PLEASANT RIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5950 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 513-631-9707 • Fax: 513-631-8534 Emergency: 513-549-0595 OUR VISION A joyful church, guided by God, loving its neighbors. OUR MISSION Inspire, equip and connect the church and the community in order to serve Christ in our worship, witness, outreach and love. SUN DAY , FEBRUARY 8, 2 01 5 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – LEC TIONARY YEAR B *Those who are able, please stand THE GA THERING AR OUND THE WORD Everyone is asked to sign the Friendship Folder at the end of each pew. Visitors: Please completely fill out your name, mailing address, and e-mail address to enable us to extend our Christian hospitality. Please pass the folder toward the center aisle, and then return it to the outside aisle with the cover open so that you may learn the names of the other worshippers. For hearing or sight impaired worshippers: Sound Enhancement Receivers and Large Print Hymnals are available from the ushers. Unless otherwise announced, please join us in the Kemper Room following worship for donuts and coffee. WELCOME/ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 638 J.S. BACH CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 147 One: It is good to sing praises to our God. God is gracious and a song of praise is fitting. All: Great is the Lord, and abundant in power, whose understanding is beyond measure. One: Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God with the lyre. All: You take pleasure in those who fear you and hope in your steadfast love. One: Let us worship God! OPENING PRAYER Great God of the universe, you set the stars on course in the heavens; the earth radiates your glory and honor; the rain never fails without your knowing it. The fields produce their harvest according to your design. We admire the strength by which you rule the nations. We bow down in adoration at how you care for your children. We gather gladly to herald your encompassing acts of goodwill. Hear us as we respond by giving you praise. Amen. *HYMN #488 The God of Abraham Praise L E ON I CALL TO CONFESSION If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not within us. In confession we acknowledge our brokenness and our need for God who is faithful, just, loving and forgiving. In humility and in faith let us confess our condition to God by praying together... PRAYER OF CONFESSION O God, you heal the brokenhearted; save us from sin when we inflict pain on our neighbors. We bear grudges against those who deceive us. We seek revenge on those who hurt us. Some we judge inferior, since they don’t meet our standards. Others we deem unworthy of our respect and support. Jesus had compassion upon all who were afflicted. Forgive us, O God, when our hearts are hardened against neighbors in need. (Time of Silent Personal Confession) THE KYRIE Kyrie Eleison Lord, have mercy upon us, Christ, have mercy upon us, Lord, have mercy upon us. ASSURANCE OF PARDON The assurance of our pardon in Christ, “who, though he was in the form of God … emptied himself, taking the form of a slave.” Today, he intercedes on behalf of human weakness before the great throne of God. Therefore, let every knee bow, and let every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Therein lies our assurance that we are forgiven! Amen. *GLORIA PATRI #579 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen. THE G IF T OF T HE WORD GATHERING SONG Jesus Loves Me (We invite children, parents and the young at heart to come forward and sit on the steps of the chancel while the congregation is singing.) WE CELEBRATE A TIME FOR FAMILIES Tiffany Zents NEW TESTAMENT LECTIONARY TEXT 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 (p.171) Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM SERMON Pie Jesu – Requiem ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER Sydney Gabbard, soprano soloist Merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus Father, who takes away the sins of the world Grant them rest, grant them rest Merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus, merciful Jesus Father, who takes away the sins of the world Grant them rest, grant them rest Lamb of God, Lamb of God, Lamb of God, Lamb of God Father, who takes away the sins of the world Grant them rest, grant them rest everlasting … everlasting … Rest “All Things to All People” Dr. K. Nicholas Yoda THE R ESPONSE TO T HE WORD *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed (Ecumenical) I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. *HYMN #303 Jesus, Lover of My Soul ABERYSTWYTH PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS In response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, let us return the offerings of our life and the gifts of the earth. Give as you have made up your heart, mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, but to the glory of God. Please put the completed friendship sheet in the offering plate during the offering portion of the service. OFFERTORY Give Me Jesus GIVE ME JESUS *DOXOLOGY #592 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *OFFERTORY PRAYER You are worthy, O God, of more honor than mere humans can hope to bestow on you. You are God of all creation, and the source of all goodness. We dare to approach you with our gifts of thanksgiving. Receive them as symbols of our whole hearted praise. Transform what we bring you to harmonize with your wishes, and convert all our actions to accord with your will. Amen. *HYMN #408 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life *BLESSING AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Fugue in F major WORSHIP LEADER Richard Stirling GREETERS Don & Susan McLennan GERMANY PACHELBEL AMBASSADOR JoAnn Ruff ANNOUNCEMENTS IN THE C HURCH th As you know, we will be celebrating our 225th Anniversary. We will be dedicating, to the Glory of God, the Organ and Piano on Sun. Feb 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Please come for hymns, psalms and spiritual songs. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FEB 15: There will be no 8:30 service. Everyone can attend the combined worship and congregational meeting. SPIRE DEADLINE for the March/April edition is Sun. Feb 15. THE SOUPERBOWL brought in $928! All proceeds are going to the Caring Place. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT: The Nominating Committee would like to put the following names before the congregation for the offices of elder and deacon to be voted on at the congregational meeting that will be held on Sun. Feb 15, 10:30. FOR CLASS OF 2018: Elder: Carol Burnett, Abbe Imm, Troy Manus, Richard Stirling Deacon: Sue Imm, Scott Hatch, Leah Hoover THE FLOWER GUILD has two dates open for church members to choose to honor a family member or friend. The dates are: April 12 & 19, 2015. The cost for the flowers is $40. Please call or see a member (Barb Stringer, Marge Hammelrath, Dee Chavez or Joyce Horning) to reserve a date and learn more about the flowers. PER CAPITA: We are continuing to ask for a voluntary contribution from members to offset the denominational per capita assessment for each member of a church. The total for 2014 is $30 per person. Simply make a check out to Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church for the amount you are able to give and note “Per Capita” on the memo line to differentiate the contribution from your regular pledge. We thank you for your continued support for the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church, The Presbytery of Cincinnati, The Synod of the Covenant, and The General Assembly of the PC (USA). TEAMWorks kicked off at PRPC on Jan 7 with 28 students enrolled from Pleasant Ridge Montessori in grades four through six. We are grateful to the terrific volunteers who have participated! We still require additional volunteers to assist in the helping the kids settle in and get snack from about 2:30-3 PM; we also need additional peer and adult tutors from 3-4 PM; and youth and adult volunteers to hang out with kids during and after dinner, help serve and clean up or do activities from about 5:00-6:15 PM. Please consider participating in some capacity. If you would like to contribute some time on Wednesdays on a rotation basis or more frequently, please contact Tiffany Zents at [email protected] or 513-582-8275 to do so. The program runs through the end of May from 3-6 on Wednesdays. IN THE C OMMUNITY THE CARING PLACE: We have some pasta but no spaghetti sauce. Please pick up a can or jar and place it in the newly-decorated gym barrel by the back door. Thank you for your continued support. KENNEDY HEIGHTS COMMUNITY DINNER: You are invited to our community dinner on Feb. 17 and every third Tuesday at 6:30 at Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church, 6312 Kennedy Ave. Enjoy a home cooked meal and meet neighbors! INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK OF GREATER CINCINNATI (IHNGC) has been selected as MadTree Brewing Company's February Charity of the Month! 1) Stop in at MadTree Brewing Co. (5164 Kennedy Ave., 45213) anytime during February and throw a dollar (or two!) up into the fundraising grate. 2) Purchase a MadTree headband in February. They cost $3, come in an assortment of colors, & 100% of sales go to IHNGC. 3) Attend IHNGC's charity of the month Happy Hour on Feb. 26, 4-8 PM. Bring everyone you know for dollar-throwing competitions and general fun. Thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to seeing you! THIS WEE K AT PRPC SUN. FEB 8 8:20 a.m. Child Care (Room 101) 8:30 a.m. Service w/ Communion (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Faith Formation Ages 3 - Elem. (Room 200) and 10:30 a.m. after Time With Families (201) 9:15 a.m. Adult Class, Kemper Bible Study (Kemper Room) 10 a.m.–1p.m. Pancake Breakfast (Heritage Hall) 10:30 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary) MON. FEB 9 7 p.m. Personnel Committee TUE. FEB 10 7 p.m. Building & Grounds Committee; Mission Committee (Library) WED. FEB 11 2:30 p.m. TEAM Works! (Judd Hall, Heritage Hall, Rms 200 & 202) THU. FEB 12 7:30 p.m. Choir (Choir Room) FRI. FEB 13 10 a.m. Metallic Club Continue to keep these people in your prayers this week: Marcie Crosby & family, on the passing of her sister Orpha DeMaria, Health Concerns Adell Elliott, on the passing of her husband Don Marian Fenker, Health Concerns Cynthia Fesmire, on the passing of her husband Len Harry & Mary Groth, customers of Linda Baden Diane & John Hargrave, parents of Wes Hargrave, recovering from surgery Lodder Family, on the passing of Bob Lodder Lovelace Family: Kramer & Taryn (daughter of Bruce & Bonnie Anderson) and baby Calder Lincoln Lovelace, who is facing health concerns Virginia Mittendorf & Don Rah, friends of Peggy McHugh Val Mohr, Health Concerns John Olszewiski, relative of Betty Zentmeyer Bob Porter, Health Concerns Jim Saffer, former member and friend of Tom Wise, recovering at home West Family: Connie West in hospice Serving in the Armed Forces: Sean and Andrew – Grandsons of Don & Adell Elliott Zach Barnes – Son of Bob & Traci Barnes Noah Imm – Grandson of Susan Imm, Nephew of Abbe & Barb Imm James Ohlweiler – Member of congregation Katie Rupp – Friend of the Imm Family Evan Sofar – Friend of Myriam Engelken Missionaries: McGill Family, serving in Malawi Turk Family, serving in Madagascar Please notify the church office of any prayer requests you may have including those of you who have loved ones in the Armed Forces. CHURCH STAFF Traci Barnes, Business Administrator Rick Endres, Communications Coordinator Danielle Guilbault, Organist Dr. Thomas G. Merrill, Director of Music Stephanie Musgrove, Interim Director of the Preschool Andrea Nolan, Child Care Supervisor Rev. Amy Snow, Director of Congregational Care Rev. Dr. K. Nicholas Yoda, Pastor & Head of Staff Tiffany Zents, Director of Spiritual Formation
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