From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. RAPID COMMUNICATION Dissection of the Genetic Programs of p53-Mediated G1 Growth Arrest and Apoptosis: Blocking p53-Induced Apoptosis Unmasks G1 Arrest By Christel Guillouf, Xavier Gratia, Muthu Selvakumaran, Antonio De Luca, Antonio Giordano, Barbara Hoffman, and Dan A. Liebermann Employing the myeloblastic leukemia M1 cell line, which does not express endogenous 4153,and genetically engineered variants, it was recently shown that activation of p53, using a p53 temperature-sensitive mutant transgene (p53ts).resulted in rapid apoptosis that was delayed by high level ectopic expression of bcl-2. In this report, advantage has been taken of these M1 variants t o investigate the relationship between p53-mediated G1 arrest and apoptosis. Flow cytometric cell cycle analysis has provided evidence that activation of wild-type ( w t ) p53 function in M1 cells resulted in the induction of G1 growth arrest; this was clearly seen in the Mlp53/bcl-2cells because of the delay in apoptosis that unmasked p53-induced G1 growth arrest. This finding was further corroborated at themolecular level by analysis of the expression and function of key cell cycle regulatory genes in Mlp53 versus Mlp53/bcl-2 cells after the activation of wt p53 function; events that take place at early times during the p53-induced G1 arrest occur in both the Mlp53 and the Mlp53/bcl-2 cells, whereas later events occur only in the Mlp53/bcl-2 cells, which undergo delayed apoptosis, thereby allowing thecells t o complete G1 arrest. Finally, it was observed that a spectrum of p53 target genes implicated in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis were similarly regulated, either induced (@add&, waf7, mdrn2, and bax) or suppressed (c-mycand bcl-2). after activation of wt p53 function in Mlp53 and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells. Taken together, these findings show that wt p53 can simultaneously induce the genetic programs of both G1 growth arrest and apoptosis within the same cell type, in which thegenetic program of cell death can proceed in either G1-arrested IMlp53/bcl-2) or cycling (Mlp53) cells. These findings increase our understanding of thefunctions of p53 as a tumor suppressor and how alterations in these functions could contribute t o malignancy. 0 1995 b y The American Society of Hematology. A topic p53” andor bcl-2, it was observed that, after activation of wt p53 function, Mlp53 cells underwent rapid apoptosis, whereas Mlp53ibcl-2 cells underwent delayed apoptosis.” In this report, advantage has been taken of these M1 cell variants to gain insight into the relationship between the genetic programs of p53-mediated growth arrest and p53mediated apoptosis induced within the same cell type. It is shown that activation ofwt p53 in M1 cells results in the simultaneous induction of the genetic programs of p53-mediated growth arrest and p53-mediated apoptosis. Rapid apoptosis prevents the cells from G1 arresting (as is the case in Mlp53 cells), whereas delaying the apoptotic response (ie, overexpression of bcl-2 in Mlp53ibcl-2) allows the cells to G1 arrest, showing that the genetic program of p53-induced cell death can proceed in either G1-arrested (Mlp53/ bcl-2) or cycling (Mlp53) cells. PROFOUND EXAMPLE of cell homeostasis that is regulated throughout life is the complex process of blood cell formation. This process requires the participation of many factors, including positive and negative regulators of growth and differentiation, which determine survival, growth stimulation, differentiation, functional activation, and programmed cell death (apoptosis). Consequently, any alterations in these pathways could contribute to leukemogenesis.’ In addition to growth arrest and apoptosis being implicated in normal hematopoeisis, they have been shown to modulate the cellular response to DNA-damaging agents used as anticancer agents.’ It is, therefore, of primary importance to understand how the growth arrest and apoptosis mechanisms are regulated and to discern the molecular players involved in these mechanisms. The tumor-suppressor gene p53 has become a major player in the context of studying the molecular biology of growth arrest and apoptosis and how aberrations in these pathways may contribute to tumorigenicity. Inactivation of p53 is a common event in the development of human malignancies, occumng in more than 50% of all tumor^.^ p53, a nuclear protein that binds to specific DNA sequences and functions as a transcriptional regulator,“ was observed to suppress cell growth’ and in several cell types to induce a p o p t o ~ i s .Experimental ~.~ evidence has accumulated to indicate that rndrn2,’ g ~ d d 4 5and , ~ Wufl” are important players in p53-mediated effects, and it has been shown that mdm2 and Wufl are direct target genes ofp53’,’’; along similar lines, the proto-oncogene c-myc, implicated inthe control of cell proliferation, was documented to be trans-repressed by p53.“ Recently, by activating wild-type p53 (wt p53) function of a temperature-sensitive p53 (p53‘”)transgene in M1 myeloblastic leukemia cells, which do not express endogenous p53, the spectrum of p53 target genes has been broadened to include bcl-2 and bar,’’,13 gene products implicated in the regulation of apopt~sis.’*‘~ Using genetically engineered M1 cell lines expressing ecBlood, Vol 85, No 10 (May 15). 1995: pp 2691-2698 From the Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA; and the Institutefor Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Jeferson Cancer Institute, Phiiadelphia, PA. Submitted December 14, 1994; accepted March I , 1995. Supported by National Institutes of Health Grants No. lROlCA51162 (B.H.), lROlCA43618 (D.A.L.), and IROlCA60994 (A.G.); by agrant from W.W. Smith (A.G.); by a CIRIT fellowship (Generalitat de Catalunya) (X.G.);and by National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant No. S P30 CA12227. Address reprint requests to Barbara Hofian. PhD, and Dan A. Liebermann, PhD, Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple Universiiy School of Medicine, 3307 N Broad Sr, Philadelphia, PA 19140. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article musf therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/85/0-0040$3.00/0 2691 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. GUILLOUF ET AL 2692 MATERIALS AND METHODS Cells and cell culture. The differentiation competent murine MI myeloid leukemic cell line (clone 6) and establishment of the Mlp53 (clone 7), Mlp53hcl-2 (clone 12), and Mlbcl-2 (clone S ) cell lines have been described previously," and the data presented were obtained using these clones. However, for each cell variant, three independent cell lines were examined,'' for which the results were similar to the data presented. Three Mlneo control lines consistently behaved like the parental M1 cells. Cells were cultured in Dulbecco's modifiedEagle'smedium(GIBCO,GrandIsland,NY)and 10% horse serum in a humidified atmosphere with 10% CO,. Cells were seeded at 0.15 X 106/mL at either 37.5"C or 32.5"C, as indicated. ForRNAextractions,atearlytimesaftertemperatureshifts,cell concentrations were adjusted to give a final density of greater than 0.25 X IO6 cells/mL at the time of extraction. Assays for apoptosis-associated properties. Viable cell numbers were determined by trypan blue dye exclusion and counting in a hemocytometer. Results of all experiments represent the mean of at least three independent determinations, with standard deviations up to 215% (ie,25% = 25% 2 3.75%).Apoptoticmorphologywas determinedon May-Griinwald-Giemsa-stained cytospinsmears. DNA fragmentation, indicative of apoptosis, was determined as described previously.'s Flow cytometric analysis. Cellswereharvestedafterdifferent periods of time at 32.S°C, the permissive temperature for activation ofwtp53function.Cellcycleanalysiswasperformed by fixing cells with 70% cold ethanol, collecting the cells by centrifugation, and treating for 30 minutes with RNase A ( I 80 pg/mL RNase A in phosphate-bufferedsaline[PBS]).Thecellsweresubsequently stained in propidium iodide (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and analyzed using a Coulter Epics Elite system (Miami, FL), choosing an appropriate window in the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) such that only living cells were included in the analysis. Analysis was performed at least three times with similar results. Immunoprecipitations, immunoblotting, und kinase a.ssuy.s. Immunoprecipitationswereperformedasdescribed by Grafia et a~,2wlFor Westernblottingexperiments,proteinsresolved by sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamidegelelectrophoresis(SDSPAGE) were transferred to immobilon (Millipore, Boston. MA) in I O nnnol/L CAPS/IO% methanol buffer (pH 11) and detected with horseradishperoxidaseandenhancedchemiluminescence(ECL; Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL). Kinase assays were performed as described." Briefly, immunoprecipitatedcomplexeswereincubated at 30°C for 20 to 30 minutes in20 m m o l k HEPES, 10 mmol/ L magnesium acetate, I mmol/L DTT, 20 pmol/L ATP, 2.2 X 10' c p d p m o l of y-"P-ATP (Dupont, Wilmington, DE), and 2.5 pg of histone HI (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) in a total volume of 25 pL. The reaction was terminated by the addition of 25 pL of 2 X Laemmlisamplebuffer,andthelabeledproteinswere resolved by SDS-PAGE. An equal amount of protein was used in all assays; protein determinations were performed using the BioRad protein assay (Hercules, CA). Preparation ofspecific anti-C-terminal peptideantibodiestocdc2 (G6) andcdk2havebeen described.'" Polyclonal anti-cyclin E was a kind gift of J. Roberts and E. Firpo (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA); anti-cyclin A and anti-cyclin Dl werekindlyprovided by Y. Xiong(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC). Polyclonal antibodies to p107 were from M. Ewen (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Boston. MA). Regarding monoclonal antibodies to pRB,XZ104. XZ133. XZ91, and XZ77 were from Q. Hu (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA) and PMG3-24.5 was from Pharmigen (San Diego, CA). RESULTS Growth and viability characteristics of M1 and M1 cell variants (Mlbcl-2,MIp53, and Mlp53hcl-2) at the nonpermissive and permissive temperatures for wt p53 function. To better understand the effects of p53 and Bcl-2,separately Recombinant DNA techniques, DNA probes, RNA extraction, and and in combination, on M1cellgrowth andviability, we RNA blots. Plasmidpreparations,restrictionenzymedigestions, DNA fragment preparations, and agarose gel electrophoresis were determined the viable cell number of parental MI cells and as described before.'"'' Probe forgadd45 was a Kpn I-Sac I hamster the genetically engineered M I variants,including MlpS3, cDNA fragment (1.2 kb) excised from pXR45m.IX Probe for mdm2 Mlbcl-2, and MlpS3/bcl-2cells, at different times after culwas the murine mdm2 cDNA insert (1.4 kb) of pl IB, a kind gift turing of the cells at 37.S"C and at 32.S°C, the permissive from Dr Donna George. Waf1 probe was a 440-bp murine fragment temperaturefor activation of wt function of the p53" obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of RNA from Mlp53 transgene (Fig l). As shown in Fig IA, for all of these cell cellsshiftedto 32.5"C for 3 hours.TheoligodT-primedreverse transcriptase (RT) reaction was performed using a GIBCO BRL Kit. lines the numberof viable cells increased similarly at37.5"C. At the permissive temperature (32.S°C), the numberof viable The amplimers used for PCR amplification were 5"CCATGTCCAcellsforM1andMlbcl-2continuedtoincreaseandthe ATCCTGGTGATGTCCG-3' and S'-TTTCGGCCCTGAGATGjTCCGG-3'. PCR conditions were denaturing at 94°C for 5 minutes percentage of living cells remained constant up to 4 days in followed by 30 cycles at 94°C for I minute, 60°C for I minute, and culture (Fig 1A and B). In contrast, at 32.S"C MlpS3 cells 72°C for 2 minutes and extension at 72°C for 7 minutes. Identity of exhibited a decrease in viable cell number, whichwas associthe PCR product was confirmed by direct sequencing. Relative levels ated with a rapid loss in the percentage of living cells (Fig of endogenous murinebcI-2 mRNA were measured using semiquan1C) because of apoptotic cell death (as evident from cell titative RT-PCR, analyzing PCR products by probing with hcl-2; to morphology and the appearance of a DNA ladder"). Unlike p2monitor for reproducibility of the PCR reaction, RT-PCR for the MlpS3 cells, at 32.S"C the number of viable MlpS3hclmicroglobulin (p2M) was performed. This analysis was performed 2 cells increased up to 1 day and decreased marginally by as previously described." Probes for bax, c-myc, and p-actin were the second day (Fig IB), with a significant decrease in the the same as used previously."." RNA was extracted by the method of Chomczynski and Sacchi, using guanidinium thiocyanate, as prepercentage of living cellsobservedonlyafter 1 day(Fig viously described." Total RNA (10 pgllane) was electrophoresed 1C). on I % agarose formaldehyde gels. Northern blots, using DuralonTaken together,theseobservationsindicatethat ( I ) ecUV membranes (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA), were prepared and UV topicexpressionof bcl-2 had no significant effect on the cross-linked (Stratalinker; Stratagene) before baking. Hybridization growth and viability of M1 cells, (2) activation of wt p53 and washing conditions and stripping blots of probe to rehybridize function resultedinarapid loss of M I cellviability, and were performed as described previously.'y Equal amounts of RNA (3) ectopic expression of bcl-2 in combination with wt p53 in each lane was confirmed by equal intensity of ethidium bromide function delayedthisrapid loss in cellviability, with the staining of ribosomal RNA bands and hybridization with a p-actin number of MlpS3hcl-2 cells not increasing beyond day 1. probe. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. BLOCKING P53-INDUCEDAPOPTOSIS UNMASKS GI ARREST A 41 B p MlklZ 31 K Days in Culture at 32.5OC n 0 1 2 3 4 5 Days in Culture at 32.5OC Fig 1. Viable cell number (A and B) and percentage of living cells (C) of the MI, Mlbcl-2, Mlp53, and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells at the nonpermissive (37.5"C) (A) and the permissive (32.5"Cl (B and C) temperawt p53 function. M1, Mlbcl-2, Mlp53, and tures for activation of Mlp531bcl-2 (0.15 x lo* cells/mLl were incubated either at the nonpermissive (37.5"C) or permissive (32.5%) temperatures and at the indicated times the number of viable cells and the percentage of living cells were determined by trypan blue exclusion and counting in a hemocytometer. Mlneo (not shown) andMlbcl-2 clones consistently behaved like the parental M1 cells, maintaining full viability (-95%) at both the nonpermissive (37.5%) and permissive (32.5"C) temperaturos, whereasthe Mtp53 and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells maintained of DNAfragmentation ladders full viability at 37.5"c. The appearance and apoptotic morphology ofthe Mlp53 and Mlp53/bc1-2 cells (Materials and Methods) have shown that the loss in cell viability was caused by apoptotic cell death." Cell cycle analysis of M1 and M1 cell variants expressing p53" andor bcl-2 transgenes after activation of wt p53function. Maintenance of a relatively constant number of viable cells for the Mlp53hcl-2 cell line between the first and 2693 second day after activation of wt p53 function may reflect p53-induced growth arrest or, alternatively, an equilibrium between cell death and cell proliferation. To address this issue, M1 parental cells and the genetically engineered variants, expressing ectopic p53" andlor bcl-2, were subjected to flow cytometric analysis after incubation at 32.5"C, choosing an appropriate window in the FACS such that only living cells were included in the analysis. As shown in Fig 2, for the M1 and Mlbcl-2 cell lines, neither the distribution of cells in the different phase of the cell cycle (GO/Gl; 53% 5 4%; S , 26% 2 4%; GUM, 21% 2 2%; Fig 2A) nor the GUS ratio (2 2 0.4; Fig 2B) varied significantly after shifting the cultures to 3 2 . W for various times. After 18 hours of incubation of the Mlp53 cells at 32S°C, a point in time when the majority of the cell population already had undergone apoptotic cell death (with only 20% viable cells), only a small increase was observed in the percentage of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, from 60% up to 71%; in parallel, a decrease in the percentage of cells in the S phase, from 25% down to 14%, was observed (Fig 2A). These alterations in distribution of cells in the different phases of the cell cycle resulted in a small increase in the GlfS ratio (up to 5.3; Fig 2B). In sharp contrast, it can be seen that the percentage of M l p 5 3 h l - 2 cells in G1 increased to 80% by 24 hours (with 92%of the cells viable), to 87% by 48 hours (with 61% of the cells viable), and to 96% by 96 hours, which was the latest time point when there were still enough viable cells amenable for FACS analysis (Fig 2A). Paralleling this impressive accumulation of Mlp53hcl-2 cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle were the decreases observed in the percent of cells in the S and the G2/M phases (7% and 12% by 24 hours, respectively, with 92% of the cells viable), ultimately resulting in a GUS ratio of 32 (Fig 2B). Based on these data, it can be concluded that the number of viable Mlp53hcl-2 cells is a reflection of an equilibrium between G1 growth arrest, proliferation, and cell death, and that between 1 and 2 days most of the cells have undergone G1 arrest. Taken together, these observations clearly show that activation of wt p53 function inM1myeloid precursor cells resulted in the induction of both G1 growth arrest and apoptosis. It is notable that the G1 growth arrest was clearly seen only in the Mlp53hcl-2 cells, because of ectopic bcl2 expression that delayed apoptosis compared with that in Mlp53 cells, thereby unmasking p53-induced GI arrest. The subtle changes in cell cycle distribution observed in Mlp53/ bcl-2 cells up to 18 hours after activation of wt p53 function is very similar to what was observed for Mlp53, despite the fact that in the latter case only 20% of the cells were living; these data are consistent with the notion that cells undergoing p53-induced apoptosis do not select from a subpopulation of cells with regardto cell cycle status. This notion is corroborated by the fact that the ultimate fate of the M1 cells expressing wt p53 was apoptosis, showing thatthep53induced genetic program of apoptosis can proceed in either G1-arrested (Mlp53hcl-2) or cycling (Mlp53) cells. Expression andfunction of cell cycle regulatory genes in Mlp53 versus M l p 5 3 h l - 2 cells after activation of wt p53 function. Progression through the cell cycle of dividing cells is governed by a family of protein kinases known as From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. GUILLOUF ET AL 2694 A M1 HM M 32.FC MlBd2 HM.M 32.5- M1p53 HM M 32.5'C H a m at 32.5.C Mlp53Bd2 HMI M 32.5% 98 H o v st ~ 32.5'C Fig 2. Cell cycle distribution and Gl/S ratio of M1, Mlp53, Mlbcl-2, and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells after wt p53 activation. (AI Cell cycle analysis by quantitative flow cytometry. The cells were fixed and stained with propidium iodide after different times in culture at 32.5"C, and the DNA content was assessed using an FACS. The histograms represent the percentage of cells found in each phase (G1, S, and G2/Ml of the cell cycle. The percentage of living cells is givenabove the panel for indicatedtimes at 32.5"C. The latest time point given correspondsto the time when the percentage of living cells is high enough to allow precise cell cycle analysis. (B)Histograms showing the ratio of cells in the G1 to S phases of the cell cycle after incubation at 32.5'C for the indicated times. For each celltype and time point, analysis was performed at least three times with similar results. cyclin-dependent kinases(cdks) andtheirregulatory subunits, the cyclins.Activationofthe cdks is regulated by association with the cyclins andby the phosphorylation state of both components of the complexes formed." The socalled G I cyclins (E and D), in particular the cyclin Ucdk2 complex, have been implicated in GI/S transition, whereas the cyclin A/cdk2 complex has been implicated in the progression of cells during S phase." One means by which cdks are known to exert positive growth control is by hyperphosphorylation and inactivation of negative cell cycle regulators, such as the retinoblastoma gene product (pRb). thereby overriding their ability to suppress GI exit." Therefore. it was of interest to determine the expression of these critical cell cycle regulators, their phosphorylated state. and the kinase activity of the complexes formed in the M I p53 and M 1 p531 bcl-2 cell lines. which were observed to undergo apoptosis and G1 arrest with distinct kinetics. As shown in Fig 3A, no significant changes in the levels of cyclin A, E. and D1 proteins or in their cyclin-associated histone HI kinase activitieswere observed in the MI and M 1 bcl-2 cells harvested at various times in culture at 32.S"C. Also, there was no detectable change in the level of cyclin D1 protein in MlpS3 and MlpS3/bcl-2 cells at 32.S°C, the permissive temperature for activation of wt p53 function. In contrast. the levels of cyclin A protein and cyclin A-associated kinase activity decreased both in MlpS3 and M Ips31 bcl-2cells after 12 and24 hours,respectively,at 325°C with no detectable cyclin A protein and cyclin A-associated kinase activity in the MlpS3/bcl-2 cells by 48 hours. As for cyclin E. no change in the level of cyclin E protein and cyclin E-associated kinase activity was observed in the M Ips3 and M lpS3/bcI-2 cells after 18 hours of incubation at 32.S°C, whereas in the MIpWbcl-2 cells. by 48 hours the cyclin Eassociated kinase was inactive with no apparent change in the level of cyclin E protein. As shown in Fig 3B. no quantitative or qualitative changes in cdk2 and cdc2 proteins were observed in any of the 4 cell lines after 18 hours at 32.S"C: however. in MlpS3/bcl-2 thebandscorresponding to the active forms were absent by 48 hours. Consistent with this finding was the observation that. in the MlpS3/bcl-2 cells. the cdk2 and cdc2-associated kinase activities were not detectable at the 48-hour time point. Finally. as shown in Fig 3C. mainly the hyperphosphorylated forms of pRb and a mix of different phosphorylation states of p107 were detected in exponentially growing MI and Mlbcl-2 cells at 32.S"C. In contrast.within 12 hoursafterplacingthe MlpS3 and M 1pS3hcl-2 cellsat 32.S"C. the protein band corresponding to thehyperphosphorylatedformofpRbwasobserved to shift to faster SDS-PAGE gel migrating bands. representing the hypophosphorylated forms of pRb. As for p107. the shift fromthehyperphosphorylated to thehypophosphorylated form occurredwithin 12 and 24 hours. respectively.after placing the MlpS3 and MlpS3/bcl-2 cells at 32.5"C. In conclusion.theexpressionpatterns.phosphorylated From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. BLOCKING p53-INDUCED APOPTOSIS G1 UNMASKS ARREST 2695 M1 MlbCl-2 -- - - Protein CYCLIN A Mlp53 I bcl-2 M1 p53 0 6 0 18 12 hf 12 48 24 18 6 - Kinas Proteln CYCLIN E Klnass 0 24 0 24 CYCLIN Dl 0 6 12 18 "0- Proteln Fig 3. Protein levels, associated kinase activities, and phosphorylation status of cell cycle regulatory proteins in M1, Mlbcl-2, Mlp53, and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells at indicated times after activation of wt p53 function at the permissive temperature (32.5%). (A) Analysisofcyclin A, E, and D l protein levels and associated kinase activities (for cyclin A and E). (B) Analysis of cdc2 and cdk2 protein levels and kinase activities. Active (*A) and inactive (*l)forms of cdk2 are indicated. Phosphorylatedforms of c d d are indicated by a bracket. (C) AnalysisofpRb and p107 protein levels and phosphorylation status. Hypophosphorylated forms of pRb and p107 are indicated by arrows. For each Western blot experiment, 40 to 60 p g of total protein lysate was loaded per lane. For kinase assays, l 0 0p g of protein was used. Analysis was performed at least six times with similar results. 0 U " " . Mlp53 0 6 6 12 18 2 4 4 8 hr 12 Mlp53 I bcl-2 18 0 hr 648 24 18 12 Protel CDCP Klnso D 'I *A Proteln CDKP Kin- c Mlbcl-2 M1 n 24 M1p53 " o 24 0 6 12 Mlp53 I bcl-2 18 0 6 12 18 24 48 hr 4 PRt p10' state, and kinase activities that have been observed for these regulatory cell cycle elements provide further support for the notion that activation of wt p53 function in M1 myeloid precursors activates the genetic program associated with G l growth arrest, in addition to induction of cell death. Events that were observed to occur at early times during the p53induced G1 arrest (ie, decrease in the expression and kinase activity of cyclin A and dephosphorylation of pRb and p107) were detected in both the Mlp53 and the Mlp53hcl-2 cells, whereas later events (ie, inactivation of the kinase activities of cyclin E, cdk2, and cdc2) were seen only in the Mlp53/ bcl-2 cells. These observations are consistent with the rapid kinetics of apoptosis of the Mlp53 cells that prevent the cells from completing G1 arrest, as opposed to the delayed apoptotic kinetics of the Mlp53hcl-2 cells, which afford the cells sufficient time to G1 arrest before undergoing apoptosis, thereby unmasking p53-induced G1 arrest of the M1 cells. Expression of genes implicated in p53-mediated growth arrest and apoptosis. The data presented thus far establish, both at the cellular and molecular level, that activation of wt p53 function in M1 cells initiates pathways for both G1 growth arrest and apoptosis. It was of obvious interest to examine the expression of genes that have been implicated in mediating the effects of p53 on growth and apoptosis (ie, gadd45, Wafl, mdm2, c-myc, bcl-2, and bux) in the M1 cell system after activation ofwt p53 function. As shown in Fig 4A, the expression of gadd45 and Wafl mRNAs were undetectable inM1 and Mlbcl-2 cells incubated at either 32.5"C or 37.5"C, whereas mdm2 and bax mRNAs exhibited low basal levels of expression in these cells. After activation of wt p53 function at 32.5"C, similar kinetics of induction/ upregulation were observed for the mRNAs of gadd45, Wafl, and mdm2 in the Mlp53 and Mlp53hcl-2 cells. In addition, bax &A, which was upregulated in Mlp53, continued to increase in the Mlp53hcl-2 cells, which underwent delayed apoptosis compared with the Mlp53 cells (Figs 1C and 4A; compare Mlp53 at 18 hours with Mlp53hcl-2 at 48 hours). As seen in Fig 4B, endogenous bcl-2 and c-myc mRNAs were expressed at similar levels in M1 and Mlbcl2 cells incubated at 32.5"C and in the Mlp53 and Mlp53/ bcl-2 cells were downregulated similarly after activation of wt p53 function at 32.5"C. St is notable that the kinetics of c-myc downregulation in the Mlp53 and Mlp53hcl-2 cells were exceptionally rapid, with no c-myc mRNA detectable by 6 hours; also notable is that the level of endogenous bcl2 mRNA continued to decrease inthe Mlp53hcl-2 cells compared with Mlp53 cells, which could be analyzed only up to 18 hours for RNA because of the rapid apoptotic response (Fig 1C). These data show that a spectrum of p53 target genes implicated in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis are similarly regulated upon induction of wt p53 function in the MIp53 and Mlp53hcl-2 cells. DISCUSSION M1 myeloblastic leukemia cells, which do not express endogenous p53, undergo rapid apoptosis after activation of wt p53 function of a p53" mutant transgene. Using geneti- From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. GUILLOUF ET AL 2696 A Mlbcl-2 Mlp53 ~1 0 24 0 24 ~0 1 6 12 18 MlD53 I bcl-2 0 1 6 12 2 4 4 8 hr GADD45 1 WAF1 (P211 D BAX C-MYC Fig 4. Expression of genes implicated in p53-mediated G1 growth arrest and apoptosis in M1, Mlbcl-2, Mlp53, and Mlp53/bcl-2 cells after activation of wt p53 function at the permissive temperature (32.5"C). (A) Analysis of the expression of gadd45, Waf1 ( ~ 2 1 )rndrn2, . and bax.(B) Analysis of the expression of c-rnycand bcl-2. Expression ). bax, and c-myc mRNAs was analyzed of gadd45, Waf1 ( ~ 2 1 rndrn2, by hybridization to Northern blots, using total RNA (10 p g per lane) extracted from the cells at the indicated times aftershift theto 32.5C. Quantitation of bcl-2transcripts was performed RT-PCR by (Materials and Methods) using RT-PCR for {32-microglobulin 1112M) as a control to show that PCR amplification was the same for the different RNA aliquots. callyengineered MI variants expressing pS3" and / x / - 2 transgenes. either separately or together. we have recently shown that high-level ectopic expression of bd-2 tlclays the rapid apoptoticresponseinduced by pS3.I' In thisreport. advantage has been taken of these M I variants to show. both at the cellular and molecular level. that activation of wt p53 function in MI cells initiates pathways for both GI growth arrest and apoptosis within the same cell type. Data obtained from both f o w cytometric cell cycle analysis and expression and functional analysis of key cell cycle regulatory genes afteractivation of wt p53 functionareconsistent with the rapid kinetics of apoptosis of the MlpS3 cells preventing the cells from completing G I arrest: this is in contrast to the delayed apoptosis of the MIpS3hcl-2cellsaffording the to GI arrest prior to undergoing cells sufficient time apoptosis. thereby unmasking p53-induced G I arrest of the MI cells. These data also show that the pS3-induced genetic program of apoptosiscan proceed in either GI arrested (M lp53hcl-2)or cycling (M IpS3) cells. The subtle changes in cell cycle distribution observed in MlpS3hcl-2 cells up to 18 hours after activation of wt p53 function is very similar to what was observed for M lpS3, despite the fact that in the latter case only 20% of the cells were living. This observation is consistent with thc notion that cells undergoing p53induced apoptosis do not select from :I subpopulation of cells with regard to cell cycle status. Elutriation experiments performed in this laboratory, as well as reported elsewhere." are in agreement with this notion. Thc findings presented in this report lead to the conclusion that the outcome of p53 activation in a given cell type is dependent on its ability to induce G 1 arrest and/or apoptosis. as well a s the relative kinetics of these processes. This provides a tangible working hypothesis to understand the molecularmechanisms that underliep53-mediatedresponses in different cell types. both in vitro and in vivo. For example. it is predicted that in cells in which genes involved only in the mediation of G I growth arrest are amenable to induction by wt pS3. activation of p53 function will result in GI growth Consistent with this notion are our recent observations that hn.r. unlike other p53 target genes (ie. gndd45 and W C ! / / is ) an unique p53-regulatcd gene in that its induction by genotoxic stress requires not only functional p53 but also that the cells be apoptosis "proficient."'" In cells in which genes mediating both G 1 arrest and apoptosis are responsive to p53. p53 activation will result in the induction of both of these cellular processes: completion of G I arrest will depend on the time of apoptosis. as shown in this study. It is surprising that until now induction of pS3-mediated GIgrowth arrest and apoptosis were not documented to occur in aparticular cell type as the result of the same p53 into fibroblast stimulus. Forexample.introductionof cell lines devoid of endogenous wt p53 was documented to result in only GI growth arre~t.".'~.'~.?~ Also. exposure of cellstoDNA-damaging agents".'".'" highlighted p53 asa criticalparticipant in thephysiologicpathway that causes GI arrest of cells in response to genotoxic stresses. On the other hand. activation of wt p53 function of ectopically expressed pS3" mutant in growing populations of hematopoietic cells, which lack endogenous p53 expression.'.''.''.'' or in kidney cells transformed with E/A+pS3"." showed a role for wt p53 as an inducer of programmed cell death. Activation of wt p53 function in M I myeloblastic leukemia or in primary baby Fisher kidney (BRK) cellswas shown to result in apoptosis in the absence of measurable GI growth arrest."." In murineerythroleukemiacells.activation of wt p53 function has lead to the conclusion that p53 induces cell deathpredominantly in the GI phaseofactivelycycling cells." Given that inactivation of PS.? occurs in more than 50% of a l l tumors' and that p 5 2 is required for induction of apoptotic cell death by y-radiation and chemotherapeutic dn~gs,".)~ the role downstream effectors of p53 may play in malignancy as well as in the response of tumors to radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs also must be considered when trying to decipher the molecular genetics of pS3. For example. in both the BRK and the murine erythroleukemia cells that were genetically engineered to express a p.53" mutant transgeneand high levelsof / x / - 2 . activation of wt p53 resulted in growtharrest that was leaky and. rather than occurring at G I phase as in M 1 p 5 3 h c P cells. occurred nonspecifically at multiple points in the cell cycle.".-'" Clearly, it will be of interest to determine towhat extent alteration(s) in the expression or function of the genes that mediate p53induced GI arrest may be responsible for the failure of these transformedcell types to arrest in G I . Intriguingly. p53dependent apoptosis in the absence of transcription has been documentedrecently in cells that. beforeactivationof wt p53 function,have been exposed to high levels of DNAdamage inducing agents (ie. UV- or y-radiati~n).'~ From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. BLOCKING P ~ ~ - I N D U C EAPOPTOSIS D UNMASKS G I ARREST We have recently shown that transforming growth factor P-1 (TGFP-l) induces growth arrest and apoptosis in M1 cells.’5,38The novel differentiation primary response gene MyD118, whose amino-acid sequence and growth suppressive functions were observed to be closely related to those of g ~ d d 4 . 5 was , ~ ~ shown to be a TGFP-l-induced primary response gene that positively modulates TGFP-1induced cell death.” gadd45, a primary response gene to p53 (this report and unpublished data), was not induced by TGFP-1, and activation of wt p53 in M1 cells did not induce MyD118 (unpublished data). Thus, given the sequence similarities between gadd45 and MyDI18,a role for gadd4.5, implicated in p53-induced G1 arrest, as a modulator of p53induced apoptosis is possible. In conclusion, in this work we have used genetically engineered variants of M1 hematopoietic precursor cells as a model system to molecularly dissect p53-induced G1 growth arrest and apoptosis. It has been shown, at the molecular and cellular level, that activation of wt p53 in M1 cells resulted in the induction of the genetic programs of both G1 growth arrest and apoptosis, and that when apoptosis was delayed by ectopic expression of bcl-2, G1 arrest was unmasked. 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For personal use only. 1995 85: 2691-2698 Dissection of the genetic programs of p53-mediated G1 growth arrest and apoptosis: blocking p53-induced apoptosis unmasks G1 arrest C Guillouf, X Grana, M Selvakumaran, A De Luca, A Giordano, B Hoffman and DA Liebermann Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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