Order of Worship Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015 11:00 AM GATHERING PRELUDE CALL TO HOLY SILENCE LIGHTING THE CANDLES WORDS OF WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THE INTROIT No. 137 “He Came Down” Rebecca Kameny, Courtney Chávez, and Congregation Alexander-Hurst Family, drums (“Glory to God” hymnal) * THE CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: O God, for your love for us, warm and brooding, which has brought us to birth and opened our eyes to the wonder and beauty of creation, People: We give you thanks. Leader: For your love for us, wild and freeing, which has awakened us to the energy of creation: to the sap that flows, the blood that pulses, the heart that sings.. People: We give you thanks. Leader: For your love for us, compassionate and patient, which has carried us through our pain, wept beside us in our sin, and waited with us in our confusion. People: We give you thanks. Leader: For your love for us, strong and challenging, which has called us to risk for you, asked for the best in us, and shown us how to serve. People: We give you thanks. Leader: O God we come to celebrate that your Holy Spirit is present deep within us, and at the heart of all life. Draw us into your presence now. ALL: Praise be to you, O God. * HYMN No. 744 “Arise, Your Light Is Come!” CONFESSING THE INVITATION TO CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS Silence Leader: Before God, with the people of God, I confess to my brokenness: to the ways I wound my life, the lives of others, and the life of the world. People: May God forgive you, Christ renew you, and the Spirit strengthen you to grow in love. Leader: Amen. People: Before God, with the people of God, I confess to my brokenness: to the ways I wound my life, the lives of others and the life of the world. Leader: May God forgive you, Christ renew you, and the Spirit strengthen you to grow in love. ALL: Amen. SONG OF PRAISE “He Looked Beyond My Fault” Amazing grace shall always be my song of praise, For it was grace that bought my liberty; I do not know just why Christ came to love me so, He looked beyond my fault and saw my need. I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary, To view the cross where Jesus died for me; How marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul, He looked beyond my fault and saw my need. SHARING OUR LIVES MOMENT WITH THE CHILDREN A childcare volunteer will meet children at the door to walk the children (Infant – K) to childcare. If you are a guest, we invite you to come over with your child the first few times, so that we can meet you and your child. TAIZÉ CHANT No. 544 “Bless the Lord, My Soul” Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads us into life. THE BOOK OF CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS Celebrations and Concerns The Lord’s Prayer (in unison) Holy God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. TAIZÉ CHANT No. 544 “Bless the Lord, My Soul” Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads us into life. FEASTING ON THE WORD SILENCE PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION A READING FROM THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES Isaiah 40:21-23, 27-31 ANTHEM J.S. Bach/ arr. P. Robb “Der Herr Segne Euch” Rebecca Kameny and Courtney Chávez Dale Herman, piano Text: May the Lord bless you forever and ever Both you and your children. A READING FROM THE PSALMS Psalm 147:1-11 * ALLELUIA!” * THE LECTION FROM THE GOSPEL Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. ….. Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. People: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 1:29-39 SERMON RESPONDING, DEPARTING TO SERVE * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (in unison) We believe there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus; for we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to God’s purpose. We are convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. * HYMN No. 39 “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” RECEIVING THE OFFERING Offertory No. 853 “We Are Marching in the Light of God” Rebecca Kameny, Courtney Chávez, and Congregation Alexander-Hurst Family, drums Prayer of Dedication WELCOMING OUR GUESTS * WELCOMING OUR CHILDREN * HYMN OF THE CHURCH “In Christ There Is No East or West” In Christ there is no East or West, in Him no South or North; But one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth. In Him shall true hearts everywhere their high communion find; His service is the golden cord close binding humankind. Join hands, disciples of the faith, whate’er your race may be! Who serves the God of life and love is surely kin to me. In Christ now meet both East and West, In Him meet South and North; All Christly souls are one in Him throughout the whole wide earth. * THE CHARGE AND BENEDICTION * PASSING OF THE PEACE (The people may exchange with one another, by words and gesture, signs of peace and reconciliation.) One: The peace of Christ be with you. Many: And also with you. * POSTLUDE DEPART IN PEACE ********************** Leading Worship today: Pastor: Mark Davidson Elder-on-Call: Ann Carr Adkins Liturgist: Jeep Morrison Pastoral Musician: Dale Herman Duet: Rebecca Kameny and Courtney Chávez Worship Preparation: Coordinator: Howard Carter Sanctuary Assistants: Sue Regier, Patt Grandstaff Chancel Assistant: Nancy Gustaveson Flowers: Robbie Blue Greeters: Jill Ryder Friedman, Nancy Gustaveson Sound Leader: Mary Charles Blakebrough Caregivers (February 8 - 14): Jane and Wes Hare Worship Conclusion: Offering Counters: Bill Andrews, Sandra Burt Building Lock-Up: Gene Johnson **Portions of this morning’s Liturgy are excerpted and modified from the worship life of the Iona Community, Scotland, with deep thanks and joy.
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