Minetto United Methodist Church “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2 February, 2015 Minetto United Methodist Church PO Box 217, Minetto, NY 13115 315-343-3465 [email protected] Pastor Chuck Forbes FROM THE PASTOR Paul said that he was willing to become all things to all people in order that he might save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). In light of Paul’s words, I think it’s important to ask ourselves certain questions about our dress code. 1. Who am I trying to reach? This question changes everything for me. Jesus tells me that I am to go into the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey him. Jesus sought out the least of these around him, connecting with those who were left out of religious circles. He didn’t invest much time with those who dressed to the nines and liked everyone to know their professional status. It’s hard for me to imagine Jesus in an academic gown, plush with religious regalia. If I’m going to be like Jesus, I need to reach the people Jesus tried to reach, which may require that I dress differently in order to connect with the unchurched - out there. 2. Who am I trying to please? The unsaved in our communities care nothing about our professional clothing. But the saved seem to. The folks already in our pews like to have a pastor who looks respectable, or at least many of them do. For a long time I thought my job was to please them. Freedom for me came when I realized it was my job to please God. I think I please God more when I dress in order to connect with the lost that Jesus is trying to connect with rather than dress to please the people already connected. Some of our people will have a difficult time getting used to not seeing their pastor in a suit and tie or in a robe, but the more stories I can tell of people I have met and invited to church the more they will come along. And if they don’t, that’s OK. One unchurched person is worth 99 who are already saved. 3. What does the harvest around me wear? If I live on Wall Street I might not wear jeans because the majority of the harvest around me is in suits. But if I live in a community where the majority of people are working class, jeans work. Ask yourself whether or not the people who most need to hear the gospel in your community are going to connect to your message or be intimidated or confused by your wardrobe. If you're a layperson reading this, you can be a great help by telling your pastor you don’t care what he or she wears so long as it’s clothes and so long as the gospel is being proclaimed. You could release your pastor from much anxiety about what to wear by telling him or her that you care more about seeing the lost saved than seeing your pastor dressed “properly.” And besides, shouldn’t that be our primary concern anyway? Shalom, Pastor Chuck (and Rohan) February 2015 Newsletter Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE PASTOR ............................................... PG. 1 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES .............................PG. 3 MINISTRY UPDATES ............................................ PG. 4-6 FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR ...................................PG. 8 WORSHIP SCHEDULE ....................................................... PG. 2 UPCOMING EVENTS ...................................................... PG. 3-4 FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP REPORT............................... PG. 6- 7 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Feb. 1st Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany / Communion Service Responsive Reading: Psalm 111, UMH # 832 response 2 Lay Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 Pastoral Reading: Mark 1: 21-28 Greeters: Mike & Diana Hardesty Acolyte: Noah Cordone Lay Reader: Marilyn Stephens Feb. 8th Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany / Worship Service / Boy Scout Sunday Responsive Reading: Psalm 147:1-11, UMH # 859 Lay Reading: 1 Corinthians 9: 16-23 Pastoral Reading: Mark 1: 29-39 Greeter: Lynne Hawksby Acolyte: Angela Stoutenger Lay Reader: Bruce Holman Feb. 15th Last Sunday after the Epiphany / Transfiguration Sunday / Worship Service with Noisy Can Offering. Responsive Reading: Psalm 50: 1-6, UMH # 783 Lay Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 Pastoral Reading: Mark 9: 2-9 Greeters: Jessica Fauler Acolyte: David Cordone Lay Reader: Sue Comerford Coffee Hour: The Fellows/Barnhart Family Feb. 22nd First Sunday in Lent / Worship Service beginning with the Praise Band Responsive Reading: Psalm 25: 1-10, UMH # 756 response # 2 Lay Reading: 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Pastoral Reading: Mark 1: 9-15 Greeters: Anne Miller & Betty Patrick Acolyte: Alex Stoutenger Lay Reader: Diana Rockhill Altar Stewards: Vivian DeMent & Karen Krause February 2015 Newsletter Page 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE NOTE THE CHURCH E-MAIL HAS BEEN HAVING SOME PROBLEMS. AS OF NOW, PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CHURCH: [email protected]. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Feb. 2nd Feb. 2nd Feb. 3rd Feb. 3rd Feb. 3rd Feb. 7th Feb. 8th Feb. 10th Feb. 13th Angela Stoutenger Jerry Bailey Mary Lou Bjorkman Marilyn Putnam Joanne Reidy Cora Finn Amanda Evans Carol (Buske) Crowell Brian Stoutenger Feb. 17th Feb. 19th Feb. 23rd Feb. 23rd Feb 23rd Feb. 27th Feb. 28th Douglas Taylor Jen Reese Katrina Boyzuck Terry Stoutenger Dan Tryon Garrett Kinney Wynnette Dohse AND FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Feb. 8th Frank & Gloria Bickel, 18 Years Feb. 16th Robert & Chris Whitman, 35 Years A Heartfelt Thank You For the last three months, while Pastor Chuck Forbes has been laid up, we have had the leadership of our former pastor and friend, Rev. Richard Sivers. Rev. Sivers retired from pastoral ministry on July 1st, 2014 with plans to write, reflect and write. Then came Pastor Chuck’s medical situation and Rev. Rick was happy to step in and help us out. We extend a heartfelt thank you to Rev. Rick for his leadership, teachings, guidance and friendship during this time. When you see Rev. Rick don’t forget to thank him. Mardi Gras / Valentine’s Dinner This year’s Valentine’s spaghetti supper is being combined with a Mardi Gras on Friday, February 13th to offer attendees a special treat of great food and entertainment. Cost is $15 per person and because of limited space, reservations are required. On the menu will be spaghetti and meat balls, tossed salad, Italian bread, dessert and beverage. Bringing back the fun of Mardi Gras will be Rick Sivers, who will entertain guests with his stories and maybe a few surprises. In the past he has introduced characters that have given the audience uproarious laughter. This year should be no different. Added to the fun atmosphere will be the Sounds of Brass, who will also have a few surprises for the guests. Make your reservations now through the church office at 343-3465. Give the number of people attending and the name of a contact person. Signup sheets are posted in the church. Come out and celebrate Valentine’s Day and have a great evening of a dinner and a show at the Minetto United Methodist Church. February 2015 Newsletter Page 3 Rev. Rick Sivers will lead a three-session study for Lent of symbols and art associated with the crucifixion. Called, “Cross Examination,” the three sessions will focus, first on the various styles of crosses and their meanings, an examination of the crucifixion accounts in the New Testament, and many of the artistic representations of the crucifixion event throughout history and across various cultures. There is no study book for these sessions. The sessions will meet in the meeting room/classroom on Tuesdays, Feb. 17, 24 and March 3 at 6:30 pm. No advance registration is necessary. Participants are asked to bring their Bible with them. The celebration of Lent will begin with an Ash Wednesday service in the Fellowship Hall on February 18 at 7 pm. Led by Rev. Rick Sivers, this meditative service will focus on the meaning of Lent and sacrificial living throughout the forty day period. This experiential service will have persons seated in a circle so that persons can be in community with one another. This type of service has been spiritually rewarding in the past and will help persons grow in faith as they begin Lent. All are welcome to attend. MINISTRY UPDATES – FEBRUARY 2015 MY GOD: MINETTO YOUTH GROUP OF DISCIPLES Meetings are scheduled after worship until 12 noon on the following Sundays in February: 15 & 22. Any youth in 5th grade and higher are welcome to join in for some fun and a chance to spend time with other youth. Feel free to contact Debbie Daby (343-8301 / [email protected]) or Randy Dohse (343-6097) with questions or activity ideas. FREE MEAL MINISTRY Our next Free Meal will be February 22nd from 4:30-6:30 PM. The menu is turkey, mashed potatoes, veggie, bread, beverage and dessert. The food preparation will be on Saturday, February 21st from 1-3 PM. Anyone wishing to help with the dinner should arrive by 4:15 PM on Sunday. This continues to be a successful ministry in our church. Thank you to everyone helps us with all or part of this ministry. NURTURE, CARE & HEALTH The Prayers & Squares Ministry: Please note: Our 2015 Prayers & Squares workshops will be on the second Tuesday of each month beginning February 16th. Our February workshop will focus on sorting a recently donated stack of fabric, completing a number of prayer quilts that need quilting pins and we will also visit our on-going project of quilting our Friendship Star quilt. We may have a couple of other surprises for you. Bring a friend and enjoy the fun, laughter and fellowship. February 2015 Newsletter Page 4 Nurture, Care & Health continues Coffee Hour: Thank to S/PPRC for taking over the Coffee Hour January 18th. It would be appreciated and more fun if any other groups wish to sign-up. One or more people signing up offer more fellowship. If you have not had a chance to sign up, the 2015 signup sheets are on the clipboard in Fellowship Hall. Food for the Soul: Daryl Martin is in charge of Food for the Soul and Funeral Luncheons. If you know of anyone in need please call Daryl at 343-8848 or e-mail, [email protected]. Thanks to all who have signed -up for this very caring ministry. Nurture & Care, Caring for You Casserole Project Look for information regarding our “Caring for you Casserole project”. From our Nurture, Care and Health team: We will have a planning meeting on Monday, February 2, 6:30 PM in the Mowry Lounge. If you are interested in joining our team or just wish to sit in on our meeting, you are welcome. Any questions or concerns please contact either Co-Chairs Gloria Bickel at 343-5791, e-mail [email protected] or Joanne Reidy 343-4521 [email protected]. WOMEN’S CHOCOLATE GETAWAY Do you like chocolate? Or need a time of reflection and relaxation? The Women’s Chocolate Getaway is scheduled for March 6th – 8th at Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center in Moravia, NY. Rev Pam Harris will lead us in times of study, devotion and fellowship. Spend time making some gourmet chocolates to take home with you. For more information or to register, visit www.casowasco.org or call 315-364-8756. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION We would like to thank everyone that helped out for the barn service. It was with everyone's help setting up, directing traffic and the kids for their portraying of the wonderful Christmas story that it was a great service for our community to attend. Anyone (3rd grade and up) who has not been trained to be an acolyte and would like to be one, see Wynnette Dohse so a training session can be scheduled in the near future. We have not heard yet where our Christmas Shoeboxes were sent. Anxiously waiting to hear! MISSION TEAM We continue to work on the coupons for military families. If anyone could possibly assist with cutting some coupons up, please see me after church on any Sunday. We, also, continue to collect the labels for Minetto Elementary School. Please drop the labels in the boxes outside the sanctuary. Please support the monthly collection of food items for the food bank. Upcoming projects this year will be health kits for UMCOR. February 2015 Newsletter Page 5 Noisy can offerings are given to charities in need. If you have a certain charity you would like to see us support, please see any missions committee member. Next meeting will be Sunday, February 1, 2015 immediately after church. Schedule will be set up for the rest of the year and discussing other possible projects. We show our love of God by sharing of our gifts and talents with everyone. Find a way to share the love everyday even if it is a phone call to a shut in or making a stranger smile. We are all God’s children. Blessings, Lynn Visconti FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Thanks to your faithful stewardship, we can celebrate a number of accomplishments during the month of December 2014: Regular and special services and activities proceeded smoothly during Pastor Chuck’s medical leave, thanks to the leadership of Rev. Rick Sivers and the assistance of laity. Our traditional Joy of Christmas concert and dinner were held on Saturday, December 13, with contributions going to the Angel Tree project. The Christmas cookie exchange took place on December 14. The Chancel Choir presented Appalachian Winter cantata on the fourth Sunday of Advent. Ninety-three meals were served at the free dinner Many memorial poinsettias decorated the sanctuary for the Christmas services. The traditional barn service was presented at Greco’s Family Farm on Christmas eve, followed by the candle light service in the sanctuary. The Salvation Army was given 60 pounds of groceries this month. All bills, including our Ministry Shares assessment, were paid in full and on time. The December Noisy Can Offering was used for the Angel Tree project for children at the Minetto Elementary School. Our December income from pledges and the customary gifts of those who do not pledge exceeded expectations by nearly $500, and the year-to-date income in that category was nearly $4,500 above projections. However, total income from all sources for December was about $700 less than expected. December’s total expenditures for current expenses in all areas were about $1,400 less than expected. Most expense areas spent less than was budgeted for the month. Our December income was about $1,300 less than December’s expenses. Contributions and fundraising for our Capital Campaign totaled $2,284.65 for December and $19,394.40 for the year. Annual Summary Report for 2014. Our current expense budget covers the routine operating expenses of our church — e.g. salaries, supplies, repairs, utilities, shared ministry contributions to the Upper New York Conference, and the like. It does not include the capital campaign or any funds given for specific purposes — e.g. organ maintenance, memorials, special offerings. Finance & Stewardship Committee Report continues Our total current expense income for 2014 was $116,591.71 and our expenditures were $126,361.44 — a deficit February 2015 Newsletter Page 6 of $9,769.73. However, all of our bills were paid on time and in full because we began the year with a balance in the checking account and nearly $34,000 in reserve funds held for emergencies. By the end of 2014, the reserve funds were about $28,000. A more detailed summary of the year’s current expense transactions will be provided upon request to Vernon Tryon. The members of the Finance & Stewardship Committee continue to be grateful for your faithful attention to the financial needs of our ministries. Please remember that you can contribute to our Capital Campaign with a minimum of effort or expense on your part by: Depositing your unwanted used clothing in the collection shed behind the church Purchasing our commemorative Christmas ornaments and telling your friends and neighbors with a connection to our church or Minetto about them Using Shop with Scrip to purchase gift cards through our church account. Garry Visconti can answer questions about the program. We welcome your suggestions and questions and invite you to attend any of our meetings. We normally meet at 7:00 P.M., on the third Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 11, 2015. Copies of our reports, minutes, or the budget will be provided upon request. Speak to Marilyn Stephens if you would like to have envelopes for your Sunday offerings or Capital Campaign contributions. We encourage you to put your name on pew envelopes, if you use them, in order to receive credit for possible tax benefit. Finance & Stewardship Committee members for 2015 are: Mary Cipra, chair Altar & Memorials Committee; Deborah Daby, chair Pastor, Staff, Parish Relations Committee; Dennis Dumas, Treasurer (598-9770); Mike Hardesty, chair Trustees; Steve Salisbury, lay leader and member of Annual Conference; Marilyn Stephens, Financial Secretary (216-6725); Vernon Tryon, chairman Finance Committee (343-9692, 529-0120 or [email protected]); Garry Visconti, chair Administrative Council; Joan Waterbury, vice chair & at large member Finance Committee; and Bruce Holman, at large member. A prayer for the day Lord, give me the patience to see this day through, In joy and in sorrow to seek after you. Teach me to trust in your loving Son, From the time this day starts until the moment it's done. Teach me not to murmur, complain or to strive, Because only through you am I truly alive. Sometimes it's not until I wander or stray, That I realize it's near you I always must stay. So teach me to love you and always be true, From the time this day starts until the moment it's through. -Gloria Temm of Akron, Ohio February 2015 Newsletter Page 7 ABBREVIATIONS: MCCNY – Metro. Charities of Central New York MEN – Men’s Group Breakfast MIS – Mission Team MY GOD – Minetto Youth Group of Disciples NCH – Nurture, Care & Health Team NCO – Noisy Can Offering NHB – Oswego County New Horizons Band NHC – Oswego County New Horizons Chorus NLD – Newsletter Deadline NLO—Newsletter Out Osteo – RSVP Osteo Exercise P&S – Prayers & Squares PEO – Philanthropic Education Organization QFB—Quarterly Friendship Brunch SoB – Sounds of Brass URPG – Upper Room Covenant Prayer Group WF -- Women’s Fellowship WG – Writers’ Group ACG – Area Clergy Group ADC – Administrative Council AFMM---Area Free Meal Ministry AUES – African University Endowed Scholarship Fund BoT – Board of Trustees CCR—Chancel Choir Rehearsal CoM – Council on Ministries ConS – Concinnity Singers Cubs – Cub Scouts ECD—Ecumenical Dinner EDU—Christian Education Team EvT—Evangelism Team F&S – Finance & Stewardship FP – Futuring Committee (H2P) FMM—Free Meal Ministry GS – Daisy, Brownie & Junior Scouts LDT – Leadership Development Team February 2015 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 2 3 9:30 AM PC@PT 6:30 PM NCH (ML) 9 AM NHC (FH) 10:30 AM Osteo (FH) 4 PM SoB (LSSR) 6:30PM ConS (CR) 9 AM NHB (FH) 9:30 AM PEO (ML) 6:30 PM Cubs(FH) 6:30 PM S/P-PRC 9:30 AM PC@PT 10 AM URPG (ML) 10 AM Osteo (FH) 6 PM GS (Ed. Wing) 6:30 PM CCR (CR) 8 5th Sunday after 9 10 11 Epiphany 6:30 PM CoM 9 AM NHC (FH) 10:30 AM Osteo (FH) 4 PM SoB (LSSR) 6:30PM ConS (CR) 6:30 PM P&S (FH) 9 AM NHB 6:30 PM Cubs 7 PM F&S 16 17 March Newsletter Deadline 9 AM NHC (FH) 10:30 AM Osteo (FH) 4 PM SoB (LSSR) 6:30PM ConS (CR) 4th Sunday after Epiphany 10 AM Communion Service 11 AM Coffee Hr. 11 AM Mission Team (ML) 8:30 AM MEN 10 AM Worship with recognition of Boy Scout Sunday 11 AM Coffee Hr. 15 Transfiguration of our Lord 10 AM Worship with NCO 11 AM MYGOD 11 AM Coffee Hr. FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 12 13 14 10 AM URPG (ML) 10 AM Osteo (FH) 6 PM GS (Ed. Wing) 6:30 PM CCR (CR) 6 PM Mardi Gras / Valentine’s Dinner (K & FH) Valentine’s Day 18 19 20 21 9 AM NHB 7 PM Service (FH) 10 AM URPG (ML) 10 AM Osteo (FH) 6 PM GS (Ed. Wing) 6:30 PM CCR (CR) Ash Wednesday Lent begins 5 1-3 PM Free Meal Prep (K & FH) 4 PM Girl Scout Sleepover until 3 PM Today 27 Fulton & Oswego School Winter break 22 1st Sunday in Lent 23 9:40 AM Praise Band 10 AM Worship 11 AM MYGOD 11 AM Coffee Hr. 4:30-6:30 PM Free Meal February 2015 Newsletter 24 25 26 9 AM NHC (FH) 10:30 AM Osteo (FH) 4 PM SoB (LSSR) 6:30PM ConS (CR) 9 AM NHB 6:30 PM Cubs 7 PM ADC 10 AM URPG (ML) 10 AM Osteo (FH) 6 PM GS (Ed. Wing) 6:30 PM CCR (CR) 28 Page 8 February - 2015 February 18th – Ash Wednesday Service @ 7 PM February 22nd – Free Meal from 4:30 until 6:30 PM Meetings: February – Mission Team following Worship Service February 2nd – Nurture, Care & Health @ 6:30 PM February 4th – Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations @ 6:30 PM February 9th – Council on Ministries @ 6:30 PM February 10th – Prayers & Squares @ 6:30 PM February 11th – Finance & Stewardship @ 7 PM February 25th – Administrative Council @ 7 PM 1st February 2015 Newsletter Page 9
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