Obituaries Henry O. “Hank” Nederhoff, 87 Henry “Hank” Nederhoff, 87, of Eldora, passed away Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015 at the EldoraNursingandRehabilitationCenterin Eldora. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m.onWednesday,Jan.28,2015attheFirst Baptist Church of Eldora, Iowa with Pastor Mark Chapman officiating. Burial followed intheShellerCemetery.Avisitationwasheld Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Creps-AbelsFuneralHomeinEldora.Online condolences may be made at Creps-Abels wasentrustedwitharrangements. HenryO.Nederhoff,sonofOdieandEitaBungerNederhoffwasborn on November 7, 1927 on his parent’s farm south of Wellsburg, Iowa. He receivedhiseducationattheShiloh#8CountrySchool.OnNovember10, 1949hewasunitedinmarriagetoLorraineB.Cuffel.Thecoupleresided ontheirfarmsouthofWellsburg.HenrywasamemberoftheFirstBaptist ChurchinEldora,havingservedastrusteeandusherforseveralyears.He wasamanwholovedtheLord,lovedlifeandlovedhelpingothers.Hisfamilywasveryspecialtohim. Survivors include his son, Jim Nederhoff of Eldora; daughter, Janet Nederhoff also of Eldora; brother, Marvin (Verone) Nederhoff of Grundy Center;daughter-in-law,ElaineNederhoffofAdel;brother-in-law,PaulVan SoelenofAmes;fourgrandchildrenandsevengreatgrandchildren. InadditiontohiswifeLorraine,hewasprecededindeathbyhisparents; son,RonNederhoff;brothers,GeorgeandArtNederhoff;andsister,Pearl VanSoelen. Esther Skartvedt, 85 EstherSkartvedt,85,ofRadcliffe,IA,passedawayonSunday,Jan.25, 2015atHubbardCareCenterinHubbard,IA.Funeralserviceswereheldon Thursday,Jan.29,at11a.m.atOurSavior’sLutheranChurchinRadcliffe. EstherwasburiedatRadcliffeCemetery.MemorialcontributionsmaybedirectedtotheHubbardCareCenter,POBox667,Hubbard,IA50122.Boeke FuneralHomewasentrustedwitharrangements. PUBlIC NOTICE 2014 gross Wages CITY OF STEAMBOAT ROCK 2014 GROSS WAGES Keith Crosser .................................. $ 45.00 Marcia Frerichs ............................... $14,150.00 Kelly haskins .................................. $ 6,000.00 Diane hennagir............................... $ 250.00 brad hennick .................................. $ 30.00 Tara huey ....................................... $ 35.00 gene Kies ....................................... $ 50.00 eric Nielsen .................................... $ 180.00 Kevin Pieters .................................. $ 250.00 Megan Pieters ................................ $ 5.00 J.C. Powers .................................... $ 2362.50 Kenny Primus ................................. $ 240.00 Jeff Risius ....................................... $ 195.00 Ryan Rolph ..................................... $ 30.00 Jason Schuneman .......................... $ 45.00 Cory Schurman............................... $ 127.50 Lisa Smith ....................................... $ 1,300.00 Jami Stupp...................................... $ 55.00 aarron Stahl.................................... $ 20.00 Jodie Stupp..................................... $ 15.00 John Stupp ..................................... $ 30.00 Lindsay Stupp ................................. $ 35.00 Ryan Stupp ..................................... $ 40.00 ben Vanhove.................................. $ 30.00 J.J. Veld .......................................... $18,580.00 Marvin Veld ..................................... $ 900.00 Carol Williams................................. $ 165.00 Marla Williams ................................ $ 40.00 Scott Williams ................................. $ 45.00 TOTaL ............................................ $45,250.00 (Index – Jan. 30, 2015) PUBlIC NOTICE Catherwood estate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT MARSHAll COUNTY IN The MaTTeR ) PRObaTe NO. OF The eSTaTe OF ) eSPR007983 Donald edward ) NOTICe OF Catherwood ) aPPOINTMeNT Deceased. ) OF aDMINISTRaTOR ) aND NOTICe ) TO CReDITORS To all Persons Interested in the estate of Donald edward Catherwood, Deceased, who died on or about July 26, 2014: you are hereby notified that on the 17th day of December, 2014, the undersigned was appointed administrator of the estate. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 23rd day of December, 2014. Donald edward Catherwood, Jr. administrator of the estate 1013 Ingram ave., union, Ia 50258 Misty White, ICIS PIN Number: aT0008547 attorney for the administrator 815 5th ave., grinnell, Ia 50112 Date of second publication 30th day of January, 2015. (Index – Jan. 23, 30, 2015) PUBlIC NOTICE eldora City Council ElDORA CITY COUNCIl SPECIAl MEETING JANUARY 21, 2015 5:30 P.M. eldora City Council met in Special Session with Mayor Pro-tem Steve Pence presiding. Council members Kosanke, Pence, hoy, Johns and brekke were present; Mayor brown via Skype. also present was City administrator/ Clerk bruce bierma. Mayor Pro-tem Pence then asked for a motion to go into closed session under Chapter 21.5(1)i of the Iowa Code. Johns moved, seconded by brekke to go into closed session at 5:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member brekke moved, seconded by Johns to come out of closed session and return to open session at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member Johns moved seconded by brekke to go into closed session under Chapter 21.5(1)I of the Iowa Code at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member hoy moved, seconded by Johns to come out of closed session and return to open session at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member Johns moved seconded by brekke to go into closed session under Chapter 21.5(1)I of the Iowa Code at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member hoy moved, seconded by Kosanke to allow Christy gardner, the applicant’s wife, to sit in on the closed session. Motion carried unanimously. Council member brekke moved, seconded by Johns to come out of closed session and return to open session at 9:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Council member Johns moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously, meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m. (Index – Jan. 30, 2015) PUBlIC NOTICE hardin County board of Supervisors HARDIN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTES – JANUARY 21, 2015 WEDNESDAY – 10:00 A.M. Chair Lance granzow called the meeting to order. also present were Supervisor Ronn Rickels and Justin Ites, Machel eichmeier, Cindy Litwiller, Micah Cutler, James Nehring, Dave McDaniel, Daryl albertson, Jessica Lara, Rick Dunn, and Nancy Lauver. Supervisor Reneé McClellan joined the meeting via phone. The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in attendance. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the agenda as posted. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the minutes of January 14, 2015. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the January 21, 2015 claims for payment. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the change of status for Jacque Stonebraker, County attorney’s Office, to $35,000/ year effective 1/2/2015. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded that Resolution No. 2015-04, embargo Resolution, be adopted. Roll Call Vote: “ayes” Rickels, McClellan, and granzow. “Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-04 is hereby adopted and on file in the auditor’s Office. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded that Resolution No. 2015-05, Farm-to-Market Resolution, be adopted. Roll Call Vote: “ayes” McClellan, Rickels and granzow. “Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-05 is hereby adopted and on file in the auditor’s Office. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to increase the County mileage reimbursement rate to 45 cents per mile. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the gIS Department quarterly report, quarter ending 12/31/2014. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the Treasurer’s semi-annual report for 7/1/2014 – 12/31/2014. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the appointments of Tifani eisentrager and Deanna Vaux as Deputies in the County Treasurer’s Office. Motion carried. utility Permits/Secondary Roads Department: None. Other business: None. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to adjourn until January 28, 2015. Motion carried. /s/Lance granzow /s/Jessica Lara Lance granzow, Chair Jessica Lara board Of Supervisorshardin County auditor (Index – Jan. 30, 2015) Public Record At the Movies ELDORA –– Starting Friday, Jan. 30 is “Into the Woods,” rated PG. This movie is an adventure, comedy fantasy. Starring in this film are Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt andJamesCorden.Runtimeistwo hours,fourminutes. Storyline:IntotheWoods isa2014Americanmusical fantasyfilmdirectedbyRob Marshall,andadaptedtothe screenbyJamesLapinefrom hisandStephenSondheim’s Tony Award-winning Broadway musicalofthesamename.Inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales of“LittleRedRidingHood,”“Cinderella,” “Jack and the Beanstalk,” and “Rapunzel,” the film is a fantasy genre crossover centered on a childlesscouple,whosetouttoend acurseplacedonthembyavengeful witch. Ultimately though, the characters are forced to rectify the consequences of theiractions. As always thanks to our volunteers. We can always use additional volunteers at the theatre, so please come in and sign the book or give us a call at (641)939-3522. GuestsatNeher’s Guests in the Lyle and Marlene Neher home Monday and Tuesday nights were Sarah Neher, Richmond, IN; and Hannah Shultz and BenBear,Elgin,IL.SarahandHannahdidon-siteplanningforajunior highworkcamptobeheldinJuneat Camp Pine Lake near Eldora. Ben, BVSrecruiterfortheChurchofthe Brethren denomination, made visits in the Prairie City and Des Moines area. FriendlyForum Ten members and friends of the FriendlyForumenjoyedaSaturday noon luncheon at the home of Lyle andMarleneNeher. ShowerGuests Specialguestsattendingthebaby showerforQuintonandGraceButler Sunday afternoon were grandparents,ChuckandJuneGroveand TomGrove,SouthEnglish;Shannon andDeniseHull,KeatonandDanae, Waverly;andtwofriendsfromNW Iowa. Calendar: January 31 at 8:30 a.m. – Sheller Cemetery Association at Ivester Church February1at12:45p.m.–LeadershipTeam February8atnoon–AllChurch BirthdayParty;followingpotluck– Deacons The following citations were issuedinHardinCounty. Alejandro Cruz-Romo, ColumbusJunction,speeding. Travis Stoner, Eldora, failure to provideproofoffinancialliability. Joshua Spring, New Providence, failure to comply with safety reg. rules. KerryRandall,Blairsburg,failure tomaintaincontrol. OrdonezAjtun,Alden, failure to provide proof of financial liability, andnovaliddriver’slicense. RebeccaVieth,IowaFalls,failure toprovideproofoffinancialliability. Austin Miller, Indianola, speeding. PadenLawler,Union,speeding. Mary Leisinger, Sumner, speeding. Joshua Andrews, Union, failure to maintain or use safety belts – adult,andfailuretoprovideproofof financialliability. Deanna Beardsley, Eldora, employee providing tobacco/vapor producttominor. Makayla Van Cleave, Conrad, speeding. Nancy Webb, Eldora, failure to obeytrafficcontroldevice. Justin Slapnicka, Omaha, NE, speeding. Mark Keninger, Ackley, manner ofconveyance(assembled,unloaded gun). News from Ivester Hardin County Magistrate PUBlIC NOTICE Notice of hearing NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Natural Father of J.R.O. Juvenile No. JVJV007018 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a duly verified petition has been filed in the hardin County District Court alleging that a minor child reported to be your child is a child in need of assistance. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED AND SUMMONED to appear with said child at the hardin County Courthouse in eldora, Iowa, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. on the 23rd day of February, 2015, for a Dispositional hearing on said petition. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you have the right to be represented by legal counsel, and if you are unable to employ counsel, the Court, upon application by you not less than two (2) days prior to the date of the hearing, will appoint counsel to represent you. by: Richard N. Dunn hardin County attorney 1215 edgington ave., Suite 6 eldora, Ia 50627 (Index – Jan. 16, 23, 30, 2015) PUBlIC NOTICE In the District Court for hardin Co. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR HARDIN COUNTY habITaT FOR ) eQCV100721 huMaNITy OF ) CeNTRaL IOWa, INC. ) ORIgINaL Plaintiff ) NOTICe vs. ) aPRIL eaRNeST. ) Defendant ) TO The abOVe-NaMeD DeFeNDaNT(S): you are hereby notified that Plaintiff’s Petition is now on file in the office of the clerk of the above court, filed on December 2, 2014, naming you as a defendant in this action. a copy of Plaintiff’s Petition (and any documents filed with it) is attached to this notice. Plaintiff’s attorney is Seth D. Dodge of hastings, gartin and boettger LLP, whose address is 409 Duff avenue, ames, Iowa 50010. Telephone: 515-232-2501. Fax: 515-2322525. “you must serve a motion or answer on or before the 6th day of March, 2015, and, within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for hardin County, at the county courthouse in eldora, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition.” If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of disability, immediately call your district aDa coordinator at 641-421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired call Relay Iowa TTy at 1-800-735-2942). you are hereby advised: 1. This case has been filed in a county that utilizes electronic filing. 2. you are directed to the Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for general rules and information on electronic filing. 3. you are advised to refer to Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16, Division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings. CLeRK OF The abOVe COuRT hardin County Courthouse eldora, Iowa IMPORTaNT yOu aRe aDVISeD TO SeeK LegaL aDVICe aT ONCe TO PROTeCT yOuR INTeReSTS. (Index – Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 2015) Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 • Page 5 Dorothy’s Senior Center 1306 17th Ave., Eldora Phone 858-5152 Weekly menu - program Open to all persons 60 years of age or older NOTICE: Meal reservations areneededby8:30a.m.thedayof the meal. Call 858-5152 to make your reservation. If there is no answer, leave a message on the answeringmachine. Please remember to cancel or orderaBmeal.Wemustknowby 11:45a.m.thedaybefore. Tocancelororderan“A”meal we must know by 8:45 a.m. the dayof.Thankyou. Dorothy’sSeniorCenterisavailabletorentintheevenings,Monday throughFridayandalsoalldaySaturday and Sunday. Call (641)8585006forreservations. MONDAy,FEB.2 Menu A – Lemon pepper fish, bakedpotato,Caprivegetableblend, multi-grain bread/margarine, tropicalfruit,tartarsauce Menu B – Spinach and turkey salad,nosaltcrackers,tropicalfruit, orangejuice,saladdressing 8:30a.m.–Exercise Noon–Meal TUESDAy,FEB.3 MenuA – Lasagna bake, Mediterranean salad, Italian vegetable blend, multi-grain bread/margarine, hotspicedfruit Menu B – Corn chowder, tuna mac salad, no salt crackers, ranch housetomatoes,peaches/pears/pineapple Noon–Meal 12:30p.m.-Bingo WEDNESDAy,FEB.4 FriendshipDay Menu A – Glazed turkey ham, Hubbard squash, club spinach, multi-grain bread/margarine, fresh fruit Menu B – Herb crusted pork, Hubbard squash, club spinach, multi-grain bread/margarine, fresh fruit 8:30a.m.–Exercise Noon – Meal; Prayer & Devotion-PastorVicki;Program-Greg Salvo;Workers-Lutheran THURSDAy,FEB.5 MenuA–Spanishbeefpatty,rotini and tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, multi-grain bread/margarine, glazed fruit,chocolatemilk MenuB–Slicedturkeyandham, Swiss cheese, multi-grain bread/ mustard,copperpennies,potatosalad,glazedfruit,chocolatemilk Noon–Meal FRIDAy,FEB.6 MenuA–Chickenenchiladapie, Mexicanrice,gardencottagecheese salad, multi-grain bread/margarine, hotcinn.applesauce MenuB–Swisssteak,Mexican rice, garden cottage cheese salad, multi-grain bread/margarine, hot cinn.applesauce 8:30a.m.-Exercise 10:30a.m.-Bingo 11:15a.m.-BloodPressure Noon–Meal *** COATSSchedule Mondays,9a.m.to12noonand 1to4p.m.;andFridays,9a.m.to12 noonand1to4p.m. For morning rides, call between 8:30and9a.m. Forafternoonrides,callbetween 12:30and1p.m. Please call only on the day that theserviceisneededat858-5729. Amanda Ranney vs. Clinton Lavon Wright, Re: Visitation and support. First Resolution Investment Corp.vs.JacqueFaris,Re:Debtcollection. TheresaAucoin,etalvs.Kent& MelissaKiburz,Re:Petitiontocondemneasement. State of Iowa vs. Michael Walders,Re:Support. HigherEducationFinancialSolutionsInc.,vs.AmyWelch,Re:Debt collection. CFI Sales, Inc. vs. Randy’s Tire Service,Inc.,Re:Debtcollection. StateofIowavs.LayneJ.Hess, Re:Support. StateofIowavs.WendallJ.Dowhy,Re:Support. U.S. Bank N.A. vs. Tyler Hoelscher,etal,Re:Foreclosure. District Court Cases
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