Trinity Topics The Newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church, Riverside CA Sharing God’s love, hope and forgiveness Trinity Lutheran Church Since 1893 Kent Tuohino, Pastor Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2015 Annual Meeting Report Our annual congregational meeting was held on Sunday, January 25th. More than 50 people enjoyed a baked potato lunch prior to the meeting. Thanks to a grant from Thrivent to cover lunch expenses, 100% of the freewill offering at the lunch went to support the Breakfast At Trinity program to feed the hungry in our area. Congregation President Wes Krashin shared the good news that we ended 2014 financially “in the black,” even after some major property maintenance expenses. In his report, Pastor Kent spoke of our call to be the Body of Christ, and that each of us needs to get involved for the Body to function well. This year’s proposed budget was presented by Treasurer Dave Wagner and approved. A resolution to amend the guidelines for the Endowment Committee was also approved. It sets September 30 as the end of the Endowment Committee’s fiscal year, which will allow it to more easily coordinate with the Council for budget planning. Here are the people who were elected at the meeting. Council: Jack Kantola, Michael Myers, Karyl Robinson Audit Committee: Kim Root-George Endowment Committee: Bob Beaver Scholarship Committee: Peg Bradley, Dana Reupert, Nancy Resto Synod Assembly: Bill Nicoletti & Elizabeth Lossing After the congregational meeting, the church council met and elected the following officers for this year: President: Rob Clarke Vice-Pres.: Wes Krashin Secretary: Bev Erck Treasurer: Dave Wagner The other members of the council are: Dan Brizendine, John Collins and Pastor Kent The council normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Cooper-Burkhart House. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th Service of Ashes and Holy Communion at 7 p.m. Lent is a season of forty days, from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (the day before Easter). In the Bible, the number 40 is often a symbol of testing and renewal. During Lent, we focus on Jesus’ journey to the cross. We will have a special service of Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Starting the following Wednesday, we will have weekly Lenten suppers of soup and bread at 6:00 p.m. in Heinecken Hall. This year’s midweek services will focus on the theme “Restored in Christ.” Each week we will explore how Christ came to restore wholeness to lives broken by sin. Please join us for this season of renewal! Valentines for Shut-ins It’s time again to prepare Valentine cards for our shut-ins! Pick up a list of their names on the table next to the special Valentine mailbox in the church narthex. Simply write their names on your Valentine cards, sign them, and place the cards in the box by Monday, February 9. We’ll make sure they get delivered in time for Valentine’s Day. February 1st is “Souper Bowl” Sunday Help tackle hunger through the annual “Souper Bowl of Caring”! Pick up some soup (or other canned foods) at your favorite store and bring it to church on Sunday, February 1st. Put your donations on the “Souper Bowl” table in the narthex, on the side representing the football team you want to win. Your donations will help fill the food pantries at Lutheran Social Services and Central City Lutheran Mission. In this “Souper Bowl” game, everyone wins! Pastor’s Paragraphs In my annual report at the congregational meeting, I quoted these words from a prayer by Teresa of Avila: HUGS IT’S WONDROUS WHAT A HUG CAN DO. A HUG CAN CHEER YOU WHEN YOU’RE BLUE A HUG CAN SAY, “I LOVE YOU SO.” OR, “GEE! I HATE TO SEE YOU GO.” Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks With compassion on this world. St. Teresa was no doubt inspired by St. Paul’s letters, where he describes the Christian church as the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:27, Paul writes, “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” Paul goes on to describe how each one of us has been gifted in different ways, and we each have an important function in the body of Christ. We are the body of Christ when we gather together to worship and pray. We are the body of Christ when we serve in various ways. We are the body of Christ when we give food or blankets to the hungry and homeless. We are the body of Christ when reach out in compassion to give someone a hug (see the poem on this page). I am thankful for all of those in our congregation who are willing to serve as Christ’s hands, feet, voice and eyes in the world today. We learn how to be Christ’s hands and eyes as we study his life and teachings. A HUG IS, “WELCOME BACK AGAIN!” AND, “GREAT TO SEE YOU!” OR, “WHERE’VE YOU BEEN?” A HUG CAN SOOTHE A SMALL CHILD’S PAIN AND BRING A RAINBOW AFTER THE RAIN. THE HUG! THERE’S JUST NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. WE SCARCELY COULD SURVIVE WITHOUT IT. A HUG DELIGHTS AND WARMS AND CHARMS, IT MUST BE WHY GOD GAVE US ARMS. HUGS ARE GREAT FOR FATHERS AND MOTHERS. SWEET FOR SISTERS, SWELL FOR BROTHERS, AND CHANCES ARE, SOME FAVORITE AUNTS LOVE THEM MORE THAN POTTED PLANTS. KITTENS CRAVE THEM, PUPPIES LOVE THEM. HEADS OF STATE ARE NOT ABOVE THEM. A HUG CAN BREAK THE LANGUAGE BARRIER, AND MAKE THE DULLEST DAY SEEM MERRIER. This month we will begin the season of Lent, a special time for spiritual growth and renewal. At our midweek Lenten services we will focus on the theme “Restored NO NEED TO FRET ABOUT THE STORE OF THEM. in Christ.” Each Wednesday we will focus on a story T HE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE THERE ARE OF THEM. from Scripture and take a good, hard look at what it S O STRETCH THOSE ARMS WITHOUT DELAY, reveals about the brokenness of our lives and our world. AND GIVE SOMEONE A HUG TODAY. Then we will see how that brokenness is restored in Christ. As we understand how Christ can heal the broken places in our lives, we will be empowered to be Submitted by Kathryn Powell the body of Christ today. This Lent, come and be restored. — Pastor Kent Restore us, O God; let your face shine upon us, so that we may be saved. – Psalm 80:3 TRINITY’S GIVING GOAL (1/01/15 through 1/25/15) Goal for regular offerings in 2015: Regular offerings received in 2015: Difference: $ 15,774.00 $ 13,878.00 - $ 1,896.00 Your faithful giving will help us reach our goal. Scrip income received in 2015: $ 57.60 2 As we look forward in 2015, with many choices for outreach in our community, we as "benefit" members of Thrivent Financial have a new program available, Action Teams, to reach out with a project that you would like to pursue. A grant of $250 is available to benefit members twice a year to fund an educational event, a service activity, or a fundraiser. Michael Myers did a special project to purchase Christmas gifts for those attending the "Breakfast at Trinity" program. Trinity also received Action Team funds of $250 for the lunch at the annual meeting, freeing all lunch donations to be given to support the "Breakfast at Trinity" project. You may learn more about the Action Team program at, where you can also apply for a grant and receive various resources to assist you with your project. If you are not a "benefit" member, share your idea and form an Action Team together with a Thrivent member. These funds are in addition to project funds which we may receive for Care in Community projects through the Thrivent West Riverside County Chapter of Riverside County. Last year the chapter received $18,000, which was distributed among 15 congregations in the chapter and Lutheran Social Services. We thank Larry Conn for serving as Financial Director of the Chapter during the past three years and Michael Myers for being the Lead Advocate at Trinity. Three years is the maximum time to be on the Board, so Larry graciously agreed to be the Lead Advocate at Trinity and Michael Myers was elected as Financial Director of the Chapter. Other officers of the chapter include: President - Charlie Friese, Our Savior's, Banning; VicePresident - Donna Sisk, Gethsemane, Riverside; Records Director - Beverly Barrier, Immanuel, Riverside; and Director of Congregational Advocates - Jean Beck, Immanuel, Riverside. Our area is still without a Financial Representative, however, Ian Freeman from the Ontario office, 909-920-5303, is available for personal assistance. Choice Dollars: If you still have “Choice Dollars" available from 2014, please remember to use them prior to March 31. The recent I.D. card sent in the mail will confirm your "benefit" status and your I.D. number. Together we can celebrate the difference we can make in our community. "God's Work, Our Hands." The Thrivent Advocates at Trinity are Larry Conn, Marie Hinz, Karen Myers, and Monty Wheeler - Please feel free to contact us with any questions. CGA’s Increase Your Income A “charitable gift annuity” (CGA) can increase your income and benefit the church at the same time. A CGA is a financial instrument usually provided through a foundation like the ELCA Foundation. The income payout is based on age and is paid to you for the rest of your life. The older you are, the higher the payout. In addition, a portion of the payout is tax-free income. You also receive a charitable tax deduction immediately upon funding a CGA. The church benefits and so do you. You may fund a CGA with cash, stocks and other assets. For more information about Charitable Gift Annuities, contact our congregation’s gift planner, Greg Shepherd, at 909-910-6823 or [email protected]. Community Blood Bank If you are healthy and able to give blood, consider donating blood for the Trinity Donor Club. We thank anyone who donated in January. Please let the church office know that you have donated so that we may recognize you. Remember to tell the staff at LifeStream that you are donating to Trinity’s Donor Club. For more information, visit or call the church office at 951-682-1350. January Birthdays Scott Taylor (4), Carol Wallior (4), Mike Allert (7), Michelle Baggett-McPhee (8), Jeanne Anne Fitzgerald (11), Ruta Raterman (11), Addison Garcia (16), Vera Hamner (20), Bradley Taylor (23), Frances Zander (26), Amanda Pitts (27). If we missed yours, please let the church office know so that we can add you to our birthday list! 3 WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS FOR FEBRUARY HOST TEAM @ 9:00 Feb. 01: Caroline & Garrett Rowe & Lester Nettles Feb. 08: Dan & Kim Brizendine Feb. 15: Wes & Kelly Krashin Feb. 18: Jim & Willy Miller (Ash Wed., 7 pm) Feb. 22: Larry & Gail Conn LAY MINISTERS @ 9:00 Feb. 01: Dana Reupert Feb. 08: Owen Shelton Feb. 15: Wes Krashin Feb. 18: Frank & Carol Wallior (Ash Wed., 7 pm) Feb. 22: Karen Myers COMMUNION ASSISTANTS @ 9:00 Feb. 15: Christina Reza & Garrett Rowe Feb. 18: Sarah Boese (Ash Wed., 7 pm) COFFEE HOSTS @ 9:00 Feb. 01: Ladies Aid for Super Bowl Feb. 08: Ann Herring Feb. 15: Tedesco Family Feb. 22: volunteer needed COMMUNION SET-UP @ 9:00 Feb. 15: Loren & Sarah Boese Praise and Thanksgiving • For donations totaling $454 in January for our Quilting Bee; enough to buy batting for 112 quilts! • For a grant from Thrivent and donations at our annual meeting lunch that allowed us to purchase $317 of food to feed the hungry in our community through our “Breakfast At Trinity” program. • To the volunteers who have helped paint and refurbish the interior of Heinecken Hall. • To the landscape volunteers who are renovating the patio area next to Heinecken Hall. • To Wes Krashin for serving as our congregation president this past year, and to Rob Clarke for serving as president this year. • To Kathryn Powell, who has left the council after completing 6 years, and to Roger Luebs, for completing 6 years on our Endowment Comm. • To our other council members and officers, and other leaders who were elected at our annual meeting, for their willingness to serve! 4 USHERS @ 10:45 Feb. 01: Bob & Pat Knapik Feb. 08: Bob Knapik & Mike McMichael Feb. 15: Bob Knapik & Mike McMichael Feb. 22: Bob Knapik & Mike McMichael LAY MINISTERS @ 10:45 Feb. 01: Jack Kantola Feb. 08: Frank & Carol Wallior Feb. 15: Goldberg Family Feb. 22: volunteer needed COMMUNION ASSISTANTS @ 10:45 Feb. 01: Dorothy Evans & Kathryn Powell Feb. 15: Karen Oster COFFEE HOSTS @ 10:45 Feb. 01: Ladies Aid for Super Bowl Feb. 08: Ann Herring Feb. 15: volunteer needed Feb. 22: volunteer needed ALTAR GUILD @ 10:45 Karen Oster Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100:2 SUNDAY BIBLE READINGS February 1: 4th Sunday after Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15–19 Mark 1:21–28 February 8: 5th Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 40:21–31 Mark 1:29–39 February 15: Transfiguration of Our Lord 2 Corinthians 4:3–6 Mark 9:2–9 February 22: 1st Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Mark 1:9–15 March 1: 2nd Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16 Mark 8:31–38 Prepare for worship by reading the Sunday lessons in advance. The quarterly booklet Christ in Our Home uses the Sunday readings as the basis for daily devotions written by a variety of authors. Pick up a free copy at church! February 2015 Sun Mon February 1 2 9:00 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 3-8 Music Lessons 6:00 Al-anon Mtg 6:30 TNT Youth 8 9 7:30 AA Meeting 7:00 Choir Practice 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 7:30 AA Meeting 10 11 12 3:30 Girl Scouts 8:00 Breakfast at Trinity 9:00 Quilting Bee 9:00 Whiteside Family Therapy 13 14 Valentine’s 11:00 WOW 6:00 Al-anon Mtg 6:30 TNT Youth 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 6:45 Women’s Bible Study 7:00 Shawl Ministry 7:30 AA Meeting 15 16 17 18 Ash 19 8:00 Breakfast at Trinity 9:00 Whiteside Family Therapy 20 10:00 ACA mtg. 8:00 Breakfast at Trinity 10:00 Game Fellowship 3-8 Music Lessons 3:30 Girl Scouts 6:00 Al-anon Mtg 6:30 TNT Youth 7:00 Council Meeting 7:30 AA Meeting 22 23 24 9:00 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Presidents Day (Office Closed) 11:00 WOW 10:00 ACA mtg. 3-8 Music Lessons 6:00 Al-anon Mtg 6:30 TNT Youth 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 6:45 Women’s Bible Study 6:00 Lenten Supper 7:00 Choir Practice 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 7:30 AA Meeting March 1 2 4 5 7:30 AA Meeting 3 7:00 Ash Wed. Service 25 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 7:30 AA Meeting 26 27 6 10:00 ACA mtg. 3-8 Music Lessons 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 6:45 Women’s Bible Study 7:30 AA Meeting 6:00 Lenten Supper 7:00 Choir Practice 28 8:00 Breakfast at Trinity 3:30 Girl Scouts 6:00 Al-anon Mtg 6:30 TNT Youth 21 Wednesday 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 6:45 Women’s Bible Study 9:00 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship 7 Day 10:00 ACA mtg. 3-8 Music Lessons 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 7:00 Choir 6:00 Social Practice Concerns Mtg 7:30 AA Meeting 9:00 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Sat 6 10:00 ACA mtg. 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 6:45 Women’s Bible Study 9:00 Worship 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Fri 6-9 Self-Defense Classes 7:30 AA Meeting 7 8:00 Breakfast at Trinity 9:00 Whiteside Family Therapy 5 PRAYER LIST The changes to the prayer list are read each Sunday during the Prayers of the Church. In order that the list be timely, we ask you to update any name (s) you have submitted on a monthly basis. Out of respect for privacy, the Prayer List names have been removed from this online edition of the newsletter. Son Seekers Sunday School (for K-6th grades) February 8 – March 1, 2015 Lazarus When Jesus arrived in Bethany, he found that his friend Lazarus is dead and in a tomb. Many friends had come to mourn with Mary and Martha at the death of their brother. Jesus reassured them, however, of the resurrection from the dead. Outside of Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus wept for his friend, showing his human emotions. Jesus also demonstrated the mighty acts of God by calling out to Lazarus, and raising him from the dead. This dramatic event foreshadows the coming death and resurrection of Jesus and the assertion that the power of death itself will be destroyed. Memory Verse: Jesus then said, “I am the one who raises the dead to life! Everyone who has faith in me will live, even if they die.” - John 11:25 (CEV) What We Will Learn: • Know that Jesus is human: he had friends, he felt sadness • Know that Jesus is God. He performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating his power over sin and death. • Understand that we have a new way of living: Jesus sets us free, unbinding us from our sins. 7 A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID RIVERSIDE, CA PERMIT # 380 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 5969 BROCKTON AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92506 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 am — Contemporary Service 9:30 am — Sunday School 10:45 am — Traditional Service Childcare is available during both worship services Ministry Staff Kent Tuohino, Pastor Jerri McIlhagga, Director of Music Ministries Willy Miller, Church Secretary Rob Clarke, Congregation President Church office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. VISION STATEMENT FOR TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH The vision of Trinity Lutheran Church is to provide a community of faith where all people are challenged to reach their full potential in Christ. MISSION STATEMENT FOR TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Our mission is to represent our Lord Jesus Christ in this time and place. We will do so by: • INVITING people to know God and His message of grace, love, hope and forgiveness. • ASSISTING people to grow in their relationship with God. • EQUIPPING people to serve Christ’s church. • ENABLING people to share their faith through what they say and do. KNOW, GROW, SERVE AND SHARE TRINITY TOPICS is published monthly by: Trinity Lutheran Church at 5969 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 Trinity can be reached by phone at: (951) 682-1350 fax: (951) 682-4191 email: office@ website:
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