6.9±6.6 24.5±11.5 0.1774 0.6257 0.0239 0.5750 0.6643 0.2081 0.4627 0.4115 0.9792 0.8923 0.3388 0.8418 0.1830 0.2599 0.7932 0.2628 . 0.3921 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.0±8.3 12.7±10.9 1.4±4.3 53.4±11.3 7.7±10.4 35.6±7.2 18.5±11.7 29.9±19.9 25.4±11.9 2.6±3.1 34.1±16.8 1.5±1.3 1.5±1.5 9.2±11.2 18.9±13.2 5.1±5.6 24.9±11.6 8.8±7.5 12.1±10.7 1.0±0.8 53.0±8.9 12.6±13.8 33.8±6.0 16.4±10.0 27.2±18.3 25.5±11.3 3.1±2.9 41.6±17.8 1.6±0.9 1.8±2.2 11.4±9.2 19.4±15.4 6.5±6.4 26.2±11.3 0.7028 0.7579 0.3269 0.7939 0.0077 0.2560 0.2122 0.3754 0.8212 0.1760 0.0052 0.0828 0.2749 0.0120 0.8418 0.0572 . 7 0.6095 1 1 1 1 0.3616 1 1 1 1 1 0.2496 1 1 0.5514 1 1 1 9±8.6 11±9.2 1±0.8 52±9.3 10.6±13 33.6±6.9 15.9±9.5 28.2±20.3 25.3±11.6 2.6±2.7 38.7±18 1.5±1.2 1.9±2.4 9.9±10 19.3±15.3 5.1±4.5 25.4±11.4 8.7±6.8 14.1±12.2 1.4±4.1 54.7±10.5 10.8±12.5 35.5±6 18.8±11.9 28.4±17.3 25.7±11.5 3.3±3.3 37.9±17.9 1.6±0.9 1.4±1.1 11.1±10.1 19.4±13.9 6.9±7.5 26.2±11.7 p value calculated with Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test and 2 Corrected p value using the Holm's procedure, p value<0.05 in bold 0.7075 0.1707 0.9507 0.0664 0.9920 0.0494 0.1501 0.6736 0.7792 0.0690 0.8823 0.0917 0.6038 0.4469 0.7572 0.1293 . 9 0.4435 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Online Resource Fig. 1
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