NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, BHUBANESWAR (An autonomous Institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India) Institute of Physics Campus, P.O.- Sainik School, Bhubaneswar-751005 (Research & Development Cell) Advertisement No.: NISER/DAE-SRC/PH1003/02/2015 Indian nationals are invited for Walk-In-Interview on 30th January 2015 at about 10.30 AM for one temporary position of Project Assistant/Technician for EHEP lab under the project “QCD phase structure and nuclei production in accelerators and in the cosmos” in the School of Physical Sciences, NISER funded by DAE-SRC, Govt. of India. QUALIFICATION: 1. B.Sc. with Physics as a subject. 2. Diploma in Electronics or Electronics and telecommunication. Desirable: 1. Candidate having ITI in Electronics/ Electrical/ Electronics system maintenance will get preference. 2. Candidate should know the repairing of electronic modules, used in Nuclear and High Energy Physics. 3. Candidate should know good electrical soldering. Experience: Candidates should have at least One-year experience in operation of a laboratory in University/Institution/College. Job profile: Selected candidate should work on building and testing of gas filled detectors like Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) Multi-gap RPC (MRPC) etc. and also scintillator detectors. He/she will also help to work on the development of the high-energy physics laboratory at NISER, procurement of materials etc. FELLOWSHIP: ₹11,000/- + HRA (as per DAE norms) AGE: 40 years as on 30th January 2015 The above position is purely temporary for a period of one year or end of the project whichever is earlier or likely to be extended based upon satisfactory performance but strictly co-terminus with the project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/ claim, implicit, or explicit for consideration/absorption against any NISER post. Interested candidates should appear for a walk in interview scheduled to be held on 30.01.2015 at about 10.30 AM at NISER Bhubaneswar along with their resume duly filled in all respect in the prescribed proforma (given in page 2-3 of this document) along with copies of all certificates at the time of interview with recent passport size photograph pasted on it. Original documents should be produced at the time of interview for verification. The selection will be made on the basis of Interview of the candidates. All candidates are requested to reach one hour before the scheduled time. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate, for appearing in the walk in interview or joining the position. Dean (R&D Section) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH BHUBANESWAR (An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India) Research & Development Cell िव ापन सं या : NISER/ DAE-SRC/ PH1003/ 02/ 2015 भत के िलए आवेदन प Application for recruitment to the post of Project Assistant/Technician Paste your recent coloured passport photograph 1. पूरा नाम ( प अ र म) | Full Name (In Block Letters): _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. िपता / पित का नाम | Father’s / Husband’s Name:_______________________________________________ 3. ज मितिथ | Date of Birth :_________________________ 4. उ | Age as on ( दनांक 30.01.2015) :_________________________ 5. प ाचार के िलए डाक का पता :_______________________________________________ Postal Address for Correspondence _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 6. थाई पता | Permanent Address :_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 7. (a) कॉ टै ट नं | Contact No. : _________________________ (b) ई-मेल | E-mail :_______________________________________________ 8. या अ.जा./ अ.ज.जा./अ.िप.व./ शा.िव. म आते ह ? :__________________________ Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PWD (जाित माण-प का नकल संल कया जावे | Copy of Caste Certificate to be enclosed) 9. शै िणक यो यताएँ ( ातक से)| Educational Qualifications (Starting from Graduation): परी ा का नाम | Name of the Examination बोड/ िव िव ालय/ सं थान Board/ Univ./ Institute उ ीण करने का वष | Year of Passing िवषय | Subjects अंको का ितशत Percentage of Marks 10. अनुभव, य द कोई हो | Experience, if any: संगठन/ िनयो ाका नाम Name of Organisation/ Employer सेवा अविध वष तथा माह Period of Service in Year & Months म स यिन ा से पु करता / करती ँ क उपयु पदनाम Designation वेतनमान तथा मूल/ सकल वेतन Scale of Pay & Basic/ Gross Emoluments काय क कृ ित Nature of duties जानकारी मेरी अिधकतम जानकारी और िव ास के अनुसार सही है। य द मेरे ारा दी गयी कोई जानकारी कसी भी चरण पर गलत पायी जाती है, तो मेरा आवेदन र कया जा सकता है | I do solemnly affirm that the above information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any information given by me is found to be incorrect at any stage, my candidature may be cancelled. दनांक | Date : थान | Place : आवेदक का ह ता र | Signature of Applicant The application with all enclosures must be submitted to the following on the date of interview. The Administrative Officer – III (R&D) National Institute of Science Education Research Institute of Physics Campus, Po – Sainik School, Bhubaneswar – 751 005
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