9/22/2015 Advanced Amblyopia Treatment September 2015 Jen Simonson, OD, FCOVD Boulder, Colorado USA Learning Objectives: Learn about vision training for amblyopia to: 1. Decrease suppression 2. Improve fixation 3. Improve accuracy of accommodation 4. Develop depth perception 5. Improve acuity All lecture slides and links are available on www.bouldervt.com Potential Benefits of a Binocular Approach: Amblyopia Is our best treatment patching an eye? New research is validating that a binocular model of treatment is superior to occlusion therapy. Is our best treatment patching an eye? 1. Improved treatment compliance 2. More functional improvement than patching – especially in the development of stereopsis 3. Less regression 4. No harm to better seeing eye (reverse amblyopia) 1 9/22/2015 Common Causes of Amblyopia: The prevalence of amblyopia is approximately 3.5% of the population. 1. Misalignment of the eyes (strabismus) Mild Is our best treatment patching an eye? Strabismus 13:93, 2005 S.E. Loudon, H.J. Simons, The History of the Treatment of Amblyopia ◦ Assumed these conditions interfered with the architecture of the developing brain. ◦ Patients with amblyopia were assumed to be anatomically monocular and lacked the capacity for functional binocularity 20/40 (6/12) or better Moderate 20/40-20/80 (6/12-6/24) Severe 20/80-20/200 (6/24 – 6/60) Is our best treatment patching an eye? 2. A refractive error (anisometropia) 3. Form deprivation (ptosis/cataract) SUPPRESSION: THE CAUSE OF AMBLYOPIA Robert F. Hess, PhD Director of Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology McGill University, Canada — “Recent findings have provided strong evidence that amblyopes actually have an intact binocular infrastructure including binocular processes, even in the adult amblyope. However, what appears to have been lost is only a sign of suppression under binocular viewing conditions. Current evidence indicates that suppression plays a primary role in both the binocular and monocular deficits.” 2 9/22/2015 WHY is suppression Developed?? AMBLYOPIA TREATMENT STUDY -18 BACKGROUND HTTP://PEDIG.JAEB.ORG/STUDIES.ASPX?RECID=235 Amblyopia affects more than acuity! Double Vision Blurry Vision Visual Confusion Doble Doble La visión doble es muy dificil cuando la impresión es pequeña y poco espaciados. Supresión arregla. Confusión Visual Supresión hace que sea más fácil de procesar la imagen más clara. Confusión visual es cuando La visión doble es muy dificil dos cosas diferentes cuando la impresión es aparencen en el mismo pequeña y poco espaciados. lugar. Supresión arregla. — — — — — — — — — Contrast sensitivity Binocular vision dysfunction Poor stereopsis Accommodation dysfunction Fixation dysfunction Vergence dysfunction Poor visual information processing Poor reading fluency Reduced visual-motor integration AMBLYOPIA TREATMENT STUDY (ATS-18) — Binocular iPod treatment for amblyopia DICHOPTIC treatment — Compare binocular game play for 1 hour/day to Occlusion for 2 hours/day. — Ages 5-13 and 13-17. — MONOCULAR http://mvr.mcgill.ca/Ro bert/clinicaltrial/clinical trial.html 3 9/22/2015 Monocular Occlusion Types Traditional treatment v Use one eye at a time v Goal: Equalize ocular skills v Ø Ø Ø Ø v Complete: “pirate” patch, “Band-Aid” patch, cover, hand Fixation Pursuit Saccades Focusing Abilities Occlusion Types v Translucent: light, but no detail Occlusion Types v Blur: Bangerter foils, tape, contact lens, nail polish and atropine 4 9/22/2015 Occlusion Types v Partial: bi-nasal bi-temporal or (M) Activities — Fixationability of the eye to accurately aim to one point in space. Occlusion Types v Liquid Crystal Glasses: Amblyz, Eyetronix (M) Activities — Saccades- the ability to swiftly and smoothly jump accurately from one point to the next. 5 9/22/2015 (M) Activities — Pursuits: the ability to smoothly and accurately follow a moving object. (M) Activities — Anti-suppression (M) Activities — Accommodation - ability to focus clearly and accurately. (M) Activities — Detail recognition: Resolution ◦ After-image ◦ Line scrubbing ◦ Macula Integrity Tester 6 9/22/2015 (M) Activities — Detail recognition: Recognition (M) Activities — Detail recognition:Vernier Acuity http://www.nature.com/pr/journal/v60/n4/fig_tab/pr2006267f1.html (M) Activities — Detail recognition: Crowding (M) Activities — Prism Training Monocular Prism Jumps – • Awareness of eye movements • Localize direction and amount of movement • Smaller amounts of prism are more difficult 7 9/22/2015 MONOCULAR FIXATION IN A BINOCULAR FIELD Monocular Fixation in a Binocular Field (MFBF) v One eye sees detail and the other eye sees the background in the same space. MONOCULAR FIXATION IN A BINOCULAR FIELD — — Anti-suppression Detail recognition 1. Hide and Seek (pom poms on black felt) 8 9/22/2015 (MFBF) Activities vHide and Seek Monocular Fixation in a Binocular Field (MFBF) Monocular Fixation in a Binocular Field (MFBF) v Goal: accurate perception of details with one eye and the perception of the background with the other eye. 2. iPad Activities: 1. Background – set to Black 2. Image – set to Red 3. Can change SIZE and SPEED 9 9/22/2015 Both eyes see the iPad, but only the left eye can follow the red bear: (MFBF) Activities 3. Button Boards: Sanet Vision Integrator (SVI)Eye Hand, Rotations, Saccades with Red patch or Red/Blue Glasses With a white background, the eye covered by the blue lens sees the target. Use the blue lens on the amblyopic eye 10 9/22/2015 (MFBF) Activities Saccadic Fixator with red/green glasses: vSaccadic Fixator The red light is with R/G glasses blocked by the green filter. — Use the red lens on the amblyopic eye. — (MFBF) Activities v Acuvision with Red and Green Glasses (MFBF) Activities 4. Red- Ink Coloring books/letter tracking 11 9/22/2015 Red letter charts Red letter charts (MFBF) Activities (MFBF) Activities 5. Red/White/Black Cards: Sherman Cards- separated to use one color only v Carl’s vRotating Pegboard with red numbers Cardsseparated to use one color only 12 9/22/2015 (MFBF) Activities (MFBF) Activities — Colored overlays BIOCULAR (BIOC) BIOCULAR 13 9/22/2015 Biocular (Bioc) vThe ability to see information from both eyes, although the images are in different spaces. Biocular (Bioc) vGoal: to improve the ability of both eyes to alternately shift focus in an un-fused situation, which will facilitate antisuppression and prepare the patients for simultaneous perception. (Bioc) Activities (Bioc) Activities 1. Vertical Prism dissociation with ball on string 2. Squinchel 14 9/22/2015 (Bioc) Activities 3. Red/Red Rock (Bioc) Activities (Bioc) Activities 4. Red/Green filters placed side-by-side (Bioc) Activities vRed v Anaglyphic projection Green filters placed side-by-side on reading material, crossword puzzle, hidden pictures etc. vPolarized or Red/Green bar readers with the appropriate glasses 15 9/22/2015 (Bioc) Activities Split Vectograms 5. Spilt Vectograms v Polaroid- Mirror Activity ANTI-SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES ANTI-SUPPRESSION 16 9/22/2015 ANTI-Suppression Activities ANTI-Suppression Activities — ANTI-Suppression Activities Sherman Cardsentire deck ANTI-Suppression Activities 17 9/22/2015 ANTI-Suppression Activities ANTI-Suppression Activities ANTI-Suppression Activities BINOCULAR 18 9/22/2015 Binocular (B) v The ability of the brain to fuse information from both eyes into one image. v Degrees of Binocular: • First Degree Fusion/ Simultaneous perception • Second Degree/ Flat Fusion • Third Degree/ Stereopsis Binocular Single, Clear Binocular Vision First Degree Activities First Degree: Simultaneous Perception — — Simultaneous awareness of dissimilar targets In the SAME place (vs. biocular, which is NOT fused into the same space) vGoal: To see images from each eye in the same space. 19 9/22/2015 First Degree Activities Luster-The perception of information from both eyes simultaneously; with Red/Green glasses this is a shimmery color. — Activities: White toys, Flashlight activities — Press Lites First Degree Activities 1. Flashlight Activities: Press Lites First Degree Activities 2. Cheiroscopic tracing 20 9/22/2015 Cheiroscopic tracing - OPTO First Degree Activities 3. Hole in Hand First Degree Activities — Cook’s Rings First Degree Activities 4. Red Light/Red Ring: Red print circle on a paper placed over a red filter with a penlight behind both. Patient wears Red/Green glasses. Can also use a red laser pointer and a red circle drawn on a white board. 21 9/22/2015 First Degree Activities — Mirror Superimposition: Bird in Cage First Degree Activities — Bird in Cage 22 9/22/2015 First Degree Activities — Second Degree/ Flat Fusion Mixed Vectograms vGoal: Use both the eyes to combine common borders and to align two images received from each eye into a single perception. Second Degree Activities 1. Mirror superimposition — Mirror Superimposition 23 9/22/2015 2. Stereoscope cards 3. Fusion Cards Morganstern’s Visicare cards- Pre-fusion through Basic fusion 4. Computer activities:VTS3/4 Flat fusion 1 & 2 24 9/22/2015 Third Degree Fusion/ Stereopsis — The ability to perceive float and localize a target using binocular depth perception Stereopsis — THIRD DEGREE FUSION/ STEREOPSIS Stereopsis Integration of similar objects with some disparity that causes stereopsis 25 9/22/2015 SILO= small-in and large-out — Accurate perception is of closer targets becoming smaller and further targets becoming larger Third Degree Activities v In-instrument Techniques: § § § § In-instrument Stereoscope with Convergence/ Divergence Cards Aperture Rule Amblyoscope, Synoptophore W-Cheiroscope Third Degree 26 9/22/2015 Stereoscope for iPad Third Degree Activities vAnaglyphic § § § § Vectograms or Polarized Lens Techniques Alphabet fusion book Keystone Cards Vectograms Tranaglyphs Projected vectograms 27 9/22/2015 Fixed Anaglyphs Variable Anaglyphs Third Degree Activities- Free Space Fusion Techniques — — — — — — — — — 3-Dot/Barrel card Thumbs BI/BO Lifesaver card Mountain card Star cards Eccentric circles String and Dowel Yardstick and Pins Brock String Brock String Prism flippers — Prism Bar — Magic Eye books — 28 9/22/2015 Modified Brock String: Convergence & Divergence Third Degree ActivitiesComputer Fusion Techniques Third Degree ActivitiesComputer Fusion Techniques VTS3/4- Near and projected stereopsis — Vision Builder- Random Dot Stereopsis, Vergence, Jump Vergence — HTS- Random Dot Stereopsis — — Vision Tap — OPTO 29 9/22/2015 Improving Patient Compliance Improving patient compliance Treatment Calendar Provide a written prescription 2. Present reading material on the diagnoses 3. Provide an office policy sheet regarding vision training 1. Improving Patient Compliance 4. 5. 6. 7. Give written instructions and goals Be available for questions Track progress with logs and reports Schedule follow-up evaluations Graph the patient’s progress in developing normal: • • • • • Acuity Focusing skills Tracking skills Depth Perception Vergence skills 30 9/22/2015 Sample Patching Prescription Your doctor has prescribed patching for the treatment of amblyopia. Please follow these instructions as directed. Remember to wear glasses or contact lenses when patching, so a clear image is on your amblyopic eye. Type(s) of Patch recommended: □Adhesive bandage (Opticlude, Coverlet) □Blur foil (Bangerter), clear contact paper or transparent “magic” tape □Patch (Pirate-style or patchworks) □Spectacle clip □Frosted lens □Opaque contact lens □Over-plus optical lens (spectacle or contact lens) □Atropine penalization Your amblyopic eye is the: Patch this eye: Hours per day: Lazy Eye Tetris — https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=36&v= Vp7hfacpBp0 Days per week: Examples of activities to complete while patched: References — Fortenbacker, OD, FCOVD “Advanced Amblyopia Treatment for Better Results” – 2015 COVD Annual Meeting. — S.E. Loudon, H.J. Simonsz , “The History of the Treatment of Amblyopia.” Strabismus, 13:93, 2005. — Amblyopia Treatment Study (ATS18) Study of Binocular Computer Activities for Treatment of Amblyopia – http://pedig.jaeb.org/Studies.aspx?RecID=235 — Bateman, R., Danner, R., Dowis, R., et al. (1985). Manual of Esotropia Therapy. Colorado Vision Consultants: Colorado. — Press, L. Press lites – procedures for visual field awareness. Optom Vis Perf 2013;1(2):62-7. http://www.oepf.org/sites/default/files/OVP1-2_article_Press_web.pdf — COVD. (2009, July). COVD fact sheets. Retrieved from www.covd.org — Headline, T. C., Wahlmeler, I., & Bedes, V. (2005). The Vision Therapist's Toolkit. San Jose: California. — Press, L. J. (1997). Applied Concepts in Vision Therapy. Mosby: 978-0815167297. — Birch, Eileen E. “Amblyopia and Binocular Vision”. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2013 March; 33: 67-84. Doi:10.1016/j.preteyeres.2012.11.001 — Simonson, J. Optometric Management, Volume: 48, Issue: December 2013, page(s): 26 – 33. 31
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