MASSES FOR THE WEEK NOTE: If you would like to bring up the offertory gifts during a Mass that is scheduled for a family member or friend, please see the ushers before Mass. DISTRIBUTION OF HOLY COMMUNION So as to facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion, the Sacristan for each particular Mass, will distribute Holy Communion to the members of the Choir in the choir loft. They will also be responsible for insuring that those who cannot walk forward to receive Holy Communion will receive the Eucharist. To that end, if you or a loved one cannot walk forward for the reception of Holy Communion, please tell one of the Ushers before Mass begins. Thanks, Fr. Korda WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP: ATTENDANCE: Saturday, January 24, 2015 Sunday, January 25, 2015 4:30 p.m. Mass……….224 9:30 a.m. Mass………. 141 STEWARDSHIP: ~ WEEKLY BUDGETED NEED $5,788.00 OFFERING January 25/25 $4,133.93 Surplus / (Deficit) ($1,654.07) 154 Envelopes CHURCH OVERSEAS $534.64 Thank you for your continued support of your parish. THEME: ALL OF US ARE CALLED TO SERVE THE LORD AND TO SERVE ANOTHER. Not all people are called to be a Moses or a Saint Paul, but each of us can speak out against injustices in our society. We can live the teachings of Jesus in our families and in the workplace. We can be the messenger of God’s love and forgiveness to someone whom no one else can reach. Such service can bring us great joy. LITURGY OF THE WORD Moses reassures the people that God will one day raise up a prophet like him among them. Saint Paul teaches that some people are called to devote their lives to service to the Lord. In the Gospel, Saint Mark tells us that Jesus taught in the synagogue and expelled unclean spirits. The people were astonished and amazed by the authority of His words. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE It must have been difficult for Zebedee to watch his sons walk away and follow Jesus. It was the end of ‘Zebedee and Sons Fishing, Inc.’ Our children were never ours. They are only on loan to us. We raise them to let them go. STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 4:30 P.M. TOM JOSEPH (Wife) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 –FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:30 A.M. KATE & LARRY MINNICK (Son, John) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 NO MASS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:30 A.M. PAUL HELTZEL (Joe & Carol Smaltz) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 8:00 A.M. MASS AT MT. CARMEL 8:30 A.M. MASS AT ST. MARY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:30 A.M. REGINA HOLLOWAY (Roberta Squiric) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 NO MASS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 4:30 P.M. DOROTHY WILSON (Husband, Millard) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 –FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:30 A.M. RANDY HAKE (M/M Anthony Fuda) Our Gospel today provides an acknowledgement of the teaching authority of Christ. As stewards of our faith, do we adhere to that authority; conforming our lives to follow Christ, or do we seek to twist the teaching of the Church to meet our wants and desires. Faithful stewardship requires faithfulness in living the teachings of Jesus Christ, in word and deed. A NOTE FROM FR. KORDA Dear Parishioners of St. Stephen: I just wanted you to know that I had double hernia surgery (my second since 2008) this past Wednesday, January 28. The doctor told me that he wanted me to be off my feet for the entire weekend and following week. He said that I might need to be off a total of two full weeks, depending on how things went in surgery, and how fast I can recuperate. I hope to be back next weekend, God willing. Please keep me in your prayers as you are in mine. Thank you. Fr. Korda PARISH NEWS “MORE THAN JUST THE CHURCH BULLETIN” Please be sure to visit our website: HEALING FOR FATHER KORDA IN MEMORY OF HARRY HAGER by wife, Frances SANCTUARY LAMP INTENTION VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD We have openings for the Eternal Flame and the Sanctuary Lamp intentions. The offering is $5 and they will burn all week of the date you request. Please call the rectory to schedule. Please remember in your prayers PATRICIA KAZIMER PAULINE HARRIS MARY HORVAT Our sympathy is extended to family & friends MINISTRY SCHEDULE th th Serving Mass February 7 & February 8 Eucharistic Ministers February 7 4:30 p.m. S. Sylvester/ J. Abraham/ J. Yuhasz February 8 9:30 a.m. L. Burgess/ D. Butler/ M. Nicholas Lectors February 7 4:30 p.m. M. Sylvester February 8 9:30 a.m. C. Burgess Altar Servers February 7 4:30 p.m. M. Lowe/ M. Lowe February 8 9:30 a.m. A. Butler/ J. Cullivan Sacristans February 7 4:30 p.m. D. Donnelly February 8 9:30 a.m. F. Burke ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 2 ETERNAL FLAME INTENTIONS - Week of FEBRUARY 1 SAVE THE DATE!! ST. STEPHEN MARDI GRAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 7-10 pm in the parish center. This is a family event! Please join us for FUN, FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP. TUITION ANGEL UPDATE!!! PLEASE NOTE: Donations are still being accepted for the Tuition Angel Fund. Funds are used to assist our St. Stephen students attending local Catholic schools. You can make your donation by placing an envelope marked Tuition Angel in the collection basket. Mark your check payable to St. Stephen Tuition Angel Fund. You may also want to consider this fund for memorial contribution when a loved one passes. Thank you for your consideration. NEEDED—RETIRED MEN AND WOMEN Retired men and women to assist as altar servers at Funeral masses. If you are available one or two mornings per month and would like to become involved in this very special ministry, call Connie @ the Parish Center, 330-652-5511. Training sessions will be scheduled in February. MINISTRIES TO THE SICK/HOMEBOUND Do you know someone who would welcome the opportunity to receive Eucharist at home? Please call Connie at 330-652-5511 and they will be added to our visitation list. PARISH MEETING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING.... Monday, February 2 nd @ 7:00 pm –Parish Center THIS WEEK AT ST. STEPHEN st ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 3 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 8:30-3:00 Liturgy Day @ St. William Church, Champion 3:45-4:15 Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Stephen st SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:15 a.m. CCD Classes at St. Stephen 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen nd MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7:00 p.m. Parish Council Mtg. –Parish Center rd TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen 6:30 p.m. R.C.I.A. at St. Rose th WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 th THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen th FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 th SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 3:45-4:15 Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Stephen th SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 9:15 a.m. CCD Classes at St. Stephen 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen CHURCH OVERSEAS COLLECTION Last weekend, parishes through the Diocese of Youngstown joined with Catholics across the country in the Church Overseas Combined Collection in order to assist the Church in its ministries throughout the world. This combined collection supports four major overseas services. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Holy Father/Peter’s Pence, the Church in Latin America and the Church in Central and Easter Europe. CRS and other agencies request special funds when natural disasters occur. This collection supports these Church agencies in their on-going work in long-term development, education, leadership training and other social and pastoral ministries. Thank you for your wonderful commitment to the work of the church around the world. Thank you for your generosity in this annual collection for mission and ministry across the globe. If you have yet to make your contribution, you may do so next weekend by using your Church Overseas Collection envelope. Again, thank you. OTHER NEWS COMMUNITY SUPPERS: FEBRUARY.....FIRST CHRISTIAN ... Niles. Suppers are free & open to the public every Thursday serving from 4:45 to 6 p.m. HARRIET’S CUPBOARD – FEBRUARY Deodorant and Razors There is a large box in the vestibule of the church for those who wish to help with this mission of Catholic Charities. NILES COMMUNITY SERVICES...FEBRUARY FOOD COLLECTION....SOUP...BOX OR CAN JOHN F KENNEDY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2550 Central Parkway Warren, OH JFK ALL SPORTS ATHLETIC BOOSTERS CASINO NIGHT AT THE RACES. Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015...Dinner Buffet (All you can eat) 6:00 pm First Race 7:00 pm. Admission $10.00 per person. In advanced or available at the door. FIRST FRIDAY CLUB..... SPIRITUAL CARE IN HEALTH CARE First Friday Club Speaker’s Luncheon Series presents Sr. Darla Vogelsang on Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 at Antone’s Banquet Center on Market Street in Boardman. Sr. Darla, Pastoral Care with Mercy Health (formerly known as Humility of Mary Health Partners), will speak on Spiritual Care in Health Care. The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. and concludes at 1:00 p.m. The cost to attend is $16.00. Call today! Reservations are limited-330-720-4498 or visit our website at Single young men between the ages of 18 and 45 who are interested in discerning God’s will for their lives are invited to participate in the “Living with Benedict” monastic spirituality weekend at Saint Andrew’s Benedictine Abbey in Cleveland (near University Circle) that will take place Feb. 13-15, 2015. Contact Fr. Finbar at [email protected] or at 216-721-5300, ext 273. You can also visit The theme will be “The Spirit of Lent.” The next “Living with Benedict weekend will be June 12-14, 2015. NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE PRESIDENT TO HOST FREE LECTURE AT WALSH UNIVERSITY Walsh University and St. Paul Catholic School will host a free lecture by the President of National Right to Life Committee Carol Tobias “Advancing a Culture of Life” on Monday, February 23 at 7 pm, in the Barrette Business and Community Center at Walsh University. This event is free and open to the public. For more information please call 330-490-7581. HOPING FOR MARRIAGE HAPPINESS THIS SPRING? Come fix your marriage NOW so your misery can be healed. Retrouvaille has helped thousands of couples th heal their marriages and the next program will begin March 6 at the transformational Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center in PA. Limited Space, please call early. For confidential information on our Youngstown diocese program call 330-979-7787 or visit or email [email protected]. SPAGHETTI DINNER w/DESSERT @ St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 348 Robbins Ave., Niles...Saturday, th February 7 , 2015...4:00-6:00 PM Carry outs available. Adults-$7./ Children 6-12 -$3.00 Children 5 and under Free. 50/50 Raffle. All proceeds are for Community Outreach. Help us feed the needy. VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER at THE URSULINE CENTER The Ursuline Center is selling tickets for its annual Valentine’s Day Dinner. For $25.00 each, guests receive appetizers, dinner, dessert, drinks (including wine) and entertainment. Catering is by Canfield’s Broadstreet Diner, entertainment by the Younstgown Harambee Youth Dancers. All proceeds support the ministries of the th Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown at the Center. The event is Sat., Feb. 14 , 6:30 pm at the Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Rd., Canfield, OH 44406. The complete menu can be found at Call Peggy at the Ursuline Sisters Motherhouse for tickets and more information: 330-792-7636. WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PAGE 4 VILLA MARIA TERESA is now taking Kindergarten and Pre-School registrations for our 2015-2016 school year. Our Assessment Test for Kindergarten will be April 17, 2015. Villa Maria Teresa School, 50 Warner Rd., Hubbard, OH 44425. For more info please call Connie @ 330-759-7383. World Day for Consecrated Life will be observed on Sunday, February 8, 2015. The universal Church has been celebrating World Day for Consecrated Life since 1997. Bishop George Murry, S.J. invites our diocesan church to celebrate the gift of Consecrated Life with him and the religious of our Diocese on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at St. Peter Church, Canton at the 11:00 am liturgy. All are welcome. Please mark your calendar. VOCATIONS St. Paul speaks of how the unmarried man or woman is able to focus his or her total attention on the things of the Lord, while the married man or woman rightly focuses on the family in the name of the Lord. If you are single, or know someone who is single, could it be because the Lord wants you or the person you know to consider a calling to the priesthood or religious life? If so contact Fr. Christopher Luoni at 330-744-8451, or email: [email protected].
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