Trinity Times FromtheInterimRector... Dear Parishioners, February2015 Volume 11 — Issue 2 BishopDan visitsTrinity Sun.,Feb.15! Inthisissue… F T C I R ,V F …….. 1, 2 ! ………….. 2 …….…………… 3 9:00 AM Family Liturgy — Facebook Group for Parents! —Episcopal Youth Community — Helping your family cope with Stress F S ………… 4 Bible & Books: Spiritual Journaling — Tuesday Soup Supper in Lent — The Labyrinth — A Retreat by Joe Duggan As you will read elsewhere in this newsle er, the Rector Search Commi ee is making site visits to poten al candidates for the rectorship of Trinity Church, Reno. There remain in all probability several months yet before a call is issued and I take my leave, but I want to use this space this month as an opportunity to reflect upon the nature of the rela onship between priest and people. I’d like to share what that rela onship has meant to me during my me with you as Interim Rector and to contemplate with you your new future with a se led rector. To a congrega on I am not just John Seville but a symbol, a walking, talking image of something deep in the human soul. Clothed in priesthood—I celebrated my 44th anniversary of ordina on to the priesthood last March‐‐, I evoke the longing for a loving parent, the perfect caring one who will make things right; or conversely, I evoke the fears of wrath, condemna on, of failing to please. Most o en I am not consciously aware of these projec ons, and they are certainly not emo ons that I ac vely seek to conjure. For example, early in my interimship at a previous congrega on, I was approached a er service by a Vestry member who asked if I had been M M S …..….. 5 disturbed by his wife’s giggling fit during my sermon. I hadn’t. But, for her it St. Cecilia Choir — Children’s Choir was a physical reac on to an “eureka” moment when she was able to laugh at — Pipes on the River — Igna an herself a er le ng go of her anger. Un l that moment in the middle of my Spirituality Orienta on Sun., Feb. sermon, she had been unable to iden fy the source of her dislike of me; 22, at noon S T E … 6 suddenly, she realized that I was wearing the previous Rector’s (actually they Senior Game Day Fri., Feb. 6 — belonged to the church) vestments. What she was seeing was not me, but Senior Breakfast Fri., Feb. 20 — me‐as‐symbol. While not as drama c as the example above, my early months Endowment. P L .………………………..……… 7 at Trinity, Reno included similar reac ons. Rector Search — Property Update — From the Secretary P L :C S …. 8 Men & Women’s Social Groups — Support Groups — Baby Bundles — Prayer Shawls P A ……………. 9 Vestry — Budget W /C …..…….. 10 Guests — Birthdays — Anniversaries T E M A R C : P.O. B 2246 , NV 89505 From the moment that a new en ty enters a system, what ma ers is the process of bonding between the new and the CÊÄã®Äç ÊÄ P¦ 2 PAGE 2 FromtheInterimRector CÊÄã®Äç ¥ÙÊà P¦ 1 old. In a congrega on, what ma ers is the way in which priest and people become a ached to one another in spirit, emo on, and how power is exercised, or, to put it in psychological terms, how a behavioral pa ern is established. Group forma on theory dis nguishes three stages in power se lement—dependence, counter‐dependence, and inter‐dependence. In a new group the members at first wait upon the designated leader to give direc on. They depend on the leader to get things going. Later, they begin to see the faults in the leader’s performance and begin to rebel against the leader, (day 3 in my CPE group). ❝Successful identification with your new Finally, group and leader develop pa erns by which rector requires that you perceive her or him as they depend on each other. These stages can be a unique individual with special gifts that fit dis nguished in the process of bonding between Trinity’s present needs and that you find your priest and people. If we look back on the eighteen common ministry centered in Christ.❞ months I’ve been with you, I think you will recognize something similar. As Interim I am in a unique situa on, partly in the system and yet independent because my me at Trinity is “In‐between” se led rectors. I have the independence to make observa ons and to ini ate new models of power sharing in the decision making process. Previous agendas from various parish groups have been iden fied and either discarded or adapted to present reali es. Successful iden fica on with your new rector requires that you perceive her or him as a unique individual with special gi s that fit Trinity’s present needs and that you find your common ministry centered in Christ. In behavioral terms this means that all you do will find its beginning in worship, for the heart of the parish is that group of parishioners who center in Christ by faithful par cipa on, faithful giving, and faithful support and nurture of one another. It means basic specific ac ons that everyone should adopt as part of their individual rule of life, such as not using a third party to voice your concern and daily holding your rector in prayer. By doing so you will find that you have an exci ng future together. From what you’ve read above, you may have gained the impression that this is my “swan song.” It is not, you’re stuck with me for a few more months un l your new rector is here. I simply want to begin laying the ground work for my leaving well and your welcoming and living into an exci ng future with a se led rector. Faithfully yours, Fr. John Thankyou,Volunteers! Happy New Year! I would like to thank each and every one of you who volunteered to help with the "angel tree dinner" in November and the "greening" of the church in December. Also, with the "de‐ greening" of the church and the community potluck / annual mee ng events in January. All of your efforts made each of those church events a pleasurable and memorable event! Thank You again for your service! Peace, Lisa Otterson PAGE 3 Children&Families ChildrenandFamilyNews Join us at The Family Service, Sundays at 9:00 AM Our new plan where everyone goes up around the altar a er receiving communion for our final hymn with the instruments seems to be working really well. I’m so glad we are able to preserve that feeling of a family gathering around the Table while s ll accommoda ng our larger numbers for Communion. In February, we con nue our study of Jesus’ parables. The most exci ng thing this month is our Bishop, Dan Edwards Bishop will be joining us on Dan Sunday, Feb. 15! During our 2nd Sunday art project we are going to be making a special book for him. See you there! Rick+ C F S F : Feb. 1 — Parable of the Great Pearl Feb. 8 — 2nd Sunday Art & Brunch Feb. 15 — Bishop’s Visit. Hide the Allelujahs for Lent! Feb. 22 — The Mystery of Easter Join the “TRCFG Join the “TRCFG —Trinity Reno Children & Families Group” on Facebook! See latest Families Group” on Facebook! See latest announcements, and be able to share with other parents, and Rev. Rick! You can also go directly to the page by typing in your browser h p:// p:// (case sensi ve!) Episcopal Youth Community EYC usually meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, from 12:30 –2:30 PM, in the lower level of the church, for community, snacks, and growth. ALL youth in 6th–12th grade are invited to join us! Get ready for a great year together of fun, spiritual growth, and reaching out to our community! February EYC Dates: Sun., Feb. 1 — This will be the only meeƟng this month due to the Bishop’s visitaƟon on the 15th. HelpingYourFamilyCopewithStress Stressed out? Is it nut just you but your family too? Here are some ps from the APA for coping with stress as a family: Evaluate your lifestyle. As a parent, it’s important to model healthy behaviors for your children. Ask yourself ― How do I respond to stress? Talk about it. If you no ce that your children are looking worried or stressed, ask them what’s on their minds. Create a healthy environment. Altering your environment can help alleviate stress. For example, cleaning up clu er. It teaches children to focus on those things they can control when feeling stressed. Focus on yourself. Get adequate doses of nutrients, physical ac vity and sleep. Change one habit at a me. Trying to do everything at once can feel overwhelming. :// . . / / And… don’t forget to pray! R . R ‐ . PAGE 4 Formation&Spirituality SpiritualJournaling: RecordingYourJourneyTowardGod The first three weeks of February we will conclude our explora on of the mysterious, beau ful, and alluring Song of Songs through the wonderful DVD series Uppity Women of the Bible. Lent arrives with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 15, and so on Sunday, February 22, we start a news series on Spiritual Journaling. Though many of us try to capture each day’s experiences in a journal, few take that prac ce to the level of a spiritual discipline. Copies will be available for $8.00 each, including a couple loaner copies at the back of the Church Feb. 8 or you can order them online from A . . Bible & Books meets every Sunday at 9:30 AM in Conference Room A downstairs in the Parish Hall across the parking lot from the Church. Join us for coffee or tea and great conversa on. SupportingCharactersofthePassion T N 6:45 PM C L — 6:00 PM S S —T R .J ; Come hear about Joseph of Arimathea, Simon of Cyrene, and a host of other suppor ng characters who walked with our Lord in his final week. TheLabyrinth A labyrinth is a way to do a walking medita on, a way to pray while following a path. Circular in form, this path to the center has many turns. You cannot become lost on a labyrinth since it is only one path. Our labyrinth is a copy of the medieval labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral, France. It is painted on heavy canvas and is in three sec ons that lays on the floor. The ministry of the labyrinth requires that at least 3 people unfold and connect the pieces of the labyrinth with velcro. It is nearly as wide as the Parish Hall, where we usually assemble it. A er people have “walked” the labyrinth, we separate, fold and put it away. If you would be interested in parƟcipaƟng in this ministry, please contact Sara Oliver Erwine at S . LentenFeast:ASpiritualRetreat—LedbyJoeDuggan T ., M .3 F ., M H .6 , CA —B ' R , The Feast retreat is where our life story intersects with God's story and where God's glory shines through us. Our daily rhythm will include morning prayer, two 30 minute Igna an workshops, individual spiritual direc on, Holy Eucharist, evening prayer, fellowship, night prayer and silence for prayer and reflec on. Cost: $540 single | $450 double occupancy. Payment is due in full at me of reserva on. Cost covers lodging, 3 meals a day, the retreat program and daily individual spiritual direc on. To register: Visit B R . PAGE 5 Music&MoreSpirtuality! MusicNotesforFebruary Saint Cecilia Choir: Those of you who a end the 10:30 service have surely no ced that our choir is growing! Now is the perfect me to add your voice to this amazing group as we begin to rehearse music for Lent, Easter, and beyond. There is always room for more dedicated singers. If you’re interested or have ques ons, speak to me a er the service or e‐mail me at M 2 T R . . Trinity Children’s Choir: Building its tremendous success on Christmas Eve, Lucy Bouldin, director, assisted by sally Turk will begin rehearsals to prepare for Easter on the second Sunday in February. Rehearsals are held in the Library (in the undercro ) immediately following the 9:00 service. We thank parents for being so helpful and encouraging and we want to encourage all of our children to par cipate. Pipes on the River: There will be two recitals in February and March on the first and third Fridays at noon. The February programs will be played by Richard Coulter (playing the interes ng and varied program originally scheduled for Fall) and Philip Manwell (performing one of the rarely heard “Organ Masses” by the French Baroque composer Francois Couperin). PipesontheRiver The March programs will be played by David Ha (a popular “regular”) and first mer James Hicks. Dr. Hicks is an interna onally celebrated performer and recording ar sts based in New Jersey who will be visi ng Reno on his way to and from other engagements in the West. Let’s give him a great Trinity welcome. The previously announced “debut” concert by the new group – Ars An qua Early Music Ensemble – has been postponed and will be rescheduled later in the Spring. ● FEBRUARY SCHEDULE ● February 6 – Richard Coulter February 20 – Philip Manwell February 22 – 3:00 PM – Ars AnƟqua Early Music Ensemble performs its debut concert in Reno featuring a Handel Organ Concerto with Philip Manwell, soloist. —PhilipManwell SpiritualExercisesofIgnatiusLoyola You are invited to join the fourteen weeks prac cum in Chris an prayer, Wednesdays, Feb. 25 – May 27 . It is a personal and group experience of unique prac ces in Chris an prayer and self awareness, known as the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Igna us Loyola conducted by Rev. Julius Rogina. An orienta on will take place Sun., Feb. 22, a er the 10:30 Service, in the Bishop Lewis Chapel, for about thirty minutes. The cost for the class itself is $70.00 (Checks payable to Trinity Episcopal Church), and some scholarships are available. PAGE 6 SeniorConnections&TrinityEndowment! It’sba‐aaack!GameDayfor SeniorsisFriday,February6, 1:00–2:30PM.Get out of Seniors’BreakfastattheGold& Silver(790W.4thSt.),Fri.,Feb. 20,at9:00AM!Order breakfast or just a the house to join old friends and meet new ones downstairs in Trinity’s library where it’s nice and cool! Bring your favorite board/dice game and enjoy a pleasant a ernoon of socializing! Please RSVP by signing up at Church or contact the Church Office at 329‐ 4279 or E‐mail us at O T R . . cup of coffee, and hang out with friends new and old! Many Seniors have men oned they wanted more events where they could just socialize. If we get good response, we might consider making this a monthly ou ng. Although this is a no‐host event, please RSVP by signing up at the back a er Church so we can make a reserva on for the group. TrinityEndowmentFundReportandaThankyou! We are pleased to be able to share that the Trinity Endowment Fund increased by a value of $122,000 for the period of January 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014. This includes a vestry directed bequest of $105,000, a gi of $1,000 from a parishioner, as well as dividends and valua on changes. During that me we also were able to disburse $9,000 to the Trinity General Fund to help cover the cost of the Rector Search process. On November 30, 2014 the balance of the Fund was $582,000. The mission of the Board is to ensure that we are looking to the future of Trinity, and our ability to con nue offering our spiritual presence and ministries in downtown Reno. We will con nue to keep you updated, and hope you will join us in suppor ng this important mission. — Bonnie Strader for The Trinity Endowment Board We wish to thank Barbara Perdue and her son Matt Perdue for each making contributions to the Trinity Endowment Fund in honor of Barbara's parents, Kora and Earl Gottschalk. Their names have been added to the major donors plaque for the Endowment Fund which is located at the back of the church, visible as you leave the river door. — Earl Tarble, Treasurer PAGE 7 ParishLife RectorSearchUpdate The new year finds the Rector Search Commi ee moving ahead, full steam. Reference checks have been completed and site visits are schedule for the end of January and February. Trinity has been blessed with the receipt of many qualified candidates. Stay tuned! As always, please keep the Rector Search Commi ee in your daily prayers. PropertyUpdate We’re wrapped up quite a few major projects lately and are now beginning to focus on the east steps. I’m currently wai ng for a revised bid from Q&D Construc on for the project. A er we get our final number fundraising will likely start in earnest. You also might have no ced some changes to the landscaping around the church. We are currently removing some of the old bushes that were either unhealthy or unsafe. It might look a li le stark in some areas but just know that our plan is to replace those old plants and bushes with new ones. Think flowering trees, perennials and spring bulbs. Some of these areas will be addressed during the east side renova on, while others will occur as funding is available. — Scott Callahan FromtheChurchSecretary “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. ” Embrace your uniqueness. You are different, your gi is special – own it and unapologe cally share it with the world.‐ Oprah. I love this quote because it is so posi ve. It gives us permission to be ourselves. As we move from Christmas into the Lenten season, I encourage you to con nue to give of yourself, love yourself and think kindly of yourself and your neighbor. These are the hallmarks of our faith. Thank You to all who donated, cooked, and pitched in to make our Mar n Luther King Service Day a huge success! Please con nue to use your Smiths Reward Cards and Save Mart Share Cards to help earn money for Trinity. Last quarter 6 households used their Smith cards to get us $24.12. If you have ques ons about these programs, call me at the office. Blessings to all of you! — Gayla PAGE 8 ParishLife:Caring&Sharing DivinelyFineWomen will meet meet for a potluck luncheon on Sat., Feb. 21, from noon‐2:00 PM, at the home of Julie Martinson. Her address: 1765 Somerset Place, Reno 89509‐3548. . Please RSVP to Anne Towner. All women of the parish are welcome to any or all of these gatherings. Ask to be put on the DFW E‐mail list! For more information, please write or call Anne Towner at A T A . (827‐3784) or Karen Henke at H H C . ALotofGoodMen will be going to Napa Sonoma for lunch. We will meet on Sat., Feb. 21 at 11:45 AM. Napa Sonoma is located in the strip mall on the corner of Longley (Huffaker) and So. Virginia. We encourage all Trinity men to a end. Our numbers are growing and that is a wonderful thing. Contact John Hill at JAH 06 C . or Clyde Ikehara at C P_R Y . with any questions or to make sure you’re on the ALGM E‐mail list! group. Naomi&Ruth For anyone making a life transition. The first Wednesday of every month 5:00 to 6:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. CatchingOurBreath:A Faith‐basedSupport CircleforCaregivers The first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM Church Library (lower level), led by Rev. Rick Millsap. PrayerShawlMinistry Thursdays, 2:00–3:30 PM in Conf. Rm. A of the Parish Hall to share ideas and to knit or crochet together. We train! New shawls are blessed each month and are available after worship in the Bishop. Lewis Chapel. BabyBundles“SharingOurBlessingsWithOthers” Baby Bundles is composed of and supported by members of Trinity and St. Catherine's Episcopal churches With items donated by both congrega ons we assemble “Bundles” of laye e items for St. Mary’s and Renown hospitals. They are then distributed by hospital staff to disadvantaged new parents who have li le or nothing for their newborn. Needs: New newborn laye e items (size 0‐3 months) are appreciated. We real need of wipes at this me. We always need newborn diapers. The diapers should be size N. Monetary dona ons are always welcome. We’ll shop for you! If you have any ques ons please feel free to contact Susan Lombardi at 329‐2044 or Ann Crase at 356‐1155. God Bless! PAGE 9 ParishAdministration VestryReport K F Your Vestry will meet next on Sunday, February 15, at 12:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. All general business mee ngs of the parish are open to members. The proposed agenda is generally posted in the church on the Sunday preceding the mee ng. Contact your Vestry: We want to hear from you! We can usually be found at these liturgies on Sunday: 7:45 AM: Whitney Brown (Sr. Warden), Paul Hewen 9:00 AM: Mimi Butler, Rayann Brown, Kait Flocchini, Aimee Giller 10:30 AM: Will Aldrich, Lindsay Campbell (Clerk), Julie Demler (Jr. Warden), Peg McCall, Dave Neidert, Bonnie Strader Have you ever wanted a piece of Trinity for your home? Do you always forget the second verse to your favorite hymn? Well, we can help you… and in the process you can help Trinity. During February, we will be trading old Hymnals and Books of Common Prayers for $20 dona ons a er each service. All those that donate will also be recognized on a nameplate in a new Hymnal or Book of Common Prayers. Add a li le Trinity to your collec on! We are celebra ng that we have received 158 pledges of financial support for 2015. Thank you to everyone that has already expressed their inten on of ongoing financial support. If you lost your pledge sheet or are just a procras nator‐ please feel free to ask any Vestry Member or Earl Tarble, our Treasurer for another pledge sheet. We are also very thankful to the many volunteers that prepared and served a hot meal to needy members of the Reno community on Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day. Your service is a wonderful contribu on. If you are looking for other ways to support Trinity, then here are a few easy sugges ons: For December 2014: BUDGET ACTUAL Income $481,000 $487,732 Expenses $492,591 $481,240 Deficit ($11,591) $6,492 Thank you for your ongoing financial support of Trinity. See Peg McCall or Will Aldrich, who are on the Stewardship Commi ee and can help connect you with any program at Trinity. Use “passive giving” to add to your financial contribu on. Use a Shares card at Savemart/Albertson’s and the store donates a small percentage of your purchase to Trinity. (You can arrange to get a Shares card from the Trinity office) Use “Good Search” at The website donates to your chosen cause each me you use it to search for something on the internet. Use escript at Safeway. (Contact the Trinity office or Earl Tarble, Treasurer for more informa on) Blessings, Kait PAGE 10 Welcome&Celebrations Welcome! Dawn Brisbane, Martha (Marty) Stancill, Paul Hudson, Amy Frayer, Bruce & Michelle Henderson, and Charlene Stark all of Reno. If you are a regular parishioner at Trinity and have a chance to meet visitors at a weekend worship, please greet them warmly! Remember! Alexandra Davis Erin Davis Wecelebrateall Nancy de Peyster birthdays, Siobhan Dillon anniversaries,and otherimportantdates Jose e Dornoff onthe George Drews SecondSundayofthe Amanda Dulin Monthateachofthe Jay Dunlap weekendliturgies. Joan Dyer FebruaryBirthdays Frederick Ellis Connie Emerson Bonny Abelman Harvey Fennell Eric Albregts Thomas Fennell Elena Albregts Leonard Fitzgerald Jr Henry Alderson Jordan Flaherty Marcia Aymar Peyton Ford Robert Bates Gene Furr Aimee Bedell Thomas Giller Jr. Bruce Beesley Hal Goss Richard Bremenour Cody Hess, M Karen Bryan James Hodson John Cardinalli Charlie Holder Andra Carter AnnaMaria Holder, Sr. Lori Colunga Craig Hopkins February Anniversaries Halle Hopkins Nethaniah Isip Lily Johnson Nancy Klose Neil Krutz Mason Levy Susan Lombardi Megan Mareno Charlo e Maya James McGillivray Pearson McIn re Joaquina Mcrea Norman Miner Jr. Edward Morehouse Nichole Munger Emily Nash Gene Nelson Jacob Olson Aryck Paul Emily Payne Alexandra Payne Heather Pirie Megan Rueckl Albert Ruggieri Phil & Marilyn Daley Larry & Dawn May Laura & James Dickey Richard & Kathleen Reich Josette & James Dornoff John & Shirley Susich Jim & Donna Jean Dunseath Bruce & Janet Wyborny Roderick Sage Penelope Sanders Oscar Sanders Michael Skaria Rhea Skaria Shirley Smith Robert Stewart Shelli Tiller DeeAnn Verdi Karlene Webster Jacob Wilson PAGE 11 NON‐PROFITORG. T E C U.S.POSTAGE PAID M A : P.O. B 2246 R , NV 89505 PermitNo.32 Reno,Nevada TrinityTimes—February2015 RETURNSERVICEREQUESTED Pleaseplace addresslabelhere Phone: (775) 329–4279 Fax: (775) 329–3135 E‐mail: O T R Website: T R . . WORSHIPATTRINITY…allarewelcomeatGod’sTable! OnSundays: 7:45AM—QuietHolyEucharist 9:00AM—FamilyServiceHolyCommunionwithMusic 10:30AM—FestiveHolyEucharistwithOrgan&Choir Thursdays:12:10PM—HolyEucharist(withHealingPrayers),Spoken Saturdays:5:10PM—HolyEucharist,Spoken Ministers:AllthePeopleofTrinity Bishop of Nevada: The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards Interim Rector: The Rev. John Seville E‐Mail: R J T R . Associate, Children & Family: In transi on Vestry: Senior Warden: Will Aldrich Junior Warden: Yet to be elected Clerk: Butler, Joan Collins, Kait Flocchini, Julie Mar nson, Peg Associate, Parish Life: The Rev. Rick Millsap E‐Mail: R R T R . Interim Director of Music: Philip Manwell E‐Mail: M . 2 T Parish Secretary: E‐Mail: O Gayla Gianche a T Sexton/Custodian: R R . Lisa O erson Yet to be elected At large: Tom Anderson, Sandi Brooke, Rayann Brown, Mimi McCall, Dave Morgan, Dave Neidert, Bonnie Strader Treasurer: Earl Tarble Chancellor: Ann Morgan Assis ng on Sundays: The Revs. Julius Rogina and John Steinfeld Deacon: The Rev. Patsy Pumphrey Rector Emeritus: The Rev. V. James Jeffery NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES If you are submi ng an ar cle for publica on in our next newsle er, please submit on or before the 10th of each month. Ar cles may be submi ed via e‐mail to: O T R . or le in the parish office. We reserve the right to edit all ar cles.
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