भारत सरकार अंतिरक्ष िवभाग अंतिरक्ष उपयोग कद्र(इसरो) आंबावाडी िव तार पी.ओ. अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दरू भाषः +91‐79-2691 3051/98 फैक्स नं. : +91‐79‐2691 5835/02/48 Government of India Department of Space SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE (ISRO) Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA) Telephone : +91‐79 – 2691 3051/98 Fax No. : +91‐79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48 Email: [email protected] िनिवदा सूचना सं. सैक/पीटी/19/2014-15 Tender Notice No. SAC/PT/19/2014-15 Dt.: 30.12.2014 भारत के रा ट्रपित की ओर से विर. प्रधान, क्रय एवं भंडार, अंतिरक्ष उपयोग कद्र, अहमदाबाद िन निलिखत के िलए मोहरबंद िनिवदाएं आमंित्रत करते ह: For and on behalf of the President of India, Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad invites sealed tenders for the following: िनयत ितिथ क्र.सं. SN िनिवदा नं. Tender No. (अपरा न 3 बजे संिक्ष त िववरण Brief Description 1. AHPP 201400179901 2. AHSG 201400052501 3. AHSE 201400145201 4. AHSP 201400204001 तक) Due on (up to 3 pm) Trend Micro Anti Virus Solution (TWO PART TENDER) Rate Contract for Screening of Electronics Components (TWO PART TENDER) Six Axis Miniature Hexapod (TWO PART TENDER) Comprehensive On-sight AMC of SAC-POC Storage Solution for Three Years (TWO PART TENDER) 28.01.2015 02.02.2015 02.02.2015 02.02.2015 िनिवदा द तावेज क्रय प्रभाग, सैक से प्रा त िकए जा सकते ह तथा ये इसरो की वेबसाइट पर भी उपल ध ह । इ छुक िनिवदाकार इसे वेवबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते ह तथा अपने प्र ताव (रे खांिकत िडमांड ड्रा ट के . 218/- प्र येक प म) के िनिवदा शु क के साथ प्र तुत कर । अपना प्र ताव प्र तुत करते समय िलफाफे के ऊपरी भाग पर िनिवदा सं. तथा िनयत ितिथ िलख । यिद द तावेज डाक को नोट कर: वारा मंगाए जा रहे ह तो िन न बात Tender documents can be bought from the Purchase Division, SAC and are also available on ISRO website Interested tenderers may download the same from the website and submit their offer along with Tender fee of Rs. 218/- each (In the form of Crossed Demand Draft). While submitting your offer superscribe Tender No., and due date on the envelope. If the documents are requisitioned by post, the following points shall be noted:1) िनिवदा द तावेज मंगाने के िलए/भेजे जा रहे िनवेदन पत्र पर िनिवदा सच ू ना संख्या तथा िनिवदा संख्या दोन िलखी जाएं तथा िनिवदा शु क .218/ प्र येक (िकसी भी रा ट्रीयकृत बक वारा जारी रे खांिकत िडमांड ड्रा ट के प म) के साथ मात्र क्रय एवं भंडार अिधकारी, अंतिरक्ष उपयोग कद्र, अहमदाबाद-380015 को भेजा जाए । 2) िजस िलफाफे म इस प्रकार का िनवेदन भेजा जा रहा हो उसके ऊपरी भाग पर "िनिवदा द तावेज के िलए अनुरोध" िलखा जाए । प्र येक िनिवदा द तावेज के िलए अलग िनवेदन पत्र एवं अलग िडमा ड ड्रा ट भेजा जाए । 3) िनिवदा शु क (अप्रितदे य) का भुगतान रे खांिकत िडमा ड ड्रा ट (मात्र एमआईसीआर डीडी) के प म िकया जाए जो अहमदाबाद म दे य हो तथा वह मात्र लेखा अिधकारी, सैक अहमदाबाद-380015 के नाम पर िलया जाए । 4) िडमा ड ड्रा ट के पीछे िवक्रेता का नाम एवं िनिवदा संख्या दजर् होनी चािहए । 5) िनयत ितिथ बढ़ाए जाने के िनवेदन पर कोई िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा । 6) डाक यिद िवक्रेता यिक्तगत वारा िनिवदा द तावेज की िबक्री िनयत ितिथ से 10 िदन पूवर् बंद कर दी जाएगी । 7) प से आकर िनिवदा द तावेज प्रा त करना चाहते ह, तो वे िनयत ितिथ से एक िदन पव ू र् तक क्रय प्रभाग (िबि डंग नं. 30-ए, कमरा नं. 57) म िकसी भी कायर् िदवस पर 1400 से 1600 बजे के बीच संपकर् कर । 8) मोहरबंद प्र ताव प्राि त की समय सीमा प्र येक िनिवदा के सामने िनिदर् ट िनयत ितिथ को अपरा न 3.00 बजे तक रहे गी। 9) अंितम समय सीमा से पूवर् प्रा त बोिलयाँ उपि थित िनिवदाकार /उनके वारा प्रािधकृत प्रितिनिधय की उपि थित म उसी िदन अपरा न 3.30 बजे खोली जाएंगी । 10) ऊपर िनिदर् ट ितिथ को यिद छुट्टी घोिषत की जाती है तो सैक का अगला कायर् िदवस िनिवदाओं की प्राि त एवं खोलने के िलए िनयत ितिथ माना जाएगा। 11) िवलंब/दे री से प्रा त प्र ताव वीकृत नहीं िकए जाएंगे । 12) िजन पािटर् य ने समय से बोली जमा कराई है तथा िनिवदा खोलने म भाग लेना चाहते ह, वे अपने प्रािधकृत प्रितिनिध का नाम उस िविश ट िनिवदा म उि लिखत िनधार्िरत ितिथ से एक िदन पव ू र् सूिचत कर द । िवलंब से / अंितम क्षण म प्रा त प्रवेश हे तु अनुरोध पर िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा । 1) Request letter shall be sent for requisitioning tender documents indicating tender notice number and tender number together with tender fee Rs. 218/- each (In the form of Crossed Demand Draft issued by any Nationalized Bank ) to the Purchase and Stores Officer, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad - 380 015 only. 2) The Envelope containing such request shall be super-scribed with ‘REQUEST FOR TENDER DOCUMENTS'. Separate request letter and separate Demand Draft shall be sent for each tender document. 3) The tender fees (non refundable) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT (MICR DD ONLY) payable at AHMEDABAD in favour of The ACCOUNTS OFFICER, SAC, Ahmedabad - 380 015 only. 4) Vendor name and tender number shall be indicated on the reverse side of the Demand Draft. 5) No request for extension of the due date will be considered. 6) The sale of the tender documents through POST shall be closed 10 days prior to due date. 7) In case vendors desire to collect the tender document in person, they may contact Purchase Division (Bldg. No. 30-A, Room No. 57) on any working day between 1400 to 1600 hrs up to one day before the due date. 8) Deadline for the receipt of the sealed offers shall be up to 3.00 P.M. on the due date mentioned against individual tender. 9) Bids received before the deadline shall be opened in the presence of attending tenderers/their authorized representatives on the same day at 3. 30 P.M. 10) In the event any date indicated above is declared as holiday, the next working day at SAC shall be considered as the due date for receiving & opening of tenders. 11) Late/Delayed offers will not be accepted. 12) Parties, who have submitted bids in time and want to participate in Tender opening, may inform their authorized representative’s name one day in advance of the due date indicated against the particular tender. Delayed requests / requests for entry at eleventh hour will not be entertained. *** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 INVITATION TO TENDER Our Ref No : AHPP M/s 2014-001799-01 Tender Due: 15:00 Hrs ISTon 28/01/2015 - Dear Sirs, Please submit your sealed quotation , in the Tender Form enclosed here along with the descriptive catalogues / pamphlets /literature ,superscribed with Our Ref.No. and Due Date for the supply of the following items as per the terms & conditions mentioned in Annexure( Form No: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 ) Description of Items with Specifications ANTI VIRUS CLIENTS PLUG IN -iDLP for OFFICE SCAN, IMSVA,IWSVA,SCAN MAIL etc Support charges for Total solution for 5 Years Rate contract for ANTI VIRUS CLIENTS in slab of 100 on prorata basis for 5 years Rate contract for PLUG IN -iDLP for OFFICE SCAN, IMSVA,IWSVA,SCAN MAIL etc in slab of 100 on prorata basis for 5 years DELIVERY AT: SAC STORES MODE OF DESPATCH ON SITE DUTY EXEMPTIONS We are exempted from the payment of Customs/Excise Duty. Unit Nos. Nos. No. Nos. Nos. Quantity 2200 2200 1 5 5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NIL SPECIFIC TERMS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS: (1) This is a Two Part Tender. Please send your offer as per enclosed instructions only. Offer not conforming to the instructions will be rejected. Fax offer will not be accepted. Your offer should be valid for 120 days. (2) In Case, vendors are failing under the category of MSME, registered under NSIC & would like to avail exemptions, their quotations should be accompanied with necessary Registration Certificate with declaration to consider their offer. Quotation received without such declaration and valid registration certificate will not be considered for exemption under Public Procurement Policy. (3) Mention Validity, Payment Terms, Delivery Terms, Warranty and Taxes. (4) Pl. submit your offer along with tender Fee Rs. 218.00 (in the form of Demand Draft) in favour of "Accounts Officer, SAC Ahmedabad". The drafts should be submitted with the technical Bid. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 RAJESH SINGH PUR & STORES OFFICER For and on behalf of the President of India The Purchaser Tender No.: AHPP 2014 00 1799 01 Trend Micro Antivirus solution Terms and Conditions: 1. Installation and Commissioning a. OEM is responsible for I. Installation, configuration and commissioning of latest version of Antivirus software and its add ons on desktops, workstations, servers, gateways and all the required machines at SAC Main campus, Bopal campus and DES Delhi. II. Migration of configuration, data, logs, etc from existing version to new version. III. Installation and commissioning within a week from the date of supply of the required material. IV. Upgrading the versions from time to time during AMC and Warranty as applicable. V. Notification about the newly released versions (Alpha, Beta and final) of the supplied software should be intimated to SAC immediately after release date. VI. Operationalization of stable version at SAC preferably within 10 days. b. ATP document should be provided by the vendor /OEM and certified by SAC. Acceptance Test will be carried out by SAC after installation and data migration from existing version to new version. c. Letter from OEM taking responsibility for installation and commissioning should be furnished. 2. Operational requirements i. ii. iii. iv. SAC Intranet is not connected to Internet by any means of way. Currently all updates is automatically being carried out through Phantom Toggle mechanism which should be continued for new version and add on. Vendor/OEM should implement the same for the automatic signature update on intranet. Netcore eMail solution is being implemented at SAC. It has capability to pass all email through 3 AV solutions. TrendMicro solution should be seamlessly integrated with the same. SAC is using Cyberoam UTM Appliances. TrendMicro solution should be seamlessly integrated with the same. Operation Support Qualified engineers and support staff should be deployed for handling following types of day to day operations a. SAC is procuring new machines as well as replacing existing machines. Hence, AV solutions are required to be installed/migrated from time to time. b. SAC may need to reformat some of the machine and AV solution is required to be reinstalled. c. SAC is having old PCs (Pentium-4) also. TrendMicro should support the same. d. SAC is having different flavours of Windows including Windows-XP, Window2000, Windows-7 & 8 and higher etc and different flavours of Linux, Ubuntu, etc. TrendMicro should support them. e. SAC may migrate to Private cloud environment. TrendMicro should support the same. Furthermore, current licenses should be migrated incrementally as per SAC cloud migration plan. f. Health of SAC infrastructure from the infection point of view is required to have close monitoring and generate alert to SAC. Should carry out detailed analysis in case of any threat. g. Although TrendMicro will be up-to-date, it is likely that machine(s) may get infected with new undetected viruses. There should be a provision to scan and remove such virus with alternate AV solution Kit. h. Information about the new virus should be submitted to TrendMicro to get update as soon as possible. i. Resolving operational issue within 6 hours from the time of reporting. Detailed report should be submitted for the bug/problem analysis and its solution. The procedure should be clearly defined and submitted in technical quotation. The technical offer should clearly mention the details about how this will be realized along with deployment details. Offer should give details about the mode of interaction for item ‘i’. v. vi. 3. As per ISRO security policy, remote access to any device (hardware or software) connected on private intranet (that is SACNET) network will not be permitted. Qualified engineer should visit SAC campus to resolve any problem/bug if it is not addressed by the deployed staff. OEM is responsible for above items a-i. Letter from OEM taking responsibility of operational requirements should be furnished. Warranty and AMC a. Onsite 5 years comprehensive warranty & user license subscription etc. will start from the date of successful Acceptance Test. b. In case warranty and operational support is not satisfactory, penalty will be recovered from the vendor @ 10% of the total product cost per annum (calculated on pro-rata basis for the remaining warranty period). 4. Terms and Conditions a. Vendor must quote for 5 years comprehensive warranty. b. Vendor should submit the letter from OEM indicating the product life cycle of supplied software is minimum 5 years. c. Vendor should submit full and final offer otherwise offer will not be considered for evaluation. No query will be entertained after final submission. d. Any anticipated problem or prerequisites should be clearly mentioned in the quotation. Vendor must find out solution for any problem arises during the warranty period without any cost binding to SAC. e. Follow the standard terms and conditions of SAC. 5. Training and Documents a. Training should be provided to SAC IT security staff free of cost at SAC main campus. b. Vendor/OEM should submit the softcopy of the configuration document including final policy and rules etc. implemented at SAC immediately after ATP. c. 6. Vendor/OEM should ensure proper change management and immediately update the relevant document to incorporate the changes. Vendor Qualification Criteria Vendor should be certified partner of the OEM. Vendor should submit the above two letters (section 1.c, 2 vi and 4b) from OEM. 7. Biding Model (Two Part Tender) 8. Payment Terms a. 100% payment for items 1 and 2 with taxes will be made against successful acceptance test. b. Support charges with taxes shall be made post-facto quarterly bases on certification by competent authority. 9. Security Deposit An amount equivalent to 5% amount of annual contract value shall be remitted through Account Payee DD/Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) in favour of Accounts Officer, SAC towards Security Deposit. Security Deposit will be released only after satisfactory completion of the contract. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TWO-PART TENDER We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price. All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer. I PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Part – (a) Technical i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any. ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this. iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part. iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover. Part – (b) Commercial terms : (WITHOUT PRICES) i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part. ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part. iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format. iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this. Note : 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender. 2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part. 3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : II PART II i. ii. iii. : PRICE BID The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come into this part. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their technical offer. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE : (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside) The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID BY THE VENDOR. Sr. No. 1. 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Commercial terms Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. Purchaser is having an air consolidation contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. Delivery period – in weeks/months Payment terms : Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous). Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice. Name and address of the Indian Agent. Percentage of agency commission included in the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years? Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor 14.6 14.7 14.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.1 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. For two part bids two separate sealed envelops are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID 2. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name. Language to be used in all correspondence – English Measurements – Metric system to be followed Whether prequalification of your facility procedure completed (if applicable). Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail. Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost. Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence. Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by 30.2 Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. 30.2.1 The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. 30.1 30.3 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable )on awarding the contract Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value. Force Majeure conditions applicable? Acceptance of Fall clause. “The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” . You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 INVITATION TO TENDER M/s Our Ref No : AHSG 2014-000525-01 Tender Due: 15:00 Hrs ISTon 02/02/2015 - Opening : 15:30 Hrs ISTon 02/02/2015 Dear Sirs, Please submit your sealed quotation , in the Tender Form enclosed here along with the descriptive catalogues / pamphlets /literature ,superscribed with Our Ref.No. and Due Date for the supply of the following items as per the terms & conditions mentioned in Annexure( Form No: S.No. 1 As per overleaf. Description of Items with Specifications ) Unit Rate Contract for Screening of Electronics Components. Lot DELIVERY AT: SAC MODE OF DESPATCH ON SITE DUTY EXEMPTIONS We are exempted from the payment of excise/customs duty. Quantity 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NIL As per overleaf. SPECIFIC TERMS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS: 1. Detailed scope of work, test procedure and terms & conditions as per RFP enclosed. 2. This is a TWO PARTS tender; please submit your quotations as per the instructions. Quotation not conforming to the instructions will be rejected. Fax & Email quotation shall not be accepted. 3. Duly filled compliance statement (enclosed) is to be attached with along with Part I. 4. A copy of masked Price Bid (i.e. without prices) may be enclosed along with Part I to understand whether all the details/items to be quoted by you have been quoted in the Price bid. 5. Your offer should be accompanied with Demand draft for an amount of Rs. 218/- drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad" towards tender fee. Offer received without tender fee shall be liable for rejection. 6. Please mention our ref. no. AHSG 201400052501 (DL/121) and tender due date on your quotation & envelopes. BALRAJ SINGH PUR & STORES OFFICER For and on behalf of the President of India The Purchaser Tender No.: AHSG 2014 000 525 01 SAC/RFP/COMPONENT SCREENING/1.0/May-2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SCREENING OF ACTIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD - 380015 CONTENTS 1.0 BACK GROUND 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.0 APLICABLE DOCUMENTS 4.0 TESTING REQUIREMENTS 5.0 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS 6.0 TEST PROCEDURES 7.0 HANDLING AND STORAGE 8.0 LOG BOOKS 9.0 LIST OF DELIVERABLES 10.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAC 11.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF VENDORS 12.0 GENERAL 13.0 TESTING USING SAC RESOURCES 14.0 SETTELMENT OF DISPUTES 15.0 INFORMATION REQUIRED ALONGWITH THE QUOTE 16.0 QUANTITIES Page 2 of 16 1.0 BACKGROUND Quality requirements of all the electronic components used in Satellite payloads are well defined. Moreover, these components are required to undergo sequence of screening tests as per applicable standards. This RFP (Request for Proposal) defines the requirements of screening tests, test procedures, facility, manpower & training, report generation, packing and delivery of electronic components. This document addresses these requirements for Space qualified Microcircuits and Hybrid Microcircuits and Discrete Semiconductors (both Leaded as well as SMD). These components are intended to be used in flight models of Communication and Remote sensing payloads. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 Receiving the components from SAC. Preparing the schedule of screening work and informing the same to SAC. Performing Screening as per the requirements of this document. Segregating the components as Accept & Reject with remarks if any, Preparing the inspection report for the screening work. Send screening test report to SAC for review and approval. Perform re-test, if required as suggested by SAC after review of report. Packing and Delivery of components at SAC along with Screening report. These devices are to be tested as per required specifications and acceptance criteria, mentioned herein and in the respective documents. The Vendor may quote for carrying out the Screening work at vendor facility. The vendor has to collect the components from SAC and deliver components after testing at SAC. Testing shall consist of Incoming Inspection, Screening or Relifing, as required for that batch of components. The details of tests are given in Table – I A, B, C. Details of the testing to be performed on the actual batch shall be provided with the components. Electronic devices to be tested are Microcircuits. The devices comprise of Digital logic devices, Linear devices like OpAmp, Regulator, Mixed signal devices like ADC, DAC, AFE (Analog Front End) and Discrete Semiconductors like Transistors and Diodes. One sample device from each family and parameters to be measured for the device are given in Table – II. The actual devices would be similar but could be of different part no. Inspection / screening of various package styles including hermetically sealed devices in DIP, CQFP, TO package or in plastic encapsulated devices shall be supported. The vendor shall generate the test document including details of tests, test conditions and equipment to be used for each component. Vendor shall design and develop test jigs for electrical & environmental tests and boards (for burn-in/life test). During testing a lot traveler shall be maintained. After completion of testing the lot traveler along with test report in soft copy shall be provided to SAC in CD. Tenure of the contract is for the three years and the quantity and types of the components are tentative. It may vary according to work load or project requirements. Page 3 of 16 3.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 MIL-PRF-38535 MIL-PRF-38534 MIL-PRF-19500 MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-750 ESCC 9000 ESCC 5000 Page 4 of 16 4.0 TESTING REQUIREMENTS: The devices shall be subjected to Incoming Inspection, Screening or Relifing tests as per the requirement of SAC. The details of test to be performed for the different options are given in Table - I A, B, C. TABLE - I A – MICROCIRCUIT/DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR SCREENING No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. TEST External Visual Inspection Initial Electrical Stabilization bake Temperature cycling Constant Acceleration Particle Impact Noise Serialization Seal test: Fine Gross Pre Burn-in Electrical Tests Dynamic Burn-in Final Electrical Test External Visual Inspection Solderability Test MIL STD 883 ( Microcircuits ) MIL STD 750 ( Discrete Semiconductors ) Method 2009 As per datasheet specifications Method 1008, Cond. B (48 hrs. 150°C) Method 1010, Cond. C Method 2001, Cond. E Y1 orientation Only. Method 2020, Cond. A Method 2071 As per datasheet specifications Method 1031, Cond. B (48 hrs. 150°C) Method 1051, Cond. C Method 2006, Cond. D Y1 orientation Method 2052, Cond. A Method 1014 Condition A Condition C As per datasheet specifications Method 1015 240 hrs; 125°C As per datasheet specifications Method 2009 Method 2003 Method 1071 Condition A Condition C As per datasheet specifications Method 1038 240 hrs; 125°C As per datasheet specifications Method 2071 Method 2026 No. of Devices 100% 2 samples TABLE- I B - MICROCIRCUIT / DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR INCOMING INSPECTION No. 1. 2. 3. TEST Electrical Measurements External Visual Inspection Solderability Test MIL STD 883 ( Microcircuits ) As per datasheet specifications Method 2009 Method 2003 MIL STD 750 ( Discrete Semiconductors ) As per datasheet specifications Method 2071 Method 2026 No. of Devices 100 % 2 samples TABLE- I C - MICROCIRCUIT / DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR RELIFING No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TEST Seal test: Fine Gross Electrical Test External Visual Inspection Burn In ( on samples ) Solderability Test MIL STD 883 ( Microcircuits ) Method 1014 Condition A Condition C As per datasheet specifications Method 2009 Method 1015 1000 hrs; 125°C Method 2003 MIL STD 750 ( Discrete Semiconductors ) Method 1071 Condition A Condition C As per datasheet specifications Method 2071 Method 1038 240 hrs; 125°C Method 2026 No. of Devices 100 % 5 samples 2 samples Page 6 of 16 5.0 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS : If the quote is for Option 1 the following facilities are necessary for carrying out the testing. The vendor shall provide the details of the test facilities and measuring equipments. All the test and measuring equipments should be having valid calibration at the time of testing. 5.1 5.2 5.3 Laboratories: Dust Free (preferably class 100,000 clean), proper light illumination (100 feet candle) with Air-conditioned area for testing and handling of components. During electrical measurement the environment of the test lab should be continuously maintained at 22°C ±3°C, with RH between 40 to 60%. The work environment and work benches shall be ESD safe. Temperature and Humidity log shall be maintained and provided along with the deliverables. Visual Inspection Equipment: Stereo microscope with variable magnification from 10X to 100X shall be used for carrying out visual inspection. Provision for photographic attachment for recording of visual defects shall be available. Electrical Test Equipment: Electrical testing consists of functional test and parametric test. The typical parameters to be measured for different type of devices are given in Table – II. The testing shall be done with IC tester Semiconductor Tester capable of performing the complete tests. During electrical testing it shall be ensured that device is operating within the recommended operating conditions only. For characterizing the Dataconverters instead of IC test system an automatic setup consisting of various instruments may be used. 5.3.1 Functional Test: The functional test shall be performed for all possible combinations of input and at different operating conditions of bias and frequency. 5.3.2 Parametric Test: Parametric testing is to be performed on the devices as per the data sheet test conditions. The datasheets would be the manufacturer’s data sheet, ESA data sheet or MIL data sheet depending on the device procurement specifications. The data sheet will be supplied along with the components. TABLE- II Functional and Parametric Testing of different devices No. 01 Part No. 54LS161 02 CD4014 03 54HCT244 04 54LVTH16 2244 Functionality Synchronous 4-Bit Counter 8-Stage Synchronous Static Shift Register Octal Buffers and Line Drivers with 3-State Outputs 16-Bit Buffers/Drivers with 3-State Outputs Electrical Test Parameters 01. Functional Test 02. High-level Input current 03. Low-level Input current 04. High-level Output Voltage 05. Low-level Output Voltage 06. Supply Current 07. Clamp Voltage 08. Tri-state leakage current 09. Propagation Delay 10. Rise Time 11. Fall Time No. 05 Part No. DS90C031 Functionality LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Driver 06 LM137 Adjustable Negative Regulators 07 RHFL4913 Rad-Hard Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator (LDO) 08 AD6645 14-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS ADC Electrical Test Parameters 01. Functional Test 02. High-level Input current 03. Low-level Input current 04. High-level Output Voltage 05. Low-level Output Voltage 06. Differential Output Voltage 07. Offset Voltage 08. Supply Current 09. Clamp Voltage 10. Output Short Circuit Current 11. Supply Current at Tri-state output 12. Propagation Delay 13. Rise Time 14. Fall Time 01. Max. Output Current 02. Line Regulation 03. Load Regulation 04. Reference Voltage 05. Quiescent Current 06. Ripple Rejection Ration 01. Max. Output Current 02. Line Regulation 03. Load Regulation 04. Drop Out 05. Quiescent Current 06. Shut Down Input current 07. Inhibit Voltage (ON/OFF Both) 08. Supply Voltage Rejection 09. Output Noise Voltage 01. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) 02. Integral Nonlinearity (INL) 03. Offset Error 04. Analog Supply Current 05. Digital Supply Current 06. SNR 07. High-level Output Voltage 08. Low-level Output Voltage 09. Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) 10. Rise Time 11. Fall Time 12. Conversion Time Page 8 of 16 No. 09 10 11 Part No. AD8562 Functionality Parallel Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD9826 16-Bits Imaging Signal Processor (AFE) OP42 High Speed, Fast Settling, Precision Operational Amplifier Electrical Test Parameters 01. Resolution 02. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) 03. Relative Accuracy (INL) 04. Full Scale Voltage 05. Load Regulation at half Scale 06. Reference Output Voltage 07. Input Leakage Current 08. Power Supply Current 09. Data Setup Time 10. Data Hold Time 01. Max. Conversion Rate (1channel, 2-channels & 3channels in CDS mode) 02. Integral Nonlinearity (INL) 03. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) 04. Resolution 05. Analog Input Bias Current 06. PGA Gain 07. PGA Monotonicity 08. Channel to Channel Crosstalk 09. High Level Input Current 10. Low Level Input Current 11. High Level Output Voltage 12. Low Level Output Voltage 13. Missing Code 14. Analog Power Supply Current 15. Digital Power Supply Current 16. SCLK to SLOAD Hold Time 01. Input Offset Voltage 02. Input Offset Current 03. Input Bias Currents 04. CMRR 05. PSRR 06. Output Voltage Swing 07. Slew Rate 08. Power Supply Current 09. Large Signal Voltage Gain Page 9 of 16 5.4 No. 12 Part No. AMP02 Functionality High Accuracy Instrumentation Amplifier 13 2N3637 Bipolar Transistor 14 2N7262 MOSFET Transistor 15 1N4614 Zener Diode 16 1N6642 Switching Diode Electrical Test Parameters 01. Input Offset Voltage 02. Input Offset Current 03. CMRR 04. PSRR 05. Output Voltage Swing 06. Slew Rate 07. Power Supply Current 08. Gain 01. hFE 02. VCE(sat) 03. VBE(sat) 04. ICBO 05. IEBO 06. V(BR)CEO 07. ICEO 08. ICES 01. VBRDSS 02. VGS(TH) 03. IGSS 04. IDSS 05. rDS(on) 06. Vp 07. VSD 08. gm 01. VZ 02. IR 03. VR 01. VF 02. VR Environmental Test Equipment: For different environmental tests, the necessary equipment as defined in the following table are required. No. Test Equipment required 1 Temperature Cycling Temperature Cycling chamber 2 Stabilisation Bake Oven 3 Hermetic seal test Fine Leak tester Gross Leak tester 4 PIND PIND tester 5 Constant Acceleration test Constant Acceleration tester 6 Burn In Burn In chamber 7 Solderability Solderability tester Page 10 of 16 Note: Each of the equipment should have specifications to meet the test requirements of MIL-STD 883/750. Also the test and mounting requirements as given in the test methods shall be followed. 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Storage: Components shall be stored in Desiccators / non-hygroscopic boxes / storage cabinet with ESD precaution for all the duration when not under test. Separate storage space shall be identified for un-inspected, under screening and inspected stocks. Burn In and Driver Board: When Burn In is to be performed the necessary Burn In circuit shall be provided by SAC. The vendor has to develop the Burn in board with necessary ZIF sockets. Also vendor has to develop driver board to provide the necessary stimulus during Burn In. The supply current and chamber temperature are to be monitored minimum twice a day during Burn in. Operators: Only trained and experienced operators shall carry out the screening. The operators involved in screening activity and inspections need to undergo rigorous training by vendors followed by internal certification after necessary test and examination. SAC shall perform facility and manpower inspection before placing order. Whenever required, SAC may provide training to vendor’s personnel. Power Supply: Digital read out power supply, with accurately programmable over voltage and over current protection features, and meeting the necessary line and load regulation requirement shall be used. 6.0 TEST PROCEDURES 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Testing shall be carried out in accordance with the guidelines and procedures laid down in this document and the respective MIL standards. Lot Travelers (History sheets) have to be maintained for all the operation for each component batch. The components shall be handled, tested and stored in a dust free and controlled humidity, ESD safe area throughout their dwell time at the contractors end; from their receipt up to their delivery back to SAC. The ESD handling control program documentation shall be under document control. This includes methods, equipment and materials, training, packaging, handling, and procedures for handling ESD sensitive devices. For testing, component should be mounted in ZIF socket. The component should not be soldered during any test including electrical testing or Burn-In tests. Serialization of Components: If the devices are not serialized, they should be serialized with the help of vacuum compatible stickers. The stickers should be pasted on the end of the component so that device marking is visible. The stickers should be able to withstand the test temperatures involved, and should not cause any damage to the component during these tests and shall leave any residues of the glue. The stickers shall comply outgassing requirements of TML (<1%) & CVCM (<0.1%). Electrical Measurements: The functional and parametric electrical measurements should be carried out at 22°C ±3°C ambient temperature as per requirement of para 3.0 Environmental Tests: The environmental tests shall be carried out as per para 3.1 Component Segregation And Report Preparation: At the end of the testing, components shall be properly segregated, electrically accepted/rejected, visually accepted/rejected for each individual type specifying reason for each rejection. All the components bags should be marked with the Part No, Mil No, Package Style, date Page 11 of 16 code (details of these three parameters to be provide on the award of the contract), and accept/reject status etc. 7.0 HANDLING AND STORAGE The components shall be handled, tested and stored in a clean area throughout their dwell time at the contractors end; from their receipt up to their delivery back to SAC. As the components used are extremely costly, all efforts should be made to handle carefully. The component termination should not be scraped, leached off, damaged or scratched during handling. No foreign material should stick to the component body. In case of doubt, the component body should be cleaned with soft tissue paper using electronic grade Alcohol followed by visual inspection under stereomicroscope. No chemical other than electronic grade alcohol should be handled / stored in the lab where the components are tested / stored / handled. When the components are not mounted in jigs and being handled for activities like counting, testing etc., they shall be stored in soft, smooth antistatic containers to avoid any shock or physical damage/lost during the time, when components are not under testing, they should be stored in non hygroscopic containers/ desiccators with proper identification. 8.0 LOG BOOKS Vendor will be required to maintain the necessary documents, reports, records, log books. etc. 8.1 Record of the incoming and outgoing components with signatures of the personnel receiving and delivering the components. 8.2 Calibration records of equipments 8.3 Record of temperature/humidity of the lab, minimum twice in the day time and twice in the night whenever work is under progress; with signatures of the operator. 9.0 LIST OF DELIVERABLES 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Inspected / screened components properly segregated as Accepted and Rejected. Rejected components packed separately in Bags; Components with different causes for rejection shall be separately identified. All the data and documents shall be supplied in soft copy in the mutually agreed formats. Lot travelers of testing including log of power supply readings, temperature. Visual Inspection test results Read and record data of Electrical tests Rejection reports and reason for rejection. Log books for voltage and current measurement, and environmental parameters. Page No. 1 of the report should be a summary page. 10.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAC: SAC will provide the following details to vendors wherever necessary: Page 12 of 16 10.1 Special precautions to be followed while carrying out inspection work, if any. 10.2 SAC shall inspect the screening facility and activity from time to time by conducting audit, and give advice for improvements. The purpose of this activity is to verify whether activity complies with planned and documented formats and to determine effectiveness of the quality system. 10.3 Any deviation in the inspection/screening activity shall be brought to the notice of the SAC representative. The deviation shall be closed out and appropriate corrective action shall be implemented. 10.4 SAC will hand over the components in appropriate container and same is to be retuned back with screened components by vendor 10.5 Burn in circuit details for each type of component wherever applicable.\ 10.6 SAC, if found necessary, shall conduct training for Screening and inspection. 11.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF VENDORS: 11.1 Vendors will comply with the guidelines of this document and the relevant MIL standards for inspection and screening of each component type. 11.2 On receipt of the batch of components, the vendors will indicate the expected schedules for completion of screening, and delivery and this shall be mutually agreed. 11.3 Proper non-conformance controls shall be followed and close out of all nonconformances shall be recorded, and communicated to SAC 11.4 Vendor will ensure calibration of, tools and equipment used for screening. The logbook for the same shall be maintained by the vendor, the same may be shown during audit by SAC personal. 11.5 Vendors will maintain an inventory of the components supplied by SAC. Including details of passed / failed. 11.6 Vendors will maintain all records relating to testing and screening, in the formats prescribed by SAC and copies of the same will be delivered along with each batch of components. 11.7 Vendors will send a consolidated progress report at agreed interval on all the work under progress, with specific mention on critical problem areas if any. 11.8 Vendors will assign priorities and adjust the plan of inspection based on the advice of the Focal Point from SAC. 11.9 Vendors will seek technical clearance from SAC before implementing any new methods or any new tools other than agreed earlier. 11.10 Vendors will not sub-contract any work contracted by SAC, to a third party without prior written approval of SAC. 11.11 Vendor shall develop necessary Burn In/ Life test board with ZIF sockets, and necessary driver boards to provide the required stimulus. 11.12 While delivery of tested components, suitable packaging shall be provided by vendors to prevent any damage during transportation. 11.13 Procurement / arrangement of the jigs / test material like PCBs, solder wire Flux, cleaning materials etc. is the responsibility of the vendor and cost of fabrication materials like PCBs, solder wire material etc. are to be borne by vendor. 11.14 Vendor has to mention security & safety related provisions adopted at their premises, to ensure safety of components in testing & storage. Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage to components. 11.15 Suitable packaging shall be provided for the transportation of the components by air or road without any degradation/damage. The transportation package shall protect the unit from damage in case of rough handling and environmental condition like heat, Page 13 of 16 dust etc. encountered by units during transportation. Each unit shall be packaged in individual bags. 11.16 Vendor has to arrange the pick-up of the components and return back to SAC at agreed intervals. 12.0 GENERAL 12.1 In case of any unplanned interrupts during any of the tests, SAC should be contacted for further disposition immediately. 12.2 In case of Non-Conformance, vendors are required to report the deviation along with full details immediately to focal person in SAC. 12.3 SAC reserves the right to review the progress of work, Audit at any stage; for accuracy of measurements and adherence to the laid down procedures, through visits to the working premises with or without prior notice. Documentation audit will also be carried out for this purpose. 12.4 Vendor shall have facility and capability to perform the required screening / inspection as described in this document. In case where vendor is in process of implementing the facilities, vendor shall give specifications of equipments and schedule for readiness of facility. 12.5 SAC may inspect and audit the facility before opening of the price bid. Also, during the period of rate contract, facility inspection & audit as well as audit of on-going screening work will be carried out by SAC representatives at any time. 12.6 Being a space qualified parts and its high cost, it is necessary to provide bank guarantee for the issued components/material. Considering the targeted quantity and type of components, vendor shall provide bank guarantee for the amount of Rs. 5 lakh. 12.7 Vendor’s personnel shall have minimum qualification of Diploma in Electronics, preferably B. E. Electronics and be trained and familiar with Hi-Rel inspection activities. If required, SAC may train the vendor’s personnel. Vendor shall ensure these trained manpower only will be deployed for SAC work. In case if already trained manpower not deployed due to any reason, SAC may charge for training of new manpower. 12.8 SAC reserves the right to enter in rate contracts parallel with more than one vendor’s against this RFP. Also the contact may be split for different component types. This will be decided by SAC management after technical suitability & bid opening. 13.0 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES The work to be assigned and taken up based on mutual trust and confidence. Differences of opinion, if any, which arise during the performance of the work, will be settled through mutual consultation between SAC and vendors. 14.0 INFORMATION REQUIRED ALONG WITH THE QUOTE: 14.1 Point to point compliance to this document with necessary supporting documents. 14.2 Electrical test capability, with details of the IC test system. Sample device test results for devices and tests in Table – 2. 14.3 Environmental test capability, with details of the equipments 14.4 Details of vendors experience for carrying out similar activity 14.5 Details of manpower and their experience and skill. Page 14 of 16 14.6 Commercial quote shall address the following. 14.6.1 Component slab for each lot to be considered shall be 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 for individual type. 14.6.2 Cost for Incoming Inspection, Screening and Relifing 14.6.3 Test Board and Program development cost for the first time, later only testing cost is applicable 14.6.4 Burn in and Driver board development cost for the first time. Later only testing cost is applicable. 15.0 QUANTITIES 15.1 The requirement is for the testing of following types of active components as described in table below. Vendor to quote for component types as indicated. Sr. Component Type Min. Max. No. Qty Qty 1 Digital Logic 100 10000 2 OpAmp 100 1000 4 Regulator, LDO 100 1000 5 ADC, DAC 25 500 6 Analog Front End 25 500 7 LVDS Interface 100 1000 8 Transistors, Diodes 200 5000 15.2 SAC reserves the right to decide the quantity for each component types as described above based on the actual requirement at the time of work order. 15.3 The quantities in para 16.1 for each component type comprise of different part nos. 15.4 The contract may be extended with the same terms and conditions. Page 15 of 16 COMMERCIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Tenure of work The prices indicated in the contract shall be firm & fixed and shall be valid for a period of THREE years from the date of issue. RATE CONTRACT MAY EXTENDED UP TO FIVE YEARS. 2. Contract Manager There will be a Technical Manager, for all Technical matters and Head, Purchase & Stores will be the Commercial Manager for all Commercial matters. 3. Payment Payment shall be made for the actual work carried out and, on the submission of Bill/Invoice duly certified, and countersigned by technical manager. Invoice shall be sent to Accounts Officer, SAC with a copy to Purchase & Stores sections for releasing payment. 4. Confidentiality Contractor shall not divulge the information relating to the products, screening procedures, and quality control methods etc that are not in public domain and exclusively Provided by SAC for SAC’s own requirements, to any third party and shall not use for Supplier’s own commercial purpose, without prior written consent form SAC. However, Supplier is free to use such methods/ procedures for works assigned by any of the Centers/ Units of SAC-ISRO/DOS. 5. Fall Clause The charges of this contract should not in any event exceed the lowest charges the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of Service Contract, the Supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then it shall forthwith notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the Contract charges subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction. 6. Parallel / Termination of Contract The Purchaser reserves the right to enter into Parallel Service Contract simultaneously or at any time during the period of the Service Contract with one or more parties, to place Ad hoc Contract or Contracts simultaneously or at any time during the period of the service contract with one or more parties, and to terminate the Contract by giving one month’s notice. 7. L D Clause: With each batch of component the time required for Screening would be specified. Vendor has to deliver the Screened components within that schedule. Otherwise late delivery penalty of 0.5%/week limited to 10% of the maximum charges payable for the batch will be recovered. 8. Two Part Quote: Quotation shall be in two parts. Technical and commercial quote shall be provide din two separate sealed envelope. Along with the technical quote copy of commercial quote without prices shall also be provided. Page 16 of 16 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TWO-PART TENDER We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price. All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer. I PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Part – (a) Technical i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any. ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this. iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part. iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover. Part – (b) Commercial terms : (WITHOUT PRICES) i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part. ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part. iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format. iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this. Note : 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender. 2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part. 3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : II PART II i. ii. iii. : PRICE BID The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come into this part. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their technical offer. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE : (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside) The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID BY THE VENDOR. Sr. No. 1. 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Commercial terms Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. Purchaser is having an air consolidation contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. Delivery period – in weeks/months Payment terms : Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous). Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice. Name and address of the Indian Agent. Percentage of agency commission included in the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years? Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor 14.6 14.7 14.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.1 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. For two part bids two separate sealed envelops are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID 2. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name. Language to be used in all correspondence – English Measurements – Metric system to be followed Whether prequalification of your facility procedure completed (if applicable). Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail. Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost. Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence. Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by 30.2 Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. 30.2.1 The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. 30.1 30.3 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable )on awarding the contract Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value. Force Majeure conditions applicable? Acceptance of Fall clause. “The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” . You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 INVITATION TO TENDER Our Ref No : AHSE M/s 2014-001452-01 Tender Due: 15:00 Hrs ISTon 02/02/2015 000000 Dear Sirs, Please submit your sealed quotation , in the Tender Form enclosed here along with the descriptive catalogues / pamphlets /literature ,superscribed with Our Ref.No. and Due Date for the supply of the following items as per the terms & conditions mentioned in Annexure( Form No: S.No. 1 As per enclosure. Description of Items with Specifications ) Unit Six(06) Axis Miniature Hexapod. Detailed Specifications as per Annexure-I. DELIVERY AT: SAC, AHMEDABAD MODE OF DESPATCH BY AIR FRE DUTY EXEMPTIONS We are exempted from payment of customs duty. No. Quantity 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Mention validity, warranty, payment terms & delivery terms. As per enclosure. SPECIFIC TERMS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS: Please note that this is a TWO-PART TENDER. Send your quotation as per attached instructions only. Quotation not confirming to the instructions will be rejected. Fax quotations will not be accepted. Technical & Commercial Compliance statement confirming compliance with all the point of Tech & Commercial annexures enclosed with the tender document shall be submitted along with the offer. In absence of the same, your offer shall be summarily rejec A G MURUKESAN PUR & STORES OFFICER (ADHOC) For and on behalf of the President of India The Purchaser Tender No. : AHSE 2014 00 1452 01 Six Axes Miniature Hexapod with Controller Six Axes (three linear and three rotational) Parallel Kinematics Hexapod with the below Instrument specification as mentioned in (A), Acceptance Criteria as mentioned in (B) and General terms and conditions as mentioned in (C) A. Instrument specifications: Sr no 1 Parameter Positioning type Specifications Six Axes Parallel Kinematic Hexapod (X, Y, Z, θX, θY, θZ ) X : Linear Motion in positioning direction Y : Linear Motion Perpendicular to X Axis Z : Linear Motion Perpendicular to X & Y Ѳx : Rotation around X Ѳy : Rotation around Y Ѳz : Rotation around Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Travel in X ( mm) Travel in Y ( mm) Travel in Z ( mm) Travel in Ѳx ( Deg) Travel in Ѳy (Deg) Travel in Ѳz (Deg) Vertical Load Capacity Minimum Incremental Motion (X,Y,Z) ( μm) Minimum Incremental Motion (Ѳx, Ѳy, Ѳz) ( mDeg) Bi‐Directional Repeatability (X,Y,Z) ( μm) Bi‐Directional Repeatability (Ѳx, Ѳy, Ѳz) ( mDeg) 3D positioning Accuracy Velocity in X, Y, Z Velocity in θX, θY, θZ Operating temperature range 17 Controller ≥ 50 ≥ 50 ≥ 25 ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 30 ≥ 5 Kg ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 50 um (Sphere radius) ≥ 2 mm/s ≥ 5 ˚/s 22 ± 5 Deg C (Meeting Specifications as listed above) 10 to 40 Deg C (Safe Operating without Damage) Digital controller with PC based Labveiw interface compatible to the above hexapod motors B. Acceptance Criteria: Sr no 1 2 3 Acceptance Parameter Travel in X ( mm) Travel in Y ( mm) Travel in Z ( mm) Acceptance Specification ≥ 50 ≥ 50 ≥ 25 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Travel in Ѳx ( Deg) Travel in Ѳy (Deg) Travel in Ѳz (Deg) Minimum Incremental Motion (X,Y,Z) ( μm) Minimum Incremental Motion (Ѳx, Ѳy, Ѳz) ( mDeg) Bi‐Directional Repeatability (X,Y,Z) ( μm) Bi‐Directional Repeatability (Ѳx, Ѳy, Ѳz) ( mDeg) 3D positioning Accuracy ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 30 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 50 um (Sphere radius) C. General Terms & Conditions Sr no 1 Parameter Warranty 2 Authorization 3 Compliance Statement 4 System Installation 5 Acceptance Criteria Calibration & Error compensation 6 General Terms & conditions: Vendor should quote for minimum 1 year of warranty from the OEM. Vendor should attach the authorization certificate from the OEM. Vendor should provide point by point compliance matrix along with all relevant datasheet/ user manual in supporting their compliance with the proposal. Vendor should install the system at SAC and should provide relevant user manuals, software’s and datasheet. Manufacturer has to carry out tests as per the table “ Acceptance Criteria” at their premises and deliver the test report along with the instrument Manufacture Should calibrate the instrument with reference position measurement and should provide the calibration report. The software tools should support Error compensation for errors arising out of backlash & Hysteresis. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TWO-PART TENDER We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price. All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer. I PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Part – (a) Technical i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any. ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this. iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part. iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover. Part – (b) Commercial terms : (WITHOUT PRICES) i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part. ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part. iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format. iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this. Note : 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender. 2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part. 3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : II PART II i. ii. iii. : PRICE BID The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come into this part. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their technical offer. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE : (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside) The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID BY THE VENDOR. Sr. No. 1. 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Commercial terms Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. Purchaser is having an air consolidation contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. Delivery period – in weeks/months Payment terms : Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous). Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice. Name and address of the Indian Agent. Percentage of agency commission included in the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years? Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor 14.6 14.7 14.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.1 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. For two part bids two separate sealed envelops are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID 2. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name. Language to be used in all correspondence – English Measurements – Metric system to be followed Whether prequalification of your facility procedure completed (if applicable). Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail. Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost. Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence. Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by 30.2 Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. 30.2.1 The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. 30.1 30.3 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable )on awarding the contract Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value. Force Majeure conditions applicable? Acceptance of Fall clause. “The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” . You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 INVITATION TO TENDER Our Ref No : AHSP M/s 2014-002040-01 Tender Due: 15:00 Hrs ISTon 02/02/2015 Opening : 15:30 Hrs ISTon 02/02/2015 - Dear Sirs, Please submit your sealed quotation , in the Tender Form enclosed here along with the descriptive catalogues / pamphlets /literature ,superscribed with Our Ref.No. and Due Date for the supply of the following items as per the terms & conditions mentioned in Annexure( Form No: S.No. 1 As per overleaf. Description of Items with Specifications Comprehensive on-site AMC of SAC-POC storage solution for 3 years DELIVERY AT: SAC BOPAL MODE OF DESPATCH ON SITE DUTY EXEMPTIONS We are exempted from the payment of excise/customs duty. ) Unit each Quantity 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NIL As per overleaf. SPECIFIC TERMS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS: 1. Detailed scope of work, test procedure and terms & conditions as per RFP, Annexure-I, Annexure-II, AnnexureIII & Annexure-IV. 2. This is a TWO PARTS tender; please submit your quotations as per the instructions. Quotation not conforming to the instructions will be rejected. Fax & Email quotation shall not be accepted. 3. Duly filled compliance statement (enclosed) is to be attached with along with Part I. 4. A copy of masked Price Bid (i.e. without prices) may be enclosed along with Part I to understand whether all the details/items to be quoted by you have been quoted in the Price bid. 5. Your offer should be accompanied with Demand draft for an amount of Rs. 218/- drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad" towards tender fee. Offer received without tender fee shall be liable for rejection. 6. Please mention our ref. no. AHSP 2014002040 (DL/373) and tender due date on your quotation & envelopes. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD 380 015,INDIA PURCHASE & STORES Ph No: 079-2691 3067 079-2691 5848/02/35 Fax Date : 30/12/2014 BALRAJ SINGH PUR & STORES OFFICER For and on behalf of the President of India The Purchaser Tender No.: AHSP 2014 00 2040 01 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR Comprehensive Maintenance Services Contract (CMSC) of High-end Computer Servers, Workstations & Storage Systems AHSP 2014002040 Prepared by SAC Team SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION AHMEDABAD - 380 015. RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 1.0 Introduction Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO) has got heterogeneous mix of computer servers/workstations from various Multi-National companies like IBM, HP, SGI, Sun, etc. These high-end computer systems include single CPU servers/Workstations to Multi-CPU servers and Operating Systems (OSs) ranging from proprietary Unix OSs (like AIX, Solaris, IRIX, HP-Unix etc.) to Open Source Linux variants, Open VMS and most versions of Windows. These also include special peripherals devices like DAT Drives, SDLT/DLT/LTO Drives, DVD Writers, DAS/NAS/SAN Storage/Scale-Out NAS/Multi-protocol Storage systems and so on. About 500+ computer systems are distributed across SAC Main Campus and Bopal Campus in different clusters of computer labs. The main purpose of this RFP is to have a Comprehensive Maintenance Services Contract (CMSC) for these high-end computer systems, workstations and storage systems. Page 2 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 2.0 Scope of work The scope of work for CMS Contract (CMSC) for various categories of computer systems available in SAC, at Jodhpur Tekra and Bopal Campus, shall cover the following points: 2.1 Provide Comprehensive Maintenance Service for all categories of computer systems covering both hardware and system related software, as mentioned in Annexure-I/Annexure-IV. This includes supply/replacement of spares, fresh/equivalent to fresh and of same or higher capability, for defective/faulty parts/spares, as well as technical skills support for service/repair related diagnostics. The contract covers computer systems including single/multi-CPU servers, workstations, local area network (both with UTP and Optical Fibre connectivity) along with associated devices like hubs, switches, routers, CAT-5/Cat-6/FO cables within clusters and other peripherals like plotters, scanners, high-end printers, all types of tape drives, DVD Writers. The contract will also cover high-end storage systems comprising of DAS/Juke Boxes/NAS/SAN/Scale-Out NAS/Multi-protocol Storage systems etc. 2.2 If a computer system fails, it would be the responsibility of the Service Provider to restore the computer system to the state in which it was prior to the failure. These services shall include re-installation of Operating Systems (OS), all relevant driver software, and all applications software which will finally bring the computer system in its original status. This may be achieved by restoring system level backup available with respective Cluster-In-Charge and/or from the respective original software Medias available at SAC. 2.3 For peripherals, the comprehensive contract will cover all spare parts except toner cartridges. Similarly for UPS this comprehensive contract will cover all spare parts except batteries. However, Service Provider should be able to give proper diagnosis of problem with UPS functionality and help in solving battery problem, if there is one, through a third party. 2.4 The Service Provider will take the inventory of all the computer systems at the start of the contract. Service Provider will assign unique identification tag to each of the items accepted for CMS. The inventory will be updated every quarter. 2.5 For those items, which are not in working condition at the time of inclusion in the CMS, Service Provider will prepare an estimate for the required hardware/software to bring the system in working condition. The said estimate will be approved by SAC before undertaking the job. The payment of such cases will be done to the Service Provider on an actual basis on production of bills to Accounts Section duly certified by the Cluster-In-Charge and SAC nominated Officer. 2.6 This contract shall also include proactive, preventive maintenance of hardware & system software for the computer systems and associated peripherals as defined in section 2.1. The Service Provider shall carryout preventive maintenance in each quarter of the year with the prior appointment with the Cluster-In-Charge. The Page 3 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Service Provider’s Service Engineer shall check the system by running diagnostics software to ensure that all the units are working satisfactorily. The Service Provider will also do the internal and external cleaning of the system during this preventive maintenance. The Service Provider should also ensure that proper system level backup is taken during this periodic preventive maintenance so that the failed computer system is restored fully to its original state (before going down). Please refer to point no. 2.2 above. 2.7 The Service Provider should provide a resident single focal point contact for all assistance and services under this contract. User may lodge complaints/calls by telephone, e-mail, through web-portal, written complaint or personally to the focal point. 2.8 A web-based software solution to monitor the complaints and to generate relevant documents is preferred. Details of offered software solution to be provided along with technical proposal. 2.9 Service Support Time: - There will be two levels of service support times. The normal service support will be as per SAC working hrs. The emergency service support will be provided by the Service Provider whenever required at a very short notice during non-working hours/holidays of SAC, as well, at no extra cost. The Service Provider will employ sufficient number of service engineers at SAC to give prompt service and honour the call response time commitment required under this CMSC. 2.10 Call Response Time: There are two types of service calls (1) Normal service call (2) Emergency service call. Depending on the criticality of the System/Subsystems the Cluster-In-Charge will decide the type of call. For normal calls placed on a working day, the response time should be within Four hour (4 Hour). As regards to emergency calls, the response time will be One hour (1 Hour) during working hours and Two hours (2 Hours) during non-working hours. 2.11 System availability figure will be calculated for each system/item wise individually by respective Cluster-In-Charge on quarterly basis. 2.12 The Service Provider will keep sufficient number of necessary spares to comply with the contractual requirement of the system availability at our end. Any increase in down time due to non-availability of spares shall be the sole responsibility of the Service Provider. 2.13 The Service Provider will be required to generate following reports on quarterly basis for CMSC. 2.13.1 System availability 2.13.2 Manpower availability 2.13.3 Components replaced, repaired 2.13.4 PM schedule and results Page 4 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 2.13.5 Inventory of systems with unique identification tag 2.13.6 Logbook details of complaints handled 2.13.7 The actual format of various reports will be mutually agreed between the Service Provider and SAC nominated officer. 2.13.8 Service Provider’s Engineers will provide daily, weekly and monthly reports of these services to the SAC nominated Officer. 2.14 Manpower related: 2.14.1 The Service Provider is required to deploy sufficient number of qualified manpower (as given in 2.14.2) to meet contractual obligation of system availability, response time etc. The actual proposed manpower deployment strategy, including the qualification, experience etc. of the Engineers, should be clearly indicated in the technical proposal. 2.14.2 The Engineers should be preferably B.E. (Electronics, Electronics & Communication) with minimum one year experience in relevant field OR Diploma with minimum THREE years relevant experience. However, for both cases experience in the field of high end computer servers, workstations, HPC and Storage maintenance is essential. The engineers should have enough experience of working for a large organisation where multiple platform/multiple OEM hardware is being maintained by them. Service engineers shall be reporting at SAC full time on all working days and shall attend office on all working days of the Centre as per SAC office timings and keep the discipline and decorum of the office and follow all security guidelines from time to time. The engineers so nominated for SAC project should be in the Service Provider’s payroll for at least one year. Service Provider will have to give list of qualified engineers, their experience and certification details along with their technical proposal. 2.14.3 In addition to the hardware experience, the engineers to be selected for the project should have thorough working level system administrative capabilities for Operating Systems like Linux (all flavours), IRIX, Solaris, AIX, True Unix, Digital Unix, Open VMS, HP Unix, Windows 2003/7/8 Server and their different versions of all these mentioned Operating Systems, etc. Engineers are required to have thorough knowledge about the Operating Systems which can run on the hardware specified in Annexure-I & Annexure-IV. 2.14.4 The Service Provider will be required to take SAC concurrence for the staff to be deployed at SAC & Bopal campus for this work. If required, SAC may conduct an interview of the engineers to assess their knowledge level verification of their qualifications before finalising the tender. Only such engineers who are cleared by SAC and are mentioned in the list of engineers submitted (as per point no. 2.14.2 above) will be allowed as resident engineers. 2.14.5 All the staff of the Service Provider working at SAC & Bopal campus will be under direct control of SAC nominated Officer and follow the instructions of SAC nominated Officer. Page 5 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 2.14.6 Service Provider has to give full details of Engineers, both personal and official/residential information including phone numbers (both fixed & mobile), working under this contract and bind them in writing for official security, data security and all other related issues for working under this contract. 2.14.7 Service Provider will be responsible for any liability and safety of service engineers engaged by them for carrying out maintenance work under this contract. 2.14.8 The personnel deployed at SAC must be in the payroll of the vendor for more than one year meeting PF and all other statutory requirements related to employee benefits. Under no circumstances they shall be entitled to claim any type of employment in any of ISRO/DOS units on this basis. 2.14.9 SAC will not provide any logistic support to the resident Engineers deployed at SAC under this contract. 2.14.10 The Service Provider will ensure to get proper Police Clearance Certificate for their deployed personnel in SAC. 2.14.11 The Service Provider is expected to abide by the laws of the land including prevailing labour laws with respect to the personnel deployed at SAC. 2.14.12 The Service Provider should not have any history of “blacklisted” by any organisation in India. 2.15 Service Provider needs to note that as per ISRO IT Security Norms for all types of Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) which need to be replaced during the CMSC period will be property of SAC which will be retained within SAC premises and will not be permitted to be taken out of SAC campuses. Page 6 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 3.0 Terms and Conditions for CMS support 3.1 The duration of the contract shall be initially for a period of three years. 3.2 SAC reserves the right to extend this contract for a maximum period of two years on exigency at the same terms & conditions. 3.3 SAC will have an option for adding and/or removing computing systems, wherein the computing system refers to computer systems/subsystems, workstations & storage systems, from the scope of maintenance contract based on the condition of usage/obsolescence etc. from time to time with one-month notice period. These computing systems will be added by getting a quote from the existing Service Provider/s and getting the same approved by SAC authority. The service contract for adding such computing systems will start with effect from the date of system inspection and after closure of warranty/AMC period. The charges for such cases will be worked out on pro-rata basis. 3.4 The bidder shall not assign or give sub contract of the work awarded to them. 3.5 The Service Provider should have a back-to-back arrangement with the main Manufacturers or Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)/Suppliers for supply of all such parts of the computer systems which are needed to be repaired or replaced in this CMSC. The Service Provider has to invariably submit recently dated, currently valid undertaking from the main Manufacturers’ or Original Equipment Manufacturers’/Suppliers’ uninterrupted supply of spares/parts along with their technical bids. 3.6 However, for the systems having 8 and above Processors (HPC category in Annexure-I), it is mandatory for the Service Provider to have a back-to-back support arrangement with the OEM along with an authorisation letter or Manufacturer Authorisation Format (MAF) letter, to that effect from the OEM. Supplier’s letter will not be considered for this. The letter so issued by the OEM on their letter head should clearly mention the enquiry number, duration of support, make and model of the computing systems and their commitment for support. The bidder should submit the original OEM letter / MAF along with their technical proposal itself. 3.7 The Service Provider or the staff deputed by the Service Provider at SAC Ahmedabad shall make no attempt to unlawfully reveal, misuse or encroach upon the intellectual or private data/information at the SAC, Ahmedabad to which they may have access to, as part of the maintenance work carried out. 3.8 The Service Provider should have a full fledged office set up in Ahmedabad for last 3 years with at least 10 computer hardware maintenance engineers with above mentioned qualifications and experience on their payroll in Ahmedabad itself. Service Provider is required to submit proof for the same, giving full details of their employees, along with their Technical bid. If required SAC may visit the Service Provider’s office for verification of work orders / space/ manpower/ spares and other Page 7 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 infrastructure facilities claimed by the Service Provider. Service Provider not able to substantiate/satisfy the requirements put down in this RFP is liable to be disqualified for this contract. 3.8.1 The bidder should submit proof of maintaining more than 200 high end computer systems at single location against single purchase order. As a proof this, bidder has to submit at least 2 PO copies confirming this along with their technical proposal itself. 3.9 Any loss or damage caused to the SAC property by the person deputed by the Service Provider will be recovered from the payment to the Service Provider and the decision of SAC authority in this matter will be treated as final. Page 8 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 4.0 Payment Terms: 4.1 The payment for maintenance will be made on quarterly basis based on the certificate of satisfactory service, on Job Completion Voucher (JCV), from the concerned Cluster-In-Charge counter signed by the SAC nominated officer. The payment of comprehensive maintenance service will be linked to the system-wise System Availability figure (A) for each quarter as follows. 4.1.1 Hundred (100) percent payment for System Availability figure – A –greater than or equal to ninety five (95) percent. 4.1.2 Proportionate payment, when System Availability figure – A is between eighty (80) percent and ninety five (95) percent, equal to the value of “A”. 4.1.3 No payment when system availability figure – A is less than eighty (80) percent. 4.2 The deduction of income tax at source will be done as per Central Government norms from time to time. 4.3 For computer systems, which are getting included in CMS Contract, during the tenure of the contract, the payment of such systems will be made on prorate basis, from the time of inclusion. Page 9 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 5.0 General Terms and Conditions: Quotations are invited in two parts – Part-I containing Technical & Commercial aspects and Part-II containing only the price bid, from experienced Agencies/Service Providers who can provide efficient and effective Comprehensive Maintenance Services (CMS) of highest standards, for the high-end computer systems’ broad categories as given in Annexure-I. Annexure-II gives the technical qualifying criteria that need to be satisfied by the Service Provider. In addition to providing all details as per this RFP the Service Providers are mandatorily required to fill up the compliance table given as Annexure-III. Noncompliance, if any, should be clearly brought out. If Service Provider fails to submit the Compliance Table, given as Annexure-III, then his offer may be rejected. Offers of Service Providers giving any false information, in response to information sought in this RFP, shall be rejected. Annexure-IV gives detailed configuration for the computer systems to be covered under this contract. 5.1 It is proposed to have a two-cover system for this tender. 5.1.1 Part-I: (a) Technical part and (b) Commercial part (without price bids) in one single cover. Technical part should indicate the technical details. A compliance statement indicating whether the specifications/terms & conditions are met is to be submitted with reasons for deviations, if any. Complete technical literature/leaflets/documents relevant to the offer are to be enclosed to this technical part. One copy of the price bids, BUT WITHOUT PRICES QUOTED, must be attached with the technical bid. Service Providers should also provide all the other detailed information asked at various places in this RFP, which are required to be submitted along with the technical bid. Commercial part should indicate commercial terms & conditions like payment terms, validity etc. and should be sent along with the technical part. Both technical and commercial part should be kept in one cover super scribing tender number and due date on the cover and should be sealed. 5.1.2 Part-II: Price part alone should be kept in another separate cover super scribing tender number and due date on the cover. 5.1.3 Service Provider is expected to quote the cost of CMS Contract for each computer system, on (1) per annum basis (2) Single quote for a three year tenure contract, as given in Annexure-IV. Page 10 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 5.2 Both, the technical and commercial part (with tender fee wherever applicable) in one cover and Price bid part in another cover, should be put in one large single cover and the large cover should be super scribed with the tender number, due date and time of opening on the cover. 5.3 The large cover should be sent to the following address: 5.3.1 Senior Head, Purchase & Stores, Space Applications Centre, Ambawadi Vistar Post Office, Jodhpur Tekra, Ahmedabad-380015. 5.3.2 Offer shall be submitted in sealed cover only. 5.4 The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date of opening of the price bid. 5.5 Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is a difference between amounts quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. 5.6 Service Provider is required to give the name of Contact person from their side for all relevant communications/interactions regarding this contract. 5.7 The authority of the person signing the tender offer, if called for, should be produced. 5.8 The Service Provider should provide along with the offer, the name of their bankers. 5.9 Late/or delayed tender offers shall not be considered. 5.10 No conditional discounts from the Service Provider will be allowed. 5.11 Tender fee of requisite value wherever applicable shall be sent along with the tenders by Demand Draft in favour of Accounts Officer, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. 5.12 Tenders shall be submitted with necessary supporting documents. 5.13 SAC reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation fully or partly without assigning any reasons. 5.14 All taxes/duties/levies wherever applicable should be distinctively shown separately in both techno-commercial & price bids. The taxes etc. as applicable on Page 11 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 work contract in the state of Gujarat should be accounted for. Where this is not done, no claim on these accounts would be admissible later. 5.15 ARBITRATION: Disputes, if any, shall be settled mutually, failing which it shall be referred to a one man Arbitrator, appointed by Director, SAC, Ahmedabad in accordance with Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 as amended, whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Arbitration will be applicable as per Ahmedabad jurisdiction. 5.16 Fall clause: The prices charged by the Service Provider for the similar services shall in no event exceed the lowest prices offered to other parties during the validity of the service contract. If, at any time during the said period, the Service Provider reduces the prices for the work to any other party, he shall forthwith notify such reduction of prices applicable to the undersigned and the prices payable under this contract for the services shall stand correspondingly reduced. 5.17 Termination of Contract: 5.17.1 SAC reserves the right to terminate the contract if the performance of the Service Provider is found to be unsatisfactory during the currency of the contract by giving one month’s notice in writing, without any financial implications on the part of SAC. 5.17.2 SAC reserves the right to enter in to parallel contract, with other Service Providers, at any time. 5.17.3 SAC reserves the right to terminate the contract in order to consolidate/reorganise all the high-end computer systems, workstations and Storage Systems, by giving one month’s notice in writing, without giving any reasons and without any financial implications on the part of SAC. 5.18 SAC will not be responsible for any compensation for injury/loss of life to those personnel deployed by the Service Provider due to their negligence/incompetence. 5.19 The Service Provider’s Company/firm should not have been banned or black listed or on holiday list, by any Government Department / Central Government Unit / Public Sector Unit/ Financial Institutions / Court. Page 12 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 ANNEXURE-I CATEGORY WISE INDICATIVE LIST OF HIGH-END COMPUTER SYSTEMS, WORKSTATIONS, STORAGE SYSTEMS & PERIPHERALS Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Various types of computer systems within each category CATEGORY I – SGI SGI OCTANE, OCTANE 2 SGI O2 SGI WORKSTATIONS SGI MULTI-CORE, MULTI PROCESSORS SERVERS CATEGORY II – Oracle (earlier SUN) ULTRA-1 / ULTRA-2 / ULTRA-5 / ULTRA-10 SPARC SERVER 10 SUN E250 SUN BLADE 150 SUN BLADE 2000 / SUN BLADE 2500 SUN X-TERMS SUN CLASSIC PLUS SUN NETRA SERVER SUN 280 R, SUN V445, SUN M3000 SUN Fire (x86-64) Series CATEGORY III – INTEL / AMD INTEL PIII SERVERS (SINGLE & DUAL) INTEL PIV SERVERS (SINGLE & DUAL) INTEL PIII XEON SERVERS (SINGLE, DUAL & FOUR ) INTEL PIV XEON SERVERS (SINGLE, DUAL & FOUR) INTEL ITANIUM BASED SERVER (SINGLE, MULTI-CORE & MULTI-CPU) INTEL XEON/ITANIUM MULTI-CORE MULTI-PROCESOR BASED SERVERS AMD SERVER (SINGLE & DUAL, MULTI-CORE, MULTI-PROCESOR) INTEL XEON BASED HIGH-END WORKSTATIONS CATEGORY IV – DEC ALPHA, HP, COPMAQ & MAINFRAME ALPHA SERVER ES 40 DEC ALPHA 2004/100 ALPHA SERVER DS 25, DS-10 DEC W/S 500/500 DIGITAL 1000A HP WORKSTATIONS / Dell Work Stations/Servers HP ENVIZEX X TERMS HP WS B2600 HP Proliant Servers HP VECTRA VE18 HP KAYAK MAINFRAME 2020A Page 13 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CATEGORY V – STORAGE SOLUTIONS DAS, NAS Appliances NAS Systems (NetApp, Sun, EMC, Procomm, SGI, HP, Dell, IBM) Scale-Out NAS (NetApp, EMC-Isilon, HP, Dell, IBM) SAN ( EMC, IBM, HP, SGI, SUN, NetApp) JUKE BOX, STORAGE SOLUTIONS ALL TYPES OF TAPE LIBRARIES, AUTOLOADERS LTO, DLT, SDLT, DAT drive based backup solutions CATEGORY VI – HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTERS (HPC) [Number of processors/sockets are more than or equal to eight (8) in a single system] HPC configuration’s from SGI HPC configuration’s from Dell HPC configuration’s from IBM HPC configuration’s from SUN HPC configuration’s from HP Page 14 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 ANNEXURE-II Service Provider should support the compliances by necessary documentary evidences, without fail, along with the Techno-Commercial offer. Service Provider should provide enough information in writing to judge them technically and submit all these documentary evidences along with the technical proposal itself. 6.0 TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION CRITERIA 6.1 The Service Provider must be a Company registered under Indian Company Act, 1956 and should be an established, reputed and reliable Service Provider in the field of providing Comprehensive Maintenance Services for computer systems. 6.2 Service Provider should have an office located, in Ahmedabad with qualified technical staff deployed locally. Service Provider should provide all local contact information like address, landline phone numbers, fax numbers, mobile numbers etc. 6.3 Service Provider will submit the list of Engineers with their employee code, qualification/s, certification/s and experience (in years) in the area of computer systems’ maintenance, employed with the company, along with the technical bid. 6.4 The Service Provider should have expertise in comprehensive maintenance of single/multi CPU servers, Multi-CPU High-Performance Computing systems from Multi-National manufacturers (IBM, HP, SUN, SGI, Dell etc), computer systems installed with specialised real time data acquisition hardware, HP Controllers for controlling/interfacing high precision equipments, calibration equipments, various flavours of DAS/SAN/NAS & other storage systems as indicated in Annexure-I and Annexure-IV. 6.5 Service Provider should have necessary expertise in handling various Operating Systems like Open-VMS, different proprietary UNIX versions, various variants of Linux, all flavours of Microsoft Windows etc. and other OSs as required for running computer systems given in Annexure-I and Annexure-IV. 6.6 Experience: 6.6.1 The Service Provider must have a minimum of five years of experience in providing Comprehensive Maintenance Services of high-end computers systems, workstations and various types of independent storage systems of various types from Multiple OEMs (more than 3 OEMs) having different OSs. (as per Annexure-I). 6.6.2 Service Provider should have at least 3 ongoing maintenance contracts, for at least 250 numbers, at single site, with an annual value of over Rupees 30 Lacs in previous two (2) successive years. Service Provider should inevitably produce performance/completion certificates from the user party/ies, for substantiating the same, along with the technical proposal. Page 15 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 (Mandatory: Documentary evidence in form of contract agreement/PO copy and user uptime certificate from corporate clients should be submitted along with Technical bid). 6.7 The Service Provider should quote for all categories of computer systems. Service Provider not quoting for all categories of computer systems will be liable to be disqualified in the bidding process. 6.8 Service Provider should submit copy of audited balance sheets for the last two years. Service Provider should submit PAN card and other sales related registration numbers like TIN, Service Tax, etc. 6.9 Certification from reputed user agencies, ISO/High-level quality service certification in the area of computer systems maintenance services will be of added advantage. However, ISO 27001 (meant for IT security) is mandatory. Bidder should submit copy of this certificate along with technical proposal. Page 16 of 21 RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 ANNEXURE-III Technical/Commercial Compliance Table Service Provider should write their compliance status on each point in this Compliance Table and substantiate them along with necessary documents / details. Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description of 1) Tender Submission 2) Terms & Conditions 3) Documentary Proof 4) Agreement / binding Submit tender in Two separate covers, ‘First cover’ containing the Technical criteria along with commercial terms (Ref clause 5.1.1) and ‘Second Cover’ containing Commercial Bid/ Price Quote (Ref clause 5.1.2) Provider all technical literature/leaflets/documents etc. along with the technical proposal (whole 5.1.1) Price Bid related information should NOT be included in First cover Agreement for peripherals, the comprehensive contract will cover all spare parts except toner cartridges (Ref clause 2.3) Agree to perform a proactive, periodic Preventive Maintenance of hardware & system software for the computer systems and its associated peripherals (Ref clause 2.6) Providing of web-based software to handle all complaints and its documentations (Ref clause 2.8) Agree to two types of call response times (Ref clause 2.10) and its time limits Agree to keep sufficient necessary spares to comply with contractual requirement of system availability at our end (Ref clause 2.12) Provide details on actually proposed manpower including qualification, experience and the deployment strategy along with technical proposal (Ref clause 2.14.1) Agreement that their Engineers’ will keep discipline and decorum of office and follow all security guidelines (Ref clause 2.14.2) Agree to deploy their staff in concurrence with SAC (Ref clause 2.14.4) Agree to supply full contact details of engineers and to bind their engineers, in writing, for official security, data security and related issues, for working under this contract (Ref clause 2.14.6) Agreement for responsibility of any liability and safety of service Engineers engaged in this contract (Ref clause 2.14.7) Agree to bind their employees of the fact that under no circumstances their employees will claim any type of employment, in any of ISRO/DOS units (Ref clause 2.14.8), based upon working under this contract Ensure to get proper Police Clearance Certificate for their deployed engineers in SAC (Ref 2.14.10) at their expenses Agree to abide by the laws of the land, including prevailing Labour Laws, with respect to their engineers deployed at SAC, under this contract (Ref 2.14.11) Page 17 of 21 Compliance Status RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Sr. No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Description of 1) Tender Submission 2) Terms & Conditions 3) Documentary Proof 4) Agreement / binding Agree to extend this contract in exigency for a maximum period of two years ( Ref clause 3.2) Agree to add/remove computing systems on pro-rata basis during the tenure of this contract (Ref clause 3.3) Agreement for not sub-contracting this CMS contract to any other Service Provider (Ref clause 3.4) Agreement to have back-to-back arrangement with main manufacturers/suppliers for supply of spare parts of computer systems needed for replacements for this contract. Provide currently valid undertaking from the main manufacturer/supplier for uninterrupted supply of spares (Ref clause 3.5) Agreement to have back-to-back arrangement with the OEM along with an authorisation letter or Manufacturer Authorisation Format (MAF) letter, for the systems having 8 and above Processors (HPC category in Annexure-I) Provide authorisation letter or Manufacturer Authorisation Format (MAF) letter, on their letterhead, with enquiry number, duration of support, make and model of the system and their commitment for support Provide original OEM letter / MAF with their technical proposal itself (Ref clause 3.6) Agreement for staff deputed at SAC shall not unlawfully reveal, misuse or encroach upon intellectual property/data/information of SAC to which they may have access to (Ref clause 3.7) Agree to a visit by SAC to their office for verification of work orders/space/manpower/spares and other infrastructure facilities claimed by them (Ref clause 3.8) Agreement for any loss or damage, to SAC property by engineers deputed by them, will be recovered from the payment to Service Provider and decision of SAC authority will be final ( Ref clause 3.9) Agree to SAC payment terms as per clause ( Ref clause 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) Provide quotation for each computer system on (1) per annum basis (2) single quote for three years ( Ref clause 5.1.3) Offer validity for 120 days from the due date (Ref clause 5.4) Provide name of one Contract Manager along with the technical bid (Ref clause 5.6) Provide Banker’s name (Ref clause 5.8) Provide Price Quote distinctively showing all taxes/duties/levies in the price bid separately (Ref clause 5.14) Agree to one man Arbitrator’s decision as final and binding, in case of any disputes arising related to this contract (Ref clause 5.15) Page 18 of 21 Compliance Status RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Sr. No. 30 Description of 1) Tender Submission 2) Terms & Conditions 3) Documentary Proof 4) Agreement / binding Agreement to fall clause as per clause (Ref clause 5.16) 31 Agree to contract termination clause as per clause (Ref clause 5.17) 32 Agreement that SAC will not be responsible for any damage caused to their persons by accident including loss of life ( Ref clause 5.18) Agreement for company should not have been banned, black-listed by any Govt Dept. /Central Govt. Unit/Public Sector Unit/Financial Institution/Court (Ref clause 5.19) Agreement for company’s registration under Indian Company Act, 1956 as per Ref clause 6.1 Providing of proof of local office at Ahmedabad and has qualified technical staff locally deployed, as per Ref clause 6.2. and all their contact information along with technical bid Providing of list of ALL Engineers, with their qualification, certification and experience, employed in local office, along with technical bid ( Ref clause 6.3) Provide substantial documentary proof for possessing enough expertise and experience in handling the Comprehensive Maintenance of single/multi CPU servers, HPC servers both from Multi-National Manufacturers (IBM, HP, SUN, SGI etc), computer system with real time data acquisition cards, HP controller for controlling high precision equipments, various flavours of DAS/NAS/SAN, as per Ref clause 6.4 Ability to Maintain VMS / Open VMS based computer systems for more than three (3) years (Ref clause 2.14.3 & 6.5) Provide Documentary evidence of maintaining VMS / Open-VMS based systems (Ref clause Provide proof for expertise in servicing various types of computer systems indicated in Annexure-I and Annexure-IV, as per Ref clause 6.4 Provide proof for software expertise in handling various Operating Systems as indicated in Annexure-I and Annexure-IV (Ref clause 2.14.3 & 6.5) Provide copies of the customer Purchase Orders/Contracts, which should indicate the deliverables (list of various types of computer systems serviced), the scope of CMS, tenure of the contract and other relevant details (Ref clause Provide documentary proof of minimum 5 years of proven experience in Comprehensive Maintenance of high-end Computer Systems with minimum 150 high-end computer systems at single site (Ref clause 6.6) [Other similar CMS Contracts, user uptime certificates from corporate clients to be submitted] (Ref clause 6.4 & 6.6.1) Provide documentary proof of executing similar CMSC in last two years for a minimum value of Rs. 30 Lakhs (Ref clause 6.6.2) Performance certificates to be attached along with Technical Bid 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Page 19 of 21 Compliance Status RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Sr. No. 45 46 47 48 Description of 1) Tender Submission 2) Terms & Conditions 3) Documentary Proof 4) Agreement / binding Provide Quote for all categories of computer systems & peripherals as detailed in Annexure-I & Annexure-IV. Not quoting for all categories will be treated as disqualification in the bidding process (Ref clause 6.7) Provide PAN card, TIN/Service Tax nos. and copy of audited balance sheets for the last two years (Ref clause 6.8) Provide certificates from reputed agencies, ISO/High-level quality service certification agencies in the area of maintenance of high-end computer systems (Ref clause 6.9) and ISO 27001. Does the Service Provider agree to ISRO IT Security Norms for all types of Hard Disk Drives which need to be replaced during the CMSC period will be property of SAC and will be retained within SAC and will not be permitted to be taken out of SAC campuses? (Ref clause 2.15) Page 20 of 21 Compliance Status RFP for Comprehensive Maintenance Services of High‐end Computer Systems AHSP 2014002040 Annexure IV SR. NO. 1 2 Ref. No. System Details Primary Storage System consisting of EMC-ISILON 162TB usable (N+1) IQ36000x Scale-Out NAS with 6 nos. of IQ36000x nodes: Each IQ36000x Node: 2 Quad core 64bit Intel Xeon CPU, 16GB memory, 2x1000BaseT and 2x10GBaseSR Fiber ports, 36x1TB SATA-II 7200 rpm Hot swappable HDDs 1xIQ Accelerator-X SR-32 SFP+ Node: Each IQ Accelerator-X SR-32 SFP+ Node: 2xQuad core 64bit Intel Xeon CPU, 32GB Memory, 2x1000BaseT and 2x10GBaseSR Fiber ports OneFS 6.5 OS with: Enterprise Insight IQ, SnapshotIQ, Enterprise SyncIQ 2.5 and Advanced Smartconnect Softwares Along with 14x3m IB Cables. Secondary Storage System consisting of: EMC-ISILON 130TB usable (N+1) IQ72NL Scale-Out NAS with 3 nos. of IQ72NL nodes. Each IQ72NL Node: 2 Quad core 64bit Intel Xeon CPU, 4GB memory, 2x1000BaseT Ports, 36x2TB SATA-II 7200 rpm Hot swappable HDDs OneFS 6.5 OS with: Enterprise Insight IQ, SnapshotIQ, Enterprise SyncIQ 2.5 and Advanced Smartconnect Softwares Along with 6x3m IB Cables 3 Flextronics Infiniband F-X430046, 24 Port switches - 2 nos. 4 Flextronics Infiniband F-X430066, 8 Port switches - 2 nos. 5 6 Brocade Turboiron TI24X 24 Port Switches each with 10GBaseSR, 40x10GBaseSR Optical Modules and 8x1000BaseLX SFP Optical Modules – 2 nos. Brocade FCX624S 24 Port 1GbE Switches each with 24x1GbE copper Ports and 4x10GBaseSR Modules - 2 nos. 7 Qlogic QLE-3142-SR-CK Dual Ports 10GBaseSR Network Server Adaptors with 10x10GBaseSR Modules - 5 nos. 8 HP AD385A 10GbE Network Server Adaptors with 4x10GBaseSR Modules - 4 nos. Page 21 of 21 System Model EMC-Isilon Scale-Out Storage System with IQ36000x Series EMC-Isilon Scale-Out Storage System with IQ72NL Series INSTRUCTIONS FOR TWO-PART TENDER We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price. All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer. I PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID Part – (a) Technical i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any. ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this. iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part. iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover. Part – (b) Commercial terms : (WITHOUT PRICES) i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part. ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part. iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format. iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this. Note : 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender. 2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part. 3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : II PART II i. ii. iii. : PRICE BID The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come into this part. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their technical offer. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows: Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE : (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside) The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 053 From : Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND ENCLOSED ALONG WITH THE TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID BY THE VENDOR. Sr. No. 1. 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Commercial terms Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. Purchaser is having an air consolidation contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. Delivery period – in weeks/months Payment terms : Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous). Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice. Name and address of the Indian Agent. Percentage of agency commission included in the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years? Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor 14.6 14.7 14.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.1 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. For two part bids two separate sealed envelops are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID 2. PRICE BID Please refer instructions. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name. Language to be used in all correspondence – English Measurements – Metric system to be followed Whether prequalification of your facility procedure completed (if applicable). Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail. Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost. Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence. Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by 30.2 Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. 30.2.1 The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. 30.1 30.3 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable )on awarding the contract Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value. Force Majeure conditions applicable? Acceptance of Fall clause. “The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” . You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE AHMEDABAD-380 015. (INDIGENOUS) INSTRUCITONS TO TENDERERS & TERMS OF TENDER 1. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super scribing the relevant tender No. and the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. 2. Late/Delayed tenders will not be considered. 3. Sales tax and/or other duties/levies where legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be distinctly shown separately in the tender. 4. As a Government of India Department. This office is exempted from payment of Octroi and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary exemption certificates are obtained by them from the purchase officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies. 5. (a) Your quotation should be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the tender. (b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship between the two sets of units must be furnished. 6. Preference will be given to those tenderers offering supplies from ready stock and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site. 7. (a) All available technical literature catalogues and other data in support of the specification and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non-acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type number of stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with the quotations. Test Certificates wherever necessary should be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever options are called for in our specifications, wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same. 8. The Purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted. 9. Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amounts quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. 10. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest income-tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the income-tax officer of the circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser. 11. The Purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderers for additional quantity upto 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted. 12. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for should be produced. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Definitions: (a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean The President of India or his successors, or officials authorized to sign contracts on his behalf. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators, unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean, what Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants and machinery and subsequent testing, should such a condition be included in the Purchase Order. (d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an Officer duly authorized intimating the acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof. 2. Prices: Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also formula for any such variations. 3. Security Deposit: On acceptance of tender, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him deposit with him in cash or in any other forms as the Purchaser may determine, security deposit not exceeding ten percent (10%)of the value of the contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the Contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit security and the Contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the Contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores contracted for at the risk of the Contractor in terms of sub-clause (ii) and (iii) of clause 10(b) here-of and/or to recover from the Contractor damages arising from such cancellation. 4. Guarantees and Replacement: a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty stores, design or workmanship, Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within in what respect the stores or any part thereof are faulty. c) If in the opinion of the Purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the Contractor free of all costs to the Purchaser provided the notice informing the Contractor of the defect is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period from the date of acceptance thereof. d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair to replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. e) The decision of the Purchaser, not withstanding any prior approval or acceptance or Inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or any defects have developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor. f) To fulfill the guarantee conditions outlined in clause 4 (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee ( as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest. g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival stores at Purchaser’s site. h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores in case where greater period is called forth by our specifications then such a specification shall apply, in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in Para 4 (b) & (c) shall be ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months. 5. Packing Forwarding & Insurance: The Contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air, to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of the packages shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the Contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such as are actually received in good conditions, in accordance with the contract. 6. Dispatches: The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods dispatched. The consignment should be dispatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode, it is at the risk of the Contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on ‘said to contain’ basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the contract. 7. Test Certificate: Whenever required, test certificates should be sent along with the dispatch documents. 8. Acceptance of Stores: a) The Contractor shall tender the stores for inspection at such places as may be specified by the Purchaser at the Contractor’s own risk, expenses and cost. b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval by the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. c) If in the option of the Purchaser all or any of the stores that do not meet the performance or quality requirements specified in the Purchaser order, they may be either rejected or accepted at price to be fixed by the Purchaser and his decision either reject or accept at price to be fixed by the Purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the price to fixed shall be final and binding on the Contractor. d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. 8 (c) above the Purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the Contractor, or to purchase in the open market at the expense of the Contractor, stores meeting the necessary performance and quality contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplier is made with six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid. 9. Rejected Stores: Rejected stores will remain at destination at the ‘Contractor’ risk and responsibility. If instruction for their disposal are not received from the Contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the Purchaser or his representative has, at his descretion the right to scrap sell or consign the rejected stores to Contractor’s address at the Contractor’s entire risk and expense, freight being payable by the Contractor at actual. 10. Delivery: a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the Purchase Order/Contract shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract, and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates. b) Should the Contractor fail to deliver the stores or any consignment there of within the period prescribed for such delivery, the Purchaser shall be entitled at his option either. c) To recover from Contractor as agreed liquidated damages and by way of penalty , a sum of 2% of the price of any stores which the Contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid, for each month or part of a month, during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears , or (ii) to purchase elsewhere, without notice to the Contractor on the account and at the risk of the Contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser readily procurable such opinion being final) without canceling the contract in respect of the consignment (s) not yet due for delivery or (iii) to cancel the contract or a portion thereof and if so desired, to purchase or authorize the purchase of stores not so delivered of others of similar description ( where others exactly complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser readily Procurable, such opinion final) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub clause (ii) & (iii) of clause 10 (b) above, the Contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase or, if there is an agreement of repurchase that such agreement is made within six months from the date or such failure. But the Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such repurchase made against default. The manner and method of such repurchase shall be at the discretion of the Purchaser whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such repurchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages for breach of Contract by the Contractor. 11. Extension of time: As soon as it is apparent that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the Contractor to the Purchaser. If failure, on the part of the Contractor to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional times as he considers it to be justified by circumstances of the case without prejudice to the Purchaser’s right to recover liquidated damages under clause 10 hereof. 12. Erection of Plant & Machinery: Where erection of a plant or machinery is the responsibility of the Contractor as per the terms of the contract and in case the Contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the Contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the Purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The Contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser. 13. Payment: Contractor’s bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser. 14. Mode of Payment: Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials. 15 . Recovery of Sums Due: Whenever any claim for payment of, whether liquidated or not, money arises out of or under this contract against the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in part or whole the security deposited by the Contractor, if a security is taken against the contract. In the event of the security being insufficient or if no security has been taken from the Contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Purchaser, should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the Purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not against the Contractor under any other contract with the Purchaser the payment of all money payable under the contract to the Contractor including the security deposit shall be with-held till such claims of the Purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the Contractor. 16. Indemnity: The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any Patent, copyright or trademark and shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by patent. Registration of design or Trade mark and shall bear all risk of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 17. Arbitration: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions contained in the purchase order or in connection with this Contract, (except as to any matters, the decision of which is specifically provided for in these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores or of some other person appointed by him. It will not be a point of objection that the arbitrator is a Government, servant, that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as a Government servant he has expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. It is a term of this contract:a) If the arbitrator be the Head of the Purchaser’s Office. I. In the event of his being transferred of vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor-in-office either to proceed with the reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or II. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of Purchaser’s Office to appoint another person as arbitrator, or b) If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchaser’s Office: In the event of his dying, neglecting to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful the Head of the Purchaser’s Office either proceed with reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject to as aforesaid, the arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules thereunder and any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time for making and Publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as the Purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the contract shall, if reasonably, possible, continue during Arbitration Proceedings. 18. Counter Terms and Conditions of Suppliers: Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser unless specific written thereof is obtained. 19. Security of Purchaser’s Materials: Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or in any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials/property provided by the Purchaser for the due execution of the contract. 20. Jurisdiction: The contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force. The courts of Ahmedabad only shall have jurisdiction to deal with and decide any legal or dispute arising out of this contract. 21. Liquidated Damages: If the Contractor fails to deliver the stores within the time specified in the contract or any extension thereof, the Purchaser shall recover from the Contractor as liquidated damages sum of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) of the contract price of the undelivered stores for each calendar week of delay or part thereof. The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10 percent) of the total contract price. Stores will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its component parts are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the stores will be considered as delayed until such time as the missing part are delivered. ***** INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE (IMPORT) 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS. 1.1 The tenderers should submit quotations in duplicate in a sealed envelope, superscribing the Tender No. and due date of opening and complete in all respects with technical specifications, including pamphlets and catalogues. 1.2 A Proforma Invoice may also be given which should contain the following information: (a) The FOB/FCA Value, the C & F value for import by sea – freight / Air freight upto and for air parcel post upto AHMEDABAD should be separately indicated. (b) Agency Commission : The amount of Commission included in the price and payable to the Indian Agents of the Contractor shall be paid directly to the Indian Agents by the Purchaser in equivalent Indian Rupees on the basis of an Invoice from him applying T.T. buying rate of exchange ruling on the date of placement of the Purchase Order and Which shall not be subject to any further exchange variations. This payment will be released to the Indian Agents within 30 days from the date of receipt and acceptance of stores. (c) The Contractor shall invoice only for the net amount payable to him, after deducting the amount of Agency Commission included in the invoice which would be paid to the Indian Agents directly by Purchaser. However, the Contractor’s invoice should separately reflect the amount of commission payable to his Indian Agent. (d) The earliest delivery period and country of origin of the Stores. (e) Name and address of the Contractor’s Banker including Account No., SWIFT etc. (f) The approximate net and gross weight and dimensions of packages/cases. (g) Recommended spares for satisfactory operation for a minimum period of one year. (h) Details of any technical service, commissioning and demonstration. if required for erection, assembly, 1.3 The FOB/FCA and C & F prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, levies duties arising in the tenderer’s country. 1.4 The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date of opening of the tender. 1.5 Samples, if called for, should be sent free of all charges. 1.6 Late tenders will not be considered. Quotations by fax must be followed by original signed offers. 1.7 Offers made by Indian Agents on behalf of their Principals should be supported by the Proforma Invoice of their Principal. 1.8 In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. 1.9 If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM , the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. 1.10 The details of Import Licence/OGL will be furnished in Purchase Order. 1.11 The authority of person signing the tender, if called for, shall be produced. 1.12 Instruction/operation Manual containing all assembly details including wiring diagrams should be sent wherever necessary in duplicate. All documents / correspondence should be in English language only. 1.13 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any other offer in whole or in part without assigning any reason. 1.14 It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval in writing by the Purchaser. 1.15 (a) Part shipment is not allowed unless specifically agreed by us. (b)As far as possible, stores should be dispatched by Indian Flag Vesssels/Air India or through an Agency nominated by us. 1.16 Inspection / Test Certificate should be provided for the goods after testing it thoroughly at the Contractor’s works. If any inspection by Lloyds or any other testing agency is considered necessary. It shall be arranged by Contractor. 1.17 Where erection or assembly or commissioning is part of the contract is should be done immediately on notification. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage sustained due to delay in fulfilling this responsibility. 1.18 For items having shelf life, those with maximum shelf life should be supplied, if order is placed. a) TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 2.1 Definitions: (a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s Successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an officer duly authorized intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser of terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or part thereof. (d) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean, what the Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order. 2.2 Prices : Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation Clause is insisted upon by a tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variations. b) TERMS OF PAYMENT : 3.1 Being a Department of Government of India, the normal terms of payments are by Sight Draft, however, other terms of payment like establishment of Letter of Credit may be considered by the Purchaser on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. 3.2 The Sight Draft/Letter of Credit will be operative on presentation of the under mentioned documents: (a) Original Bill of Lading/Airway Bill. (b) Commercially certified invoices describing the Stores delivered, quantity, unit rate and their total value in triplicate. The invoice should indicate the discounts, if any, and Agency Commission separately. (c) Packing List showing individual and weight of packages. (d) Country of origin certificate in duplicate. (e) Test Certificate. (f) Declaration by the Seller that the contents in each case are not less than those entered in the invoices and the quality of the stores are guaranteed as per the specifications asked for by the Purchaser. (g) Warrantee and Guarantee Certificated as per Clause 20. 4. IMPORT LICENCE: Reference to Import Licence No. and date and contract number and date shall be prominently indicated in all the documents mentioned under para 3.2. 5. DEMURRAGE: Supplier shall bear demurrage charges if any incurred by the Purchaser due to delayed presentation of shipping documents as prescribed in para 3.2 to the Bankers within reasonable time (say within 10-12 days) from the date of bill of leading for sea consignment and within 3 to 4 days from the date of Air Way Bill for Air consignments. 6. ADDRESS OF INDIAN AGENT: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. GUARANTEED TIME OF DELIVERY: The time for and the date of delivery stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. Delivery must be completed within the details specified therein. 8. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS: 8.1 The Purchaser’s representative shall also be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture to inspect, examine and test on the Contractor’s premises the material and workmanship of all stores to be supplied under this contract and if part of the said stores being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain from the Purchaser’s representative permission to inspect, examine, and test as if the equipment were being manufactured on the Contractor’s premises. Such inspection, examination and testing shall not release the contract or from the obligations under this contract. For tests on the premises of the Contractor or any of his sub-Contractors the Contractor shall provide free of cost assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel and instruments as may be reasonably needed by the Purchaser’s representative to carry out the tests efficiently. When the stores have passed the specified test, Purchaser’s representative shall furnish a certificate to this effect in writing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide copies of the tests certificates to the Purchaser as may be required. 8.2 8.3 9. MODE OF DESPATCH: Generally, stores should be dispatched by Indian Flagged Vessel/Air India or through any other Agency nominated by the Purchaser. A copy of the invoice and packing list should invariably be kept inside each of the packages. 10. PORT OF ENTRY: FOR AIR SHIPMENTS : Ahmedabad ( Via Mumbai, if required) FOR SEA SHIPMENTS : Nhavasheva/Mumbai Seaport. 11. PORT CONSIGNEE: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, (Stores), SAC ---------------------- Ahmedabad. 12. ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, (Stores), SAC ---------------------- (India) 13. SHIPPING MARKS: The marks on the shipping documents such as invoice, bill of lading and on the packages should be as follows: PURCHASE ORDER NO.--------------------------------------GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE DESTINATION ----------------------PORT OF ENTRY -------------------- DT.: 14. INSURANCE OF THE STORES: The Purchaser or the Contractor shall be responsible for insuring the stores in accordance with the INCOTERMS applicable for the contract, wherever considered necessary. The Contractor shall however be responsible for notifying, to the Purchaser or the insurers nominated by the Purchaser, the complete details of the proposed shipments including the value of each shipment and other relevant data, immediately after shipment to enable the Purchaser or the insurers to arrange for the issuance of the insurance policy, if required. The necessity or otherwise of insurance will be as indicated in the purchase order. 15. 15.1 CONTRACTOR’S DEFAULT LIABLITY: Purchaser may upon written notice of default to Contractor terminate the contract in whole or in part in circumstances detailed hereunder:(a) If in the judgment of the Purchaser, the Contractor fails to make delivery of stores within the time specified in the contract agreement or within the period for which extension has been granted by the Purchaser to the Contractor. (b) If in the judgment of the Purchaser the Contractor fails to comply with any of the other provisions of this contract. 15.2 In the event the Purchaser terminates the contract in whole or in part as provided in Clause 15.1 the Purchaser reserves the right to purchase upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem appropriate stores similar to the terminated contract and Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any additional costs for such similar stores and / or for liquidated damages for delay as defined in clause 19 until such reasonable time as may be required for the final supply of stores. 15.3 If the contract is terminated as provided in clause 15.1 the Purchaser in addition to any other rights provided in the article, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Purchaser under any of the following cases in the manner and as directed by the Purchaser. (a) Any completed stores. (b) Such partially completed stores, drawing information and contract rights thereinafter called manufacturing material as the Contractor has specifically produced or acquired for the performance of the contract as terminated. The Purchaser shall pay to the Contractor the contract price for completed stores delivered to and accepted by the Purchaser and mutually agreed price for manufacturing materials delivered and accepted. 15.4 In the event the Purchaser does not terminate the contract as provided in clause 15.1 the Contractor shall continue the performance of the contract in which case be shall be liable to the Purchaser for liquidated damages for delay as set out in clause 19 until the stores are finally accepted. 16. REPLACEMENT: If the stores or any portion thereof is damaged or lost during transit, the Purchaser shall give notice to the Contractor setting forth particulars of such stores damaged or lost during transit. The replacement of such stores shall be effected by the Contractor within a reasonable time to avoid unnecessary delay in the intended usage of the stores. The price of replacement items shall be borne by the Purchaser/Contractor in accordance with the delivery terms on the basis of the original prices quoted in the tender or as reasonably worked out from the tender. The import Licence / Customs clearance permit for the replacement, will be provided by the Purchaser. 17. REJECTION: In the event that any of the stores supplied by the Contractor is found defective in material or workmanship or otherwise in not conformity with the requirements of the contract specification, the Purchaser shall either reject the stores or request the Contractor, in writing to rectify the same. The Contractor, on receipt of such notification shall either rectify or replace the defective stores free of cost to the Purchaser. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Purchaser may at his option either: (a) replace or rectify such defective stores and recover the extra cost so involved from the Contractor or. (b) Terminate the contract for default as provided under clause 15 above. (c) Acquire the defective stores at a reduced price considered equitable under the circumstances. The provision of this article shall not prejudice the Purchaser’s rights under clause 19. 18. EXTENSION OF TIME/FORCE MAJEURE: If the completion of supply of stores is delayed due to reasons of Force Majeure such as acts of god, acts of public enemy, acts of government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions, and freight embargoes, the Contractor shall give notice within 15 days to the Purchaser in writing of his claim for an extension of time. The Purchaser on receipt of such notice after verification, if necessary, may agree to extend the contract delivery date as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract. 19. DELAY IN COMPLETION / LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If the Contractor fails to deliver the stores within the time specified in the contract or any extension thereof, the Purchaser shall recover from the Contractor as liquidated damages sum of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) of the contract price of the stores for each calendar week of delay or part thereof. The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10 percent) of the total contract price. Stores will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its component parts are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the stores will be considered as delayed until such time as the missing parts are delivered. 20. GUARANTEE & REPLACEMENT: (a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of 12 months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein are found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship, Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof. (c) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair or replace at the cost and risk of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. (d) The decision of the Purchaser, not withstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects requires renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor. (e) To fulfill guarantee conditions outlined in clause 20 (a) to (c) above, the Contractor shall at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee (in the format enclosed) from a bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the bank guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest. (f) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of stores at Purchaser’s site. (g) Even as the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores, in case where a greater period is called forth by our specifications then such a specification shall apply. In such cases the period of 14 months referred to in clause 20 (b) and (c) shall be the read as guarantee period plus two months. 21. REQUIREMENT OF ADDITIONAL NUMBERS OF THE STORES/SPARE PARTS ORDERED: The Contractor shall also undertake the supply of additional number (Nos.) of items covered by the order as considered necessary by the Purchaser at a later date. The actual price to be paid shall be mutually agreed to after negotiations, if required. 22. PACKING: (a) The Contractor wherever applicable shall pack and create all stores : for sea/air shipment as applicable in a manner suitable for export to a tropical humid climate, in accordance with internationally accepted export practices and in such a manner so as to protect the stores from damage and deterioration in transit by road, rail, air or sea for space qualified stores. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. (b) The Contractor shall ensure that each box/unit of shipment is legibly and properly marked for correct identification. Failure to comply with this requirement shall make the Contractor liable for additional expenses involved to identity the shipments. (c) The Contractor shall notify the Purchaser of the date of shipment from the port of embarkation as well as the expected date of arrival of such shipment at the designated port of arrival. (d) The Contractor shall give complete shipment information concerning the weight, size, content of each packages, etc. (e) Transshipment of equipment shall not be permitted except with written permission of the Purchaser. (f) Apart from the dispatch documents negotiated through Bank the following documents shall also be air-mailed to the Purchaser within 7 days from the date of shipment by sea and within 3 days in case of air-consignments. (a) Commercial Bill of Lading/Air Way Bill/ post parcel Receipt (two nonnegotiable copies) (b) Invoice (3 copies) (c) Packing List (3 copies) (d) Test Certificate (3 copies) (e) Certificate of origin Contractor shall also ensure that one copy of the packing list is enclosed in each case. 23. ARBITRATION: If at any time any question, disputes or differences whatsoever shall arise between the Purchaser and the Contractor upon or in connection with this contract, either party may forthwith give to the other notices in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of two arbitrators. One to be nominated by Purchaser, other by Contractor and the third arbitrator shall be appointed by both the arbitrators, who shall be Chairman of the arbitration board. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and procedure of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce at Paris. The expenses of the arbitrators and umpire shall be paid as may be determined by them. However, the venue of such arbitration should be India. 24. LANGUAGE AND MEASURES: All documents pertaining to the contract including specifications, schedule notices, correspondence, operating and maintenance instructions, drawing or any other writing shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in this contract. 25. IDEMNITY: The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores, supplied against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark and shall at all times indemnity the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores of infringement of any right protected by patent, registration of design or trade mark and shall bear risk of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 26. COUNTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIERS: Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the Contractor, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained. 27. SECURITY INTEREST: On each items to be delivered under this contract, including an item of work in progress in respect of which payment have been made in accordance with the terms of the contract. Purchaser shall have a security interest in such items which shall be deemed to be released only at the time when the applicable deliverable item is finally accepted and delivered to the Purchaser in accordance with the term of the contract. Such security interest of the Purchaser shall constitute a prior charge as against any other charge or interest created in respect of such items by any other entity. 28. BANK CHARGES: While the Purchaser shall bear the Bank Charges payable to his bankers (State Bank of India, ISRO Branch, Ahmedabad.) the Contractor shall bear the bank charge payable to his bankers including the charges towards advising amendment to LCs commissions, etc. 29. TRAINING: The Contractor shall, if required by Purchaser, provide facilities for the practical training of Purchaser’s engineering or technical personnel from India and for their active association and the manufacturing process throughout the manufacturing period of the contract stores, number of such personnel to be mutually agreed upon. 30. APPLICABLE LAW: The contract shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of India. BANK GUARANTEE (CLAUSE 20 (F) OF P.0050-B refers) Bank Guarantee No. Date: Whereas M/s. …………………………………………………………………………….(hereinafter called the Contractors) have entered into a contract with ………………………………………………………………(hereinafter called the Purchaser) being contract No…………………………………………………dated ………………………..(of the purchase, for the supply of Stores for order value Rs……………………………………………………………………or equivalent foreign currency. And whereas under the terms of contract, the Contractor is to furnish the Purchaser with a Bank Guarantee in the amount of ten percent(10%) of the total of the contract price for the due performance of the General terms and conditions of this order. And whereas the Contractor has requested us (name of the Bank) having its registered office…………………… to guarantee the due payment by the Contractor of the aforesaid amount to the Purchaser. Not we (name of the Bank) hereby unequivocally and unconditionally to pay, within 48 hours, on demand, in writing from the Purchaser or any officer authorised by at in this behalf and without demut, any amount upto and not exceed Rs……………………………………………….(in words)…………………………………..or equivalent foreign currency to the purchase on behalf of the Contractors. This guarantee shall be valid and binding on us (name of the bank) for a period of 12 months from the date of which the Purchaser puts the stores into operation and shall not be terminable on affected by notice of any change in the constitution of the bank of the firm of Contractors or by any other reason whatsoever and our (name of the bank) liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variation or alteration made, given conceded, agreed by with or without knowledge or consent, by or between the parties to the said written contract. Our (name of the Bank) liability under the guarantee is restricted to Rs…………………………………(in words)-------------------------------------------------------only / or equivalent foreign currency. Our guarantee shall remain in force till the expire of 12 (twelve) months from the date on which the Purchaser formally accepted the said equipment. Unless a suite or action to enforce a claim under this guarantee is filed against us within six months from the expire of the said 12 months all the rights of the Purchaser under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability there under. In witness whereof we the (name of the bank) have executed this.
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