Spirit of Saint aul 148 years Imparting the WORD to Impact the WORLD! Pastor Robert J. Williams, Sr., D. Min. Pastor Robert J. Williams, Jr., M. Div. february 1, 2015 EMPOWER COMMUNITY, AND EXPAND GOD’S KINGDOM BY SHARING THE GOSPEL IN THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. Saint Paul Church Covenant (Adopted by the church January 28, 1975) With sincere gratitude to God for His grace and mercy, having been brought to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and relying on the help of the Holy Spirit, we joyfully and solemnly covenant with each other in the presence of God and men… • To habitually engage in secret and family prayer; • To devoutly study the Holy Scriptures and teach them to our children; • To zealously support the work and worship of God and the ordinances of His house; • To walk together in Christian love; • To cheerfully give of our property, as God has prospered us, to the support of a faithful Christian Ministry; • To aid as we are able in bringing relief to those who are in bondage to poverty, ignorance, fear, prejudice or hostility; • To be a fellowship of the concerned, where the lost may find Jesus Christ, sinners may find pardon, seekers may find meaning for their lives, and where all who come may find welcome; • To live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world, striving for attitudes and actions which reflect God’s Spirit working through us, abstaining from whatever is unbecoming to a Christian; We also promise that when we remove from this vicinity we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church and strive always to live to the glory of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. AMEN! SERMON NOTES Sunday, February 1, 2015 Name of Preacher Scripture Text Title Main Ideas of Sermon _____________________________________ Points to help us grow: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What message did God send directly to me through this sermon? ________________________________________________________ Is there something else God wants me to do? __________________ ________________________________________________________ How did this message improve/relate to my life? _______________ ________________________________________________________ What should I do about it? _________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ February Wedding Anniversaries If your special day is not listed in this section, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office at (301) 449-1450 February 14, 2011 February 16, 1974 Colin Julius and Kanika Bipat Redmond and Rosenna Barnes February 21, 1987 February 28, 1959 Pastor Robert and Demetriss Williams Kenneth and Joyce Maxwell Happy February Birthday Wishes If your special day is not listed in this section, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office at (301) 449-1450 1st 3 rd th 4 5th 7th 10th 11 th Francine Williams David S. Thompson Yvonne M. Stephens Walter K. Jones Jessica Moyler Gerald T. Smith Cheryl Chandler Jeffrey Osei-Kofi Lexi Lewis Darlene Workcuff Charles W. Allen Glorie M. Johnson Loucustia Williams Shummia Atkinson Girard Pritchett II 13th 14th th 15 16th 17th 19th 21st Redis Floyd Giselle V. Clovis Tina M. Mosby Robert A. Carey Akeem R. Hastings Yvonne Jones Elbert Ouzts, Jr. Tempie L. Alexander Litha A. Carter Karen Moore Carrie Poindexter Clifford Hughes Delilah Scott-Calvert Harvey Lotharp Lillie Davis 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th Maxine Stone Hanzel McDowney Maya Redding Nicole Redding Logan Wesley Andrew Alexander Sonya Lee James UpshawVIII LaReine Miller Andrea Tribble Marsha West Jennifer Gatson Shirley Terry Charlene Wyatt Tucker Dobbins CORPORATE PRAYER Monday Evening February 2nd (7:00-8:00pm), St. Paul Central led by members of the Diaconate Corporate Prayer every Monday evening. The service begins promptly at 7:00, but all are welcome to come early for personal prayer at the altar. As our prayers go up, God’s blessings are pouring down. The February Calendar is printed in this publication as a means of making you aware of all announcements and events scheduled for the month. The weekly Welcome Bulletin will focus on special weekly reminders. SHARE Food Network The February orders and payments are due Sunday, February 15th. Orders will be ready for pick up on Saturday, February 28th @ SPC. For more information please contact Sis. Susan Smith (301-322-4938). The Health Resource Ministry will be available to do blood pressure check at the end of the 8:00 and 10:30 service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays GRIEF COUNSELING sessions are conducted on the second and fourth Wednesdays by our grief counselor, Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Hodge, at SP-Central, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Reverend Hodge can be reached at 301-420-1316 or 301-785-9550 for scheduling or emergency requests. ORATORICAL CONTEST 2015 - The St. Paul Church plans to participate in the 2015 Oratorical Contest. Youth in grades 4-12 who are interested contact Servant Leader, Lataunya Partman ([email protected]) or 240-304-4096. Dear St. Paul Family, Thanks to all who participated in the St. Paul Church Directory. We are now entering the second phase of this project which is the assembling of the Directory. Our goal is to have the directory completed in the next couple of months. We will keep you updated on the progress. The Church Directory Team Deborah Snipes ([email protected]) Gloria Allen ([email protected]) The ST. PAUL WOMEN’S & YOUTH MINISTRY PRESENTS 2K15 YOUTH FASHION SHOW APRIL 11, 2015, 3:00PM – 6:00PM @ ST. PAUL CENTRAL I Have A Dream…A Gospel Story Sunday, February 22nd - 10:30am Worship Service: St. Paul Church will be blessed by an anointed and powerful Black History gospel musical performed by the Stockholm Gospel Group from Stockholm Sweden! I Have A Dream…A Gospel Story, is a touching and soul stirring gospel musical written by Lasse Axelsson and Christjan Wegner from Stockholm Sweden. The gospel musical is based on the depiction of Southern Black Americans as they journey through history leading to Civil Rights, and includes powerful dramatizations about the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Come out for this powerful worship experience, and bring a friend! THANK YOU The current church covenant states that we are to “participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy, bear one another’s burdens and sorrows.” On behalf of my cousins Deacons Alphonso and Viola Gross and myself, we sincerely thank the church family of St. Paul Church for your words of comfort and encouragement during the recent loss of our aunt, Fannie Mae Green. May God Bless you for your love and concern during our time of bereavement. Agape, Renee LeMay To my St. Paul Family, God knew what I needed most, and He called on your kind heart. Thank you for answering. He used you in a very special way. You’re Truly A Blessing. Tyrone and Deborah Hill & Family *********** Winter School Supply Drive School is back in session following the Winter Break and most of the supplies that children started off with at the beginning of the school year have now been depleted. Please join the Missions Ministry and the Children’s Ministry during the month of January as they collect school supplies for our school age children. Supplies needed include: Crayons, Colored Pencils, #2 Pencils, Pens, and Paper, Glue sticks, Tissue, Clorox Wipes, etc. Rev. Jimmie Waters and Servant Leader Lataunya Partman (240-304-4096) are available to provide additional information and to accept your donations. *********** The National Academy of Engineering is pleased to announce this year’s annual EngineerGirl Essay Contest on the EngineerGirl website! Students (both boys and girls) in grades 3-12 are invited to write an essay about how engineering has influenced a favorite sport. Cash prizes of $500, $250, and $100 are available for the best essays in each of 3 age categories. Think you can tell us how engineers are keeping the world active? We want to hear from you! Submit your essays by March 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm EST. Find out more at www.entineergirl.org/GetThere/Contest/2015contest.aspx *********** THE SUNDAY MORNING TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY (to SP-Central) Because of the increased ridership on Sunday mornings it is imperative that you call Bro. John Queen (240-467-5950) preferably before Friday at 8:00 pm of each week to confirm your ride. When calling please let us know how many people will be riding with you so we will have adequate space to accommodate all riders. Please note: If you must cancel, it is your responsibility to contact Bro. Queen immediately to prevent an unnecessary trip. AUDIO VISUAL MINISTRY CD’s and DVD’s of our Worship Services are available for purchase You can get Friendly Worship Services on CD’s only The Central Worship Services are on CD’s and DVD’s Order forms are available at the Audio Visual or Ushers’ Table Hello Kingdom Men, The Men’s Ministry of SPC is on the move We've spent some time on R & R. We've vacationed with our families. We've been far away from the battle, but the war still rages. The Men of God are still fighting an adversary that is relentless, but let me remind you that with the Lord on our side, we are just as formidable. Even though our agenda is full, we need to get back in the fight. Starting this Sunday, February 1st, after the 10:30am Service, I need as many men as possible to join with the youth of SPC, as we go forth to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. We're going down to the Mitch Snyder Shelter, to help and support our youth in ministry. I hope that everyone can attend. We're also coming together for our Men's Nite Out Bible Study, this coming Thursday, February 5th, at 7:30pm, Saint Paul Church Central. Get ready for an innovative study entitled, "Worldliness Don't Mix With Godliness. Also save the date for Saturday, February 7th, 8:30a.m. at the SP Senior Living Center. We're coming together for some real good food, compelling conversation and awesome fellowship. So join us for the Men's Fellowship Breakfast Meeting, where we will consider the topic, "The REAL Meaning of Headship." Until I See You This Sunday...Peace! Rev. Herb ************** 2015 NAACP Scholarship In partnership, the University of Maryland College Park, University at Albany-SUNY and Towson University Chapters of the NAACP will award one deserving high school senior with a scholarship of $1000 to be used toward achieving their goals within higher education. Below you will find the scholarship requirements. Please be sure to complete all required fields as requested. Incomplete forms will NOT be evaluated. Questions can be sent to [email protected], [email protected] OR [email protected] Good Luck!!! Applicants MUST BE a high school SENIOR to apply. Applicants MUST PLAN to attend the University of Maryland College Park, the University at Albany-SUNY or Towson University in Fall 2015 to apply. There is no pre-selection or nominating process involved. Students are encouraged to apply at their leisure. There is no GPA requirement for this award. The University of Maryland College Park, the University at Albany-SUNY and Towson University NAACP Chapters will make all decisions in regards to the final recipient of this scholarship. Scholarship deadline is February 12, 2015. Application and award notifications will be sent directly to students by April 1, 2015. Link to application https://docs.google.com/a/pgcps.org/forms/d/14mkappnyiovC5pSk9lj59BK4yhkSEa1Mx5KTlC1OVw/viewform?c=0&w=1 ************** TLC REFUGE COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY Classes will be back in session starting Tuesday, February 3, 2015 If you are not already connected with one of the Small Study Groups see the following page for a full listing of days, times, and locations. Join TLC Community where you are not only blessed thru the Word of God but can be a blessing to others. “C U N TLC” DAYTIME MEETINGS: LAMBS OF GOD This TLC-RC meets Tuesday afternoons, 2:00-3:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central (front Sanctuary) 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 FACILITATOR: Deacon Al Scott TELEPHONE: 301-336-6924 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Deacon Flozell Washington TELEPHONE: 301-669-7219 EMAIL: [email protected] FRIENDLY DISCIPLES This TLC-RC meets Wednesday afternoons, 12:00-1:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Friendly (rear of Sanctuary) 9700 Old Allentown Road, Fort Washington, Maryland 20744 FACILITATOR: Reverend Queenie Anderson TELEPHONE: 301-292-3031 EMAIL: [email protected] TUESDAY EVENING MEETINGS: GOD’S CHOSEN VESSELS This TLC-RC meets Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 6704 Southfield Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744 FACILITATOR: Minister Brenda Otto TELEPHONE: 240-475-7720 EMAIL: [email protected] DOERS OF THE WORD This TLC-RC meets Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Rotates – contact one of the facilitators FACILITATOR: Sister Ella Carey TELEPHONE: 202-491-7609 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Sister Faye Norman TELPEHONE: 301-499-5557 EMAIL: [email protected] WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS: DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Friendly 9700 Old Allentown Road, Fort Washington, Maryland 20744 FACILITATOR: Sister Gloria Allen TELEPHONE: 703-398-3919 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Charles Allen TELEPHONE: 703-986-8324 EMAIL: [email protected] LIVING WATERS This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 FACILITATOR: Reverend Herbert Williams, Jr. TELEPHONE: 301-372-6168 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Deacon Jackie Witcher TELEPHONE: 301-350-6635 EMAIL: [email protected] THE BELIEVERS This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Victor Dorsey TELEPHONE: 240-380-6686 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Deacon Mary Dorsey TELEPHONE: 240-694-9856 EMAIL: [email protected] SEEKERS OF GOD’S DIVINE PURPOSE This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 6225 Fernwood Terrace, Apt. 102, Riverdale, MD 20737 FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Linda Wyatt TELEPHONE: 202-494-5131 EMAIL: [email protected] WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS CONTINUED: TRIBE OF JUDAH This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 8019 Dorado Terrace, Brandywine, Maryland 20613 FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Ron Wilson, Sr. TELEPHONE: 301-461-0013 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Erica E. Wilson TELEPHONE: 301-538-6101 EMAIL: [email protected] FAITHFUL SOUL-SEARCHERS This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 4225 Southwinds Place Apt 106, White Plains, MD 20695 FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Corey Beckett TELEPHONES: 301-645-3155 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Lisa Beckett TELEPHONES: 301-645-3155 EMAIL: [email protected] YOUNG AND UNASHAMED (starting at age 12) This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 FACILITATOR: Reverend Donna Whitman TELEPHONE: 301-6617490 EMAIL [email protected] KINGDOM KIDS (children ages 5 to 12) This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743 FACILITATOR: Deacon Linda Williams TELEPHONES: 301-372-6168 EMAIL: FACILITATOR Servant Leader Alicia Brooks TELEPHONE: 301-274-3498 EMAIL: [email protected] THURSDAY EVENING MEETINGS: SERVANTS OF THE VINE This TLC-RC meets Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 320 Brock Bridge Road, Laurel, Maryland 20707 FACILITATOR: Deacon James Upshaw, Jr. TELEPHONE: 301-537-4689 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Bro. Jamal Upshaw TELEPHONE: 301-974-4058 EMAIL: [email protected] SPECIAL PURPOSE MINISTRIES: DORCAS GOODWILL BENEVOLENCE This TLC-RC meets Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Saint Paul Central 6611 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 FACILITATOR: Sis. Berthene Bruce TELEPHONE: 301-420-5834 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Rev. Jimmie Waters TELEPHONE: 240-601-6425 EMAIL: [email protected] LAY ENCOURAGERS AND DISCIPLERS (L.E.A.D.) This TLC-RC meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: Private home - 1420 Albert Drive, Mitchellville, Maryland 20721 FACILITATOR: Servant Leader Dee Calvert TELEPHONE: 301-264-1954 EMAIL: [email protected] FACILITATOR: Reverend Elliece Bryant TELEPHONE: 301-390-4087 EMAIL: [email protected] HEALTH AND RESOURCE HEALTH TIP OF THE MONTH Heart Disease Prevention Heart disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes. This is a leading cause of death. Heart disease can be inherited and can be caused from the lifestyle you lead. You can do a lot to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. WHAT SHOULD I DO EACH DAY TO KEEP MY HEART HEALTHY? • Do not smoke. •Follow a healthy eating plan as recommended by your caregiver or dietitian. •Be active for a total of 30 minutes most days. Ask your caregiver what activities are best for you. •Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. •Involve family and friends to help you with a healthy lifestyle. HOW DOES HEART DISEASE CAUSE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? •Narrowed blood vessels leave a smaller opening for blood to flow through. It is like turning on a garden hose and holding your thumb over the opening. The smaller opening makes the water shoot out with more pressure. In the same way, narrowed blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure. Other factors, such as kidney problems and being overweight, also can lead to high blood pressure. •If you have high blood pressure you may need to take blood pressure medicine every day. Some types of blood pressure medicine can also help keep your kidneys healthy. •Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure. If you have heart, eye, or kidney problems from diabetes, high blood pressure can make them worse. HOW DO MY BLOOD VESSELS GET CLOGGED? •Cholesterol is a substance that is made by the body and used for many important functions. It is also found in food that comes from animals. When your cholesterol is high, it can stick to the insides of your blood vessels, making them narrowed and even clogged. This problem is called atherosclerosis. •Narrowed and clogged blood vessels make it harder for blood to get to important body organs. This can cause problems such as: • Chest pain (angina). Angina can cause temporary pain in your chest, arms, shoulders, or back. You may feel the pain more when your heart beats faster, such as when you exercise. The pain may go away when you rest. You also may feel very weak and sweaty. • A heart attack. A heart attack happens when a blood vessel in or near the heart becomes blocked. Not enough blood is getting to the heart. During a heart attack, you may have chest pain in your chest, arms, shoulders, or back along with nausea, indigestion, extreme weakness, and sweating. WHAT CAN I DO TO PREVENT HEART DISEASE? •Keep your blood pressure under control as recommended by your caregiver. •Keep your cholesterol under control. Have it checked at least once a year. Target cholesterol levels for most people are: •Total blood cholesterol level: Below 200. •LDL (bad) cholesterol: Below 100. •HDL (good) cholesterol: Above 40 in men and above 50 in women. •Triglycerides (another type of fat in the blood): Below 150. •Make physical activity a part of your daily routine. Check with your caregiver to learn what activities are best for you. •Make sure that the foods you eat are "heart-healthy." •Include foods high in fiber, such as oat bran, oatmeal, wholegrain breads and cereals. WHAT ARE THE WARNING SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK? You may have one or more of the following warning signs: •Chest pain or discomfort. •Pain or discomfort in your arms, back, jaw, or neck. •Indigestion or stomach pain. •Shortness of breath. •Sweating. •Nausea or vomiting. •Lightheadedness. •No warning signs at all or they may come and go. Copyright © 2006 - 2015 Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserve •Cut back on fried foods and foods high in saturated fat. This includes foods such as meats, butter, whole dairy products, shortening, and coconut or palm oil. •Avoid salty foods such as canned food, luncheon meat, salty snacks, and fast food. •Eat more fruits and vegetables. •Drink less alcohol. •Lose weight as recommended by your caregiver. •If you smoke, quit. Your caregiver can help you with quitting options. •Ask your caregiver whether you should take a daily aspirin. Studies have shown that taking aspirin can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. •Take your prescribed medicines as directed. FOR MORE INFORMATION To find out more about heart disease and stroke prevention, visit the American Heart Association website at www.americanheart.org Document Released: 08/01/2005 Document Revised: 06/18/2013 Document Reviewed: 02/13/2009 For MORE Information, Please Contact Deacon Flozell Washington at 301-502-2097 ******************************************************************************************************************************************* BREAKTHROUGH PRAYER Lord God, You have stood with us in time past; You have carried us through many hardships; You have shielded us from danger; You have delivered us from sickness again and again. Thank You, Father, for hearing us as we lay our needs before You just now. We ask for your help, Father; we are perplexed and afraid. We do not know which way to turn. We are thankful for Your Spirit, who helps us in our weakness, who searches our hearts and brings our petitions before You even when we do not know for what to pray. O God, we ask for courage to face the situation before us. Give us wisdom to see the right way, and courage to take it. Help us through this time of trial. Grant us strength to endure. May we not be defeated; rather may victory be ours through Him who overcame even death and the grave. May the peace that transcends all understanding guard our hearts and minds, through Christ we pray, Amen. (>) Active Military Duty (#) Confined to a Hospital or Nursing facility (+) Incarcerated (PTL) Praise The Lord The Saint Paul Church Membership Sis. Arrie Alexander >Bro. Damon Allen Sis. Delores Atkinson #Sis. Annette Barnes >Bro. Redmond Kheti Barnes #Bro. John (Pete) Bennett, II Bro. John Bennett, III Sis. Anne Bolton Sis. Barbara Brooks Bro. Tommy Brummitt Min. Ralph Carroll Sis. Lillie Davis #Sis. J. Dianne Faulkner Sis. Shelly Harvell >Bro. Carlton Howard Sis. Helen Jackson +Bro. Wesley Johnson Christine Knox Sis. Valencia Lanham Sis. Sheryl Long Sis. Gladys Maxwell Min. Helen McAbee Bro. Miles Moultrie Bro. Coster Nicholson Sis. Judith Roberts Bro. Leroy Sandifer Sis. Iantha J. Smith Sis. Emily Upshaw Family of Sis. Paula Upshaw Sis. Mary Vick Sis. Paula Wedge and Family Sis. Marsha West #Bro. & Sis. Robert & Patricia Wilkes Bro. Derrick S. Williams Sis. Shirley Wilson Sis. Gwendolyn Wyatt Bro. Keyo Wyatt Friends of St. Paul Church LGIC, LLC and Nelson Lively Ministry Partners, LLC Johnnie M. Allen, Jr. (Annie Richardson) Joseph Dexter Allen (Annie Richardson) Connor Anderson (Queenie Anderson) Keith Ayres (Shirley Matthews) Sandra Ayres (Shirley Matthews) Latrese Bailey (Lagreta Fox) Susan Bennett (Paula Wedge) John Bowie Sr. (Augustine Edmunds) Jim Bradner (Roslyn Jessie) Deidra Brannon (Arthur Geigher) Elaine Caldwell (Marsha Jackson) Candace Carter (Lois Tibbs) Lesli Carter (Debbie Snipes) Carl C. Carthern (Annie Richardson) Thomas Chennault (Elizabeth Hodge) Francis Cole (Roslyn Jessie) Keenya Coleman (Marcia Matthews) Ineya Cottrell (Mal Whitman) Odessa Cuffy (Cinderella Turner) Margie Curtis (Paula Wedge) Bertha Davis (Deloris Atkinson) Nathaniel Echols (Sherita Gray) Norma Edwards (Roslyn Jessie) Madison Elliott (Brendon & Jossette Elliott) Charles Etolue (Queen & Gittens) Joyce Fletcher (Shirley Matthews) Marie Fox (LaGretta Fox) Pamela Geigher (Arthur Geigher) Virginia Gibson (Charlotte Gray) Sheree Gorham (Calvin Gorham) Carolyn Haliburton (Marjorie Gross) Florence Hawkins (Mary Vick) Reggie Holder (Renee Garrison) Missouri Holmes (Victor Holmes) Kenneth Jackson (Regina Jackson) Van Dike Jackson (Mal Whitman) Bernice Jones (Jae-Te Starks) Zerita Johnson (Susan Smith) Calvin Lee (Robert Wilson) James Martin Jr. (Elizabeth Hodge) Sandra Martin (Shirley Matthews) Dr. Paula McKenzie (Clyde Jackson Jr.) Syble McNair (Nevelious Carthens) Alethia & Earl Moses Sr. (Sherry Moses) Karen Moroughan (LJ Fowler) Sharon Murphy (Paula Wedge) Makai Newkirk-Page (Susan Smith) Mia Norman (Faye Norman) Ethel Orr (Larry Orr) Raynard Osman (Shirley Smith) Marcia Paige (Susan Smith) Helena Parker (Willistine Paige) Angela Pope (Rosenna Barnes) Noah Richardson-new born (Barnes family) Simone Richardson (Joyce Maxwell) Brooke Roberts Coles (Vince & Pam Price) Robinson Family (Joyce Maxwell) Laura Saxton & family (Shirley Smith) Jannies Simms (Susan Smith) Lamar Smith (Cecile Orr) Alexis Smith (Irving Russell Smith III) Cynthia Smith (Deborah Hill) Nieshia Stepherson (Patricia Crump) Ronald Taymen (Vanessa Queen) Tenne Throwter (Susan Smith) Ailee Vincent (Dorothy Chappell Johnson) Bria Watson (Amelia Harvell) Carlos Watson (Amelia Harvell) Tiffany Smith Watson (Amelia Harvell) Clarence Watts (Gloria Benton) Ernest Wheeler (RJ Williams) Willa Mae White (Adrienne Boney-Diouf) Paulette Wilkes (Mal Whitman) Cameron Williams (KKCDC) Esther Williams (Pastor Williams, Sr.) Maxine Williams (Pastor Williams, Sr.) Benjamin Wilson (Robert Wilson) James & Pearl Wilson (Adrien Starks) John Wilson (Walida Davis) Leon Wilson (Sharon Wilson) Richard Wyatt, Jr. (Linda Wyatt-Kittrell) God’s Worship Headquarters Where Jesus is Lord! SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SP-Friendly Worship Center 9700 Old Allentown Rd., Ft. Washington, MD Sunday Worship 8:00 A.M. Sunday Church School 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion 1st Sundays Corporate Prayer as Announced Baptism Service as Announced SP-Central Worship Center 6611 Walker Mill Rd., Capitol Heights, MD Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sunday Worship 10:30 A.M. Holy Communion 1st Sundays Corporate Prayer Mondays 7:00 P.M. Baptism Service as Announced SP- Senior Living Chapel (every Sunday) (1207 Addison Road, Capitol Heights, MD) Sunday Worship 3:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study 2:00 P.M. Rev. Robert Wilson, Chaplain Charles J. S. Waxter Children’s Center (2nd Sunday) 375 Red Clay Road, SW, Laurel, MD Sunday Worship & Fellowship 3:00 P.M. Dea. Marjorie Gross, Coordinator Rev. Jimmie D. Waters, Chaplain Residences at Thomas Circle (2nd Sunday) 1330 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC Sunday Worship 2:30 P.M. Rev. L Jerome Fowler, Chaplain Carolyn Boone Lewis Health Care (3rd Sunday) 1380 Southern Ave. SE, Washington, DC Sunday Worship 3:00 P.M. Rev. Geneva E. Jones, Chaplain CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Pastor R J Williams, Sr., D. Min. [email protected] Pastor R J Williams, Jr., M. Div. [email protected] Rev. L J Fowler, Church Administrator [email protected] Dea. J B Maxwell, Admin. Assistant [email protected] Sis. V L Queen, Secretary [email protected] Central Worship Center 6611 Walker Mill Road Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Administrative Offices 6615 Walker Mill Road, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Telephone (301) 449-1450 Fax (301) 449-1454 Friendly Worship Center 9700 Old Allentown Road Fort Washington, MD 20744 We are affiliated with American Baptist Churches & the Lott Carey Foreign Missions Convention Please Visit Us at: www.StPaulChurchOnline.com
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