esbyterian ess 710 Wilson Ave., P.O. Box 631, Novato, CA 94948 Phone: 897-6152 Fax: 892-7691 KENT'S COMMENTS The Christian faith holds that God is one, and that this one God is most clearly seen and understood in the person of Jesus Christ, who is God’s divine Word become flesh. At the same time Jesus clearly taught his followers that our central ethical challenge is to both love God and our neighbors as ourselves. That is a lofty goal! This means as Christian we must balance our concern for truth with an ethic of kindness and love. Charlie Hebdo. fringe, and most religions The third story was have extremists! entitled “Debate grows Second, though within Islam on breaking many people think the from extremists.” It report- world’s religions have the ed that Saudi Arabia’s top same basic ethical teaching, body of Muslim clerics that is simply not true! A quickly condemned the case in point, there is a above attack and said it great deal of teaching in the could have no acceptable Quran in which Allah dejustification. However, just mands that Muslims engage a few days later, a young in violence to defend their Saudi was whipped with 50 faith. If you examine the lashes in the public square New Testament carefully of the city of Jiddah, the for any such clear teaching first of 20 such weekly endorsing the use of viorounds of lashes. He also lence, you find none. Jesus, A story on network received 10 years in prison along with the Apostles Pet.v. news within the past 2 from a Saudi Arabian court ter and Paul all rejected the weeks caught my attention. for the crime of “insulting use of violence. Sadly, It was reported that a suiIslam” by criticizing promi- through the centuries some cide bomber in a recent nent Muslim clerics on his Christians have ignored terrorist act was a young blog! such teaching (the Crugirl about 10 years of age! I have a couple re- sades, the Spanish InquisiI was also struck by the tion, Nazi Germany’s murflections about these sad front section of the Sunday events. First, no world reli- der of 6 million Jews). January 11 SF Chronicle. In gion is practiced Our task as followthose 14 pages were 3 sto- “perfectly”. There is always ers of Jesus is to love our ries about terrorist acts a gap between religious neighbors whether they committed by radical Mus- teaching (usually from practice the Christian faith, lims. One story came from scripture of some kind) and Islam, another faith, or no Lebanon, where in city of religious practice by ordifaith at all. As Jesus taught Tripoli (not Libya), a pair of nary believers. That is cerwe are also to pray for our suicide bombers killed at tainly true in the case of the enemies, and to reject violeast 7 people. Christian faith! Think for a lence, especially when used The second story moment about the hateful by people who claim to be was about thousands of activities of the Westboro those who are serving their people who gathered in Baptist Church of Topeka, God. Paris to show solidarity and KS, which are a denial of sympathy with the murder Jesus’ gospel of love. Your Friend in Christ, of 17 staff members of the Therefore we can’t judge satirical French weekly any religion by its extremist Kent February 2015 Inside this issue: Amanda’s Corner 2 Christian Education 3 Programs & Fellowship 4 Missions 7 Misc. 7 Calendar 8 Submit ePresPress contributions to KaiLancaster@ No later than the 15th of the previous month. Page 2 AMANDA’S CORNER A Lenten Thought and Devotional Photo by Dave Bartruff Lent is quickly upon us. Yes we just celebrated Christmas, ushered in the New Year and will say Happy Valentine’s Day soon; and even with all of those exciting events in our lives in our Christian calendar the season of Lent is drawing near. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which is February 18th this year and goes until Easter Sunday; 40 days minus Sundays. Lent is a time where we are invited to examine our spiritual lives, our relationships with God and with one another and to take inventory in those things that are important for our spiritual growth and faith. Lent prompts reflection on our lives and repentance for our sins. It invites us to go deeper in our spiritual journey and walk a little closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While Advent is a season of preparation for the coming of Christ, Lent is a season of repentance and anticipation: repentance for the sin in our lives and anticipation for the Holy Week event. For many, the Lenten tradition invites us to deny ourselves some pleasure so that we can make our hearts open and ready to receive God’s full measure of grace and mercy. Lent can also be a time when we try to once again the joy and freedom we have in Christ and to remember that the things that often weigh us down are worldly things which are not life giving things for the people of God. I hope and pray that you will consider taking take on a new spiritual practice to help us focus our attention more on Christ and our spiritual growth. This year the Lenten devotional will be both practices in onebut with a twist. In each daily reading I will invite you to “give up” something like “guilt, doubt, worry” and take on a spiritual gift like “freedom, love and letting go.” The hope for this study is for you to begin to discover this opportunity to grow closer to Christ as we journey towards the cross and Easter morning this Lenten season. Page 3 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Confirmation: 8th Graders-High School We will be offering our confirmation class once again this coming spring. It will be held once a week from February to May. We will meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-6:00pm. Please contact Amanda if you have a student who is interested in joining us this year. We will have an Informational meeting on February 8th with the class beginning on February 22nd and ending on May 10th (Mother’s Day) when the students will lead worship. If you have any questions please contact Amanda. This is a great way for students to learn more about our church, our church history and make decisions about whether they wish to become a member of this particular congrega- Youth Mission Used Book Sale This summer our youth will be going to the Dominican Republic for a week long mission. To help pay for the trip, the kids will be holding a used book sale. Our goal is to sell 10,000 books! We are collecting used books from all genres. Please box up your books and either drop at the Church Office, M-T, 9-4. 710 Wilson Ave, Novato or email AssociatePastor@PCNovat for a pick up. If you would like to support the mission, please feel free to write a check payable to PCN and in the memo section write 'youth mission trip'. Please forward to your friends and family! PRE-SALE EVENT – first dibs at shopping! $10 Entrance Friday, March 6 6-9 p.m. 710 Wilson Ave, Novato Free coffee USED BOOK SALE Saturday, March 7 9–3 710 Wilson Ave, Novato Children Power Hour VBS Save the DATE! Dates: June 15-19th nd February 22 March 15th April 19th May 17th Calling all adults and youth. Plan on setting aside June 16-20 to hang out with kids from 4yrs5th grade. We need station leaders, crew leaders and more. Be on the lookout in the next couple of months for more information on how you can get involved. Page 4 Attention Parents of All Seniors!!! PCN wants to celebrate with you and your graduating seniors (from high school, college, masters programs, etc.). Please send a brief bio to Amanda with their name, where they are graduating from, with what degrees, any honors they are receiving and where they are heading in the future. I need this information by May 1st so we can include this in the June PResPRess. We will celebrate our Seniors on Sunday morning May 10th at both services so we hope that you will mark your calendar so we can give them our congratulations. Stop Hunger Now— Saturday, February 28th 1-3pm Stop Hunger Now is a program that feeds the hungry. I have participated in the program 5 times; my fifth being last year with our church while also participating in 30 Hour Famine. The cause is very close to my heart and I am pleased that we will have another afternoon to participate in this tangible way to help families around the world. The bags of dried veggies, soy, and rice with a vitamin flavor packet feed up to 5 people and we will package about 10,000 bags! That means we have the opportunity to touch 50,000 lives. Often these bags go to schools and offer food to children who would otherwise not eat. The process is done in a simple assembly line style with different stations and tables. We hope to have just as many, or more, volunteers to make quick work of the 10,000 bags! As Jeff says, “Teamwork doesn’t seem work when it makes the dream work.” Help the youth of PCN make 50,000 dreams come true Saturday February 28th at 1pm in Trevit Hall. Sierra Mink Page 5 PROGRAM & FELLOWSHIP Congregational Dinner—Thank you! Big Thank You to the Flynn’s, Powell’s, Winsor’s, Comb’s, Kinney’s and Revere’s for once again hosting the congregational dinner. Thank you for making us such a wonderful meal and putting all that time and energy into helping our church family feel like a wonderful community of friends. Inquirer’s Class— Mar 12th at 7pm Our next inquirer’s class will be Thurs. March 12th at 7pm. Come learn about the church, it’s history, how you can get involved and how you can join. Explorers Feb. 22--Sunday Lunch at noon at Tuscany Country Grill, next to Wells Fargo, 1516 Grant, Novato. Please rsvp to Marilyn and Rick Pfeffer at 897-1235 or email at [email protected] by Feb. 19. You can have separate checks. You all plan to come to eat and enjoy the day. Please RSVP to the church by Tuesday March 10th so we can prepare or cancel the class. Page 6 5th Annual Easter Encounter We will once again provide this opportunity during the week of Holy Week for members of our congregation and greater community. The Easter Encounter is designed for spiritual reflection and contemplation as you walk through various scenes and moments from Christ’s last week on earth. Each scene has a scripture reading and some reflection or activity that helps you think about and engage with your faith in a deeper way. Some activities might be looking at a painting or making a palm frond cross, or spending time answering some poignant questions. Each scene is different and allows the learner to experience their faith in a new way. We hope that you will carve out some time during Holy Week to go through this encounter. Easter Encounter Times: 5th Annual Easter Encounter Sun March 29: 5:00-8:00pm Mon March 30: 1-8pm Tues March 31: 9-12 & 2-7 pm Wed April 1: 1-5pm Thurs April 2: 1-5pm Good Friday April 18: 9am-2pm Amanda is looking for some folks to sit at a table for an hour or two and welcome those who are coming to the Encounter. All materials will be provided for the hosts. If you are available during any of the times that the Encounter is open please contact Amanda as soon as possible. Palm Sunday Brunch The Program and Fellowship Committee Invites YOU… To join us on Sunday March 29th after both services for an all church brunch! Sign up to Bring: Heavenly Eggs Fruit: mandarin oranges, grape bunches, & strawberries Sweet Breads or Pastries Or sign up to help set up or clean up Or contact- Amanda, Patty Bennett, or Michelle Berlin Signups begin after worship on March 1st! Page 7 MISSIONS Your mission committee wants to start the new year with thanks for all PCN has done through our community and throughout the world this past year. Most recently, PCN enthusiastically participated in Marin Food Bank and Novato Human Needs Center’s Holiday Share Program. We sent barrels full of food, trunks full of toys, and numerous checks and cash for turkeys to support both organizations’ charitable efforts to the poor. Also, in December, the Christmas Joy Offering was an unqualified success with $3,863.00 going from PCN to the general assembly mission efforts. Your donations help support Christian leadership past, present, and future. Programs supported include pension supplements for PCUSA retirees, supplemental health care for current PCUSA staff suffering catastrophic illness, and scholarships and expenses to Presbyterian supported Racial Ethnic Colleges across the country. Last, but not least, Novato Malaria Campaign 2014 from All Saints Lutheran Church has informed us that they have now received just a little over $10,000 by year’s end. Each of the four African initiatives has received $2,500. As of the end of the year, their balance is $744. They will make a final distribution shortly after the new year to the same four initiatives, along with notice to them that the Novato Malaria Campaign 2014 is concluded. With gratitude, please accept their thanks to everyone who has toiled through this Campaign. PCN has helped ASLC bring awareness to our community of a disease out in the wider world, and brought support, hope and financial help to four Malaria initiatives. MISC. Higher Educational Assistance for Women The Novato P.E.O. Chapter SS would like to publicize our low-interest loans/grants/scholarships for women who have attended at least one year of college. There is no age limit. If you need assistance in obtaining your higher educational degree, please go to; click on Helping Women Reach for the Stars; then click Scholarships/information for students. Here, there is a complete chart on our projects and philanthropies. There is also a Star Scholarship for high school senior girls ($2,500 based on merit). Please peruse this area and if you think you qualify, Chapter SS of Novato is more than glad to assist you with the application. Please call either, Lynn Wolff at 897-5731 or Nancy Gaines at 892-4191. Job Opportunities These are notices which are/will be posted on the kiosk in the Narthex. Please check out this resource if you are interested. Part Tine - Youth and Children Director - Healdsburg Community Church. YWCA 50+ Employment Support Program for Women February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Communion Deacon’s Offering, 2-cents-a-meal offering 9:00 Adult Bible Study 9:00 Contemporary 9:30 Kent’s Class 7:00 Kent’s Class 9:00 BSF Leaders 5:30 SEEkers 7:30am Stephen Ldrs 7:30am Men’s Group 9:30 BSF 10:00 Marian Stchrs 5:00 Mission 6:15 Worship 7:00 C.E 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 2:00 Singles Coffee Creekside 7:00 Choir 7—8:30 Missional OFFICE CLOSED Sun. School & Childcare 10:30 Traditional 4:30—8:00 Youth Gps 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00 Adult Bible Study 9:00 Contemporary 9:30 Kent’s Class 7:00 Kent’s Class 9:00 BSF Leaders 5:30 SEEkers 7:30am Men’s Group 9:30 BSF 7:00 Deacon’s 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 2:00 Singles Coffee Creekside 7:00 Choir 7—8:30 Missional OFFICE CLOSED Sun. School & Childcare 10:30 Traditional 4:30—8:00 Youth Gps 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:00 Adult Bible Study 9:00 Contemporary Presidents Day 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 2:00 Singles Coffee Creekside 7:00 Choir 7—8:30 Missional Happy Birthday PCN 117 years today 9:30 NO Kent’s Class 7:00 NO Kent’s Class Ash Wednesday 7:30am Men’s Group 8:00 Worship service 9:30 BSF 7:00 NO Bells 7:30 Worship service OFFICE CLOSED 10:30 Traditional 1:30 Wrshp @ Creekwood 2:15 Wrshp @ Atria, Tam Crk 4:30—8:00 Youth Gps 9:00 BSF Leaders 5:30 SEEkers 7:00 Stephen Supervision Sun. School & Childcare OFFICE CLOSED 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 Adult Bible Study 9:00 Contemporary 9:30 Kent’s Class 7:00 Kent’s Class 9:00 BSF Leaders 1:00 PW Ruth Cr. 5:30 SEEkers 7:30am Men’s Group 9:30 BSF 6:00 PW Rachael Cr. 6:00 Session Dinner 6:30 Session meeting 7:00 Bells 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 2:00 Singles Coffee Creekside 7:00 Choir 7—8:30 Missional OFFICE CLOSED 11:00 Presbyterian Women joint meeting & Luncheon Sun. School & Childcare 10:30 Traditional 4:30—8:00 Youth Gps 30 Hour Famine Stop Hunger Now! Food packaging 1pm—3pm
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