The Statutes OF Nova Scotia PASSED IN THE TWELFTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI. Being the Third Session of the Forty-Third General Assembly Convened in the said Province. HALIFAX, N. S. KING'S PRINTER 1948 CHAPTER 120 An Act to Incorporate Hantsport Memorial Community Centre. (Passed the 20th day of April, A.D. 1948) Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows: 1 John J. Jodrey ' manager ' Robie c. Sanford 'ate. Body corporcarpenter, Oscar Morehouse, machinist, and Edith Harvie, wife of Frederick Harvie, all of Hantsport in the County of Hants in the Province of Nova Scotia, and their associates and successors, are hereby created a body corporate under the name "Rantsport Memorial Community Centre". 2 The objects of the corporation .shall be to Objects. perpetuate the memory of those citizens of Rantsport who in the two Great World Wars died in the service of their country while serving in the armed forces of Canada, and to own, maintain, and make available to the community of Hantsport recreational, athletic, social and educational facilities and to 22 338 12 Geo. VI CHAPTER 120 1948 own, establish, maintain and manage a community centre and such other properties and equipment as may be generally desirable, without profit to the members and may make such charges as shall be determined by the by-laws of the Corporation. ~~~::,t;~~~e. 3 The management of the Corporation shall be vested in an Executive Committee. The number of persons comprising such Executive Committee, and the manner and times of election and qualifications shall be determined by the by-laws. Until a permanent , Executive Committee shall be named the persons named in Section 1 hereof shall be the Executive Committee. Voting. 4 Each member shall have one vote at any general meeting of the Corporation. Po.wer to ac- 5 The Corporation may acquire real and personal property by deed, will, gift or any other manner whatsoever. The Corporation may sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of the same for the benefit of the Corporation, and in furtherance of the objects for which it is created. QUire property, etc. lly-laws. 6 The Corporation may make, alter and repeal by-laws not inconsistent with this Act or with the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia, and may also make, alter and repeal rules, regulations and charges for administration of the. business of the Corporation. Borrowing. 7 The Corporation shall have power to borrow on the security of its real and personal property, or either of them or on any security, or without any security whatever, all such money as it shall deem necessary; and the Corporation shall have power to mortgage, pledge or otherwise charge its said real and personal property or any part thereof for the purpose of securing any such or sums of money so borrowed.
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