Professional Development Offerings Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-Oneida BOCES Spring 2015 1 2014 Professional Development Survey Results The Department for Professional & Program Development distributed a survey to all component districts asking all administrators and teachers to submit information on their participation and needs/wants for future professional development. With 250 respondents to the survey, of whom 83% were teachers, the results indicated the following: 1. Qualitatively, the most useful parts of professional development are the opportunity to collaborate with fellow teachers and hearing different perspectives on a given topic as well as receiving the most up-‐to-‐date information on initiatives at the state level. 2. In discussing the timing of professional development offerings, despite the periodic indications that teachers do not wish to be out of the classroom, 59% of respondents suggested that they would be amenable to whole-‐ day workshops. While interest in online PD was present (33% of respondents), it was not as high as whole and half-‐day (49%) workshops. 3. In asking about the topics of interest to participants of professional development, responses were varied, but the topics receiving the greatest amount of interest were: a. Collaborative Opportunities (41%) b. Instructional Strategies (37%) c. Curriculum Planning (36%) d. Technology (35%) e. 21st Century Skills (32%) A qualitative follow-‐up question seemed to yield data also suggesting that workshops specific to content outside of ELA and Math are desired. As a result, the Department of Professional & Program Development has made an effort to make changes to its Spring 2015 offerings to meet these interests. Based upon the data from the survey the department has decided to return to roundtable workshops, which provide teachers an opportunity to collaborate and network. Additionally, these roundtables will be offered in areas outside of ELA and Math. Further, we are currently in the process of working with Superintendents to facilitate some school/classroom visits across the region, as this seems to be of particular interest to teachers. In addition to the roundtable workshops, workshops focusing specifically on classroom protocols and instructional strategies will be offered, and there will also be a collection of faculty meeting sessions available for administrators to bring to their districts if they wish. Thank you for your responses – they are extremely helpful to our planning processes. We welcome feedback at any time! Contact [email protected] or [email protected] or send us feedback via our Schoology Pages. 2 Table of Contents 2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SURVEY RESULTS 2 WORKSHOP FEES: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHT 5 5 COLLABORATION IN ELA TITLE: FITTING IT ALL IN- ELA BLOCK INSTRUCTION AND GUIDED READING TITLE: A CLOSER LOOK AT PRE-KINDERGARTEN CKLA (CORE KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGE ARTS) TITLE: GRADES 1-2(3) ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 3-5 ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 6-8 ROUNDTABLE TITLE: KINDERGARTEN ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 9-12 ROUNDTABLE COLLABORATION IN MATH TITLE: LET'S TALK ACCELERATION IN COMMON CORE MATHEMATICS TITLE: GRADES 6-8 ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 3-5 ROUNDTABLE TITLE: PRE-KINDERGARTEN/ KINDERGARTEN ROUNDTABLE TITLE: ALGEBRA ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GEOMETRY ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 1-2 ROUNDTABLE COLLABORATION IN SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: DESIGNING OUTCOMES IN SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: DESIGNING & REVISING CURRICULUM IN SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: DESIGNING INSTRUCTION IN SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: SOCIAL STUDIES ROUNDTABLE: LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION TITLE: READING & WRITING IN SOCIAL STUDIES - DISCIPLINARY LITERACY TITLE: DDI IN SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: SOCIAL STUDIES ROUNDTABLE COLLABORATION IN SCIENCE TITLE: COLLABORATION IN SCIENCE SECOND ANNUAL JLHHO BOCES SCIENCE SHARATHON COLLABORATION IN HEALTH, MUSIC, AND ART TITLE: COLLABORATION IN HEALTH ROUNDTABLE TITLE: COLLABORATION IN MUSIC ROUNDTABLE TITLE: COLLABORATION IN ART ROUNDTABLE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES TITLE: PURPOSEFUL PROTOCOLS TITLE: EFFECTIVE TEACHING ONE-DAY REFRESHER TITLE: EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM STRATEGIES TO INCREASE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME: LESSONS AND INSTRUCTION TITLE: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEMS TITLE: RESEARCH AMBASSADOR WORKSHOP THROUGH THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TEACHING WITH PRIMARY SOURCES GRANT 15 TITLE: SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKFAST! 15 TITLE: SAVE THE DATE NORTH COUNTRY SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEMS CONFERENCE 15 3 TITLE: THE THOUSAND ISLANDS BOOK FESTIVAL 15 21 CENTURY SKILLS/STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING TITLE: PROJECT BASED LEARNING TITLE: STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING - FOR ADMINISTRATORS TITLE: USING DATA TO DESIGN ELA LESSONS TITLE: STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING - (PBL, EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, PROBLEM-BASED, ETC.) 17 17 17 18 ST TECHNOLOGY TRAINING TITLE: MYON - DIGITAL LITERACY PROGRAM TITLE: UBD102- WEBINAR: DESIGNING YOUR ESSENTIAL QUESTION FOR UNITS AND MODULES TITLE: UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN- PLANNING WITH THE END IN MIND TITLE: TABLET AND IPADS TITLE: WEB 2.0 TITLE: UNIVERSAL DESIGN IN ALL CLASSROOMS TITLE: OLL107- WEBINAR: TOOLS TO COMBAT PLAGIARISM IN ONLINE LEARNING TITLE: TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL STUDIES TITLE: GOOGLE APPS FOR NOVICES TITLE: OLL103-ONLINE LEARNING AND ASSESSMENTS TITLE: OLL102- WEBINAR: CREATING DIGITAL CITIZENS AND FOSTERING POSITIVE BEHAVIOR ONLINE TITLE: GETTING STARTED WITH CANVAS TITLE: COMMUNICATION IN CANVAS TITLE: WORKING WITH RUBRICS IN CANVAS TITLE: OLL106- WEBINAR: ONLINE UNIT DEVELOPMENT Q&A TITLE: ASSESSMENTS IN CANVAS TITLE: SERIES: TRANSFORMING YOUR CLASS TO ONLINE OR BLENDED LEARNING OLL101-WEBINAR: BEST PRACTICES IN ONLINE LEARNING TITLE: UBD103- UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN: ROADMAPS AND MODULES TITLE: COURSE DESIGN IN CANVAS TITLE: COURSE MANAGEMENT IN CANVAS TITLE: GETTING STARTED WITH GOOGLE TITLE: DIGITAL VIDEOS AND PODCASTS TITLE: OLL105- WEBINAR: ONLINE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS TITLE: GOOGLE APPS FOR POWERUSERS TITLE: OLL104- WEBINAR: ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITIES 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 COLLEGE BOARD TRAINING TITLE: AP VERTICAL TEAMS IN MATHEMATICS TITLE: AP VERTICAL TEAMS IN SCIENCE TITLE: SCIENCE - CREATING A LEARNER-CENTERED CLASSROOM TITLE: BUILDING AN AP PROGRAM: A WORKSHOP FOR ADMINISTRATORS 25 25 25 25 ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING TITLE: PLC BOOK STUDY - LEADERS OF THEIR OWN LEARNING TITLE: LEAD EVALUATOR OF TEACHERS TITLE: FACULTY MEETING SESSIONS 27 27 SUMMER TRAINING 27 28 28 TITLE: EFFECTIVE TEACHING LEVEL I TITLE: EFFECTIVE TEACHING LEVEL II 4 WORKSHOP FEES: **Unless otherwise noted all workshops will be capped at 30 participants. No charge for STLE3 Participating Districts: Alexandria, Belleville Henderson, Copenhagen, General Brown, Indian River, LaFargeville, Lyme, Sackets Harbor, Thousand Islands, Town of Webb No charge for Teaching is the Core Participating Districts: Beaver River, Belleville Henderson, Carthage, Copenhagen, General Brown, Indian River, LaFargeville, Lyme, Sackets Harbor, South Lewis, Thousand Islands, Town of Webb Non-‐grant participating component districts: $55 per participant when there is a total of 10 participants Non-‐component districts: $60 per participant PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHT tory is H f o k r o tw e N A : s ie Social Stud February 23, 2015, 9am – 2pm PES Large Conference Room Designing Outcomes in SS Greg Ahlquist, 2013 NYS Teacher of the Year, will join to d iscuss his approach to instruction under the new framework. The focus of the beginning of the day will be on examining content and setting outcome expectations for student performance. This session is part of a full regional roll-‐out of the new Social Studies Framework. Go to Pages 11-‐12 for more information. 5 Collaboration in ELA TITLE: FITTING IT ALL INELA BLOCK INSTRUCTION AND GUIDED READING TITLE: GRADES 1-2(3) ROUNDTABLE Date: March 13, 2015 Date: January 29, 2015 Date: February 11, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Carthage Central School (host site), exact location TBD Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Carrie Tibbles Presenter: Amy Bird Presenter: Maren Farney Intended Audience: K –6 Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Intended Audience: PreKindergarten Teachers/Providers, Administrators Description: What are the important components of guided reading? How can we fit guided reading into a packed schedule? How are other districts implementing guided reading? We will discuss how best to plan for a guided reading lesson based on the reading level of the student. There will be breakout sessions for K-2 and grades 3-6 for further planning purposes, as appropriate for the session. Teachers will be given time to plan a lesson and/or lessons for their guided reading groups. Please bring any applicable planning materials. There may be opportunity to further discuss ways to integrate ELA instruction to save time! This work session will be driven according to the group of participants, and their needs/wants. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: A CLOSER LOOK AT PRE-KINDERGARTEN CKLA (CORE KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGE ARTS) Description: This workshop is a follow-up to ‘Intro to Pre-K CKLA’ in December. This full-day session will briefly review the Pre-K ELA Common Core Standards, followed by training that is designed to help participants with implementation of the Pre-K CKLA Domains. This workshop will provide indepth work with the three curricular components of the PreK CKLA program: Starting the Day, Skills Small Groups, and Listening and Learning, and will build participants’ understanding of the various routines, instructional techniques, and materials involved in these three components. Intended Audience: Grades 1-3 Teachers (Grade 3 Teachers using CKLA may want to attend this strand in lieu of the Grades 3-5 Roundtable), Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Teachers will collaborate on current and future modules to plan for ELA. A strategic approach to customizing lessons and assessments will be used. Ample time will be provided for teachers to discuss and plan. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning 6 Collaboration in ELA TITLE: GRADES 3-5 ROUNDTABLE Date: March 13, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Kylee Monroe Intended Audience: 3 –5 Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This full-day session will combine the opportunity for roundtable style discussion and sharing of materials aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards as well as new information and training from the Network Team Institutes in October and December 2014 specific to Grades 3-5. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: GRADES 6-8 ROUNDTABLE Date: March 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Kylee Monroe Intended Audience: 6 - 8 ELA Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This full-day session will combine the opportunity for roundtable style discussion and sharing of materials aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards as well as new information and training from the Network Team Institutes in October and December 2014 specific to grades 6-8. Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B TITLE: KINDERGARTEN ROUNDTABLE Date: March 27, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Amy Bird/Babette Valentine Intended Audience: Kindergarten Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators TITLE: GRADES 9-12 ROUNDTABLE Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: 9 –12 ELA Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This session will provide updates and materials from the Network Team Institutes in both December 2014 and March 2015. A focus will be on aligning curriculum and assessments to prepare students for the NYS Common Core Regents in ELA. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Description: Teachers will collaborate on current and future modules to plan for ELA. A strategic approach to customizing lessons and assessments will be used. Ample time will be provided for teachers to discuss and plan. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, 7 Collaboration in Math TITLE: LET'S TALK ACCELERATION IN COMMON CORE MATHEMATICS TITLE: GRADES 6-8 ROUNDTABLE TITLE: GRADES 3-5 ROUNDTABLE Date: March 5, 2015 Date: March 6, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Dawn Fargo Presenter: Anne Marie Bertram Intended Audience: Grades 6-8 Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Intended Audience: Grades 3-5 Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: The Common Core Standards and Curricula have created varying conversations across NYS and within schools regarding the current implementation and arrangement of acceleration. This session will provide insight to acceleration plans from around NY, discussion of a possible regional acceleration plan, and other pertinent discussion surrounding the topic. Description: Teachers will utilize the Annotated Released Assessment questions along with their current curriculum materials to plan for instruction that matches the assessment in both rigor and instructional strategies. Participants will use the 2015 Field Guide to explore content emphases for everyday instruction in preparation for the assessments and building curriculum units. Time will be given to discuss and share what different districts are using for instruction. Description: Teachers will collaborate on current and future modules to plan for mathematics. A strategic approach to customizing lessons and assessments will be used. Ample time for teachers to discuss and plan will be provided. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Date: January 30, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Anne Marie Bertram Intended Audience: Grades 6-9 Mathematics Teachers, Administrators Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: PREKINDERGARTEN/ KINDERGARTEN ROUNDTABLE Date: April 22, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Maren Farney and Sue Healy Intended Audience: PreKindergarten and Kindergarten 8 Collaboration in Math Teachers/Providers, Administrators Description: This full-day session will review the Pre-K and K Common Core Math standards, followed by time provided to examine the Pre-K and K Math modules collaboratively, and prepare for Pre-K and K math instruction. Materials: Please bring current Math materials or curriculum you are willing to share. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, TITLE: ALGEBRA ROUNDTABLE Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Dawn Fargo Intended Audience: Algebra Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: With this being the last year in which the 2005 Integrated Algebra Regents exam can be administered, the focus of the work session will be on making sure teachers are adequately preparing students for the Common Core Algebra Regents exam. Participants will take a close look at their own curriculum along with exploring the modules to make sure students are receiving high quality, rigorous instruction in preparation for the exams. Time will be spent discussing what is working in each district based on results from last June, August, and January exams. Participants are asked to bring curriculum materials, such as unit assessments. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning assessments for sharing and review. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: GRADES 1-2 ROUNDTABLE Date: February 9, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM TITLE: GEOMETRY ROUNDTABLE Date: April 24, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Dawn Fargo Intended Audience: Geometry Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This session will focus on discussion and preparation for administering the new Common Core Geometry Regents exam. Participants will discuss what curriculum is being used in the different districts and how it is meeting the standards in preparing students for the new exam. Selected updates from NTI sessions on the modules will be presented for discussion as well. Participants are asked to bring curriculum material and Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Amy Bird Intended Audience: Grades 1-2 Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: (This is a follow up planning session from a previous math workshop held December th 19 )Teachers will collaborate on current and future modules to plan for mathematics. A strategic approach to customizing lessons and assessments will be used. Ample time will be provided for teachers to discuss and plan. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning 9 Collaboration in Social Studies TITLE: DESIGNING OUTCOMES IN SOCIAL STUDIES Date: February 23, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Stacey Eger (AM) & Greg Ahlquist (PM) Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: The focus of the morning will be on examining content and establishing outcome expectations for student performance using the new framework. Greg Ahlquist, 2013 NYS Teacher of the Year, will join in the afternoon to discuss the latest updates from NYSED in its implementation of the newly-adopted Social Studies framework and approaches to instruction and assessment. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: DESIGNING & REVISING CURRICULUM IN SOCIAL STUDIES Date: March 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Teachers will have an opportunity to examine and revise their essential content, skills, and focus areas for social studies curriculum. Overviews of PBL (Project-Based Learning) and UbD (Understanding by Design) will be provided along with information on creating text sets of primary and secondary sources. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: DESIGNING INSTRUCTION IN SOCIAL STUDIES Date: April 9, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Through a study of questioning techniques and “practitioner-approved” instructional strategies, teachers will structure and/or revise their instruction for a specific unit they plan to use in their classrooms. This is a continuation of the March workshop on designing curriculum but more “micro” in comparison. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: SOCIAL STUDIES ROUNDTABLE: LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Date: May 8, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: As a precursor to a roundtable in June that will involve an examination of 10 Collaboration in Social Studies reading and writing in the discipline of Social Studies, this roundtable will ask teachers to examine their structure of terminology and language in the classroom. An emphasis will be placed on Tier 2 and 3 words appropriate to Social Studies curriculum and instruction. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: READING & WRITING Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: DDI IN SOCIAL STUDIES Date: July 16, 2015 IN SOCIAL STUDIES DISCIPLINARY LITERACY Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Date: June 8, 2015 Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Within this workshop, teachers will examine the literacy skills students need to have in place to successfully read historical documents and write about them or create such technical documents. There will be a focus on both the scope of skills needed for success on the NYS Regents Exams and AP exams as well as general disciplinary literacy required for historical thinking and processing. Teachers will have an opportunity to examine their own lessons for strategic instruction on disciplinary literacy. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This workshop will examine methods of providing strategic interventions based on indicators in student work and task analysis of content specific to Social Studies. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared. Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: SOCIAL STUDIES ROUNDTABLE Date: August 12, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: All teachers of Social Studies content, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: The day will serve as an opportunity for teachers to collaborate on issues around Social Studies content and instruction. Any updated information from NYSED about implementation of the framework will be shared. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, 11 Collaboration in Science TITLE: COLLABORATION IN SCIENCE SECOND ANNUAL JLHHO BOCES SCIENCE SHARATHON Date: March 9, 2015 Time: 12:00 PM-‐5:00 PM Location: BOCES Adminstration Building, Watertown Campus w?id=0B3Wog6tjDHMcNi03SXV Wem9VajQ&usp=sharing Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Presenter: JLBOCES Regional Science Teachers Intended Audience: Science Teachers Grades 5-12 Description: JLBOCES is scheduling a regional science ”sharathon”. This conference is intended for all science teachers grades 5-12. There is a preconference session that is not required, but is available for those teachers that are able to attend. The intention of the afternoon conference is to reflect the “Sharathons” that are offered at the STANYS conferences. Teachers will be able to share ideas and activities that they will use in the classroom as well as learn some successful practices of other science teachers in the region. The schedule is set to allow for teachers who teach multiple subject areas to be able to attend sessions for as many of their subjects as possible. Each room will have a facilitator for each session. Cost: Bring a resource to share such as a lab, activity or lesson to share with other teachers. You can post these activities prior to the conference at: 12 Collaboration in Health, Art, and Music TITLE: COLLABORATION IN HEALTH ROUNDTABLE Date: April 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: Health Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Health teachers will have an opportunity to share strategies and curriculum approaches at this roundtable. There will also be time for some shared professional reading and practice using protocols for best instructional practices in the health classroom. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Description: Music teachers will have an opportunity to share strategies and curriculum approaches at this roundtable. There will also be time for some shared professional reading and practice using protocols for best instructional practices in the music classroom. If you are interested in participating, please contact Linda Charlton to receive more information regarding this session. Linda Charlton to receive more information regarding this session. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: COLLABORATION IN ART ROUNDTABLE Date: March 12, 2015 8:30 AM2:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Facilitator: Todd Green TITLE: COLLABORATION IN MUSIC ROUNDTABLE Date: February 9, 2015 , 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Facilitator: Todd Green Intended Audience: Music Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Intended Audience: Art Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: Art teachers will have an opportunity to share strategies and curriculum approaches at this roundtable. There will also be time for some shared professional reading and practice using protocols for best instructional practices in the art classroom. If you are interested in participating, please contact 13 Instructional Strategies TITLE: PURPOSEFUL PROTOCOLS TEACHING ONE-DAY REFRESHER Date: February 27, 2015 Date: March 6, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Rooms A & B Presenter: Kylee Monroe Intended Audience: PK-12 Teachers (All subjects), Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This session will build participants' understanding of the protocols used in classrooms in which teachers are implementing the 3-8 ELA Curriculum Modules and how protocols enable purposeful academic conversations in ANY classroom. The protocols can deepen student understanding of texts, prepare them for writing, and meet the Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening. While students in grades 3-8 using the Modules will have exposure to these protocols, they can also be used in any grades K-12 and in any content area. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: EFFECTIVE Presenter: APL Associates Intended Audience: K - 12 Teachers Description: This one-day review session is designed to reinforce selected key instructional strategies taught in the five-day workshop series. Targeting these skills assists teachers in refining their instructional model and in clarifying strategies that they may have forgotten. Cost billed through CoSer 518: $222 per participant when a total of 15 participants register; $111 per participant when a total of 30 participants register TITLE: EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM STRATEGIES TO INCREASE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME: LESSONS AND INSTRUCTION Date: April 10, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Dawn Fargo and Babette Valentine Intended Audience: PK-12 Teachers (All subjects), New Teaching Staff, Administrators Description: This session will provide strategies to improve the lessons and delivery of instruction within the classroom in order to increase the amount of instructional time available to students. Learn quick tips and procedures to set learning expectations, develop engaging lessons, and maintain these systems throughout the year. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 4: Learning Environment TITLE: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Date: April 13, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Stacey Eger Intended Audience: PK-12 Teachers (All subjects), Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This workshop will address specific protocols that will allow teachers to informally assess student progress as well as metacognitive protocols that will help students reflect on their own learning. Teachers will leave with a folder of ideas for getting information on student learning without “testing” students. 14 School Library Systems TITLE: RESEARCH AMBASSADOR WORKSHOP THROUGH THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TEACHING WITH PRIMARY SOURCES GRANT Date: February 6, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Meghan Davison and JCC librarians Intended Audience: Teacher and Teacher-Librarian teams 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Librarians interested in presenting at the conference. Location: Hilton Garden Inn Registration information for the conference will be sent at a later date. Presenter: Jefferson-Lewis BOCES School Library System Intended Audience: Teacherlibrarians and administrators TITLE: THE THOUSAND ISLANDS BOOK FESTIVAL Description: The Jefferson-Lewis librarians will be hosting a poster session to share the great things they are doing in their libraries! Date: June 6, 2015 Registration: Information will be sent at a later date! Questions can be sent to [email protected] Description: • • • • • Library of Congress online modules will be completed Results from piloted lessons will be shared Teams will develop inquiry-based units using primary sources JCC librarians will work with teams to build the skills that students need in college the inquirybased units Rubrics will be developed to assess student learning Register: E-mail Meghan Davison at [email protected] TITLE: SAVE THE DATE NORTH COUNTRY SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEMS CONFERENCE Date: June 8, 2015 Location: Bonnie Castle in Alexandria Bay, NY Presenter: North Country School Library Systems Intended Audience: Teachers, Teacher-Librarians, Public Librarians, Academic Librarians, Adminstrators TITLE: SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKFAST! Description: The North Country School Library Systems are hosting their first regional conference! The theme of the conference will be reading and research. Date: March 13, 2015 Technology Needs: Laptops Time: 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Administrators; Register: E-mail Meghan Davison at [email protected] if you are Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: Cape Vincent Elementary School, 410 S. Esselstyne Street, Cape Vincent, NY Description: A small group of volunteers, under the auspices of the Jefferson Lewis Library Association (JLLA) and the New York Library Association (NYLA), has decided to host the third Reading on the River Book Festival. The Festival will be geared to children from preschool through middle school. Students in communities outside of the area are invited to attend as well. Each author will do two presentations and three book signing sessions. Admission will be free, and books will be available for purchase and signing. This promises to be a fantastic event that will promote early literacy. These authors are great speakers and always inspire children and parents to read more. Last year, this event drew over 200 children, parents and grandparents. We are hoping that the next festival will draw in even more people. We sincerely hope that your school will provide transportation to the book festival. Please 15 School Library Systems contact the School Library System ([email protected]) in your area if your school is interested in sharing transportation with another school to the festival. All that the committee asks for in return is that your school or PTO provides chaperones to supervise the students. If your school is interested in busing students to the festival, we will help you work on grants to help with the cost of transportation. We hope to see you there! 16 21st Century Skills / Student Centered Learning TITLE: PROJECT BASED LEARNING Date: February 2 & 3 and February 25 & 26, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: Patrick Shaw Intended Audience: Teachers Description: In these series of workshops, you will learn how Project Based Learning is different than being activity based or having students create typical classroom projects. These workshops will provide learners the foundational knowledge and design developed by the Buck Institute for Education to plan your first project using backward design and strategic planning. In Project Based Learning, students are guided through the curriculum by a meaningful question to explore, an engaging real-world problem to solve, or a design challenge to meet. They need to work with other students to inquire into the issues raised, learn content and skills, develop an answer or solution, create high-quality products, and then present their work to other people. This process creates a strong need to know and understand the material. That's the key to increasing students' motivation to learn in PBL - give them a real need to know, understand, and demonstrate what they learn, beyond simply getting a good grade and memorizing facts. Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students: • engage in a rigorous, extended process of inquiry focused on complex, authentic questions and problems • work as independently from the teacher as possible and have some degree of “voice and choice” • demonstrate in-depth understanding of academic knowledge and skills • build 21st century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, communication and creativity • create high-quality products and performances which are presented to a public audience Cost: billed through CoSer 518: $450 per participant when a total of 25 participants register TITLE: STUDENTCENTERED LEARNING FOR ADMINISTRATORS (PBL, EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, PROBLEMBASED, ETC.) Date: March 5, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Stacey Eger & Amy Bird Intended Audience: Administrators Description: In order to effectively facilitate student-centered learning initiatives in a building/district, administrators must have a solid foundational understanding of what the different initiatives are and how they support learning. This session will ask administrators to examine theory and practice of a variety of student-centered learning approaches, including project-based learning, and identify “look-fors” in the classroom that denote quality student-centered instruction and learning. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: USING DATA TO DESIGN ELA LESSONS Date: March 23, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Kylee Monroe Intended Audience: K-12 ELA Teachers, Special Education/AIS Teachers, Administrators Description: This session is focused on discovering the next steps from data, learning more about standards, and developing “focused” or supplemental standards-based lessons based on needs as suggested by data. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, 17 21st Century Skills / Student Centered Learning Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning TITLE: STUDENTCENTERED LEARNING (PBL, EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, PROBLEMBASED, ETC.) Date: May 5, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, PES Large Conference Room Presenter: Stacey Eger & Amy Bird Intended Audience: PK-12 Teachers (All subjects), Administrators Description: Project-based learning is just one of many approaches that place students at the center of instruction. The process of planning is flipped upside down for teachers as well, truly involving the Understanding by Design approach to lesson and unit design. Teachers will learn about the different approaches to student-centered learning and how to set up each in the process of unit design. This is intended to be an overview workshop – more indepth sessions on each of these approaches will be offered in Summer 2015. Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning 18 Technology Training TITLE: MYON - DIGITAL LITERACY PROGRAM Date: January, 21, 2015 Location: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM (Webinar) Register: egister/149370746 Presenter: Bob Bone Intended Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Principals, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents Description: Please join us to learn how myON is redefining the literacy landscape in schools around the world. With more than 7,000 enhanced digital books with reading supports highlighting, naturally recorded audio and embedded dictionaryteachers, administrators and librarians are implementing myON in their schools and witnessing huge gains in reading. During this 45-minute online presentation, you will learn how school administrators, principals and teachers are implementing myON by providing: 1. Personalized approach to literacy 2. Access to over 7,000 digital books 3. Content consisting of 70% nonfiction and 10% Spanish titles 4. Collaboration to promote cross curricular strategy 5. Success as it relates to student, teacher and administrators data Teaching Standard: Standard 3: Instructional Practice TITLE: UBD102- WEBINAR: DESIGNING YOUR ESSENTIAL QUESTION FOR UNITS AND MODULES Date: February 4, 2015 Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM (Webinar) Presenter: Jana Rogers Intended Audience: Any teacher, especially those involved in the Virtual AP program. Description: What is an “Essential Question” and how is it different from an objective? Let’s get to the core of the matter and generate some questions for use in your upcoming lessons. Essential questions do not have to be used exclusively with Understanding by Design, so this can be applied for any lesson, unit or module! Intended Audience: Any teacher, especially those involved in the Virtual AP program. Description: How is Understanding by Design different from regular lesson planning? What does UBD look like? Find out more about Understanding by Design basics and use a basic lesson plan template to create a sample lesson. Technology Needs: Please bring a laptop or tablet with you, or laptops are available for use. TITLE: TABLET AND IPADS Date: April 29, 2015 Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM (WebX Online Training) Presenter: Adam Deyoe Technology Needs: Internet, Web-browser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders This is not a series, but participants may come to more than one session if they choose. Time: 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM Description: Tablets are becoming increasingly more popular among schools for their ease of use and low cost. Discover how iPads and Android Tablets are similar and different than other resources your district uses. Learn about how you can use apps to drive and augment learning. Find out about the possibilities. See how integration can lead to a 1:1 technology environment. With the right use, tablets can be a great mobile tool with hands-on benefits! Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Technology Needs: Tablet/iPad, Lesson and Unit Plans Presenter: Jana Rogers TITLE: UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN- PLANNING WITH THE END IN MIND UBD101 - CREATING A BASIC UBD LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Date: February 6, 2015 19 Technology Training TITLE: WEB 2.0 Date: April 9, 2015 | 1pm-3pm | In Person This session is held at the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES campus in Watertown in the Administration Board Room. April 28, 2015 | 3:00pm-4:00pm| WebX - Online April 30, 2015 | 3:00pm-4:00pm | WebX - Online Presenter: Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers who are users of, curious about, or skeptical of social networking in the classroom. Administrators are welcome to come and learn about effective and safe uses of these tools. Description: Using social Web 2.0 tools, teachers can engage students in methods familiar to and frequently used by students. Learn about how social bookmarking can support sharing resources and communal learning. Find out about how Edmodo can teach positive internet behavior and improve communication and organization. disposal to combat plagiarismlike Turnitin and more! Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera Description: Are the materials and curriculum in your classroom appropriate for all learners? Do all students have equal access to your online class or face to face class? Learn the basics on universal design and create a quick and easy checklist to keep as a guide for your course and lesson planning. TITLE: TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL STUDIES April 20, 2015 | 3:15pm4pm|WebX Online Presenter: Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Social Studies teachers who want to learn about technology tools to support instruction. TITLE: OLL107- WEBINAR: Description: Have many of your students complained they can’t find a primary source or current news article? Want to take your students to Egypt, but can’t afford the cost of an international field trip? TOOLS TO COMBAT PLAGIARISM IN ONLINE LEARNING nd Date: April 14th, 16th, or 22 , 2015 Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM (Webinar) This is not a series, but participants may participate in more than one session if they choose. Presenter: Jana Rogers, Adam Deyoe and Meghan Davison TITLE: UNIVERSAL DESIGN IN ALL CLASSROOMS Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM (Webinar) This is not a series, but participants may participate in more than one session if they choose. Date: March 10, 2015 | 3:15pm4pm |WebX Online Technology Needs: Internet, Web-browser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera Technology Needs: Laptop, Lesson and Unit Plans Date: April 13, April 24 and April 29, 2015 Presenter: Jana Rogers and Michele Alagna Learn about how technology can enhance your teaching of social studies. Focus will be on primary sources, news & research, digital field trips, geotagging, and social bookmarking. Technology Needs: Laptop, Lesson and Unit Plans Description: Are you worried that your students may not be submitting original work? Or maybe they are misrepresenting themselves? Join us to learn about the many tools at your 20 Technology Training TITLE: GOOGLE APPS FOR NOVICES Date: April 8, 2015 | 3:15pm4pm| WebX Online April 23, 2015 | 3:15pm-4pm| WebX Online Presenter: Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, Technology Leaders Description: Google is not just for searching anymore…it has much more to offer. Learn how Google Drive can help you and your students become better organized in your academic life. Learn how to share and work simultaneously with students for collaboration and instant feedback. Use other Google Drive tools for Spreadsheets and PowerPoints too! Find out about how you can organize your professional life using Calendar, Chrome and Gmail with extensions and applications. For the Google novice, this training is perfect for you! Technology Needs: Tablet/iPad, Current lesson and unit plans TITLE: OLL103-ONLINE LEARNING AND ASSESSMENTS Date/Time: February 10th, 9:3012:00 at St. Lawrence BOCES Ed. Services Center or, February 24th, 9:30 – 3:00 at JLL BOCES, Admin Bldg, Board Room Presenter: Jana Rogers Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Description: What are the best ways to assess learning online? How do you know that YOUR student really is the one completing the assignment? We will review what assessment methods exist for online courses, which ones work the best for your objectives, and how to ensure the reliability of the assessment. You will come away with a brand new tool box for your online assessments! Technology Needs: Please bring a laptop or tablet, if possible. There will be laptops available for use if necessary. TITLE: OLL102- WEBINAR: CREATING DIGITAL CITIZENS AND FOSTERING POSITIVE BEHAVIOR ONLINE Date: March 6th, 9th, and 17th , Time: 3:15 AM– 4:00 PM This is not a series, but participants may participate in more than one session if they choose. Presenter: Jana Rogers, Adam Deyoe and Meghan Davison Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Description: If you currently teach online classes, or are planning to teach online in the future, how do you foster a sense of community and respect? We will discover concrete methods to teach your students etiquette to create positive behavior online. Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera TITLE: GETTING STARTED WITH CANVAS Date: Feb. 12, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm| WebX Online Training Feb. 13, 2015 Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: Canvas is an intuitive learning management system built on relationships between online tools and features that will enhance the virtual component of any course. This workshop will give participants an overview of some of the basic features and functionality of Canvas to enable them to begin building their course with confidence. Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, lesson and unit plans TITLE: COMMUNICATION IN CANVAS Date: Feb. 2, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm | WebX Online Training Feb. 3, 2015 | 3:00pm-4pm| WebX Online Training Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders 21 Technology Training Description: For this webinar we will be examining the communication features built into Canvas. Attendees will be looking at the different ways instructors can interact with students using the built in announcement, email, and conference tools in Canvas. Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, lesson and unit plans TITLE: WORKING WITH RUBRICS IN CANVAS Date: Feb. 24, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm| WebX Online Training March 13, 2015 Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: This webinar will focus on how you can import and create your own rubrics in Canvas for you to better assess students. Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, lesson and unit plans TITLE: OLL106- WEBINAR: ONLINE UNIT DEVELOPMENT Q&A Date: Feb. 27, March 2 PM-4:00PM| Webinar |3:15 This is not a series, but participants may attend more than one session if they choose. Presenter: Jana Rogers, Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Description: Do you have questions about creating or revising your online class? Pop in to this webinar to get answers, both from the tech side and the classroom side. We will tackle your pressing issues and help solve your design dilemmas. Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera TITLE: ASSESSMENTS IN CANVAS Date: Feb. 9, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm | WebX Online Training Feb. 10, 2015 | 3:00pm-4pm| WebX Online Training Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: The purpose of this webinar is to give users an indepth overview of how to use assessments within Canvas. From discussions to quizzes, the tools built into Canvas will provide a wide array of opportunites for you to assess your students. Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, lesson and unit plans TITLE: SERIES: TRANSFORMING YOUR CLASS TO ONLINE OR BLENDED LEARNING OLL101-WEBINAR: BEST PRACTICES IN ONLINE LEARNING Date: February 5th, 6th, 11th, 2015 3:15 PM -4:00 PM Participants may attend more than one session if they choose. Presenter: Jana Rogers and Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning Description: Participants will receive a brief overview of online learning and find out about current best practices. We will learn how to utilize these methods and strategies across all content areas. Take away some new tools to incorporate into your online classes or ways to implement a new class online. Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera TITLE: UBD103UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN: ROADMAPS AND MODULES Date: February 23, 2015 |9:30 AM-3:00 PM| JLL BOCES Board Rm February 3, 2015 |12:00 PM3:00 PM| St. Lawrence Ed. Services Center 22 Technology Training Presenter: Jana Rogers Intended Audience: Any teacher, especially those involved in the Virtual AP program. Description: Now that you know the basics of Understanding by Design, let’s use them together to help create your course overview or roadmap, and maybe a module or two. Learn how to use Understanding By Design in your long term planning to help guide you and your students towards success! Technology Needs: Please bring a laptop or tablet, or a laptop is available for use. Also bring a current road map or module/unit plan to work on. TITLE: COURSE MANAGEMENT IN CANVAS Date: Jan. 26, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm | WebX Online Training Jan. 27, 2015 | 3:00pm-4pm| WebX Online Training Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: Join us for this indepth webinar on course management in Canvas. During this webinar we will focus on creating student groups within Canvas, taking attendance, setting up a gradebook, and managing an online course. TITLE: COURSE DESIGN IN CANVAS Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, lesson and unit plans Date: Jan. 13, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm | WebX Online Training Jan. 15, 2015 | 3:00pm-4pm| WebX Online Training TITLE: GETTING STARTED WITH GOOGLE Presenter: Derek LaLonde Date: Jan. 28, 2015 | 3:00pm4pm | WebX Online Training Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: When getting started with online learning, one of the most overwhelming questions you may have is, where do I begin? This webinar will introduce you to some of the basic principles of developing an online course within the Canvas LMS. Date: March 16, 2015 | 2:30 PM3:45 PM | WebX - Online March 24, 2015 | 1 PM-3 PM| Board Room, Watertown BOCES Campus May 6, 2015 | 2:30 PM-3:45 PM | WebX - Online Presenter: Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers and communications staff who are interested in student led/developed videos. Educators looking to engage in and communicate in modern media with students. Description: Learn about how Digital Videos and Podcasts can enhance learning and creativity among students. Attendees will also learn how to create and use videos to engage students in learning and reviewing material on their own time. Technology Needs: Laptop, lesson and unit plans Presenter: Derek LaLonde Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration and Technology Leaders Description: Are you new to Google? If you are new or interested in all of the tools that Google has to offer educators, than this webinar is for you. We will introduce many of the basic tools that Google has to offer. Technology Needs: Desktop or Laptop, internet connection, Google account, Mic/Camera lesson and unit plans TITLE: DIGITAL VIDEOS AND PODCASTS TITLE: OLL105- WEBINAR: ONLINE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS Date: March 18, 24, or 26, 2015 |3:15 PM-4:00 PM| Webinar This is not a series, but participants may come to more than one session if they choose. Presenter: Jana Rogers Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning 23 Technology Training Description: One size does not fit all, especially in the online environment. An online classroom can be a responsive classroom, too! Learn different teaching and learning strategies for all learning types and styles, from live presentations to real world scenarios. Participants will learn how to transform current lesson plans and units or modules for diverse student learners. place for spoken exams in foreign language classes. For power users, this training is for you! Technology Needs: Laptop, Current lesson and unit plans TITLE: OLL104- WEBINAR: ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITIES Date: March 3, 4, or 12 |3:15 PM-4:00 PM| Webinar Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera This is not a series, but participants may attend more than one session if they choose. TITLE: GOOGLE APPS FOR POWERUSERS Presenter: Jana Rogers and Adam Deyoe Date: March 25, 2015 | 3:15pm4pm | WebX Online Intended Audience: Teachers in the Virtual AP program or any teacher involved in online learning April 9, 2015 | 3:15pm-4pm| WebX Online Description: Are you currently teaching an online course, developing materials for a new online course, or revising materials for a current course? Join us to learn strategies to engage all learners online, like Google Hangouts, chat groups, online discussions, remind101 and more. We will design practices and rubrics for success. Participants will also tackle assessing student participation in online classes. May 5, 2015 | 3:15pm-4pm| WebX Online Presenter: Derek LaLonde and Adam Deyoe Intended Audience: Teachers, Administration, and Technology Leaders Description: Are you a Googler? Android Fanboy? Excel at Google Apps? This training will show you more than your basics. Learn how to improve your Docs/Drive experience with scripts. Find out about how Google Classroom and Google Forms can help you make the development of your assessments easier. Take your students on virtual field trips to anywhere with Google Earth and create your own map journeys. Use Google Voice as a hotline or Technology Needs: Internet, Webbrowser, Audio/Visual capabilities and a webcamera 24 College Board Training TITLE: AP VERTICAL TEAMS IN MATHEMATICS Date: February 5, 2015 and February 6, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus - Distance Learning Room (ACES Building) Presenter: Christina Frazier College Board Consultant Intended Audience: Middle and High School Mathematics Teachers Description: This two-day workshop gives middle and high school teachers the tools to strengthen an AP Vertical Team and to align curriculum vertically across grade levels within the mathematics discipline. Members of the Vertical Team will learn how to create a curriculum that emphasizes key concepts of mathematics at all levels of instruction. Through the implementation and vertical articulation of concrete strategies, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge students need at the Pre-AP level. TITLE: AP VERTICAL TEAMS IN SCIENCE Date: February 5, 2015 and February 6, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus - ACES Building Conference Room Presenter: Jordi Douglas College Board Consultant Intended Audience: Middle and High School Science Teachers Description: This two-day workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers who will be forming and/or strengthening an AP Vertical Team. Participants will develop research-based strategies for engaging students in science practices, aligning curriculum, and creating an action plan for an AP Vertical Team. TITLE: SCIENCE -‐ CREATING A LEARNER-‐ CENTERED CLASSROOM Date: March 4, 2015 and March 5, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus - Distance Learning Room (ACES Building) Presenter: Nita Ganguly - College Board Consultant Intended Audience: Middle and High School Science Teachers Description: This two-day workshop is designed to assist science teachers in creating a facilitative classroom that focuses on inquiry, encourages higher levels of thinking for all students, and orchestrates discourse through speaking, writing, and graphic representation. Specific strategies addressed include inquiry-based learning, discussion and discourse techniques, a fivestage instructional model, inductive thinking, discrepant events, brainstorming, assignment of roles in collaborative groups, and graphic organizers. The workshop provides strategies for designing and using meaningful investigations, writing dynamic problems, and enhancing current classroom activities so that students will develop a deeper understanding and produce more thoughtful responses. Teachers will gain a clear understanding of how successful students learn and how to develop those skills in others, as well as how to build relevant, informative assessments that allow teachers to monitor and foster scientific thinking without interrupting instruction. Workshop topics include engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. TITLE: BUILDING AN AP PROGRAM: A WORKSHOP FOR ADMINISTRATORS Date: March 10, 2015 Time: 8:30 - 3:30 Location: BOCES Watertown Campus - Program for Exceptional Students/Teacher Center (Large Conference Room) Presenter: Barbara Ramsey College Board Consultant Intended Audience: District and Building Administrators Description: This one-day interdisciplinary workshop provides an in-depth survey of effective ways to start and support an AP program. Beginning with a 25 College Board Training review of the benefits of the Advanced Placement Program® for schools, this workshop explores ways that administrators can provide support for their AP teachers and students. In addition, this workshop helps administrators learn how to use data effectively to promote equitable growth and provides tools for assessing strengths and weaknesses of existing AP programs, with an emphasis on areas of future growth. Finally, the workshop covers specific administrative topics, such as models for obtaining financial support from community organizations, effective school policies (e.g., grade weighting, setting expectations for exam taking) and effective use of block schedules in offering AP courses. 26 Administrator Training TITLE: PLC BOOK STUDY LEADERS OF THEIR OWN LEARNING Date: February 3, 2015 Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: Todd Green Intended Audience: Administrators, Principals, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents Description: Student-Engaged Assessment is not a single practice but an approach to teaching and learning that equips and compels students to understand goals for their learning and growth, track their progress toward those goals, and take responsibility for reaching them. This requires a set of interrelated strategies and structures as well as a wholeschool culture in which students are given the respect and responsibility to be meaningfully engaged in their own learning. During the spring of 2015, instructional leaders are invited to participate in a learning community that will use Ron Berger’s book: Leaders of Their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through StudentEngaged Assessment to help transform our schools towards focusing on student centered curriculum, instruction and assessment system. This text has been recommended by the Network Team Institute. This workshop series will consist of four, two-hour sessions. The first session will discuss the first two chapters of the book, 1 – Learning Targets, 2 – Checking for Understanding in Daily Lessons. At this session the group will schedule the remaining three sessions. §30-2.9 Training of evaluators and lead evaluators: Each participant will need to have a copy of the book and have read the first two chapters prior to attending the first session. You may find more information about the text here: ownlearning . While the text is published by Expeditionary Learning, the information in the text applies to all schools and all curricula. (2) evidence-based observation techniques that are grounded in research; Teaching Standard: Standard 1: Knowledge of Students and Student Learning, Standard 2: Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning, Standard 3: Instructional Practice, Standard 5: Assessment for Student Learning, TITLE: LEAD EVALUATOR OF TEACHERS Date: February 23, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: BOCES Glenfield Campus, Board Room Presenter: Todd Green Intended Audience: Administrators, Principals Description: This training will focus on the following areas from the list of nine required training elements for Lead Evaluators of Teachers: (1) the New York State Teaching Standards and their related elements and performance indicators (4) application and use of the State-approved teacher or principal rubric(s) selected by the district or BOCES **School districts and BOCES shall also describe in their annual professional performance review plan their process for ensuring that lead evaluators maintain inter-rater reliability over time This training is intended for lead evaluators who have not been trained on the elements above and need to be certified by their board of education. TITLE: FACULTY MEETING SESSIONS Description: *These are one-hour sessions that administrators can elect to have provided to staff in a scheduled faculty meeting. 1.Questioning in the Classroom 2.Designing Quality Rubrics 3.Student Engagement 4.Quality Multiple Choice Question Writing 5.Intro to Student-Centered Learning Please contact Stacey Eger at [email protected] or 779-7070 if you would like to schedule one or more of these sessions for your faculty meetings. 27 August Training TITLE: EFFECTIVE TEACHING LEVEL I Date: August 17 - 21, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Conference Room A/B Presenter: APL Associates Intended Audience: Teachers Description: This five-day Instructional Skills Workshop will focus on “good practices.” Good practices are those classroom instructional skills and strategies that have been proven to be effective over time and are supported by research and studies. In addition, A.P.L. Associates incorporates procedures, processes, and strategies that are very successful in addressing a variety of teacher concerns in the areas of: time management, homework, behavior management, student performance, student focus, student effort and more. Intended Audience: Teachers who have taken Effective Teaching Level I Description: This component of Effective Teaching provides three days of intensive training. Cooperative/Collaborative Learning and instructional time management are among the components of this workshop. Cost billed through CoSer 518: $665 per participant when a total of 15 participants register; $335 per participant when a total of 30 participants register Cost billed through CoSer 518: $1,250 per participant when a total of 15 participants register; $625 per participant when a total of 30 participants register TITLE: EFFECTIVE TEACHING LEVEL II Date: August 18 - 20, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM Location: BOCES Watertown Campus, Board Room Presenter: APL Associates 28
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