EAGLE’S WINGS The mission statement of Eagle United Methodist Church is To Grow Disciples for Jesus Christ Christ. FEBRUARY 2015 volume 21 • number 2 Tired of fighting Valentine’s Day crowds? Need a fun date-night idea? Like great food and great service? Want to help out the EUMC Youth Group? Valentines Day Dinner On Saturday, February 14th, at 6:30pm, the Momentum Youth Group will be putting on a Candlelight Valentine’s Day Dinner for all to come and enjoy. The menu consists of Ceasar Salad, Garlic Bread, Lasagna, Chicken Breast and a Dessert cart. We are asking for a $10 donation per plate. Childcare will be provided for a $5 donation. RSVP to Jeff Nielson at [email protected] or see one of the youth group members to purchase your ticket. All donations will benefit our mission trip this summer. LUNCH WITH THE PASTOR All those new to our church, faith or denomination are invited to meet the pastor and enjoy lunch on Sunday, February 15th at 12:15pm following worship. Lunch and childcare are provided. As a church, one of the questions that comes up is “Why should I become a member of a church?”. Pastor John will do his best to answer your questions and share about our church. Please RSVP to the church office at 939-0108. Hope to see you there. INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CHURCH? Are you interested in becoming a member of the Eagle United Methodist Church? Your next opportunity will be on Sunday, February 22nd. If you would like to join or have questions about what it means to join the Methodist Church, please call the church office at 939-0108. The most important event in history was the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We remember and celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death every Easter. Easter is so important to the church that we have a period of time called Lent to prepare for it. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. At 7pm, we have a very special service of repentance where we write down our sins and nail them to the cross. Later we take down the sins, burn them and then use them to make the mark of the cross that is traditional for worshipers to receive on Ash Wednesday. Many people find this to be one of the most meaningful services we do all year. Please plan to join us for this celebration of the grace and forgiveness of God. WORDS FROM PASTOR JOHN WORSHIP THEMES FOR FEBRUARY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 HOLY COMMUNION "The Spirit Expands Our Horizons" Acts 10:44-48 There are always people whom we would want to exclude from the church. The Spirit always reminds us that God welcomes everyone. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 "The Believers Who Did Not Have Enough" Acts 19:1-7 Several times in the book of Acts we discover believers who are missing out on the fullness of the faith. Are any of us in that same place? SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 "Unity, Diversity and Truth" Ephesians 4:1-16 The Holy Spirit brings many gifts to the church. Unity, power, presence, diversity & truth are some of the most important. ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 "Hidden With Christ" Colossians 3:1-17 We are becoming something beautiful in Christ. Therefore we should die to sin that we might rise anew in Christ. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 HOLY COMMUNION Dear Friends, We will soon be entering the season of Lent. Lent is the time of preparation before Easter. It is 40 days long, symbolically reminding us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for His ministry. It is traditionally a time for Christians to devote themselves more completely to Christ; a time for prayer, for study, for worship and for sacrifice. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Our church holds a special service every Ash Wednesday and for many people this is their favorite and most meaningful worship service of the year. During our worship we remember the meaning and power of Christ’s death and take time to reflect upon our sins. We write our sins down on cards, pray over them and ask for Christ’s grace to remove them from our lives. Then we nail them to the cross, remembering that Jesus died for our sins that we might be free in Him. ashes are mixed with olive oil and then applied to our foreheads. Marked by the sign of the cross, the sign of our forgiveness and belief in our Lord, we leave the church bearing this symbol as a witness to our commitment to Christ. It is a great and powerful way to start the season. Lent is also a wonderful time to get involved in a small group. This year during Lent our small groups will be studying Adam Hamilton’s book “24 Hours That Changed The World”. As the title suggests, it will focus on the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life and His sacrifice on the cross. We have read and enjoyed Hamilton’s books before and this will be a meaningful study as well. If you have never before been a part of a small group before, why not use the Lenten season as an opportunity to start a new spiritual tradition. It is a great time to grow. See you in church. God Bless, Once nailed to the cross, our sins are then taken down and burned. The "The Last Supper" Mark 14:17-25 Christ shared a holy meal that has the power to make us all holy. Beginning Sunday, Feb. 22nd During Lent, we like to publish a wish list. There are items that the church could really use but are not included in our budget. These will help us to do better lead our children and adults in Sunday School and Small Groups. We invite you to look over this list and see if there is anything you would like to donate to our church. Thank you for your consideration. Two TV/DVD combo (35” wall hanging) with wall mount for Room 201 & Conference Room - $350 each. Cords/Switches for Media - $150 Computer for Media desk in Fellowship Hall - $750 Locks for Media doors in Fellowship Hall- $50 Shop Vac with wheels and attachments - $160 WORSHIP AND MUSIC MINISTRY MUSIC FOR ALL AGES AND GENRES! We need to hear the word of the Lord. We need to feel it live within our hearts. We need to know the plan God has for us, so we can do our part. We need to know the love of the Lord. We need to learn to share it every day. We need to seek the path God wants for us, so we can find our way. We are called as Disciples of Christ to proclaim the wonder of His grace. If we live in His love and walk in His light, we will grow as a family of faith. THE NEXT GENERATION Nancy Price and Don Besig ADULT CHOIR The choir has begun working on Easter music and will presented a Cantata on Sunday, April 12th during worship. We’d love to have you join the group in learning and presenting this beautiful music. We will work on the Easter music at the beginning of each rehearsal. This lively group of singers would love for you to join in the fun! Choir rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7pm in the Music Room. There is a place for all voices - Jr. High and older. You will be provided with music and a listening CD which includes your own part! ILLUMINATIONS Our Worship Band leads our congregational singing. Vocalists and instrumentalists are encouraged to be a part of this worship leadership team. We rehearse on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm in the Music Room and warm up prior to worship at 8:30am each Sunday. TREBLE IN CONCERT We are looking for a drummer - let Luanne know if you are interested or know someone who is experienced! EAGLE BLUEGRASS GOSPEL BAND This awesome band is taking a break. If you are interested in jamming, please contact Arlee Kawakami and if we have enough to play, we’ll meet! PROCLAMATION BELLS Do you love music but singing isn’t your thing? Our handbell choir is a great place to share your gifts in worship and be a part of a great fellowship of musicians. If you are interested in finding out more about handbells, you are invited to come to our rehearsals each Sunday afternoon at 4pm in the Music Room. We have room for more ringers - check us out on Sunday afternoons! To find out how to participate in any of these groups or for more information about our music ministry, please contact Luanne Hardy, Director of Music Ministries. She may be reached at the church office at 939-0108 or by email at [email protected]. The Next Generation meets on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:15pm. This 11-week gathering for kids 1st - 6th grade will meet in the music room. We will be working on a musical called “WAM The Way”. WAM stands for Worship, Arts and Music and that’s what we will be doing! The kids will learn music, participate in ringing bells, arts, drama and dance plus learn what it is to be a part of worship. We will then present the musical on Sunday, March 15th. Cost is $20 per child which covers the materials and a t-shirt to be worn during the musical. Registration forms are available online, in the office or by talking to Luanne at 939-0108. Trebelle, a local piano trio made up of Jennifer Dunn (violin), Heidi Nagel (cello), and Robyn Wells (piano) first debuted in 2012, and has been giving annual concert series since. The three ladies are professional musicians who collaborate to perform music of every era and style, with power and grace. The program for 2015 is made up of “The Four Seasons” by Rick Sowash, an American composer who, in this piece, portrays the turning of the seasons in his hometown of Bellville, Ohio; Piano Trio No. 2 in G minor by Antonin Dvorak; and Allegretto for Piano Trio by Beethoven. The three pieces are diverse in style, though all are poetic and strong in their interplay of all three instruments. Trebelle is scheduled to perform at the EUMC on Sunday, February 22, 2015, at 3pm. Admission is free and a free-will offering will be accepted. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR ALL Monday, 6:30pm Mixed Small Group Carolyn Stovall 939-0246 [email protected] This group meets weekly at the church and follows the sermon series. Conf. Room Tuesday, 6:30am Men's Small Group Thad Mason 286-7838 [email protected] This men’s group follows the sermon series. They meet at The Egg Factory at State and Glenwood for breakfast on the first Tuesday of each month. The remaining Tuesday’s are at the church. Conf. Room Tuesday, 2pm Couples Group Milt Klein 286-7451 [email protected] This couples group is studying the sermon series. Fellowship Hall Wednesday, 1:30pm Women’s Group Susan Cheney 447-7080 [email protected] This is a group of ladies of diverse ages (40’s to 80’s). Several members have a great deal of experience with scripture and small groups and all members are excited to learn and share how scripture lessons apply in their lives. Room 201 Wednesday, 7pm Mixed Group Pastor John Grimsted 939-0108 [email protected] This group meets weekly at the church and follows the sermon series. Conf. Room Thursday, 9:30am Women’s Group Karin Smith 939-4762 [email protected] This group is for women of all ages and babysitting is provided (RSVP to office). The group covers a range of Bible study topics as well as studies on parenting and follows the sermon series. Conf. Room Thursday, 2pm Women’s Group Linda Stiles 938-5096 [email protected] This is an ongoing group of retired women. This group has done a range of Bible studies. They are very social and love to talk, pray and share their lives with one another. This group follows the sermon series and uses the Upper Room. Conf. Room ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL The Bible Hour Pastor John splits the study between the New Testament and the Old Testament. Come and join us as we explore what the Bible has to teach us. Sanctuary Adult Sunday School Class This class meets on Sundays at 9:30am. Written by Philip Yancey, “The Jesus I Never Knew” explores the life of Jesus as he traveled and taught. We will look at three fundamental questions: who Jesus was, why he came, and what he left behind. Step by step, scene by scene, Yancey probes the culture into which Jesus was born and grew to adulthood; his character and mission; his teachings and miracles; his legacy--not just as history has told it, but as he himself intended it to be. Room 201 Mark Your Calendars Now! Vacation Bible School 2015 will be July 13th - 17th MOMENTUM YOUTH MINISTRIES The Momentum Youth Group meet each Sunday from 4-5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All middle school and high school students meet together. Please feel free to bring a friend and grow in your faith! All youth and adults will be called to help to make a difference in a young child’s life. Will you conquer the challenge?!! YOUTH MISSION TRIP: JUNE 22-29 All youth should mark their calendars for this summer’s mission trip! We will be going to Salt Lake City and staying at Mountain Vista United Methodist Church is South Jordan, which is a suburb of Salt Lake City. More information on a Parent Meeting and details will be coming soon. You don’t want to miss this life changing trip! WORDS FOR THE WALK The idea of writing down our faith experience is as old as the Gospels, or the Epistles to be exact. But it does not end there. We each experience God differently and we do it all the time through many different stages in our lives. This Small Group is forming to put those experiences on paper as people of faith have been doing through the centuries in prayer, prose and poetry. You do not have to know how to write, you just have to know God. The class meets each Monday at 7pm. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW STAFFING CHANGES AT EUMC A NOTE FROM SUSAN CHENEY In February 1998, God led me to Eagle United Methodist Church as I was going through a difficult divorce. A year before a friend had asked me if I would accompany her church choir but I was too busy. Now I wanted to move forward with my life and play the piano and organ again. I asked my friend if they still needed an accompanist. She checked with the choir director at the time, and he said “Yes!” At first I only accompanied the choir and I was rusty on the piano but the choir was thrilled to have a live accompanist instead of singing to recordings. The first couple Sundays I left right after the choir sang. Then I stayed for one of Pastor John’s Bible Hours and decided to stay for the whole service to hear his sermon. One Sunday after a challenging hymn sing, Carolyn Stovall and Janet Marshall asked if I would please play the hymns on the organ and that’s how I started playing for worship services at Eagle United Methodist Church. Seventeen years later I have grown in my faith through small group Bible studies and can now read a chord chart, play handbells and even fiddle! Lately I have been thinking about stepping down from music ministry because I haven’t wanted to play the piano or organ. Sunday mornings I’m focused on what’s coming next in the worship service instead of God. I shared this with Pastor John before Christmas and he recommended I take some time off to recharge, a three month sabbatical. During March, April and May I will be taking a break from playing for rehearsals Thursday nights and worship Sunday mornings. During the three months you won’t see my face Sunday mornings as I will be visiting other churches in the valley and experiencing their style of music. I appreciate that Karen Grindle will accompany the choir and play the organ while I’m gone. I will still attend and lead the other groups I’m involved in at the church. I have gone from feeling that I didn’t want to play any more before I talked with Pastor John to being excited about the opportunity to experience different worship services and focus wholly on worshipping God Sunday mornings. My last Sunday is February 22nd. On Sunday, June 7th, I’ll be back at the piano and organ for worship, hopefully recharged and once again accompanying your voices in singing that delights and praises our God! Susan Cheney MINISTER OF VISITATION TO STEP DOWN - REPLACEMENT NEEDED Maria Way, our Minister of Visitation, has let us know that she plans to return soon to Bolivia for an extended stay of at least four months. Maria’s elderly Aunt Carmen is not well and has requested her help with running the family empanada factory. We will miss Maria and wish her and her aunt well. That does mean that we will need to find someone to take over as Minister of Visitation. Eagle UMC is seeking applicants for a Minister of Visitation, a part-time position which is available immediately. The role of this position is to grow and retain membership at EUMC through welcome, hospitality and follow-up with members and visitors. The position requires 10-15 hours per week, with 2 hours on Sunday mornings, 5-10 hours per week of visitation and one hour per week of staff time. Sunday service and visits prospective members at their homes. He/she organizes and manages the database of prospective members and directs the priorities and activities of the Welcoming Committee. If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact Pastor John [email protected] or at 9390108 or SPRC Chairman Ross Ely [email protected] or at 602-4681. The Minister of Visitation welcomes members and visitors weekly at the ALL CHURCH SUMMER CAMP - JULY 23RD - 26TH, 2015 This summer we will have camp for our entire church family at Wallowa Lake United Methodist Camp. Located approximately 4 hours away, this camp is beautifully situated in the cool of the mountains. This is a wonderful facility with a variety of different housing options. There are yurts (these are separate housing units that are like very nice hotel rooms), rustic cabins, spaces for RVs and even spaces for tent camping. Meals are included so that you don’t have to cook and there are 60 acres of campground for the kids to play on. We will have some group activities, but there will also be time for your family to spend together enjoying all that the area has to offer. Mark you calendar now to be a part of this fun weekend. OUR CHURCH IN MISSION THE EAGLE FOOD BANK RIVER OF LIFE MISSION DINNER Thank you to all who helped contribute to this month’s homeless dinner at the Boise Rescue Mission. We served 200 Meatball Sandwiches, salad and dessert. Servers for the first shift were Dan & Bonnie Critell, Maria Way, Sylvia Harris and Cathy Richardson. Second shift servers were Carrie Moody, Wendy Zasio and Bill & Marie Atwell. Our next Food Bank collection day is Sunday, February 1st. Please bring your items or make your monetary donations to EUMC at any time. Let’s fill the bin! Last month you brought in over 58.5 pounds of food on the first Sunday alone! They are very low on jams and jellies. Why don’t you pick up several extra jars the next time you are at the grocery store. Our sympathy to …Ross Ely and family at the passing of his mother … the family of Joe Jordan at his passing on Feb. 25 Prayers for healing for … Arlee Kawakami … Dave Grindle … Georgia Leisten … Jane Love … Janet Marshall … Galen & Janet Peachey and their son, Brian … Janice Eason … Jenny Hazen … Cindy Jordan … Linda King … Marilyn Schmidt’s sister, Pat … Lynn Eberhardt’s father, Lee … Jody Eberhardt’s mother, Opal … Rick Jordan’s mother, Marlys ...Roxanne Shaper’s husband, Tom … Maria Way … Sonya Hart’s sister, Nancy … Stephen Ministry Care Receivers … Please let the church office know if we can add anyone to this list. We would like to give a special thank you to our baking angels for the wonderful baked goods that are always such a special treat. They were Molly Miles, Billie Mellies, Bea, Amanda and Joy Grimsted, Caryl Humphries, Janet Marshall, Lisa Woods, Anne Cremer, Jean Passaro, Marilyn Scott and Anita Hockensmith. Last but not least, thank you to the many members of our church who support this ministry by helping to fund these meals. The average cost of each dinner is approximately $1.10 per plate based on the meatball sandwich menu. This would not be possible without your generous donations of time, service, food and funding. Eagle United Methodist Church and this ministry are very much appreciated by the Boise Rescue Mission and those we serve. Our next meal will be Thursday, February 19th. If you are not a regular but would like to bake, serve or help fund these meals, please contact Cathy Richardson 866-5107 or Marie Atwell 968-0280. Join us as we get an early start collecting all year for our 2015 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! You can also place items not on the list in the collection container. These items can be for anyone ages 2-14. Please remember all items must fit in a shoebox. February - toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, wash cloths, small packages of tissue March - hair ribbons, hair clips, hair bands, brushes, combs April - small dolls, small stuffed animals, small toy cars/trucks May - bandanas, baseball caps, jewelry June -small toys: yo-yo, jump rope, slinky, small balls July - card games, sewing kits August - solar calculators, sunglasses September - pencils, sharpeners, small notepads, coloring books, crayons, markers October - Candy (no chocolate or items that will melt) November - packing party & shipping donation collection We also welcome any donations for shipping charges ($7 per box) at any time. Please put Operation Christmas Child in the memo line of your check. REACHING THOSE IN NEED COVERED IN PRAYER Covered in Prayer had their first meeting on January 14th and enjoyed getting to know each other. The group will continue to meet the second Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am to noon in Room 201 at the church to work on the following projects: quilt for neonatal intensive care units to give a mother whose baby is dying. Tie fleece blankets to give to organizations to provide to children and others in a time of crisis. This is a “no sewing required” project! Needs only 1 ½ yards of fleece, scissors and a ruler. Sew 150 Hope Bags (see picture) for the Operation Shoebox packing party in November. Quilt 30 prayer squares for the #4 Kairos Outside retreat being held at our church this spring and 150 prayer squares for the Operation Shoebox packing party in November. Quilt fleece blankets for newborns in our church family. Quilt a receiving blanket and keepsake Instructions for the Hope Bags and other patterns are available at the “Wrapped and Covered in Prayer” display in the lobby of the church. If you would like to support this ministry, here’s how: Give a check to the church with “Covered in Prayer” in the memo area. Buy 100% cotton fabric in child friendly prints for the Hope Bags. It takes ½ yard to make one bag. Buy two pieces of fleece that are one 1 ½ yards each. The two pieces will be tied together to make one blanket. If you would like to join the group or have questions, please contact Susan Cheney at (208) 853-8906 or by email at [email protected]. WRAPPED IN PRAYER A milestone has been reached for Wrapped in Prayer – the 105th prayer shawl has been given away! God has also blessed our group with a large donation for purchasing yarn. The picture on the right is the first purchase with part of the donation – enough yarn for 25 shawls. Wrapped in Prayer will meet on February 4th and 18th from 10:00 am to noon in Room 201 at the church. Please come join us if you are interested in being part of this rewarding ministry! Thank you sent to a church member who gave a shawl to a friend with terminal cancer: Please convey my thanks to your whole church membership – I am enjoying the lovely shawl and the pocket prayer. What a nice idea to brighten people’s days. God has given me so many blessings through people like you. These gestures have meant so much to me. Thanks to all who have contributed and thanks, my friend, for thinking of me. May God bless you all! Note to Pastor John from woman who attended our church: Dear Pastor John and all, I am back in Arizona now and wanted to thank you very much for your many kindnesses. It was a delight to be in your church. Many thanks, Beth Rigby. P.S. I am still enjoying my purple prayer shawl. A church member gave a shawl and books on grieving to her sister’s friend whose mother died suddenly during cancer treatment: My sister’s friend Suzy told her that the prayer shawl and Stephen Ministry books were the most thoughtful and meaningful gifts that she has received since her mother’s passing. My sister and Suzy are so very grateful. Another thank you from Maria Way’s friends in Bolivia who are helping with the Water for Life effort our church supported at Christmas: Maria Tere, I finished distributing “the prayer squares”, have 4 left. All of our friends are very happy! And we are calling them “trapitios de amor” (love squares), that is what the little cards say. All of us are thankful to the pretty Ladies that made this possible, first because we were waiting for them, and second because now we feel that we know them, for what you tell us. God bless them, and all of their families. We feel very privileged to have one of the prayer squares…hugs and kisses. And Merry Christmas, peace and love to you, and to all of the people at the Church! On February 15th, the prayer shawls and wraps will be blessed during worship. If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, please come up after the service and select one of the handmade items. Members of Wrapped in Prayer will be available to help you. There are also pocket prayers available in a basket in the lobby. OPPORTUNITIES FOR FELLOWSHIP & GROWTH FRIDAY Frenzy presents SOMETHING NEW FOR EVERYONE! Connect is a new group that will be meeting monthly beginning Friday, February 27th at 6pm. Connect is for EVERYONE! All ages from kids to adults are invited to come and enjoy dinner and fun with this new monthly fellowship group. All ages will connect with each other as we grow in our faith and Christian relationships together. This is for every age to enjoy! Watch the weekly bulletin for more information on the theme for our first ever Connect. Call Sara Donaldson with questions. SUPER BOWL PARTY Come on out and cheer for your favorite team on Sunday, February 1st. Kick-off is at 4:30pm and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 4pm to view the game on the big screen. Bring munchies, chili, and beverages. You won’t want to miss our annual half-time football game. SAVE THE DATES NORTHWEST LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE The 2015 Northwest Leadership Institute (NLI2015) will be hosted by Boise First United Methodist Church March 12th - 13th, 2015. NLI is a two day leadership conference held in Boise, Idaho. The 2015 keynote speaker will be Tony Campolo. Several others will be presenting as well, including Rebekah Simon-Peter, Steve Hart, Joseph Barclay, Duane Anders, and Vance P. Ross. The event is designed to engage, equip, and empower clergy and local church leaders. Keep watching for more information, registration links, and an early bird discount. To register contact the church office or FUMC’s Debbie Coutts at [email protected]. Friday, February 20th 7-9pm at the church Games will include Chubby Bunny, Donut Bob, E.T. Eaters, Chocolate Bar Elimination and more. It’s great fun!! Children 1st through 5th grade are invited. Cost is $1 per child. No more than one guest per child, please. Parents will be needed to assist- please contact Denise Armstrong. DUTCH LUNCH BUNCH BUNCH The DUTCH LUNCH BUNCH meets Sunday, February 1st at 12:45pm to enjoy good food and Christian fellowship. They will be going to the Idaho Pizza Company in Eagle. Please join us! EAGLE’S WINGS PRESCHOOL Focus on the 4’s! The four-year olds class spent the month of January studying winter and arctic animals. They looked at weather, penguins, and polar bears. A few highlights included using salt to melt ice and discover the surprise frozen inside and wearing “blubber gloves” to explore how polar bears are able to stay warm in frigid temperatures. We also created penguins using our own bare feet dipped in paint! WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP LEADERS WEEKLY EVENTS: If you are unable to serve on the scheduled date, please trade with another volunteer. Feb 1 Liturgist Acolyte Coffee Feb 8 10:45am (Communion) Bill & Shannon London, Lisa Woods and Steve Hamm Dan & Bonnie Critell Linda Stiles and Lori Motis Debbie Shattuck Julia Armstrong Pamela Doyle 10:45am Ushers Doug & Penny Dennis Ushers Greeters Greeters Liturgist Acolyte Coffee Feb 15 Ushers Greeters Liturgist Acolyte Coffee Feb 22 Ushers Greeters Liturgist Acolyte Coffee David & Kay Ferguson Jennifer Foster and Karen Starry Jonah Phipps Hailey Ketterling Caryl Hymphries & Dorothy Dutton 10:45am Stoney & Jennifer Foster Lynn and Katie Ketterling Bob & Joan Harryman Laura and Karen Hamm Roxann Schaper Giselle Groeger Donna Malany and Margery Anderson 10:45am Scott & Janet James Dewy & Debbie Shattuck James & Angela Troy George Jones & Shirley Law Emma James Denali Herrick Steve Hamm Join us in connecting with our church family through small groups, music and fellowship. Class / Activity 2 6 7 7 9 12 13 13 14 14 14 Joanne Love Lucy Tarkon Riley Gero Shannon Troy Logan Ah Fong John Grimsted Julia Riley Noah Smith Kaylee Blais Katie Christensen Janet James 13 16 17 23 15 18 18 22 23 23 26 27 28 Laura Hamm Ryan Hanson Landon Tarkon Nancy Viano Jack Dunn Rylan Wood Jonah Phipps Bill Weiler Mallory Cullen John & Trish Bovis Ron & Miriam Mayhew Angie Howell Patrick & Angie Coyne Weekly Giving Bldg. Fund Worship Attendance 1-4 10,167 1,300 232 1-11 5,987 150 227 1-18 7,074 448 196 1-25 4,801 455 226 Implied Consent Statement During Eagle United Methodist Church events and worship services, you may be photographed for church promotional purposes. Photos of you may be published in print or used on the church website at the sole discretion of EUMC. Please contact the office if you do not want photos of yourself or your children depicted. Eagle’s Wings Newsletter is a monthly publication Eagle United Methodist Church 651 N. Eagle Road, Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-0108 www.eagleumc.com or e-mail us at [email protected] Office hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm Christian Education Hour: (Sept-May) 9:30am Worship: 10:45am Childcare is available all morning. Room Sunday: Christian Education Hour 9:30am Various Rooms Family Worship 10:45am Sanctuary Proclamation Bells 4:00pm 108 Momentum Youth 4:00pm F.H. Monday: Mixed Small Group Words for the Walk 6:30pm 7:00pm Conf. 203 Tuesday: Men’s Small Group Prayer Group Couples Small Group 6:30am 9:00am 2:00pm Conf. Conf. F.H. Wednesday: Wrapped in Prayer 1st & 3rd @ 10am Matthew 18:19 Prayer Group 1pm Women’s Small Group 1:30pm The Next Generation 5:00pm Mixed Small Group 7:00pm JANUARY GIVING Date Time Thursday: Women’s Small Group 9:30am Women’s Small Group 2:00pm Illuminations Worship Band 5:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm 201 Sanc. 201 F.H. 201 Conf. Conf. 108 108 MONTHLY EVENTS Eagle Food Bank Donations received all month Dutch Lunch Bunch 1st Sunday Various Administrative Board 2nd Tuesday qtly Conf. Worship Committee 2nd Tuesday Conf. Covered in Prayer 2nd Wednesday 201 Stephen Ministry Support 1st & 3rd Wednesday Conf. River of Life Dinner 3rd Thursday Prime Timers 2nd Friday F.H. Friday Night Frenzy Various Fridays F.H. All Church Events Various times The ministers of this church are its members. Our leaders in ministry are: John A. Grimsted ................................................................. Pastor Jeff Nielson ................................................... Associate Lay Pastor Luanne Hardy ..................................................... Director of Music Sara Donaldson ............................ Director of Christian Education Maria Way..................................................... Minister of Visitation Susan Cheney ...............................................Organist/Accompanist Denise Armstrong .................................... Executive Administrator Luanne Hardy ........................................ Administrative Assistant Kip Malone ......................................................... Finance Secretary Denise Armstrong ......................................................... Bookkeeper Jeremy Russell ................................................................ Treasurer Matt Donaldson ........................................................... Lay Leader Stoney Foster ...................................... Administrative Board Chair Ross Ely ..............................................Staff Parish Relations Chair Jessica Blais ............................................................. Missions Chair OPEN.......................................................................Worship Chair Thad Mason ............................................................. Trustees Chair OPEN.................................................................. Evangelism Chair Karen Hamm ..........................Director of Eagle’s Wings Preschool Caryl Humphries .............................. Director of the Learning Nest Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday Schedule: Christian Education Hour for ALL AGES at 9:30am Worship at 10:45am 2 6:30P Mixed Small Group 7:00P Words for the Walk 3 COMMUNION SUNDAY 8 9 10 1 Eagle Food Bank Day 12:30P Dutch Lunch Bunch 4:00P Momentum Youth Group 4:00P 12:30P Adult Choir Rehearsal 4:00P Proclamation Bell Rehearsal 4:00P Momentum Youth Group 15 12:15P Lunch with the Pastor 4:00P Proclamation Bell Rehearsal 4:00P Momentum Youth Group 22 6:30P Mixed Small Group 7:00P Words for the Walk 16 6:30P Mixed Small Group 7:00P Words for the Walk 23 NEW MEMBER SUNDAY 6:30P Mixed Small COMMUNION SUNDAY 7:00P Group Words for the 3:00P Robyn Wells and Friends in Concert 4:15P Proclamation Bell Rehearsal 4:00P Momentum Youth Group Walk 6:30A 9:00A 10:00A 2:00P Men’s Group Prayer Group Staff Meeting Couples Small Group 6:30A Men’s Small Group 9:00A Prayer Group 10:00A Staff Meeting 2:00P Couples Small Group 6:30P Worship Committee Meeting 17 6:30A Men’s Small Group 9:00A Prayer Group 10:00A Staff Meeting 2:00P Couples Small Group 24 6:30A Men’s Small Group 9:00A Prayer Group 10:00A Staff Meeting 2:00P Couples Small Group 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 10:00A Wrapped in Prayer Ministry 1:00P Matt 18:19 Group 1:30P Women’s Small Group 5:00P TNG-WAM 6:30P Stephen Ministry 7:00P Mixed Small Group 10:00A Covered in Prayer 1:00P Matt 18:19 Group 1:30P Women’s Small Group 5:00P TNG-WAM 7:00P Mixed Small Group 9:30A Women’s Small Group 2:00P Women’s Small Group 5:30P Worship Band Rehearsal 7:00P Adult Choir Rehearsal 9:30A Women’s Small Group 2:00P Women’s Small Group 6:30P 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 10:00A Wrapped in Prayer 1:00P Matt 18:19 Group 1:30P Women’s Small Group 5:00P TNG-WAM 7:00P Ash Wednesday Worship Service 1:00P Matt 18:19 Group 1:30P Women’s Small Group 5:00P TNG-WAM 7:00P Mixed Small Group 9:30A Women’s Small Group 2:00P Women’s Small Group 4:15P River of Life Mission Dinner 5:30P Worship Band Rehearsal 7:00P Adult Choir Rehearsal 9:30A Women’s Small Group 2:00P Women’s Small Group 5:30P Worship Band Rehearsal 7:00P Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:30P Friday Night Frenzy: Fun with Food 6:00P COULD YOU USE ONE? WOULD YOU BE ONE? In the church office, we get calls regularly from people within our congregation who could use a helping hand with something: some extra muscle to move a couch, a ride to a doctor appointment, an able bodied person to help change a light bulb and more. We also know that there are many people in our congregation who would be glad to offer help when they can. This leaves us with a challenge - How do we match needs with willing people? We have a solution! We call it Helping Hands. To BE a Helping Hand: Call the church office and we will sign you up and contact you when a need arises. Once you are a member of the Helping Hands group, you will receive an email whenever a need is posted. From there, you have the option to say, "Yes, I will fill this need" or if the timing, skills required, etc. doesn't work out for you at that time, simply ignore the request and trust another member of the group will meet the need. If you could USE a Helping Hand: If you have a need, please contact the church office to discuss your need and get it posted to our needs list.
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