Saginaw Field & Stream Club Newsletter Issue 02 February Tom Heritier, Editor February is worth $600 February 20, 2015 Membership Meeting Program if you are in your seat. James Beyer Annual Club Business Meeting, Board Elections ect. Was not in his seat and did not collect $600.00 Membership Meeting February 19, 2015, 7 PM Dinner Served at 6 PM Menu Beef Stew, Potato, Green Beans, mixed veggies biscuits and pudding A Ruger SR40C 40 cal February Raffle Don Squires Won the LCP Identification Statement Saginaw Field and Stream Club Newsletter is published monthly by the Saginaw Field and Stream Club. P O Box 2092, Saginaw, Mi 48605- 2092 NOTICE The club mailing address is now, Volume 2015 The Archery Range We have had a lot of activity in our newly remodeled archery range and have had nothing but great compliments on the changes. I need to give a big shout out and a thank you to everyone that helped with this work. We hosted our SVAA FITA shoot the 1st weekend in January, but the weather didn’t help too much with turnout, but we still managed to get about 100 shooters for the weekend. We just hosted out 1st indoor 3D shoot this past weekend and turnout could have been better, but everyone that shot it had a great time. Our next 3D is scheduled for the 21st and 22nd of February. Indoor leagues have started and are going good, remember if you want to come out and shoot for fun on any league night you are more than welcome to join in. Our J.O.A.D. program has really taken off; we have close to 40 kids this year. This is awesome considering when we started just 2 years ago, we had 11 kids! Remember to look for the outdoor 3D shoot sign-up sheet in the archery building for this years shoots. Rob Komyathy 1296 N Gleaner Rd Saginaw, MI 48609 9495 Club Shooting Hours Guest’s Are as follows, 0800 AM until sunset, use you hunting guide to determine sunset. If there is an organized event under lights, that may go to 10 PM. The lights on ranges are for organized events only. Anyone who is not immediate family is considered a guest and is required to pay the $5.00 guest fee. Mail Boxes are located on each range. Immediate family is defined as, spouse, and minor children. Club Administrative News Expenses, $6,830.63 Income, Building Donations Financial Report $22,057.28 Checking, $16,780.11 Savings, $118,099.00 To Date James L. De Clerck, Treasurer $94,675.75 Membership Report February 2015 Mike Meyer 1631 General Members New General Members Todd Borchard Ryan P Coe Daryl L Hartung Brett Schoenmeyer George Thompson Stephen White New Associate Members Foin Doyle Jonathan Shillington Members Rejoining Bill Cymbal II John Rombach Building Managers Mike Meyer 989-274-4078 Greg King 989-694-4868 For rentals or questions Please call CCW Range Paper Targets, Bowling pins and hanging clay targets are the only targets allowed on the CCW range. Targets are not to be hung from the pin table covers! 91 Associate Members 1722 Total Membership Todd Borders Matthew Doyle Devin Heyn Steven Spellerberg Tim A Way Andrew Brady Wayne D Glumm Todd W Leonard William Stein Bill White Kyle Malone Jennifer Stein Diane Porath Danny McCloskey William McNeil Banquet DonorsThese Donors Supported us big time, RETURN THE FAVOR! Dick Williams Guns Shaper’s The Salon Saint Charles Coin Shop Gander Mountain YMCA of Saginaw Jim Redmond’s Auto Repair Draper Toyota Wohlfeil’s Hardware Cooper’s Frame & Art H & B Equipment Country Club Dry Cleaners Staples Hi-Tech Optical Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors Euchre Has returned to SFSC. If you have time Thursdays from 1PM to 4 PM in the club house. Doors open at 12 Noon. Civilian Marksmanship Program Saginaw Field and Stream Club is affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Refer to Our Number 56200 All Memberships expire on December 31st of the year. Activities at Saginaw Field and Stream Club, February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Winter Traveling Trap League 9AM Archery League 10AM Archery League 10 AM Trap & Skeet 3PM Archery league 7PM Archery League 7pm Thomas Twp Archery 2-10PM JOAD Archery 6-10PM Youth Archery 812PM 10 Archery League 10 AM Trap & Skeet 3PM Archery league 7 Pistol Range Committee 7 PM 11 12 13 Archery League 7pm Thomas Twp Archery 2-10PM JOAD Archery 6-10PM 17 18 20 21 Archery League 10 AM Trap & Skeet 3PM Archery league 7PM Archery League 7pm 19 Thomas Twp Archery 2-10PM JOAD Archery 6-10PM Indoor 3-D Archery 8AM-4 Archery league 7 PM 8 9 Archery League 10AM Archery league 7 PM 15 16 Boy Scout Camp Archery League Out 10AM Archery league 7 PM Thursday Friday Saturday Trap & Skeet 10AM 14 Youth Archery 812PM Trap & Skeet 10AM Boy Scout Camp Out Trap & Skeet 10AM DINNER 6 pm Membership Meeting 7PM 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Indoor 3-D Archery 8AM-4 Archery League 10AM Archery league 7 PM Board of Directors Meeting 7PM Archery League 10 AM Trap & Skeet 3PM Archery league 7PM Archery League 7pm Thomas Twp Archery 2-10PM JOAD Archery 6-10PM Youth Archery 812PM Trap & Skeet 10AM All Outdoors Banquet 5PM @ Horizons March 1 2 Thomas Twp Police Pistol Range 10-2PM Archery League 10AM Archery league 7 PM 3 4 5 6 7 Archery League 10 AM Trap & Skeet 3PM Archery league 7PM Archery League 7pm Thomas Twp Archery 2-10PM JOAD Archery 6-10PM Youth Archery 812PM Archery Call Rob @ 989-971-8540 Pistol David 989-928-9821 Trap & Skeet 10AM The web site calendar is updated almost daily. The web site takes precedence over this. Please check the web site. A Word from the President Mike Meyer Over the years, I have always had a problem with “cabin fever” during the winter months. When I was a youngster, I spent most of my free time tromping thru Veitengruber woods and fishing in the Dead Creek southwest of Frankenmuth. Now, it seems that If I don’t get out of the house every day, I go stir crazy. About 30 years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to take up a winter sport, like skiing or something so I would have an excuse to enjoy winter. At the time, one of my buddies had gotten a new pair of skis, and wanted to sell his old ones. I think they were Rossignol Freestyles. Anyway, the local ski hill (bump?) was advertising free lessons for beginners. So, I bought my buddy’s Rossi’s and headed out for lessons. After a couple of years of this, I had eventually gotten good enough to make it down the bunny hill, and back up the rope tow almost every time without any problems. Then another buddy and I went up to Boyne and I had the experience of trying to get off a chair lift. Of course, when I finally jumped off, I was totally out of control and crashed into a group of skiers standing around in the wrong place. Eventually my skis got stolen and I had to find a new hobby, or go stir crazy again. About this time I was getting involved with skeet shooting at our club and we would shoot night or day, rain or shine, snow or freezing cold. I think I was in my early 50’s and tolerated the cold a lot better than I do now. That kept me busy during the winter months (and the rest of the year) for quite awhile. Then I kind of lost some interest in skeet and never developed the same passion for trap. been so cold, I couldn’t go out to play for anything. Then my ex-boss called up and asked if I wanted to come back to work on a contract basis. I was so fed up with cold weather, I said yes. So I worked (3 days a week) through that entire year and quit the following April. That brings us up to current times. I’ve become more involved in the club and it fills up a lot more of my time. But, I still get cabin fever. I can’t go out pistol shooting, because my brass will get lost in the snow. I can’t develop rifle loads for my guns, because the cold weather produces inconsistent ballistic results. I’ve got several loads loaded up and I can’t load any more until I see how those shoot. I’ve got more than enough pistol cartridges loaded up and don’t have room to store any more of them. I’ve actually been thinking of buying archery equipment again so I can shoot at our indoor range. Our traveling winter trap league started up again, so I get out to shoot and visit with some of the guys from a couple of other clubs. But, mostly, I just wait for winter to go away. Pistol Training Committee The Pistol Training Committee has no programs or training scheduled due to an apparent lack of interest. CPL Classes and CPL Renewal Classes will resume in the Spring. A Spring Training Schedule is currently being developed. Please watch the newsletter for that schedule. Our thanks go out to all range helpers and Range Safety Officers Meanwhile, I had been retired from Delphi Steer- and Coaches who help support the program this past year. ing for about three years and the cabin fever got worse. One year, January and February had January, 2015 NATURAL RESOURCES REPORT The January meeting was unusually busy. It started with a Finance Committee review of the spending related to the license increase. Originally it was anticipated that the revenue would be about $18 million for a full year. The first year revenue was expected to be about $11.8 million (because it was a part year); it came in at $7.8 million. The reduction was due to a drop in license sales of about 7%. This reduction is within the expected resistance percent anticipated because of the license increase. I suspect, however, there were other factors involved with the decrease in license sales such as; poor weather and heavy snows for the firearm deer season opener. The spending lined up with the plan presented when the increase was requested. In other words, they spent it on what they said they were going to spend it on. The forecast for 2015 is $13 million which is based on a continuation of the 2014 revenue levels. The DNR has to be conservative in their spending planning because they cannot over spend. The Michigan Travel Commission and the NRC Marketing Committee had a joint meeting to discuss common goals and marketing efforts. The Travel Commission handles the Pure Michigan advertising. If both of these efforts are successful, we should see an increase in tourism from other states. The Wildlife and Fisheries Committee presented an analysis of water withdrawal impacts. As you might imagine, lower water levels will cause a stream to heat up. This is a particular problem with cold water species like trout. The DEQ presented their rules on water withdrawal and how they work with the DNR when granting permits. Pulling back a permit when conditions change has never been done and the DEQ is not sure how that could be done. We just recovered from low water levels and had that not happened we could have had situations where granted water withdrawals could create unfavorable conditions. As you are aware the Eastern Gray Wolf is back on the endangered list. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to file an appeal but it is not expected to be successful, least wise that’s been their track record. There is a Wisconsin representative who is preparing federal legislation to remove the wolf from the endangered list and Michigan, Minnesota and Wyoming will be signing on to it. No hunt in 2015. The Graymont issue has been temporarily resolved with the DNR denying the sale of the acreage in the U.P. I say temporarily because I expect Graymont to try again. There is proposed mineral rights exchange which is slated to happen. This exchange has some problems which may cause it to denied as well. The proposal cuts off the royalty fee after 2037 which would deny the state revenues for the sale of its assets which is unconstitutional. If this is corrected the exchange may well proceed. There were eighteen people signed up for the five minute testimonies and another ten for the three minute. Normally I would have stayed and listened but it was our club meeting night and I had to leave early. I was totally disappointed of course. Jim De Clerck The Trap & Skeet Field Mike Meyer Our Traveling winter trap league is doing well. We’ve got seven or eight shooters from each of the three clubs. Our next shoot will be February 1 at our place. Saginaw Field & Stream Club held an eight target lead at the end of the first shoot. After our second shoot, the race has tightened right up. Shiawassee has taken the lead, followed by Brant, one target down. Saginaw is in third place, two targets down Trap and Skeet shooting has been kind of thin so far this month. Hopefully that will change soon, if the weather starts to cooperate. The following shooters broke 25 straight December 23rd through January 17th: Trap Skeet 25 Straight 25 Straight These local businesses have gone out of their way to support Saginaw Field and Stream Club Saginaw Auto Polishing Print Express Hammer Restoration Dean Flora, D.C., M.S. Monk's Tree Service, Inc. Erskine's Feed & Supply Apple Mountain Bay Archery Gary Warner & Sons Electric Homecraft Companies Hoffman's Power Equipment Inc. Lone Star Western Store G.E. Masonry Fasan Jager Upland Preserve LLC Bare's Sport Shop NAPA Auto Parts of Shields Totten Tire Center PR Signature Stabilizers A&A Painting, Shields Sign Image, Shields Tony’s Little Bambino’s Merrill Use for Building Donations PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY AND PRINT CLEARLY The amount of your donation $_________ Payment type: Check_____ Visa_____ MasterCard_____ Discover_____ Credit Card Number________________________ Expiration Date_________ Signature________________________ Name to Appear on the Donor Display ________________________________________________________________ Saginaw Field and Stream Club NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID SAGINAW MI PERMIT NO 60 1296 N. Gleaner Rd. Saginaw, Michigan 48609 9495 Club Directory Address Service Requested Officers President……… Mike Meyer Vice President… Rob Komyathy Membership Sec ..Joey Lee Treasurer……… James L. De Clerck Recording Sec..... .Greg King 989-274-4078 989-971-8540 989-996-0397 989-781-8871 989-695-4868 Club Grounds 989-642-8312 Committee Chairs Rifle Range………..Rick Wendzik Archery…………… Rob Komyathy 3-D Archery……… Rob Komyathy Cowboy Action……Marty Bell Trap & Skeet………Mike Meyer Pistol Range………David Anderson Black Powder……..Greg Menard CPL Training……...Don Squires Meeting Programs Charles Hoover Volunteer Coordinator R. Komyathy 989-928-7658 989-971-8540 989-971-8540 989-585-3292 989-274-4078 989-928-9821 989-781-9332 989-737-6924 989-790-3836 989-971-8540 Privacy Statement Saginaw Field and Stream Club maintains information on it’s membership consisting of name, address, telephone numbers, email address and date joined. We do not sell, furnish or distribute this information to anyone. We guarantee the privacy of your information. Credit Card Numbers are not kept on file, they are destroyed after use. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Saginaw Field and Stream Club 1296 N. Gleaner Rd, Saginaw, Mi 48609 9495 Date Age VISA and MasterCard Accepted Name Fees Paid Address City Telephone ( Zip Code ) Credit Card Nbr. Expires: Month Year email Signature as it appears on your card New General $100, Associate $25 Renewal, General $55 New General With CEC $120 Renewal w/CEC $75 GC $10
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