SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter Welcome to the Senior Capital Project Content You are holding in your hand the 4th edition of the Senior Capital Newsletter. 24 months of project implementation is over now resulting in a well-advanced stage when cooperating project partners have finished testing previously identified methods of specific and tailored senior education programmes. How much have these pilot actions turned out to be successful? How to reach the wider public, to raise awareness and disseminate the outcomes of the local actions? You can learn all this now. Turn the page to see more! As a transnational cooperation project under the Central Europe Programme, Senior Capital originates from the Q-Ageing project which was initiated by the Municipality of 11th District of Budapest, Újbuda (Hungary) in 2008 that dealt with social and urban challenges of the ageing problem of Central Europe’s cities. The implementation of the project shed light on the importance of another related challenge which is the need for a better use of the economic potential of this growing but under - valued part/group of the society. Senior Capital – as the afterlife of Q-Ageing – consequently wishes to contribute to the economic competitiveness of Central Europe through developing knowledge and enlarging a quality workforce by focusing on seniors. Its specific objective is to better use the economic potential of an ageing population while creating opportunities for businesses through 1) Investing in human capital of 50+ persons 2) Promoting their involvement in economic activities and 3) Creating new and financially sustainable framework catalysed by municipalities. The implementation started in 2012 with analyzing the current situation of senior education and employment in the Central Europe area. The results of the analysis phase (kind of a demand-supply assessment with the involvement of both the employer and the employee side of the labor market) stressed those actual needs of the target group (seniors with the age above 50, active or inactive in the labour market) that are to be handled by specific supporting tools such as trainings and other helping services. Pilot actions are the grounds for testing and then fine-tuning these training and employment methods. Local needs identified need to be satisfied with locally adaptable solutions thus a relatively diversified portfolio of training and employment programs have been implemented by partners. Let’s see what these pilot actions are, how much they contribute to reach a better involvement of seniors into education and employment and what type of creative communication actions have been applied to make the wider public aware of them. Municipality of 11th District of Budapest, Újbuda Lead Partner 1. Welcome to the Senior Capital Project 2. Local awareness-raising media campaigns 2. I. Municipality of Újbuda (Hungary) 3. II. Municipality of Sopot (Poland) 4. III. Province of Treviso (Italy) 5. IV. Liguria Region and ACCMED (Italy) 6. V. Prizma Foundation and Municipality of Maribor (Slovenia) 7. VI. Nowa (Austria) 8. VII. zze (Germany) 9. News and events 10. Contacts 1 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter Local awareness-raising media campaigns I. Municipality of Újbuda (Hungary) Újbuda’s awareness raising media campaign, which was implemented in the framework of the Senior Capital project, started on the 24th May 2014. It was linked to the celebration of the International Children’s Day held in Újbuda, where 25003000 people were expected, ensuring a wide publicity. At the venue of the event a separate tent was dedicated to the project, where dissemination materials were presented, including basic information on the project’s achievements, the partnership and the pilot actions. Újbuda’s pilot action, the “Újbuda 50+ programme” was also introduced to the public by disseminating flyers, leaflets and a roll-up with information on the pilot. To make the topic of the Senior Capital project interesting for the younger generations, a wind wheel, shaped like the Senior Capital logo, were disseminated. The wind wheels were a gift to the children, which were assembled by them with the help of their parents and grandparents. In front of the tent an artistic installation was set up with the aim to draw hosted by Újbuda where a press conference was organized and press releases were issued about the “Újbuda 50+ Program”. Within the framework of the pilot action Újbuda developed training programmes with strong cooperation with the business sector, aiming at improving the quality of the life of the 50+ age group. the attention on the importance of the The training programme included basic intergenerational cooperation and the and advanced level IT courses and lanutility of the experience and knowlguage training combined with a series edge of the older generation. The inof training for practical skill developstallation consisted of cogs, ment through giving the most update symbolizing coherence and the inter- job seeking techniques including lesdependency. The concept of the insons on self-management, CV writing, stallation was to express solidarity self-care and education for entreprebetween generations. The campaign neurship. continued with the pilot cross visit 2 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter II. Municipality of Sopot (Poland) Sopot’s local campaign includes both standard and special information and promotion tools. As a standard promotion tools we understand the information materials and media coverage (including broadcasts of NOWA’s video in the regional TV station). But the most important were the unique tools like the tailored project souvenirs for pilot participants (personal coffee mugs, picnic baskets, umbrellas) and two public events which took place during pilot implementation and at its very finish. On 12th April 2014 the Sopot Social Assistance House altered to the Hotel Grand and the old city of Sopot known from the postcards. Large format oldphoto printouts, music from 50’-60’, café-style furnishing and sweet refreshments brought back the memories of the city’s past. The “Kapitalni sopocianie” was an intergenerational event combining two Sopot’s flag projects in one place and in one time: the EU co-funded “SENIOR CAPITAL” and “Sopocianie” implemented by the Museum of Sopot. Voluntary workers being “SENIOR CAPITAL” pilot project participants acted as hosts of the event and together with the Museum’s staff interviewed Sopot’s older citizens, collecting their stories and biographies that are going to be used in Museum’s materials and exhibitions. On 30th May 2014 the pilot has officially ended. During the event organized in the City Hall of Sopot the Deputy Mayor thanked the volunteers for their engagement and everyone of them got pilot’s certificates as well as “SENIOR CAPITAL” souvenirs. Nearly 50 persons participated in this event and a unique “SENIOR CAPITAL” layered cake has been produced specially for it. There is also a plan to organize the awareness-raising conference on ageing in late autumn. Among many event attractions there were: exhibition of old gramophones and vinyls, artistic workshops for children and youth, performance of the pupils from Sopot Music School, the ”old cinema” and a big ground-graffiti painted on the neighbouring football pitch. 3 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter III. Province of Treviso (Italy) The pilot action of Province of Treviso consisted of supporting unemployed over 50 people to find a new employment. In this sense, it has been developed a widespread local awareness-raising media campaign, tailored made to two main stakeholders categories: general public with a particular focus on over 50 people and the companies. The common aim has been the development of key messages for fighting stigma and prejudices about seniors and to inform about senior workers related legislation. Regarding the general public, the core output has been the video produced, representing two true stories of two ladies who succeeded in qualifying themselves and found a new job. The video has been uploaded on the Youtube page of the Province and disseminated during a very important Fair (Fiera 4 passi held on May 2014. During the event more than 62.000 people joined the Province headquarter, venue of the Fair, where the video has been broadcasted in loop during the 4 days event and presented during the 4 main evening events. During the same occasion, a new banner indicating that the “Age is not a limit” has been exposed. Moreover, the screening of an advertisement containing the project motto has been agreed with the local public bus company. So all the buses of extra-urban lines are provided with this Senior Capital advertisement. Regarding the second main stakeholders, several products have been specifically designed and spread. The most important is the Italian version of the website, where a new marketing for the demand and supply of job approach has been tested. In fact companies can find directly on internet, without mediation, a short version of the CVs of job seeking seniors involved on the local pilot action. Then again, approximately 4000 companies have been directly contacted through a personalized set of email containing specific information about the local pilot project and the available tax relief related to over 50 workers. On the top of that, an highly intensive marketing and scouting campaign has been developed, where companies were approached and small gadgets were given to them, serving as an icebreaker, i.e. an origami set which can be assemble to a small box with the project logos. 4 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter IV. Liguria Region and ACCMED (Italy) The successful pilot was composed of two parts: face to face courses and online training in three cities focused on building up a project work after retirement, and the set up of three intergenerational desks where the knowledge of the seniors can be passed to young people in the perspective of creating economic and social activities out of this interaction. The communication campaign aims at making the services of the intergenerational knowledge desk (including the online training) available to a wider number of users, and is therefore addressed both to seniors and to juniors. For ”senior” we mean those who are about to retire or just retired and in general all those who have free time and want to invest in new projects by sharing the acquired skills; ”juniors” are graduates/fresh graduates who are approaching the working world and in general all those who want to start new projects and/or participate in the realization of new projects. Channels/places of communication are therefore connected to the targets and include cultural associations; trade unions; meeting centres; university of the third age; high schools; university; youth centres; employment centres; Municipal offices; public buildings (libraries ...); sport centres. The adopted tools include 1) a folder/flyer for the promotion of the project to be distributed in the centres identified with the aim of: raising awareness of the project, illustrating the salient features; providing the essential information. 2) A playbill (poster) will be disseminated in strategic locations with the aim to: draw attention to the project; provide essential information; entice the viewer to read up further. 3) On the website of the project there will be constantly updated information on the evolution of the different activities. 4) A Facebook page has been designed that follow the evolution of the project, animated by the involved juniors. Radio spot advertising the project will be broadcasted in the local radio. 5) Other foreseen actions including a spot in the local TV (interview on the day of the opening of the intergenerational laboratories), the realisation of a video spot describing all the interaction that happens in the intergenerational desks and a launch event with local politicians. 5 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter V. Prizma Foundation and Municipality of Maribor (Slovenia) Innovative awareness raising by promotion of active ageing and intergenerational cooperation in wider public is one of crucial pillars of pilot action in Slovenia due to challenges of an aging population. The pilot action is focused on setting up PRIZMA 50+ – Intergenerational-Development-Business&Training centre for Podravje region – for activating potentials of individuals and society, increasing work opportunities & work ability and to improve services for 50+ generations in local community. The pilot was developed by PRIZMA Foundation and Municipality of Maribor together with Regional Strategic Stakeholders Group. The emphasis of awareness raising campaign strategy is based on senior people economic potentials, importance of overcoming age stereotypes, strengthening age management strategies and programmes in order to improve work conditions for 50+. Raising awareness by: • Disseminating key messages and materials (leaflets, Newsletter etc.) through social media, websites of or- ganization and public authorities and local media • Promotion kits (folders, roll up, note pad, give-aways: wooden brain puzzle, wipes for glasses) • Video portraits of persons 50+ and 60+ • Dissemination of the Senior Capital video clip through screens in public places like waiting rooms and buses • Organization of conferences (Cross visit - Study Visits and transfer of ex- periences & conference AGE IS NOT A CRITERION – USE POTENTIALS!, workshops, etc.) • Promotion in the shop window in the centre of the city Maribor • Participation in public local/regional and EU events and conferences (Festival for the third Age Period, International Cross-border Job Fair Slovenia Austria, Festival Lent etc.) 6 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter VI. Nowa (Austria) The goal of the pilot project of nowa was to analyze the connotation of age and job performance and derive recommendations for private enterprises and public authorities and to develop HR measures. tion to age, functioning both externally and within the group. Companies and authorities were advised and supported on the development of measures as a part of their personal development, taking into account the gender perspective. The involvement of managers and employees over and under 50 brought results for new approaches to use 100% of the potentials and to avoid internal termination and early retirement. The results of the pilots show that age is not critical in terms of job performance and work attitude. Other (individual) indicators come to fruition, age is not the deciding factor. The main problem of older people in the labor market Working against stereotypes is the is mostly based on stereotypes in rela- main-message in our campaign. As part of our awareness raising campaign, a video clip and free cards were produced by nowa, and disseminated very intensively in different areas. nowa participated in a large education fair, in February 2014 an article was published in the largest daily newspaper in Styria. For the “International Day of the Seniors” on 10/01/2014 together with the City of Graz we plan an event where interactive methods will be used to sensibilize the citizens. A press conference will be held. 7 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter VII. zze (Germany) Within its awareness raising campaign zze has already and still is implementing different activities. The general aim is to contribute to agenda setting and to gain stronger interest in the topics Senior Capital covers. Therefore highlight the relevance of taking a • 10 theses have been developed that different approach to elderly emare due to be printed and spread at ployees events and on zze’s homepage in • promotion of the Senior Capital film order to provide a compact overview in order to provide visual images of on relevant issues regarding the the topic use of senior employers’ potential • an article of implications the transi• conference with high level speakers tion to post-professional life will be on the issue of demographic change published in an anthology about in enterprises especially for busidifferent phase of transition in ness representatives one’s life course • inidivdual meetings with represen- • exploiting results of the pilot action: tatives of municipalities, employea handbook currently is being edited ment agencies, job coaches and that provides good-practice and ademployer organisations in order to vice on the use of putting a stronger focus on the topic of transition into retirement. This is relevant for enterprises because they should try and safeguard the knowledge and experience of their retiring staff. And on the other hand the life after a professional career should be prepared for and people leaving their job should reflect upon what they want to do in order to give meaning to their lives: e.g. learn something new, continue to work with reduced hours, do freelance work, become active as volunteers, dedicate time to family and friends or to find new hobbies. 8 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter NEWS AND EVENTS Seminar ’From the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy to the new EU financing programmes for the employment and social innovation’ 22 May 2014, Treviso, Italy In the recent years the Province of Treviso has dedicated an increased attention on fostering employability and offering professional services to companies to support the recruitment process. Committed to the objectives set by the European Strategy 2020, the Province has been engaged in several transnational projects, promoting active aging and senior employability. In the framework of the CENTRAL EUROPE project Senior Capital project, a Seminar has been organized by the Province of Treviso in order to present the major EU programmes, focusing on employment and social innovation. Among others the Europe 2020 Strategy, the HORIZON 2020, EaSI, Veneto FSE 2014 - 2020 and the new CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 have been introduced to the participants. CENTRAL EUROPE Annual Conference, 1-2 July 2014, Vienna, Austria Over the next seven years, 246 million Euros will become available for financing regional cooperation beyond borders through the transnational Interreg programme CENTRAL EUROPE. The programme is part of European Union Cohesion Policy and will co-finance cooperation projects to strengthen regional innovation, lower CO2 emissions, protect the environment and cultural resources and to improve transport connections. The funding priorities were presented to more than 700 representatives from the public and the private sector at the CENTRAL EUROPE Annual Conference. The conference introduced details of the upcoming first call for project proposals, which is expected to open in early 2015 following the final approval of the programme by the European Commission. In a project idea fair and partner search forum, more than 50 project ideas were presented and discussed by public and private institutions from all over central Europe. Senior Capital Final event 12 November 2014, Budapest, Hungary After 2 years of successful implementation, the Senior Capital ¬ Develop human capital of seniors to increase their economic and social value in a knowledge based and competitive economy ¬ is closing to its end. The project aimed at contributing to the economic competitiveness of Central Europe through developing knowledge and enlarging quality work force with a focus on seniors. The official final conference of the project was held on the 12th of November 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. At the conference the results of the project were shared with the wider public, while experts in the field, policy-makers and representatives of the business sector presented their thoughts on senior education and employment trends. Simultaneously, an outlook to the wider European context was provided and future cooperation opportunities were introduced by experts and the representative of the CENTRAL EUROPE programme. 9 SENIOR CAPITAL – The future is built on your experience 4th eNewsletter Contacts: project leader: Ms. Ilona Győrffyné Molnár ([email protected]) project manager: Ms. Anna Szepesfalvy ([email protected]) Ms. Zsuzsanna Vargáné Kremzner ([email protected]) communication manager: Ms. Nikolett Antal ([email protected]) This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. 10
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