the Weekly February 1 - February 7, 2015 SUNDAYS at CHRIST COMMUNITY QUICK CONNECT | New to Christ Community? Meet a Pastor 10:20 & 11:55a [say “Hey!” & make a connection] in Atrium 1 ADULTS| 9:00a : GenXers [parents of kids elementary-high school] in C1, Hymnology 10:35a : Light Bearers [generally 50+,all ages welcome] in C1, Jesus in the OT : Young Marrieds [engaged and young couples] in C2, Mark: the gospel : Faithwalkers [faith-strengthening adults, 50+] in C3/4, Emotional Hang-ups STUDENTS| 9:00a : high school [9th-12th grade] CORE in C2|Oh! My God...Is Spiritual : middle school [6th-8th grade] CORE in C3/4|Life of Jesus: Things He Said CHILDREN|all children check-in at ORBIT HERE 9:00a : early childhood ORBIT [birth - preKindergarten] : elementary ORBIT [Kindergarten - 5th grade] in Connect A-Z 10:35a : early childhood ORBIT [birth - preKindergarten] : elementary ORBIT [Kindergarten - 1st grade] in Connect 8/9 FAMILIES| 10:40a, FX | Family Experience in Connect A-Z | Kindness Upcoming RETREATS CONNECTING PEOPLE TO LIFE-DEFINING RELATIONSHIPS IN HRIST NOTEWORTHY Father Daughter Dance | February 7, 6:00-8:00p, Christ Community gym. Dads, take your little leading lady out for a red carpet event. Walk down our Hollywood Red Carpet, enjoy refreshments & dancing, hear a meaningful message, receive a party favor and complimentary photo. Most importantly, create memories with your daughter & show her how special she is. Register in Atrium 1 on Sundays or online at Register by January 31st for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Wallaby's to treat your daughter to dinner before the dance! Benevolence Sunday | The first Sunday every month, our Benevolence ministry is highlighted and a special offering collected using Benevolence envelopes [available at the coffee counter near the Weekly, and the START HERE desk]. If you’d like to partner with this ministry you can use these envelopes. Funds will used to serve people in the Church & community who have special financial needs brought on by job loss, unforeseen circumstances, illness, etc. Inclement Weather | Updates on church schedule changes due to weather are posted on the website homepage below the START HERE button. Check the website, church Facebook page & Twitter for changes & cancellations. QUEST | February 27-March 1 at Pine Lake Christian Camp, Eldora, IA. Theme “Who Are You?” based on Matthew 16:13,15. Men, come for a weekend to pursue deeper relationship with God & friendship with others. More info available at the START HERE desk or CONTEMPLATIVE Retreat |March 13-14. Rock River [Webster City area]. Women, do your new year goals include taking time to get away, have quiet time to listen to your heart & to God? This retreat could be just the thing. Flyers & registration information are available at the START HERE desk. Contact Allison Greenwald [[email protected]]. Group in Español | Thursday, 6:15p at 4902 Clemons Blvd. in Ames. Meet for food & fellowship with Bible study [in Spanish] starting around 7:00p. The group [comprised mostly of families, open to anyone] is currently studying Philippians. Contact Paula Ciccotti [[email protected] | 515.231.4582]. Serve . Sign-ups . Registration | Sundays head to ATRIUM 1 [in front of the windows outside Gather 1] to sign-up to serve & register for events. If you’re looking for something and don’t see it, head to the website. Serving opportunities: go to the SERVE tab where urgent & current sign-ups are listed under Focused Opportunities. Connecting opportunities/event registration: go to the CONNECT tab where you can click on a specific ministry to find information or head to the Calendar to see what’s happening. CHRIST COMMUNITY FAMILY NEWS We express our sympathy to | Dan & Sandy Peterson and family. Hazel Streit [long time member & grandmother in the Peterson family], passed away peacefully January 26. New Christ Community Church members | After our winter congregational meeting Sunday, January 25th we welcomed 10 new members to Christ Community Church! We also congregationally affirmed 5 servant-leaders. Roger Smith, James Carlat (Missional Leadreship Board) and Jeff Brenner (Mission Team Chair) were affirmed to continue serving for a 2nd term. Scott Beckwith (Missional Leadreship Board) & Matt Cooper (Facility Chair) are stepping into their first terms. We are thankful for these men who are willing to serve in these capacities and looking forward to their presence and leadership on these teams! *more information available online at Winter Congregational Meeting | Information handed out at this meeting is available online to read and/or download. Financial updates (including Building on the Vision), Global Initiatives (missions) updates, Ministry snap shots of growth from Fall 2013-Fall 2014 and more were presented and discussed. Barnabas Team | This is a committed group of men and women who are excited to serve & bless you or someone you know. Whether it be a hospital visit, a home visit for conversation and refreshment from a [new] friend, or simply encouragement in your personal life, situations & endeavors, this group has a heart to connect with you! Contact Alicia in the church office [[email protected] | 515.232.2765] to have someone from the team contact you. Go online [] for more information on all of these updates and more! Do you have something you’d like to share with the church family? Fill out the online form on the Christ Community family news page or email Dana North at [email protected]. Saturday, February 7 8:00a—Upward Basketball Games 10:30a—Helen Facto Memorial Service Sunday, February 1 10:20a—Quick Connect 11:55a—Quick Connect Monday, February 2 6:00a—Men’s Early AM Basketball 10:00a—Mommy & Me 11:00a—Hazel Streit Memorial Service 5:00p—Upward Basketball practices 8:30p—Primetime Basketball Tuesday, February 3 6:00a—Men’s Early AM Basketball 6:00a—Cafe Blinks open [until 10:30a] 5:00p—Upward Basketball practices 6:30p—Women’s Evening Bible Study 8:30p—Primetime Basketball Wednesday, February 4 6:00a—Men’s Early AM Basketball 6:00a—Cafe Blinks open [until 10:30a] 6:30a—TREK [men’s mid-week connect] 9:00a—Bible Study Fellowship 10:00a—Caffeine ‘n Chaos 6:30p—Fusion [middle school] 6:30p—Launch [3rd-5th grade] 7:00p—Classic Choir rehearsal 8:00p—Fuel [high school] Thursday, February 5 6:00a—Men’s Early AM Basketball 9:30a—YADA [women’s mid-week connect] 5:00p—Upward Basketball practices 7:00p—Bolivia Work Training 8:30p—Women’s Basketball Friday, February 6 6:00a—Men’s Early AM Basketball 5:00p—Upward Basketball Games Weekly Calendar February 1-February 7, 2015 tear here to post calendar or detach Connect Group questions on the back CONNECT COLLEGE & NAVIGATORS / YOUNG ADULTS GROUPS Committed to connecting with others, in God’s Word, & Christ Community’s mission, Connect Groups, are full of life-defining moments & relationships that will draw you closer to Jesus Christ. Our next easy “On-Ramp” is in March, but contact Laurel Smith to get started in connecting in a group! Questions, contact Brent Thomas [[email protected]]. MEN’S MINISTRIES TREK |Wednesday, 6:30a in G2. Currently studying “A Man & His Story,” men are discovering how their story fits within God’s greater story. Grow to be the man God created YOU to be. Hot coffee & continental breakfast every week! Contact Ron Stubbs [[email protected]]. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Evening Bible Study | STARTing February 3 at 6:30p in C1. “Set your heart on things above” [Colossians 3] and join other women for the next 5 Tuesday evenings to study the book of Colossians. Contact Marcia DeZonia [[email protected]]. YADA | Thursday, 9:30a in Connect 3/4. Studying “Breathe : Making Room for Sabbath” by Priscilla Shirer. Childcare available. Contact Kerry Brannan [[email protected]]. Caffeine ‘n Chaos | Wednesday,10:00a in the gym. Bring your favorite toddlers, grab a cup of caffeine & enjoy great conversation. Contact Anna McConnell [[email protected]]. HIGHLIGHTS Nav Night | Thursday, 8:00p in 1001 Troxel . This week continuing to learn about God’s promises for YOU. Contact [[email protected]]. Greek Navs | Wednesday, 8:00p at Beta Theta Pi. Contact [[email protected]]. Young Adult & Grad Student Study |Thursdays, 7:30p. Currently studying “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan. Anyone welcome, anytime. Contact Mark or Andy North [[email protected]]. STUDENTS Fusion | Wednesdays, 6:30p in G2. Middle school connect: Bullying Fuel | Wednesdays, 8p in G2. High school connect: I Doubt it! Jesus really the ONLY way? Winter blast is next weekend! Sign-up Now! You won’t want to miss this! Cost $140. Register online [] or in the PLEX office. Summer SERVE Opportunities announced | Middle School: TREK, Adventure Challenge in Grand Marais, MN. High School : Urban Impact in New Orleans, LA. *more info online at* CHILDREN & FAMILIES February Virtue | New month, new virtue! Drum roll….. Kindness: showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. All month long elementary kids & families will explore this characteristic of God and how it can be expressed through them to change the world around them! You’re invited to join in the fun in Orbit or FX! FX |10:40a in ConnectZ. Today families are learning how there’s always time to be kind. Join our family worship and discover more of God together! Mommy & Me | Mondays,10:00a in ConnectPreK. 45 minutes of music & fun for pre-school children & their favorite adult! Launch | Wednesday, 6:30-8:00p in ConnectZ. Join 30+ other 3rd-5th graders had a blast wondering & discovering more about God! Dive deeper into what you’re learning Sunday mornings! This week: Mark 10:13-16! For WOMEN: Night in the Word | Monday, February 9th, 6:30-8:00p, C2 at the church. Please join us for a party in God's Word! No need to prepare anything ahead of time. Just enjoy the presence of God with other women as we meet Him in His Word. Bring your Bible and a friend! Contact Sue Thomas [[email protected]] with questions. Donations for BOLIVIA| This spring we have 3 trips heading to our partners in Bolivia. With that comes opportunity for all of us to take part in these trips through prayer & donations. Donations can be dropped off in the donation bins Sundays at the START HERE desk, the West entry, & Atrium 1. During the week, one bin will be located at the START HERE desk. A list of helpful items is available online [] or at the START HERE desk. *SPECIAL NEED* Talita Cumi, the children’s home had a fire the destroyed much of a the girls’ sleeping quarters. Material donations are needed & will be taken down, however monetary donations are needed for items that are needed to be replaced immediately.* Praise Puppets | Have an interest in creatively sharing Jesus? Are you a student [6th grade through high school]? The puppets traveling team will be holding Saturday training sessions February 7, 14, 21, & 28 from 9:00a - noon. For more info or questions contact Sara Tifft or Andy Rohrback at [[email protected]]. S E RV E OPPORTUNITIES & CONTACT INFORMATION Father Daughter Dance | Set-up & tear down help wanted! Sign-up in the Atrium. 40 Days for Life | Sign up to commit to pray for 40 days for life and God’s value of it in America. Roger Stover will be at table in Atrium 1 to answer questions & provide more information for this 40 day prayer commitment. Join more than 650,000 people worldwide who are standing & praying FOR life. Missed the table? Contact Roger [[email protected]] with questions or for more information. Head to for opportunities! January 25 Stewardship Jan 25 gifts received : Avg weekly need : 0 [-$15,246.78 below average weekly need] $23,553.22 $38,800 * more info available at SOCIALIZE WITH US /ameschristcommunity WHAT’S AHEAD | At a Glance FEBRUARY 7 | Father Daughter Date Night 11 | Confident Parenting Class [FREE 5 week . parenting teens] 27 | QUEST Men’s retreat [thru March 1 . Pine Lake camp] MARCH 13 | Contemplative Women’s retreat [thru March 14. Rock River] 15 | SPRING BREAK [thru March 21] @christcommames Questions from the message? Text 515.209.2060 | Get the Weekly online at HAVE A STORY? PRAYER REQUEST? COMMENT? Fill out your connect card attached to the Gather+PLUS . Head to us to submit something . Email [email protected] | [email protected] | 5501 GW Carver Ames IA 50010 | 515.232.2765 CONNECT GROUP QUESTIONS Unstoppable | Prevailing in Shepherding [Acts 18-20] START HERE | Did you find today’s teaching helpful? In what way? Identify one key application the Spirit made in your heart & life as this teaching engaged you. Exploring your HEART Winston Churchill, the relentless English Prime Minister [died 50 years ago last month] is argued to be the most influential world leader of the 20th century. A remarkable leader, he was famous for a “never give in” address to young school children during WWII. Discuss a few moments his comments on leadership: :Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.” :"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all the others." :"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." Thinking about being a leader at home, or in the company of Jesus’ disciples, what are the qualities you sense are most important? Can they be acquired? How? Exploring the WORD When Paul gathered the leaders of churches in and around the city of Ephesus to commend them to shepherding leadership, he clearly stressed how important their integrity and intentionality would be to the healthy of God’s people. Take time with 1 Timothy 3:1-13 & Titus 1:3-8, Paul’s counsel on who should lead God’s people. Sort the qualities onto one or the other of -INTEGRITY INTENTIONALITY (use a separate piece of paper) Then, take a glance at 1 Peter 5:1-11. What do you hear Peter saying about leadership that adds to what Paul says? Do you sense our church has these kinds of leaders? Are you one? Exploring the OUTCOME Do you feel energized or discouraged surveying the qualities God is looking to develop in us? One of the great realities God’s Word presents is that each of us can grow in the character and statue of Christ. “Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Reviewing the listed“qualities” list: which of these do you sense God’s Spirit is seeking to grow in you? Our ministry’s values [what we express together as a church family] are: :transparent relationships :purposeful responsiveness :intergenerational discipling :radical generosity :Comment on how a church’s expression to these can stimulate the developing of godly leaders. :Pray for our church to this end!
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