The Globe-Christie Connection February 2015 Newsletter of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Globe, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Christie John E. Warmuth, Pastor: 715-743-2480 (Cell 715-937-5027) [email protected] Dear Members of Immanuel and St. John’s, We continue with our series started last month concerning homosexuality and gay marriage. What follows is again taken from the book Forgive Us Our Sins, © 2013 by Northwestern Publishing House ( pages 41-43. Let’s examine what the New Testament says about the sin of practicing homosexuality as well as how the gay community spins those passages out of context, changes them, or simply denies them in order to continue practicing homosexuality and still feel somewhat religious. A question that practicing homosexuals of the “Christian” gay community like to ask is this: “What did Jesus say about homosexuality? That’s right: NOTHING!” Pro-gay writers insist that since Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, he must not have disapproved of it. They reason that if he didn’t disapprove of it, then he must have accepted it; he didn’t mention it because he felt it was natural among human beings. Some even strongly suggest that Jesus and John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23), had a homosexual relationship. They note that Jesus only had special relationships with men, such as Peter, James and John. However, Jesus also had close female friends in Mary and Martha of Bethany and Mary Magdalene. People who have convinced themselves that their sin is OK, try to convince others that it is OK by suggesting that Jesus did not think it was a sin either, but even did it himself. But did Jesus really say nothing about the sin of practicing homosexuality? Read the words of Jesus in Mark 10:6-9: “At the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one.’ Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Jesus spoke of human sexuality here, and went right back to the beginning of creation (Genesis 2;24) and outlined God’s divine plan for human sexuality: male and female, man (husband) and wife. According to Jesus himself heterosexuality is God’s norm. The gay community likes to say that Jesus did not condemn the practice of sexual intercourse by unmarried people and that he never even remotely spoke of homosexuality. The gay community says that as far as sexuality was concerned, Jesus was only interested in faithfulness. However, Jesus spoke the words of Matthew15:19, “Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Certainly, adultery and sexual immorality refer to sinful sexual activity of any kind among the married and unmarried. But even though Jesus did not specifically talk about the sin of homosexuality, his apostles and disciples- taught by Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit- surely did so in no uncertain terms. Chapter 1 of Romans describes the godless world– both at the time Paul wrote the letter to the Romans as well as today. It is a description of what happens when people deliberately transfer the honor due to God, the Creator, to man, the creature. Read Romans 1:23-27: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” “Because of this” refers to the action of sinful human beings. They worship “created things, such as themselves, their own intelligence, money, power, etc., instead of God, “the Creator.” This is unnatural, for certainly the Creator is better than the creation. This fall into unnatural spiritual practices results in unnatural sexual practices as well- including the practice of homosexuality. The practice of homosexuality is against nature, plain and simple. Let’s look at how the gay community looks at this simple, straightforward, clear passage. Basically the pro-gay authors say that St. Paul does not condemn homosexuals and homosexuality. They say he condemns those heterosexuals (straight people) who engage in homosexual acts. Since homosexuality is not natural for the heterosexual (straight person), the heterosexual who practices homosexuality is exchanging “natural relations for unnatural ones.” But since homosexuality is natural for homosexuals, this portion of God’s Word does not apply to them. The term “sexual orientation” did not exist in Paul’s day, but Paul knew God created the sexual union to be practiced between a man and a woman (a husband and his wife). In these verses Paul uses Greek words that clearly show he is talking about men- males, and women- females. What Paul clearly says is that it is not biologically natural for a male to have sex with another male and it is not natural for a female to have sex with another female. In Romans 1:26, 27, Paul is talking about people who were given over to shameful lusts and were inflamed with lust for one another. He is not talking about people who were forced into a one-time homosexual act such as homosexual rape or even those who experimented with homosexuality out of sinful curiosity and then stopped doing it. Paul describes people who have a strong inner desire for sex with others of their own gender. Romans 1:26 is the only place in the Bible which speaks directly of female homosexuals. From these verses we can conclude that lesbianism is a violation of nature according to God’s order. In fact, the Greek words translated as “exchanged natural relations” depict a frightful exchanging, a horrible trading and perversion. This phrase brings out the enormity of violating even nature itself, established by God. The facts are plain and simple: People- male or female- desiring or engaging in sex with a member or members of their own gender abandon God’s given natural order. This is contrary to his holy will. It doesn’t matter if they are in a committed, monogamous relationship. It is contrary to God’s will. Midweek Religion Class Parents Starting February 18 and through Lent class is from 4:30 to 6:16 pm. This is to accommodate the Lent Services. Which start earlier this year at 7:00 pm. Understandably this can make getting students to class on time difficult, especially with some bus schedules. Perhaps some car pooling or other arrangements can be worked out ahead of time to make sure students are on time for class. March 25 will be the last 4:30-6:30 pm class. Thank you for your cooperation! Happy February Birthday, St. John’s Members! 7. Sam Mathis 14. 20. Jeremy Boon Nathan Noeldner 22. 23. Ethan Boon Larry Reinart 27. Kara Heiting Happy February Birthday, Immanuel Members 1. 7. 8. Jason Learman Florence Drescher Joshua Hagedorn Lila Oelhafen 12. Rick Ziegler 16. Kevin Hagen Evelyn Mitte 17. Michelle Schultz 18. Joseph Kalsow Louise Strangfeld 19. Meredith Donahue 21. Allen Hagen Mike Thoma 22. Lois Hagedorn Skyy Hagen Sharilyn Ziegler 25. Norman Poppe Ethan Wampole 26. Fred Grap 28. Jake Mitte Joint Choir practice will begin at Globe on Wednesday, February 4 at 7:15 pm Lent 2015 Service Schedule “I Tell You the Truth” is the theme: The sermons focus on some of Jesus’ attention-getting and faith-building “I tell you the truth” statements. Ash Wednesday, March 18, 7:00 pm Combined Communion Service at Globe. I Tell You the Truth . . . Fruits of Faith Will Be Remembered Mark 14:1-9 (Warmuth) February 25: 6:00 pm Lent Supper; 7:00 pm worship at Christie I Tell You the Truth . . . Faith Can Move Mountains Matthew 21:18-22 (Guenther) March 4: 6:00 pm Lent Supper; 7:00 pm worship at Globe I Tell You the Truth . . . Faith Can Move Mountains Matthew 21:18-22 (Biebert) March 11: 6:00 pm Lent Supper; 7:00 pm worship at Christie I Tell You the Truth . . . If One Dies, It Produces Life for Many John 12:23-27 (Warmuth) March 18: 6:00 pm Lent Supper; 7:00 pm worship at Globe I Tell You the Truth . . . You Will Disown Me Mark 14:27-31 (Guenther) March 25: 6:00 pm; Lent Supper; 7:30 pm worship at Christie I Tell You the Truth . . . One of You Will Betray Me Mark 14:12-21 (Biebert) Christie 2014 Ministerial Statistical Report Total Membership: 96 Baptisms: 2 Ethan Boon (Jeremy & Jennifer); Everly Brunette (Jake & Lindsey) (Kenzie Much, parents non-members yet so she is not counted as a baptized member.) Confirmations: 1 adult Weddings: 1 (2013= 99; 2012= 98; 2011= 95; 2010= 94; 2009= 99) Jacob (Jake) Brunette Laura Buchholz to Daniel Greene Funerals: 0 1 member on our books died (Karie Kolbo) but was buried elsewhere. Releases: 5 Roger and June Erickson; Terry and Cheryl Holub; Dennis Steffen. Church Services: Sunday Service total attendance: 2454 (2013= 2394; 2012= 2193; 2011= 1,908; 2010= 1851). Average Sunday attendance: 48 (2013= 46; 2012= 42; 2011= 37; 2010= 39; 2009= 41). Special Service total attendance: 352 (2013= 295; 2012= 295; 2011= 166; 2010= 265; 2009= 285). Special Service average: 50 (2013= 37; 2012= 42; 2011; 33; 2010= 44; 2009= 41). Holy Communion: Total times communed: Members: 662 (2013= 694; 2012= 702; 2011= 555; 2010= 561; 2009= 436); Average per communicant: 8 (2013= 8; 2012= 8; 2011= 6.5; 2010= 7; 2009= 7). Mid-week Religion Class: Grades 1-5: 13 (Globe= 10; Christie= 2; Other= 1) teacher: Susan Schwark, helper: Connie McDonald. Grades 6-8: 9 (Globe= 8; Christie= 0; Other= 1) teacher: Pastor Warmuth Power Hour: Enrollment: 13 (Globe= 5; Christie 6; Other= 2) Helpers: Sandy Luedeke, coordinator, Mom’s Bible Study; Stacy Mathis- lead in activities; Lisa Koepp/Liz Smith- snacks; Bekah Dorwaldt & Rachel Anderson- Bible story; Judy Bobrofsky & Kay Heiting- music & large motor activities; Kristine Boon & Melissa Strangfeld- crafts; Church Officers and Helpers: Pastor John E. Warmuth Organists: Judy Bobrofsky & Clay Anderegg Church Council Members: President: Secretary: Treasurer: Trustee: Trustee: Vacation Bible School: Enrollment: 33 (Globe: 15; Christie: 7; Other:11) (32 in 2013; 26 in 2012; 27 in 2011; 31 in 20 Teachers: Upper grades- Connie McDonald & Brian Fisher; Middle grades- Tom Bobrofsky & Lois Hagedorn; Lower grades- Linda Nielsen, Elsa Nielsen, & Kathy Nielsen; Helpers: Lana Ormond- snacks; Karen WarmuthMusic/singing; Pastor Warmuth- advisor to all. St. John’s Ladies President: Judy Bobrofsky Ladies Bible Class: Sandy Luedeke Donald Boon Dale Drinsinger Thomas Bobrofsky Jeremy Boon Larry Reinart Christie 2014 Annual Meeting Notes Twelve male communicant members signed the New Constitution and thus are eligible to vote at all meetings. Milton Garbisch was elected Treasurer and Jeremy Boon elected as a Trustee. The voters approved the appointment of Tom Bobrofsky as Financial Secretary. His duties are to count and post the weekly offerings, deposit them and inform the Treasurer of the amounts. This relieves the Treasurer of several tasks. The voter approved taking $2,000 from the General Fund to pay down the balance on the loan. Pastor was given a $65/month raise in salary. The 2015 Mission Offering was set at $11,000. It was noted that the $300 pledged to Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Service was not sent in. It will be sent in this year along with this year’s donations. St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Christie 2014 Financial Report 2014 Receipts General Home $34,999.00 Missions 11,359.50 Building Fund 13,415.00 Plate 5,803.49 Committee on Relief 1,855.00 Thrivent 1,133.00 Fellowship 15.00 DVD sales 102.00 $68,682.49 2014 Disbursements Pastor’s Salary $15,600 WELS Missions 11,359.50 WELS Committee on Relief 2,225.00 Organists 1,910.24 Xcel Energy (Electric) 1,066.00 WE Energies (Gas) 983.48 TDS Telecom 597.84 Church Mutual Insurance 1,650.00 Incl Wrkmn Comp Offering Envelopes 206.44 US Treas- Social Security 310.59 Postage 19.60 Water test 40.00 Northwestern Publishing 237.19 TV 317.15 Fellowship 38.00 Air Conditioning/Heating 4,025.67 Miscl Supplies 80.97 Shared Expenses 11,885.88 Fire Extinguisher 49.00 Loan 19,367.84 District Convention 64.00 $72,064.39 Fund Balances: Building Fund= $2,247.52 General Fund= 7,170.02 Memorial Fund= -0Fellowship Fund= 157.00 Loan/Debt Information: Current balance: $20,382.56 Principal paid: 20,510,32 Interest paid: 1,527.88 Interest rate: 5.50% Due each month: 947.32 Globe 2014 Ministerial Statistical Report Total Membership= 227 Baptisms: No Adults. 2 Children: Easton Ehlers (Justin); Kamerynn Schultz (Jeff & Michelle) Confirmations: No Adults. 2 Children: Dakota Bottlemy; Marshall Opelt. Weddings: 1- Terry Hagen & Hollylynn Suchomol. Funerals: 5- Lorraine Schoenherr; John Zimmerman; William Schultz; David Doboy; Viola Schlinkert Removed from Membership: 3- Larry Engevold; Douglas North; Carrie Wagner. Church Services: Total Sunday attendance: 3,411 2013= 3,333; 2012= 3699; 2011= 3,954; 2010= 3,958. Average Sunday attendance: 67 2013= 74; 2012= 72; 2011= 76; 2010= 76. Average special service. Attend: 53 2013= 59; 2012= 74; 2011= 71; 2010= 60. Holy Communion: Total Times Communed: Members= 1,127 2013= 1,088; 2012= 1113; 2011=1,083; 2010= 1,086. Guests = 53 2013= 51; 2012= 53; 2011= 57; 2010= 162; Average times per Communicant = 7 2013= 6; 2012= 6 2011= 6; 2010= 6. 2 Mid-week Religion Class: Grades 1-5: 13 (Globe= 10; Christie= 2; Other= 1) Teacher- Susan Schwark; helper- Connie McDonald Grades 6-8: 9 (Globe= 8; Christie= 0; Other= 1) Teacher- Pastor Warmuth Vacation Bible School: Enrollment: 33 (Globe: 15; Christie: 7; Other 11) (32 in 2013; 26 in 2012; 27 in 2011 31 in 2010) Teachers: Upper grades- Connie McDonald & Brian Fisher; Middle Grades- Tom Bobrofsky & Lois Hagedorn; Lower grades- Linda Nielsen; Elsa Nielsen & Kathy Nielsen. Helpers: Lana Ormond- snacks; Karen Warmuth- music/singing; Pastor Warmuth- advisor to all. Power Hour: Enrollment: 13 (Globe = 10; Christie= 6; Other= 2) Helpers: Sandy Luedeke- Coordinator, Mom’s Bible Study; Stacy Mathis- lead in activities; Lisa Koepp/Liz Smith- snacks; Bekah Dorwaldt/Rachel Anderson- Bible Story; Judy Bobrofsky/Kay Heiting- music & large motor activities; Kristine Boon/Melissa Strangfeld- crafts. Church Servants and Leaders Pastor: Rev. John E. Warmuth Choir Director: Karen Warmuth Organists: Karen Hoppa, Virginia Thoma; Karen Warmuth Ladies’ Aid President: Carol Schaub Ladies’ Guild President: Louise Strangfeld Midweek Religion Teachers: Pastor Warmuth Susan Schwark Connie McDonald, 2013 Church Council President: Timothy Thoma Treasurer: David Nielsen Secretary: David McDonald Financial Secretary: Jim Henchen Trustees: Rick Ziegler; Carl Noah; Matt Thoma. Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church 2014 Annual Expense Report Salaries: Pastor Warmuth ………………………………………………………………………………….$29,100.00 S Pastor’s mileage (2,089 miles x $.50)……………………………………………………………1,044.50 S WELS Health Insurance (increases to $14,100 in 2015)…… 12,890.00 S WELS Pension (increases to $2,800 in 2015)………………………………………………….2,496.00 S Life Insurance (Pastor & Karen) …………………………………………………………………..891.00 S Susan Schwark (Midweek Religion Class teacher………………………………………………. 1,925.00 Karen Hoppa (Organist $35x)…...…………………………………………………………………. 997.50 Karen Warmuth (Organist $35x)…………………………………………………………………… 822.50 Virginia Thoma (Organist $35x)…………………………………………………………………….. 264.00 Linda Nielsen (Janitor $95/m)………………………………………………………………… 1,140.00 Jim Henchen, Financial Secretary………………………………………………………………….. 200.00 US Treasury (withheld from employees $373.41 church’s share $373.71)………………………… 747.42 $62,416.92 Missions: WELS CMO (Congregation Mission Offerings)………………………………………………...$ 9,592.00 Northland Lutheran High School ($250/m plus $90 gift)……………………………………….. 3,090.00 Committee on Relief……………………………… ……………………………………………. 150.00 $12,832.00 Church: Church Mutual Insurance……………………………………………………………………….. $ Church Mutual Workman’s Comp……………………………………………………………… Clark Electric Coop……………………………………………………………………………... TDS Phone (Church phone disconnected later in 2014)……………………………………….. S FinalWeb (Church website, annual)…………………………………………………………. S Bauernfiend Business Technologies (Copier lease, toner, maintenance)……………………. LP for Church…………………………………………………………………………………… S District and Conference Expenses……………………………………………………………. Northwestern Publishing House (2015 Offering Evnelopes)……………………………………. S Forward In Christ magazine…………………………………………………………………… S Meditations booklets………………………………………………………………………….. S WELS Connection Video…………………………………………………………………….. S Bulletins……………………………………………………………………………………… S Choir Music…………………………………………………………………………………… S Vacation Bible School Program……………………………………………………………….. S Children’s Worship Activity Packet…………………………………………………………… S Children’s Christmas Service Program………………………………………………………… S Bible Class material……………………………………………………………………………. S OneLicense (copyright permission for printing non-hymnal hymns and services)…………… S Quill Corp. Copy paper……………………………………………………………………….. Library Books …………………………………………………………………………………….. Dispersed proceeds from Milk Moola…………………………………………………………….. Associated Bank Fees & checks …………………………………………………………………. Ice Melt …………………………………………………………………………………………. VBS Supplies……………………………………………………………………………………… 2,826.00 989.00 1,420.15 326.60 267.00 968,84 3,550.54 252.20 414.93 550.00 1,120.00 105.00 689.98 147.77 154.54 79.96 39.99 39.99 195.00 225.95 110.40 70.00 315.88 167.09 23.48 Town of Weston 2015 Garbage pickup…………………………………………………………. 110.00 Church picnic meat………………………………………………………………………………. 85.88 Immanuel Ladies Guild………………………………………………………………………….. 45.00 Russ Davis Wholesale, Inc. (fruit sale, cost)……………………………………………………. 1,263.60 Advent Candles………………………………………………………………………………….. 5.27 Kwik Trip (Christmas employee gift cards and string cheese for Christmas bags)……………… 230.00 S Ink for Susan Schwark copier…………………………………………………………………. 24.69 Clark County Health Dept. (water test)………………………………………………………….. 40.00 Oshkosh Church Supply (candles & Communion wafers)……………………………………. 108.17 Church Supplies…………………………………………………………………………………….. 76.75 Communion Wine……………………………………………………………………………… … 68.28 $17,208.44 Parsonage: S Clark Electric Coop………………………………………………………………………… $ 1,667.94 S Drescher Oil………………………………………………………………………………… 3,629.97 S Telephone ………………………………………………………………………………….. 660.00 $ 5,957.91 Buildings and property Maintenance: Ramp…………………………………………………………………………………………… $ 6,360.05 Fire and safety equipment……………………………………………………………………… 90.30 Plumbing (toilet seat, urinal repair, north outside faucet repair)………………………………. 203.59 Church Entrance Drainage Project…………………………………………………………….. 2,975.43 Culvert Project………………………………………………………………………………….. 2,058.00 Cemetery lawnmower…………………………………………………………………………… 279.99 Snow plowing…………………………………………………………………………………… 925.00 Clark Electric Coop (Church water heater repair)………………………………………………. 161.50 Water Excellence (parsonage water filter system repair)……………………………………….. 280.00 Classroom window repair………………………………………………………………………… 125.00 Custom heating service calls……………………………………………………………………… 237.00 Parsonage kitchen sink (new faucet)…………………………………………………………….. 118.00 $15,646.01 S= Shared expenses with Christie Total 2014 Expenses 2014 end of year balance 2014 Income: Home………………………… $72,440.17 Northland Luth. High School 265.00 WELS Missions 895.00 WI Luth Child/Family Services 40.00 Lutheran Home Association 30.00 Thrivent………………….......... 1,582.00 Balances: Improvement Fund………. $5,985.60 Cemetery Fund CD………. 5,426.98 Memorial Fund…………… 545.09 $114,061.28 $2,421.31
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