February 4, 2015 THOUGHTS FROM BRYAN David McCasland describes a long layover at an airport. He tells how he noticed that one business in the main terminal attracted more people than any other. For hours, a steady stream of customers approached with cash in hand, stood in line, made a purchase and left quickly. All seemed to know exactly what they wanted. The thriving business was a lottery sales office. Even though the chance of winning the big Powerball Jackpot was 1 in 146 million, McCasland says people seemed compelled to spend something, and in almost every case, get nothing. This is a vivid picture of our enduring quest for satisfaction and security in material things. Isn’t that a common dream of many – to find the “big score?” But as we know 145,999,999 people never receive it – they get nothing. It seems to me the root issue is not the lottery or any other means people use to pursue this pipe dream, but contentment – can we be satisfied with what God has blessed us with. I have a friend who knows this all too well. He took money out of his retirement to invest in a “sure thing.” He shared with me that this was a no-brainer and even recruited others to invest. I asked him what he would do if this financial windfall became a reality and he said (after giving to the church), “Build a big house with a bowling alley in it!” Well as you can guess my friend does not have a bowling alley in his house or his retirement money. He still lives in the wonderful, three-bedroom house he and his wife have lived in for fifteen years, but there is one problem - he does not enjoy it. He went for the “big score” and like 145,999,999 others got nothing; but my friend lost even more than money – he lost his peace. He hates his house because he always compares it to the house he never even owned. This is what a lack of contentment does, it steals our joy in the blessings we do have and causes resentment because of things we don’t. This is what Paul speaks about in Philippians 4:11-13 when he writes, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” NIV FAITH AVENUE “The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:9-11. Congratulations to Michael Herring! Michael recited the Old and New Testament Books of the Bible last Wednesday night! He did a tremendous job! Michael is in kindergarten at Pine Grove Elementary School. We are so proud of Michael, and so thankful for Tommy, April, and Thomas for encouraging Michael in this tremendous accomplishment! What a fun lunch yesterday with Chris Quinn! Chris saved up 30 Bible Bucks and invited his big brother, John, to join him. We had lunch at Austin’s and the popcorn shrimp and cheeseburgers were reported to be quite delicious! I learned quite a lot about the Super Bowl, as well as enjoying an exciting game of “I Spy!” Again, I continue to be so impressed with our young parents and the wonderful job they are doing training their children. Kerry and Shanna are doing a great job encouraging their precious sons in their love for the Lord. Please join us this Wednesday night at Faith Avenue! Our two-year-old class will meet downstairs in their regular classroom. Our three year olds and four year olds, as well as our third, fourth, and fifth grades will meet in their regular classrooms. The kindergarten through second grade will meet in the theater for a singing class. We are beginning a new rotation this Sunday, February 8, on Daniel. The first reading for at-home Bible study is II Kings 24, 25; Daniel 1; and Jeremiah 25:1-14. These readings deal with the fall of Judah, and Daniel and his friends being deported to Babylon. Our memory verse is: “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. In every matter of wisdom and understanding the king found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.” Daniel 1:8, 20. Our two and three year olds are continuing their study of Moses. Their memory verse is: “And God said to Moses, I will be with you.” Exodus 3:12. The four year olds are studying Elijah and Elisha. We are looking forward to Sunday! Page 2 Herald of Encouragement BUILDING OUR DREAMS By John Klimko, Jr Bible Reading Marathon THANK YOU NOTE Dear Central Family: The family of Frances Sumner Copeland would like to thank all the folks at Central Avenue Church of Christ for the kind words, prayers, flowers, and food during our time of loss. It is apparent that this is a Caroline Deming Scholarship loving and giving congregation and we are It is that time of the year when our extremely grateful. Our loss is great, but teens who will be graduating from high our realization that our Church family gives school are able to apply for the Caroline even greater comfort brings peace. Deming Scholarship. Caroline was a Glenn Copeland and member of the Central Avenue congreBeth Copeland Greene gation who passed from this life in 2009, and her family established this scholarship in her honor back in 2010. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE If you are a member of the Central The next Red Cross blood drive at congregation who will be graduating this Central has been scheduled for Sunday, Spring, please contact me at johnklimMay 3. Please mark your calendar and save [email protected] in order to receive an your blood for the Central blood drive. application. After all applications are completed, they will be forwarded to the family of Caroline Deming for their HOUSE PARENTS review – her family will then decide on NEEDED who they believe is the most deserving of PLEASE HELP US! Raintree Village the scholarship. Children's Home is in desperate need for The deadline for contacting me and returning the completed application is live-in full time house parents: either couples or singles. Competitive salary with February 15th. ample time off. Medical benefits. Ministry ————————————————————— is available immediately. Contact: Kenny Holton (Executive Director) at (229) 559ATTENTION 5944 or by email: If any of the men are scheduled to [email protected]. serve in any captivity on a Sunday and know that you will be out of town, please BUS DRIVE/ NEEDED call William Dame, at 229-244-00537, or Georgia Christian School needs a bus Leigh Carter at 229-242-6115, to let driver for a morning and afternoon route them know, in order to fill your position starting January 7th. Please send all inquires in a timely manner. to Kent Copeland at: [email protected] or Burt ANNUAL FAMILY EGG Copeland at: bcopeland@georgiachristian. org. HUNT & PICNIC Green team – 27.78% Blue team – 35.92% Red team – 69.35% Ricky and Debbie Wisenbaker will be hosting our Annual Family Egg Hunt and Picnic scheduled for Sunday, March 29th, directly following morning worship services. Mark you calendar now to attend this fun family event. More info will be coming at a later date. SOUP KITCHEN The Soup Kitchen at Central is scheduled for Saturday, February 7th. If you would like to be a part of this ministry to our community please be at the building by 11:00 am. VISITATION Thanks to all who encourage others through the visitation ministry. The visitation team for this Sunday, February 8, is listed below. Please pick up assignments from the folder on the table in the office hall foyer near the Large Auditorium. M/M Michael Black Mrs. Loretta Brock M/M Byron Brown M/M Donny Bryan Mrs. Cathy Copeland M/M Mickey DeLoach Mrs. Sis Force M/M John McLeod OUR FATHER KNOWS BEST Bible thought: If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Matthew 7:11 What a horrendous thought! Daddy choosing my wife. Sending a servant to pick her out! And I have no voice in who it will be! What if I don’t like her? What if she doesn’t like me? What if it turns into a total disaster? Why can’t I just look around here at home? Then I can choose who my wife will be. I will have time to get to know her. I will have time to determine our compatibility. Likely Isaac did not have this conversation with his father, Abraham. Their culture would have prevented it. However, whatever the culture, it is clear that most parents want the very best for their children. Abraham wanted the best for his son, but more than that, he was obedient to the commands of God. It was God who drove the decision of Abraham and the process by which Rebekah was chosen. I expect that it turned out that Isaac was eternally grateful that he did not Page 3 NURSING HOMES HERITAGE HOUSE: Louise DeLoach (Hospice), Jackie Mathis, PRESBYTERIAN HOME: Melba Webb FELLOWSHIP HOME: Sylvia Higgins, Joyce Paine, Jeanne Jarvis, Sherolyn Ellenberg, Jane Little, George Clayton, Irene Brown WILDEWOOD DOWNS COLUMBIA, S.C.: Phoebie Slocum CRESTWOOD: Linda Jones ALPHARETTA: Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller BAPTIST VILLAGE: Stella Laurene Taylor REMEMBER IN PRAYER SGMC: Don Lockey COLUMBUS: Lucy Brownell ATLANTA: (Rehab) Gordon & Teffeteller, Hyde Maurice Clarke EMORY: Redden Hart Elaine CENTRAL MEMBERS: Loretta Brock, Fannie Dasher, Clarence DeLoach, Marilyn Ellis, Karen Evans, Glenn Geren, Redden Hart, Allen & Mildred Lancaster, Laura McCall, Landon Noland, Audrey Swindle, Diane Walker, Leo & Mary Nell Wells, Lloyd Williams FRIENDS & FAMILY: Paul Anderson, Wanda Hall Arnold, Abbie Barfield, Joel Dasher, Delores Britt, Leon Black, Tim Brogdon, Buck Busby, John Crum, Wanda DeWeese, Reese Glass, Joe & Harriette Gray, Jimmy Jackson, Ray Norvell, Sr., Steve & Sandi Parrish, Wayne Shear, Debbie Starling, Beverly Strange, June Strawder, Earl Tipton, Rebecca Tomlinson, Pat Vann, Mitch Walker, Thomas Williams, Larry Youmans fight his father over the choice of Rebekah. His father did want the best for him. That is the challenge for each of us—to depend upon our Father to give us the good things we need to serve Him and worship Him. Penney F. Nichols —————————————————————— AREA WIDE LADIES RETREAT All ladies, high school age and older, are invited to the Ladies Retreat at the Timberlane church of Christ, 3569 Timberlane School Road, Tallahassee, FL., March 6-8. The Retreat will begin on Friday at 6:00 pm with check in, dinner and the opening presentation by the guest speaker, Mrs. Jennifer Webster of Hernando, Miss. The retreat will begin on Saturday at 8:30 am with breakfast, presentations, workshops, lunch and fun activities. They will conclude around 3:00 pm. BIRTHDAYS February 8: Kathryn King February 9: Asher Ferguson Sara Williams February 10: Fred McCrary February 12: Jenny Wisenbaker February 13: Marlin Luke YOUTH ICE SKATING EVENT Youth Ice Skating Event on Friday, February 20th, 4:30 PM till Midnight; skating from 7:30PM – 9:00PM Jacks o n v i l l e I ce a nd Sp o r t s p l e x (Jacksonville, FL) Bring $10 admission plus money for food. Sign-up sheet on Youth Bulletin Board. Bring along your friends as well. See Taylor’s or Hamilton’s for more information. ***************************** Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 MILITARY: Tyler Dees, William Harp, James McMullen,III, Skyler Pittman, Benjamin Starling, Johnny Tucker, Lorenzo Walker-Potts, Nick Walker-Potts DAILY PRAYER LIST February 5: Richard & Jan Hamlen February 6: Alton & Jan Hammock February 7: Jim & Jan Hampton February 8: Chip, Lisa, William, Foley, Cannon & Grace Margaret Harp February 9: Chloe & Ivey Harris February 10: Wivian & Rudene Harris February 11: Ruth Harrison MISSION OF THE WEEK Troy & Andrea Spradlin (Paraguay, South America) Avenida Sacramento Iglesia de Cristo Avenida Sacramento 650 C/Espana-Asuncion, Paraguay Home address: Casilla de Correo 13092 Shopping del Sol Asuncion, Paraguay Phone: (595) 0981-630-8886 E-Mail: [email protected] Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18 AT A GLANCE February 7: Soup Kitchen March 29: Family Egg Hunt & Picnic Men’s Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 7 am in the Annex Ladies Bible Class: Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Connector Christian Student Center: Devotional, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Page 4 Herald of Encouragement Central Avenue Church of Christ 304 East Central Avenue Valdosta, GA 31601-5704 ELDERS: Homer Anderson, Kevin Boyd, Byron Brown, Jerry DeLoach, G.R. Holton, Bill Malone, Leon Weeks MINISTERS: Bryan Jarvis, John Klimko, Jr. DEACONS: Jay Barfield, Donny Bryan, Jeremy Colson, Richard Hamlen, Anthony Herring, Ted Hundley, Pendleton Little, Jerry McMullen, Sr., Matt Malone, Chris Prine, John Stephenson, Clyde Tomlinson, Phillip Walker Church Office: Leigh Carter...........................................................Secretary Gail DeLoach…………................................................Bulletin Phone: (229) 242-6115........................Fax:(229) 242-6116 Visit Central on the Web.......................www.cacoc.com THE SHEPHERDS VOICE MISSIONS: Paraguay, New Zealand, Ukraine, China, Malawi, India, Preaching the Gospel (TV) Central Avenue Church of Christ Family Gatherings Sunday Bible Class...……………………………...………...…………….….9:30am Worship.………………..….…………………..………………………..….....10:30am Evening Worship……………………..……………………….…………….…6:00pm Wednesday Bible Class.……………………………………………..……….7:00pm For the Record: February 1, 2015 Bible Classes AM Worship PM Worship 271 400 129 SEG 3rd Sunday Mid-week PM Contribution 276 $13,295 $16,432 Over Budget $3,137 Budget STANDARDS CHRISTIANS SHOULD LIVE BY Let me start off by saying we all fall short. God made a plan for us to go to Heaven. His Son and our Savior is the only way any of us will enter the Kingdom. God wants us all to make it, but he knows that won’t happen. Most people are not willing to be faithful to His word. Faithfulness is what the Father expects of us. When God told Noah to build the Ark his faith was strong enough that he built it. It took him one hundred and twenty years to build the Ark but, he remained faithful. God told Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt. He did just that because of his faith. It was tough because of all the complaining and trials he went through but did as God requested and was saved. Abraham was told to take his only son to a place God choose and offer him as a sacrifice. God had already promised Abraham, that through him he would have heirs that couldn’t be counted, they would be so many. He didn’t understand but he was faithful. There are many examples in the word about Faithfulness. Our Lord gives us an understanding about what’s involved in being faithful. He tells us in Acts 5:29 to be obedient to the Lord. Just as those of long years ago were faithful and obedient. Matthew 7:21, we are told to do the will of the Father. The only way to do the will of the Father is to know His word. Don’t let this opportunity get by us, it is so important to study. We need to always walk in the Light (John 1:7). When we do this people know where we come from. This makes God pleased with us. Be a faithful and wise servant (Luke 12:42). Paul, Timothy, Peter and many others were always growing in knowledge, virtues, faithful in worship abounding in good works for the Lord, living righteous lives letting their lights shine, looking to the end of the world. They were looking to receive the crown of Life (Revelation 2:10). As Christians finish their lives on this earth there should be only one thing on their mind; I have finished the race now, give me that crown and to hear the words in Matthew 25:21-23, well done thy good and faithful servant. Our responsibility is to live our lives as faithful servants and let God take it from there. I believe Him and trust Him when he promises the faithful a place in Heaven. Let’s not get hung up on small trivial things that causes more harm than good and send us in the wrong direction. Be strong till the end. Love one another as he has commanded. As Christian’s we need to encourage. Make a commitment in the new year to move out of our comfort zone and try something different in our service to the Lord. You will be glad you did. jd
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