THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF LAW – SPRING 2015 COURSE OFFERINGS UPDATED: 2/5/2015 11:23 AM UNIQUE # COURSE # COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR MEETING DAYS & TIMES EXAM 28420 28540 28785 28355 28320 28250 28435 28465 28470 28555 28350 28660 28815 28800 28765 28770 28775 28760 28777 28780 28445 28330 28370 28590 28663 28390 28665 28385 28460 28550 28560 28425 28670 28820 28825 28855 28085 28400 28395 28410 28605 28613 28675 28415 28365 28615 28090 28357 28680 28810 28805 28565 28690 28625 28695 28620 28310 28697 28205 28195 28200 28210 28865 28249 28247 28215 28220 28230 28240 28213 28545 28790 28700 28455 28335 28340 28464 28870 28627 28880 28405 28380 28750 28630 28705 28710 28835 28840 28850 28845 28595 28295 28300 28305 28290 28113 28745 28430 28715 28755 28830 28573 28885 28720 28633 28635 28725 28535 28730 28733 28530 361 476W 381R 348D 440M 232H 264C 474K 574K 378R 348C 379M 382N 282 381C 381C 381C 381C 381C 381C 264T 345D 350K 279M 379M 354D 379M 351K 371V 378J 179M 361J 379M 383 483 486 323F 454J 354J 254U 279M 279M 379M 355L 450G 279M 323M 348E 379M 382F 382D 179M 379M 279M 379M 279M 335L 379M 132C 132C 132C 132C 389P 232D 232D 232D 232D 232D 232D 132D 377D 381S 379M 471N 346K 346K 371V 390 279M 390E 354Q 250T 380C 279M 379M 379M 285 285 385 285 279M 135G 135G 235G 135G 331D 479M 462L 379M 380D 384N 179M 394P 379M 279M 279M 379M 376T 379M 379M 476P Administrative Law Advocacy Practice & Theory for the New Millennium 3 Alternative Dispute Resolution 2, 3 Americans with Disabilities 1 Antitrust: Econ Analysis & Legal Interpretation Appellate Clerkship Writing 3, 4 Bioethics & Law 2, 6 Business Associations Business Associations (Enriched) 6 Capital Punishment 6 Civil Rights Litigation 6 Coastal Watersheds: Science, Law & Policy 1, 3 Comparative Law 2, 6 Conflict of Laws (1/20-3/9) Con Law II: Constitutional Design 1, 2 Con Law II: Constitutional History 2 Con Law II: Due Process & Equal Protection 6 Con Law II: Equal Protection, Race Discrimination Con Law II: First Amendment 6 Con Law II: Race & Sex Discrimination 6 Construction Litigation Consumer Protection (DTPA) Copyright 6 Copyright and Media Rights Workshop, Adv. 4 Core Readings in Public Law 1 Corporate Governance 1, 2 Corporate Law, Securities, & Governance 4, 6 Criminal Procedure: Investigation 6 Crisis Management 1, 4 Domestic Violence & the Law 6 Economic Analysis of Public Law (sh crs 3/30-4/10) 2, 6 Employment Law 2 Environmental Policy & Law 1 Evidence Evidence 6 Federal Courts Federal Criminal Law 2, 6 Federal Income Tax Federal Income Tax - Transactional Federal Income Tax of Trusts & Estates Financial Methods for Lawyers 3 Fracking & More: Environ Issues in Unconventional Energy Dev 6 Healthcare Law & Policy: Selected Topics 6 Higher Education & the Law 6 Intellectual Property, Intro. 6 International Arbitration: Practical Skills 3, 6 International Criminal Law 2 International Human Rights Law 1, 2 International Investor/State Arbitration 2, 6 International Petroleum Transactions (sh crs 1/21-3/5) International Trade 2, 6 Introduction to European Union Law (sh crs 1/22-3/5) 2, 6 Invisible Global Marketing 1 Law & Economics (sh crs2/16-3/12) 6 Law & Economics of Cap Mkts/Financial Intermediation 1 Law & Social Media Law Libraries 1, 3, 6 Legal Authority & Judicial Review 1 Legal Research, Adv (sh crs) 3 Legal Research, Adv: Corporate & Securities (sh crs) 3 Legal Research, Adv: Intellectual Property (sh crs) 3 Legal Research, Adv: Texas Law (sh crs) 3 Legal Scholarship 2, 6 Legal Writing, Adv 3 Legal Writing, Adv 3 Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation 3 Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation 3 Legal Writing, Adv: Transactional Drafting 3 Legal Writing, Adv: Transactional Drafting 3 Legal Writing in Plain English (sh crs 1/30-1/31) Maritime Injuries Litigation 3, 6 Mediation 3, 6 Multiparty Conflict Resolution in Energy/Environ Matters 3 National Security Law Negotiation 3, 6 Negotiation 3, 6 Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy 1 Oil & Gas 6 Oil & Gas, Adv 6 Oil & Gas Taxation 1, 6 Partnership Tax 6 Patent Prosecution Workshop 3 Payment Systems 2 Preparing for a Federal District Clerkship 3, 4 Preservation Law & Cultural Resource Management 1 Private Equity Investing & the Law Professional Responsibility 2, 6 Professional Responsibility 2, 6 Professional Responsibility 6 Professional Responsibility for LLMs 5, 6 Public Policy Issues/Climate Change/Renewable Electric Industry Reading Group: Law & Social Justice (sh crs 1/21-3/4) 2, 4 Reading Group: Law’s History (enrollment in 1hr DRS required) 2 Reading Group: Starting & Managing a Law Practice Reading Group: Women in Law Real Estate Development Regulation & Public Policy 3 Remedies 6 Restorative Justice (sh crs 1/23-2/21) 1 Secured Credit 6 Securities Regulation 6 Spanish for Lawyers 4 State & Local Government 2, 6 Statutory Interpretation Strategy & Planning 3 Supreme Court 6 Tax Planning for Business Entities 1, 3, 6 Texas Civil Litigation: Pretrial & Trial Strategy Terror & Consent: Const. & Intl Law (sh crs 1/20-3/12) 1, 6 Texas Venture Labs Practicum Texas Civil Procedure: Survey McGarity McCormack Rau Cantu Markovits, R Vance/Greenman Robertson, J Sokolow Dammann Schonemann Laurin McClelland/Taylor Markovits, I Woolley Levinson/Ferreres Forbath Franklin Graglia Anderson, D. Steiker Sullivan, M/Ryan Newburger Bracha Hart Perry Cunningham Carson Strong Inman Gardner Avraham Durst Rawlins Wellborn Goode Young Klein Morse Spindler Ascher Morse/Lendecky/Young Morriss Silver Rabban Bracha Goldberg Jinks Engle Loftis/Deutsch/Tyler Anderson, O Hansen Dammann Mahajan Klement Spindler Garcia Bintliff Smith Cristobal Noel Wolfson Duncan Markovits, R Kimbol Mitchell Richards Sharp DeRose Nirken Garner Robertson, D Schless Schwartz, S/Menicucci Chesney Fox Schless Kuperman Smith, E Smith, E Spellings/Wright Bowers/O’Daniel Krawzsenek/Wohlers Kull Rein Rawlins Sherman Baker Baker McCown Wood Humble Engle Rabban Scheske/Jordan Chanow Rider Sage, W Dickerson Armour Littwin Hu Trevino/Weimer Baker Graglia Dreier Weinberg Singer Tottenham/Varney Bobbitt Adams Albright M-W 1:15-2:05 MT 1:15-3:05 T 3:30-6:30 T 3:45-6:35 M-W 2:15-3:22 W 3:45-5:35 TW 1:15-2:05 M-Th 9:10-10:00 M-W 8:10-9:00/F 8:10-9:50 M 3:45-6:15 MW 2:15-3:30 TTh 10:30-11:45 M-W 9:10-10:00 M-Th 9:10-10:00 TTh 2:15-3:30 MT 2:15-3:30 TTh 2:15-3:30 M-W 9:10-10:00 M-W 10:30-11:20 MW 2:15-3:30 M 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-6:35 MW 11:50-1:05 WTh 10:30-11:20 Th 3:30-6:30 Th 3:30-6:30 TW 2:15-3:30 TTh 9:05-10:20 F 9:00-12:00 W 10:30-1:00 T-Th 3:45-5:45 MW 3:45-5:00 MW 12:30-2:00 T-Th 1:15-2:05 T-Th 9:10-10:17 TTh 5:45-7:35 M-W 1:15-2:05 M-W 10:30-11:37 WF 11:50-1:05 MT 1:15-2:05 TTh 1:15-2:05 Th 5:45-7:35 TTh 9:05-10:20 M-W 10:30-11:20 M-W 2:15-3:22 M 9:00-10:50 T-Th 2:15-3:05 MT 10:30-11:45 M 3:45-6:55 TW 3:45-7:15 MW 11:50-1:05 Th 3:45-5:35 TTh 11:00-12:30 MWTh 3:45-5:35 MW 8:00-9:30 F 10:30-12:20 W 12:30-3:30 W 12:30-3:30 F 10:30-12:20 W 3:45-5:35 T 3:45-5:35 F 10:30-12:20 T 3:45-6:30 TW 9:10-10:00 W 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-5:35 W 10:30-12:20 T 3:45-5:35 W 5:45-7:35 FSat 9:30a-5:00p T 4:00-6:30 T 3:45-6:35 Th 3:45-6:15 T-Th 2:15-3:22 W 3:45-6:35 M 3:45-6:35 Th 2:00-5:00 MTTh 10:30-11:20 MT 2:15-3:05 Th 2:30-5:20 M 12:30-3:20 T 3:45-5:35 MW 2:15-3:30 Th 4:15-6:05 TTh 9:00-10:30 M 1:15-3:15/W 1:15-2:05 MW 9:10-10:00 MW 2:15-3:05 MTTh 10:30-11:20 Th 8:00-8:50/F 9:10-10:00 F 10:30-12:20 M 3:45-5:45 M 3:45-5:35 (meets every other week) W 3:45-5:35 W 10:30-11:20 TTh 3:45-5:00 M-W 10:30-11:37 M-W 10:30-11:37 F 5:30-8:30, Sat 9:00-5:30 MW 11:50-1:05 M-W 8:00-9:00 W 6:00-6:50 MW 11:50-1:05 M-W 10:30-11:20 F 10:30-12:20 W 1:15-3:05 TTh 2:00-3:30 Th 2:15-5:05 TTh 5:30-7:35 M, 6p-9p T-Th 10:30-11:37 14 TNH 2.139 none TNH 3.140 13 TNH 3.126 floating TNH 2.124 midterm & 6 TNH 3.114 paper TNH 3.126 14 JON 6.257 7 TNH 2.140 12 TNH 2.139 13 TNH 3.126 6 JON 6.206 paper JON 5.202/3 7 JON 6.201 early TNH 3.140 6 or paper TNH 3.127 6 TNH 2.124 6 TNH 2.139 7 JON 5.208 11 TNH 3.114 6 TNH 2.140 take-home 13 TNH 3.125 13 TNH 3.124 take-home 8 TNH 2.140 floating JON 6.206 paper BAT 1.104 TBD GSB 3.130 floating TNH 3.115 7 TNH 2.124 TBD SRH 3.122 paper TNH 3.126 early TNH 2.123 13 TNH 2.124 TBD SUT 3.112 14 TNH 2.138 7 TNH 3.142 15 TNH 3.125 floating TNH 3.142 11 TNH 3.142 midterm & paper TNH 2.124 14 TNH 3.115 none T-TNH 2.137 / Th-JON 6.206,6.207/8,6.257 13 TNH 3.114 7 JON 6.202 11 JON 6.257 take-home 6 TNH 3.142 none JON 6.206 take-home 6 JON 6.207 paper TNH 3.125 floating TNH 3.127 paper TNH 2.139 8 JON 5.206 early TNH 3.142 TBD GSB 3.104 paper JON 5.201 TBD UTC 1.118 8 TNH 3.124 take-home 8 JON 6.202 paper WAG 312 none JON 3.222 none JON 3.222 none JON 3.222 none JON 6.207/8 paper JON 6.203 none TNH 3.129 13 TNH 3.124 none JON 5.206/7 none TNH 2.123 none TNH 3.127 none TNH 2.124 take-home 1/31 TNH 2.137 none TNH 3.140 paper TNH 2.138 paper TNH 3.127 6 TNH 2.123 none TNH 3.125 none TNH 2.138 TBD SRH 3.214 11 TNH 2.139 6 JON 5.206/7 8 TNH 3.125 15 TNH 2.123 none TNH 3.125 6 JON 6.257 none TNH 3.115 TBD SUT 3.112 14 TNH 3.124 8 TNH 2.124 8 TNH 2.139 11 TNH 2.123 7 TNH 3.142 paper TNH 3.127 paper TNH 3.114 none JON 6.257 none TNH 3.142 none TNH 3.125 13 TNH 2.140 floating TNH 3.140 take-home 11 TNH 3.124 TBD SSW 2.122 8 TNH 3.142 12 TNH 2.124 13 TNH 3.126 8 TNH 3.124 11 JON 6.207/8 take-home 11 TNH 3.125 none TNH 3.129 TBD CBA 4.332 none TNH 3.140 paper TNH 3.124 TBD ATT M2029 11 TNH 2.124 Courses continue on page 2. Page 1 of 2 ROOM # For footnotes please refer to bottom of page 2. UNIQUE # COURSE # COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR MEETING DAYS & TIMES EXAM 28645 28375 28650 28475 28860 279M 350N 279M 476L 489N Topics in Theory & Practice of Arbitration (sh crs 1/21-3/9) 6 Trademark Law 6 Venture Capital Water Law 6 Wills & Estates Bone/Ferreres Bone Ganor Cohen, J Ascher MW 3:45-5:35 MTTh 1:15-2:05 T 3:45-5:35 T-Th 10:30-11:37 M-Th 9:10-10:00 early or paper JON 6.207/8 14 TNH 2.124 13 TNH 3.142 floating or paper JON 5.206/7 7 TNH 2.123 LITIGATION COURSES 28575 279M Advocacy Outside of the Courtroom 3 28580 279M Advocacy Outside of the Courtroom 3 28480 376M Instructor McCormack McCormack Days & Times Th 1:15-2:05 W 12:00-3:00 Room # CCJ 3.306 CCJ 3.306 Exam none none Advocacy Survey 3 176N Advocacy Survey: Skills 176N Advocacy Survey: Skills Golden/Gonzalez MW 11:50-1:05 M 6:00-9:00 W 6:00-9:00 TNH 3.140 CCJ CCJ 8 none none Actual Innocence 3, 4 Actual Innocence 3, 4 Dowling Dowling W 2:15-4:15 TNH 3.128 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. 28485, 28490, 28495, 28500, 28505 28510, 28515, 28520, 28525, 28527 CLINICS 28890 397C 28970 397D 3, 4 ROOM # Register for both unique numbers for a total of 4 hours. Register for the course AND one section of skills on the preferred night. 28955 497C Capital Punishment Marcus/Schonemann W 3:45-5:45 CCJ 3.306 Register for this clinic AND the Capital Punishment course (#28555). 28895 28975 28980 397C 397D 397D Children's Rights, Central 3, 4 Children's Rights, Skills 3, 4 Children's Rights, Skills 3, 4 McCown Duke Strauch TTh 1:15-2:30 TNH 3.129 Register for Central and one Skills section for a total of 6 hours. 28900 28985 397C 397D Civil Rights 3, 4 Civil Rights 3, 4 Natarajan Natarajan TTh 2:15-3:30 CCJ 3.306 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. 28905 28990 28995 397C 397D 397D Criminal Defense, Central 3, 4 Criminal Defense, Skills 3, 4 Criminal Defense, Skills 3, 4 Allison Bachman Segura Th 4:15-6:05 TNH 3.126 Register for Central and one Skills section for a total of 6 hours. 28910 29000 397C 397D Domestic Violence 3, 4 Domestic Violence 3, 4 Lungwitz Lungwitz T 3:45-6:05 CCJ 3.306 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. CCJ 3.306 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Th 2:15-4:05 JON 6.201 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Fuchs T 3:30-5:30 Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid Dulitzky Dulitzky MW 2:15-3:30 JON 5.208 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Gilman Gilman TTh 3:45-5:15 TNH 3.114 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Sigman Sigman TTh 2:15-3:30 TNH 3.124 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Fischer Fischer TTh 2:15-3:30 JON 6.202 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Churgin Churgin MW 3:45-5:15 TNH 4.110 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. 28915 28965 28920 29005 397C 397D 397C 397D 3, 4 Entrepreneurship & Community Development Way/Martinez, F/Platts-Mills M 2:15-4:15/Th 9:10-10:00 Entrepreneurship & Community Development 3, 4 Way/Martinez, F/Platts-Mills 3, 4 Environmental Environmental 3, 4 28960 497C Housing 28925 29010 397C 397D Human Rights 3, 4 Human Rights 3, 4 28930 29015 28935 29020 28937 29023 28940 29025 397C 397D 397C 397D 397C 397D 397C 397D Haragan Haragan 3, 4 3, 4 Immigration Immigration 3, 4 3, 4 Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice 3, 4 3, 4 Legislative Lawyering Legislative Lawyering 3, 4 3, 4 Mental Health Mental Health 3, 4 3, 4 28945 29030 29035 397C 397D 397D Supreme Court Supreme Court 3, 4 Supreme Court 3, 4 Blais/Sturley/Frederick/Busby, E T 3:45-5:35/F 10:30-12:20 Blais/Sturley/Frederick/Busby, E Blais/Sturley JON 6.202 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. 28950 29040 397C 397D Transnational Worker Rights 3, 4 Transnational Worker Rights 3, 4 Beardall Beardall CCJ 3.306 Register for both unique numbers for a total of 6 hours. Th 3:45-5:35 INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 (approval form must be submitted before you may register) CLINIC, ADVANCED DIRECTED RESEARCH AND STUDY 29280 197W 1 hour 29045 197L 1 hour 29285 297W 2 hours 29055 297L 2 hours 29290 397W 3 hours 29065 397L 3 hours 29075 497L 4 hours INTERNSHIPS 4 JUDICIAL (Crouter) 28570 179M T 3:45-5:15 TNH 2.137 (mandatory crs) 29295 398J 3 hours 29300 498J 4 hours GOVERNMENT (Wood) 29090 497P 4 hours T 3 :45-5:15 TNH 3.115 DIRECTED RESEARCH & STUDY (TEACHING ASST.) 29050 197L 1 hour 29060 297L 2 hours 29070 397L 3 hours NONPROFIT (Marsh) 29095 497P 4 hours T 3:45-5:15 CCJ 1.312 U.S. ATTORNEY (Brown, A/Klein) 3 29080 297P 2 hours LEGISLATIVE (Wood) 29085 397P 3 hours T 5:45-7:30 TNH 3.115 WRITING SEMINARS 29200 397S The Jury in Theory & Practice 29117 397S Fiction by Lawyers 4, 6 29185 397S International & Comparative Art & Antiquities Law 6 29125 397S Business & Regulatory Aspects of Health Law 29225 397S Nonprofits: National & International Issues 1, 4, 6 29250 379S Law of Software, Video Games & Interactive Entertainment 6 29105 397S U.S. Counterterrorism Law & Policy: 1970s to Present 1 29165 397S Environmental Litigation 6 29230 397S Property & Governance 6 29155 397S Enforcement of Intellectual Property 6 29130 397S Climate Change Law 6 29210 397S Law & Philosophy Workshop 6 29145 397S Criminal Justice Policy: Corrections & Sentencing 1 29160 397S Entertainment Law 6 29235 397S Refugee Law & Policy 6 29170 397S Evidence, Advanced 6 29195 397S International Trade & Investment in Latin America 1, 6 29135 397S Corporate & International Finance and Governance 6 29190 397S International Humanitarian Law 29260 397S Tax Reform 6 29205 397S Federalism1, 6 29140 397S Credit Cards in Transition 6 29175 397S Food Safety Law 6 29270 397S White Collar Crime 6 29110 397S Arbitration 29120 397S Reproductive Rights 6 29215 397S Joint Seminar on the Legal & Medical Professions 29180 397S Globalization: Legal & Philosophical Aspects (sh crs 1/21-3/9) 6 29255 397S Supreme Court 6 29220 397S Legislative Process 4, 6 29275 397S U.S. Intelligence, the FBI, Homeland Security & the Law 6 29240 397S Regulation of Financial Markets 6 29245 397S Science & Law 29265 397S Texas Wind Law 29115 397S Behavioral Law & Economics 29150 397S Economic Justice: Race, Gender, Identity, and Economics 1 Instructor Abramson Anderson, D. Baade Bell Carson Cavazos Chesney Civins Cohen, J Davis Deatherage Deigh/Sager Deitch Fair Gilman Goode Hansen Hu Jinks Johnson Levinson Littwin McGarity McNeil/Brainin Rau Robertson, J Sage, W Sager/Ferreres Sager Sampson Sievert Stutts Wagner, W Wetsel Williams Wiseman, Z Days & Times W 3:45-5:35 Th 4:15-6:05 Th 4:15-6:05 Th 4:15-6:05 W 3:45-5:35 T 5:45-7:35 T 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-5:35 Th 2:15-4:05 Th 4:15-6:05 M 3:45-5:35 Th 3:45-5:35 W 2:00-5:00 W 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-5:35 Th 2:15-4:05 Th 2:15-4:05 T 3:45-5:35 W 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-5:35 T 3:45-6:35 M 3:45-5:35 T 3:45-5:35 Th 2:15-4:05 W 3:45-5:35 M 3:45-5:35 W 3:45-5:35 MW 5:45-7:35 M 3:45-5:35 F 11:50-1:40 T 3:45-5:35 W 3:45-5:35 T 3:45-5:35 W 3:45-5:35 W 3:45-5:35 T 1:15-3:05 Room # TNH 3.129 TNH 3.129 JON 6.207/8 TNH 3.128 TNH 3.115 JON 6.206 JON 6.206 JON 6.206 JON 6.206 JON 6.202 TNH 3.140 JON 5.206/7 SRH 3.220 TNH 2.140 TNH 3.129 JON 5.208 JON 6.203 TNH 3.129 JON 6.202 TNH 3.128 TNH 3.128 JON 6.203 JON 5.208 JON 6.257 JON 5.208 TNH 3.115 JON 5.206/7 JON 5.206/7 JON 5.208 TNH 3.129 JON 6.207/8 JON 6.206 JON 6.257 TNH 3.127 TNH 3.114 JON 6.203 1 Cross-listed class. Optional elective for freshlaws and upperclass students. Course meets Professional Skills requirement (effective for JDs matriculating in Fall 2008 and later). 4 Restricted Enrollment: Application and/or instructions on how to apply can be accessed on the web at 5 Restricted to LLM students. 6 Pass/Fail option not available. 2 3 NOTE: Courses may have prerequisite(s). Refer to on-line course description at or contact professor to confirm you are eligible to enroll. Information in this document is subject to change. Page 2 of 2
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