Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild, Inc. February Volume 37 2015 Issue 2 Common Threads President’s Letter 210-695-8737 February 14 Guild Meeting 9:30 Services 10:00 General Business Meeting @Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church 8231 Callaghan Rd. Program Bonnie Hunter Remember to bring to the meeting • Name tag (wear it) • Library books, & DVD’s • QPC projects • Bright Hopes quilts • Smiles for your friends Wintery good wishes to you. May your February be filled with fun and fellowship with quilters. In spite of the threatened ice and sleet, we had 66 members present at our meeting……Yeaaaaaa!! We didn’t know who or how many would arrive. That included 3 new members -- Michelle Anderson, Gail Darling, and Pamela Wright. Welcome :) Mary McCarthy told us about our guild’s participation in the “Save Our Stories” program that she and Ellen Hernandez are leading. The photos and interviews they do are filed in our US Library of Congress…to be shared with present and future friends and families. Those recordings add depth for quilters everywhere….. think about it. Thank you, Mary and Ellen, for bringing this added dimension to our guild. Look ahead to February’s program ---Bonnie Hunter will inspire you to make more scrap quilts. Her workshops should be fun. Have you finished that project for this new year, as planned? I hope so….we want to see it and hear about it at our meeting on the 14th. See you then. Sincerely, Ida New Members 2 Common Threads 2014 Program Notes Check out the Website to see the programs planned into 2016. Look at the stellar list of national teachers that will be here. Februray Bonnie Hunter will bere. Her Firday workshop is Texas Tumbleweeds And Saturday Workshop is Scrap Crystals March Jen Eskridge will have a lecture and trunk show. Carol Steely Winner of the most Raffle Quilt tickets sold this month NEWSLETTER INPUT DEADLINE is Midnight the Monday after Guild meeting. E-mail [email protected] NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING Monthly Yearly Full page ad $60.00 1/2 page ad $30.00 (horizontal -7 x 4 3/4 vertical - 3 3/8 x 9 1/2) 1/4 page ad $15.00 Business card ( 2 x 3.5) $10 $660 $330 $165 $110 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION REGULAR DUES $24 SENIOR (65+) $18 YOUTH (6-18) $6 Send your check to: GSAQG PO Box 380522 San Antonio, TX 78268 Issue 2 GSAQG Board Meeting Minutes January 5, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 3:02pm by President Ida Blankenship. Attendees were Karen Lambdin, Cindy Shutt, Sherry Duringer, Rebecca Cook, Jeana Kubik, Carol Bryant, and Dea Jae Shore. President – Ida asked for Calico rose nominations. She held up an example of a new embroidered calico rose that she would like to make in the future. Ida currently makes the calico roses each month. There were 3 more vehicles full of items hauled from the Coggins estate. Ida asked for help organizing and preparing items for sale at the guild table and also other venues such as online sales. We will continue to explore the possibilities. Secretary – 2 calls to the guild phone, one of which asked for someone to repair an old quilt. A motion was made for an announcement requesting quilters who will repair or hand quilt to pay for an ad in the newsletter for our referrals. The motion was seconded. The motion failed after the vote. Treasurer – Checking and savings balance $74,413.18. CD reports due this weekend will change this number. Cindy Shutt made a list of those who paid dues for 2015, there were fewer than 200 at this time. 1st VP – the raffle quilt is entered into the Dallas Quilt Show in March. The rules for our quilt show are in the January newsletter. There will be some entry forms available at the meetings, but members will be encouraged to print out their own. A change of venue for the summer retreat was discussed, but the contract is paid for this summer, so it will have to be decided for the 2016 retreat. 2nd VP Dea Jae Shore bought some more memory sticks for officers and chairpersons. Ida is still working on the new form for tax donation receipts. There is a form on the website for officers to print out forms to purchase guild items tax free. 3rd VP – Rebecca Cook reminded the board of the mini-retreat on Mar. 27-28. The Bonnie Hunter workshop is full. There are 2 new quilt stands in the storage unit. Rebecca would like feedback for the choice of Charlotte Angotti workshop. The August program was discussed as it may be too soon for a quilt show preview as planned. Maybe another workday could be planned for this day. 5th VP – Sherry Duringer detailed some of her Issue 2 Common Threads year-end and quarterly reports. Storage space for Storybook quilts was planned. The Save Our Stories chair wants to purchase a foot pedal for transcription. It was decided that the technology fund is for that purpose. Sherry plans to find a quilt top to donate to KLRN for advertising purposes. 4th VP Jeana Kubik reported the hours and information from her chairpersons. Ida Blankenship gave a report as Vendor Chair for the Quilt Show- only 14 vendors signed up at this time. She will be working to get more, hopefully at least 40 vendors. Reminders for the UUMC Quilt Market were passed around. The meeting was adjourned at 4:27 pm. Submitted by Karen Lambdin, Secretary GSAQG Guild Meeting Minutes January 10, 2015 Meeting called to order at 10:05 am. 1 guest and 2 new members were greeted. 65 members were in attendance. The minutes were approved as presented in the newsletter. Janet Miller presented Karen Lambdin with the Ethel Howey grant for 2015. Ida reported that the Ricky Timms conference has given us 2 CDs for the DVD library and 2 patterns for the book library. There is yarn for sale from the Coggins estate. The money earned will go into the guild Technology fund for operations. Karen Lambdin reported 2 phone calls last month. Cindy Shutt reported a savings and checking balance of $74,413.18 and reminded members to pay their dues this month to get in the directory. The entry forms for the Quilt Show on Sept 25 and 26th at the San Antonio Event Center are on the website under Special Events/ quilt show. The show pins were ordered by Bernie Farris on Monday. Glenda Harris stood in for Barbara Sumlin to give a few details about the winter retreat. Donnis Todd talked about the summer retreat. The theme is “Our Favorite Things”. Registration starts in February. The retreat will be June 14-19 and will cost $325. 30 people will attend. Sherry Duringer made a brief report of committee work hours, asked for a volunteer to quilt donation top for KLRN Blazing Gavels auction, Linda Kirk 3 explained the Storybook Challenge, Joan Parro will take on delivering donations to Youth Alternatives. Ida reminded members of the UUMC Quilt Show and Market on Feb. 20th. Dea Jae Shore will bring a limited number of GSAQG quilt show entry forms for those guild members without printing capabilities. Other members are asked to print their own forms from the website. The January newsletter listed the rules for the show – note, there are new categories this year. Members are reminded that they can have 1 business card -sized ad in the newsletter per year. Send it to Dea Jae Shore or Nancy Beasley. Renewals must be in by January 31st for your name to be in the directory. Members can mail renewals or call Cindy Shutt to pay by credit. Rebecca Cook is taking a waiting list for the Bonnie Hunter workshops. Cathy Baisley will teach a machine embroidery workshop for $10 plus $5 supplies. Janet Miller reminded members of the miniretreat on March 27 (12-9) and 28 (9-5). Cost with lunch is $30, 22 slots are left. Jackie Randall wants DVDs returned. There are 4 new DVDs and 4 new CDs from Ricky Timms. The Golden Carrot Award went to Marlene Azzuolo. Dea Jae demonstrated the interactive calendar on the projected computer screen. If you have a calendar entry for this please contact Dea Jae. Also, if someone has a quilting business please contact her soon and it can be in the directory. Meeting adjourned at 10:54am. Ethel Howey Grant Winner Karen Lamdin Mini Retreat Treat yourself to two days of uninterrupted quilting time at the mini-retreat. The mini-retreat will be held at St. Andrew’s on March 27, 12-9pm and 28, 9-5pm at a cost of $30. Fridaydinner and Saturday lunch provided. Questions: Janice Frankenberger, 681-2276, [email protected] or Janet Miller, 492-7684, [email protected]. 4 Common Threads Treasurer’s Report For the Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2014 YTD Actual 2014 Budget REVENUES Interest Other income Savings CD Interest Magazine Sales Nametage fines Newsletter Postage Contributions Dues - Membership Pins Newsletter/Directory Ads Quilt Show Mini-Retreats Workshops Retreat - Summer Retreat - Winter Houston Bus trip Auction Total Revenues EXPENSES Administration: Administration Equipment Purchase Charitable Contributions Janitorial Sunshine & Shadows Memorial Quilt & Bios Permanent Quilt collectiion Door Prizes Telephone Storage facility Rent (Meetings) Rent (Workshops) Rent (Mini retreats) Membership expenses: Membership supplies Newsletter/Directory printing Postage Webpage Quilt Show Community activities: Bright Hopes Storybook Quilts Community Outreach Community Education Quilt Angels ITC Membership services & activities: Sherry Allred Grant Ethel Howey Grant Library QPC Video Library Programs Workshops Self-sustaining activities: Mini-Retreats Retreat - Summer Retreat - Winter Houston bus trip Auction Total Expenses Net Ending Jefferson Operating Ending Jefferson Savings SSFCU CD's & savings SSFCU Wright Class CD Total Guild Funds Cynthia Shutt, Treasurer $ 500.00 13.05 411.25 5.85 458.10 32.91 269.00 783.02 1,363.00 143.00 1,965.00 5,811.50 860.00 3,020.00 9,750.00 8,524.55 3,348.00 17,436.00 $ 54,194.23 1,000.00 500.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 2,400.00 20,000.00 $ 52,125.00 $ 3,926.69 $ 130.42 $ $ 4,800.00 1,000.00 $ $ $ 75.00 25.00 50.00 220.00 100.00 3,300.00 2,100.00 560.00 560.00 $ $ 200.00 18.40 200.00 44.76 3,372.00 2,205.00 280.00 280.00 1,000.00 450.00 25.00 50.00 5,000.00 889.51 811.74 276.13 251.35 665.65 50.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 1,000.00 1,021.41 146.94 141.30 1,000.00 400.00 325.00 1,000.00 308.82 279.49 184.29 4,820.05 2,437.32 200.00 250.00 50.00 325.00 1,000.00 300.00 350.00 250.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 559.32 640.00 9,750.00 8,000.00 8,524.55 8,000.00 3,123.70 2,400.00 6,483.14 10,000.00 52,656.98 56,305.00 $ 1,537.25 $ (4,180.00) $ 23,565.05 1,110.80 37,446.95 12,290.38 $ 74,413.18 Issue 2 Sunshine and Shadow... [email protected] or 5201335 Finn Taylor arrived before Thanksgiving, grandson of Sandra Lowell. We send condolences to member Lori Branson whose husband, Gerry, passed away 5 Jan following scheduled surgery. A memorial service was planned for Monday, 12 Jan at Hope Church. Lori is working and has not been able to be at Guild meetings for awhile. Her address, (not in the current directory) if you would like to send a card: 16240 San Pedro Ave #220, 78232. If you have any Sunshine or Shadow to share, please call or email (see above.) Issues of immediate concern will be emailed to members. Other items will be placed Bright Hopes The Bright Hopes Committee would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who made quilts, tops, totes, and donated fabric stash this year. During 2014 we’ve donated over 570 quilts and 340 totes to the San Antonio Children’s Shelter. What a wonderful gift of love for all those children! As we challenge ourselves to donate quilts during the new year please keep the following in mind... • These quilts are meant for children • Acceptable fabrics are cotton, cotton blends, flannel, minky, fleece • Rayon, sheer, silky, and other fabrics meant for clothing and home decor are not appropriate • Holiday, religious, and adult themed fabrics are not appropriate Looking forward to more fun quilts in 2015! The Bright Hopes Committee [ ] \ a Issue 2 Common Threads Community Outreach Reports 4th Quarter 2014 The Community Outreach committees of your GSAQG were very busy in October, November and December of 2014, with a total of 1,665.5 service hours. I won’t print the entire reports in this article, but here is a summary of each group’s activities: Institute of Texan Cultures: 592 hours interacting with visitors and working on three quilts; Storybooks: 32.5 hours working in the storage unit and delivering quilts to area schools where 22,240 students participated in the program; Quilt Alliance: 60 hours collecting oral histories and transcribing those tapes; Bright Hopes: 924 hours making it possible to deliver 120 quilts to the SA Children’s Shelter; Quilt Angels: 32 hours on the Memorial quilt and 25 hours on the Trauma quilt. If you’ve made a resolution to get more involved in the guild, take some time at the next meeting 5 to visit one of the service tables. Carol Steely has kits made up for Bright Hopes quilts and totes, or you can donate your original top or quilt for the children at the Shelter. Linda Kirk has storybooks that need quilts to go with them. She has also issued a Challenge for 2015 to construct 14” quilts to accompany Gyleen Fitzgerald’s haikus. If you are interested in hand quilting at the Institute, see Kay Allison or Cathy Wallace about application info. Why not think about volunteering as a backup interviewer for the Save Our Stories project – see Ellen Hernandez or Mary McCarthy. Barbara Sumlin and Janet Miller have regular workdays for the Memorial and Trauma quilt projects. Kitty Janiga is looking for mentors to help with a special request from a local elementary school. And finally, I’m asking for a volunteer to machine quilt a top for KLRN’s annual Blazing Gavels auction this June. Please give me a call or see me at the next meeting for more info. Sherry Duringer, 5th VP, Community Outreach COMMITTEES Advertising Nancy Beasley 685-2345 Archivist Dea Jae Shore 590-3013 Bee Keeper Bernie Farris 695-4323 Bright Hopes Carol Steely 804-920-3637 Community Ed Kitty Janiga 710-1909 Folk Life Festival Kay Allison 733-1744 Institute TX Culture Kay Allison 733-1744 Library-Books Jeanette Jay 219-8880 Magazine Sales Lynn Komada 492-6794 Membership Gloria Hammond 590-6406 Cathy Baisley 823-3977 Adrean Thomas 228-424-6002 Guest Welcoming Terry Hooge Lani Nunley 279-6458 680-4182 Photographs QPC Summer Retreat Winter Retreat ‘15 Secret Sisters Charlene Carroll 325-6870 Carol Rouse 699-9363 Donnis Todd 218-9988 Barbara Sumlin 436-5884 Melissa Allo 681-5722 Storybook Quilts Sunshine&Shadows Videos & DVD’s Webmistress Member Sign In Youth Alternatives Houston Bus Trip Linda Kirk 647-4844 Melanie McInnis 219-2365 Jackie Randall 492-8073 Dea Jae Shore 590-3013 Kitty Janiga 710-1909 Sandra Lowell 512-484-1307 Charlene Carroll 699-8798 Sandra Lowell 512-484-1307 Golden Carrot Winner: Marlene Azzuluo Each time you turn in a project to Bright Hopes, Storybook Quilts, Auction, Quilt Projects Committee or complete any other service to the guild, you are given chances to win this prize. (Note: be sure to sign your name on the white side of each ticket you receive! I’d hate to draw a blank ticket or one that I can’t read the name. If they are stapled together, remove the staple and sign each one.) 6 Common Threads Issue 2 2.2015 Pieces of the Past, 58: Poston Internment Camp Quilt by Ellen Hernandez In the 1940s, fourth grade students at Poston Relocation Camp for the Japanese in Arizona cross stitched their names on strips that were added to a quilt. The students of Masako Hirata, a Univ. of Redlands sociology graduate, were studying pioneer America and wanted to make a quilt of that era. The WWII internees had to use fabric they brought with them, and scraps. The white border was added later. Over 100,000 residents on the West Coast were of Japanese heritage, with most in the Los Angeles area. Twothirds of them were American citizens. The US government feared retaliation and theft of sensitive information and began a relocation plan. The coastal Japanese were requested to move further inland, a plan that failed and was replaced with registration and mandatory relocation to one of ten camps. About half of those sent to camps were children. Many families lived in the camps for four years. After the war when Misako Hirata was released from Poston Camp, she worked in NY and Illinois. In 1949 she was the first teacher of Japanese descent hired in San Bernardino. She taught there for 37 years. In the 1980s she received the US official Letter of Apology and Redress. Her students' vibrant quilt has survived to pass on the story of 'Strength and Diversity' via a Smithsonian traveling exhibit and is owned by the National Japanese-American Historical Society. Issue 2 Common Threads 7 Greater San Antonio Quilt Show 2015 Entry Instructions Entries due No Later Than: July 18, 2015 Please print in ink. Copies for multiple entries are acceptable. A maximum of 4 entries will be accepted per person. One person only signs as entrant. (One ribbon per entrant.) Forms must be completely filled out, signed and accompanied by: A check for $7 (members) or $15 (non-members) per entry made out to GSAQG. Entry fee is non-refundable if withdrawn after the deadline (July 18, 2015). One check may cover multiple entries. No entry fee for Category 1900 -- Challenge. Include appraisal fee and raffle ticket & pin purchases, if applicable. A color photograph of the entry. Work in progress photos and computer printouts are acceptable. Write your name and quilt title on the back of the photograph. Do not staple or tape photo to the entry form Legal size (4" x 9 1/2") Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. A single envelope may be included for multiple entries. Submit your complete entry package: At monthly guild meetings or, by mail, to: GSAQG Show Entry c/o Holly Nelson 296 Settlers Way Comfort, TX 78013-5522 Appraisals: Lisa Erlandson, an AQS certified quilt appraiser, will be conducting appraisals for a fee throughout the quilt show. This service is available by appointment only and has sold out in past shows. If you would like to have your quilt appraised, you may "book" your slot now and guarantee that your quilt will get the professional appraisal it deserves. ($45/quilt.) 2015 Raffle Quilt: "Star Gazing Revisited" This lovely quilt was designed and constructed as a group effort by members of the Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild, then quilted by Vonnie Maglinte Tickets ($1 each, or 6 for $5) may be purchased at the time of your quilt entry. The drawing will be held Saturday, September 26th, during the quilt show. *** For Show Rules and a complete description of categories, please visit our website at: 8 Common Threads Issue 2 GSAQG Judged Show Due by July 18, 2015 o Self Addressed Stamped Envelope o Entry form & color photo for each entry o Appropriate fees OFFICIAL USE ONLY Category September 25-26, 2015 Entry Form Quilt # About You Name _______________________________________________________________ I would like to Volunteer for 2 hour shifts on (circle all that apply) Address _____________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _____ Zip__________ F – SA Telephone (H)______________ Cell ______________ AM Email _______________________________________________________________ GSAQG Member? Yes PM No About the Quilt Name ___________________________________________________________________ Size ______________ inches Horizontal (width) ________________inches Vertical (length) Category # (Choose only one) __________ Constructed by Year completed __________________ Self Other__________________________________ Pattern/Design Source credit Original Work Other__________________________________ Quilted by Self Other ______________________________ Quilting Technique Hand Machine, Stationary Is this quilt for sale? No Yes, asking $_____________100 Star Gazing Do you wish to have this quilt appraised? No Machine, Track Mounted Yes (If yes, include $45 appraisal fee for each quilt to be appraised) Quilt’s Story (for the gallery card) Please limit to 30 words or less. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Raffle Tickets: I wish to purchase 6 for $5 12 for $10 24 for $20 Show Logo Pin: I wish to purchase ________ ($5 each) 200Applique, Large 300 Applique, Small 400 Pieced, Large 500 Pieced, Small 600 Mixed Technique, Large 700 Mixed Technique, Small 800 Scrap Quilts 900 Hand Quilted 1000 Modern Quilts 1100 Group Quilts 1200 Miniatures 1300 Art Quilts 1400 Embroidered Quilts 1500 Kits/block of the month 1600 First Quilt 1700 Juniors 1800 Wearable art 1900 Challenge 2000 Other/Miscellaneous Hold Harmless Agreement I understand that all entries must be available for judging and display from Tuesday September 22nd through Saturday September 26th. I agree to allow the GSAQG to photograph my entry for files, publicity and promotional purposes. I understand that every effort will be made to protect my entry. Neither the chairpersons, GSAQG, Inc., nor the San Antonio Event Center can be held liable for loss or damage to the entry. Your Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________ Amount Enclosed (Make checks payable to Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild) $7 or $15 Entry _____ + $45/Appraisal ____ +Raffle Tickets ____ + $5/Pin ____ = TOTAL $ _______ Issue 2 Common Threads Be sure to renew your membership by January 31 so you will be in the directory. Call Cindy Shutt with your credit card information or mail the form above to the guild address. If there were errors in your directory item please email [email protected] with the correction. Entry Rules are available online and in the January Newsletter A Limited number of entry forms will be available at each guild meeting 9 University Methodist Church Quilt Guild of San Antonio 2015 Quilt Market “The Scraps of Our Lives” February 20, 2015 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Featured Speaker J . Michelle Watts Speaker at 10 AM Admission $6.00 followed by the beautiful display of quilts , great vendors and chances to win prizes until 3:30 pm 5084 De Zavala Road San Antonio, Tx 78249 10 Common Threads Issue 2 To see the our extensive collection visit: new braunfels . texas 830.964.6133 urban elementz Chartreuse by Patricia E. Ritter Matrix by Patricia E. Ritter Rhythm by Patricia E. Ritter & Valerie Smith 1000's of Distinctive Quilting Designs available as paper and digital pantographs, and stencils Spellbound by Sandrah Burrier Issue 2 Common Threads 11 Sew W hat? Sew everything at the Textile Studio Textile Ar ts Fabric Painting Quilting Crochet Knitting Embroider y Fabrics Samplers Wor kshops Uptown Blanco Textile Studio textile studio 830-833-1579 317 Main Street www .UptownBlanco. com Blanco, Texas 78606 Memberships Societies Needle Ar ts Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild, Inc P.O. Box 380522 San Antonio, TX 78268 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED February Schedule Board of Directors President Ida Blankenship February 2 Board Meeting 3:00 PM President Pro Tem Judith Miller @ Lockaway Storage, 6075 DeZavala 1st Vice President February 14 Guild meeting 10:00 AM for Special Events Carol Bryant @ St. Andrew Church 2nd Vice President Dea Jae Shore for Information Check out the calendar on our web 3rd Vice President page for Bee meetings and other for Programs Rebecca Cook Guild related events. 4th Vice President for Services Jeana Kubik 5th Vice President for Community Outreach Sherry Duringer Secretary Karen Lambdin Treasurer Cindy Shutt Term expires December 2015
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