ORDER FOR WORSHIP 4th Sunday after the Epiphany | 11:00 a. m. Traditional Worship Service | February 1, 2015 Communion Sunday ENTRANCE Welcome and Announcements Prelude “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” Irish Hymn Lighting of the Altar Candles Introit “Hallelujah” Zimbabwe (Chancel Choir) L: The Lord be with you! P: And also with you! L: Let us pray together. P: Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read, your Word proclaimed, and we partake of this Holy Mystery, may we hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. *Hymn “Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies” Page 173 PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE *Affirmation of Faith *Gloria Patri Children’s Moments Anthem The members of Memorial United Methodist Church are glad to have you visit with us today. As you worship, we hope that you find your experience here to be meaningful and spiritually inspiring. May you feel the Spirit of God present in this service. We are committed to sharing Jesus’ love with all who walk through our doors and to helping each person become a faithful disciple of Christ. We hope that Memorial meets your needs and you will join us on our walk with Christ. Our hearts, our minds, and our doors are always open. Please sign and complete all the information requested in the attendance register located in the pew rack or passed to you by someone on your row. A visitor card is found in the pew pocket where other information is requested. Both of these may be put in the offering plate or given to an usher. Welcome booklets especially prepared for visitors are available on a table in the main entry area before entering the sanctuary. Assistance is available from someone near you or an usher. Water fountains, restrooms, and changing tables are located in the hall outside the right exit of the sanctuary. If you need a nursery, see an usher. CONTEMPORARY SERVICE INFORMATION Apostles’ Creed Page 881 Page 71 Carol Scudder “For This Bread, For This Wine” Pastoral Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer Offering Offertory “Let Us Break Bread Together” *Doxology Sermon Text Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Sermon “Consuming Fire” WELCOME VISITORS! John Purifoy Rev. Joseph Curtis Spiritual Page 302 Rev. Joseph Curtis The Sacrament of Holy Communion Note: Please sing with the Choir during the bolded responses. ON SUNDAY, February 1st, at 9:00 a.m., Rev. Curtis will lead us in worship. Children’s sermon for February: Rachelle Foster. Greeters for February: Rob and Melinda Greenlee. Ushers for February: Chris Major and Wayne Morris. Set-up for February: Tom and Candi Stanton. Refreshments for February: Tom and Candi Stanton. Nursery for February 1st: Tyler and Marsha Mays. PRAYERS AND CONCERNS Mary Hayes, Don and Catherine Cavin, Perry and Connie Conley, Kim Doby, Margaret Williams, Beannie Robertson, Logan Howell, Ellen Rogers, Aggie Glenn, Martha Leonard, Kent Bridges, Katherine Dobson, Cameron Rowe, Brett Claycamp, Sarah Glenn, Jane Rhodes, Elaine Spearman, Samantha Wickliffe, Jimmy Reese, Katie Redmon, Dorris Hatcher, Chrys Harris, Reese Hannon, Doris Wright, Kat Jones, Steve Rogers, Louise Jones, Elmore House, Joanne Best. See Insert OFFERING ENVELOPES for 2015 are available at both services. If you cannot find yours, please talk with Ann Hammond or stop by the church office. SENDING FORTH *Hymn *Benediction *Choral Response *Chiming of the Trinity *Postlude “Guide Me, O thou Great Jehovah” “How Firm a Foundation” *Congregation Standing Page 127 American Hymn CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS FOR 2014 are available at both services. Please make sure to check for any errors or omissions and let Ann Hammond know if your statement requires adjustment. DONATIONS OF PEANUT BUTTER will be collected by the children during the month of February. Candice Phillips is donating cans of soup during February. Donation boxes are located throughout the church. OTHER NEWS ASSISTIVE LISTENING SYSTEM: Attendees of the Traditional Service who need an amplified experience can now take advantage of our assistive listening system. The wireless units provide sound from the pulpit, as well as organ and choir music during the Traditional Service. If you would like to use the system, please see an usher before the service to borrow one of the receivers. Headphones are available, or you may bring your own headphones to use with the system (the receivers take standard 1/8-inch audio plugs that are commonly found on headphones). Please contact Adam Wickliffe at [email protected] or call 864-940-1714 with any questions. IN MEMORIUM Sylvia Giles March 7 – January 26, 2015 Blessed are those who…die in the Lord CHURCH CALENDAR | Week of February 1 – February 7, 2015 SUN MON FOR SALE!! We have a large mirror, located in the rock house that the church is making available for purchase. It is approximately 4’ x 6’ and is unframed. It can be yours for a minimum donation of $20. Please contact the office to make arrangements to see it. TUES WED THE FLOWER calendar for 2015 is in place on the Bulletin Board in the hall near the Wesley Davenport classroom. Please select the date(s) you would like to reserve for remembering and/or honoring your loved ones or special occasions. 8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:00-9:00 p.m. 6:00-7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Finance Committee – Social Hall Fellowship Time Contemporary Worship Service – Family Life Center Church School Traditional Worship Service – Sanctuary Make – A – Swish – Family Life Center Disciple II Bible Study – Adults Unlimited Classroom UMW Call to Prayer – Social Hall Basketball Practice – FLC Cub Scouts – Rock House Boy Scouts – Rock House Prayer Group – Family Room Basketball Practice - FLC Youth Small Groups – Social Hall Praise Band Practice - FLC Chancel Choir Practice – Choir Room SERVING THIS WEEK AT MEMORIAL’S TRADITIONAL SERVICE OUR WORSHIP service is available to view on our Church web site: www.greerchurch.com. WIFI is available throughout the church campus for your needs. Please contact the church office for the password. EVENTS IN THE NEW YEAR FEBRUARY 1st — Scout Troop will begin collecting canned food for local charities. FEBRUARY 8th — Scout Sunday FEBRUARY 18th — Ash Wednesday Service FEBRUARY 22nd — Lent begins / Sermon series begins on the last words from the Cross MARCH 1st – Confirmation classes begin MARCH 29th — NO Combined Service during Holy Week ATTENDANCE: W/E 1/25/15: Worship 241 Small Groups 142 ACOLYTES: Jay Smith, Ellie Smith USHERS: Susan Mayberry (H), Ellen Henson, Betty West, Linda Hannon, Cindy Miller SOUND AND VIDEO: David and Susan Mayberry WORSHIP GREETERS: Dixie, Corrie and Stephen Kennette NURSERY: Jack and Betsy Fore OFFERING COMMITTEE: Marjorie Mitchell, Tom and Ann Hammond TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH and SECURITY PATROL: Jack Fore YOUTH INFORMATION YOUTH will not meet on Sunday, February 1st due to their Revolution trip. On Wednesday, February 4th, all Youth will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the FLC for our Supper at Six gathering. At 6:30 p.m., all Youth will meet for small groups in the Social Hall until 7:30 p.m. FINANCIAL REPORT CHILDREN INFORMATION Received for Budget $ 6,889.50 Needed for Budget 10,615.00 Memorials 765.00 Designated Gifts: Good Samaritan $5; Children’s Ministry $10; Daily Bread $20. MEMORIAL’S CHILDREN AND YOUTH are excited to present Memorial's 2015 Lenten Mission: Sponsoring a child through Compassion. Compassion International works to stop the cycle of poverty that perpetuates from one generation to the next by focusing on individual children. We have chosen to sponsor Elen Namanya from Uganda. Please stay tuned for many more details on Elen and how you may support her through Memorial's Lenten season. BUILDING FUND Needed monthly to pay off loan in 10 yrs. Received 1/25/15 Received Month to Date Memorials $ 9,035.40 1,820.50 7,381.50 1,110.00 MISSION KIDS MAKE - A - SWISH Memorial's Kids In Mission will participate in our 6th Annual Make A Swish Basketball Fundraiser on Sunday, February 1st at 4 pm in the Family Life Center. Participants have ONE MINUTE to make as many baskets as they can & by making a pledge of 0.50, $1 or more (per basket) you can help support Elen Namanya from Uganda who we have adopted to sponsor through Compassion International for Memorial's 2015 Lenten Mission. Pledge forms will be available again this Sunday at both services or you may contact Katie! Join us for this fun event - come out and cheer on our Mission Kids. We thank you in advance for your support. KIDS! Regular Sunday Night Programs will not meet this Sunday, February 1st. We'll have Make A Swish at 4 pm so that you can enjoy Super Bowl Sunday with your family and friends. Scout Troop 107 will be hosting the 2015 Valentine Day Pancake Breakfast on February 14 from 7:30 am to 10:30 am at the Memorial United Methodist Church’s Family Life Center. We will be serving pancakes, breakfast meat and beverages. The Troop will be passing out tickets at the Church services on February 1st and February 8th. We are asking for a $5 or more donation per plate. Please join us on February 14th. NEW BIBLE STUDY PLEASE “LIKE” and join our new Facebook Group--Memorial UMC Children’s Ministry--for the most up-to-date details and info (plus pictures, too)! Follow us at MemorialsKids on Instagram. MISSION NEWS RED BIRD MISSION TRIP Please mark your calendars, for the annual Red Bird Mission trip, held in conjunction with Aldersgate UMC. The dates for the trip in 2015 are May 3rd through May 9th. There are many skills needed, so don’t feel as if you can’t contribute. Teens 14 or over, and adults are encouraged to sign up. Both men and women can go. The people of Appalachia need you! It is a wonderful, meaningful experience, doing Jesus’s work here on earth. Please prayerfully consider this important mission! MISSION TEAM RED BIRD BOX TOPS AND LABELS We are collecting Tyson Project A+ labels, Box Tops for Education (found on cereal boxes, food storage boxes, frozen food boxes, baking products and apparel), and Campbell Labels for Education. These will be accumulated and sent on to Red Bird, where they will be used to purchase new work vans. Please give these to Beth in the church office. SALKEHATCHIE This year, the Mission Team and the Youth are planning on participating in a Salkehatchie work camp, during the week of June 13-20. We always need adult volunteers. Please prayerfully consider if you can participate. NEWS FROM THE SCOUTS SCOUT SUNDAY The Scouting Program plans to gather food for the disadvantaged in the Greer community through the Scouting for Food Program. The Scouts plan to pass out collection bags on February 1st with a flyer explaining Scouting for Food. On February 8, the Scouts will collect the bags full of canned goods and the like. Our Scout troop will also be participating in both the Contemporary and Traditional services on Sunday, February 8th, which is designated as Scout Sunday. EVER WONDER if we are very close to the return of Jesus? You may get some answers at the Sunday evening study beginning February 22nd and continuing for six weeks through March 29th. Bob McQuaid will teach a Sunday evening series at 5:30 p.m. entitled, The End Times, Are We There Yet? This series will present a biblical unfolding of God’s plan for human history from Eden to the New World. This will NOT be a “left behind” type of study. It will concentrate on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24 and 25 and use selected passages form the prophets and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The series, held in the Social Hall, will be an opportunity for you to learn more about the teachings of the Bible regarding the consummation of human history. Study guides are available on the table in the contemporary service area. MEMORIALS AND HONORARIA NAME Craig and Mary Allender Terry and Diane Arthur Tommy and Anne Becker Carolina Alliance Bank Marie Bindewald Tom and Mary Ann Catafygiotu Lynn Clark Sara Compton Rev. Marshall and Nita Danenburg Bill and Beverly Davis Elliott D. Decosimo Anne Dobson Dot Fant Bill and Anne Foster Neal, Jane and Sierra Fowler Robert and Lynn Gibson Maryhelen Gibson Hugh and Dixie Ham Ben and Linda Hammond Jimmy and Patsy Hunt Douglas and Lorena James Ron and Martha Leonard IN MEMORY OF Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Norman and Marion Philpott Gladys Hendrix Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond FUND Budget Budget Daily Bread Building Building Building Children’s Ministry Building Budget Building Budget Building Budget Building Building Building Building Budget Building Building Building Building Building MEMORIALS AND HONORARIA continued NAME Paul and Ginger Lister Don and DeAnn Louis Toni and Dolores McCollough Rob and Dale Northridge Gerald and Rachel Price Juanita Rogers Rev. John and Elaine Rush Bob and Kim Shennan Tommy and Patti Simmons Larry and Peggy Smith Scott and Cindy Streetman Mr. and Mrs. James Utsey Jeanette Wood IN MEMORY OF Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Norman and Marion Philpott Kathleen Fender Gladys Hendrix Debbie Dobson Heichner Wayne Reeve Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond Tony Hammond A NOTE FROM PAIGE FUND Building Building Good Samaritan Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building I just want to take the time to thank all those who have made donations to the Youth Fund in my 8 months here at Memorial. I am touched and truly grateful for all the love and generosity of this church! I am proud to worship and do ministry alongside each one of you! Paige Brooks Greeters for Contemporary Service We are once again in need of greeters for the Contemporary Service for the months of March through December. This is a quick and easy opportunity to serve. Just be at the church fifteen minutes prior to the service and greet people with a smile. A sign-up sheet will be located on the back table or you may contact JoAnn Rishforth at 864-552-1969. SUPPER AT SIX – FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Our menu will be tacos with all the fixings and dessert! For our program for February’s Supper @ Six, the youth will be presenting information about our church’s mission project for the Lenten season. The youth/children are sponsoring a child from Uganda. They will share about the child that they are sponsoring and their fundraising plans. This will be a great project for our church. Complete this form, drop it in the offering plate or call the office to let us know you’ll be joining us! GREER CHRISTIAN BASKETBALL SCHEDULE UPCOMING WEEK NAME: _________________________________________________________________ GROUP DATE Men < 30 4-6 year old co-ed 7-8 year old (B) 9-10 year old (B) 11-13 year old (G) 13-14 year old (B) 2/2/15 2/7/15 2/7/15 2/7/15 2/7/15 2/7/15 TIME 8:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. LOCATION Fairview Baptist Memorial Methodist Memorial Methodist Memorial Methodist Memorial Methodist Memorial Methodist NUMBER IN YOUR PARTY:__________________________________________________ “Connecting to Christ, Connecting to our Community, Connecting to Each Other… TO MEMORIAL METHODIST MEMBERS: It has now been two months since I've been at this church, and I want to thank you for the opportunity to work with such a great group of people. During December, I was very appreciative of the bonuses, gift cards, and special gifts I received. In addition, I have received numerous cards, hand-written notes, and general well wishes that I have found very moving and inspirational. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and gifts. Don Shabkie We are Memorial!” SAFE SANCTUARY MUMC provides a Safe Sanctuary for children. We require a background check of all adult volunteers. THE BULLETIN – Published weekly by Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 North Main Street, Greer, South Carolina 29650 – Periodicals postage paid at Greer, SC, 20650-USPS 849-300. Change of address is requested. Founded 1882 201 North Main Street, Greer, South Carolina 29650 Office: 864.877.0956 | Fax: 864.877.0957 | Parsonage: 864.877.8836 E-mail: [email protected] | Cell Phone: 803.325.4993 Join Memorial UMC online at http://www.greerchurch.com Traditional Service video Contemporary Service video Church event photos Audio from all services Archived sermons Sunday School information Scan the QR code to the left or go to http://www.greerchurch.com E-mail: [email protected] | Website: www.greerchurch.com CHURCH STAFF Joseph L. Curtis George E. Strait John Rush Katie Jeter Lynn Clark Cindy Davis Pastor Pastor Emeritus Pastor Emeritus Director, Children and Family Ministries Interim Director of Music Director of Children’s Music Paige Brooks Cindy Davis Beth Melton Roberts Gail Warner Ann D. Hammond Sherie Lynch Don Shabkie Director of Student Ministries Director of Contemporary Worship Administrative Secretary Director, Child Enrichment Programs Treasurer Financial Secretary Organist
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