St. Joseph’s School Constitution Hill Road, SORRENTO 3943 Phone: (03) 5984 1291 Fax: (03) 5984 3230 Email: [email protected] Website: SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2015 1 Dear Parents On behalf of our staff and students, I warmly welcome you and your family to St Joseph’s School and trust the experiences ahead will be rewarding. We recognise that parents are the primary educators of their children and welcome their involvement and participation in the educational programs at school. We ask that you read this booklet carefully and keep it as a reference so that you are familiar with the operation of our school and are able to support and encourage us in the education of your child. Any changes to policy or procedures outlined in this handbook will be advised through the school newsletter. Yours sincerely, Gavin Brennan Principal SCHOOL DIRECTORY 2015 Principal: Mr. Gavin Brennan Deputy Principal: Patrika Rowley Secretary: Mrs. Lucy O’Brien School Address: Constitution Hill Road, Sorrento, 3943 Telephone: 5984-1291 Facsimile: 5984-3230 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: 8.30am – 4:00pm 2 CONTENTS ST. JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Welcome page 2 Contents page 3—5 Contacts page 6 School Prayer page 7 History page 8 Vision Statement page 9 The Transition Process page 10 PREPARING FOR SCHOOL Physical Aspects page 11—12 Social Aspects page 13 Emotional Aspects page 13—14 Intellectual Aspects page 15 BEGINNING SCHOOL Between now and the start of school page 16 First Day page 17 Saying Goodbye page 17 First Week page 17 Weekly dates for first term page 18 Who is going to play with my child? page 19 When can I speak to the teacher? page 19 Going to and from school page 19 Library requirements and procedures page 20 Art/Craft/Painting requirements page 20 THE CURRICULUM The Early Years page 21 Religious Education page 22 English page 23—24 Mathematics page 25 Integrated Curriculum page 26 The Arts page 26 Languages Other Than English page 26 Music page 26 Physical Education page 27 Handwriting page 28 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Absences page 29 Accidents page 29 Active After School Communities page 29 Anaphylaxis page 29 Assemblies page 29 Bicycles page 30 Book Club page 30 Buddies page 30 Buses page 30 Car park page 30—31 Change of Address page 31 Court Orders page 31 Curriculum Days page 31 Discipline Policy page 32 Dogs page 32 Early Collection of children from school page 32 Emergency Information page 32 Enrolments page 32 Excursions page 33 Fitzgerald Shield page 33 Grouping of Classes page 33 Health Exclusion Table page 33 Head Lice page 34 House Teams page 34 Immunisation Certificate page 34 Insurance page 34 Internet page 35 Lost Property page 35 Lunches page 35 Medication page 35 Money page 35 Mobile Phones page 35 Newsletter page 36 Parent Involvement page 36 Parents for Parents page 36 Parents and Friends page 36 Parent/Teacher Meetings page 36 Photographs page 36 4 GENERAL INFORMATION (Continued) Reporting Student Progress page 37 Return of Notes page 37 Sacramental Program page 37 School Bank page 37 School Commencement Time page 37 School Fees page 37 School Hours page 38 School Nurse page 38 Secondary Education page 38 Sign In/Sign Out Register page 38 Sports page 38 Staff Meetings page 38 Student Birthdays page 39 Student Well-Being page 39 Student Requisites page 39 Sunsmart page 39 Swimming page 39 Term Dates and Public Holidays page 40 Thomas Hayes Award page 40 Treasured Possessions page 40 Tuck-shop page 40 Uniform page 41 Visitor’s Pass page 42 Wet Day Procedure page 42 Working With Children page 42 5 CONTACTS If you have any problems or concerns over the Christmas holidays and January, the following mothers have indicated that they can be contacted. Both these ladies had children in grade prep during 2014 Jodie Carroll—0422 566 839 Tanya Williamson—5988 8038 or 0403 919 834 6 SCHOOL PRAYER Heavenly Father, You have called us to be the community of St. Joseph’s. Please bless the children of our school and help us to work hard, to co-operate with and show respect for one another. Guide and strengthen our teachers, so that they may lead the children gently and with care. For the blessing of our families, we say thank you and ask you to keep them safe. Amen. 7 ST. JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL HISTORY St. Joseph’s School at Sorrento has served the needs of the southern peninsula since 1932. In those early days, attendance at the school was less than 50, with a staff of two nuns. Now there are around 190 children attending our school. Over the past year, the interior of the school has been modernised to provide a modern, flexible learning environment for the children to receive a Christian-based contemporary education. Lay principals have been leading the school since 1984 after 51 years of the school being served by the Sisters of Mercy. In 2010, Mr Gavin Brennan was appointed to the position of principal at our school. Our Parish Priest is Fr. Kevin Davine OMI. Fr. Davine is Parish Priest of St Mary’s Star of the Sea Church and responsible for St Joseph’s Parish school. The school is situated in the township of Sorrento on the Mornington Peninsula, surrounded by national parks and beautiful beaches. A peaceful and calm atmosphere is reflected in the environment of the school which is welcoming to all. The school provides a private bus service which runs from Truemans Road, Tootgarook to Sorrento. The school has an open door policy and encourages all to visit our school to meet the principal and to see our school in action. The school is part of the parish of St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Sorrento. There are nine class groups housed in three flexible learning spaces and 2 classrooms. There is also a Library and Art room. Programs offered include Reading Recovery, Physical Education and L.O.T.E. (Italian). The school shares its grounds with the church and the faith life of the children is of prime importance in the school. St Joseph's also shares ownership of a swimming pool that enables the school to offer a comprehensive swimming program at no cost to the families, and with minimum disruption to the curriculum. All curriculum areas within the school were aligned with the AusVELS and currently includes all the domains across Discipline Based Learning, Interdisciplinary Learning and the Physical, Personal and Social Learning. Children have access to the latest technology through interactive whiteboards and computers in all classrooms and a computer lab. We have also added a bank of IPads and will look to move towards a 1:1 mobile device program in the very near future. St. Joseph’s School believes in equal access to education for all. We believe that our school has much to offer by being a small family oriented community. We promote a welcoming atmosphere to all families and are committed to working with parents to bring about the best educational outcomes for our children. 8 OUR VISION STATEMENT Vision As a vibrant Catholic learning community, we will develop engaged, independent and successful learners who will contribute to the world for the good of all! Mission To provide a rigorous and contemporary Catholic education that integrates faith, life, culture and social and emotional wellbeing. Values An understanding that each person is created in the image of God and called to communion with Him, underpins our values at St. Joseph’s. Respect Honesty Learning Team Work 9 THE TRANSITION PROCESS The commencement of primary school is an important event in the life of every child. The school’s transition process in the year prior to the children starting school includes the following: - arrangements are made to have a number of contact people available to parents over the summer holidays; - a general information evening is held for the parents; - a staff member contacts the kindergartens that children are currently attending; - three orientation mornings are organised for the children; - three information sessions are held for parents during orientation mornings. 10 PREPARING FOR SCHOOL PHYSICAL ASPECTS Children who are coping with their own personal needs such as eating, toileting, nose blowing, dressing and asking for assistance when necessary, will feel more confident at school. HEALTH Children need to be well enough to enjoy school. Starting school is a tiring experience, even for a healthy child. A regular bedtime routine is needed. Even with daylight savings a Prep child should be in bed at a reasonably early hour. Allow at least half an hour between last T.V program and lights out to allow time for your child to settle. Take a few minutes each night for a story or a cuddle and chat before lights out. EYE-HAND CO-ORDINATION: This is the ability to direct the hand with the eye. It is very important for such things as writing, cutting, drawing, ball games. Skills such as handling books, holding pens and pencils, pouring, cutting and playing ball games will be developed and improved at school. Nevertheless, experience with these types of activities before commencing school can make things easier. Encourage children to pour water into containers, stack containers inside each other, draw with pencils, crayons, chalk, build with construction kits; throw and catch balls, hit balls with bats. BASIC MOVEMENT At school, your child will frequently use the skills of walking, running, jumping, hopping and skipping. These skills can be developed and refined by your child having the opportunity to play freely outdoors. Discourage sitting too much in front of the television. DRESSING As jumpers and shoes are often removed during a school day, you should encourage your child to dress himself/herself. However, many 5 years olds find it nearly impossible to tie shoelaces. Buckles and Velcro alleviate this problem, but perseverance in teaching your child to tie laces will achieve great results and give immense satisfaction. Here is a suggested sequence to help your child tie shoe laces: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Knot the lace Loop it Wrap it round Poke it through Pull it tight . 11 EATING Have “practice school lunches” at home. Let children get used to containers you have bought before bringing them to school, unwrap glad wrap, unscrew and screw drink lids, peel a piece of fruit and get a drink from the tap. NOSE BLOWING Teach children when and how to use a handkerchief or tissue and make sure they are in the habit of taking one to school. TOILET Children will need to: * go to the toilet by themselves and undo and do up any buttons or zips. * flush the toilet * wash hands The Prep teachers program allows regular toilet visits during the first weeks of school. However, “accidents” occasionally happen. Alert the teacher to any particular needs your child may have. Spare clothing is kept at school, but if you expect any problems with your child, you could consider sending spare underclothes in your child’s schoolbag 12 SOCIAL ASPECTS School is not a place, it is PEOPLE. Parents can help prepare children for school by encouraging them to share toys, take turns during games, help with household chores and by allowing them to mix with other children and adults outside the family. SKILLS NEEDED Children often work or play in groups at school, and this means they will need to take turns, share materials and co-operate with others. They need to listen to what other children have to say and realise that they are not the only ones seeking help and attention. Children more easily adapt to school life if they can: * listen to the teachers and others * follow rules * make needs and requests known * take turns EMOTIONAL ASPECTS At school, children will have to cope with their feelings in a variety of situations, e.g., when parents leave them, when they find tasks difficult, when they are not getting attention. (Adults are not as readily available at school as at home). They need to understand that adults must set limits, be able to interact with other children and adults and deal with conflict between individuals. . SEPARATION When parents tell a child they are going to leave but will be back, and keep their promise, the child learns to accept separation. Parents who are cheerful and encouraging about the things the child will do at school ease the parting. Don’t make children feel guilty after they describe their great day at school by saying, “Didn’t you miss me?” SECURITY A child who knows he/she is loved and accepted at home will cope with the strangeness of school. Security is also developed when parents set limits on the child’s behaviour, explain why and make sure these limits are kept. e.g. Bed time is 7.00 p.m. No snacks before tea 13 SELF CONTROL No one expects small children to control their emotions like adults, but children who have temper tantrums if they do not get their own way are often rejected by other children. Selfcontrol is developed at home when * * * parents do not give in to temper tantrums. the child is asked to wait while the parents finish what they are doing. parents don’t give children everything they ask for. CONFIDENCE Confident children see themselves as being successful. Encouragement to tackle tasks of gradually increasing difficulty, and praise for the attempt as well as for success increases the child’s confidence. It is also a good idea to display his/her creation or work. RESPONSIBILITY In the school each activity has to be tidied away before another can be started. Children who don’t do their share are seen as a nuisance and unfair. A sense of responsibility is developed at home when parents encourage children to keep their rooms tidy, put toys away and always finish one task or game before beginning another. INDEPENDENCE School provides a marvellous range of activities for children. Those who can choose an activity and occupy themselves will attempt more and probably learn more. Each time parents allow children to tackle something for themselves they are encouraging the growth of independence. PERSISTENCE Encourage your child to complete tasks. When the task becomes difficult give a little assistance and ask guiding questions to help them see the next step, then let them complete the task. Children come to see the value of keeping on trying. DISCIPLINE * * * Be consistent. Never threaten punishment you do not intend to carry out. Try to be more positive than negative about your child’s behaviour. 14 INTELLECTUAL ASPECTS Children delight in developing knowledge and understanding by seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling and doing. Many everyday activities offer important learning for children: playing games, going on outings, building with materials, going shopping, cooking, playing with sand and water, counting, following instructions, listening to and telling stories, reading books and drawing and writing together. By offering your child a range of rich experiences such as these, talking about what he or she is doing, and answering and asking questions in your home language, you are helping your child to develop both language and an understanding of their environment. The intellectual emphasis during the first years of school is on the development of reading and numeracy skills. There is a strong emphasis on the development of oral language. You can assist by: Reading to and with your child. Discussing pictures and having your child predict what they think the story will be about. Help your child develop concepts of more, less, bigger, smaller, how many? 15 BEGINNING SCHOOL BETWEEN NOW AND THE START OF SCHOOL 1. Teach your child to be independent with his/her own belongings and toys. It will greatly help if he/she can recognise his/her name, his/her own coat and school requisites. Please label any clothes that may be taken off. We strongly advise embroidered name tags, as they do not fade. Also clearly label lunch boxes and school bags. 2. Visit the school. Point out the different buildings and playground areas. Once school starts, make sure your child knows that you will meet him/her at the collection area (the veggie garden). 3. Plan a daily routine so that your child gets ample rest, without an afternoon sleep. (A much earlier bed-time is often needed during the first year at school.) 4. Ensure that your child is able to manage clothing and use the toilet without assistance. 5. Make a point of chatting with your child and encourage him/her to sit quietly and listen. 6. Establish a pick-up and drop-off plan, check work times, work towards a calm and orderly pace of being up, dressed, fed, organised and ready to leave the house for a timely arrival at school. If this routine is mastered before the first day of school, your child will not need to deal with the stress of a new morning routine. 7. Food: Give your child practice in eating a packed lunch at home. * Be sure your child has a balance breakfast before coming to school. * Lunches should be restricted in size, please. Some children are required to eat too much. * No glass bottles for children’s drinks. * Aluminium foil is easier to unwrap than “glad wrap”. * Pack a healthy lunch and snack. * Show your child what food you have packed each morning and say what food is for play time and what is for lunch time. * Make sure your child can easily open their lunch box and drink container. * Encourage your child to bring home any food they don’t eat Please help us to reduce the amount of plastic wrap and other items of plastic that we put into our bins. On Wednesdays we have a “NUDE FOOD” Day. We try not to bring any plastic or plastic containers that have to be thrown out. 16 FIRST TERM 2015 THE FIRST DAY On your child's very first day at school, walk your child to the classroom. Take a photo if you wish, say a cheerful, short good-bye and then allow the teacher to assist the child in the classroom. If you are concerned about your child, please drive away and call the office at your earliest convenience to check on your child's progress. If there is an adjustment period, it is usually very short. The staffroom will be available on the first day if you wish to stay and have a cuppa at school for a while and chat or cry with other parents. SAYING GOODBYE Short good-byes and a positive, non-worried manner convey to the child an unspoken message that you know he/she is being left in a safe place you picked out just for them. Parents set the pace for a child's success at school. Encourage your child to join in an activity with other children in the classroom. A short, cheerful good-bye from you can help your child feel there is nothing to be concerned about. By the end of term one children should be coming into the classroom by themselves and organising their bag, reader, etc. FIRST WEEK - Thursday 29th January - Friday, 30th January 2015 * All children start on the same day, Thursday 29th January 2015 * Prep children to arrive at 9:00 a.m. and will finish at 1 p.m. * Only play lunch (little play) and drinks need to be brought to school by prep children this week. * Play lunch could consist of a snack, a piece of fruit and a drink. * Please do not expect children to eat too much, especially considering the hot weather. * Don’t forget your child’s school hat. 17 SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH and FIFTH WEEKS * Monday 2nd February - Thursday 5th February. Monday 9th February - Thursday 12th February. Monday 16th February - Thursday 19th February. Monday 23rd February - Thursday 26th February. * Children arrive at 9:00 a.m. and will finish at 3:30 p.m. * FOR PREP CHILDREN. No class on Fridays in February - 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th February. On these days we will be holding interviews with our prep students and their parents. Initially, we are running a modified program in the afternoon sessions. If you feel your child would benefit from going home early do not hesitate to collect your child from the classroom. * During February, on days of extreme heat, please feel free to collect your child at any time after the morning session. If it is necessary to collect your child other than at the normal time of dismissal, you need to inform your child’s teacher. We have a sign in/sign out register in the office for late arrivals and early departures. * Children will need to bring both playlunch and lunch. SIXTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH and NINTH WEEKS * The school day is from 9.00 a.m. till 3.30 p.m. * All Children attend on every day of the week. * Monday 2nd March - Friday 6th March Tuesday 10th March - Friday 13th March Monday 16th March - Friday 20th March Monday 23rd March - Friday 27th March * Monday 9th March is the Labour Day public holiday. * First term ends on Friday 27th March at 1.00pm. 18 WHO IS MY CHILD GOING TO PLAY WITH? You can be assured that your child will have friends on the playground. Parents are often concerned about their children during recess and lunch break. You can feel confident that your children are well supervised, and that the teachers ensure that no child is left without friends on the playground. WHEN CAN I SPEAK TO THE TEACHER? Your child’s teacher is very happy for you to speak to her/him about your child, when she/he is free to do so. Developing the habit of communication is very important. A whole range of minor issues can be dealt with through an informal word with your child’s teacher after school. However, if you have any particular concern that may require more lengthy discussion, please make an appointment with the teacher at a mutually convenient time. GOING TO AND FROM SCHOOL After the first few weeks a pattern of going to and from school will have been established. Please let the class teacher know what the normal arrangements are, and whether there are any alternative arrangements - such as being collected by other adults. Please ensure that your child knows if the normal arrangements are to change. Arrive in plenty of time to collect your child and call the school if you are going to be late. For the first year you will meet your child and their teacher at the veggie garden after school. 19 LIBRARY REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES * Child to have “Safeway” size material library bag to transport books to and from school on library day. Library Bags can be ordered from the student requisites list. * The Library bag should be clearly marked with your child’s name and grade. * Each week children are to return their library books on their library day. ART/CRAFT/PAINTING REQUIREMENTS * Smock - preferably large enough to allow ease of movement; clearly labelled with your child’s name. * It is recommended that the smock has elastic at sleeve ends and around neck. * Smocks to be left at school and cleaned at home, should the need arise. * Smocks can be ordered from the student requisites list. 20 THE CURRICULUM St. Joseph’s School has a proud record of providing a balanced and sequential curriculum for all students. Along with all other schools in Victoria, we use the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (AusVels) to plan our curriculum. AusVels outlines what is important for students to learn and develop during their time at school. The Standards are designed to encourage a deep understanding of essential knowledge, skills and behaviour. The teachers use AusVels to plan student learning, assess students’ progress and report to parents. Students will continue to develop knowledge and understanding in the traditional subject areas of Religion, English, Mathematics, Science, the Humanities, Languages, Health and Physical Education and the Arts. The new approach links traditional subject areas more closely to other important areas of learning such as the development of physical, personal and social skills. THE EARLY YEARS In the early years (Prep – Year 4), the emphasis is on establishing literacy and numeracy skills and understandings, giving children the confidence to learn and to participate in everyday life. The early years classroom is an exciting and stimulating place where your child will be challenged and supported during a range of activities. Time each day will be devoted to literacy and numeracy. As part of the whole class your child will read books, learn about writing stories and solve mathematical problems with the teacher. At other times he or she will spend time working in small groups on special literacy and numeracy tasks with the teacher or independently with other children. Classrooms are child-friendly places with colorful displays of children’s work, learning materials and books, computers, construction materials and art supplies – all of which children find inviting and stimulating 21 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Joseph’s School is the primary school of St. Mary’s, Star of the Sea, Parish. The school and the parish respect, encourage and support parents in their role as first educators of their children in faith. Our Religious Education program is fundamentally concerned with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The basic aims of Religious Education are to develop an awareness of, an understanding of, a response to and a celebration of the life of God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church and the wider world. The sources of Religious Education are the expression of God’s revelation in Scripture, Tradition, Liturgy and Life. Each child has a copy of the text “To Know, Worship and Love.” Our R.E. program is planned and implemented using the “Coming To Know, Worship and Love” program with its series of textbooks and teachers’ companions. In Year 3, the children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in Year 4, they receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. Every alternate year the Year 5 and 6 children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classroom masses, whole school masses and prayer are core components of the program. 22 ENGLISH Our English program aims to develop in students the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment. The English key learning area is organised into three stands, which are the same for all levels: * Speaking and Listening * Reading * Writing Our literacy program incorporates a range of instructional strategies to provide for the diverse needs of all students. The teachers plan a variety of strategies every day during the reading and writing blocks. Each instructional strategy provides a different level of teacher support and provides unique opportunities to support students as they develop into engaged, responsive and reflective readers, writers, listeners and speakers. The structures in which the students operate provide varying degrees of independence and responsibility. When planning a teaching session the teacher selects the most appropriate instructional strategy with guidance from the relevant data kept for each student. Reading Recovery is a short-term early intervention program, focusing on students who, after one year of schooling and despite good first teaching, are not developing effective reading and writing processes. Reading Recovery is arguably the most consistently documented and successful early literacy intervention program currently available. It is also an accelerative program and as such is unique among intervention programs. ENGLISH—SPEAKING AND LISTENING Within the Speaking and Learning component, some of the skills the students will master include the ability to: * recount personal experiences in sequence * retell the main events of a story * repeat a message * listen to stories, thoughts, ideas and the views of others. * develop a feeling for the rhythm and movement of words through poems, rhymes, jingles and songs. 23 ENGLISH—WRITING Within the Writing component we encourage children to master skills which include:- * making natural scribble patterns * engaging in writing-like behaviour such as scribbling in lines, making letter shapes, writing their own name, copying words * writing letters of the alphabet correctly * reading or inventing a message based on their own “writing” * distinguishing between writing and drawing * writing from left to right, top to bottom ENGLISH—READING Within the Reading component, the skills students will master include the ability to: * listen to a story read aloud * hold the book the right way up, turn the pages * distinguish between print and picture * display an interest in books, pictures and stories * talk in a story-telling voice * respond to a story e.g., laughter, anger From the very beginning, children learn through modelling, that reading is pleasurable and meaningful 24 MATHEMATICS By learning mathematics in school, students acquire some of the skills and knowledge that they need to deal confidently and competently with daily life. Learning mathematics involves mastering several components: knowing mathematical facts (such as the multiplication tables), being able to carry out mathematical procedures (such as adding numbers or drawing a graph) and being able to use mathematics in solving problems. For prep students, there are four strands: * Space * Number * Measurement, Chance and Data *Working Mathematically. Some of the skills that students acquire in their first year at school are the ability to: * identify simple patterns * continue a pattern * use informal measurements of length, capacity and volume * sort materials * estimate and compare size/shape * identify sameness and difference * touch count (1 - 20) * count (1 - 20) * count out (1 - 20) * count how many * count forward/backwards * use zero to label an empty group * use appropriate mathematical vocabulary St. Joseph’s is involved with the ‘enVision’ program; a topic driven teaching and learning program aligned with the Australian curriculum to ensure that children are successful learners in this important area of the curriculum. 25 INTEGRATED CURRICULUM We use an integrated approach to learning and teaching for the content areas of the Curriculum Science, The Humanities ( History, Geography and Economics), Health and Civics and Citizenship. This integrated approach emphasises the common elements of knowledge, skills (thinking and social), values and attitudes. Integrated units of work, based around topics of relevance and interest to students, are a vehicle for providing meaningful, connected, learning contexts. Each term one of the four domains of Science, The Humanities, Health or Civics and Citizenship is the major focus of the students’ work. Units are planned on a two-year cycle. THE ARTS The Arts are incorporated into the teaching of the integrated curriculum. Students use art, dance, drama, media, and music to respond to, sort out, organise, demonstrate and make meaning of the experiences we provide in our study of Science, The Humanities, Health and Technology. The students attend a weekly 1 hour art lesson with our specialist art teacher. Some aspects of The Arts are also included in other areas of the curriculum. For example, dance is one of the elements that is taught in the physical education program. LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH At St. Joseph’s, children learn Italian. The study of a Language Other Than English (LOTE) has become increasingly important as Australia has become a culturally diverse society. It develops communication skills and knowledge and helps the children come to understand social, historical, familial relationships and other aspects of the language and culture of the speakers of the language they are studying. In their lessons, student are involved in listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing activities. MUSIC At St Joseph’s children have the opportunity to learn guitar or piano during school hours. They also have the opportunity to be part of the school choir and participate in assembly items and concerts; e.g. the end of year Christmas concert. 26 PHYSICAL EDUCATION A well-developed Physical Education program is not only essential for the physical development of your child but is crucially important in providing a link with all other areas of the curriculum. For example, skills such as throwing, hitting and catching a ball can lead to your child developing the hand-eye co-ordination skills needed to perform other activities in the curriculum. It also provides improved social confidence during playtimes. Physical Education aims to develop a range of physical skills, movement patterns and coordinated actions in all students. Students are given the opportunity to use these skills in play, games, dance, gymnastics, sports, outdoor activities and recreation. We have a specialist Physical Education teacher at St. Joseph’s. We provide an introduction to the F.M.S. (Fundamental Motor Skills) program which aims to develop specific skills used in playground games and in sports and ensures improved participation in such activities. At the Prep level, these skills are incorporated into the Phys. Ed. lessons, with growing emphasis and time allotted to these skills in Grades 1 and 2. In term 4 we provide swimming lessons as part of the Physical Education program. 27 HANDWRITING The school teaches a handwriting style called Victorian Modern Cursive. This style is recommended for all primary schools. It was developed after extensive consultation with practicing teachers and in response to requests for greater consistency, legibility and fluency of handwriting. Your child’s name should be written with a capital letter at the beginning of the name then small letters. (Please not all capitals) Simon 28 GENERAL INFORMATION ABSENCES The regular attendance of children is expected. In case of sickness, keep your child at home and call the doctor if necessary. Report absences the day the child is sick, before 9:30 a.m., and send a note to the teacher when the child returns to school. (Absences notes are available from the school office). If your child gets sick at school, you’ll be contacted. It is important that the school has an emergency number to ring if you cannot be reached. The school should be informed of changes to emergency contact numbers, home or work phone numbers immediately. ACCIDENTS Minor accidents are dealt with by teachers. Any accidents requiring medical attention will be brought to the immediate attention of the parents. If parents cannot be contacted the school will need to contact a relative or friend who can assist. In the event of an emergency, the principal will take responsibility for permission for medical treatment. All children who receive treatment in the sickbay are provided with a parent information slip. This will include the nature of the injury and the treatment provided. ACTIVE AFTER-SCHOOL COMMUNITIES PROGRAM Children can participate in structured physical activity and sport after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the Active After School Communities program. Activities run between 3.45pm and 4.45pm at St. Joseph’s. Booking forms are published in the school newsletter at the beginning of each term. There is no cost for children to participate in the program. ANAPHYLAXIS Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction when a person is exposed to an allergen. The most common allergens in school-aged children are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. cashews), cow's milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, certain insect stings and medications. If your child has been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis, you should inform the school as early as possible of any foods or items your child is allergic to and provide the school with an Anaphylaxis Management Plan. You must also supply your child’s EpiPen® and replace it when it reaches the expiry date. School staff regularly undertake training in recognising and responding appropriately to an anaphylactic reaction, including EpiPen® training. ASSEMBLIES The children assemble each week to share events of interest, notable achievements and pray. Classes are rostered for a presentation. These assemblies are held on Monday afternoons in the Church Hall from 3.00pm to provide a means of regular contact between classes and with the Principal. Parents are always welcome to attend. 29 BICYCLES Children may bring bicycles to school provided that: an approved safety helmet is worn; no bicycle is ridden within school premises; The bike is locked while at school While all care will be taken regarding supervision of bicycles, no responsibility will be assumed by the school BOOK CLUB The opportunity is given for students to buy books through the Ashton Scholastic Book Club. Information regarding this service is sent to parents without obligation. BUDDIES Each prep student is assigned a year six and a year 3 “buddy”. The buddies do a variety of activities together during the year. The “buddy system” gives the seniors the opportunity to exercise their leadership qualities. The system also provides each prep student with important contact people during the first years of primary school. BUSES The school has a contract with O’Shannessy to provide daily transport to and from school for our students. The school bus travel is free to families who live more than 4.8kms from the school and where St Joseph’s is their nearest Catholic Primary School. It is expected that children will use the school bus if they live more than 4.8 kms from the school. To be eligible to use the bus children must have a current Bus Conveyance Allowance. Conveyance Allowance forms are available from the office. CARPARK Parents are asked to observe the following rules in relation to dropping children at school. Morning Enter via the gate nearest to the school Do not exceed a 5kph speed limit in the school grounds Give way to pedestrians Park in designated bays facing the church Accompany your child from your vehicle to the classroom or supervised play area Exit via the gate nearest to the school (cont...) 30 CARPARK (cont) Students are not allowed in the car park area unless accompanied by an adult Children enter via the main entrance if their parents park in Constitution Hill Road Afternoon Enter via the gate nearest to the school Do not exceed a 5kph speed limit in the school grounds Give way to pedestrians Park in designated bays facing the church Accompany your child from the pick up area to your vehicle As the car park doubles as hard surface playground space during the day, there will be no vehicle access between the hours of 9:30am and 3:15pm daily. Parents visiting the school during the day will be required to park out on the road CHANGE OF ADDRESS The school must be notified immediately if there is a change in address or phone number at home or in the work place of parents. This is to ensure contact in the case of emergency. COURT ORDERS In the event where a current court order applies to children at the school, the custodial parent is obliged to present the school with a copy of the court order to ensure that the school is aware of any custody arrangements. Where there are no court orders in place and parents are separated, the school needs to be notified of current mutual access arrangements. CURRICULUM DAYS School principals, after consultation with their School/Parish Education Boards and/or appropriate parent representative groups and approval by the Parish Priest, are responsible for the number and timing of school closure/pupil free days. In general, the school will be closed on four days throughout the year to enable the total staff to attend in-service curriculum activities. Parents are informed of these closures well in advance. Individual teachers and groups of teachers attend in-service activities throughout the year. On these occasions, replacement teachers are employed to take the class of teachers involved. Pupil free days are used for the following purposes: • teacher professional learning; • curriculum development and planning; • student assessment and reporting 31 DISCIPLINE POLICY Disciplinary practices aim to develop responsible self discipline among students. The discipline policy at St Joseph’s is based on Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline Model. Specific observable rules are established for the classroom and playground. Positive consequences are established for students following school rules and a logical series of consequences are put in place for inappropriate behaviour. St Joseph’s School has a Responsible Behaviour statement that fully outlines the beliefs The Classroom and Playground Discipline Plan consists of three parts CLASS RULES that students from Prep – Grade 6 must follow at all times. Rules are to be displayed in every classroom. SUPPORTIVE FEEDBACK that students will receive for following the rules. Most student behaviour interaction will be supportive feedback. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS that result when students choose not to follow the rules. Minimalist interventions The rules in our school are: 1. Follow directions 2. Use hands, feet and objects in a safe way 3. Listen to the speaker without interrupting 4. Move safely at all times 5. Use equipment with care 6. Speak appropriately. (No swearing, yelling or put-downs. Use manners). DOGS In the interests of child safety and for all who use the school, dogs are not permitted on school grounds at any time. EARLY COLLECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL If children are to be collected early for dental, medical appointments etc, the classroom teacher needs to be notified by the parent in the morning. When collecting the child, the parent must come to the office and sign the In/Out Student Register. The child being collected will then be called to come to the school office. EMERGENCY INFORMATION Information needed in the case of emergency is kept in the School Office. This information needs to be updated constantly, therefore it is important that any alteration of contact persons, phone numbers or addresses be brought to the attention of the school immediately. ENROLMENTS Applications for enrolment of pupils for the following year's Prep class are called during Term 2. Parents are notified about new enrolments through the school newsletter, the Parish Bulletin, the local newspaper and on kindergarten notice boards. Children may be enrolled to start school in February of the year in which they turn five, provided their birthday is on or before the 30th April. 32 EXCURSIONS Excursions take place in each grade of the school. They are invaluable in stimulating the children's interest and are always preceded or followed up by class work relating to the excursion. It is expected all children will normally take part in these activities. Parents will be notified in writing at all times when teachers plan for students to leave the school grounds. A mobile phone accompanies any group offsite or on excursions, in order to provide immediate communication with the school or emergency services. FITZGERALD SHIELD The Fitzgerald Shield is a house competition that runs throughout the year. The winning house for the year is announced at the end of year assembly. Mother Mary Gabriel Fitzgerald, a Sister of Mercy, was the first principal of St. Joseph’s School. She was principal from 1932 to 1935. GROUPING OF CLASSES Students do not go up as a total class into the next year level. Classes are re-grouped each year and students are mixed carefully taking into account an equal distribution of gender, academic ability, individual, social, emotional and behavioural needs and students who would benefit by being kept together or separated. Students from the same family will generally not be placed in the same class, however upon specific request from parents, this will be considered. Through the school newsletter parents are invited to participate in the class placement process by putting in writing to the school principal specific learning needs that they wish to be considered in the placement of their child. HEALTH EXCLUSION TABLE Your child’s health is very important. If a child is sick, he/she should not attend school as it slows down recovery and prevents learning (further information is available from school). Chicken Pox: Excluded until fully recovered or for at least 5 days after the eruption first appears. Measles: Exclude at least 4 days after onset of rash. Rubella (German Measles): Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after onset of rash. Impetigo (School Sores): Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing. Head Lice: Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Hepatitis A: Exclude until a medical certificate or recovery is received, but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice or illness. Hepatitis B & C: Exclusion is not necessary. Mumps: Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner). Influenza illnesses: Exclude until well. Ringworm: Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced. Scabies: Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced 33 HEAD LICE Head lice are classified as ‘infestation’, they are not a disease. Please check your child’s hair regularly. Parents will be notified if the school suspects your child has head lice. Parents are responsible for the treatment of head lice. Children with head lice can be readmitted to school after head lice treatment has commenced. A certificate from a doctor or council is not required before your child goes back to school. Head lice are not the fault of schools, other families or children. HOUSE TEAMS Children are divided across four house teams. If your child has older brothers or sisters in the school, he/she will automatically go into that team. The teams are: Mannix (Green): Archbishop Daniel Mannix was Archbishop of Melbourne from 1917 to 1963. He invited the Oblates to take charge of the Sorrento parish and he opened St. Joseph’s School in January 1932. Mazenod (Blue): (Blue St. Eugene de Mazenod was the founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1826. The Oblates have been in charge of this parish since 1926. McAuley (Red): Catherine McAuley was the founder of the Sisters of Mercy. From 1932 until 1983, the principal of St. Joseph’s was a Sister of Mercy. The Sisters taught in the school until 1995. Bunurong (Gold): The Bunurong people were the custodians of the Mornington Peninsula for 60,000 years before white settlement. IMMUNISATION CERTIFICATE The Health Act obliges the school to collect an Immunisation Certificate from all children at the time of enrolment. This certificate is to be obtained by parents from Medicare. INSURANCE The school has taken out a blanket Student Accident Insurance with Catholic Church Insurances covering the total school enrolment. This policy covers students "whilst at school" only - that is, on the school premises during school hours only and whilst participating in school camps or authorised activities away from school. It does not include travel to or from the school. The policy covers:- Incapacity Benefits; Loss or Damage to Teeth; Broken or Fractured Bones; Total and Permanent Disablement; Amputation or Permanent Loss of Use of Foot / Hand / Leg / Arm / Eye; Death. There is no additional cost to parents as this expense is built into the Student Levy Fee Structure. Full policy details are available from the school upon request. 34 INTERNET AND STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHS An “Acceptable Use” policy for Email and the Internet is in place at the school. Children not adhering to the policy will lose the right to use the email and Internet. A “Permission To Publish” form is signed by parents before student photographs are use on the Internet. This will be sent home in Term 1 of each school year. LOST PROPERTY All lost property is held in the side corridor of the school near the library office. At the end of each term lost property is sorted and any un-named items are passed on to others in need of uniform items or St Vincent de Paul. LUNCHES You are asked to give your child a lunch in a lunch box if possible. It would be helpful if children bring their drinks in plastic drink bottles. It is important that each child have an amount of lunch that can be eaten comfortably in the time allowed (10 min). We encourage parents to provide a nutritious lunch. PLEASE NOTE: Do not give your child drinks in glass bottles or cans as they constitute a danger. Drinks in plastic containers are fine. MEDICATION The school acknowledges that certain students may require prescribed medication during the school day to function as near to their potential as possible. The school also realises that the administration of prescribed medication by the parent, legal guardian of the child, or by appropriate medical authorities is not always possible at the prescribed time during the school day. The medication prescribed for the student must come in the original container and must be labeled. There will be no changes in the dosage or the times medication is administered without the written permission from the doctor or parent or guardian. Where possible medication at school should be avoided. It is suggested that the parent or guardian discuss possible alternatives to medication at school with your doctor or keep the child at home during the course of the medication. MONEY All money sent to the school for fees or any school activity should be in an envelope, clearly marked as to the contents. Please do not send large amounts of cash to school with children. We cannot be responsible for money lost in transit. MOBILE PHONES, PORTABLE GAMING and MUSIC PLAYERS Mobile phones are not to be used at school. Mobile phones should be handed into the office at the beginning of the school day and collected from the office at the end of the school day. Parents are advised to contact the school office if a message is to be passed on to their child. Portable gaming and music players are not to be brought to school by children. 35 NEWSLETTER A school newsletter is compiled and sent home with the eldest child in the family on Wednesday each week. This newsletter is a major communication link between school and home and contains information of coming events and other matters we wish to bring to your attention. Please read the newsletter carefully and keep it for referral. Contributions from children, teachers and parents are always welcome. Every effort is made to also send other notices home on that day. The deadline for typing purposes is 9.00 Wednesday morning. Parents will have the option of receiving the weekly newsletter in electronic format via email. The newsletter is also available on the school’s website our via our school app. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Parents make an important contribution to the life of the school and there are many opportunities available for parent involvement. A most valuable assistance to the school is provided by Classroom Helpers who support literacy in the early years P-4 classrooms. A training course can be provided to increase parents understanding of literacy acquisition, assist in the development of their questioning skills and assist them in providing support for small groups of students in the literacy program. Other opportunities for parental involvement include: Class reps, Excursions, Computers, Covering of library and class books, Swimming and the Parents and Friends. PARENTS FOR PARENTS A group of parents operating through the Parents & Friends offers support to families in need. Families may require assistance for many reasons; sickness, accident, birth of a new child and being new to the school. Parents for Parents aims to provide support according to need and circumstance; transporting children, providing a meal or making contact with a new family. PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION The Parents & Friends Association is the main formal avenue for parental involvement and participation in the life of the school. It strives to promote the welfare of the school community and stimulate interest in the school. The two primary purposes of this group are to hold social gatherings for families to get to know each other and functions which raise funds for the school to purchase equipment above and beyond the scope of the normal school budget. Parents are welcome to become involved on the committee. The first meeting in the school year is traditionally the Annual General Meeting, which is held in mid February. At this meeting all positions are declared vacant and a new committee and class representatives are elected. Priorities and activities for the year are also established. PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS Parent-teacher meetings represent a perfect opportunity for parents to play an active role in their child’s education. At St Joseph’s parent/teacher interviews are held formally in term one and term 2 each year. They provide an opportunity for parents to discuss the progress of their children and any concerns that either teacher or parent may have. Teachers are also available at other times to discuss your child's educational growth. However, parents are asked to see the teacher and make an appointment for an interview, stating the reason for this request. This ensures that the teacher is available and can prepare so that the interview is profitable for all concerned. PHOTOGRAPHS In common with most schools, class and individual photographs are taken each year. Parents are given the opportunity to choose a package and pay for the package before photographs are taken. (but are under no obligation) 36 REPORTING STUDENT PROGRESS TO PARENTS Reporting student progress to parents involves: Student Work Samples Folders sent home at the end of each Semester Parent/Teacher interviews held twice per year Written Progress Reports sent home mid-year and end of year. RETURN OF NOTES, ETC. All items that are to go to the office (absentee notes, permission slips, etc.) are to go via the classroom message box. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM The partnership role of parents, school, priest and parish for the effective preparation of each student is at the heart of our Sacramental Program. Children in Grade 3 are given the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Children in Grade 4 are invited to participate in their First Communion and children in grade 5/6 are provided the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation every second year. The immediate preparation for each of the three sacraments mentioned above will involve the parents, Parish and teachers. Parents who wish their children to receive the sacraments will be required to attend preparation nights and a Commitment mass. At each of these sessions, there will be instruction from the priest/sacramental team on some aspect of the sacrament, and an explanation to parents about how to support their child's preparation. Active participation by parents is seen as essential to the effectiveness of the program. SCHOOL BANK The school provides a banking service for children. Accounts can be lodged with the Catholic Development Fund of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Brochures and application forms are available at the school office. Bank day is Wednesday. Teachers collect children's bank books and send them to the office via the classroom Message box. Bank books are returned by Thursday. SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT TIME School starts at 9.00am. Classes finish at 3.30pm each day. Parents need to ensure that their children arrive at school in time to unpack their belongings and are ready for the start of school. Lateness for school is unacceptable. Late comers cause disruption to the start of the school day for the class, miss important instructions and create an unnecessary additional workload for teachers and school office staff. Children who arrive late for school must be signed in at the front office. SCHOOL FEES School fees are determined by the Parish Priest in consultation with the principal and school accountant and are reviewed annually. Wherever possible the increase in school fees is kept in line with CPI. The tuition fee is charged yearly and may be paid by instalments. These funds are paid into the school’s General Account which, together with State and Commonwealth monies, is used to pay teachers’ salaries, maintenance costs, recurrent costs such as electricity, etc. The building levy is charged yearly and may be paid by instalments. This levy is used to offset the costs involved in meeting our ongoing capital expenditures. The composite levy is charged yearly and may be paid by instalments. This money is used to pay for materials, textbooks, excursions and other requisites. Direct Debit and Credit Card facilities are available for paying school fees. 37 SCHOOL HOURS 8:45 - 9:00 Teacher supervision of yard 9:00 - 11:00 Classes 11:00 - 11:30 Recess 11:30 - 1:30 Classes 1:30 - 2:30 Lunch 2:30 - 3:30 Classes 3.30 Dismissal 3:30 - 3:45 Teacher supervision of yard and bus travellers SCHOOL NURSE The Health Department makes available a school nurse who carries out examinations of all children (with parental consent) in their first year of school. Specific information will be made available at the time of her visit. SECONDARY EDUCATION Children are able to receive a Catholic Secondary Education by enrolling at Padua College. This is our regional Catholic Secondary school with campuses at Rosebud and Mornington. Information about Padua can be found on their website: SIGN IN/SIGN OUT REGISTER: On occasions children may need to be collected from school during school hours. Parents are asked to notify the school prior to the child being collected and notified as to who will be collecting the child. On arrival at the school, the person collecting should report to the office to complete the Sign in/Sign out Register. Following completion of the Sign Out register the child will be called to the school office. SPORTS Children in the senior section of the school participate in inter-school sport. St. Joseph’s is a member of the Victorian Primary Schools Sports Association. Through our involvement with this Association, students are able to be involved in Zone, Regional and State events. STAFF MEETINGS Staff meetings are held on Monday and Tuesday each week from 3:30 to 5:00pm. Parents are reminded that teachers will not be available for interviews after school on these days. 38 STUDENT BIRTHDAYS While is it not necessary to celebrate birthdays at school we understand that parents often want to celebrate their child’s birthday with their class. We do not object to this but to ensure that all students are treated equally parents are asked to observe the following guidelines. If cake is to be shared then parents are asked to provide a batch of cupcakes for the class. If confectionery (lollies or chocolate) is to be shared then please provide a small bag for each child in the class or enough to pass out so that each child receives the same item. The classroom teacher needs to be notified at least one week in advance so that children in the class with life-threatening allergies can be catered for on the day. STUDENT WELLBEING Student Wellbeing is a whole school approach in partnership with parents and the wider community. St Joseph’s makes every effort to provide a safe and supportive environment so that students feel safe and are free from harm. We have a student wellbeing coordinator one day per week to oversee support programs offered to students and works with the principal and teaching staff to develop and maintain a safe and supportive school environment. Our student wellbeing coordinator also works with individual children on social and emotional issues including grief and loss. STUDENT REQUISITES In addition to the materials that the school provides from the composite levy, all students start the year with a collection of exercise books, pencils, etc. Student requisite lists are usually distributed to parents in October. These lists need to be returned to the school without delay so that individual orders can be packaged for collection at the end of January—Nepean Office Smart (Rye Newsagency). Student requisites are separate from the school fees (tuition fees, building levy and composite levy). SUNSMART Children are required to wear a wide-brimmed school hat in the playground in 1st and 4th terms. Children who do not have a wide-brimmed school hat on these days and on any other day when the sun poses a threat to their health, will be required to sit in a sheltered area. Parents are expected to ensure that children have a hat at school at all times during the first and fourth terms. SWIMMING We share an outdoor swimming pool and equipment with Sorrento Primary School, during first and fourth terms. Students in grades 1—4 have lessons in firsts term. In fourth term, students from prep - 4 have their lessons. Students in years 5 and 6 have eight intensive sessions over three weeks during third term at the Peninsula Aquatic Centre, Rosebud. The programs we teach are based on the Aquapac Lifesaving Society and the Victorian Auswim Association. We expect that parents will ensure that all children fully participate in the swimming programs. 39 TERM DATES and PUBLIC HOLIDAYS FOR 2015 TERM 1 Thursday 29th January - Friday, 27th March TERM 2 Monday 13th April - Friday, 26th June TERM 3 Monday, 13th July - Friday, 18th September TERM 4 Monday, 5th October - Friday 18th December Labour Day Good Friday Easter Monday ANZAC Day Queen’s Birthday Cup Day - Monday 9th March Friday 3rd April Monday 6thApril Saturday 25th April Monday 8th June Tuesday 3rd November THOMAS HAYES AWARD The Thomas Hayes Award is named in honour of Fr. Thomas Hayes, O.M.I., the first Oblate Parish Priest here at St. Mary’s, Star of the Sea, Parish. Fr. Hayes was parish priest from 1926 till 1935. The award helps us focus on the values that are at the heart of all we endeavour to do. The award is presented to a year 6 student at the end of each year. “TREASURED” POSSESSIONS Expensive or “treasured” possessions - toys, computer games, expensive watches, and so on - should not to be brought to school. Children become very upset if such items are damaged or misplaced. School can not be held responsible for lost or damaged possessions. TUCKSHOP The school tuck shop operates on Fridays each week through the voluntary help of parents. The tuck shop sells icy poles and treats. The maximum amount to be spent over the counter is $2.00. Lunches are not available through the Tuck-shop but can be pre-ordered at the beginning of the day each Friday. Lunch orders are placed in the tubs at the front entrance to the school. Lunch orders are provided by Patrick’s of Sorrento. Price lists are distributed at the beginning of each year. Orders must be lodged in a paper bag and contain the following information: Child’s name Class and teacher’s name The order Money enclosed in the bag (wrapped separately) 40 UNIFORM It is expected that students of St. Joseph’s School will wear full and correct uniform. Girls Summer School hat School jumper Black School shoes Summer dress Boys Summer School hat School jumper Black School shoes Blue short sleeve shirt Grey pleated shorts Navy socks Navy socks Girls Winter Boys Winter School Beanie (opt) School beanie (opt) School Jumper School Jumper Black School shoes Black School shoes Blue long sleeve shirt Blue long sleeve shirt Winter tunic Grey pleated pants Navy tights or socks Navy socks A school rain jacket is also available Sport Uniform Girls Sport School rugby top School polo shirt Navy Rugby shorts White socks Athletic shoes (runners) Navy tracksuit pants Boys Sport School rugby top School polo shirt Navy rugby shorts White socks Athletic shoes (runners) Navy tracksuit pants Sumer and winter uniform may be worn at any time however; children may not wear a combination of summer and winter uniforms. School shoes are considered to be shoes made of leather or synthetic leather only. Black Volleys of Converse leisure footwear are not acceptable. Athletic shoes include runners and cross trainers. Basketball boots, Converse and Volleys are not appropriate footwear for sport. Sport uniform will be worn on 2 designated days per week. Jewellery is restricted to stud or sleeper earrings. For safety reasons necklaces and bracelets are not to be worn, Children are to use the St. Joseph’s school bag. The Grade 6 rugby top is considered part of the sport uniform only. A note from parents to explain non-compliance is expected. 41 VISITOR’S SIGN IN All parents, friends, trades people and delivery personnel are asked to sign the Visitor’s book at he school office upon arrival during school hours and register their name and time of arrival. On leaving the school, visitors must sign out. WET-DAY PROCEDURE Classes proceed as normal on wet days. Children spend their lunch break and morning recess in their classrooms under supervision. The students engage in quiet activities, e.g. games, reading. Students are dismissed at the normal time. WORKING WITH CHILDREN In 2006, the Victorian Government introduced a new checking system to help protect children under 18 years of age from physical or sexual harm. The Working with Children (WWC) Check creates a mandatory minimum checking standard across Victoria. The WWC Check helps to keep children safe by preventing those who pose a risk to the safety of children from working with them, in either paid or volunteer work. All volunteers at St Joseph’s who are working with children need to have a current WWC Check. 42
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