Wilston & Gordon Park Parishes St Columba’s, Wilston - St Carthage’s, Gordon Park joined in joyfully praising and worshipping God 4TH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME — 1st FEBRUARY 2015 — Year B MASS TIMES Jesus Teaches From The Heart The philosopher Karl Marx once said that the aim of philosophy should be not just to explain the world but to change it. The same can be said about the gospel we preach and teach. The people of Capernaum received sacred instruction in their synagogue every Sabbath. One Sabbath they had a different teacher, Jesus. MONDAY 9.00am Mass Immaculate Conception 5.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist TUESDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s What Jesus taught them that day, as well as the way he presented and demonstrated his message, simply amazed them. Why? “They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22). Jesus’ teaching contrasted sharply with that of the scribes. In one word, Jesus taught with authority, the scribes did not. What does it mean to teach with authority? WEDNESDAY 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist When we compare and contrast the teaching of Jesus with that of the scribes we notice three distinguishing qualities: The teaching of Jesus is (a) from the heart and not just from the head, (b) focuses on the spirit and not on the letter of the law, and (c) inspires a positive change of heart in the hearers. 6.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Immaculate Conception Jesus teaches from the heart. His preaching is a personal testimony of his intimate relationship with God his Father. The scribes, on the other hand, get their knowledge not from their personal communion with God but from their long and intricate study of commentaries on the Law. As a result, most of their teaching is from the head and not from the heart, as they try to recall the portions of the commentaries that apply to the situation at hand. THURSDAY 9.00am Mass St Columba’s A second difference between the teaching of Jesus and that of the scribes lies in the content of the message. Whereas the scribes seek to apply the prescription of the Law to the letter, Jesus goes deeper to find out the spirit, the original intent of the law. Consequently Jesus is able to discover the positive value that the law seeks to protect whereas the scribes busy themselves with words and their minutest applications. On account of this positive accent of his message, people perceive the teaching of Jesus as liberating good news in contrast to that of the scribes which they perceive as a heavy burden. Finally, Jesus’ teaching is always intended to bring about a positive change of heart in the people, not just to make the people feel bad, whereas the scribes teach whatever makes sense in terms of their understanding of the Law and Traditions. Presented with a man blind from birth the scribes seek to explain why he is blind -- whether it was he who sinned or his parents. Jesus, on the other hand is only interested in curing the blindness. For this reason Jesus performed healings and exorcisms, together with his teaching to show that his primary concern is to change the human situation not just to explain it. 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception 6.30pm Mass St Carthage’s Filipino Community FRIDAY No 6.30am Mass St Columba’s 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 9.00am Mass St Carthage’s Followed by the Rosary [1st Friday-Healing Mass] 5.30pm Mass Immaculate Conception [followed by Benediction on 1st Friday of the month] 1st Friday—6.30pm St Carthage’s Mass & All Night Vigil Filipino Community SATURDAY 12noon Rosary St John the Baptist 5.00pm Confession St Columba’s 5.00pm Confession Immaculate Conception Deacon Paul 6.00pm Vigil St Columba’s Pastors Fr Michael Grace Administrator Fr Patrick Chukwu Associate Pastor Paul Eloagu Deacon Fr Terry Madden Pastor Emeritus Gordon Park Parish Office PARISH OFFICE 23 Lovedale St PO Box 278 Wilston QLD 4051 Ph: 07 3352 1730 Fx: 07 3356 2014 ST CARTHAGE’S OFFICE 115 Beaconsfield Tce Gordon Park QLD 4031 Ph: 07 3109 0650 Fx: 07 3357 3072 Mon—Thur 9am—12 noon OFFICE STAFF Finance: Cherylann Baxter Finance Assistant: Majella Adams Administration: Heather Smith Administration Assistant: Sally Mollo 6.00pm Vigil Immaculate Conception SUNDAY 7.30am Mass Immaculate Conception 8.00am Mass St Carthage’s 9.00am Mass St John the Baptist 9.30am Mass St Columba’s Volunteer Assistant: Parry Colborne [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/kbcc 5.00pm Confession St John the Baptist 5.30pm Mass St John the Baptist St Carthage’s — Confession By Appointment Immaculate Conception — Rosary after weekday Masses St Carthage’s, Gordon Park If you have only God, you have more than enough St Columba’s, Wilston Live it ! Love it ! Share it ! Love to Sing!! Join the Choracles. No audition necessary. Practice Wednesday night, before the 3rd Sunday of the month. 7.30pm – 9.00pm. Then supper. First practice for 2015 the 11th Feb. Peter Gardiner [email protected] “Be quiet! Come out of him!” “Gusto” To sing with “Gusto” is to sing with enjoyment, delight, pleasure, enthusiasm, passion, zest. Last Sunday in honour of the coming Australia Day on the Monday, we sang Advance Australia Fair after the Recessional Hymn, and we really did sing it with “Gusto”. Having just sung our Recessional Hymn, On Eagles Wings, in what you might call our usual manner, the difference in the rendition of the two songs was quite remarkable. It was the same piano and the same choir leading us, but two very different renditions. As Professor Sumner-Millar would say, “Why is this so?” Perhaps it was as simple as more people making the effort and joining in the singing. Perhaps “Gusto” should also mean to “Make an effort”. Each week our Liturgy Team carefully select Hymns that reflect and relate as much as possible to the Readings of the day. They are 99% hymns we have sung before. The words are easy to read on the Power-Point display. Everything is there but where is the “Gusto” that we can so obviously produce? From today, please sing with “Gusto!” ROSTERS Our current roster will conclude on the 8th February. If you are unable to continue in the roster system, please advise Parry Colborne, 3857 2994, ASAP. If you would like to assist in this valuable work, please advise Parry. The Holy Family Club Your first meeting for the year is on Thursday 5th February at 10am at the home of Gloria Brosnan, 3 Montgomery St. Gordon Park. 3857 2692. New members are welcome. Happy Anniversary: to Neil and Roberta Hoey as they celebrate their 54th Wedding Anniversary on Friday 6th February. Congratulations St. Columba’s Pastoral Parish Council The year's first meeting of the Parish Council has been tentatively set for Tuesday 10th February 2015. This year's goals will include the continued promotion of the Pastoral Plan and the consolidation of the good work commenced last year on the various sub groups formed to effect the continued growth of the Parish community. If a parishioner feels that they have ideas to assist in this journey, contact with the Council can be made through the Parish Office or directly with me on [email protected]. Peter Gardiner, Chairman Centenary Photo Viewing. Many of you have asked to view the Photos taken at our various Centenary Functions in 2014. This will be held on Saturday 14th Feb, and Sunday 15th Feb after Mass. Will be about 15 minutes. All welcome!!! Interested? Leave your name on the list at the back of the Church. Please phone Jen Gardiner 3357 5109 or email [email protected] Trivia Night Friday 20th March, at 7.30 pm. Come as a team, or make up a team on the night – 8 to a team maximum. Dress up – all come Penguins, or dressed in orange!! whatever takes your fancy (optional). Should be a great night. Lots of prizes, lots of fun!!! Leave your name on the list at the back of the Church. Please phone Jen Gardiner 3357 5109 or email [email protected] A big "thank you" to the ladies who baked and brought cakes, slices and sandwiches to St Alban's Hall on Wednesday for the Buckley Family after the Requiem Mass for their mother, Maureen Buckley. The food was beautiful and Chris Buckley, as well as other guests, expressed their appreciation. Thank you. * * * NOTICE BOARD * * * SICK / VISITATION LIST Deacon Paul is compiling a list of parishioners who would like a visit and/or communion so that these parishioners can be visited regularly or as requested. So names, addresses and phone numbers are required. This information will be kept absolutely confidential. Please contact the Parish Office 3352 1730 or email [email protected] LENTEN PROGRAMMES will be held once again. Please contact the Parish Office to express your interest in participating in any of the Parish groups. Details of times and locations will appear in the next bulletin. TAIZE Brisbane - 8 February, 2015 Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane. This event is for everyone who enjoys music, prayer and silence. 2.30pm Young Adult (1635) Workshop 1 "Taize: Becoming Salt of the Earth" in the Francis Rush Centre. 2.30pm Workshop 2 - "Come and Sing" learning songs for the prayer, in St Stephen's Chapel 4pm Evening prayer in the Cathedral of St Stephen 6pm Light meal and hospitality. All are welcome to be a part of the worldwide celebration! For more details visit 222.facebook.com/taizebrisbane YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM MASS is THIS Sunday 1st February at the 5.30pm Mass, St John the Baptist Church, Enoggera. Everyone is welcome BUT a FOUND special call goes out to the children, youth & young adults of ALL parishes within the KBCC to attend. The future of every parish is indisputably dependent upon the continuing infusion of the next generation’s willing & active participation in the Faith life of that parish. Without this ongoing, life assuring involvement, a parish will eventually wither & with it withers the passing on of the truths & spiritual dynamics of the teaching of Jesus Christ through Holy Mother Church. So, let us gather together this Sunday night at our YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM MASS & join in with enthusiasm & joy. The future of our faith is in our own hands to foster & nourish. AND there is the added ‘incentive’ of Fish & Chips provided after Mass (gold coin donation) over which lots of cheery camaraderie & cool communication can happily take place!! See you there! Contacts: Bradley 0409 721 577 Jacinta 0429 000 571 VOCATION VIEW Like Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who served God day and night in his temple, Will you dare bear radical witness to Christ Jesus as His priest, consecrated brother or sister? Just before Christmas, a small leather-bound prayer book was left in St Columba’s church. It has a cross inside the front cover (in a cut-out section). There is no name nor are there any holy pictures which may have helped find the owner. If you know of anyone who has lost the prayer book, it can be picked up at the entrance to the church – on the window ledge above the notices table. HIGH TEA: Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital will host International Women’s Day High Tea to raise awareness about women’s healthcare in our cancer programs and our hospitals in India. International Women’s Day Saturday 7 March 2015 2.00pm – 4.00pm Ground Floor, Sister Edith Centre for Education Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital 627 Rode Road Chermside Tickets $35 Champagne on arrival, door prizes, raffles and high tea Keynote Speaker Sr Sarita Kurikattil Provincial Leader Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters RSVP Saturday 28 February 2015 Kelly Connellan on 3326 3371 email: [email protected] St Columba’s - 7th February - 6.00pm 1st: A Musgrave Ps: C Gooding Altar Servers: Music: Gifts: Ministers of Communion: THOSE WHO ARE SICK Annette Anning Trudi Benschleter Julia Blewer Barbara Bowers Molly Breen Antoinette Brennan Jacqueline Burgin Betty Burgoyne Clare Cameron Betty Carden Cara Connolley D Cunningham Kay Curran Irene Daniels St Patricia Davis, OLN Ann Doherty Louise Dudaniec Mary Endicott Mick Farrell Chelsie Ford Andrew Grace Lyn Groessler Joe Hall Gary Hanson Gerard Hickey Ros Ivey John Keating Aranka Kennedy Kyrle Kennedy Jill Keong Karl Kohl Donna Kelly Alfredo Laudini Dorothy Lee Cecily Lloyd Fr Terry Madden Pat Maloney Paul Maloney Terry Maloney Lucy Mangano Colin Manton Terry Mansfield Danny McCarthy Mary McCarthy Tony McCarthy Pauline McCartney Barbara McClelland Pat McGovern Pat McKay Maree McPaul Peter Mulvany Sallie Mulvaney Catherine Murdoch Katherine Omdahl Bill Pappin Gloria Pattel Angela Reilly Clarence Retchless Fiorina Rua Galina Svalbe Aileen Taylor Brian Taylor Annette Thrum Pat Wells ANNIVERSARIES Victor Kaczmarowski Jessie Crawford Christopher Feltoe Cesidio Giancomantonio Sr Mary Michaeleen (Clare Maloney) Ken & Neil Cameron, Gordon Cordingly Brian Sim Clare Austin Dorothy Robinson Helen Smith RECENTLY DECEASED Dolly Bulner Michael O’Connor Bill Carter 2nd: A Egan K Jennings, W Jennings, N McKenna P Marszalek J Gregory, J Sherman K Fehervary, Philip Jones, D McGrath, J Murphy, C Tomai St Columba’s - 8th February - 9.30am 1st: J Gardiner Ps: P Gardiner Altar Servers: Music: Gifts: Ministers of Communion: 2nd: M-A Thomas C Abberley, E Gilmore, K Goldsmith J Syme Children C Ball, G Campbell, S De Jong De Silva, K Johnstone, K McConville St Columba’s - 8th February Children’s Liturgy: E & J Vidulin 3 Morning Tea: Bourke, Curran, Drimi, Helman 8 Cleaning—week commencing 8th February: J Garden, K & C Young 4 Counting: M Carlin, S Carlin, J Nolan 7 Collections: Envelopes: $ 455.25 Loose: $ 159.10 ST CARTHAGE’S: 8th February 2015 SUNDAY 8.00am Readers: Martin Egan, Paula Egan, Elizabeth Egan Contact person next week: Theresa Davern 3356 0441 Altar Servers: Connor Maguire, Samantha Maguire Ministers of Communion Gay Clements, Pam Hayes, Michael Hayes Children's Liturgy: Kathleen and Patrick Maguire Morning Tea: Jill Sammon, Kathleen Maguire, 8th February Counters This Week: Trevor and Teresa Davern Next Week: Roberta Hoey & Pat Garvey Collection last week $485 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Budget $500 Weekdays - Cycle 1 18:15-20 I will put my words into the prophet’s mouth, Deuteronomy and he will tell them all I command. Psalm 94:1-2, 6-9 If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 The unmarried woman dedicates herself to the things of the Lord, that she might be holy. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! The people in darkness have seen a great light; A radiant dawn shines on those lost in death. Alleluia! 1:21-28 This is a new kinf of teaching that speaks with Mark authority. Liturgical Calendar Monday 2 The Presentation of the Lord Tuesday 3 St Blaise, bishop, martyr St Ansgar, bishop Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 St Agatha, virgin, martyr Friday 6 St Paul Miki and companions, martyrs Saturday 7 Sunday 8 5th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME
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