Spartan Student Bulletin CUHS – “Home of the Spartans” Thursday, January 29, 2015 ATHLETICS Frosh, JV & Varsity Girls Basketball @ Brawley @ 4/5:30 & 7 p.m., Excuse Frosh & JV @ 2:15 p.m. HOMECOMING SPIRIT WEEK! Thursday: Caps vs. Crowns, Friday: Pink vs. Blue Attention AP Club Members who participated in the Coldstone Creamery Candy Apple fundraiser: Please turn in all your money & order forms to the ASB window TODAY! It is very important that you do this TODAY as your candy apple orders will not be put through. Thanks. SENIORS: Please begin checking your attendance for 2nd semester at the attendance office. If you are planning to participate in the Senior Picnic and Grad Nite you cannot have more than 9 absences for 2nd semester. Feel free to come to the office before and after school. ATTENTION ALL AP STUDENTS – It is time to start thinking about getting your AP exams paid for and ordered. Stop by the ASB Office before March 18th to make your payments. All exams cost $91 each unless you qualify for a fee waiver. If you qualify for a fee waiver, exams cost $5 each. See Vero in ASB to see if you qualify for the fee waiver. It seems like these tests are expensive, but if you take into consideration how these tests could exempt you from taking college courses (which could cost several hundred dollars per course at the university level), you’re actually getting a great deal! Study hard and get your exams paid for in the ASB Office. Deadline to order any exams is 3 PM on Wednesday, March 18th. Go Spartans! Students mark your calendars: On Thursday February 12 Business Exhibitors will be coming during both lunches to talk with you about job opportunities with their companies. This is a great time to get career information on various job opportunities. FREE IN-HOME TUTORING: Do you need additional help with your Math or English work? Would you be interested in having a personal tutor that came to help you in your own home? If you are struggling in math or English AND qualify for the Free & Reduced Lunch Program, you are eligible for free, in-home tutoring. See Miss Givens in the main office to pick up an application. The deadline to apply is tomorrow Friday, January 30th. Act now because space is limited. ATTENTION SPARTANS! Green Team is selling shirts for $12. You can buy one from a club member or stop by Mrs. Macholtz’s classroom SC-7. Attention all track athletes NOT IN A WINTER SPORT. You can get cleared now, and avoid the rush and drama, before school, during your lunch or afterschool only. SADIES DANCE: This Saturday, from 8 – midnight. Tickets are on sale at the ASB Windows and they will also be available for purchase at the door. However, if you are bringing a guest, please make sure that you have a guest pass & turn it in by TODAY afterschool. The dance will be a lock-in from 9 – 11:30 p.m. See you Saturday! Interact Club will meet after school today at 3 PM in SS-9 Mr. Leon's room. New members are always welcomed. We will be discussing upcoming events. See you there. Attention Track and Field athletes: Spirit packs are due February 2, everyone should have a new one. See Coach Shane for any questions. Attention Students please listen to the following Yearbook Announcement! Best Friends Pictures: Will be taken today & tomorrow after school. We will meet in the quad. Siblings Pictures: Will be taken on February 2nd and 3rd we will meet in the quad area. Club Pictures: Will be taken February 4th – 6th. If you have any questions please stop by Mr. Davila’s room Art-4. AVID SITE TEAM TODAY in TR-12 at 3:10 p.m. Hope to see you there!! AVID Teachers GRAD NITE: Tickets are on sale now at the ASB office for the ridiculous price of $150. You can reserve your spot now for only $30 & keep making payments until April 1st. Don’t miss out, stop by the ASB window before school, during your lunch or afterschool. REMINDERS CAHSEE FOR SENIORS THAT HAVE NOT YET PASSED – WILL TAKE PLACE ON Tuesday, February 3rd, in English and Wednesday, February 4th, in math. Passes will go to students soon. Please report to testing area as soon as the first morning bell rings. Do not go to your first period. Some students will report to the Parent Center for testing. The Parent Center is next to the old In-house room. You should enter the room from outside of the school. It is the only door in the circular drive on 10th St (next to the Auto Shop gate). If you have questions, see Mrs. Petter in the office. Don’t wait until the day of testing to figure out where you need to go. Time is important. Thank you, and good luck! Tee-Shirt Design Contest for Expanding Your Horizons Conference: Attention all Imperial Valley high school students that are interested in graphic design projects. The Designs for the contest are due by February 15th 2015. Turn it in to the Art Department, if you win the design contest you will receive a $100 gift card. The winning design selected for the Expanding Your Horizons Conference will be used for the conference shirt, website and all conference marketing materials. Attn. Migrant Students: Are you interested in working and earning some money? The Migrant Program can help. We are now taking applications for our work study positions. If you are interested, please stop by the Migrant Office to pick up the pre-application. Work study positions are limited. CST LETTERMAN’S PATCH for academic achievement – If you are a Junior or Senior and scored proficient or advanced in any subject on the CST in the 11-12 or 12-13 school year, you are eligible to receive a patch for your Jacket. If you think you might qualify, go to Miss Givens’s office to add your name the clipboard outside of her door. The deadline to apply for your patch is February 6th. National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP has chosen our school to randomly test 50 seniors in English, math, and science on February 5th. Students have already received notification if they have been selected to test. This is an important way to do our part in the research on educational progress. Do your best on the test and make Central proud! ATTENTION JUNIORS & SENIORS!!! You may be eligible to have the gold California State Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma and transcript. There are a number of ways to qualify. To find out if you qualify, come to the Instructional Testing Clerk Office with Erica Bermudez (Main Office) & pick up the candidate application form. Application deadline is March 2nd!!!! ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: If you do not have medical insurance & plan on attending any school trips this school year including seniors attending Grad Nite & Senior Picnic. You might want to consider purchasing a school insurance, stop by the ASB office & pick up a pamphlet for your parents review. Plans start at $39 & would cover you for this whole school year. For more information stop by the ASB Office. ATTENTION STUDENTS: If you have not picked up your class pictures, school ID’s & Homecoming pictures please do so at the ASB window before school, during your lunch or afterschool. Thanks SCHOLARSHIPS: For more information on all scholarships please view our Student Bulletin online or posted outside ASB office. Thanks. REMINDER: ASB Office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. The register closes at 3:30 p.m. for purchase transactions. SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship opportunity: The Brad Fowler Memorial Scholarship Fund offers a one-year, $5000 scholarship to five high school seniors. The nominee must have demonstrated an ability to overcome personal obstacles associated with drugs or alcohol, a strong commitment to athletics and a desire to continue personal growth and development through higher education. Submission Deadline is Friday, February 20, 2015. You can download a copy of the application from Central’s new scholarship website: Seniors -The Buick achievers Program are offering 50 renewable scholarships of up to $25,000 per year. They are looking for individuals that are interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The application closes on February 27, 2015 at 5:00 PM EST. Applications are available on-line at or find a link on our school’s website scholarship list. – H. Tan
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