Joseph the Worker Parish St. 753 Burnside Road West Victoria, BC V8Z 1M9 Office: 250.479.7413 Fax: 250.479.7619 Diocese of Victoria Emergencies Only (outside office hours): 250.294-9615 Father William’s Email: [email protected] Website: January 31st & February 1st, 2015 Email: [email protected] Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time From the Pastor’s Desk T here is a line in today's Gospel that intrigues me. It is the one, which says: "they were ASTOUNDED at his teaching. Can we still be astonished and excited about what we find in Jesus and cannot find anywhere else? That seems to be the basic thrust of today's Gospel reading. It suggests that once Jesus appears on the scene, people who come into contact with him and who allow him to enter their lives feel uplifted. They have a sense of being set free from whatever it is that depresses them or holds them captive. “Are we subjected to forces that enslave us?" you may ask. "Do we lack freedom?" Its seems to me that the man possessed by an unclean spirit, as mentioned in today's Gospel passage, is in fact an image of ourselves wherever we lack freedom, wherever our true humanness is stifled and impeded, wherever we are not fully human yet. But the Gospel goes even further than that. It shows us Jesus entering the scene, with the authority given him by a people-loving God, and putting all these demonic powers in their place. What today's Gospel suggests is that the demonic in ourselves and in our society, whatever different forms it may take, can be driven out. What it takes from us is that we allow Jesus to shape our lives; after all, that is what believing in Jesus means. To believe writes Jésus-Maria Asurmendi in the relevance of God is to believe in the presence of prophets among us who show the relevance of his Word. To believe in the faithfulness of God and in his church is to believe that he will not let it fall asleep, be overwhelmed, lose its vigor and the dynamism of its hope. How do we live this gospel today? We too stand in the crowd around Jesus, hungry for truth amid deceptive and empty phrases. We don't have to wait long, because Kingdom urgency delivers the truth with lightning speed. Do our hearts quicken; do we bring our needs forward without hesitation or embarrassment; do we embrace and invest in actions that help snap creation back into right order? Do we trust that Kingdom is coming, right into our midst? Do we believe the world is already changed forever as a result? If the first duty of love is to listen, let us listen to the Master Father William This weekend marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week in British Columbia This year's theme is “Live the Joy of the Gospel”. Each and every year, Catholic schools throughout the province join together to send a message about the importance and value of Catholic education. Please join us at our Open Houses St Joseph Elementary School on Monday, February 2nd, - 5:00pm to 7:00pm St. Andrew’s Regional High School on Thursday, February 5th - 6:00pm to 8:00pm Come and see what Catholic education is all about! Ministry Liturgical Schedule...February 7th & 8th, 2015 Saturday 5:00 pm Altar Servers MC T. Lanuza J. Palahicky, B. Newton Hospitality Ministers C. Hunt M. Wood Coordinator-Terri Butler Lectors B. Douglas Coordinator-Linda Chatton L. Chatton L. van Dyk, G. Watteyne Ushers Coordinator-Maryellen Trudeau M. White, M. O’Rielly Presenters of the Gifts W. Randall Coordinator-Ursule Betts Children’s Liturgy Seeds 10:00 Mass C. Whiteley Coordinator-Martin Poulin B. Douglas Vacuumers Coordinator-Ralph Scheurle Coordinator- Pam Corpus Sunday 10:00 am MC J. Bella P. Kumar J. Parks R. Garman J. Vukovic L. Hawkes J. Belliveau, G. Rossato J. Moreau and J. Moreau E. Bartle K. Fraser Promise 10:00am Mass F. De Montigny Hospital Ministers S. Sequeira Coordinator-Claude Mury A. Sequeira Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:15-4:45 pm or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage: Inquiries must be made 6 months in advance. Register at the office . Marriage preparation class is compulsory. Next class date to be announced. Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Office at 250-479-7413 to register for the next Baptism Preparation Class to be held on Friday, February 20th at 7:00pm . There will be no Baptisms during Lent. Next Baptisms will take place on the weekend of April 25th/26th (corrected dated). All Baptisms are held during all masses of the last weekend of each month. Catechism and Children’s Liturgy, Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion: Contact the Parish Office at 250-479-7413 for more information. Pastoral Care Visits While in Hospital: We remind the faithful that privacy legislation in BC prevents the release of information regarding hospital admissions. If you or someone you love are admitted to a hospital and would like a visit from your pastor or Eucharistic Minister, please call your parish office or VGH/RJ hospital emergency pager 250-889-3761 Sunday 6:00 pm MC E. Pryma N. Pryma tba S. Fitzmaurice N. Hardy tba tba Good News 10:00am Mass K. Kegalj Mass Schedule Weekday Masses Monday ~9:00am Tuesday ~ 9:00am Wednesday ~ 9:00am Thursday ~ 9:00am Friday ~ No Mass Saturday ~ 5:00pm Sunday ~ 10:00am & 6:00pm Important Please pick up your 2014 Income Tax Receipts at the back of the church From today’s Gospel reading: They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. (Mark 1:22) St. Vincent de Paul 2014 Question for Adults: What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance? Income Tax Receipts are Question for Children: What is the most important thing you would like others to know also available for pickup about Jesus? How will you show or tell them? at the back of the church. St. Joseph’s Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten Registration is open for 2015-16. 40 spots available, with 22 already enrolled. Please contact the school office at 250-479-1232 for more information, or school website at for an application form. Course on Evangelization Beginning February 3rd at 7 :00pm, Father David Hogman will be offering a six week course on the Church’s missionary identity and the call to a New Evangelization. Suggested donation: $10. Call the Parish office at 250-388-5571 to register. St. Andrew’s Regional High School presents Brad Henning - a sexual culture. Parent Session on Thursday, February 5th, 5:30pm - 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Church Hall, designed to let parents know what will be said in their students’ upcoming assembly. The aim is to help parents understand the culture their kids live in and see their role in their kids’ sexual maturity. Parents often say they wish they had received this kind of information when they were kids. You are invited! - The Diocese of Victoria celebrates the Ordination of Deacon Harrison Ayre to the Priesthood on Saturday February 7th at 10:00 am at the Cathedral and all are invited. A noon Reception will follow at St. Andrew's Elementary School Gym. Downtown Churches Association Celebrates 25 years with Brother Emile of Taizé. To celebrate this anniversary, the DCA will host a prayer service with Brother Emile of Taizé at Fairfield United Church on February 14th at 6:00pm followed by a catered dinner at 7:00pm. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased at the St. Andrew’s Parish office for $20. The prayer service is free of charge and open to all. 2015 Collection envelopes are ready for pickup at back of church Keeping in Contact We extend our hands and hearts in Christian companionshi p to you here, celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If you wish to register in the parish please fill out the pink registration form located outside the church office or back of church. Newsworthy and Noteworthy Blessing of Throats at St. Joseph the Worker - Tuesday, February 3rd is the feast day of St. Blaise. The special blessing will be given during the 9:00am Mass. The blessing of St. Blaise for ‘ailments of the throats and all other evils’ is meant for all who desire it, including those who are not Catholic. THE TRINITY (with Les McKeown as Presenter) Sacred Heart Parish Thursdays, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 and Mar 5 at 7:00pm The course follows the revelation of Trinitarian theology from its source in the Old and New Testaments through the refinements of early Church Councils and includes contemporary contributions to Trinitarian understanding. Sign up sheet in foyer. Men’s Breakfast with Guest Speaker, Bishop Gary Gordon, Saturday, February 14th, 8:00am to 10:00am at the Horseshoe Club, 620 Kenneth St., Victoria BC. To register call Chris Burke 250-474-5649 or email [email protected]. Check out our new website Centering Prayer - Mark your Calendars - Two Sessions Saturday sessions starting February 14th at 10:00am or Tuesday sessions starting February 17th at 7:00pm, at St. Joseph the Worker and will continue for six weeks. These workshops are based on a series of six DVD talks by Father Thomas Keating OCSO (Trappish Monk). To register call office 250-479-7413 or email [email protected]. Deadline Approaching to register for Victoria Association of Catholic Leaders - Next Breakfast is on Tuesday, February 17th at The Union Club. Registration: 7:00am Breakfast: 7:30am. Speaker: Bishop Gary Gordon on Lay Leadership and the Mission of the Church. Cost $28. Contact Timothy Dumas 250-857-5817 or [email protected] Save The Date: The Healing Ministry of the Church and Ethics at the End of Life Presentation, Friday, April 17th (7 - 9:00 pm) and Saturday, April 18th, 2015 (9:00am4:00pm) Fr. Mark Miller, C.Ss.R., clinical bioethicist, will speak on The Healing Ministry of the Church and Ethics at the End of Life at Holy Cross Parish, Victoria. Please bring a bag lunch. All parishioners are welcome to attend. Volunteers for the Coffee Ministry - Please contact Barbara Strong at [email protected] or 250-590-6352. Up Coming Events & Start Dates Feb 1 - 7 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 7 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 14 Feb 14 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 17 Feb 22 Feb 28 BC Catholic Schools Week 7:00pm Adult Formation Program “Echoes of Faith” - Diocesan Pastoral Center 7:00pm The Trinity - Sacred Heart Parish 10:00am Ordination of Deacon Harrison Ayre to the Priesthood - St. Andrew's Cathedral 1:00pm CWL General Meeting 7:00pm 2015 Synod of Bishops Diocesan Reflection and Dialogue - St. :Joseph the Worker 7:00pm Mass World Day of Sick 8:00am Men’s Breakfast - Horseshoe Club 10:00am Centering Prayer Workshop 7:30pm K of C General Meeting 7:00pm Centering Prayer Workshop 7:30am Victoria Association of Catholic Leaders Breakfast - Union Club 11:15am K of C Pancake Breakfast 9:00am Pastoral Care Outreach Program Session 2 - Listening and Communication and Mental Health - St. Patrick’s Parish Hall This Week in our Community Monday February 2 Feast The Presentation Of The Lord Parish Office Closed 9:00am School Mass+ Jean Higgins Tuesday February 3 Feast Day of St. Blaise 9:00am Mass - Blessing of Throats 7:00pm Social Eco Justice Committee Meeting Community Room 7:00pm Couples for Christ Choir Practice - Church Wednesday February 4 9:00am Mass 10:30am Beginner’s iPad for Seniors - Church Hall 7:00pm RCIA - Community Room 7:00pm Liturgy Meeting - Rectory Meeting Room Thursday February 5 Memorial St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr Ordinary Office 9:00am Mass 7:00pm Christian Rocks Choir Practice - check your email 7:00pm K of C Training - Church Hall Friday February 6 Memorial St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Ordinary Office No Mass Adoration from 10:00am to noon (Rosary prayed at 11:00am) - Church 7:00pm K of C - Rosary prayed in the Church Saturday February 7 5:00pm Mass + Jeanette London 6:00pm Jesus Youth Ministry - Library Sunday February 8 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time 9:00am RCIC - Community Room 10:00am Mass 11:15am Sunday Coffee 11:15am No Catechism or Sacramental Prep Classess (Family Day Weekend) 6:00pm Mass Special Int. Marjorie Gallagher Pope Francis invites us to dialogue and participate on the vocation and mission of the Family! Please read insert in last week’s bulletin and note that there will be three Diocesan gatherings facilitating reflection, dialogue and feedback in preparing for the second synod on the family! St. Joseph the Worker, Victoria, Tues., Feb 10th - 7-9pm St. Peter’s, Nanaimo Tues. Feb. 17th - 7-9pm Christ the King, Courtenay, Sun. Feb. 22nd - 4-7pm Please register by phone 250-479-1331 or email [email protected] or [email protected] Pastoral Care Outreach Program Session 2 Listening and Communication and Mental Health Saturday, February 28th - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm St. Patrick's Parish Hall Co-partnered with Holy Cross Parish Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. It is recommended that participants attend all four sessions if possible. Contact the parish office to register: 250.592-7391 or [email protected] Contacts in the Parish Pastor Fr. William Hann Administrative Assistant/Secretary Jennifer Smith/Sandi Duncan - Office hours 8:30 am-3:30 pm Tuesday-Friday Custodian Ralph Scheurle (250) 727-6010 Responsible Ministry Protocol Contact Mike O’Rielly (250) 477-8950 Baptism Cynthia Watson (250) 391-9243 email: [email protected] Could You Ever Come Back Charlie Allen (778) 433-5772 to the Catholic Church? Centering Prayer Charlie Allen (778) 433-5772 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Martin Poulin (250) 744-3288 email: [email protected] Children’s Religious Education Jeanine Woodman email: [email protected] Sunday 11:15 am Development and Peace Sister Marina Smith SSA email: [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation(RCIA) Fred and Doreen Keizer (250) 380-0158 Jesus Youth - Grades 8 to 12 George Philip and Reeja Paul (250) 208-7974 St. Joseph’s School Pre School-Grade 7. Call school office (250) 479-1232 for more info Catholic Women’s League(CWL) President: Karen Douglas (250) 383-5158 Knights of Columbus Peter Daniels (250) 658-6782 2nd Monday of the month 7:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul Ursule Betts (250) 479-8804 - 3rd Monday of month Building and Maintenance Committee Rick Wysiecki (250) 478-7955 Finance Committee Mike Fox (250) 391-0160 Green Team Peter Daniels [email protected] Liturgy Committee Shannon Hryhoryshen (778) 433-4365 Masithuthukisane Project Mickey Sanders (250) 294-3745 Social and Ecological Justice Committee Lorraine Parsons (250) 472-6499 Parish Pastoral Council Wendy Payne (Chair), Angela Faber, Cecilia Saunders, Jeanine Woodman, Ted Corpus, Robert Grant, George Philip, Tom Walker, Joanne DiCastri, Sister Marina Smith SSA, Benedict Chow and Marven Kelland We appreciate the support of these sponsors -- please support them! Mortimer’s Monumental Works (1977) Ltd. Established 1877 Granite, Marble, and Bronze Memorials. 709 Kings Road. opposite Times Colonist Phone 383-6421 Sands Funeral Chapels Cremation and Reception Centres “ Tradition of Trust since 1912” Pre - arrangements funeral and cemetery. Victoria -Telephone: (250) 388-5155 Colwood - Telephone (250) 478-3821 DANIEL MACISAAC Randy Poppe Owner/Operator MACISAAC AND MACISAAC BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC 2227 SOOKE ROAD VICTORIA, B.C. V9B 1W8 EMAIL: [email protected] (250)580-9328 [email protected] Victoria, BC and surrounding areas 250-478-1131 FAX 250-478-3106 Victoria’s Only Locally Owned Memorial Chapel. Offering Funeral Pre-planning McCALL BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ph. (250) 385-4465 1400 Vancouver St. at Johnson St. Certified General Accountant Dion Pomponio [email protected] 927A Goldstream Avenue Victoria, BC V9B 2Y2 t: 250.478.3230 f: 250.474.4727
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