Saint Bernadette Parish 245 Azalea Drive • Monroeville, PA 15146February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Daily: Monday - 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays - 7:15 AM Wednesdays & Fridays - 7:15 AM & 9:30 AM PARISH PHONES Parish Office .................................................................................................................412.373.0050 Religious Education Office..............................................................................412.373.1797 School Office................................................................................................................412.372.7255 Lourdes Center...........................................................................................................412.843.0668 Convent............................................................................................................................412.372.7263 Parish Office Fax.......................................................................................................412.374.8113 School Office Fax.....................................................................................................412.372.7649 Parish Office School Office Bulletin Announcements........................................................ [email protected] Bulletin announcements and flyers due by Noon on Mondays. Parish Website PRAYER CHAIN: Call Mercedes at 724.327.5450 Pastoral Council Email: [email protected] Devotions: Mondays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Adoration - 10 AM - 7:00 PM (6:30 - 7:00 will include rosary and novena prayers) - Confessions 6:00—6:45 PM 7:00 PM Mass Tuesdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Wednesdays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Thursdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Fridays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM First Saturdays: Adoration - following 8:30 AM Mass including First Saturday Fatima Devotions. PARISH STAFF Rev. Anthony Gargotta, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Michael W. Kelly [email protected] Rev. John Forbidussi, Hospital Chaplain In Residence Mr. Regis Reinersmann, Business Manager [email protected] Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Sr. Carol Arch, C.S.J., Elementary School Principal [email protected] Ms. Lauren Gates, Youth Minister [email protected] Mr. Joshua Bandish, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Marty Kelly, Parish Office Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jane Bobich. Parish Office Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Cathy Cowan, Parish Office [email protected] Mrs. Francine Pochciol, School Administrative Assistant [email protected] Mr. Tim Jacob, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Ms. Sandy Palmieri, Evening Receptionist [email protected] PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We of St. Bernadette Parish, are a Eucharistic Community, created by the Father, nourished by the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the eyes, ears, hands and heart of Christ, living by His example, sharing the Good News in Word and deed. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: After the 8:30 AM and the 5:00 PM Masses. Monday: 6:00—6:45 PM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated every second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Pre-Baptismal Seminar—The third Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office to reserve dates for both the Pre-Baptismal Seminar and your child’s Baptism. RCIA PROCESS/SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Inquiry Sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic are held weekly. Call the Parish Office for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Weddings should be arranged at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment to assist you in beginning this sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Will take place the first Sunday of each Month after every Mass. Please wait in the front pew until Father returns. BLESSING OF EXPECTANT PARENTS: Will take place the third Sunday of each Month after every Mass. Please wait in the front pew until Father returns. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME I don’t know if you have realized, but it seems to me that lately, maybe the last 4 years or so, people have been on the news, arrested for bad things, and blame it on voices they hear. Over the years the doctors and our culture have pushed these things off and blamed it on mental illnesses. While they very well might be, but it could also be what we hear in the Gospel today. The gospel refers to a man with an unclean spirit that yells out to Jesus. An unclean spirit is a demon, a fallen angel who has rejected God along with the devil. The devil sends these demons to us to try to pull us away from God and His ways. Demons tempt us to sin using influences of our weaknesses. Some demons attack with internal voices and as we have seen in documented cases of possession and some with external voices. It is very important to make sure we pray for these people who claim to hear voices. It may be demons or it may be mental illness. Either way, they need our prayers more than our judgment against them in condemnation for crimes or judgmental attitudes in referring to them as abnormal. Those of us who fall into any of our weaknesses or sins, have also listened to interior voices, although they might not be audible. The people asked Jesus if His command over the unclean spirits was a new teaching in authority. It was and is. Jesus has power over them since He is the Son of God. Also, we have that exact same power through virtue of our baptism, and the sacraments, uniting us to Jesus Himself. Let us use the power we have from Jesus in command over all the voices and weaknesses in our lives. The Presentation in the Temple – Candlemas Day is tomorrow, February 2. It is 40 days since we celebrated the birth of Jesus and the day Jesus would have been presented in the Temple. It is customary to Bless Candles for the home remembering how during this Presentation in the Temple, Simeon referred to Jesus as the light for all nations. Candles will be blessed at the 9:30 Mass and will be available for home use for a $3.00 donation. Blessing of Throats – As is customary, the candles from Candlemas Day are used to bless throats on St. Blaise Day, February 3. Throats will be blessed after the 7:15AM Mass. This year also, I will also be blessing throats on Monday evening February 2 after the 7:00PM Mass. This will only be done in the evening honoring the evening vigil of St. Blaise Day. Hospital Stays Please note that with the HIPAA Laws becoming more and more restrictive for those in the hospital, we often are not informed when someone is in the hospital. If you or your loved one is being admitted to the hospital, please call the office and inform us. Thank you. TV Community Monitor As you can saw last week we kicked off Catholic Schools Week with the new TV monitor. This monitor will be updated regularly with photos of parish events, flyers of upcoming events, and the bottom will have four areas of announcements: parish announcements; school and CCD announcements; youth group announcements; and announcements of newly baptized, weddings and those who have passed on to the next life. Thank you to Keith Brown for being instrumental in this installation. Our Campaign for the Church Alive Bishop David Zubik gratefully thanks our parish for our pledge of $1,259,000 of which $265,000 has been received. Over all the in the Diocese the goal was $125,000,000 and pledges have exceeded that to $230,309,054. To date the diocese has obtained $62,667,752 in actual payments. Correction: The Reception and Documentary Watch with Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe will be held on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, at the Power Center Ballroom, Duquesne University. Peace of Christ, Fr. Tony Pilgrimages Planned for 2015: Pilgrimage to Philadelphia for POPE FRANCIS Plans are underway to coordinate a pilgrimage to Philadelphia in September, 2015 in conjunction with the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis, with the closing Mass on Sunday, September 27. We expect a 4 day/3 night trip with accommodations available. A Philadelphia Pilgrimage informational meeting will be held on Thursday, February 5 @ 7PM in the Lourdes Center. Key agenda items covered will be dates, costs, hotel, transportations alternatives and tentative schedule of events. Pilgrimage to Lourdes and the Shrines of France St. Bernadette Parish is sponsoring a pilgrimage to France from November 4—11, 2015. We will be visiting the Shrines of France, starting in Lourdes and ending in Paris. Fr. Tony will be our Pilgrimage Spiritual Director and will offer Mass daily. The cost for air, land and hotel is $2843.00 for double occupancy. The pilgrimage includes: • • • R/T Air from Pittsburgh Hotels—both 4 & 3 Star Breakfast daily/5 Dinners English speaking tour manager Professional licensed local guides Sightseeing & entrance fees per itinerary Private deluxe motor coach Luggage handling at hotels If you are interested in either of these pilgrimages, please reach out to Rege in the Parish Office for more information and / or to have your name added to the list of possible attendees. ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA February 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WINNERS UPDATE 250 Club Winner 1/17 1/24 #400 Carrie Dzuban #611 Ann Kearney Grocery cert. sold:………………………………….$7,340 Scrip sold:……………………………………………$2,125 Profit:…………………...…………...…….…………...$ 423 Thanks!!! We sell Certificates for Giant Eagle, Shop ‘n Save, Labriola’s, McGinnis Sister’s and Community Market. Please consider using grocery certificates when shopping at these stores. Thanks for your help!!! ST. BERNADETTE SCHOOL will be accepting registrations for the 2105-2016 school year every day in the office from 9:3011:30AM. Please bring you child’s birth certificate. Children must by 3 by September 1st for 3 year Preschool, 4 by September 1st for 4 year Preschool and 5 by September 1st for Kindergarten. MONTHLY COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION The next MCC Liturgy will be held on Friday, March 6 at 12:00 Noon. Intention requests should be returned by February 27 to the school office. Thank you for supporting our children! SCHOOL SUPPORT: Next weekend February 7/8 the collection envelopes includes our School Support fund. Please be generous and help our wonderful School! FESTIVAL OF PRAISE There will be a Festival of Praise on Friday, February 13 at 7:00PM in the Church, followed by a reception in the Lourdes Center. WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE PARISH So that we might better serve your needs, if any of the situations below apply to you, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you. Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City/Zip Code ______________________________________________ Phone-H __________________________W ______________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address/Phone ___Interested in RCIA ___Interested in Choir ___New envelopes ___Wish to speak to a priest ___Moving out of Parish ___Returning to Parish ___Returning Catholic ___Entering Hospital ___A Shut-in lives with me ___Questions on Catholicism BAPTIZED INTO THE LORD Marques Joseph Brown Son of Joseph and Tara Brickner Brown Mya Therese Brown Daughter of Joseph and Tara Brickner Brown CONGRATULATIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF George Evonich Husband of Ruth, Father of Deborah Franciosi, George Evonich and Darlene (Bill) Gilboy Margaret “Marge” Brumm Sister of James Orowitz PALM Please remember to bring your old palm from last year and place it in the baskets in he narthex of the church. It will be burned as part of the Mardi Gras celebration on Tuesday, February 17 at 6:00PM. Traditionally, the ashes that come from last year’s palm are used for our blessing on Ash Wednesday. 2014 Tax Contribution Statements are available. Call the office or email Rege @[email protected] to request your statement. Please note whether you prefer to receive your statement electronically or via the mail. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS HEART HEALTH MONTH Since February is National Heart Health Month, a special program is scheduled at the Plum Community Center, 499 Center/New Texas Rd in Plum On February 13 at 11:30AM. Special guest speaker is Dr. Michael Culig, MD, FACS, Chief, Division of Surgery and Medical Director of the Cartiovascular Institute, Forbes Hospital. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Sandy at 412.795.2330 WORLD MARRIAGE DAY World Marriage Day will be celebrated the weekend of February 14-15. This year’s annual Diocesan celebration will take place on Saturday, February 14 at Holy Sepulcher Parish, Butler (Glade Mills) with 4:00PM Mass. Following Mass will be a presentation and social in the church hall. All engages and married couples are invited. Suggested donation is $10/couple. For more information, contact Christine Radcliffe at 412.456.3160 MAGNIFICAT PITTSBURGH Ladies, come to the Magnificat Pittsburgh prayer breakfast on February 21 from 9-12PM at the Sheraton Four Points in Cranberry Twp. Hear Speaker Kathleen Beckman share her faith journey. She offers prayers of healing as part of her testimony. Cost of the breakfast to $20. To register, go to or call Kay at 724.772.6749 or Pam at 412.461.8906 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA February 1, 2015 St. Bernadette PTG Basket Bingo Come and enjoy a fun-filled Sunday afternoon playing Bingo with game prizes featuring Vera Bradley Bags filled with themed items! When: Sunday, February 15th 2015, doors open at 1:15PM, lunch at 1:30PM and bingo starts at 2:00PM Where: St. Bernadette Parish- Lourdes Center Dining Hall Cost: $25 per person (includes lunch), There will also be Special Bag Raffles * Lucky Cupcake Game * 50/50 ** Only a limited amount of tickets are available, so get yours today! ** Please complete the form below and submit with payment. Please make check payable to St. Bernadette PTG. You may drop it off at the School Office or mail it to: Linda Valentine, 300 Willow Hedge Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146 **Your ticket(s) will be mailed to you upon receipt of form** Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________ Number of Tickets: _________ X $25 = _______________ (Total Cost) Please sit me with: __________________________________________ Reserve Table: Yes No (please circle one) Please NOTE: To reserve a table you must have a total of 6 or more people Questions: Please call Linda Valentine at 412-378-7435 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Liturgies For The Week The Week Ahead February 1, 2015—February 8, 2015 Monday 2/2 SUNDAY—FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 Vigil Mass—Anne Beerbower—John & Eleanor Hruska 8:00— Welfare of St. Bernadette Parishioners 10:00— Joseph Blocky—Joseph & Suzanne Eiseman 12:00— Perry J. Berardino—Alfer Family 7:00— Maria Cicorelli—Franco, Carla & Son Fratangelo MONDAY—The Presentation of the Lord 8:45— Morning Prayer 9:30— Anita Shields—Family 10:00-7:00— ADORATION 6:00-6:45— Confessions 7:00— Weekday Mass TUESDAY—St. Blaise 7:15— Ray Naccarati—Family 9:30— Morning Prayer WEDNESDAY—8am 7:15— Florence Whalen—Glatz Family 8:45— Morning Prayer 9:30— Lloyd & Antonette Syrek—Family THURSDAY—St. Agatha 7:15— Weekday Mass 9:30— Morning Prayer FRIDAY—St. Paul Miki 7:15— Dorothy Sabatine—Theresa Psotra 8:45— Morning Prayer 9:30— Marie Ward—Family SATURDAY—WEEKDAY 8:30— Anna Marie Holleran—Family 9:00— Confessions 3:30— Vow Renewal, 50th Anniversary Don & Gladys Migliorato 5:00— Carmen Ciorra—Sandy DiIorio 6:00— Confessions SUNDAY—FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00— Welfare of St. Bernadette Parishioners 10:00— Valeria Marak—100th Birthday—Peg Rafferty 12:00— Boy Scouts Sunday 7:00— Faith Hakas—Mum, Dad & Sister Tuesday 2/3 Wednesday 2/4 Thursday 2/5 Friday 2/6 Saturday 2/7 AR=Art Room BH= Biedenbach Hall BR=Brides Room BMR=Borchick Meeting Room CH=Church CR=Choir Room Mass Eucharistic Ministers LC=Lourdes Center LCG=Lourdes Center Gym MR=Music Room RC=Rectory Conf. Room SCH=School SL=School Library Readings for the week of February 1, 2015 We reserve the right to make unavoidable changes in the Mass schedule. St. Bernadette, pray for us! 6PM Boy Scouts—MR 7-9PM Sr. High Youth Grp. Mtg.—LC 7:30-8:30PM Women’s Bible Study—AR 10AM Tai Chi—BH 11AM Quilt Ministry Mtg—BH 3:15-4:30PM Brownies—LC 3:30-5:30PM Jr. Girl Scouts—BH 5-9PM KOC Meeting—LC 6:45PM Meditation Group—BR 7-9PM Jr. Youth Group—BH 9AM LOC Mtg. — BH 1-3PM Music Ministry—CH 3-5PM Children’s Choir—CH 4:30-5:45PM CCD—SCH 5-7PM Music Ministry—CH 6-10PM Boy’s BB Recognition—LC 7-8:30PM RCIA—AR 7-9PM Parish Choir—CH 3-5:30PM Girl Scouts—BH 6:30-7:45PM CCD—SCH 7-9PM Contemporary Choir—CH 7PM Philly Trip Meeting—LC 7-9PM Contemporary Choir—CH 8AM Meditation Group—BR 7:15AM CMF—RC 6-9:30PM Jr. High Dance--BH Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13 Friday Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Sunday Monday Lector Commentator Altar Servers 5:00 PM Feb. 7 L. Sehovski, N. Sehovski, C. Maskiewicz, J. Lilly, K. Schuetz, C. Cowan B. Bafuma J. Webster 8:00 AM Feb. 8 K. Brendlinger, C. Rosko, B. Almeter, F. Eggleston, L. Eggleston M. Stevens M. Kane C., N. And T. Almeter 10:00 AM Feb. 8 S. Hart, L. Herold, J. Ribic, D. Dzuban, C. Cooley, J. Bobich B. Mackowick P. Rossi A. Zappa, E. Taylor, M. Cooley 12 Noon Feb. 8 S. Torick, L. Moore, D. Rielly, B. DiSabato, D. O'Toole, L. Ziccardi J.M. Farina S. O’Toole 7:00 PM Feb. 8 P. Rogus, R. Rogus, D. Marney, S. Dilorio L. Mears K. Brown P & J. Daum, S. Esswein N. Herald, N. Chough J. and A. Fisher, R Scott
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