―All Hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis.‖- Yes it‘s true; Year Y6 have been studying Macbeth over the last couple of weeks! In our drama base approach we have been re-enacting parts of the initial battle and witches opening scenes as well as discussing ways in which the witches are represented both in Tudor times and the modern day. I have been extremely impressed with the children‘s acting and improvisation skills. January News Water Street Primary School Year 6: In preparation for our residential visit to Bewerley Park we have started our studies on the Yorkshires Dales; initially looking at the wider context of National Parks across the UK. In the following weeks we will focus on the Yorkshire Dales National Park including looking at conflicts between different groups. Our Monday morning Street Dance session with Cool Sports has been providing us with a lively start to the week. The class are becoming experts on ―Popping and Locking‖ (You will have to ask them what that is!) This, combined with some great Cricket Coaching from Gilly an ex Yorkshire Cricket player, certainly means we are starting the New Year with some varied and fun sporting activities. We have also been developing our musical skills. Thanks to the kind donation of a grandparent of the school we have been able to buy a full set of class ukuleles! They are amazing! I know lots of other classes can‘t wait to get their hands on them! Thanks to Mrs Turvey we have already got several tunes in our repertoire and are looking forward to putting together a small Y6 group to perform in Skipton Music Festival. Finally, many thanks to all parents who were able to attend our parents‘ meeting this week about Bewerley Park. Should you have any further questions about the visit do come and see me, or email. Mrs J Macnab PTA Bingo Night Friday 27 February 2015 @ Ermysteds Grammar School More information soon Reception: Well the dinosaurs have visited Reception class in the last three weeks and have left their footprints all over the classroom. We have had great fun counting, weighing and measuring dinosaurs as well as looking for fossilised remains in our dinosaur swamp. We also had a travelling bucket of dinosaurs that each child took responsibility for at some time during the topic. The dinosaurs even went to the library with us on our library trip. Now the dinosaurs have all been chased away by the ice age that has arrived in Reception; as our new topic is ‗Frozen‘ embracing all things cold. We are collecting (clean) plastic milk cartons to build an ice palace and would be grateful for any donations (Year 3 are still collecting the tops!) As well as building ice palaces we intend to do interesting science activities involving melting and freezing as well as creative Winter wonderland art work. Watch this space..... Mrs Hayes Parents’ Evenings: Tuesday 24 February Thursday 26 February Letters will be sent home next week regarding appointments. Year 5: Year 5 have been busily working away on this half term‘s history theme, ‘What Changed?’. The focus has been the Industrial Revolution which initially we had no idea about at all. However, after some Literacy based information book research and wool spinning (demonstrated here by Kaden and Emily), after some map studying and timeline deducing, we are starting to get quite intrigued! Watch out for an additional letter regarding a school visit to Saltaire in the last week before half term. We have also been looking at David Hockney‘s ipad art and working on our school art programme to learn about techniques of digital artistry. We‘re about half way through this work but already the improvement in our skill level is INCREDIBLE! I‘m sure you‘ll agree that Aakash and Billy‘s fruit bowl work is VERY impressive. Thank you for all your work in keeping our PE kits up to date and present! Bradford City football and tag rugby lessons remain a highlight of the week. Miss Longman Year 4: Well, what a busy start to 2015 Year 4 have had! We started the year with a visit to Morrisons to purchase the ingredients needed to make our soup. Then we made the soup and had great fun testing it, describing it and giving each one a score. Our Literacy topic started with some mystery items that were in a large bag. We pulled them out of the bag and spent time trying them on, drawing and labelling them and discussing what we thought they were. We later found out that they belonged to Frank, a doctor at Airedale hospital, who had been to Antarctica. In that same week, on the Friday, we had a mystery delivery to the class. When we opened the packages, we realised that inside was a penguin and a polar bear. This created many questions for our topic work based around these two creatures and the areas they came from. In our topic work we have been studying cold places, especially the Arctic and the Antarctic. This week we had a visit from an Antarctic explorer who came to tell the children about his is experience in Antarctica. He showed us lots of photos and shared some very interesting facts and stories. We have thought about cold places around the school grounds and collected readings from a thermometer. We have also found out where the Arctic and Antarctic are and what they are like. In Literacy we have been reading about the life and adventures of Eric Shackleton, an Antarctic explorer, and we have been finding out why the men who travelled with him called him ‗the Boss‘. We have been reading about his life and picking out the main points in the text. The children have been using some pictures from a picture book about Ernest Shackleton to learn about and practise with speech marks and frontal adverbials. In Maths the children have been working on fractions and decimals. They have been putting the fractions on a number line and linking fraction tenths and hundredths to decimals. We have rounded the decimals to the nearest whole numbers. The children have been further developing their written methods and rounding four digit numbers. Mrs Bownass & Mrs Smith Wednesday 4 February is class ‘Vista’ photograph day for Reception & Year 6. Year 6 & Reception will be having special class photographs taken on Wednesday 4 February during morning school. These ‗long‘ framed photographs are taken twice during a child‘s time at Water Street. We do not undertake these with every class because of the expense. Usual class photos take place in June. Year 1: What a great start to our New Year! Year One have been busy learning all about Fairy Tales and the language we use in them. We have done lots of acting and role-playing as different characters and have just undertaken some fantastic writing - our own Little Red Riding Hood Stories. Along the Traditional tale theme we have been looking at the story of the Three Little Pigs and all the different materials that they used to build their houses. In our science we had to have a go at building another house out of some of the materials we had in our classroom to see if we could find ways of making a strong house for when the Big Bad Wolf Hairdryer came to visit!! We learnt lots about team work and how important it is to work together when making just one building. We have gone on to make our own house models which all have windows, chimneys and a moving door. We had a great visit from Mr Webster and the children practised their interview skills and were able to find out a bit more about what a Quantity Surveyor does. All in all an exciting term so far! Mrs Munslow Year 2: Year 2 have been working their socks off this half term! We have been very busy learning about the seven continents and the 5 oceans of the world and are now focusing on one particular continent – Antarctica! On Tuesday we joined together with Year 4 to listen to a talk from a real Antarctic explorer – Frank Swinton (see photos) The children had a great time listening to Frank‘s tales of adventure and learnt lots about what it is like to actually visit Antarctica. Over the next few weeks we will be learning about how we might travel to Antarctica, where Antarctica is in the world, who lives there and what we might need if we were to visit. We will also be learning about the ‗Race for the Pole‘ between Scott and Amundsen. Thank you for the atlases and penguins we have received so far – please keep sending these in! Our Julia Donaldson topic is also going really well and the children are very keen to read and study her books. We are trying to read as many of her books as possible but she has written a LOT!! We are getting really good at spotting rhyme, alliteration and repetition. We have compared some of her books and will be completing character studies. We also hope to do some drama and eventually write our own story in Julia‘s style. Thank you for the books we have received from home – this has been very helpful. Please remember topic homework is due in on Thursday 12 th February – we are really looking forward to seeing your presentations! Have a great weekend. - Mrs Barrett and Mrs Roberts Tuesday 10 February is… As part of our e-safety curriculum all children will be taking part in Safer Internet Day 2015 through a variety of age appropriate workshops & lessons. Penny’s Kitchen Spring Term 2015 Monday 2 February: Tuna Pasta Bake Updated 30.01.15 Wednesday 4 Feb Reception & Year 6 Vista Photographs Friday 6 Feb Year 3 Cake Sale @ 3.15pm Monday 9 Feb Year 5 Visit to Saltaire Tuesday 10 Feb Safer Internet Day Thursday 12 Feb Height & Weight Measuring—Rec & Year 6 Friday 13 Feb School Closes for Half Term Wednesday 4 February: Monday 23 Feb School re-opens for pupils Beef Cobbler Tuesday 24 Feb Parents Evening Cauliflower Cheese Bake Thursday 26 Feb Parents Evening Cheese & Biscuits Friday 27 Feb PTA Bingo Night Thursday 5 February: Monday 2 March Year 6 Residential Visit to Bewerley Park Sweet & Sour Chicken Friday 6 March Year 6 return from Bewerley Park Spinach, Potato & Lentil Bake Artic Roll & Peaches Tuesday 3 February: Roast Pork Dinner Vegetable Stew & Dumplings Apple Pie & Custard Roasted Vegetable Pasta PTA Bags 2 School Collection Sultana Flajack Tuesday 10 March Year 5—‘Rewind to Easter‘ Friday 6 February: Friday 13 March School Council Coffee Morning Sausages & Onion Gravy Monday 16 March Year 4 Residential Visit to Malham Skipton Music Festival this week Jacket Potato Chocolate & Pear Fudge Pudding Tuesday 17 March Year 4 Residential Visit to Malham Wednesday 18 March North Yorkshire Rotters Workshops Thursday 19 March North Yorkshire Rotters Workshops Fresh Fruit is available every day Friday 20 March North Yorkshire Rotters Workshops Yoghurts are available very day Monday 23 March Theme Week Begins Thursday 26 March Full Governing Body Meeting Friday 27 March School closes for Easter Holidays Monday 13 April School closed for pupils—Staff Training Tuesday 14 April School opens for pupils Year 3 Cake Sale Friday 6 February 3.15pm This section will be updated regularly as more events are organised. Day During School Monday 2 February After School Key Stage 2 Street Dance Club Year 5 Animation Club Tuesday 3 February Wednesday 4 February Reception & Year 6 Vista Photographs Thursday 5 February Yr 3 & 4 Lego Club Yr 3 Chess Club Yr 1 & 2 Craft Club Fencing Club Friday 6 February Minecraft Club—lunchtime Year 3 Cake Sale Year 6 Football @ Sandylands Year 3: In literacy we have been looking at performance poetry. As part of this we have been developing our ability to read with the correct tone, volume and intonation. We are now studying myths and legends and are enjoying the gripping tales of gods and the underworld! In numeracy we have been trying to choose the most effective method to help us solve calculations. We have also started to look at adding larger numbers using the expanded column method. At the moment we are measuring mad and are working to develop our ability to measure with accuracy. In P.E. this term we are lucky enough to have two specialist coaches working with us. We are learning how to be street dancers with attitude and are getting to grips with locking and popping! On Thursdays we are developing our cricket skills and have already impressed our coach with our skills and manners. We have got off to a great start with our geography topic ‗Who are our European Neighbours?‘ We are doing really well with naming countries and last lesson had a great discussion about the difference between laws, government and customs. In D.T. we have now designed our Roman shields. We had to be careful to make our design symmetrical, just like the Roman designs. We have also been lucky enough to work with artist Denisa Francis to design our bottle top mosaic. Our next step is to pool our ideas to come up with an agreed design. In the meantime we are still collecting as many bottle tops as possible and appreciate your continued help with this. Nibbles is a hit! We are doing really well caring for and handling our new class pet. Thank you to all of you who have offered to care for her over the weekends and during the holidays. There will be another opportunity to sign up at the start of the Summer Term for those children who were not able to do so this term. Miss Bowler
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