When there is unyielding passion for excellence, no dream is impossible. Let the journey begin. The ones who follow their instincts are not only the undaunted, who can take on any challenge, but chart their way to a world of possibilities never explored before. The journey towards the unknown opens up an exciting opportunity on every turn, and soon success and progress become not their destination but their path. The Goldline Group was born out of an insatiable drive to explore the unknown and with time concreted its ethics towards achieving the impossible. It’s journey is marked with numerous milestones and path-breaking endeavors. It is still continuing to do so with an unbound vision towards the future. 02 03 WELCOME TO OUR WORLD 04 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A RICH LEGACY FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OUR JOURNEY & ACHIEVEMENTS A DIVERSE PRESENCE MANAGEMENT OUR BUSINESSES Education Springdales School E l l e s m e re C o l l e g e Recycling Plastic Lead Real Estate High Rises Luxury Villas Hotel & Hotel Apartments Trading M e t a l S c ra p Commodities S h i p S a l va g e Construction G e n e ra l C o n t ra c t i n g Piling E l e c t ro M e c h a n i c a l Shipping and Logistics Ve s s e l C h a r t e r i n g a n d B ro k i n g Oil & Gas Infrastructure 05 AN INTRODUCTION The most glorious of future starts from an unblemished past Welcome to the Goldline Group. The group that stands testimony to man’s amazing courage and conviction. It is a success story that has a humble start but a remarkable plot. The expanding list of satisfied clients reflects our ability to execute challenging projects, despite all odds. Difficult weather or terrain has been no deterrent to our team which has delivered consistently and brought accolades to the company. Our ability is to manage operations in diverse industries and economies, coupled with our track record in mobilizing financial and human resources. Our multi-skilled, multi-cultural and highly adaptable workforce is capable of handling multiple complex projects across the world. The group is in true sense global with its footprint spanning across countries & sectors including education, real estate, construction, recycling, trading, shipping&logistics, oil & gas works, infrastructure & demolition. Our diverse presence has metamorphosed our group into a 650 million USD conglomerate. Goldline P.O.1973, Dubai, UAE. Email: [email protected] Website : www.goldlinegroup.ae T e l : + 9 7 1 - 4 - 3 3 4 4 4 8 1, F a x : + 9 7 1 - 4 - 3 3 4 4 4 8 2 06 A RICH LEGACY The most glorious of future starts from an unblemished past. Goldline Group has a humble yet remarkable legacy. We started as a small business in Sharjah in 1990 as trading in scrap metal. Over the years, we have amassed a reputation and business presence that spans across diverse verticals, nations and interests. 650 USD million G ro u p t u r n o v e r fo r 2 0 1 4 3000 T h e n u m b e r o f G o l d l i n e t e a m m e m b e rs f ro m o v e r 2 3 c o u n t r i e s 15 The number of countries we serve, including Africa, A s i a , U K , N o r t h A m e r i c a , R u s s i a a n d U k ra i n e 16% O u r c o n s i s t e n t a n d s t e a d y a n n u a l g ro w t h ra t e 07 08 FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK Dear Friends, Life is indeed a journey and the Goldline Group is proof of a worthwhile journey that is today a legacy which started over two decades ago as a small trading unit. Today it has spanned across several businesses with marquee clientele and accolades for quality and transformed the Goldline Group in the UAE, into a conglomerate to be reckoned with. Our journey testifies that a will to focus on solutions, nurturing the ability to take risks and adapting to changing scenarios demolishes barriers and roadblocks that prevent meaningful growth. Excellence is our watchword, whatever the business. This has enabled us to carve a niche for ourselves as a group exploring new horizons. Our focus is always on bettering customer experience. This customer-centric approach has rewarded us with a loyal clientele, while our emphasis on excellence has built for us an unshakable reputation of trust, quality, efficiency, meticulous planning with execution and to top it all time-bound delivery. I am grateful to all those who have travelled with us contributing wisdom, talent and passion which has made this journey meaningful and successful. As long as there is room to explore, innovate and create, our spirit of entrepreneurship will continue to flourish enabling us to contribute to the well-being of humanity across the globe. Best regards, Dr. Navjit Singh Anand Chairman, GOLDLINE GROUP 09 Goldline Corporate Bro.pdf 1 1/29/15 3:44 PM WELCOME TO OUR WORLD | OUR BUSINESSES A well-spread growth C unbound by boundaries. EDUCATI ON REAL ESTATE CONSTR UCTI ON R ECYCLI NG TRADING Springdales School High Rises G e n e ra l Plastics M e t a l s c ra p Lead Commodities M Y CM MY CY CMY K E l l e s m e re C o l l e g e Luxury Villas Hotel & Hotel Apartments C o n t ra c t i n g Piling S h i p S a l va g e E l e ct r o M e cha ni ca l 10 SHIPPING & LOGISTICS OIL AND GAS WORKS INFRASTRUCTURE Ve s s e l C h a r t e r i n g a n d B ro k i n g 11 DEMOLITION & EARTHWORKS Goldline Corporate Bro.pdf 1 1/29/15 3:46 PM O U R J O U R N E Y, O U R A C H I E V E M E N T S . 1990 1997 C M Y CM MY 1999 METAL SCRAP DEMOLITION AND EARTHWORKS CONTRACTING CY CMY K 2006 2006 2006 2006 SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS PILING ELECTRO MECHANICAL PLASTIC 12 2010 LEAD 2011 COMMODITIES 2011 INFRASTRUCTURE 2012 EDUCATION 2012 SHIP SALVAGE 2013 OIL AND GAS 2014 REAL ESTATE Continuing this momentum of excellence and self-discovery, our group intends to make a mark on the global Canvas. 13 A DIVERSE PRESENCE The Goldline Group has footprints in 15 countries spread across 6 continents. UK USA Mali Senegal Ghana Togo Brazil 14 Ukraine Kuwait Benin Niger Qatar Dubai Sharjah India Burkina Faso Singapore South Africa 15 17 E D U C AT I O N Unlocking Potential. Building F u t u r e s. As an education provider that creates opportunities to nurture confident, thinking individuals groomed to be global citizens, we aim to provide the highest quality private education by setting up , operating and managing quality institutions. Our first offering to discerning parents is Springdales Schools, Dubai. On the anvil are plans to open more such boutique schools across the gulf in the near future that will help us in unlocking the future by nurturing our true wealth - our children. Warm Regards, Dr. Farooq Wasil CEO GOLDLINE EDUCATION 18 19 E D U C AT I O N | S P R I N G DA L ES SC H O O L We entered the noble field of education in 2012. - Structured yet stimulating learning environment - Value-based and collaborative learning - A healthy teacher student ratio. - An integrated approach to Special Needs - Broad range of co-curricular activities - Highly qualified and motivating teaching staff - Integration of ICT in classroom and curriculum education 20 - 10 acre Wi-Fi enabled campus - 140 large and spacious classrooms with latest audio visual equipment - State-of-the-art science labs - Modern sport facilities including an Olympic sized swimming pool - Multi-art theatre - Multi-level canteens Mrs. Jasmine Anand, Co-Chairperson Springdales is a name that is synonymous with quality education. It has won recognition at both national and international level for its exemplary holistic approach to education. It gives me immense pleasure and pride to be associated with such a well-established and highly respected school, by bringing this institution to the UAE. We are deeply committed to inclusivity in education, we respect and celebrate difference,and ensure that our children can appreciate cultural diversity and embrace the world as their own family. “ The World is Family” permeates every aspect of our school ethos and values, and it binds us teachers, parents and students with a shared sense of collective purpose. 21 24 REAL ESTATE Those few unstirred by the winds, go on to build the tallest monuments. No height is unachievable when you have the determination built on a strong bedrock of values. At Goldline Group, our values, strong commitment, engineering prowess and the strength to scale great odds has made it possible to deliver utmost quality in every real estate project. 25 REAL ESTATE 26 What makes us shine:- Strong in-house contracting experience - Global team of veterans from the worldwide real-estate fraternity - Ability to create an eclectic mix of boutique residences, landmark offices, shimmering towers, luxury villas & coveted townhouses 27 REAL ESTATE LANDMARKS ON OUR ROAD TO SUCCESS Goldline Real Estate currently has 1.1 million sq.ft of area under co n st r u c t i o n i n m a rq u e e a re a s o f D u b a i l i ke S p o r t s C i t y, J u m e r i a h V i l l a ge Circle , Business Bay etc with almost 3.5 million sq.ft of area in pipeline to be commenced in the year 2014-2015. B u s i n e s s To w e r, B u s i n e s s B a y Jumeirah Village Circle 131,400 Sq.ft of Saleable Area 245,375 sq.ft of Saleable Area C o m m e r c i a l To w e r R e s i d e n t i a l To w e r 2 Basements + Ground 3 Basements + Ground + 19 Storied + 24 Storied 28 REAL ESTATE JUMEIRAH VILLAGE CIRCLE 83,200 sq.ft of Saleable Area 98,800 sq.ft of Saleable Area Residential Ground + 4 Storied Residential Ground + 4 Storied 120,650 sq.ft of Saleable Area Residential Ground + 4 Storied 101,200 sq.ft of Saleable Area 117,110 sq.ft of Saleable Area Residential Ground + 4 Storied Residential Ground + 4 Storied 29 CONSTRUCTION UNSHAKABLE VISION REAPS UNBOUNDED GROWTH. When your eyes are set on the skies no height is unachievable. Our construction business is laid upon the unshakable bedrock of our values. These values have made Goldline Contracting LLC one of the leading Building and Civil Construction Company of Dubai. Our projects stand testimony to our commitment in delivering timely solutions to our list of satisfied clientele. ISO 9001 :2008. Scope of Work :- Civil Engineering Contracting, Piling & Shoring Contracting, MEP Contracting. 30 31 CONSTRUCTION | GENERAL CONTRACTING We have been a part of the contracting business since 1999. - Construction of high rise buildings - Hotels - Cluster of Villas Commercial and residential developments - Hospitals - Processing industries - Parks, leisure facilities etc. 32 CONSTRUCTION | PILING The year 2006 marked the beginning of our Piling Division. - Specialized services in design, construction, testing and maintaining appropriate engineering solutions - Turnkey solutions for massive developments and high rise buildings - Strong workforce and high-quality equipments CONSTRUCTION | ELECTRO MECHANICAL We have left our mark in Electro Mechanical since 2006. - Carrying out Electro Mechanical works for our projects and even taking up independent projects - Undertaking air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing and drainage, f i r e a l a r m, f i r e f i g h t i n g a n d swimming pool works - Offering a one - stop solution to our client ’s construction needs 33 CONSTRUCTION BUILDING A GRAND FUTURE. Citymax Hotel, Mankhool 333,9320 Sq.ft of construction area 2 Basements + Ground + 7 Storied 34 S t a l l i o n To w e r, Jumeirah Village 763,950 Sq.ft of construction area 2 Basements + Ground + 4 Podiums + 26 Storied Burj Pacific, Business Bay 566,000 Sq.ft of construction area 2 Basements + Ground + 24 storied C o r p o r a t e To w e r, J LT 112,9760 Sq.ft of construction area 4 Basements + Ground + Mezzanine + 3 Podiums + 44 Storied – Office & Commercial Building. 35 36 RECYCLING RECONSTRUCTING BONDS LEADS TO UNEQUALED OPPORTUNITIES. The ability to understand the value of an object beyond its physical form opens up a new world of opportunities. We have been unlocking the potential of recycling to deliver environmental friendly solutions to our esteemed clients through our products. 37 RECYCLING | PLASTIC Regrind Scrap Plastic Process Granules Finished Item We took our first green step by starting our plastic recycling business in 2006. • Re-Processing , Re-cycling and Trading of Prime and Non-Prime polymers, waste and scraps of all kinds • Professionally managed company with state of art fully automatic washing, cleaning, drying, compacting and re-granulating lines having capacity of 2500 MT / month. • Dealing in all types of commodity and engineering polymers • Known for our presence in Delhi, Mumbai (India), Dubai (UAE), Kuwait, Ghana (Africa) • Acclaimed in the recycling industry for our higher quality reprocessed granules and transparency in business dealings 38 RECYCLING | LEAD We expanded our recycling business to lead recycling in the year 2010. Lead recycling brings advantages to industry and society in areas such as energy consumption, reduced carbon emissions, resource conservation, employment and costs. - Automated lead processing plant with a capacity of 2000 MT per month - Protecting the environment by recycling battery scrap 39 40 TRADING THE KEY TO A ROARING TRADE IS UNLOCKING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. Trade is not just built upon profits but on the foundation of trust, relationships and expertise. These distinguishing qualities have been the integral part of our success story. At Goldline Group, our focus lies on delivering cost effective, standard products and services, best suited to our client’s needs. 41 TRADING | METAL SCRAP At G o l d l i n e Wo r l d w i d e I n c . , w e h av e b e e n s o u rc i n g m e t a l s c ra p f ro m d i v e rs e l o c a t i o n s , a d h e r i n g t o t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a n d a rd s o f q u a l i t y s i n c e 1 9 9 0 . Our Products: - Re-Rollable - Bundles - Plate and Structure (P&S) - C a s t I ro n - HMS 1 - S h re d d e d - HMS 1&2 TRADING | COMMODITIES S i n c e o u r fo ray i n t o t ra d i n g o f c o m m o d i t i e s s i n c e 2 0 1 1 , w e h av e a l w ay s fo c u s e d o n p ro v i d i n g q u a l i t y p ro d u c t s t o o u r c u s t o m e rs . Our Products: - Coal - Limestone - Gy p s u m - Sulfur 42 TRADING | SHIP SALVAGE Ship Salvage Services - To w i n g s e a v e s s e l s - Re f l o a t i n g a s u n ke n o r g ro u n d e d vessel - Pa t c h i n g a n d re p a i r i n g o f s h i p s - Fa s t e r, p ro fe s s i o n a l s a l va g e re s p o n s e s e r v i c e 43 44 SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS W I T H I N D O M I TA B L E O P T I M I S M NO GOAL IS UNACHIEVABLE. A journey commenced with unwavering determination can sail across a million miles. At Goldline Group, our shipping services and logistics solutions help our business partners work smarter and more efficiently, whether locally or globally. 45 46 SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS Our journey in the shipping and logistics business commenced in 2006. - International ISO tank operators - Logistics 3 and 4 PL activities - Freight forwarding - Domestic and international land transport - Project cargo VESSEL CHARTERING & BROKING With its vast influence in the commodity trade ,Goldline Group forayed in the Bulk Cargo Chartering field :- C h a r t e r i n g o f v e s s e l s fo r a l l t y p e s a n d s i ze s - H a n d l i n g b a rg e l o a d i n g , f l o a t a n d c ra n e re q u i re m e n t s - P ro v i d i n g e n d - t o - e n d l o g i s t i c s o l u t i o n s e r v i c e s - G ro w i n g o u r p o s i t i o n i n t h e c h a r t e r i n g o f b u l k c a rg o m a r ke t 47 48 OIL AND GAS Challenging limits powers unequaled performance. The source of consistent growth lies in outperforming your own benchmarks. At Goldline Group, we strive to outdo ourselves in our every endeavor. At Arabcoast General Contracting, our oil and gas venture was established in the year 2005 to deliver on-shore & off-shore oil and gas fields and facilities services. Recognized by the Abu Dhabi municipality, we specialize in supplying all kinds of building projects contracting, building general maintenance and cleaning services. 49 OIL AND GAS Our strengths:Participation in major projects of the oil and gas sector Delivering all kinds of civil, steel fabrication and erection, pipelines, infrastructure, manpower outsourcing works etc. P re q u a l i f i e d w i t h TA K R E E R a s c o n t a c t o r Registered with ZADCO as contactor 50 51 INFRASTRUCTURE All round development requires unconstrained ambitions. The aspiration to create the unbuilt is the bridge to conceiving a futuristic landscape. Goldline Group has been instrumental in shaping the skyline of Dubai on the global canvas. Our world-class infrastructure projects stand testimony to our commitment to deliver quality and precision every time. 52 53 G o l d l i n e w a s s u b - c o n t ra c t o r fo r t h e S h e i k h Z ay e d B r i d g e , A b u D h a b i . INFRASTRUCTURE 54 We forayed into the Infrastructure business in the year 2010 and have built a solid reputation in a short time. Our key to success:- Distinguished and high-profile projects in the UAE - Cost effective and timely deliverance - Seamless execution - Continuous technological up-gradation and strict adherence to the project deadlines 55 DEMOLITION AND EARTHWORKS There are no hurdles on the path of the undaunted. Victory favors the brave. There is no hurdle tall enough to stifle any endeavor embarked with confidence. At Goldline Group, our demolition and earthworks solutions have cleared the way to new developments and skylines across Dubai. With modern technology and rocksteady commitment we are focused to deliver quality, cost effective and timely solutions to our clients. 56 57 DEMOLITION AND EARTHWORKS Another milestone covered. In 2013 , Goldline Group received an award for their distinguished services in the field of demolition from Dubai Municipality. We feel honoured to be bestowed with this accolade. It feels great to win recognition for our keen efforts towards ser ving the society. 58 We began providing Demolition solutions from 1997. Our work - Multi-storeyed buildings, individual & group villas - Fuel stations & fuel facilities - Decommissioned electrical sub-stations for DEWA & SEWA - Ware houses - Labour camps - Mosques of various sizes - Chicago beach village Jumeirah Beach esidence projects - Dubai port authority ( C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l s ) - Safe removal & disposal of asbestos as per Dubai Municipality guidelines - Excavation & earth works - Bulk excavation up to 14 meters deep from natural ground level 59 60 GENERAL INFORMATION Name of the Company GOLDLINE WORLDWIDE INC. PO Box: 1973, Dubai, U.A.E GOLDLINE CONTRACTING L.L.C PO Box: 1973, Dubai, U.A.E G O L D L I N E E D U C AT I O N PO Box: 30936, Dubai, U.A.E S T R O N G P I L E F O U N DAT I O N S PO Box: 123058, Dubai, U.A.E GOLDLINE PLASTIC PO Box: 123058, Dubai, U.A.E GLG SHIPPING and LOGISTICS L.L.C P. O . B o x : 1 2 4 3 9 8 , D u b a i , U . A . E O I L F I E L D S U P P LY & E N E R G I E S F Z E P. O . B O X : 5 3 5 8 0 , S h a r j a h , U . A . E Head office Office # 302, B 26 Umm Hureir Bldg Dubai (UAE) Te l . : + 9 7 1 - 4 - 3 3 4 4 4 8 1 Fax : +971-4-33444 82 Email : [email protected] Branch Office B u i l d i n g # P/ 2 1 3 , M e z z a n i n e F l o o r, Office # 4 Abu Dhabi (UAE) Te l . : + 9 7 1 - 2 - 5 5 9 1 8 7 3 Fax : +971-2-5591796 Email : [email protected] Web: www. goldline .ae 61 Suite # 201/202, B-26, Umm Hurair Building, Za’abeel Road, Karama, P.O. Box 113496,Dubai, United Arab Emirates Telephone: +971 43344481 , FAX: +971 43344483, E-mail: [email protected]
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