SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 2 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A Catholic Understanding of Funerals (part 1 of 3) Fr. Bobbin At the heart of our faith is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which frees us from sin and death. For those baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus, death is not the end. At the moment of death, the soul lives on in union with God in the perfect happiness of heaven, in the state of final purification known as purgatory, or in the eternal separation from God known as hell. Furthermore, we believe in and look forward to the resurrection of the body at the end of the world. Our resurrected bodies will be reunited with our souls in heaven or hell. Catholic funerals express our faith in Jesus' resurrection and hope for our own resurrection. There are basically two purposes for a Catholic funeral: 1) to pray for the salvation of the deceased person, and 2) to help lead the person's loved ones from grief to a deeper faith in the resurrection. Unfortunately, there are a couple trends today that show a need for greater understanding of these purposes. First of all, it seems that many of us need to be reminded that the primary purpose of a funeral is to pray for our deceased loved one. Today it is popular to refer to the funeral as a “celebration of life.” But this term is misleading. It is true that a funeral is a time for thanking God for the gift of the person's life and all the blessings God gave to that person in his or her life. However, this is not the main focus of the funeral. Once again, the main purpose is to pray for the person, to intercede for his or her salvation. We all have a tendency to speak of our deceased loved ones as if they are already in heaven. But, as much as we love someone, and as wonderful a |person as we know them to be, the reality is: we cannot know for certain that someone is already in heaven. (Except for saints officially canonized by the Church after a long process of investigation.) It is an act of love and faith to pray for the person that God quickly welcomes him or her into heaven. The best way to pray for a person who has died is to offer Mass for that person. The celebration of the |Eucharist is at the center of our Catholic faith. We have had a long tradition of offering Mass for people who have died. When we offer Mass for someone (living or deceased) we are asking God that the benefits of Jesus' saving death and resurrection be applied to the person for his or her salvation. Thus, the celebration of a “Mass of Christian Burial” is at the heart of a Catholic funeral. But, there is more to Catholic funerals. When someone passes away, we are invited to observe the “Order of Christian Funerals,” a series of steps that not only serve the purpose of praying for the deceased but also serve the second purpose of a Catholic funeral: helping loved ones to gradually deal with the pain of loss and come to a deeper faith in the resurrection, which is a source of great peace. The Order of Christian Funerals includes: prayers at the time of death, a vigil for the deceased (gathering in the presence of the body for a period of time, during which a priest or deacon may lead a brief prayer service), prayers at the conclusion of the vigil as the funeral is about to move to the church, the Mass of Christian Burial in the church, and the Rite of Committal at the place of burial. All of these steps are meaningful on a spiritual level. Even on a purely human, psychological level, they can help people grieve for their loved one and experience a sense of closure. Unfortunately, however, there seems to be another unhealthy trend today. Many people cut the funeral process short by eliminating important steps. Many people do not wish to have a funeral Mass for their deceased loved one. (Very frequently the family of the deceased does not practice the faith and so is not comfortable with Mass.) But, to omit the funeral Mass is to leave out the heart of the entire process. Sometimes, a Mass is celebrated for a deceased person but no vigil is held. This, too, is less than ideal because it takes away opportunities for the family to confront their loss and move toward a greater peace. There may be good, valid reasons to omit some part of the Order of Christian Funerals, but we must understand the purpose of the entire Catholic funeral process and plan the arrangements with careful decision. Devout, practicing Catholics should make their wishes known to their family, especially if the family is not practicing or is of different faiths. Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Allentown Diocese Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC. Email: [email protected] Confidential Telephone: 1-800-791-9209 St. Ignatius Loyola Bulletin 235 LEGION OF MARY: All meetings are Monday, 7:00-8:30 PM Feb. 2, 9, 23- Library ~ Feb. 19 - Rm 128 Guests are always welcome! ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA SINKING SPRING, PA PAGE 3 Visit our website at: St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School Your children need a good education to prepare them for the future, but you want them to learn more than just academics. Your Catholic Faith, self-discipline, and respect for others are also important facets of their learning. St. Ignatius Loyola School embraces all aspects of an excellent education, spiritual as well as temporal. We still have room for your sons and daughters, from Pre-K through Eighth Grade! To register, or to arrange a personal tour, please call 610.678.0111. Tuition Transfer Grants are available! High School Youth Ministry The High School Youth Group will be meeting: Sunday, February 8th- Girls/Guys Night 6:45-8:45 PM - Parish Meeting Rooms Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-678-0676 BERKS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is currently open. Visit the Berks Catholic website admission channel for information about the school. Email Nicole Smith at [email protected] or call 610.374.8361 ext.244 to set up a personal tour or shadow day or simply stop by for answers to any questions you may have. All inquires are confidential. HOST FAMILY NEEDED St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School SCHOOL MAILING ADDRESS: 2700 St. Albans Drive West Lawn, PA 19609 PHONE: 610.678.0111 FAX: 610.670.5795 …SAVE THE DATE… The Youth Group will be hosting a Family BINGO Night Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:00-9:00 PM Parish Hall Admission: $ 5.00 per person Seating is limited! Tickets can be purchased from Youth Group Members, the Religious Education Office at 610.678.0676, or after Masses in the JPII Room on February 8th & 15th. Want to support the Youth Group? We are asking the parish community to help us by contributing gift cards, coupon books, or any other items that could be used as Bingo prizes for either adults or children. If you are interested in donating, please contact Mr. David Kuhns at 610.678.0676 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your support! Nacel Open Door is looking for one additional host family for the second semester of the 2014-15 school year. Our student is from South Korea, has an F-1 visa, speaks English, has her own spending money and full medical insurance. A host family would provide room and board and receive a generous monthly stipend. If you have room in your home and heart for a very pleasant 9th grade girl or simply want more information please call Myron or Linda Schrack at 610.488.7173 or email us at [email protected]. In order to meet placement deadlines, interested persons should contact us as soon as possible. Attention Berks Catholic 9-11 Graders, Parents and Partner School Families Information about college programming at Berks Catholic for February as well as a preview of March programs is on our website. February programming includes: Appropriate High School Course Selection (All grade levels encouraged to attend) Beginning the College Search (due to space limitations, this is currently for Juniors and families only) We look forward to seeing you at these events! Please contact us with any questions. The Berks Catholic College Counseling Staff: Mr. Ditsky, Dr. Stahler, Mrs. Bonanno [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or call 610.374.8361 x229. St. Ignatius Loyola Bulletin 235 MEETINGS - TRIPS - EVENTS - NEWS 2015 SENIORS TRAVEL All are welcome on any trip! Saturday, February 21 Mount Hope Murder Mystery 4 Course Luncheon & Murder Mystery Thursday, March 26, 2015 - Hershey Hershey Farm Restaurant - Family Style Meal Comedy Show by Ventriloquist Ryan Bomgardner Thursday, May 21 Adventures in Harrisburg Lake Tobias Safari, Ft. Hunter, Indian Echo Caverns, Dinner at Alfred’s September 21 - 25 - Outer Banks Ferries to Ocracoke, NC and Hatteras, NC, Wright Brothers Memorial, Pepsi Birthplace, New Bern, NC tour, NC Aquarium, Fort Raleigh, Elizabethan Gardens, Wild Horse Tour, Currituck Beach Lighthouse, Potomac Point Vineyard & Winery Thursday, October 29 - Steam into History Replica steam train from New Freedom to Glen Rock (Lincoln’s route from DC to Gettysburg) Wednesday, December 9 - Dutch Apple Theater A Christmas Story Call Bob or Priscilla Steger at 610.678.0260 for information or to register. URGENT NEED FOR DRIVERS Please consider volunteering for this important ministry. Please call Donna Unger at 610.743.4905 to arrange to transport a non-driving parishioner to one weekend Mass. Drivers are needed for Saturday Mass and Sunday Masses. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO TRANSPORT RESIDENTS TO MASS - February 17th - 2 PM Volunteers please report at 1:30 PM to help. Berks Heim RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 2710 St. Albans Drive Reading, PA 19609 PHONE: 610.678.0676 FAX: 610.678.4274 PAGE 4 The next meeting of the St. Ignatius Seniors will be held on Wednesday, February 4th, at 10:00 AM in the Parish Education Center Meeting Rooms. Our program will feature Linda Manwiller, Director of the Myerstown Community Library. Her presentation is titled Privy Thoughts - History of the Outhouse. As usual we will have our delicious refreshments. Any persons 50 years of age or older are warmly welcome to join our Seniors Group. Annual dues, which are $7.00 per person, can be paid at one of the meetings. Also, please bring along a non-perishable food item to donate to our Parish Food Pantry. Fr. Bobbin's Evenings of Scripture Reflection: The winter series will be on the Old Testament Prophets. Please join us Monday evenings at 7:00 in the main church. We are meeting every Monday until and including March 16. If St. Ignatius School is closed or dismisses early for winter weather, the Scripture Reflection will be postponed. Valentine’s Day Date Night at St. Ignatius February 14th: The Diocese of Allentown Marriage and Family Life Office invites couples to an evening of food, wine, and a presentation on “The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts.” Immediately following the 4:00 PM Mass in the Parish Meeting Rooms. $20 per couple includes dinner and drinks. Please RSVP by calling the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation at 610.289.8900 ext. 228 or email [email protected] by February 6th. St. Ignatius Loyola Bulletin 235 TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE PAGE 5 STEWARDSHIP GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING: Tithing: weekend of Jan. 25, 2015 $37,568.23 Tithing: weekend of Jan. 26, 2014 $33,598.72 Student Offerings of Jan. 25, 2015 $48.28 We must view Jesus as a companion on our own life’s journey. In a sense, this is what stewardship calls us to - walking with the Lord and leaning on Him when we must, and certainly finding strength in His presence. But to have Him present in our lives requires us to make an effort to make that happen. In the first reading from Deuteronomy, Moses declares, “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen.” Throughout Advent and the Christmas season we prepared for the arrival of Jesus. Now as we approach Lent and Easter it is time for us to listen to Him. “Thank you for your continued donations & support! Altar Flowers The altar flowers this weekend are for the special intention of Stacie Batdorf. Please contact Margie Mizak at 610.670.2788 to make a donation. LOYOLA DOLLAR$ PROGRAM Many years ago, our parish planted the seed of “Stewardship” as a way of life. Good stewards make good use of what God has given them, to return to Him the first fruits of their Time, Talent and Treasure. Three local establishments offer our parish a 5% return for parishioners to buy and use their store gift cards when making grocery purchases. Simply illustrated, if 200 of our parish families purchased $100 worth of gift cards from the parish each week, the 5% discount given to the parish would yield $1,000 profit to the parish each week!! No extra money from the pockets of the parishioners all that is needed is the conscientious effort to purchase the gift cards from our parish, prior to grocery shopping. We invite you to be good Stewards. Stop by the Rectory, Monday through Friday, or the Church Office, before and after all weekend Masses, to learn more about how easy the Loyola Dollar$ Program is. The following are the store gift cards we have available, and the denominations they come in: Giant Food: $10, $25, $50, $100 Redner’s: $20, $25, $50, $100 Weis: $10, $20, $25, $50, $100 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00 PM Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, & 5:30 PM Daily: Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM School Mass: Wednesday, 9:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM First Friday: 7:00 PM Eucharistic Day of Prayer: Tuesdays Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 8:00 AM Mass until 7 PM Benediction Reconciliation/Confession: Saturdays 3:00 to 4:00 PM Vigil of Holydays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM Vigil of First Fridays 7:00 to 7:30 PM Baptism: Third Sunday of each month 1:30 PM Baptism Seminar: 1st Sunday of each month 1:30 PM Seminar attendance is required for parents before Baptism. SAVE THE DATE: BELLA SERA WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 Lenten Sacrificial Soup Suppers Everyone is cordially invited to participate in our Parish Lenten Sacrificial Soup Suppers served on Wednesdays during Lent: February 25 through March 25 (except Ash Wednesday and Holy Week) from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Enjoy eating soup? Looking for a family Lenten activity? It is a great opportunity to acquire service hours or willfully serve others, while meeting new friends and fellow parishioners in our faith community. In preparation for our Lenten Season, volunteers are needed to prepare soup as well as assist with set-up, clean-up and serving of beverages and soup. Proceeds from this event will benefit our Lenten Mission effort, as we prepare for the great Easter Victory! Please contact Carol at 610.796.9481 or email [email protected] for more information for volunteering or donation opportunities. Bring a friend!!! St. Ignatius Loyola Bulletin 235 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 6 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Announced Masses for the week Monday, February 2nd - Sunday, February 8th Monday, February 2 - The Presentation of the Lord 6:30 a.m. Frank & Juliana Walczak 8:00 a.m. Ethel Miller Tuesday, February 3 - St. Blaise 6:30 a.m. Elaine Stahovich Blessing of Throats 8:00 a.m. Carmella Christino Blessing of Throats Wednesday, February 4 6:30 a.m. Betty Nowotarski 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Jane Hollingsworth 9:00 a.m. Elise Wentzel Thursday, February 5 - St. Agatha 6:30 a.m. Michael Lawrence 8:00 a.m. John & Edith Levering Friday, February 6 - St. Paul Miki 6:30 a.m. Intentions of Albert Sikorski 8:00 a.m. J. Robert Arnold Family 7:00 p.m. St. Ignatius Memorial Society Members Saturday, February 7 8:00 a.m. Col. Peter J. O Hagan, Jr. 4:00 p.m. Mary Bridget Cahill Sunday, February 8 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Alfred Nerino, Sr. 9:00 a.m. Edward Swierczewski 10:30 a.m. Joe & Sophie Tarantino 12:00 noon Deborah Valentino 5:30 p.m. Our Parishioners Volunteer Opportunity… The next 45 minute volunteer training session for Berks Shepherding Ministiries will be held Tuesday, March 3rd at 10:00 AM at St. John’s (Hain’s), Wernersville. Please contact Cheryl Young at 610.670.5945 to register or for information. GOSPEL MESSAGE Jesus came as one who spoke in the name of the Lord, teaching with authority. Let us listen to His voice and adhere to Him above anything else. STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? SCRIPTURE READINGS for Feb. 07/08 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 / 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 / Mk 1: 29-39 Please join in offering a prayer each day for a priest in our Diocese. The intentions this week: February 2, Emeritus Pope Benedict February 3, The Most Rev. John Barres February 4, The Most Rev. Edward Cullen February 5, Rev. Clifton Bishop February 6, Rev. Msgr. Robert Biszek February 7, Rev. Kevin Bobbin February 8, Rev. Msgr. Ronald Bocian THIS WEEK LET US PRAY … For women and men who are suffering in the aftermath of an abortion, that they may find healing, consolation and strength through prayer. RECTORY MAILING ADDRESS: 2810 St. Albans Drive Reading, PA 19608 PHONE: 610.678.3767 FAX: 610.678.4483 New Parishioners... Welcome to St. Ignatius Loyola! Are you registered in our parish? If you are not receiving our offering envelopes In the mail you may not be a registered parishioner. You must be a registered parishioner for 3 months to serve as a sacramental sponsor for baptism or confirmation, to begin marriage preparation or to have your child/children baptized. Please visit the Church Office after weekend Masses or the Rectory Monday through Friday from 9 :00 AM - 5:00 PM to register. St. Ignatius Loyola Bulletin 235 ~ Jim Connell C ONNELL LANDSCAPE DESIGN & MAINTENANCE L.L.C. 610.468.9017 AEM ARCHITECTS 3700 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, PA 103 W. Lancaster Avenue Shillington, PA 19607 (610) 777-7034 Established 1945 A Legend in Customer Satisfaction TechiWizard R.J. Samsel • COMPUTER TECHNICAN Computer Sales • Trouble Shooting • Virus Removal • Upgrading 610-781-3355 • [email protected] Fundamental Connections Family Therapy Center Michele Hadden, MAMFT, LPN Healing & Restoring Your Most Important Relationships Resurfacing & Repairing Bathtubs • Sinks Ceramic Tile • Countertops • Floors & More 610-413-1271 2313 Penn Ave. West Lawn, PA 19609 [email protected] Practice Limited to Children, Adolescents & Special Needs Kristin A.L. Gordos, DMD Laura Snyder, DMD 610.916.7600 1001 James Dr., Suite A-10 Leesport, PA 19533 w ~ Jill D. Gerhart CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. Complete Restoration & Electrical Services Office 610.678.1800 “Our Sinking Springs Neighbor” OF WYOMISSING KNOWLEDGE • SKILL • TRUST 3026 Penn Ave., West Lawn, PA Follow us on: Offering A Free Home Market Analysis And A Donation To St. Ignatius At Closing. DENTAL ARTS 610.509.2121 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 [email protected] Serving St. Ignatius Families Ages 3 through Adult 610.670.5300 610-696-0100 610-763-1602 610.670.7840 Individual • Family • Parenting • Children Serving PA, NJ & DE Ron Samsel AGELESS HARMONY Adult Senior Day Care 3024 Penn Ave., West Lawn, PA 610-685-2382 2710 Grant St., Mount Penn, PA 610-898-0712 3524 Kutztown Rd., Laureldale, PA 610-929-1197 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30-5:00 MICHAEL B. BALTHASER, DMD, LLC 1075 Berkshire Blvd, Suite 950 610.678.2175 Working With Most Major Insurances M: 8-5:30, T/Th: 7-4:30, W: 8-8, F: 8-2 and Sat: 8-1 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING 2073 Main St. • Rothsville 717-626-7839 • Fax 717-626-9204 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: HAHN EXTERIORS • decks • fences • sun rooms • windows • siding WWW .HAHN EXTER 610-929-2832 James E. Geosits Certified Financial Mgr. 610-320-5459 IORS.C • awnings 3617 Kutztown Rd., Laureldale OM Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning 610-373-3229 448 Snyder Road, Reading Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 235 St. Ignatius of Loyola, Sinking Springs, PA (I) FX John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 • KUHN CASE BEER SODA FUNERAL HOME, INC. 739 Penn Avenue West Reading, PA 19611 (610) 374-5440 Calendar Sponsor Since 1973 Buying Aluminum Cans 2330 PENN AVE., WEST LAWN VISION INSURANCE Auto & Home Insurance Specialists Wyomissing, PA Jay Lemelin, Parishioner Associate-Broker 610-745-3378 Certified Financial Planner FAMILY DENTISTRY Fax (610) 678-8380 [email protected] P.O. P Box 2175 2950 295 Van Reed Road 374-4524 40 Berkshire, Ct. (610) 678-8999 Taxes • Accounting • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Individuals & Business Ron Ryder, CPA ((610)) 670-6170 Jerry Buffa,CRS,GRI REALTOR - PARISHIONER Securities aand Investment Advisory Services offered throug through Geneos Wealth Management, Inc. Member of FINRA & SIPC Investment Advisory Services S offered through Van Reed W Wealth Management, LLC 484-334-7522 Making a Donation to the St. Ignatius Fund Raiser of your Choice at Closing Nationwide® 484.333.8696 B.S. Ornamental Horticulture & Environmental Design 610-777-3258 8 Christine Ramsey ey err Agent/Parishioner eati Jeffrey M. Ke Keating, DPM 122 West Lancaster Avenue Mifflin Plaza, Shillington, PA Boa ard of P Diplomate American Board Podiatric Surgery Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company & Affiliated Companies Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 Handyman No Job Too Big or Too Small 2306 Bell Dr., West Lawn, PA 19609 610-670-8981 2208 Quarry Dr., Ste. 200 Reading, PA 19609 Ph: 610-921-9373 Fax: 610-921-9170 All Types of Insurance Call Roman 484-335-7229 Parishioner Heel Pain • Hammertoes Bunions • Plantar Warts INSURER AMERICAN INSURING GROUP, LTD Kitchen • Bathroom • Carpentry • Repainting Finished Basments • Free Estimates John J. Spanier Owner/Operator Diocese Member Free Estimates Quote 25 Companies With One Call 610-775-3848 David Ross, Ross , Parishioner D eL uxe WINDOW & DOOR Owned by the Dennis Family 610-678-2654 BEAN FUNERAL HOME 3825 Penn Ave. Sinking Spring, PA 19608 610-376-1129 Residential Commercial CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS 826 PENN AVENUE WYOMISSING, PA 19610 (610) 374-9392 BOB & CAROLYN CRULEY • Parishioners • Parishioner Kevin M. Bean, FD Joseph G. McCullough, FD Achsah Y. Eiceman, FD Jacob R. Bednar, Supv. BERKS ENDODONTICS, LTD. 610.670.2716 Victoria Gallen Schutt, Esq. ~ Parishioner ~ 610-670-7303 Wills • Trusts Estate Administration Elder Law - Home Visits Available ~ For All Your Legal Needs ~ (610) 372-5588 PRACTICE LIMITED TO ENDODONTICS 1150 Berkshire Blvd., Ste. 120 ~ Wyomissing, PA 19610 JUD FIRESTONE PLUMBING SERVICE REPAIR SPECIALISTS PARISHIONER 610-678-9080 CRAIG MORRISSEY AAI OFFICE: 800-422-8335 610.376.1536 AUSTIN’S RESTAURANT & BAR Just Down the Road! 1101 Snyder Rd. West Lawn Reservations Available 610.678.5500 SERVING BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY 10AM-2PM AUTO • HOME LIFE • BUSINESS [email protected] 321 N. Furnace St. Birdsboro, PA 19508 Ph: 610-582-3668 Fax: 610-404-1644 SCOTT BRAM, D.M.D. • BRIAN FREY, D.M.D. • CRISTA MASSARO, D.M.D. PRESIDENT Jack Patrick Beth Gallen Mastromarino, CFP® DANIEL R. ROLAND, D.D.S. MARK K. WETMORE, D.D.S. Insurance & Financial Services Trevor Neustadter, Parishioner PARK ROAD Call for all your real estate & insurance needs! 610-678-5043 earth designlandscaping s LLCC 610-374-4538 ~ Parishioner ~ Barbara Volpe, Parishioner Landscape Design & Installation, Mulching, Lawn Service Lawn & MORE! 2 Woodland Rd. • Wyomissing PETER K. HEIM BARBARA’S CUSTOM DRAPERIES Window Treatments Blinds & Shades Edward J. Kuhn, Jr. Supervisor Michael R. Kuhn Funeral Director 610.375.8562 BERKSHIRE TRAVEL AGENCY Full Menu Also Available 890 N. Reading Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 [email protected] 235 St. Ignatius of Loyola, Sinking Springs, PA (B) FX Frittatas, Breakfast Flatbread, Banana Nut Belgian Waffle & More! John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 •
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