Fr. Brennan-Joseph Farleo, OFM Conv. Administrator Fr. Matthew Chadwick, OFM Conv. Parochial Vicar Deacon William Briggs Deacon Dan Meehan, OFS Deacon Tom Begley Trish Fessler Business Manager Mariana Pirri Office Manager Parish Faith Formation Pat Brooks, CRE Kate Goldy Coordinator of RCIA Mike Aub Music Director Pat Wilf Perpetual Adoration 856.461.4681 Parish Office 856.461.6555 Monday through Friday 9:00 am until 4:00 pm Except Holidays and Holy Days Friary 856.461.0532 Faith Formation Office 856.461.6555 Website E-mail [email protected] 260 Conrow Road • P.O. Box 1099 Delran, New Jersey 08075 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time LIFE AT RESURRECTION 2-1 2-2 January 31 & February 1, 2015 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Gerri Godfrey r/b Perpetual Adoration Apostolate John C & Anne L Taylor r/b Their Children Dana Revak r/b Chris & Clare Loftus Edward Tomko r/b His Family For the Parishioners Jeff Bautz r/b Jack & Mary Jane Wasneski Steven Balsama r/b Jean Wilson Paul Clarke, Jr. r/b Mary McCloskey Parents r/b Matilda Reed February 2 - 7, 2015 Monday Tuesday 9:00 AM - SC 7:00 PM - HN Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Anthony Razzi r/b Ken & Kitty Mortimer Feast of St. Blaise Harry Paul r/b Rosemarie Joseph Burns r/b Rob & Joanne Jondreau Florence Parker r/b Rosemary Kara Dolores Hansen r/b Wachter Families Kaitlin Abel r/b Eileen McCann Loretta Barniak r/b Lucy Costa February 7 & 8, 2015 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 542 Beloved Aunt Julia Busanovich r/b Joe, Angel & Joey Dunn Walter Cleighton r/b Wife, Pauline & Family Jeff Bautz r/b Tom & John Siemanowski Thadeus Balinski r/b Chip & Elaine Keller For the Parishioners John McDermott r/b Dolores McDermott Frank DiLuzio r/b Pat Bowker & Family Steven Orfe r/b Barbara Posch Intentions of Pastoral Caring Ministry r/b A Friend 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 -Faith Formation 9:00 Mass/HCHS -RCIA 10:30AM/Office -Basketball 12-8PM/PC -SVdP 1PM/PC -Basketball 3:30-10PM/PC -AA 7PM/R1 -Girl Scouts 7PM/R1 -SVdP Rosary 7PM/Chapel -Feast of St. Blaise -Basketball 3:30-10PM/PC -Youth Choir 5:30PM/HNC -Boy Scouts 7:00 PM/Office& gym -Girl Scouts 6:30PM/R3 -Basketball 3:30-8PM/PC -OFS Formation 1:30PM/R1 -Basketball 3:30-10PM/PC -Cub Scouts 7PM/R6 -Choir 7:30PM/HNC -Market Day Orders Due Today -AA 11:00 AM/R1 -Casey Club “Godfather & Friends” Show 7PM/PC -Faith Formation 9:00 Mass/HCHS -Fishes & Loaves Weekend Masses/SCC -RCIA 10:30AM/Office -Basketball 12-8PM/PC LAMPS - ST. CASIMIR **The Lamp of Remembrance is for a Special Intention. LAMPS - HOLY NAME **The Adoration Votive is for a Special Intention. Pray for the Deceased Please remember Angela Getz, in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING January 25, 2015 Collection Total - $9,872.00 Thank you to everyone who has given responsively! We encourage all to support your parish! ***sign up for electronic giving on our web site: www. Page 3 PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY February 1, 2015 New Parishioners Contact the Parish Office to register at your earliest convenience. Registration is needed to be a sponsor. We pray for the safety and the Lord’s protection of our men and women in the military especially Laura Belko, Joseph Maute, Jr., Mike Minnis, Kevin Quinn, Becca Rains Manco, Michelle Aleszczyk, Ciera Franklin, Dean Holzapfel, Steven Wallis, Joseph Keller, Joseph J. Vogel, Joseph William Maduzia, Joseph Henry PRAY FOR THE SICK Peter Altadonna, Baby Jackie, Krista Balderman, Marge Borkowski, Gen Branca, Morris Burton, Barbara Cardinale, Thalia Carucci, Tom Caulfield, Thomas Casperite, Marian Coppola, David Covell, Helen Criste, Joseph C. Diamond, Jr., Joseph Dobson, Robert Eigenbrood, Natalie Fletcher, Betty Fox, Joan Garland, Jean Henning, Tom Hildenbrand, Kristi Howey, Madeline Hynes, Sal Inzerilla, Tessie Jankowski, Mary Koch, Dottie Ladzinski, Hank Lafferty, Kristina Layden, Betty Lettis, Rita Lowe, Frank & Sophie Maduzia, Anne Marasa, Alyssa Marrocco, Meg McDaniel, Hank McKee, Sean Meehan, George Myers, Lois Nark, Bernard & Verna Nick, Al Nuckowski, Tennille Nungesser, Christopher Paolini, Brian Quick, Tillie Reed, Peggy Russick, Nicolette Rosati Russo, Matthew Seaborn, Maryann Smargisso, Alex Stanuikynas, Mary Szymkowiak, John M. Taylor, Steve Woodward, Regina Zaleski Shop Rite Gift Cards Help your parish by purchasing Shop Rite gift cards from the Altar Rosary Society to purchase your groceries. Shop Rite cards are sold after all weekend Masses. You pay the face value for the card, but the parish gets a percentage back, so it doesn’t cost you a penny extra, but your parish benefits! Please support this program!!! Parish Mission Statement The mission of Resurrection Parish is to reach lost people to help them become disciples, and then to help disciples become growing disciples. In other words, a Church of sinners for sinners on the path to sainthood. 542 Weekend Liturgies Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM — Holy Name Site Sunday: 8:00AM & Noon — St. Casimir Site Sunday 10:00AM — Holy Name Site Daily Liturgies Mon. – Sat., 9:00AM— St. Casimir Site Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00 – 4:30PM — Holy Name Site 15 min. before Daily Mass — St. Casimir Site RCIA Those interested exploring the Catholic faith are asked to call the Office for further information. Baptism During weekend liturgies the first Sunday of the month, or 2nd Sunday (St. Casimir @ 1:30 pm) & 4th Sunday (Holy Name @ 11:30 am) during the month outside of Mass. (No baptisms during Mass during Lent.) Call the Parish Office to register. Marriage Contact Parish Office one year in advance. Ministry to the Sick Call the Parish Office if a family member is ill and wishes a visit from a parish minister. Anointing of the Sick Every first Saturday at the 9:00AM liturgy or in case of an emergency. Parish Office (856) 461-6555 Parish FAX (856) 461-1293 Office Hours - Mon.-Fri. - 9:00 am - 4:30 pm REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Holy Cross High School Burlington County’s Catholic High School Christian Cantwell - Director of Admissions 856-461-5400, ext. 3007 Pope John Paul II Regional School Burlington County’s Catholic Grade School Call for a tour or more information 609-877-2144 Page 4 Reflect on the Word of Jesus Christ February 1, 2015 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time “Get Behind me Satan” Satan wants to confuse and mislead us. He is doing a great job in this world. Just look around you or more importantly let’s look at ourselves! Regional Adult Faith Formation Classes held at Holy Cross High School. Join in the with four other parishes! So, how do we guard ourselves against Him? The power of prayer, keep building your faith life, read the Bible, attend Mass and celebrate the sacraments! Peter learned how to overcome the evil one. When you wake up in the morning, call on the name of Jesus and St Michael the Archangel or simply mark yourself with the sign of the cross. Nothing helps us more in life, than our Mass and our Eucharist, to start out the week clear-minded and full of Faith. Reflections Adult: I will remember that Jesus rules the Universe; and not evil and that He will help me. Child: I will trust and follow Jesus and His ways! 542 New classes to be announced for Spring and Bible Study Dates New Catholic Cemetery, Diocese of Trenton The Diocese of Trenton will soon have groundbreaking for a new Diocesan cemetery in Burlington County, Jesus, Bread of Life Catholic Cemetery. This cemetery, the first diocesan site in our county is located at 3055 Fostertown Road in Mount Laurel. It offers a wide variety of inground interment options in both flush marker or monument sections. The Mausoleum entombment offers interior and exterior single, tandem, true companion and abbey crypts , as well as, interior and exterior niches for cremated remains. For information regarding pre-need arrangements or for all questions please contact Deacon Ed Heffernan at 609-847-9487. Page 5 St. Blaise Tuesday, February 3 is the Feast of St. Blaise and the Blessing of the Throats. The blessing will take place during Mass at: 9:00 AM at St. Casimir 7:00 PM at Holy Name RESURRECTION CONFERENCE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL HELP LINE: 461-1131 Celebrating Marriage The SVdP Society members will meet to pray the rosary on Monday evening, February 2nd, at 7:00PM at Holy Name Church. Please feel free to join us. Everyone welcome. As a way of celebrating marital fidelity, we publish wedding anniversaries each month. If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary of 5, 10, 15, are invited to send your name, anniversary year and date of marriage by email to: [email protected], or submit it in writing to the office by the 10th of the month before. 2014 Contribution Statements Congratulations to Eugene & Dolores Zawojski celebrating their 50th Anniversary on February 6th!!! The 2014 statements are in the process of being mailed. If you received a statement last year, your statement will be sent automatically. If you do not receive a statement by January 31, and you require one, please call the parish office at 856461-6555. It is very important that your weekly envelopes indicate your donation amount if you require a statement at year’s end. When the envelopes are ready for entry into the computer, the donations have already been removed and deposited. So please be sure to indicate the amount! 2015 Mass Book Masses in the 2015 Mass book are available. Please call the office for available dates! 856-4616555. Thank you for Your Donation In Memory of Mary Stachurski from Jean Henning - $20 to the Organ Fund. 542 Market Day News Help support Resurrection Parish by purchasing delicious groceries through our Market Day fundraiser. Simply place an order online by 11pm CST on Saturday, February 7th at MARKETDAY.COM (account #8425) or call 877-632-7753 by 12 noon CST. Reminder: When ordering, please keep in mind that Ash Wednesday is February 18th. There are many meatless entrees to choose from. Pick up your order on Saturday, February 14th, between 10:30 and 11:00 in our Parish Center (enter near the kitchen). Can’t make it to our sale? Enter your zip code online at the Pick-Up locator to choose an alternate pick-up location that is more convenient for you. Read more about this online at “Market Day Your Way”. Our parish and your alternate pick-up location will receive a percentage of the profit. If you have any questions, please call or text Martha at 609-4107278. With your support, we’re looking forward to reaching our fundraising goals. Page 6 The Word of God in the Life & Mission of Our Church On the Sabbath, Jesus entered the synagogue and taught....there was a man with an unclean spirit...Jesus rebuked the spirit...the unclean spirit convulsed the man, and with a loud cry, came out of him... (from this Sunday’s Gospel reading) Before we begin any discussion of the meaning of the Gospel story we hear/read this Sunday, some clarifications are in order. Every Sunday we hear/read one ‘incident’ or teaching from the total story of Jesus as it is presented in the Gospel. It is like reading one chapter from a novel or seeing one scene from a movie. That one chapter or scene can only be understood in terms of the whole story or movie. So it is with the Gospel story we hear/read every week. It needs to be understood in terms of the entire Gospel. Take, for example, this Sunday’s story. We review the ‘scenes’ that preceded this story. Jesus has been baptized. He experiences His temptations in the desert. He announces the dawn of the Kingdom of God. He chooses His first followers. This week, a new chapter in the story begins. We may title this story as : Jesus launches the ‘discipleship adventure.’ The four scenes that preceded this story and everything that follows it colors our understanding of the story. It is with these thoughts in mind that we try to discern the meaning of any Gospel story. Beginning this Sunday, and for the next four Sundays, we will hear/read a series of ‘healing’ stories: the man with the unclean spirit, the woman with a fever, the leper, and the paralytic. There may be an issue here for us. These stories are about ‘faith-healing.’ When people in our world think of ‘faith-healing,’ do words like ‘fraud,’ or ‘huckster,’ or ‘spirit-filled’ come to mind? Is there any such thing as ‘faith-healing?’ What are we, with our sophisticated understanding of the causes of and the remedies for physical and emotional illness, to make of Jesus’ healing of the afflicted, the sick, and the deranged? The Gospel of Mark records eighteen ‘miracle’ stories for us. Thirteen do have to do with healing. Four have to do with exorcisms. These stories raise more questions for the discerning listener/hearer: the relationship between faith, religion, and health. These ‘healing’ stories are also about cultural, social, and bio-medical aspects of illness. These are a little complex to discuss in a few paragraphs. But these issues and questions hover over these stories. We are at least aware that there is much more to these stories than we think. We turn to Jesus’ invitation of the discipleship-adventure’ with the story of the man with the ‘unclean spirit.’ The story is very careful to tell us that the story takes place in a synagogue on the Sabbath. What’s a synagogue? In the world of the Bible, it was, in essence, a community center. It served the full range of community needs. It was a place for social, political, and religious gatherings. It housed a school, a court, and even a lodging place for travelers. It was in such a place on such a day that Jesus chose to begin His ‘discipleship-adventure.’ A community gathered for common prayer and study of God’s Word on the Sabbath. Briefly stated, and we will have more to say about this as our discussion of these stories proceeds, Jesus is challenging a community’s cultural, social, and religious attitudes toward illness. Jesus’ first ‘healing’ is that of a person possessed of an ‘unclean spirit.’ The Gospel story opens the door to still other issues. We are brought face-to-face with a form of evil we might prefer to ignore, forget, or dismiss as irrelevant. We are introduced to the darker side of the world of the psychological. We are aware of the evil that lurks in the human heart. We are acutely aware of the evil at work in some aspects of our political, social, economic, and religious structures. Jesus, in the story, confronts us with yet another form of evil, that of the demonic. Our television screens and movie screens present us with their version of the demonic quite frequently. These are very popular forms of entertainment. The world of the Bible sees the demonic from another point of view. This world of the Bible clearly acknowledges that there is an evil energy that asserts itself in the lives of people. It seems to be acting with the force of a guiding evil mind. It also acknowledges that a person is not only the victim of such evil, but also, willingly or unwillingly, its perpetrator. People can become the tool of a group or institution, a ***continued on next page 542 Page 7 cause, or a system to the point where they become incapable of thinking or acting for themselves. This happens when a person surrenders his/her freedom and deeply internalizes the false values, the petty lies, and compromises with truth and justice. There are many names given to this experience of e vil in the Bible. But, this is always something more experienced than defined. When we have experienced the frenzy of a blood-thirsty mob, or the frightening immorality of a self-serving institution, or see people beside themselves with rage or driven to their destruction with a lust for power, wealth, or success, when we see the horrors that otherwise ‘ordinary’ people do in the name of some cause, when we see madness passing for sanity, then, at least we can look with respect at the Gospel’s presentation of the demonic and recognize what they mean when they speak of an ‘unclean spirit.’ Exorcism is one of the central characteristics of the mission of Jesus. He passed this vocation on to His Church. The Church has never abandoned this ministry. What makes exorcism possible is the healing power of Jesus available through the ministry of the Church. Rev. Hilary Brzostowski, OFM Conv. Liturgical Adaptation In light of the approaching cold and flu season, and considering the concern over communicable diseases, we encourage you not to come to Mass if you are not feeling well or showing signs of the flu. During this season when colds and the flu are so prevalent, we are not distributing the Precious Blood during Mass. Holy Communion is only being given in the species of the consecrated bread, the Body of Christ. To diminish the possibility of catching and/or transmitting colds and flu, we encourage you not to hold hands during the Our Father and suggest we share the Sign of Peace with one another with meaningful eye contact, a smile, and a bow of your head to one another. Thank you for your cooperation! Frassati Society ***attention young adults!! (18-35 years old) ! Prayer ! Scripture ! Faith ! Friendship Thursday, February 5, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. St. Casimir Friary Basement 542 Resurrection Capital Campaign The Capital Campaign ends December 31, 2015. If you have not made your contribution, please do so before the end of December. You help is needed to reach our goal of $400,000. If you have any questions regarding this matter, call Angelo at (856) 824-0240. Thank you! Winter’s Here..... and along with it, the possibility of bad weather. On the rare occasion when Mass would be cancelled due to the weather, please remember to drop your envelope for the cancelled week in the collection the following week!! Thank you!! Please Patronize Our Advertisers!! Page 8 542 Page 9 RESURRECTION PARISH PRESENTS “The GodFather & Friends” Join us! February 7, 2015 7:00 – 10:00pm 260 Conrow Rd., Delran,NJ $50.00 per person Catered by: Macaro’s Dinner, Comedy Show, Raffles & Dancing For tickets and information call 856-461-4379 542 Advanced tickets required! Page 10 Resurrection Parish Faith Formation Program February 1, 2015 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time If Today you hear His Voice harden not your hearts. Psalm 95 Faith Formation News Next Sessions - Feb, 8, 22 March 15 & 22 and Last Session Friday March 27 - 7pm Holy Name Site - Lenten Gathering Family Session Adults and Children Thoughts for Catechist and Parents Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a brokenwinged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. `Langston Hughes The above is true for all of us, it is especially true for young people. Youth are the promise of the future. When we educate the young people we are helping them to believe that life is worth living, and that their own lives will make a difference to life on this planet. The ability to hope, dream and imagine are uniquely human characteristics. Christ Centered Family Please, if you have missed Christ Centered Family; go to any session. This is a family session that proves to be a lot of fun!! What are we teaching our children to look for hope? A question we need to seriously ponder. When Catechists and parents teach them about Christ and our Catholic Faith we are leading them in the right direction. Hope for the future is an essential ingredient of Christianity. Peter spoke to the crowd right after the first Pentecost: “in the days to come, it is the Lord who speaks...I will pour out my spirit on all humankind. You sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2: 16-17 Confirmation May 12, 2015 7pm Holy Name Site Practice and Prayer May 11, 7pm Holy Name Site 542 Already at the very beginnings of the Church, we see the need for hope that reality can be transformed and that the world can be a better place for everyone. Every now and then it is nice to reflect on those moments when we see some of our students believing in themselves a bit more, crowing in confidence and delighted in discovering Jesus Christ. NOW OPEN! Mausoleum of the Apostles Cinnaminson, NJ 856-829-3553 WILL HOPE & SON KEVIN E. GARVEY CEMETERY MEMORIALS (609) 386-0013 Certified Public Accountant Taxes & IRS Representation Electronic Filing • Parishioner • 521 Washington Avenue Burlington, NJ 08016 GOES-SCOLIERI FUNERAL HOME Greg. A. Scolieri Owner and Manager NJ Lic. No. 3953 PA Lic. No. 013339-L 609-871-1000 212 Levitt Parkway Willingboro NJ 08046 764-6388 Fletcher Brothers Roofing GREGORY H. SCIMECA, M.D. CATARACT SURGERY Premium Lens Implant Specialist • Glaucoma Specialist 711 E. Main St., Suite 1-B, Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-235-2448 • • Diocese Member L & M Bakery “Cakes For All Occasions” Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Cedar Shakes Free Estimates • Quality Work Reasonable Prices Pies & Assorted Pastries OPEN DAILY River Rd., Delran Maple Shade 667-3933 461-1660 GUTTER CLEANING A.G. Brody ROBERT R. PRISCO Attorney at Law SIDING & General Practice ROOFING INC. Personal Injury • Real Estate WINDOWS & DOORS (856) NJ # License 13VH00143600 461-2200 DONOVAN’S AUTOMOTIVE INC. COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIRS COMPLETE TRANSMISSION REPAIRS ALL REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS 18 MONTHS/18,000 MILE WARRANTY Wills • Estates • Traffic Court 856-461-0231 601 Cleveland Ave., Riverside EDDIE B. PLUMBING, INC PLUMBING, HEATING 10% & OFF SERVICE CALL WITH THIS AD BEER CAVE GUTTER DOCTORX 856-764-1282 NJ LIC. NO. 7274 CRAMP’S LIQUORS Owner Jim Donovan NJ State Inspection Emission Repairs Lic. # 11451 200 N. PAVILION AVE RIVERSIDE, NJ 08075 609-586-2300 AIR CONDITIONING Event Planning Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 We Deliver 4267 US Hwy 130 South • Edgewater Park 609-877-1323 461-4525 Serving PA, NJ & DE The Barclay Group 877-401-4777 Insurance & Financial Services LOW AUTO INSURANCE RATES Follow us on: Auto • Home • Boat Life & Health Business • Commercial Contractors SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED (856) 829-1594 Fax: (856) 829-9498 202 Broad St., Riverton Check out our reviews on: NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. 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Please leave message. 856-488-0055 JV HANDYMAN SERVICE Home Repairs & Small Remodeling Jobs Call Jay 609-634-6275 856-829-4470 SMALL JOBS WELCOME Community banking at its best. 212 Ark Road, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 David J. Petaccio, Senior Director, N.J. Lic. No. 3796 Family Owned & Operated Linda Lepesha Alexandroff Sales Associate • Parishioner Heating & Air Conditioning Call Linda 609-313-6601 Sales • Service • Installation All Makes & Models Residential & Commercial 10% OFF Any Service Call Delanco, NJ 856-461-0611 Cinnaminson, NJ 856-303-8899 MEMBER FDIC Quality Remodeling LLC Professional & Affordable Home Improvements 856-361-8918 FREE Estimates Local Business • NJ Registered & Insured Best Affordable Care24/7AtLive-in Home (856) 461-1332 Certified Caregivers, Home Health Aides Insured • Free Estimates Call us at (856) 375-7659 Loyalty Program Available 44 E. SCOTT ST., RIVERSIDE, NJ 856-393-8540 10% OFF ENTIRE ORDER 1st Time Clients Only. Cannot be combined. Mount Laurel, NJ • Trenton, NJ To learn more about our comprehensive legal services, please call 856.234.6800 or visit Pritchard & Sons Home Remodeling Michael J. Givnish, Manager Lic. No. 3443 specializing in: Sandra J. Saunders, Agency Owner 11 Hartford Road, Delran, NJ 08075 Tel 856.334.3471 • Fax 866.520.3702 [email protected] FREE DELIVERY 37 Scott Street Kitchens, Windows, Doors, Handyman Services Over 30 years of experience Tom Pritchard / 856-303-1623 856-206-3562 (cell) TONY’S BARBER SHOP Specializing in Today’s Styles 856-461-0610 UNI-SEX HAIRSTYLING Children’s Cuts• Walk-Ins Hours: M, Tu, Th, F: 9-6:00pm Sa: 8-2pm • Closed Weds 525 Cinnaminson Ave. Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-829-9730 Serving the Area Since 1962 Specialized Treatment For: Neck & Back Pain, Disc or Nerve Problems, Headaches & Arthritis Patrick Daley, Mgr., N.J. Lic. 4171 542 Resurrection, Delran (b) NJ Exercise Advice • Advanced Technology Hydrotherapy • Personal Choice & Medicare HMO’s & PPO’s • Elderly Patients George Bennett, Chiropractor Certified...856-786-2222 20 Haines Mill Rd. Board 2193 Riverton Rd., Cinnaminson, NJ Delran, NJ 08075 1 Blocks Off Rt. 130, Next to Cinnaminson Memorial School Advance Funeral Planning- an investment in peace of mind Fax: 856-786-0835 Sr. Director/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 2605 Director • N.J. Lic. No 4379 GENTLE & AFFORDABLE DENTISTRY OFFER BOTOX & DERMAL FILLER CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! • Gentle Conservative Treatment • Nitrous Oxide for Patient Comfort • Emergencies Treated Promptly • Evening Hours Available • Most Insurances Accepted • Senor Citizen Discount 811 Woodlane Rd. • Westampton, NJ Ella Kerzhner, D.M.D. New Patients Welcome (609) 267-1038 • 764-9635 Neck, Back & Joint Specialist Gentle Painless Care For Frail Patients Family Hair Care 112 Broad Street Riverton 3 Scott St., Riverside Tom Ward ~ Owner (856) 764-1303 (856) 764-6004 Funeral Home, Inc. “Proudly Serving The Community Since 1965” FINE JEWELRY AT DISCOUNT PRICES 10 Broad St., Riverton, NJ 08077 Tues. & Wed. 9AM-6PM Thurs. & Fri. 9AM-7PM Sat. 8AM-3PM Weber Galdo Jewelers 856-829-4985 • 856-663-2010 License #13VH01574800 Rechargeable Personal Devices Cleaner Alternative to Smoking: BUILD STATION • LOUNGE DRIPPER DREAM BAR • JUICE BAR Thomas D. Begley, III, Esq. is Chairman of Capehart Scatchard’s Trusts and Estates Group. Mr. Begley, a Certified Elder Law Attorney, concentrates his practice in wills, trusts, estates, probate litigation and business representation. (856) 829-8000 PREFERRED We have a full selection of: Eliquids, Starter Kits & Advanced Personal Mods Hours: M-Th 10:30-8 F: 10:30-10:30 Sa 10:30-8 • Su 11-6 NO Tar, Carcinogens or Carbon Monoxide Established over 135 years ago, Capehart Scatchard is a regional full service law firm with seven area offices. 1200 Route 130 North Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 S K-IN E L A W LCOM WE [email protected] Hello Beautiful Beaty Salon Hair & Beauty Salon 4000 Rt. 130 North Heritage Square Plaza, Delran 856-393-8945 [email protected] Find us on Facebook at: HelloBeautifulBeautySalonDelran.NJ Let St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus 1436 Host Your Next Catered Event NEW Members 856-764-1436 Welcome 478 Cooper Street • Beverly, NJ 609.387.0098 337 Bridgeboro Street • Riverside, NJ 856.461.1116 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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