PATIENT INFORMATION Thank you for choosing our practice for your eye care needs. Please print and complete the form front and back. Once you have completed this form, please return along with your driver’s license and insurance card (if applicable). Today’s Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________________________ Title _______ Dr. Mr. Mrs. Nick Name: __________________________ Miss Age: ________ Date of Birth: _________________ Address: _________________________________ City: _____________ State: _____ Zip ________ Cell phone # ____________________Work phone # _________________Home phone # ____________ Social Security # _____________________________ Driver’s License # ____________________ You or your parent’s employer: __________________________ Occupation: _____________________ Spouse or Parent’s name: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________ Whom may we thank for referring you to our office? _________________________________________ INSURANCE INFORMATION Vision Insurance _________________________ Health insurance: _____________________________ Primary Member’s Name: ______________________ Birth date: __/__/____ SS #: ________________ Relationship to Primary Member: ____________________ Spouse or parents name: _______________ PERSONAL EYE INFORMATION Do you feel a change in your prescription to see clearly at: Distance? __________ Near? __________ Date of last eye exam: ______________________ Doctor or location: __________________________ Do you have any eye conditions or problems? __________ What kind? __________________________ Have you had any eye operations? _________ Type: __________________ When? ___________ Have you had any eye injury? _________ Type: _____________________ When? ___________ Do you experience any eye strain? (i.e. pain, occasional spots, twitching eyelids) _____ When? ___________ Have you ever received visual training (eye exercises)? ______ When? __________________________ Do you have any of the following? _____ Glaucoma _____ Cataracts _____ Dry Eyes _____ Macular Degeneration _____ Headaches- when do you get them? _____________________ Where do you hurt? __________ Do you wear glasses? ________ When do you wear your glasses? ______________________________ Have you ever worn contact lenses? ______ When were they prescribed? ________________________ Do you wear contact lenses now? ________ If not, why did you quit? ___________________________ What type of contact lenses? _____________ Are you interested in wearing contact lenses? __________ PLEASE TURN OVER CONFINDENTIAL MEDICAL INFORMATION What is your general health? ____________________________________________________________ Date of your last general health exam? ____________ Any Abnormalities reported? ________________ Who is your primary care physician? _____________________________________________________ Do you have problems with any of the following/systems? _____ Allergies _____ Arthritis _____ Asthma/Respiratory _____ Cardiovascular _____ Diabetes _____ Ears/nose/throat _____ Endocrine (glands) _____ Gastrointestinal _____ High blood pressure _____ Integumentary _____ Lupus _____ Muscles/bones _____ Nervous _____ Thyroid disease _____ Urinary Please Explain: _______________________________________________________________________ Other health problems: _________________________________________________________________ Do you smoke? ______________________________________________________________________ Are you currently taking any medications? ______ Type: ____________________________________ Are you taking any hormones, including Birth Control pills? __________ Type: __________________ Are you allergic to any medications? _____ Explain: ________________________________________ Have you had any operations? ________ Type: ________________________ When? ___________ FAMILY HISTORY Does anyone in your family have a history or the following? _____ High Blood Pressure _____ Diabetes _____ Macular Degeneration _____ Cataracts _____ Wear Glasses _____ Eye Disease _____ Tuberculosis _____ Blindness _____ _____ _____ _____ Glaucoma Heart Disease Wear Contact Lenses Turned or Lazy Eye CERTIFICATION AND ASSIGNMENT To the best of my knowledge, the above information is complete and correct. I understand that is my responsibility to inform my doctor if I, or my minor child, ever have a change in health. I certify that I, and/or my dependent(s), have insurance coverage with ___________________________ Name of Insurance Company And assign directly to Eye Care Associates all insurance benefits for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges not covered by insurance, as well as, any copayments at the time of the visit. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance submissions. The above-named doctor may use my health care information and may disclose such information to the above-named Insurance Company and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services. This consent will end when my current treatment plan is completed or one year form the date signed above. ________________________________________________________________ Signature of Patient, Parent, Guardian or Personal Representative __________________ Date ________________________________________________________________ __________________ Please print name of Patient, Parent, Guardian or Personal Representative Relationship to Patient
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