Parish Newsletter Grace Church in Haddonfield EPIPHANY-LENT FEBRUARY 2015 SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER FEBRUARY 17 Tickets available now $10 for adults $5 for children 3-7 Children 2 & under free FEBRUARY 18 SERVICE TIMES 7:00 a.m. Noon 7:30 p.m. Liturgy of Ash Wednesday with Holy Eucharist Liturgy of Ash Wednesday with Holy Eucharist Liturgy of Ash Wednesday with Holy Eucharist Table of Contents FROM THE RECTOR 3 OMG DEACON CARMEN 4 MUSIC MINISTRY 5 WORSHIP 6 Parish House Eucharist 6 Acolyte Guild 6 Lenten Preaching Series & soup Lunch 6 Grace Church Lenten Observances 6 The Meaning of Lent 6 Religious Observances of February 7 CHRISTIAN FORMATION 8 Church School 8 Education Committee 8 Mardi Gras Festival 8 God Talk 8 Adult Bible Study 8 The Bible Challenge 8 Confirmation Class 9 God-n-Family 9 God-n-Me 9 Communion Class 9 PARISH LIFE 10 Annual Meeting 10 Newcomers’ Brunch 10 Dinner for 8 10 Vestry Retreat 10 Diocesan Convention 10 LOOKING AHEAD 11 OUTREACH 11 KAC Lunches 11 IHOC Men’s Shelter 11 CALENDAR Click Here ANNIVERSARIES & BIRTHDAYS Click Here PICTURE PAGE Click Here PARISH NEWSLETTER Grace Church in Haddonfield 19 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033 856-429-0007 Fax: 856-429-3291 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: STAFF Rector The Rev. Dr. Patrick Close Deacons The Ven. Carmen Viola, Archdeacon The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon Organist and Music Director Maximillian Esmus Director of Religious Education Betsy Murphy Parish Administrator Susan Getz Secretary Kathleen Myers Treasurer Bill Sweeney VESTRY Senior Warden Nevan Soumilas Junior Warden Bob Weil Susan Briant Amy Christopher Dana Cotter Jay Kauffman Jean Lisiecki Rose McAuley Jim Moore Shannon Morris Sara Sweeney Ann Waller Tom Westerfield Carl Willers Nancy Young 2 Dear Friends in Christ: One of the things Christians have often turned to during Lent are additional worship services. Some people look for a noon day service near where they work; or an early morning service at their Church. Others try to create a time of prayer somewhere in the day. For me, morning has always been the easiest for prayers. For my wife, Diane, she's a night person and evening is a better time. What matters not is the time nor the place, but simply the practice of worship in whatever form you might choose. It promises to help draw us nearer to Christ. February is one of the shortest months but is often one of the busiest in the Church. It usually is marked by Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. During the harsh cold and winter snows, we begin an inward journey in our spiritual lives. Lent challenges us to look at our lives and reflect on what changes we might make to draw closer to Jesus Christ. The biblical readings in Church will focus on sin, death, temptations and all the difficult forces that work against the vision and will of God. The most common practice during Lent is sharing our time and money with those in need. Lent is an opportune time to live out Jesus' challenge to care for the poor, the sick, the lonely, the hungry, and the stranger. It may be as simple as helping for an hour at a soup kitchen, or providing a meal for a shelter program. It can be as simple as each week when we shop for groceries to pick up canned goods or box food for a food ministry. Some people look for ways to work with disadvantaged children or elderly people who are shut-ins. It may be an hour, or a day; it may be once a week or some other time. It is simply showing care and compassion for others in whatever way we choose. It has been of the practice of Christians during Lent to change the ways of their lives as part of their selfexamination. Lent becomes the time to let go of some things to allow us to hear or experience God's love and presence. It's the calling of every Christian to search out the ways to resist the evil of the world and turn towards the grace of God. The word Lent comes from a word for lengthening ... the days are literally growing longer. We are invited during Lent to lengthen our faith lives by the things we do. For some people, fasting is a way. Fasting is the practice of denying ourselves some food or other thing. The concept is that when we can empty ourselves through fasting, God will provide something else to "fill us up." Fasting is more than just giving up candy or snacks in the hope of losing weight. It is a practice to open us up to receive more from God. Lent is what I call "other time." It's also God time ... time to become another person and spend more time with God. It's meant to help shape us into better, deeper disciples. It's a time to put into practice what Jesus has taught us and in our own ways to bring the Kingdom of God closer to us and others. It's focus is on us, but for the other ... the other we call God. Other people "give up" something in order to listen for what God might have to say to us. We live in a world that is filled with noise. There is so much noise that we often can't discern what God is saying. We might try giving up television, Facebook, cell phones, computer games, Twitter, or some other "noise" that dominates our lives. We might try using this time for a more spiritual practice: reading the Bible; reading a religious book; practicing contemplative prayer; trying meditation; or even simply creating a space and time for silence during the day. Please give serious thought to finding some way to live into Lent in a new and different way. Look for the opportunities to move closer to God and to walk with Jesus Christ. It promises to change us and the world in ways we could never imagine. May you have a blessed Lenten journey this year. With warmest regards, I remain, faithfully yours in Christ, 3 February – The Bleak Midwinter "Keep your faith in beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden, in the Spring when it is gone."-Roy R. Gibson "Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ... a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl." - Barbara Winkler “The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.”- Jesus Our faith is a lot like the month of February – a state of anticipation towards spring and the potential that lies hidden to our eyes. Like faith it speaks to things unseen yet hoped for. As Christians we know that the beauty of Christmas is fulfilled in the potential that blossoms forth in Easter. Last month we celebrated a new year and with it a new hope that our lives could always be better. During this month we tend to get anxious. It is cold and dreary and everything seems really really dead! We can’t wait for the spring! February helps set the stage for Spring…if it was always Spring we wouldn’t feel the sense of new life bursting forth so deeply in our souls! Ironically during the coldest month of the year is the month that we celebrate love! When stuck inside from the cold we tend to look more inwardly. It is truly a good time to reflect and take inventory of our relationships. Our God is a God of relationships. All of us want to be loved, but many of us find that fostering and maintaining good healthy loving relationships to be hard work and challenging. Valentine’s Day gives us a chance to refocus on those things that are most important to us but tend to get lost in the shuffle of our day to day routines – our relationships with our loved ones. Part of being in a loving relationship is feeling worthy of love oneself! There are many reasons why some of us feel unworthy of love…but simply remind yourself of this – the creator of the entire cosmos believes you are worthy of love, enough to be called a “child of God”. If God loves us beyond our imagination then we are certainly worthy of love…from ourself and from others. And because God loves us, then we can share that love with others in kind. And like the Sower in Jesus’ parables of the seeds, you too can sow love into the world. The paradox and true potential of love is that it only grows when we freely give it away! Valentines’ day is a day which focuses on that universal principle where we figuratively give our hearts away to those we love! The kingdom of God, like a seed, like our love, is unseen, grows slowly and has a huge potential for change and transformation in our lives and in the lives of those we touch. For by sowing seeds of love, we in a sense become the living word of God. God lived out through you and me. In this way, as Saint Paul said, we become the body of Christ - we become the Church! So as we strive to be more open to God and to live a more loving life in relationship with our self and those around us, let us remember that small seed that is living in each one of us - just waiting to burst forth in beauty into the world. Happy February! Your faithful servant, Carmen 4 4 WORSHIP THE PARISH HOUSE HOLY COMMUNION GRACE CHURCH LENTEN OBSERVANCES Children and families are encouraged to join us for the Parish House Holy Communion in the Performance Hall on Sunday, February 1st at 9:30 am. This service is especially designed to help young children become more familiar with Church. Cake and ice cream are served following the service to celebrate February birthdays! Guests are especially welcomed! Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (February 18th) and follows for the next 40 days. We host a number of activities that people may attend during that time. Here are our services and activities for Lent: February 18th: Ash Wednesday Services at 7 am; 12 noon & 7:30 pm Mondays at 7 pm: God Talk Tuesdays at 12 noon, beginning February 24th: Council of Churches Preaching Series-“The Practice of Forgiveness” followed by soup lunch Wednesdays at 7 pm, & Sundays at 10:45 am: continuation of Bible Challenge discussions Thursdays, beginning February 19th at 10:30 am: “The Book of Forgiving” THE MEANING OF LENT Early Christians observed "a season of penitence and fasting" in preparation for the Paschal feast, or Pascha (BCP, pp. 264-265). The season now known as Lent (from an Old English word meaning "spring," the time of lengthening days) has a long history. Originally, in places where Pascha was celebrated on a Sunday, the Paschal feast followed a fast of up to two days. In the third century this fast was lengthened to six days. Eventually this fast became attached to, or overlapped, another fast of forty days, in imitation of Christ's fasting in the wilderness. The forty-day fast was especially important for converts to the faith who were preparing for baptism, and for those guilty of notorious sins who were being restored to the Christian assembly. In the western church the forty days of Lent extend from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, omitting Sundays. The last three days of Lent are the sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Today Lent has reacquired its significance as the final preparation of adult candidates for baptism. Joining with them, all Christians are invited "to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word" (BCP, p. 265). ACOLYTE GUILD February 1st at 12:30 p.m. is the next meeting of the Acolyte Guild. We will be preparing for Lent and Easter. We will also be discussing the Diocesan Acolyte Festival on February 14 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. If you are interested in helping with the acolytes please contact George Freeze, Nora Bollinger, or Betsy Murphy. Currently acolyte families should check Ministry Scheduler Pro to update the availability and fill in substitute requests. LENTEN PREACHING & SOUP SERIES The Haddonfield Council of Churches will be holding the Tuesday, Lenten Preaching and Soup Lunch series commencing February 24th at 12 noon. The clergy of the town will be preaching at Grace Church on “The Practice of Forgiveness.” A soup lunch follows in the Parish Hall hosted by the preacher’s home Church. Come join us for this wonderful series. 6 WORSHIP RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES OF FEBRUARY and sickness. Imbolc is the Celtic feast in Ireland half way between the fall and spring equinox. It looks forward to the coming of spring during the bleakness of winter and the lengthening of the days. Christians in Ireland shifted from Imbolc observances to Candlemas and the Feast of St. Brigit. We in this country have something called Ground Hog Day in February as a secular observance. February is often lamented as the hardest winter month to bear. Fortunately, it is the shortest, but is also full of religious observances. Ash Wednesday and Lent start us on our journey to Holy Week and Easter. But there are other notable dates. February 2nd is the Feast of St. Brigit, Candlemas and Imbolc. Brigit is Ireland's second most beloved saint. She celebrates the opening of spring and womanhood. Brigit (or Brigid) is the Keeper of the Sacred Flame & Waters, The Church in Kildare is the site of her religious community that welcomed men and women. Kildare is remembered as a healing place and site of many pilgrimages. People celebrate her day by making Brigit's crosses out of reeds. They were hung in the homes to ward off illness. Candlemas is the Feast of the Purification, or the Feast of the Presentation. The story in Luke 2:22-40 tells the story of Mary and Joseph taking the infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to keep the tradition of presenting the first born son and dedicating him to God. It falls 40 days after Christmas, following the Jewish practice of purification for women who have been in childbirth. The Feast became known as Candlemas due to Simeon's words that Jesus was the light for revelation to the Gentiles. It is a custom to bless candles which are taken home to ward off storms Shrove Tuesday falls the day before Ash Wednesday. Know as Mardi Gras, it means "fat Tuesday" and was a time to eat up certain foods before the fasting of Lent began. Many Churches host a Pancake Supper on this day. To "shrive" means to "to absolve sins". Shrove Tuesday is the last feast before the fasting of Lent. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and is often observe with receiving a cross of ashes on one's forehead. The ashes are made from the burnt palms of the previous Palm Sunday. Ashes are a sign of penitence. Lent recalls Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness resisting temptations. Christians around the world abstain from different things during Lent as a spiritual discipline to draw closer to God and Jesus. It is especially a time for self-examination and considering what changes a person might make to become a better disciple. Lent reminds us of sin and death and our need for God and the saving help of Jesus Christ. 7 CHRISTIAN FORMATION CHURCH SCHOOL The theme for Church School in February is seeds of faith. February 1: Nicodemus & God-N-Me February 8: “Jesus Heals the Sick” LIFE-LONG CHRISTIAN FORMATION PROGRAMS February 15: Mardi Gras Community Day February 22: ”People see the Signs,” GOD TALK Communion Class & God-N-Family Join Deacon Carmen Monday nights at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall to discuss the human experience, who we really are, and discover how to re-connect to God and one another. February 2: “The Way of the Essenes” Please check or Church School News for more information and at home activities. If you have any questions about Church School or would like to volunteer, please c o n t a c t B e t s y M u r p h y , [email protected]. February 9: “Into the Desert to be Tested” February 16: “The Last Passover” February 23: “The Fifth Cup: Our Way of Hope.” March 2 will be a wrap-up for the year with a dinner and summary. EDUCATION COMMITTEE ADULT BIBLE STUDY The next meeting of the Education Committee will be Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Father Pat meets in the library for Bible Study. Currently, they are analyzing “Enoch.” In Lent, they begin Desmond Tutu’s book on forgiveness. Text and study materials will be available. THE BIBLE CHALLENGE The Bible Challenge is going strong. Father Pat is leading two discussion groups one on Sunday mornings after the 9:30 a.m. service in the parlor and one on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Check the weekly bulletin, Facebook, Twitter or email [email protected] for the readings. MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL Sunday, February 15, 10:30 a.m. Join us for a more traditional Mardi Gras celebration, including a mask decorating contest and King Cake. If you would like to help with this event, please contact Betsy Murphy. 8 CHRISTIAN FORMATION COMMUNION CLASS Communion Class will begin on Sunday, February 22nd during Church School. Classes are for children who are in the second grade or older and have not previously received Communion instruction. During class we will be learning about the parts of the church service, why we celebrate the Eucharist and church symbols. CONFIRMATION CLASS In February the Confirmation class will meet at 4 p.m. on the 19th. The topic of the class is “Prayer and Spiritual Practices.” There is no memory verse for the February class. We will have dinner with the IHOC men at 6 p.m. Thank you to the Deitelbaum family for providing snack and the Lieber family for providing dinner. A celebration of class completion will take place on Maundy Thursday with a re-enactment of the Seder dinner and the 7:30 p.m. church service. Contact Betsy Murph, [email protected] for more information. GOD-N-FAMILY On Sunday, February 22nd the 4th and 5th grade class will begin P.R.A.Y.’s God-N-Family program led by Beth Ann and Ed Strom. Children will read about different families in the Bible, which can teach them about God’s plan for strengthening families. To remember these lessons, children will compare families and “pizza.” The six steps for making pizza will give students a concrete, “hands-on” model on which to build their understanding of God’s love for their families. They will make a pizza as they study how families can grow together in God’s love, and they will choose “family projects” to be done with their family at home. (http:// god_fam_description.htm) Students who complete the God-N-Family program earn the religious merit badge in many organizations including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire and American Heritage. The program will run until March 22, 2015. GOD-N-ME Congratulations to the 2nd and 3rd grade class who will complete the God-N-Me program on February 8th. They have been designing game boxes that will help them develop a closer relationship to God and Jesus. 9 PARISH LIFE HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE ANNUAL MEETING VESTRY RETREAT Prayers are asked of the Parish for the new Vestry as they begin their work together this year. We will be meeting for our planning retreat on Saturday, February 14th to outline our hopes for life, mission & ministry at Grace Church this year. Here’s a complete list of your current vestry members: Senior Warden-Nevan Soumilas, Junior Warden-Bob Weil, Susan Briant, Amy Christopher, Dana Cotter, Jay Kauffman, Jean Lisiecki, Rose McAuley, Jim Moore, Shannon Morris, Sara Sweeney, Ann Waller, Tom Westerfield, Carl Willers and Nancy Young. The Annual Meeting was held Sunday, January 25th at Grace Church. Copies of the 2014 Annual Meeting Report are available in the Parish Office. We ended 2014 with a small surplus thanks to the stewardship of the Vestry. Deacon Carl Dunn joined us last year, and Sue Getz’s retirement in May of 2015 was announced. The following people were elected to various offices: Vestry - Susan Briant, Dana Cotter, Jean Lisiecki, Jim Moore, Tom Westerfield and Carl Willers. Convention Delegates - Al Schmidt, Nevan Soumilas and Bethann Strom; Convocation Representatives - Sara Sweeney and Nancy Young. There was also a report that we will be conducting a capital campaign this year in preparation for the 175th anniversary of Grace Church in 2017. DIOCESAN CONVENTION The Diocese of New Jersey will be holding its Annual Convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Princeton; Friday, February 27th through Saturday, February 28th. This year’s theme is “ReImagining Mission & Discipleship.” The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Thomas Brackett. Delegates from around the Diocese will gather to discuss the polity, mission and ministry of the Church as disciples of Jesus Christ. There will be worship, business sessions and workshops to focus on this year’s theme. The clergy will be joined by our delegates this year: Beth Ann Strom; Nevan Soumilas and Al Schmidt. For more information, visit the Diocese of New Jersey’s website at NEWCOMERS’ BRUNCH Are you new to Grace Church? Come join us for brunch following the February 8th services at 11:45 a.m. in the Rectory. Members of the Vestry will be contacting our newest members. Come join us for food and fellowship and help us to get to know you better! For more information, please contact the Parish Office. DINNER FOR 8 Would you like to get to know members of the parish better? Consider signing up for the Dinner for 8 program! We will take names over the first two weeks of February, and then assign 8 people to a group. The group will meet once a month for dinner in a host’s home through May. Singles and couples are encouraged to sign up! See the bulletin board in the Parish Hall or e-mail the Parish Office to sign up! Join us for this great fellowship event! 10 LOOKING AHEAD OUTREACH Please make note of events taking place at Grace Church during the month of March KIDS ALLEY CAFÉ LUNCHES Volunteers are welcomed to help prepare 100 lunches for Kids Alley. Join us in the Parish Hall on Saturday, February 7th at 9 a.m. For more information, please contact Nevan Soumalis at 856-857-9357. Please mark your calendar for the following events coming up in March at Grace Church: Tuesdays, March 3,10,17,24 & 31: Council of Churches Preaching & Soup Lunch Series Saturday, March 7: Men’s Breakfast, 7:30 am; Kids Alley Café Lunch Preparation, 9 am Sunday, March 15: Celtic Liturgy, Haddonfield Choir Festival, 4 pm Saturday, March 28th, 7 pm, Rowan College Choir Performance Sunday, March 29th, Palm Sunday Brunch (following both services) IHOC MEN’S SHELTER COMING The men participating in the IHOC shelter program will arrive at Grace Church on Sunday February 15th and remain until Sunday, March 8th. We will provide the men with a hot supper, a warm place to sleep, food for breakfast and lunch, showers, money for laundry and fellowship. The IHOC program screens candidates and seeks to provide them with jobs, counseling and other services to help them regain their place in society. Volunteers are need to: provide a hot dinner; serve as night and weekend hosts, and (men only) sleep overnight at the Church. We will be using the Parish Hall and the 3rd Floor of the Parish House during these three weeks. Please contact Nevan Soumilas to help. A sign up list is available in the Parish House. PASSAGES We commend to God’s care and keeping those who have died this past month: Jeffrey Tracy-January 10 Jean Howard-January 15 Florence Magnano-January 16 John Sherman-January 22 George Luther-January 27 We welcome those baptized in the Church this past month: Anna Grace Batezel-January 4 Cecilia Atkinson Bozarth-Saporito-January 25 11 SUNDAY SERVICES The Holy Eucharist……………………………………………….…………...8:00 a.m. Family Eucharist……………………………………………………………....9:30 a.m. Christian Education……………………………………………………......10:30 a.m. (Young Children and Nursery Care available) WEEKDAY SERVICES The Holy Eucharist Wednesday …………………………………………………………….…….7:00 a.m. Thursday …………………………………….…….…………………..……....9:30 a.m. (Healing Eucharist each Thursday morning) Saturday Evening……………………………………………….………..…..5:30 p.m. Holy Days/Additional Services……As Announced REGULAR MEETING DATES Property Committee…………………………………………..7:30 pm, 1st Monday Finance Committee………………………………………..…7:00 pm, 2nd Monday Vestry………………………………………………………….…7:00 pm, 3rd Monday KnitWits………………………………………………………..10:00 am, 3rd Saturday St. Paul’s Shopping/Packing………………………………………...Every Tuesday Food Basket at St. Paul’s….……………………………………………..Every Friday Daughters of the King…………………………………...Last Saturday, 10:00 a.m. St. Anne’s Guild…………..…………………………….3rd Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. Grace Choir (Adults)…………………..…Every Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Sept-June Teen Choir (6th-12th grade).……………..Every Sunday 11:30 am, Sept.-June St. Michael’s Choir (K-5th grade)………..Every Sunday, 11:30 am. Sept-June Stewardship Committee…………………………………… 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study………………...……………………………………..Sundays, 10:45 a.m. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Website: Email: [email protected] Grace Church in Haddonfield 12
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