CONTACT FEBRUARY 2015 ‘Let us spur one another on to love and good works.’ (Hebrews chapter 10, verse 24) Chester Road Baptist Church Minister’s letter Dear Friends Draw near to God The bustle and busyness of Christmas and New Year are now behind us. While we hope the days will soon be getting warmer and longer when we can be more active and thinking about holidays, we are still in a relatively subdued and quiet time of year. Lent in particular gives us the chance to reflect. Further on in this edition of Contact, you will find details of our Lent groups, an opportunity to get back to the foundation of our faith. Between them, the four Gospels clearly stress the importance of Christ’s death – as much as a third of the entire gospel narrative is taken up with just the last week of Jesus’ earthly life – but in order to grasp how the Gospel writers understand the meaning and implications of the crucifixion we have to slow down, read between the lines a little and spot the connections that the authors are making. Our Lent groups will give us the chance to do this. Our verse for the year is from Hebrews 10:24: ‘Let us spur one another on to love and good works.’ This text underlines the importance of and need for adding depth to our fellowship. But it also makes clear that fellowship is for a purpose. As well as being part of a loving and supportive community, it is about encouraging each other to grow in the practical outworking of our faith, to turn what we believe into positive, concrete action, to turn love and compassion into words. As well as providing an opportunity for learning more about our common faith, sharing in the Lent groups gives the chance to meet new faces and to get to know old faces that bit better. In addition, we begin February with a fellowship day when members of the church will be giving and receiving hospitality. And please don’t forget to put Saturday May 23rd in your diary, a day for the whole church to gather, to spend time together, to be inspired and to develop our understanding of church life and the vision we have to be a healthy church in a sometimes needy and unhealthy world. Looking up, looking out We look up to God in order to look out to the world. In a healthy church, worship and fellowship lead to mission and service. Further on in Contact, there is information about how we can get behind one of our younger members David Ridal who, later this year, will start as an Associate at Christchurch, a lively student-orientated Anglican church which has become his spiritual home while reading geography in Durham. Please also remember Eric and Sarah Bafende-Smith and their two boys Gabriel and Joachim who, as you read this, should be settling into their new home in Guinea. Further north than Macenta, while their new base is thankfully outside the Ebola contamination zone, it is a more strongly Muslim area, presenting a tougher challenge for the Gospel message. And as team leaders, they will have additional administrative and leadership responsibilities. Finally, can I commend our student minister Mark and his wife Donna to your prayers. For some time, Mark has been sensing a call to church planting work on Castle Vale, an area of high need, largely hidden to most us of behind Sainsburys and the retail park adjacent to Chester Road. So far, all the doors have been opening and the lights turning green. In February, an application for Home Mission will go before the grants committee of the Heart of England Baptist Association. Mark is also preparing for a mission trip with other college students to Zimbabwe from later March to early April. Yours in Christ’s service, David 3 BMS Birthday Scheme The following friends will be celebrating their birthdays in February: 1st – Jenni Beesley 13th – Ann Bramall 15th – Lionel (Steve) Stevenson Coffee Morning The next coffee morning is to be advised. Church Walk Please note that there are no walks planned for January or February 2015. Any queries please call Edna Jones. Deacons’ Meeting The next meeting will take place on Thursday 5th February at 7.30pm in the lounge. New Disciples’ Meeting The New Disciples Group will meet on Monday 9th February at the Manse at 7.45pm and thereafter joining the Wednesday Lent group. Please see David or Sarah if you are interested. Housegroups • Monday and Tuesday housegroups are not taking place during Lent and will be replaced with ‘Lent Groups’, (please see article below for more details). • Young Person’s housegroup will meet monthly at the Ridals on Sunday 8th February from 7.30 - 9pm. Lent Groups Monday Lent group will be on 23rd Feb at 10am in the lounge. Tuesday Lent group will be on 10th and 24th Feb at 1.45pm in the lounge. Wednesday Lent group will be on 25th Feb at 7.45pm in the Primary. Singing Group The singing group will meet on Monday 9th and 23rd February 2015 at 6.45pm. Any queries please contact Judith Miller. Grandparents Group The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th February at 10am in the lounge. Thank You Mark would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support during his recent illness. 4 Breakaway At our January meeting we were wonderfully entertained by Mark Hope-Irwin who told us about the British Ornithology Trust. Our next meeting will on February 12th 2015 at 7.45pm when Rachel Gibbon will hold a practical session making greetings cards. This was an enjoyable session when Rachel visited us last year. If you have any queries please contact Ann Hawkings. All ladies are welcome to join us at this friendly and supportive group. Please note that the August meeting has been cancelled. Flowers The rota for 2015 is available and we would be grateful if volunteers could enter their names. Costs can be refunded if you wish. Please speak to Barbara if you are able to help in any way or need further information. Thank you. Erdington Food Bank Collections for the Erdington Food Bank will continue to take place on the first Sunday of each month. Thanks for your support. Erdington Foodbank has run out of the following items: tinned meat, tinned fish, tinned veg, coffee, fruit juice and toiletries. Can you help provide? Thank you! Easter baptisms We anticipate there being a Baptist service on Easter Sunday, probably at the evening service. If there are others who would like to consider this expression of faith as a public declaration of their commitment to serving and following the Lord Jesus Christ, please see David as soon as possible. Women's World Day of Prayer 2015 This event will be held on Friday 6th March at 2.30pm at Emmanuel Church, Birmingham Road, Sutton (parking in the shop car park). 5 Stamps Please remember that we are still able to recycle used postage stamps to raise funds for BMS. You can either pass your stamps to Cis Taylor or place them in the “stamp box” in Church. Please ensure that you leave a good margin of blank paper around the stamp when you cut it from the envelope, at least half an inch or 1cm. Thank you for your continued support. The Knitting Circle – supporting Medical Missionary News (MMN) A BIG thank you for continuing to knit! You can give your packages to either Norma Scott or Edna Jones to store. We still need help knitting squares; there is plenty of wool in the cupboard and if you need any further help please contact Norma Scott or Edna Jones. Greetings from Down Under Greetings have been received from Gill and Steve Gateley in New Zealand. They write "It is hard to believe that we have now been living in New Zealand for 5 years and feel very much at home here. In fact it no longer seems strange to look forward to Christmas in the warm sunshine with the prospect of a BBQ instead of the traditional roast dinner on Christmas Day" There is family news of Lisa and Warwick and the girls, Ella and Sophie and also of Liz and Matt and their family, Josh, Sam and Millie. They finish by saying "Thought we would send you an update of our goings on 'Down Under'. Please give our best wishes to all at Chester Road who may remember us. Do tell them there is always room at the 'Inn' for any travellers coming this way!!" A full copy of their email with news of all their family is available from Ann and Graham Bramall if you would like to see it. Hello Wendy and Sam Simpson wish to be remembered to old friends. Ladies Group 2014 Details will follow of next year’s meetings and events. For further information please see Sarah Dewey or Judith Miller. 6 th Friday 13 February Pancakes served from 7pm Last orders 8pm All invited 7 Lent groups 2015 Over the period of Lent (mid-February to the start of April), we will be setting aside our usual Monday and Tuesday housegroups and the New Disciples Group, in order to focus on our Lord and Saviour Jesus and what he accomplished through his death on the Cross. This is in response to recent Church Meetings which have expressed a desire for some timelimited short courses to help deepen our faith. Not everyone can or wants to sign up to an open-ended commitment such as required by our housegroups: instead our Lent groups will last for just five weeks, and even then if you can only make some of them that’s fine. There will be three groups: Monday mornings, Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Monday mornings, beginning February 23rd (five sessions). This is for ladies only, and is aimed especially at those with young children. A crèche will be provided. The material (using recorded comments from well-known church leaders) will be suitable for all with or without prior Bible knowledge. Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. A leisurely look at the last three days of Jesus’ earthly life as recorded in Mark chapters 14-15. We will see how Mark tells the story in a particular way to bring out the full significance of Jesus’ death on the Cross. Again, suitable for all, however little or well you know your Bible. The format will incorporate core teaching, group work and some simple worship. Mondays (10 am – 12) Tuesdays (1.45 pm) Wednesdays (7.45pm) February 23 February 10 February 25 March 2 February 24 March 4 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 16 March 24 March 25 March 23 March 31 April 1 (No meeting March 18) Other midweek, pre-Easter events Deacons’ Meetings Breakaway Church Members’ Meeting Thursdays February 5th, March 5th, April 2nd Thursdays February 12th, March 12th Thursday, March 19th Good Friday (April 3), 12 noon Holy Communion Good Friday (April 3), 7.00 pm All-age service for the whole church with Brigades 8 David Ridal: giving time to God In last month’s Contact, David Ridal, a member of this church and a final year geography student, shared his plans to serve for either one or two years as an Associate at Christchurch, Durham. I won’t repeat all that David wrote (the article can still be found on our church website), but as he explained, this Associateship gives him a wonderful opportunity to develop his gifts, to grow in his Bible knowledge and understanding of the faith, and to test out a sense of call to full-time Christian ministry at some point in the future. As a church, we have good reason to feel very ‘proud’ of David (if that is the right word); to see his faith develop in the way it has is a great encouragement. David provides a role model that other young Christians can look up to and learn from. At January’s Church Meeting a proposal was put forward that Chester Road bear some of the financial support that David will need during his time as an Associate, beginning in September. He needs £600 per month to cover his accommodation, food and modest living expenses. As a church, we will be giving David £1000 for his first year and, if he stays for a second, a further £1000. On learning of this, David was eager to reply: “I really am so very grateful for this generous support from Chester Road and I cannot express how much I appreciate this large sum of financial backing. I am not just thankful for the financial gift but, even more so, I appreciate the interest that those at Chester Road have shown in finding out about what I have decided to do next year. It means so much to have that support.” In his original article, David asks for our prayers, and I’m sure we will want to support him in this way. Around Easter we’ll be asking ask David to share more detail of his placement with us so that we can pray in an informed and meaningful way. But love and prayer can and should go alongside practical support. As the apostle John says (1 John 3:18), “Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” So, may I lovingly appeal to any in the church who might feel able to help David further towards his target of £600 per month? A one-off gift is perfectly acceptable, but the ideal would be a commitment to a regular monthly amount of whatever size. And, if you are a tax-payer, every £1 can be turned into £1.25 by Gift Aiding it. If you feel led to help David in this way, a letter from Christchurch, Durham is available with all the necessary information. Please contact myself, David’s parents Martin and Sue, or David himself via his e-mail which is [email protected]. Thank you, David Dewey 9 Messy Church – January 2015 January “Messy Church” was based on Luke 2:41-52 when Jesus went with his parents to Jerusalem and on their return home they realised he was not with them and they went back to Jerusalem and found him in the Temple. The aim of the session was to show that Jesus grew up to have a faith of his own. Our activities were to remind us of how we all grow by measuring some of those who were there against a growth chart and a mural was made of arms, feet and hands to show the differences in the size of the children, and adults. We also made small scrolls and talked about how the books that Jesus read in the temple were scrolls. Making treasure chests enabled us to think about what Jesus said “Your heart will always be where your treasure is” (Matt 6:21) and ask 'What do you treasure?' Activity time is followed by a short time of worship which is led by one of our ministers. The results of the activities are brought into the church sanctuary and often form part of the service. The children enjoy going to the front and sing songs which are relevant to the theme. Messy Church is an all age event. Can we encourage you to come to the next Messy Church and if you have children or grandchildren please bring them along too. It’s a good opportunity to do something together as a family. The next Messy Church will be on Saturday 14th February - our theme for that day will be Lent. Hazel Wilson/Mike Miller The next Messy Church will take place on 14th February from 4-6pm. If you are able to give some assistance we welcome all support, do speak to Mark or David for more information. Please contact Mark 10 11 TWAM A big thank-you to individuals who contributed to the scholar pack scheme and also to Breakaway as a club. 57 packs were collected plus £114 cheque. Val & Ron Doolan 12 Bibles for Bethlehem at Christmas A report from Gaza Gaza lies in ruins. People are suffering and hatred grips the Holy Land. Getting into Gaza is desperately hard but the Bible Society team are local people with local connections and they have gained access to Gaza with the opportunity to share the Bible with the children of Gaza at Christmas. They offered the Bible Society nativity play, children’s Bibles, Scripture material, and aid. 4,500 children in the West Bank were invited to the nativity plays including those in Gaza. One of our colleagues, Nashat, said, “Children have fear in their eyes, or the glazed look of the traumatised. It’s chilling to see.” “Thanks to the support of our Christian brothers and sisters 4,500 children will hear the Christmas story. We believe that sharing the true message of Jesus sows seeds of truth in young children’s hearts that will reap an eternal harvest. This ministry has brought joy and hope, during the toughest times to the children of Bethlehem. Thank you so much.” Thank you to everyone who has supported this programme both by giving and praying. Please continue your support in 2015. Open the Book The Bible is full of inspirational, gruesome, funny, sad, real and relevant stories. Open the Book is here to share them with Primary school children throughout the UK. Since it began in 1999, Open the Book has developed 10,000 dedicated storytellers. The teams of volunteer storytellers use drama, mime, props, costume and audience participation to present Bible stories in ways that are lively, interactive, engaging and fun! At no cost to schools, this programme is OFSTED and SIAS approved and is a fantastic way to share the Bible. So far, Open the Book has reached 1,500 primary schools in the UK but the vision is for every child to hear the story of the Bible at school in their primary years. This would mean reaching 4.5 million pupils in 18,280 schools across the UK. So there is still more work to do… Please support the work of Bible Society 13 Banners Gate, Boldmere & Wylde Green Churches Together Outing to BETH SHALOM – HOLOCAUST CENTRE, LAXTON, Nr NEWARK, NOTTS, NG22 0PA. SATURDAY 25 APRIL 2015 This year marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. 9 am Leave URC Britwell Road 10.30 (approx) Arrive at Beth Shalom Talk by Holocaust Survivor (Time tbc) Visiting museums and Memorial Gardens 3.45 pm Leave Beth Shalom 4.30 – 5 pm Return to URC Members of all churches are invited to participate in this trip, including children over the age of 13. Cost £20 pp to include coach fare and admission to Beth Shalom. Light refreshments are available at the Coffee Shop but as Beth Shalom is not usually open on Saturdays, lunch is not provided: we are asked to bring own packed lunch. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Wheelchair accessible and Assistance dogs welcome ____________________________________________________________________ Name…………………………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………. Church.………………………………………………………………………………… E-mail………………………………………. Phone …………………………… Cash/Cheques payable to: Teresa Monteiro 173 Green Lanes, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield B73 5LX Tel: 354 9811 Email: [email protected] 14 Help to restore dignity and freedom to women trapped in prostitution In the red light district of Bangkok, Paul and Sarah Brown, BMS World Mission workers serving with BMS partner NightLight, are making a difference. They are bringing real laughter, healthy community and the light of Christ into the lives of women trapped in the sex trade. We hope you will support a particularly exciting project that will provide alternative employment opportunities to women freed from a life of degrading exploitation. A project we’re calling the Freedom Bakery. NightLight will be training women who they have helped out of Thailand’s sex industry in the art of professional baking. This is a project being led by BMS worker and expert baker Sarah. The skills the women learn will enable them to help run a bakery that will sell cakes and confectionary, and will contribute to a life of dignity and hope for women who for far too long have been robbed of both. Alongside the baking training, the women will be given the opportunity for counselling, introduced to faith in Jesus Christ, and taught various life skills which will help them to reach a level of healing from the past and be equipped for the future. You or your church could make a huge difference to the Freedom Bakery by supporting it financially, providing startup capital to launch a business with a focus not on exploitation but transformation. Your gifts will help to provide an industrial oven, heavy-duty food mixer, baking tins and sugarcraft cake decoration tools, cake ingredients and a salary for the women in training for the initial start-up year. £18 - The ingredients for 12 large cupcakes, to be sold at a profit. £31 - A set of cake tins and sugarcraft tools. £59 - A week’s salary for a woman being trained in professional baking. Whatever you can do, please consider a gift for the Freedom Bakery and support us in the fight against the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Thank you. Easter Cake Challenge Do you have Bake-Off fans in your church? Or just members who have a great recipe, passed down from their granny for the best Easter cake ever? What about enthusiastic newcomers to the baking game, willing to try their hands? Then the BMS Easter Cake Challenge could be for you and your church! Hold an Easter cake baking competition, with judges, as a church event. Make the entrance fee the cost of the cake’s ingredients and sell the entered cakes after the judging. The money you raise can be sent to BMS to support our Freedom Bakery and help women out of the sex trade. The Thailand Freedom Bakery appeal is part of our Dignity initiative, taking a stand against gender based violence. For more information and to take a stand, visit the BMS Dignity webpage. If the funds received exceed the amount required for the bakery project, any additional funds will be used to support other justice ministries among Asian women. 15 16 and Rotas : February 2015 Date 1st 8th 15th 22nd Morning Service 10.30 am Parade Service Our Ministers Communion Mark FrancisGreen Our Ministers Communion Ken Hawkings Evening Service 6.30 pm Communion Clifford Fryer Our Ministers Our Ministers Paul Wilson Duty Deacon Roger Allen Hazel Wilson Darren Atkin Laurel Trench Communion Preparation Laurel Trench ---------- Joy & Norman Hough Donna Green & Venicia Foullah Deacons Serving Roger & Hazel Mike, Laurel, Darren & Edwin ---------- Peter, Martin, Roger & Hazel Morning Reader Brigades Carole Turner & Carl Ford Val & Ron Doolan Christ East & Mike Bizley Evening Reader Sue Ridal Alice Green Edwin Boddington Cath Jolly Welcome am Ann & Graham Bramall Alison & David Sheward Hazel & Irene Wilson Norma Scott Welcome pm Madeleine Moxon Edna Jones Mark Pugh Pat Thompson Stewards am Val & Ron Doolan Sis & George Taylor Paul Farmery Isobel & Mike Bizley Steward pm Vera & Edwin Boddington Joyce Norbury George Lowther Edna Jones Offertory am Brigades Deacons Atkin Family Deacons Tea/Coffee Chris & Roger Allen Laurel Trench Vera & Edwin Boddington Laurel Trench Flowers Edna Jones * Venicia Foullah Hazel Wilson Volunteer req’d * Flowers provided by Chris Farmery in memory of Millie Farmery. 17 FEBRUARY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Date Event Time Wed 5th Deacons’ Meeting 8pm Sun 8th Young Person’s Housegroup at the Ridals 7.30pm Mon 9th Singing group 6.45pm Mon 9th New Disciples Group 7.45pm Tue 10th Tuesday Lent Group in the lounge 1.45pm Thu 12th Grandparents Group 10am Thu 12th Breakaway 7.30pm Sat 14th Messy Church 4-6pm Mon 23rd Monday Lent Group 10am Mon 23rd Singing group 6.45pm Tue 24th Tuesday Lent Group in the lounge 1.45pm Wed 25th Wednesday Lent Group 7.45pm 18 CHURCH WEEKLY PRAYER GUIDE Our weekly prayer guide will each day mention a church activity, group or need. Everything we do as a church must be born out of prayer and borne up by prayer. MONDAY House group at the Ridals and New Disciples Group Pray for our finance and fabric teams Those who are unwell or recently bereaved (latest news is in the bulletin) TUESDAY Luncheon Club – for the helpers and folk attending House Group meeting in lounge Men’s meetings Messy Church planning meetings Deacons and church leaders of groups WEDNESDAY Church walk – enjoy the countryside The work of the Bible Society Mark and Donna Francis-Green Church members who are either ill or housebound THURSDAY Deacons and church meetings Breakaway BMS – Sarah and Eric now back in Guinea Julia, Dave and Andy (Staff) FRIDAY One to One Lunch Brigades Messy Church preparations and invitations David and Sarah Dewey SATURDAY Coffee morning Messy Church – pray for building relationships with those who attend SUNDAY Worship – morning and evening Junior Church and helpers 19
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