The WCCT Spotlight The Newsletter of Webster City Community Theatre January 2015 “Getting It Back” directed by Doug Getter Maggie Breitenkamp as Gayle Kyle Klum as Lendall “They Fell” directed by Al Yungclas Peter Amstalden as Chad Mikey Paisley as Randy “Where It Went” directed by Stephanie Hill Pete Neumeister as Phil Angela Rottering as Marci “Story of Hope” directed by Mark Andrew Al Yungclas as Daniel Susan Leman as Hope “Seeing the Thing” directed by Mark Andrew LuAnn Jackson as Rhonda Paul Wagner as Dave JOIN US FOR A GREAT ROMANTIC COMEDY Mark Dohms is serving as producer and has filled these crew positions: FEBRUARY 6, 7, 13 & 14 AT 7:30 PM Technical—Wil Groves is setting and programFEBRUARY 8 & 15 AT 2:00 PM Rehearsals are in full swing for WCCT’s upcoming production of Almost, Maine. Each scene’s cast and director has been practicing on its own schedule, so they are looking forward to everything coming together next week. The scenes with love themes all take place in the mythical town of Almost, Maine, on the same night, at the same time, when the Northern Lights are active. OUR CASTS AND DIRECTORS Prologue, Interlogue, Epilogue directed by Mark Andrew Larry Helm as Pete Sharon Helm as Ginette “Her Heart” directed by Stephanie Hill Dale Arends as East Trese Arends as Glory “Sad and Glad” Dave Borer as Jimmy Mary Sealine as Sandrine Sarah Kopriva as Waitress “This Hurts” directed by Loween Getter Nichole Ose as Marvalyn Sam Ose as Steve ming lights; Sally Evans will be running the board. Set—Al Yungclas, Wil Groves, Bill Greenley, Doug Getter, Wayne Fuhlbrugge, Fred Pauk, and Lynn Leksell have been working on the set. Stage Manager—Carol Zills and Cynthia Claude Rowson will be controlling things back stage. Publicity and Program—Loween Getter House Manager—Mark Dohms Box Office Manager—Doug & Loween Getter Usher Captain—Dennis & Gina Nilles WORK DAY IS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 AT 9 AM Work day doesn’t involve just the cast and crew, but every WCCT member should be willing to pitch in. If a crew chief calls asking for ushers, box office workers, or help in any way, please share your time and talents. Tickets go on sale Saturday, January 31. All tickets are $12. Or, if you purchased a WCCT Punch Card prior to the end of December, you can use it to save. The box office is open from 57 pm weeknights, 10 am to noon on Saturdays, and one hour prior to show time. The 21 people who attended the January 11 reading of The ‘68 Higby High Reunion Cruise or Murder on a Budget had a great time. Our own Sally Evans has penned a very funny play with a cast of zany characters. There will NOT be a Readers Theatre in February due to performances of Almost, Maine and the Annual Planning Meeting. (see below) SPAMALOT to be Read on March 8 at 3:30 pm Wil Groves will be directing the reading of Monty Python’s Spamalot on Sunday, March 8 at 3:30 pm. Note the earlier start time. WCCT Quilt #2 Is a Work in Progress Josi Greenley is peering over the first three rows she has completed for the second WCCT quilt made from show shirt logos. So far, she has creatively incorporated 24 logos dating from 1998. She anticipates this quilt may contain up to 40 shows when it is completed. WCCT certainly appreciates the time and talent she has given to this project! Watch for its unveiling when it goes on display next to Quilt #1 in the theatre basement. Many thanks to LuAnn Jackson for helping re-create some of the missing logos and to everyone who has donated their show shirts to the cause. The next quilt will probably include logos from Bell, Book and Candle, the first show WCCT did when it was incorporated in 1968, through the final off-site production of Oklahoma! In 1992. Start looking for any shirts you may have from those shows. If you have any old programs or posters from those shows, they may be helpful to re-create the logos. A complete list of past productions is available on our website. Just let Josi or Loween know what you may have that will help. HELP US PLAN THE 2015-2016 SEASON PLANNING MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 6:00 pm at the theatre We’ll order take-out Do you have a play you would like to direct, be involved in, or enjoy from the audience? Then join us at the Annual Planning Meeting. We’ll brainstorm play titles, discuss the pros and cons of each show, select directors, and seek performance rights before getting the final blessing from the board. We’ll order from Chuong Garden or other local eating establishments. Bring your beverage of choice and enjoy the process. Bring a snack to share and your own beverage and come learn more about the music, dialogue and antics of our summer show. Director Al Yungclas has announced auditions for this year’s Theatre for Youth production of The Trial of Goldilocks by Joseph Robinette. Try outs will be held on Sunday, February 22, at 5:00 pm and on Tuesday, February 24, at 6:00 pm at WCCT. There are roles for 14-20. In rhyme, mime and mirth, this exciting comedy examines the familiar fairy tale from three points of view: the traditional, the Bears', then Goldilocks'. Guilty or innocent? Was the young girl a selfish, spoiled brat, intruding where she didn't belong? Or was she the victim of three conniving bears and their animal "band of hoods" in the woods? The story is told entirely in rhyme by the cast including a hard-of-hearing judge, a harried clerk, two comic lawyers and a jury which gets involved in the action as tables, chairs, beds and forest animals. ************** Director Wil Groves has announced auditions for this summer’s musical comedy, Monty Python’s SPAMALOT. Try outs will be held Sunday, March 29 at 4:00 pm and Monday, March 30, at 7:00 pm at UCC across the street from WCCT. For a preview of the show, attend Readers Theatre 3/8. Put these dates on your calendar Watch for more information coming soon ON THE ROAD WITH SR. MARY ANNETTE When Sacramento Theatre Company’s costume shop manager and former WCCT member Jessi Heerema Minnehan (shown at left) needed a puppet to play the role of Sister Mary Annette in their production of “Nunsense,” she contacted her mom, Sue Heerema. Photos of the hand puppet were sent to the production staff for approval. Our own nun puppet beat out two potential Mary Annette's (one even prettier than her)! Having escaped from her permanent home in a tote in the “cold room,” she was sent packing to spend several weeks in a warmer climate. Now 23 years old, Sister Mary Annette was created by former members Pastor John and Donita Grebner for the WCCT production of Nunsense back in 1992. She has appeared in all five of the musical comedies we have produced here: Nunsense, Nunsense II, Nuncrackers, Nunsense Jamboree, and Nunset Boulevard. The only show in the series yet to be done at WCCT is Nunsensations, the Las Vegas Revue. Jessi and her husband Seth were back in Webster City recently visiting family and friends and had a chance to tour the building. They were quite amazed at the changes that have occurred since the couple met there in 2000. We hope she is having a great time seeing the sights, making new friends, and going to cast parties while she is in California. Reverend Mother is praying she will stay out of trouble. That’s a pretty big “order” for one of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. See you soon, Sister. Enjoy your flight back home. Alone Together Again Is a Success Pop, Ruth, and Grace packed up and left the home of their children, George and Helena at the end of Alone Together Again. Likewise, the set, props, and costumes from the funny but poignant fall show have left the stage. Many thanks to the directors Bill Greenley and Angela Rottering; cast members LuAnn Jackson, Paul Wagner, Al Yungclas, Sally Evans, and newcomer Ginny Continelli; and all our crew members for sharing your talents and time to bring this “sandwich generation” comedy to our stage. This one goes in the success column with revenues of $4,526 and expenses to date of $1,931 for royalties, publicity, set, intermission refreshments, and sales tax. A few bills remain to be paid. WCCT Board of Directors President Al Yungclas Vice President Bill Greenley Secretary Barb Wollan Treasurer Jim Heerema Past President Loween Getter Board Members Angela Rottering Stephanie Hill David Borer SIMON ESTES’ ROOTS & WINGS CONCERT IS PLANNED FOR MAY 10 World renown Iowa bassbaritone Simon Estes has been invited to bring his “Roots & Wings” concert tour to Hamilton County. The concert will raise funds for scholarships for talented young people in our area. Estes is a native of Centerville and graduate of the U of I and Julliard. He will share his story and meet with area high school students and donors. The concert will feature a mix of Broadway, opera, spiritual, and inspirational songs. A total of $15,000 needs to initially be raised to bring this amazing singer to town. To date, $5,350 has been contributed. WCCT is working with Roots & Wings local chair, Doug Getter, to make this concert happen. Your tax deductible donations may be sent to him at 2009 Beach Street, Webster City, IA 50595. Make your checks payable to Enhance Hamilton County Foundation. Has this logo shown up in your emails? It is the logo that tells you a Mail Chimp email is bringing you the latest happenings at WCCT and how you can be involved. If you aren’t yet receiving “Act One” emails or have something to post, please contact [email protected]. If you are receiving the emails and would rather not , simply unsubscribe. COMING SOON! IOWA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY THEATRES STATE FESTIVAL THIS AND THAT If you are interested in finding out more about the 10day trip to London and England with a special tour of Downton Abbey in 2016, contact Doug and Loween Getter. They are working with Bob Oliver of Legacy Tours to plan the itinerary. The WCCT Punch Cards were purchased by 39 buyers. The four punches can be used in any quantity for any shows this season. The Punch Cards are no longer for sale. When you attend a movie at the newly renovated Webster Theatre, check out the new 15-second WCCT ad. It will run for six months, informing watchers about our upcoming plays. You can also check it out on YouTube (search for OHP Webster City Community Theatre) Thanks to Kent and Missy Bailey for creating the ad for us and the Hotel-Motel Tax Committee for the grant that helped finance the promo. Director Wil Groves wants you to know that the dates for the summer musical have changed slightly. The new dates for SPAMALOT are July 10-12 and 15-19. There are still 8 shows. The local Rotary Club members and their guests will attend a special performance of Almost, Maine on February 12 following a catered dinner. WCCT will be applying for a grant from the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation to help defray the expense of remodeling the “ugly bathroom.” New walls, floor covering, ceiling, partitions, and toilets will be installed. The doorway will be relocated to the north wall in that hallway. This is the only area of the building that has not been updated. When finished it will be a nice restroom for our patrons’ use. Volunteer labor will be needed. APRIL 10-11 WATERLOO COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE In odd-numbered years, the Iowa Community Theatre Association invites theatres from across the state to enter a one-act play or a cutting from a full-length play into competition. Each entrant is allowed 10 minutes to put up their set, 60 minutes to perform the play, and 10 minutes to strike the set. After each performance, three adjudicators critique the show and later, after all the entries have been performed, they select two winners to advance to the Regional Festival at Newton Community Theatre in late April. There they will compete with winners from other Midwestern states for the opportunity to perform at AACTFest, the national competition, in Grand Rapids, MI in June. At each level, attendees watch the shows, learn from the adjudicators’ comments, network with other theatre people, and attend workshops on a variety of topics. You don’t have to have a play in competition to attend. You don’t have to be in a play to attend. WCCT is planning to enter “Honeymoon Motel,” a one-act comedy by Woody Allen in the state competition. Mike Kroona will be directing. There are roles for 7 men and 3 women. Contact Mike for a copy of the script. Watch for more information about auditions and the Festivals in Waterloo and Newton.
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