VOLUME XXXI CCLI # 570302 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 James 1:27 Luke 15:4 Philippians 2:12 Luke 19:10 Matthew 28:18-20 Times of Services Bible Class 9:00 AM Service 10:00 PM Service 5:00 Wednesday 5:00 & 7:00 ELDERS Mike Brumley (699-7574) Jimmy Carlile (349-0369) Pat Darden (689-7916) Bryan Mason (638-3888) Steve McClaine (557-1147) Kyle Peck (520-2025) *Lynn Richardson (901-568-3109) Gerald Stockstill (325-330-2144) Smokie Thorp (638-9940) Ray Tobias (686-7760) Thank you for worshipping with us today. We invite our VISITORS to be our special guest and join us in our fellowship hall (behind this auditorium) for a meal prepared just for you! Any of our members would be more than happy to direct you to the fellowship hall immediately following this morning’s service. Plan now to attend: *indicates Elder down front MINISTERS Dane Boyles (217-0772) Don Mitchell (699-7233) Warren Ranch February 6-8 $60 (Gift certificates available) Dylan Fabrizio(501-388-9761) VISION Sign up sheets in foyer! Our vision is to be Christ centered, to be a place where people can find grace, hope, love, and healing, and discover their purpose in life by being a Christ-centered family, equipping believers for lifelong faith and service through worship and personal sacrifice. February 14th STATISTICS 11:30 AM Bible Class 353 Worship 517 Evening 247 Weekly Budget $25,452 Contribution $20,268 Building Loan Balance $1,241,737 Saturday, Fellowship Hall Sign up sheet in foyer 3813 N. MIDLAND DR. PHONE 432-699-7064 WWW.FMPCHURCH.COM PAGE 2 Heart to Heart “Even a Child is Known by His Actions” Feb. 6-8: Men’s Retreat Sun. Feb. 8: Teen Area-wide Fri. Feb 13: CM Parent/Child date night Sat. Feb. 14: 39ers Sweetheart Banquet Sun. Feb. 15: Children’s Ministry Luncheon Congregational Meeting Sun. Feb. 22: Baby Celebration Day Thornton Wedding Shower Children's Ministry Lunch and Meeting Sunday, Feb. 15th All parents, teachers and anyone involved with the children's ministry in any way, please stay and join us for lunch after services for a VERY IMPORTANT informational meeting and planning time together. PLEASE make it a priority to be there...WE NEED YOU THERE! At a very early age, a child may develop the thinking that he must have lived a while before he can do something great and important in life. “I have to be ‘old’ like mommy and daddy before I can do something great for God,” the child seems to think. How we need to dispel that sort of thinking! A child does not have to be older to begin doing good and worthwhile things for God! How do I know? The Bible tells me! The wise man Solomon wrote: “Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.” Proverbs 20:11 The Bible contains the record of many children who live on in history. They continue to inspire and encourage us because of the great things they did, even though they were young in years. There was Samuel, David, and Joash. There are the unnamed in the young Israelite maiden who put her master Naaman in touch with the prophet Elisha; there was the young lad who willingly shared his lunch so that Jesus could feed the multitude. As a boy of only twelve years, Jesus was astonishing the teachers of the Law with his understanding and His answers. We often overlook the good that these young can do. We who are older often underestimate their potential. How we need to seize opportunities for teaching and molding young, impressionable character in to the image of Jesus Christ! Regular Bible class attendance is one such opportunity! Here boys and girls have the chance to learn more of God and His Word. Teaching done in the home by the parents is supplemented and reinforced by godly men and women. Make certain that your children are in Bible Class every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening! -- Don Thursdays at 7:00: CORE at the Gill’s house, 6919 Sunburst Feb. 8: Teen Areawide Feb. 14: Sweetheart Banquet (For Birth to 6th Grade) Dads, dress your daughter up, take them out to dinner and make them feel special! Moms, dress your sons up, let them choose where you go to dinner, and spoil them rotten! After dinner, come by the home of Bryan & Debbie Mason 6200 Oriole Ct. for dessert, special treats, pictures and an evening to celebrate your daughters! After dinner, come by the home of Ray & Michelle Tobias 4401 Verde Glen Court for dessert, special treats, pictures, and an evening to celebrate your sons! PAGE 3 39er’s Monthly Fellowship Please send 4-5 baby pictures to Kevin Broome at [email protected] Join us as we introduce and celebrate our 2014 babies. Thursday, February 5, 6:00 P.M. We will meet in the Café! Come and join in the fun!! FEAST Group Sign-Up!! ALL CONGREGATION Informational Meeting Sunday, February 15, 2015 3:30-4:45 PM EVERYONE is invited! (Men & Women) Mark your calendar! FEAST groups are small groups that focus on fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and accountability. If you are not in a group yet and would like to be, please fill out a form from the foyer and return it to Smokie Thorp, Bryan Mason, Lan Bundy, Walt Epperson, or Jordan Ruckman. We are in need of GREETERS! Greeters make the first impression everywhere we go! We need YOUR friendly, smiling face! There is a sign up sheet on the north side of the foyer. The Gym (Multi-purpose room) The Wednesday night class that has been meeting in the Adult 1 classroom (Dane’s class) has returned to meeting in the auditorium. will be CLOSED Monday 2/2Saturday 2/7 February 27-March 1, 2015 Warren Ranch Terry Holloman speaking Cost: $100 Gift Certificates available Registration forms & box are in the foyer. Prayer List Dorothy Blair, mother of Jean Stubbs, has been moved to Parks Methodist Nursing Home and is still under the care of Hospice. Patsy Stockstill got a good report about the leukemia she has being in remission. Helen Longoria will see the doctor next week because of illness. Ronnie Hunt heard a good report following his surgery. Billy Hunter is now home following knee replacement surgery. Marilon Howell had surgery on Tuesday. Sue Clubb is at Manor Park Mabee Rehab, room 308. She continues to have a lot of pain and weakness. Betty Collins is also at Manor Park Rehab, room 304 after a fall and having pneumonia. Don Craig will get test results on Wednesday. Erin Hunt, Ronnie’s niece, has invasive cancer in her abdomen. Norma Fisher, Matt Shelton’s grandmother, is in the hospital in Tyler. Seth Neale, grandson of Mike & Charlene, had surgery to remove a cyst from his eardrum. He will have follow-up surgery in about 9 months. Loy Mitchell, Don’s brother, had a Gamma knife treatment last week. He will begin chemo this week. Doug Mims, the oldest brother of Jack Mims and Scott Mims’ uncle, is seriously ill in an Abilene hospital. Bill Lewis, father of Linda Thomas & Leland Lewis, was moved to patient rehab in Abilene. Remember in prayer: Melva Allen, Robert Browning, Tammy Broches, Mario Moreno, Terri Upchurch, Jon Paul Coffey, Marie Arnold, Krick Youngblood, Loretta Grace Merritt, Tommy & Sondra Freeman, B.W. Haskins, Brett Foster, Georgia Bartlett, Madilyn Pettitt, Bradley Roberts, Sherrie Dyer, Amy Hill, Kay Carter, Zoe Burns Carlson, Doris Taylor, Wesley Hawkins, Marc Vetter, Jeanette Dragisic, Mandy Bogart, Brenda Bradshaw, Jason Holloway, Barbara McClung, Fay Prichard, Jimmy Andrews, Imogene Tullos, Abbye Irons, Bob & Janet Stafford, Glenn Hibbens, Bobbie Hill, Betty Scott, Lori McNicol, Crozier Family, Lee & Dorothy Ansley, Debbie Maxwell, Jim McClaine, Glenda Winkley, Mary Alice Tidwell, Juanita Eudy, Leon & Sue Ford, LaVerne Foster-Watson, Wes Wright Thank You Notes Thank you to everyone that has supported our family during Jackson’s illness and his passing. The outpouring of prayers, cards, and emails are so appreciated. All of your flowers that were sent were beautiful at his service. Many of you made the long drive to be with us at the funeral service. Words can’t express what I felt when I saw your faces as we walked into the chapel. You are helping us through a very difficult time. We are blessed to be “extended family” of all of you at Fairmont. Thank you again for everything. Blessings, Elaine & Jeremy Stockstill Thank you so much for your kind words and condolences during this difficult time. We appreciate all your love and prayers. Sincerely, Jenny Wade & Dwain Turner family Fairmont Park Ladies, My little family and I say a big thank you to you all and the entire church. We lack words to express our joy towards your kind gestures through the baby shower. May the Almighty God richly bless you all! Heziel Namata Birthdays 1—Fred Stubbs, Tanza Brumfield, Eli Cobb, 2—Deborah Lancaster, Grant McGowan, Cooper Luke, 4—Donna Gray, Sherry Durham, Ray Anders, 5—Melissa Brookshire, Ben Anderson, Lindsey McGlothlin, 7—Londyn Tobias Missions We Support Hadyn Griffith-Houston Texas Bryan Bost -Sao Paulo, Brazil Gottfried Reichel-Germany George Hall-Honduras, Guatemala & Nicaragua Ozzy McDaniel-Rapid City, S. Dakota J. Don Rodgers-Ukraine Denzel Roberts-Nevis W. Indies Andrew Soloman-St Lucia SEARCH-TV Ministry
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