The Piecemakers’ Star Published by the: DUFFERIN PIECEMAKERS QUILTING GUILD January 2015, Volume 21, Issue 5 President’s Message Phew! The Christmas season was a busy whirlwind for us at the Kitchen household, but a lot of fun was had. The kids enjoyed the relaxed schedule and I got to visit my sewing studio everyday working on some WIP’s (very old WIP’s!) My Christmas celebration is still not complete though. We are gearing up for round 2 with my parents and brother. They venture to Nova Scotia for Christmas and this year they had temperatures of +13 degrees on Christmas day! I find it strange that it’s January when winter has finally decided to look and feel like winter. Living up here in Dufferin County, it’s usually much sooner. Our January meeting will be our potluck social. It will be a nice way to start the year with good food, lots of quilty friends and a wonderful trunk show by our talented Fern Pugh. I’m looking forward to it as Fern has some lovely things and great taste. The members who are to bring food have their last name starting from A-M. The N-Z group donated to the food bank at our December meeting. Thank you for all your generous donations. Inside this this issue: issue: Inside President’s Message The Committee Library Block The Executive and Committees Program Library Block I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about the Presidents Challenge and I can’t wait to see what creative projects you all come up with. If you haven’t picked Bulletin Board Program, Note from Editor up an envelope with the paint chips and challenge instructions, there is still Community Projects plenty of time. I will bring them to all the meetings till May in case you change Family Transition Place Tips your mind and want to play along. I’m working on next year’s already and it’s Quilter’s Stitch ‘n Share Morning Glories going to be super fun and meaningful...Mmmmm. Bulletin Board Membership Stay warm and safe on the roads and see you at our January meeting. Editor’s Note Community Projects Our Advertisers 21 2 3 4 2 53 64 5 7 6 8 Be Creative, QBA, to Buy LittleReasons Story from the Fabric Editor Candice Nominating Committee Report 10 What’s On, Stitch ‘n Share, 8 What’s On 11 Fall Fair Prize Books Quilt Show Focus 9 Advertising Rates I hope the illustration in the upper corner inspires you to take a look at your “fabric collection” and create something fabulous for our President’s Challenge and our upcoming Quilt Show! 97 Birthday Block Next MeetingsBlock Refreshment 12 Refreshment Block, joke 10 Set Up/Take Down May & June Next Meetings Web Block NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Friday, January 30. 2015 Dufferin Piecemakers Quilting Guild, P.O. Box 325, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z6 Page 1 LIBRARY BLOCK for January 2015 Liz Nash, Pat Forrest, Lorna Raney, Ann Kendrew The Executive President: Candice Kitchen Vice-President: Pille Piegaze Past President: Sue Pirie Secretary: Linda Horner Treasurer: Darlene Cordingley, Mary Light Program: Janet Slater, Pat Burbidge, Barb Davis, Ann Kendrew, Judy Duffy, Sharon Holmes Membership: Cheryl Staeger, Barb Johnson Newsletter Editors: Penny M. Squirrell, Judi Sullivan, Ida Cunningham, Jeanne Bell --------------------------------- The Committees Birthday Club: Beckie Shaw, Nanette Horton Block of the Month/Challenges: Connie Walterhouse, Linda Lewis Bulletin Board: Bev Prior Community Projects: Fern Pugh, Trish McKibbon, Val Asbourne, Jan Dickson, Elsepeth King, Marion Cole Financial Reviewers: Fiona Cartmell Historian: Leah Mitchell Librarians: Liz Nash, Lorna Raney, Pat Forrest, Ann Kendrew Lucky Draw: Debi Arnold, Linda Coleman, Linda Davenport, Christine Robinson Morning Glories: Leah Mitchell Quilt Show: Leah Mitchell, Debbie Fawcett Refreshments: Jean Simpson, Christine Murray, Marilyn Batuszkin, Marilyn Graham, Yvonne Conway Retreat: Judi Sullivan, Yvonne Conway, Pam Neilly, Susan Pirie, Sue VanZant Stitch ‘n Share Leah Mitchell Web-mistress: Judi Sullivan, Janet Slater Show ‘n Tell Guild members showing assist QBA Debi Arnold, Susan Pirie This list is for Guild purposes only Please send newsletter submissions to: Penny M. Squirrell [email protected] Ida Cunningham [email protected] or Jeanne Bell [email protected] Judi Sullivan [email protected] Page 2 Colour Magic for Quilters by Ann Seely & Joyce Stewart This book is the ultimate resource for anyone who has ever felt unsure about choosing and combining colours and fabrics. This goof-proof approach guarantees colour success. There are 24 easy-to-understand colour formulas and 250 quilt blocks with exciting colour and fabric and colour combinations. 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs by Leah Day In 2009, Leah Day started a blog with the goal of creating 365 new free motion quilting designs. Over the next 2 ½ years, she shared each design with photos and a video tutorial on her blog, The Free Motion Quilting Project. Each design is known as a “filler” design, which means they can fill your quilts in a continuous line without breaking thread. It is a wonderful resource for the beginner to the advanced free motion quilter. NEWEST FIGURES RELEASED FROM QUILT MARKET AND F&W MEDIA STUDY...QUILTERS - WHO WE ARE… Dedicated Quilters don't regard quilting as an optional hobby, but as part of their lives. They, like quilters throughout history, quilt during good times and bad. Their quilting is both a means of expressing themselves creatively, and also of expressing what is going on in their lives and how they are dealing with it," says Karey Bresenhan, president of Quilts, Inc. Those "Dedicated Quilters" represent 12.2% of all quilting households, and account for 60.4% of the total industry expenditures, or about $2.27 billion, according to the survey. Each Dedicated Quilter is defined as one who spends more than $500 a year on quilting-related purchases, which include sewing machines, fabric, notions, tools, patterns, books, computer programs, batting, and thread. In fact, the Dedicated Quilter actually spent an average of $3,296 per year on quilting. Demographics of the Dedicated Quilter indicate she is female; about 64; is well-educated (79% attended college); has a household income in excess of $100,000; and has been quilting an average of 20.3 years. Among Dedicated Quilters, 81% are traditionalists, while 38% embrace art quilting, and 35% enjoy modern quilting styles. Some enjoy multiple types of quilting. The Dedicated Quilter owns, on average, almost $13,000 worth of tools and supplies and has a stash of fabric worth nearly $6,000, which the majority (88%) store in a studio or room dedicated solely to sewing and quilting activities. Quilters are also tech -savvy, with 87% owning a tablet or eBook reader today. The percentage of quilters who access the Internet daily has grown to 86%, up from 73% four years ago. The data indicates that quilters spend 3.5 hours per week watching quilting-related online broadcasting to learn new tips and techniques, get inspiration, purchase fabric, tools, and supplies, and to search for free patterns. I am going back to a hand quilted project as part of a weight loss program. You can’t eat and hand quilt at the same time! Program Block for the January General Meeting Our January program will combine great food and a wonderful speaker. We will be having our winter potluck in January. Please remember if your last name starts with A-M you will bring a dish to share with all. Some people are highly allergic to nuts, so if you have food that contains nuts please mark it accordingly. N- Z will bring a dish to share in June. Each member is also responsible for bringing their own plate, cup and cutlery. Our speaker in January will be our own member Fern Pugh. She will share her quilting history as well as talk about Community Quilts. The program committee also have some interesting quilting games that we may play if time permits. Program Committee, Pat Burbidge, Barb Davis, Judy Duffy, Sharon Holmes, Ann Kendrew and Janet Slater A Note From the Editor: How can it be 2015? Another year and lots of resolutions and plans to be made. My quilting goals continue to include finishing up started projects, using patterns, fabric and rulers that have never been used from the “fabric collection” and just enjoying the process. I do not agonize about what I don’t get done or worry about a project that doesn’t seem to be working. I know that I can always enjoy it anyway in spite of it’s flaws (I really meant uniqueness), re-purpose it or even give it away! And now some New Year’s wishes for all of you. May your needles always be sharp, may your threads never tangle, may your cuts be straight, and your seam allowances true. May you always have someone you love to wrap with your quilts and may they bring a smile when they think of you. May you have wonderful memorable occasions to celebrate with all of the quilts you make. May your quilting warm your soul as well as your family and friends and may the art of stitching cut colourful pieces together into little blocks never cease to challenge you and reward you, and bring you endless hours of creativity and joy. May your machines run on forever and your bobbins never run out. May the love and enjoyment of quilting allow you to spend many happy hours in your sewing room and with your quilting friends . ………………..Penny Family Transition Place Our commitment to FTP is 200 journals for the year. Please help by donating them at any time. The journals need to be about 6”x8”, lined pages, bound by either coil or glue. Consider making a fabric cover. Please leave them in the basket provided at every meeting. Journals are always needed. Please bring one or two to our next meeting. A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER! During the meeting please…. Turn off the ring on your cell phone or go to another room to use it Minimum chatting when there is a speaker. Keep our meetings scent free (we have members and guests who are allergic/sensitive to perfumes, scented body wash, etc.) THANK YOU! NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Friday, January 30. 2015 Page 3 “Pin Points” Smart Tips for Every Quilter Some Ideas from Kim Diehl patterns that span four of her bestselling books. • If you find that your pieced blocks are consistently just a skosh small, even when using a quarter-inch foot, here’s a quick little trick that may make a difference in your accuracy. For sewing machines with incremental needle positions, try setting the needle just one notch to the right of the center position. Sew a test block and measure your results—this slight adjustment can be just enough to compensate for the thread or two that is lost to the fold of fabric when your seam allowances are pressed • For wall hangings that lie smooth and flat, place a second hanging sleeve at the bottom edge of the quilt and insert a small dowel or flat strip of wood that has been cut slightly narrower than the width of the quilt. The added weight will eliminate any ripples and your piece will hang beautifully • When “un-sewing” a seam, a clean eraser or the sticky side of a length of masking tape can be lightly rubbed over any remaining threads to loosen and remove them from the cloth. • Consider using quilting thread when hand sewing your binding to the back of your quilt. The fibers are made to be pulled through the layers multiple times, so there will be less fraying and tangling, and your stitches will be sturdier. • When you are signing quilt labels or signature blocks, first iron a piece of freezer paper to the wrong side of the fabric to stabilize it. Remove the paper after you complete the writing. • For quick cleanup after sewing, wrap masking tape around your fingers, adhesive side out, and use it to retrieve fallen threads and fabric scraps from your carpeting and clothing. Interesting Websites about Quilting Do you remember our speaker from a few years ago, Heather Stewart, talking about choosing colours for a quilt from photographs and pictures she liked? This website helps you in that respect. It is a really amazing colour palette website where you can actually search a colour by its value and it matches it to the right colour palette. See to explore. Visit Cobwebs & Caviar on LOCAL QUILT SHOP DAY Sat. Jan. 24 There’ll be specials, raffle giveaways, demos…… Plus….visit us between Dec 27 and Jan 24 for a chance at the GRAND prize: A SEWING MACHINE & $500 SHOPPING SPREE! Just take a photo ‘selfie’ inside Cobwebs, upload the photo to the contest page at with a caption saying why YOU love our local quilt shop, and you’re entered!!! 147 Main St. W., Shelburne, ON 519-306-3000 [email protected] Page 4 Hours Tues to Fri 10 to 5 Sat 10 to 4 Our new website is now live! We're SO excited to share it with you. Check it out at Our Newsletters are also posted on our website and you can always check there to read the latest edition. There is a members' section which requires you to login. login in: your e-mail address (the one the guild has) password: password10 (this can be changed) FOR SALE MAYBE EVEN ADOPTION: I have a Burgundy cloth sewing room chair ( office chair on castors) and a Kenmore multi stitch sewing machine. These were my Mother-in- Laws. Pat K if your Africa bunch can use it please let me know. Otherwise any donation will be gratefully received. Contact me , Lynne Norman, 519-941-7093 BOM for the 2014-2015 Guild Year The block of the month for January is twirling stars. This year, two blocks from our BOM will be made by each participant, one to stay with the stitcher and one to be donated to Community Projects. See Connie or Linda to view samples or for more details. There is a quote I rather like by Arthur Ashe: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” I think this came be a motto for the quilting room, and probably for every aspect of your life! It’s not too late to participate in this year’s Birthday Club. Please talk to Beckie or Nanette. If you just want some birthday wishes, give your birthday date to Penny and you’ll see your name in our Newsletter. 224 Centennial Rd, Orangeville (By DQ) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY !!!!! Jan 7 – Feb 1st Fall/Winter Clearance. New Cottons have arrived for>>> Jan 8-10 50% off SALE !!! NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Friday, January 30. 2015 Page 5 COMMUNITY PROJECTS – JANUARY 2015 Happy New Year…with lots of quilting time! We will start 2015 with a work bee prior to our meeting January 19 at 1pm. Please come whenever you can as we are there all afternoon until our meeting begins. Bring along your sewing machines, sewing kits, cutters (mats are provided). This is the perfect opportunity to work with other guild members and get to know some of our wonderful quilters just a little better. There are always lots of little quilting “jobs” to do to get these Community Quilts ready for gifting and we can find the perfect project for you to stitch. If you plan to stay until the meeting, a supper snack would be recommended. These afternoon sessions are always fun, we get a lot accomplished and it is a relaxing but inspiring way to spend some quilting time. In December, many donations were made (see Dec. newsletter) as well as four quilts to a local family who have experienced a loss of a family member. This contact was made through a teacher at Westside Secondary School. If you know of a situation where a quilt would be a beneficial donation, please speak to any member of the Community Projects committee. Pillowcase kits will be available on the CP table at our January meeting. Please return any CP kits you may have finished or ones that you just won’t get around to finishing. Your CP committee: Fern Pugh, Trish McKibbon, Val Ashbourne, Jan Dickson, Elspeth King, Marion Cole. K Editor’s Note: Moved? Change of address? Change of e-mail address? Change of phone number? It is important that you notify membership first, then newsletter. The members of each committee are listed on page 2 of every newsletter. And … if you have any photos, quilty stories, tips, hints, web sites you might like to share, send them to your editor (email on pg 2) but remember the deadline which appears on every odd page of your newsletter! Thanks, Penny Page 6 QUILTING BY ASSOCIATION or QBA. QBA What has been planned so far? If you would like to teach a class please email Debi Arnold ([email protected]) or Sue Pirie([email protected] ) We cancelled QBA for January as it was too close to New Year’s Day and plan to be back on February 7, 2015 with Pat Kalapaca’s class on :Binding Your Quilt”. The sign-up sheet will be at the back table at the January meeting. March 7, 2015 is Linda Horner’s Landscape Cards. We need people to attend these classes or we will not be scheduling these great sessions. Happy Stitching and New Year. Debi Come and take a great class, learn some new skills and have fun stitching with quilting friends! In case you need any motivation to go out and buy more fabric (though we highly doubt you do!), here are 15 reasons to support your case! What would you add to the list? 1. Because who needs a guest room anyway? 2. Because it’s on sale! (I’ll take 5 yards please…) 3. Because you can ALWAYS build an addition onto your house. 4. Because you never know when you might need some! 5. Because I’m trying build the biggest (and best!) stash in the world. 6. Because it’s SO EASY to buy online. (That and nobody knows when I do it! Shh!) 7. Because my chocolate supply needs some company. 8. Because it’s no fun only buying what you need… 9. Because it makes me happy! 10. Because there’s still a bit of room in my fabric box/basket/cupboard/shelf. (Fine, so it’s a tiny corner way in the back. Who’s counting?) 11. Because I have a new pattern and I’m dying to try it out… 12. Because that lovely bolt on the shelf keeps talking to me. (“buy me… buy me!”) 13. Because I just can’t resist all the pretty colours and patterns. 14. Because that birthday money is burning a hole in my pocketbook. 15. Because I love to have new fabric and QUILT! NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Friday, January 30. 2015 Page 7 What’s On Ontario Quilting Connections UPCOMING EVENTS Mar 27 - 29, 2015 Fri & Sat 10 - 5, Sun 10 - 4 Etobicoke Quilt Guild Quilt Show Neilson Park Creative Centre 56 Neilson Dr. Etobicoke (near hwy. 427 and Dundas) Admission: $5 March 28 and 29, 2015 “Oh My Stars” Newmarket Community Centre 10:00a.m.—4:00 p.m. May 1 and 2, 2015 Bluewater Quilt Guild “Quilts by the Bay” Bayshore Community Centre Owen Sound May 2 and 3, 2015 Brampton Quilt Guild “The Quilted Oddyesy” June 6 and 7, 2014 Quilting Corners Quilt Guild “Stitching Among Friends” 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Alliston Curling Club Grand Quilt Guild presents their 2nd "Quilts on the Grand" show at the Centre Wellington Community Sportplex in Fergus on Friday, June 5 – 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, June 6 - 10 a.m. to 4 pm showing quilting projects from beginners to international artists. The show will have: lunch/tea, tooney treasure table (raffles), memorial display, community projects, guild challenge, door prizes, merchants mall, viewer's choice, downtown merchants may even offer a discount to attendees! Please visit our website for more information: Stitch ‘n Share Leah Mitchell Stitch and Share meets every Wednesday from 1:30 to 4:00 PM. in the Meridian Credit Union on Broadway in Orangeville. Please contact Leah Mitchell at 519-928-3059 for any other meeting information if you wish to attend and are not on the current e-mail Stitch and Share List. We have returned to the newly renovated Meridian and are pleased to be able to meet there every week as part of their community outreach. Every guild member is always welcome. ADVERTISING RATES Same ad Every Month Type of Ad Ad Size Secret Sister Guild free Ad Changes Required Non-Guild Guild Non-Guild n/a n/a n/a Classified 1”x3” $ 7.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $10.00 Business Card 2”x3” $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $15.00 Quarter Page 5”x3” $12.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 Half Page 7”x5” $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $35.00 Full Page 7”x10” $50.00 $55.00 $55.00 $60.00 Prepay for the year and get a 10% discount! Page 8 NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: Friday, January 30. 2015 Page 9 Member Birthday Celebrations Nanette Horton Nov 15** Gredina Merkens Nov 20 Member Birthday Celebrations Ruth Williams Nov 26** Ellen Grove Nov 28** Bev Prior Berva Buttery Leah Mitchell January 17 January 26 January 28 A very Happy Birthday to any January Birthday Quilters! If you do not see your name here, please just ask to be added to our list. Birthday Club Members Submitted by: Beckie Shaw and Nanette Horton Refreshment Block Jean Simpson, Marilyn Batuszkin, and Christine Murray. Thank-you so much to those who brought treats for our meeting in December. This month we will be enjoying goodies from our members whose last name begins with A– M. Please bring your favourite ready to serve finger food (sweet or savoury) for us to enjoy. Please remember to bring your own plate, cutlery and mug. We will be making tea and coffee as usual. **Birthday Club Members Submitted by: Beckie Shawyour and Nanette Did you remember secret Horton sister with a small***Did quilty gift or a card on her birthday? you remember your secret sister?*** Gifts may be left on the membership table at our general meeting or delivered in many surprising ways! Please remember to keep our refreshments nut free. General Meeting: Date: Monday, January 19, 2014 (potluck) Orangeville Fair Grounds Monday, February 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Doors Open Please wait until 7:00 to arrive. This will allow time for the committee volunteers to set up the room. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. but there’s lots to do and see before we begin. Executive Meeting: Date: Thursday January 29, 2015 and Thursday February 26, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Orangeville Meridian Credit Union Please call /email President Candice if you will be attending. Next Quilt Show Meeting is Thursday January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Orangeville Meridian Credit Union Board Room. Committee’s Budgets and Timelines, Merchant Mall and Publicity Drafts are all due . A good quilt show doesn’t just happen and it takes help and support from all of our guild members. If you are not on the organizing committee, please consider how you can be involved. There’s always stitching to do to get all of those wonderful quilts ready to show! Next Meeting Bring Name tags worn Mug for Tea or Coffee Library books Any completed Community Projects or pillow cases Show and Tell Loonie for Library Raffle Journals for FTP (more please) Indoor shoes Food for our Munchies Night if your last name begins with A-M And a ………….. Page 10
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