ARANMORE CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL 20 Brentham Street, Leederville WA 6007 Phone: 9444 9366 Fax: 9242 2784 Email: [email protected] NEWSLETTER NO 33 7 NOVEMBER 2014 School Vision Statement: The Aranmore Family, enriched by its Catholic tradition and cultural diversity, nurtures in each child a love of life, a passion for learning and the skills to make a difference. =========================================================================== Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Phillippines 4:6-7 Principal’s report Dear Parents MUSIC CONCERT: On Sunday the 9th of November at 2.30pm the children who are part of the Aranmore Instrumental programme will be showcasing their talents. The mini-concert will be held in the school hall and all parents, grandparents and friends are invited. It promises to be an afternoon of musical delight. SCHOOL BUILDING OPENING AND BLESSING: The official Opening and Blessing of Stages 6-8 will be held on the 12th of November at 10:00am in our school hall. It will be opened by Dr Tony Curry, Director of School Improvement Catholic Education Office and blessed by Father Angelo. Principals from neighbouring Catholic schools, Eleni Evangel MP for Perth, Mayor of Vincent, John Carey and former Aranmore Catholic Primary School Principal, Sister Catherine are also attending. An invitation is extended to all parents to join in this special occasion. All children and staff from Pre-Primary to Year Six will be in attendance. Please note that there will be reserved seating for the children and special guests. Parent‟s seating will be as per our school assemblies, directly behind the children. Please RSVP, for morning tea catering purposes on the attached slip, if you are able to attend. VOLUNTEERS AFTERNOON TEA: As a special thank you to all parent and grandparent helpers who have helped in any way throughout the year…Reading rosters, excursions, covering books, Canteen roster, garden, Library, Art exhibition, craft, Happy Readers, P&F involvement and the list goes on and on…… You are invited to Afternoon Tea on Thursday, the 27th of November at 2.00pm in the Meeting Room in the Hall. Please let the school office know by the 22nd of November if you will be attending either by phone call, email or the reply slip attached to the newsletter. I look forward to seeing many of you at the afternoon tea. P&F: Disco: The final disco for 2014 promises to be a fun night out for all our students but especially our Year 6 students. The disco will be on Friday the 7th of November – that’s tonight! Session 1 for Pre-Kindy to Year 2 will start at 6pm until 7.15pm and Session 2 for Years 3 to 6 will start at 7.30pm until 9.00pm Food and drinks can be purchased from the canteen or you can bring your own snacks and drinks. Tickets will be available at the door. A BIG THANK YOU to Janice Marcon and Casey Harman for their great work in organising the discos for the children. Well done! A G M Market: In conjunction with the student Art Exhibition and AGM on Tuesday the 18th of November, the P&F are offering members of the school community an opportunity to rent a table and sell their wares or promote their business. If you run a small business or dabble in arts and crafts and would like to be part of this market event, please contact Janice Marcon ([email protected]). PRE-KINDY AND KINDERGARTEN 2015: Letters have been sent to all of the incoming students for 2015. If you did not receive your letter, please contact the school office. See the following dates and times for the Parent Meeting and Student Orientation to be held in the next few weeks: Pre-Kindy 2015 Parent Meeting and Orientation will be held on the 28th of November from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the Pre-Kindy classroom. Kindergarten 2015 Parent Meeting: Tuesday the 25th of November, commencing at 9.30am in the Meeting Room in the Hall. Orientation will be held on Thursday the 27th of November in the Kindergarten Red/Green classrooms from 9.30am-10.15am. PRE-KINDY 2015: Pre-Kindy is an educational programme for children aged three years. The programme is educationally play-based and provides children with meaningful experiences that promote the development of spiritual, social, emotional, language, intellectual, creative and physical skills. The teachers create a caring, safe and stimulating environment that nurture our little ones disposition to wonder, explore and construct meaning about the world. Our Pre-Kindy programme running on Mondays in 2015 is full; however we are registering names for a waitlist. We will be running a Friday session as well as long as we have viable numbers. Please contact the office to register your interest for Fridays. Reasons you should come to the AGM: Show your support of the hard working School Board and P&F The Aranmore Art Exhibition will be held on the same evening from 6.15pm onwards in the Hall. Come and see the wonderful creations that your children have made. They are sensational! The School Band will play from 6.30pm till 6.45pm for your entertainment. The P&F will also be running a mini market featuring a variety of market stalls. If you make your own fresh produce or dabble in arts and crafts and would like the opportunity to sell your wares or promote your business on the night please contact Janice Marcon via email [email protected] or mobile: 0409 208 004 There will be a brief review of 2014 School Board and P&F activities Office bearers for the Board and P&F will be elected 2015 staffing will be announced. teacher for 2015! 2015 school fees will be presented Focus areas for 2015 will be shared by the Board and P&F You will be able to mingle with other parents, relax and enjoy a delicious supper and a glass wine or a cuppa You will find out your child’s year group P& F: Lisa Pappas concludes her time on the P&F this year as Secretary. Lisa has given much of her time over the years on the P&F but especially this year on the Executive. I would like to thank Lisa for all of her hard work. If there is anyone who wishes to nominate for the vacancy on the P&F Executive for 2015, you may do so by completing a nomination form which is available from the school office. Voting will take place on the night of the AGM if there are more nominations than vacancies. Nomination forms need to be returned to the school office by Wednesday the 12th of November. Please see the end of the newsletter for more information. If you wish to nominate/re-nominate for the general P&F Committee and/or a Class Rep please complete the form at the end of the newsletter. School Board: We have one Board member retiring from their position this year after their six year term – Lisa Johnson. Lisa has given generously of her time over the years in various roles but recently as Secretary. I would like to thank her for her commitment and support over the years on the School Board. If there is anyone who wishes to nominate for this vacancy, you will need to complete a nomination form and return it to the school office by Wednesday the 12th of November. Nomination forms and further information are available from the school office. Voting will then take place on the night of the AGM and candidates will be asked to speak for a few minutes in support of the application. Mrs Margaret Williamson Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS RELIGIOUS LIGIOUSEDUCATION EDUCATIONNEWS NEWS Remembrance Day: The Liturgy Council will be leading a prayer service in the Hall beginning at 8.45am on Tuesday, the 11th of November to commemorate Remembrance Day. All parents are welcome to join us. The Year Six students will be selling poppies for a gold coin donation on Tuesday before school. Upcoming Events: Our Advent Assemblies commence as of Wednesday the 26th of November and all parents and visitors are welcome to attend. The Advent Prayer Assemblies commence at 8:45am on the following days; Week 1 Advent Prayer – Wednesday November 26th – prepared by Year 6G Week 2 Advent Prayer – Friday November 28th – prepared by Year 6R Week 3 Advent Prayer – Wednesday December 3rd – prepared by 5G Week 4 Advent Prayer – Friday December 5th – prepared by 5R Thanksgiving/Gift Mass: Our Annual Thanksgiving/Gift Mass will be held on Wednesday, the 10th of December at the 9:30am Mass at St Mary’s. We ask all families to donate Christmas type items for the needy of the parish. Examples: - Christmas puddings, custard, Christmas lollies, fruit mince pies, Christmas stockings, chocolates, pretzels, nuts, shortbread, tins of cookies, Christmas cake, tinned ham, candy canes, Bon-Bons etc. These will only need to be brought to school on the week commencing Monday, December 1st but start buying items now as they might be on special! As always, your generosity is much appreciated. Ms Adriana Coniglio, Assistant Principal PASTORAL CARE Please keep in your prayers all those in our school community who may be suffering from ongoing illnesses. CAMPION BOOKLISTS The booklists will be coming home today and orders need to be completed by Friday the 28th of November. Online ordering is a much easier, faster and more efficient way to do this. If you decide not to order online but complete the hard copy and return it to school, please make sure that you make another copy for yourself, otherwise you will not have the Parents to Supply list. The order forms will not be returned to you once the hard copy is handed to the school (if you don‟t order online). Instead of parents picking up booklist orders from Wooldridge‟s (as in the past), parents are asked to pick up booklist orders from our School Hall on the 28th of January, 2015 between 8:30am – 11:00am. If you cannot make this date, there is the option to have the order home delivered with a fee of $8.00. At the bottom of the booklist (where the total is), there is a fee of $8.00. Please note that this fee is charged ONLY if you choose to have the booklists order home delivered. You will NOT be charged the $8.00 fee if you come and pick up the order on January 28th in our School Hall (as stated above). Ms Coniglio, Assistant Principal National Recycling Week – 10th – 16th November At Aranmore CPS we will be celebrating National Recycle Week by creating artworks from recycled materials and through educating our students on the benefits of recycling. Sometimes people put their recycling in a plastic bag, then into the bin. However, items contained within the plastic bags end up being sent to landfill as the systems in the sorting facility can‟t separate the various materials and the bags clog the machines. Recycling must be loose in the recycling bin to be sorted effectively. Don‟t forget to bring in your old batteries or ink cartridges so we can recycle them. Nudie Foodie Day – Thursday 13th November: Don‟t forget - no food wrappers on school lunches this day so we can do our part in creating less waste in our world. Mrs Morgan Foster, Recycling Coordinator MATHEMATICS: Interschool Numero Challenge: On Monday 8 students from Year Five attended the Interschool Numero Challenge at Koondoola Primary School. They competed against 18 other Year 6 and 7 teams playing different Numero based games. The Aranmore teams placed 1st and 2nd in the Scramble Round and 2nd in the 3rd in the Numero round, placing 5th and 6th overall. The students not only displayed amazing mathematical skills but great sportsmanship, they did Aranmore proud! Miss McCluskey, NUMERO Coordinator. HATS & SUNSCREEN: Please ensure your child / children are bringing their hats to school each day. The children must wear their hat anytime when they are out in the sun. If there is no hat – there is no play. Even when the children are waiting in Kiss and Ride – they must wear a hat, unless sitting in the shade areas. We also encourage children to come to school with sunscreen already applied. Sunscreen is available in the classrooms for re-application during the day and we would like children to be familiarised with re-applying for sun safety. Thank you for your cooperation. BEFORE SCHOOL DROP OFF AND AFTER SCHOOL PICK UP: Children are not to cross the road to go to cars after school on their own. Children must be accompanied by an adult when crossing the road to cars. Please ensure that if grandparents are collecting children they use the Kiss and Ride or park. If parking on the opposite side of the road from Kiss and Ride, the sign states; ¼ Parking 8.00 – 9.00am 2:30 – 3:30pm Mon - Fri On the Kiss and Ride side, the sign states; No Parking 8.00 – 9.00am 2:30 – 3:30pm Mon – Fri Pick up or set down only Please ensure that signs are abided by as the City of Vincent Rangers will and have issued fines to those parking inappropriately. Parking can be found; along Britannia Road and Britannia Park, across the road from Kiss and Ride on Brentham Street (15 minute parking only until 3:30pm), further down Brentham Street towards Bourke Street and behind the school at Bennelong Pl ace. Due to the construction site, parking in Wavertree Place is not an option at the moment. STUDENTS LEAVING ARANMORE AT THE END OF 2014 Should your child not be returning to Aranmore in 2015, could you please notify the school in writing as soon as possible or complete the form included at the end of this newsletter. We have some families who are currently on the waiting list and quite keen to enrol their children. Parents who have a child in Year Six this year do not need to complete the form IMPORTANT DATES Blessing and Opening of School Buildings: 10.00am Wednesday, 12th November at Annual General Meeting (School Board and P & F); Tuesday 18th November @ 7:00pm Volunteer’s Afternoon Tea; Thursday, 27th November @1:45pm. Whole School Thanksgiving / Gift Mass: Wednesday, 10th December – St Mary’s @ 9:30am. Year Six Graduation Mass; Thursday 11th December – St Mary’s @ 7.00pm The last day of Term Four for our students is Friday, the 12th of December. 2015 RETURN TO SCHOOL DATE TERM ONE FOR THE STUDENTS COMMENCES ON: Monday the 2nd February 2015. Ms Adriana Coniglio, Assistant Principal FROM THE SOCIAL WORKER The Rise of The Lawnmower Parent…Maggie Dent „Helicopter Parents‟ is a phrase commonly used to describe those who hover and protect their children at all turns. 'Lawnmower Parent' is a new term that describes parents who are not content just to hover and protect, preferring to actually forge a path for their kids, removing any obstacles that stand in the way of success or happiness. Dent says that children who don't experience disappointment early in life may struggle as they get older. Children need to experience discomfort in order that they be able to learn to overcome discomfort and move beyond disappointment. Life will never be void of discomfort. So the later you leave it for children to get disappointed, the harder it is. "In actual fact, by over-parenting, we are disabling our children's innate ability to become capable and resilient," says Dent. "Emotional buoyancy is like a protective layer that will help us, hopefully, not succumb to a mental illness when life belts us up later on, so it is actually a really helpful thing to sometimes say no to our children, show there is a line in the sand and say "I am going to be a mean parent right now, because one day you could have a mean boss"," said Dent. Listen to more of Maggie‟s wise words by following the link below. Value of the Fortnight –Helping Others The value that we will focus on for the next two weeks is Helping Others Helping Others means always giving a helping hand to those in need. This is obviously a critical value for all of us to remain focused on each and every day but especially in the lead up to Christmas. No doubt your children are keen to share with you their wish lists for Christmas…Amidst all of the requests for „things‟ perhaps get your children and the family as a whole to focus on what they may be able to do for others…can they donate some pocket money to a charity, or use their pocket money to purchase a gift for someone less fortunate than themselves. Getting the kids involved in the purchase of Christmas hamper donations is a great way of helping them to think of others….perhaps they could do some chores to earn the money and then head to the shops to make the purchases. Mrs Ali Fisher, Social Worker This Sunday, 9th November, some of our very talented instrumental students will be performing in the Hall from 2.30 -3.30pm. The concert gives the students an opportunity to demonstrate what they have been learning in their instrumental lessons and also gives them an opportunity to practise performing in public. Everyone is welcome to come along. Aranmore Primary Band: The Aranmore Primary Band will be performing on Tuesday 18th November in the Hall at 6.30pm, prior to the AGM at 7.00pm. They will be showcasing what they have been working on during their Band Rehearsals and it is their main performance for the year. Thank you to all the Band members for your commitment to rehearsals throughout the year and practising your instruments. Aranmore Primary Choir Concert 23rd November: The Aranmore Primary Choir will be performing with the West Australian Symphonic Wind Ensemble (WASWE) on Sunday 23rd November at the Morley Recreation Centre, Wellington Road, Morley. The Concert starts at 2.00pm and will finish about 5.00pm. Everyone is welcome to come along for an enjoyable afternoon‟s entertainment. Tickets will be available from Mrs Twine; Adults $15.00, Concessions $10.00. Children under 12 are Free. Interschool Athletics Carnival: The Interschool Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday the 13th of November at the State Athletics Centre. All our squad members have been issued a permission slip detailing the event. A list of events has been posted near the entrance to our school hall. This year our squad will be competing in the „A‟ Division category of the Carnival. All our competitors must be at school by 8.00am. Parents, please see me if you can assist on the day. Best of luck to our 2014 Interschool Athletics Squad. New Basketball Backboards Our school has purchased a new set of Basketball backboards to replace our old set. The boards have been installed and our children have started using them. Mr Phil Tsang, Sport Coordinator. ======================================================= CANTEEN ROSTER Monday November 10 Andrea Tan Wednesday November 12 HELP! Friday November 14 Caroline Jones Monday November 17 Anne Brockwell Wednesday November 19 Valissa Foord Friday November 21 Anne Brook As always, many thanks for all your help in the canteen. Mrs Belinda Civiletti, Canteen Manageress. A quick update from Quiz Night, not only did we have a wonderful time on the evening, we have also reached over $19,000!! An amazing achievement, thank you to everyone who helped make this possible! Some of the businesses who supported us with sponsorship or donations of $500 are the following;Icon Conveyancing provides expert property settlement services to buyers and sellers across Western Australia. With extensive industry experience and a modern approach to property settlement we ensure successful, hassle-free property transactions. Call today 9286 4003 Current Electrical Service was established in 1983, providing a high quality of work from small repairs to new building developments. Based in Osborne Park with easy access north or south, our business ethos is customer first which simply put is “intergrity, trust and honesty”. We look for the most cost effective solution that a customers budget will permit. Contact Stephen Murray on 0418 942 648 Cleargard Australia specialises in glass protection for commercial and residential properties. The company installs an Israeli-made film on the inside of your existing glass windows and helps prevent break-ins, accidents, and damaging effects from the sun (Heat, glare, and UV rays) Cleargard Australia provides an affordable alternative to unsightly bars and grilles. Call George Pappas on 0414 400 333 BOOK MART AGM - our AGM is Tuesday the 18th of November. The P&F are holding a 2nd Hand Book Stall so please remember to send along all your unwanted books over the next WEEK to enable them to be sorted in time for AGM. BOWLING NIGHT CANCELLED - as the venue is not available on the night we required!!!!!! Stay tuned next year for a definite date. Nominations for P & F Committee: The P&F Association is an essential part of the school and serves an important role in the overall functioning of the school. The most important skill required is the ability to work co-operatively and constructively with all other members. You are invited to consider serving on the P&F Committee for 2015. Nominations close on Wednesday the 12th of November. P&F NOMINATION FORM I have read the above P&F information and wish to serve on the Parents & Friends Committee for 2015 and understand my obligations, having read the Parents & Friends Association Constitution. (Copy of the Constitution is available at the school office.) I,_____________________________________________________ would like to nominate to be a P&F Committee Member for 2015. Signature:__________________________ Date:_____________ =============================================== SCHOOL BOARD - FUNCTION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD: The function of the School Board is: Planning for the present and future operation of the school. Providing representation on selection panels for the employment of staff within the school in accordance with CECWA policy Providing representation on the panel committee which recommends the appointment of a Principal in accordance with CECWA policy. Disseminating information about the school and about Catholic education to persons and organizations in the school community Liaising in all matters relating to the financial management of the school with persons and organizations in the local Catholic community. Managing all the finances associated with the school and Advising the Principal with respect to school policy. CRITERIA FOR MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD: Membership of the School Board is based on: Possession of special skills that will be an asset to the Board; A deep interest in the welfare of all students and staff; A desire to give service to the Catholic school community; A keenness to promote Catholic schooling; An ability to work co-operatively and constructively with all other members of the Board; and A sufficiency of time to devote to Board duties. If you have any questions regarding the School Board, please contact Margaret Williamson, School Principal on the office number 9444 9366. REPLY SLIP FOR AGM on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th. I/We ____________________________________________________will be attending the A.G.M. on November 18th. I/We ____________________________________________________will be attending the light supper afterwards. Eldest Child‟s Class___________________________________ SIGNED: ___________________________________________ =============================== REPLY SLIP FOR VOLUNTEERS AFTERNOON TEA THURSDAY 27th NOVEMBER AT 2.00pm I/We ____________________________________________________will be attending the Volunteers Afternoon Tea on November 27th at 2.00pm. Eldest Child‟s Class___________________________________ SIGNED: ___________________________________________ =============================== Student/s Leaving STUDENTS LEAVING ARANMORE AT THE END OF 2014 Parents who have a child in Year Six this year do not need to complete the form. Child‟s name:____________________________ Class 2014 ________ Child‟s name: ___________________________ Class 2014 ________ Name of destination school: Signed: ______________________ or unknown at this stage _________________________________________ (parent/guardian
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