Pride in Pennine Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate Pennine News Issue 132• February 2015 INSIDE this issue: • Leg circulation service win national award • A year of FT membership • Health and social care integration in North Manchester • Celebrating academic success at annual ceremony Evolve - It’s on its way. Revolutionising electronic patient case notes 2 News - Trust stories February 2015 Contents North Manchester pharmacy links in with community ............ Pg 4 G4S helpdesk ............................... Pg 4 Leg circulation service win national award ............................ Pg 5 Ebola update ............................... Pg 5 Check that information .............. Pg 6 Walk this way after podiatry open day ...................... Pg 6 A year of FT membership........... Pg 7 Successful emergency gynaecology symposium ............ Pg 7 Team Talk..................................... Pg 8 Team focus on health and wellbeing.............................. Pg 9 Flu vaccination programme ....... Pg 10 Diary dates ................................... Pg 10 Stunning new artwork on Floyd Unit ............................... Pg 11 Accessing patient records........... Pg 11 New pharmacy initiative at NMGH ...................................... Pg 11 Thought for the month.............. Pg 12 AKI alert introduced ................... Pg 12 Remembering WWI in food ...... Pg 12 Exams at FGH help train future doctors.............................. Pg 13 Academic success across PAT ..... Pg 14/15 Staff notice board ....................... Pg 16 Inside News THE Trust has several communication tools to help keep staff up to date: Team Talk is sent round monthly, for use in all team briefings. The chief executive’s Monday Message is emailed on Mondays and contains Trust, local and national key issues. Weekly bulletins are emailed on Mondays and contain a range of operational and site information. Online copies of all the bulletins and Team Talk, plus more, can be found on the Trust intranet at communications You can send your stories for either Pennine News or for local media to Trust communications at [email protected] or call Nicola Berry on 44284. If you have any ideas, views or suggestions regarding communications across the Trust, please email [email protected] Please recycle this magazine Pictured are Sister Andrea Fielding; secretaries Leah Hamilton and Deana Bates and staff nurse Naomi Harrison Spreading festive cheer with Mission Christmas LOCAL radio station Key 103 helped to spread some festive cheer with an extremely generous donation of toys to the emergency department and paediatric outpatients at North Manchester General Hospital, as well as the Urgent Care Centre at Rochdale Infirmary. An appeal was put out from the radio station for the general public to donate toys to its Mission for Christmas Toy Appeal, which was looking to raise £1 million worth of toys. The Key 103 Cash for Kids handed out presents to underprivileged children who live in the Greater Manchester area. The department of children’s emergency medicine at North Manchester General Hospital was lucky to get an allocation of presents from the appeal after Sister Andrea Fielding applied for some of the presents. Staff in the department were overwhelmed to receive 74 bags of toys and presents, equating to £17,500. Professor Andrew Rowland, consultant in paediatric emergency medicine, said: “The donation of Christmas presents that we received from Mission Christmas was outstanding and staff were overwhelmed by this display of generosity. Coming into hospital during the winter festive season can be especially distressing for children and families – the incredibly kind donations of gifts from members of the local community therefore helped us to make those hospital visits more pleasant and enjoyable for the children and young people who needed to use our services over Christmas. “Additionally, with 150,000 children living in poverty in Greater Manchester the generous donation that we have received was a fantastic demonstration of community support for people living in circumstances that may be less fortunate than others. I’d like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who has donated presents this year – this altruism helped to make the lives of a significant number of children and young people better over the course of the festive period.” Sister Andrea Fielding said: “We were thrilled when we saw the huge amount of gifts which the people of Greater Manchester had donated. Because of the sheer number of presents, we shared them with our paediatric outpatients department at North Manchester General Hospital and the Urgent Care Centre at Rochdale Infirmary. “The gifts ranged from toys for a baby’s first Christmas, to scooters, easels, crayons, dolls, and other items for our older children.” Lisa Forshaw, clinical matron, added: ”We can’t thank Key 103 and its listeners enough for the generosity they have shown in giving up their own money to make Christmas a happier time for those children who are either under privileged and won’t receive a present on Christmas morning, or those children who are unfortunately ill over the Christmas period. “Our staff handed out the toys on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day to those seriously ill or injured children who had to come into A&E.” 3 News - Trust stories Evolve super user tells all AS the launch date for the new Evolve electronic document records management system approaches, we talked to ‘Super User’ Cathrine Stanley, medical secretarial supervisor - Oldham - elective access, who has been working with the Evolve training team and who will be providing support to her colleagues when Evolve goes live. Cathrine, how did you come to be a super user? I was a super user for G2 Digital Dictation when it was introduced, so I had some experience already of being involved in helping staff get to grips with new systems. As the secretarial supervisor for the whole of The Royal Oldham site, I’m aware that Evolve will have implications for many staff in that area so I was interested in being involved for that reason as well. What does being a super user entail? I will be getting out and about, talking to staff, giving them guidance and support in using Evolve, helping with any queries that come up and pointing colleagues in the direction of the Evolve team when necessary. Evolve isn’t a complicated system and it is quite user-friendly so people shouldn’t find it difficult to use. What would you say to colleagues about Evolve? I think it will bring a lot of benefits to the way we work day to day. It will certainly make things much easier having electronic case notes. I would also say to colleagues, if you haven’t been trained on Evolve, there is an eLearning module that only takes 10 minutes so they should have a look at that, at http:// northwest/pennineacute/EvolveDemo/ index.html, or on the intranet at Pictured are Cathrine Stanley with Dr Shubhra Pradhan, clinical lead for AMU, Dr Suresh Chandran, Dr Ritwik Raychaudhuri, Dr David Thomson, Dr Gabriel Yaacoub, Dr M Iftikhar and Dr Steven Boodoo. Key facts What do you think will be the challenges for colleagues? Evolve isn’t hard to use but I think that doing things differently will be the main challenge and staff may be apprehensive about the changes. Once Evolve is up and running, as I say, I think it will be much easier than using paper case notes. I would add that there will be a lot of assistance when the system goes live so staff will be well supported. Electronic document records management (EDRM) system for electronic case notes Initial rollout in ‘early adopter’ specialties: urology, paediatrics, diabetes and stroke 9 February 2015 Clinical Go Live with Evolve in urology FAQs at Support after Go Live - call helpline on 45678 Health and social care integration in North Manchester THE Trust and Manchester City Council are involved in joint working on building integrated health and care arrangements in North Manchester, as part of the Living Longer, Living Better (LLLB) integrated care programme. LLLB will reform out of hospital health and social care services with the aim of co-ordinating and delivering them in a way that achieves better outcomes for patients. This work is in line with the widely acknowledged national view that health and social care services should be more integrated. The Trust together with the Council are developing a wide range of innovative integrated services for the population of North Manchester and will be an early implementer of the new models of health and social care delivery. These new models are pioneering but build upon the progress in North Manchester over recent years on integrated care. Examples of the new models include opportunities to transform the way intermediate care and re-ablement services are provided and configure teams of health and social care workers based around four geographical neighbourhoods. The proposals include full integration of key elements of adults’ social care services of Manchester City Council and the community health services of the Trust. This work will begin during 2015. There will be a number of engagement Q&A sessions led by Mike Houghton-Evans, strategic director families, health and wellbeing from Manchester City Council and Hugh Mullen, Pennine Acute executive director operations, which will give staff the opportunity to talk about the proposals. Steve Taylor, divisional director for integrated and community services said: “A key focus of this work is to integrate health and social care services around the patient ensuring that the health and social care delivered to patients is joined up, needs led and effective. This is a very exciting programme of work that has the potential to transform the care and services patients receive.” 4 In the news February 2015 Pharmacy increases links with patients in the community OVER the past 18 months, the pharmacy department at NMGH has become increasingly involved in providing support to patients within the community setting. Medicines remain one of the biggest interventions in healthcare and the link between adverse drug reactions, non adherence to medicines and admission to hospital is well established and increasingly prevalent, as the pressure on hospitals continues to rise. There is currently a team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working within community services, providing support to intermediate care facilities, the falls prevention service and the crisis response service. Each service has recognised the importance of having support from a specialist pharmacist in supporting patients with their medication, enabling them to get the most out of their medicines and reduce the risk of hospitalisation as a result of poor medicines management. Pharmacist Salina Callighan and technician Stacey Walton currently support the crisis response service. This involves visiting patients at high risk of admission into hospital and looking at ways to optimise medicines’ usage to prevent this from happening. Salina said: “Patients often have medicines scattered all around their home and so working out exactly what they should be taking can sometimes prove difficult. However, helping a patient at home is always rewarding and there is a real sense of achievement when you help make a difference to a patient’s day to day life.” Technician Joanne Leach works within intermediate care to assist patients with managing their own medicines when returning home. She said: “Often in hospital patients are not responsible for taking their own medicines, changes are often made and they become confused about what they are supposed to be taking. Whilst receiving rehabilitation in an intermediate care unit they are encouraged to take back that responsibility to ensure they can manage their medicines correctly when they return home.” More recently pharmacists Gavin Ronaldson and Salina have been involved in several pilot projects looking at how the pharmacy department can further support community patients. Salina has recently spent time within North Manchester Integrated Neighbourhood Care (NMINC) with the active case managers to develop a referral process for the patients they see who may have medication related problems. Gavin and Stacey are currently working on a pilot project to support patients when they are discharged from hospital. Gavin said: “By following patients up at home after discharge it is hoped that any problems with medication can be identified and dealt with in the community, in conjunction with the patient’s GP and local pharmacist in order to avoid readmission into hospital.” All members of the team have adapted well to a new style of working that differs greatly from working on a hospital ward and feedback from colleagues has always been positive. The pharmacy team hope that as services continue to move into the community, they can increase their presence and provide further assistance to their colleagues and patients alike. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CALL THE CENTRAL G4S HELPDESK FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING REQUESTS The G4S Helpdesk is a dedicated 7-day, 24-hour service and should be the first place you call when requesting periodic, rapid response and deep clean activities across any of the Trust’s four hospital sites. It should be noted that all sites have a 24-hour rapid response with the exception of Rochdale, which ends at 10pm and starts again at 6am. CONTACT Call your 7-day, 24-hour dedicated Helpdesk for any tasks or urgent cleaning requests: INTERNAL 45343 EXTERNAL 0161 604 5343 or email [email protected] RESPONSE The G4S Helpdesk operator will: Take the details Provide requester with a unique reference number Generate a job request Assign the task to the appropriate person Ensure the specific task is completed within the contractual ‘response’ time ACTION G4S Facilities Management G4S FM - HELPDESK RELAUNCH AD AW (V6).indd 1 22/12/2014 09:27 5 In the news Leg circulation service wins national award to support better risk awareness Ebola update THE Trust’s Ebola emergency planning group continues to meet fortnightly. The infectious diseases unit at NMGH is a specialist unit that has been designated as a primary receiving centre for any suspected Ebola patients in Greater Manchester. The Trust has robust plans in place to deal with any suspected or positive Ebola cases. THE Manchester leg circulation service has recently won a national innovation award to support a project to improve patient awareness about life threatening arterial disease risks. The award which was sponsored by wound care company Urgo, was presented to them at the 2014 Wounds UK conference in Harrogate. The company offered support to NHS teams wanting to deliver innovative projects aimed at improving the care of people with diabetic foot problems. The winning project from the Manchester leg circulation team aims to raise awareness of people with diabetic foot ulcers about their high mortality risks and to help them discuss and focus on effective risk reducing interventions with the support of health professionals who regularly see them. Centred around a visually striking poster campaign, the project will seek to raise mortality risk awareness in people with established diabetic foot disease and peripheral arterial disease (PAD), backed up by a clinician and patient resource pack to give clear, balanced information on modifiable cardiovascular risks and how best to reduce them. Martin Fox, specialist podiatrist from the Manchester leg circulation service, said: “Diabetic foot problems are often perceived by both the public and clinicians to be associated with foot ulcers, gangrene and amputation. Almost all current NHS resources and services involved with diabetic foot disease are directed at dealing with these risks, to help prevent potentially avoidable amputations. However, most diabetic foot problems also involve lower limb PAD. This is associated with higher rates of mortality than many of the common cancers and there is still very little focus on this issue. So although people with diabetic foot ulcers or PAD have a higher risk of dying early from associated complications than they have of losing a leg, there are no specific NHS initiatives to inform these patients and clinicians of the high mortality risks, or support them to engage with the necessary key changes to reduce the risks.” Specialist nurse Lisa Smith from the Manchester leg circulation service said: “The team is very pleased and proud to have been supported with this project by Urgo and the awards panel, which included international diabetic foot experts Dr Mike Edmonds, Dr Jo McCardle and Dr Paul Chadwick and Jill Cundell. We have seen thousands of people with diabetic foot disease in the last 15 years in the various NHS teams we have worked in and although great strides have been made to help prevent amputations, cardiovascular risk perception and management has been relatively neglected in these patients.” Martin added: “Working with people who have PAD and diabetic foot disease on a daily basis, we find it is shocking how unaware the vast majority of people are about their associated risk of early death and how little they know about how to effectively reduce these risks. This is despite the fact they see multiple health professionals on a regular basis. “Our project will focus on absolute basics, raising awareness of modifiable vascular risks and empowering patients to understand and tackle them with the help of the health professionals they regularly see. The project is simply about transferring the effective principles of cardiac rehabilitation to diabetic foot disease. We are not reinventing the wheel; simply offering it to a population of people who are not currently aware of its importance to them. We would like to sincerely thank Urgo and the expert panel for giving us this opportunity to help develop this ‘grass roots’ initiative. We believe it will play a key role in the ongoing battle with diabetes and vascular disease, to save more lives as well as limbs.” Pictured, left to right: Dr Mike Edmonds and Dr Jo McCardle (expert panel members), Martin Fox (winner) and Rob Nicholson (Urgo) Over the past few months the Trust has carried out a number of exercises to plan and test our response for any cases. As a precautionary measure some patients who have shown signs and symptoms of Ebola have been routinely tested. Staff are reminded to be mindful and vigilant of Ebola when patients present to our services, especially our A&E departments/UCC. Updated information and staff guidance is available on the Trust Ebola intranet section. Baking in Mark’s memory MEMBERS of the radiology department at The Royal Oldham Hospital remembered a former colleague with delicious cakes! Radiographer Mark Chater who had worked in radiology for a number of years sadly died in 2014 and so his friends and colleagues decided to raise money in memory of him by way of a charity bake-off. Entries were judged in secret by the staff in the department over a number of days until radiographer Vickie Spencer was crowned the winner with her sticky lemon drizzle cake. Donations to Macmillan in memory of Mark totalled £105. 6 People Check that information THERE have recently been a series of incidents within the Trust where patients have been given other patients’ confidential information by mistake. February 2015 Walk this way to a successful podiatry open day at NMGH When patients are treated at the Trust their details must be checked for accuracy and amended/updated where necessary. Basic checks need to be carried out before information is given to patients to ensure that inappropriate disclosures which result in confidentiality breaches do not occur. Always ensure that you check the patient’s NHS number, hospital number, date of birth, name, address, GP details etc before you amend, send or hand over personal data such as discharge letters. Check that the person receiving the information should be doing so and no-one else’s details are disclosed inappropriately. Breaching confidentiality or sending/ disclosing wrong information may result in the following: Significant distress to patients Delays in treatment and care Disciplinary action for staff (up to and including dismissal) Damage to the Trust’s reputation/ bad publicity A fine of up to £500,000 from the Information Commissioner Please raise this matter for discussion during your departmental/team briefings. Ensure sufficient checking mechanisms are in place in your department to ensure there is no risk of a breach. Person-identifiable data includes:Person’s name, address, full post code, date of birth Pictures, photographs, videos, audio-tapes or other images NHS number and local patientidentifiable codes Anything else that may be used to identify a person directly or indirectly eg initials NB. a full postcode and date of birth will identify a person in 98% of cases. Please see the information governance policy on the intranet for further guidance or contact the information governance manager [email protected] AN open day to showcase the skills of the hospital podiatry team was the first open day of the newly created integrated and community services division. The event organised by the podiatry team at North Manchester General Hospital offered staff, the public and Foundation Trust members the opportunity to view the facilities and watch live treatment demonstrations. Jenna Tilbury, specialist podiatrist said: “We are very proud of the service we provide within the podiatry department and the open day was a great opportunity to show staff and the public what we do and the positive impact this has on our patients.” Visitors also heard of how the hospital podiatry team integrate with community colleagues to provide a whole system of care for patients. Angela Greenwood, FT membership Opened with an introductory talk from manager, said: “The event was also the service attended by manager, “We are very proud of the service students studying Charlotte health and Marshall, the we provide within the podiatry social care at St team then Matthews RC department and the open day invited current High School. The patients to was a great opportunity to show students were take part in the staff and the public what we do individually demonstrations selected by and the positive impact this has which provided entering a letter visitors with first on our patients.” submission hand information explaining why about the effect a they felt they condition can have on someone’s life and should be given one of the event places. how treatment from the team can be of The podiatrists used this as an opportunity benefit. to raise awareness of the importance Visitors were fascinated by the treatments on offer and explained that they would not have traditionally related them with podiatry. The podiatrists showcased specialist foot assessment, scalpel work, casting, acupuncture and ultrasound scanning, as well as providing information and advice on everyday foot problems. of foot health, generate interest in the profession and its wide scope of practice. “The feedback the team received from the 24 visitors was very positive, with comments saying that it was one of the best events they had been to and it exceeded expectations.” 7 News - Trust stories Delegates flock to hear distinguished speakers A SPECIALIST north west emergency gynaecology symposium facilitated by Pennine Acute Trust has been hailed a resounding success. Organised by gynaecology consultants Miss Catherine Mammen, Mrs Rita Bhalla and Miss Leena Tripathi (pictured below), the event attracted over 100 delegates from across the north west region, Liverpool and Derbyshire. A year of FT membership WITH nearly 12,000 members of the public signed up as Pennine Acute Foundation Trust members, a variety of events were held for them during 2014. The ‘Medicine for Members’ free events were held each month and encompassed a number of different topics and specialties including a talk on diabetes in January, a tour of the Urgent Care Centre at Rochdale Infirmary, a talk on equality and human rights, and in February, G4S held an event on the cleaning procedures at Pennine Acute. In March there was a volunteering, work experience and career options open day. Staff including a porter, healthcare assistants, a midwife, nurse and matron gave inspiring talks about their typical working day and why they chose their career, the qualifications and experience required. Over 100 people attended the event, many of whom were health and social care students from local schools and colleges. Attendees also came from the Manchester City Council’s Regeneration Team, aimed at supporting people into paid employment. Dr Swayamprakasam, consultant anaesthetist gave a talk on pain management in April, and in May a ‘Men’s Health’ event including prostate cancer took place at Rochdale Infirmary along with an ‘Afternoon Tea & Tour’ of the new dementia unit (ward 21) at Fairfield General Hospital. Dr Sowden, consultant rheumatologist, gave a talk on arthritis in June, which was very popular with 72 people attending and some great feedback. Twenty six people attended an x-ray event in July where radiographer Mike Mackenzie gave a detailed talk on the different x-ray procedures and radiology services at Pennine, whilst September’s event saw the pharmacy team, with six snapshots from staff on the different aspects of pharmacy work including the pharmacy robot. Other events have included emergency management and mitigation, arts and a talk and tour of the laundry department at Fairfield. Angela Greenwood, FT membership manager said: “We have had a very busy year both recruiting new public members and engaging with existing members. Our ‘Medicine for members’ events have become very popular. The feedback we receive has been excellent and we always encourage members to come up with their own ideas for future events. If you would like to hold an event to showcase your service, either a talk, open day or tour of your department, to let people know what you do, please email [email protected].” Engaging with the local community is all part of encouraging members of the public to become FT members and so physiotherapists Leanne Stafford and Rebekah Ashworth visited the sports therapy students at Hopwood Hall College in Middleton in November 2014. They delivered a session on sports injuries and physiotherapy to improve the students’ understanding of the different types and causes of sports injuries. The mix of consultants and trainees were treated to an impressive array of keynote speakers of experts in the field of emergency gynaecology and ultrasound from across the UK. Mrs Bhalla said: “The highlight of the day was the keynote lecture by Miss Jackie Ross, consultant and emergency gynaecology lead at Kings Hospital, London. She is the Scientific Chair, Association of Early Pregnancy Units, UK and is also the gynaecology ultrasound lead coordinator at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Miss Ross spoke about rising trends in caesarean scar and pregnancy and its management. “The past decade has seen the rise of complex and challenging cases in emergency gynaecology and as the majority of consultants in the North West deliver emergency care in gynaecology, it was felt important to ensure that we kept up to date with recent trends and evidence based practice in this area. With this in mind, we organised the event to ensure best practice for the benefit of our patients. “As it was a very prestigious event we felt that it would help put The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust on the global map of early pregnancy units in the UK as we were able to obtain international guest speakers and raise sufficient funds to hold the event at the Hilton Hotel, Manchester airport.” Feedback from the event commented on the excellent, very informative symposium which saw delegates updated on recent advances in the management of complex cases in acute gynaecology. Mrs Bhalla continued: “Knowledge gained from the event will be used and shared to ensure that optimum modernised care is delivered to our patients at Pennine Acute. The enthusiasm delivered from this event has resulted in the establishment of a core steering group in emergency gynaecology in the North West. This group intends to meet every quarter to improve emergency gynaecology services in the north west region and discuss management of difficult cases.” Miss Mammen has been appointed as chair of the north west emergency gynaecology steer group. As part of the recruitment campaign for new FT members, the membership office has been targeting people from hard to reach communities and so far over 300 people from the BME communities have signed up as public members. Over 500 young people have also joined the Trust as public members following visits made to schools and colleges across the boroughs by Angela Greenwood, FT membership manager. 8 Team talk February 2015 Have you been briefed? Team Talk takes place once a month and is a way of updating you about the latest news from the Trust. JAN TEAM TALK Team Talk Senior management appointments CHIEF Nurse - As announced just before Christmas, the Trust Board of Directors has confirmed the appointment of Gill Harris as the Trust’s new chief nurse. Gill is currently the chief nurse for NHS England, North of England. NHS England (North) is one of four regional teams that support the commissioning of high quality services and provides clinical and professional leadership, planning and operational management. Prior to this, Gill was seconded to NHS North of England as deputy chief executive and has worked as director of nursing and performance and director of infection prevention and control (DIPC) at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust. Gill will take over from Mandie Sunderland who will be moving to work at Nottingham which is closer to where she lives. Acting Medical Director - From 1st February, Dr Anton Sinniah will take up post of acting medical director. This will be for 12 months. Divisional Medical Directors - As part of our new tripartite operational management and governance arrangements for our five operational divisions, I am now able to confirm our new divisional medical directors as follows: Dr Jimmy Stuart – Medicine Mr Ian Sheppard – Surgery Dr Jonathan Moise – Women & Children’s Dr Mike Gregory – Diagnostics & Clinical Support Dr Ged Garbutt – Integrated Care and Community Services These posts started on 1st January. This represents the next step in the establishment of the Trust’s new triumvirate model for managing the divisions, which brings together the divisional directors, divisional medical directors and the divisional nurse directors as the leadership team for each division. This arrangement will enhance the level of senior clinical input to the running of the Trust. A number of other key appointments to the Trust’s management team will start in post this month and in February: Deputy Chief Nurse - Kimberley Salmon-Jamieson, previously deputy chief nurse at South Manchester FT (UHSM), started in post on 1st January. Director of Clinical Governance - Ursula Martin (also from UHSM) started in post on 1st January. Director of Strategy and Commercial Development - Sandra Good takes up her new post as from 1st January. Head of Commercial Development - Steve Brooks takes up this new post on 1st March. Head of Partnerships - Nadine Armitage from Salford Royal NHS FT starts in this post on 16th February. Executive Director of Workforce & Organisational Development – Jon Lenney, currently at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, starts in post on 1st February. A&E pressures and performance THE last four to six weeks have been extremely challenging for the Trust in meeting the national 4 hour A&E emergency access standard. The Trust did not achieve the 4 hour standard for October or November, and did not achieve Q3. In addition to the increased numbers of patients attending A&E, delayed discharges remain high. Our inpatient bed pressures on our wards remain severe, with very high numbers of patients occupying beds both due to clinical care and delayed discharges. This pressure is also compounded by high levels of staff sickness absence. The senior management team will continue to work with local health and social care partners to review the wider impact of these pressures on the NE sector health economy and to consider how our partners can help us in the community and encourage the public to consider other local healthcare services. Evolve THE Trust’s new Electronic Document Record Management (EDRMS) system, Evolve, went live in January in paediatrics. Paediatrics will closely be followed by urology, stroke and diabetes, with all four specialties expected to have case notes on Evolve by the end of April 2015. From 19th January patients’ paper case notes for paediatrics will be scanned and accessed online through Evolve. In parallel some electronic forms are also being introduced. Evolve will be rolled out across the Trust during 2015. A staff training programme is ongoing. More information about Evolve, including FAQs, is available on the intranet under Evolve. 9 Team focus - a day in the life of Team focus on Mediscreen occupational health and wellbeing The 60 second interview Michelle Waite is the health and wellbeing programme manager. Her role is responsible for revising the Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Strategy, and subsequent implementation of the supporting action plan, to improve the health and wellbeing of the Trust’s workforce. PAHNT staff are its biggest asset. Accordingly, the workforce focus high on the agenda and link in closely with the Trust’s vision for the future and strategic goal to be ‘Employer of choice. We will value and respect our staff and nurture their skills and talents to provide the best care.’ Therefore the primary purpose of my role is to provide leadership in implementing the HWB action plan and supporting the HWB steering group to formulate the action plan in order to deliver the vision and aims of both the HWB strategy and the strategic goal of the Trust What are the highlights of your job/service? Working with the highly professional and knowledgeable team within the Trust’s occupational health and wellbeing (HWB) service as well as the ever expanding team of HWB champions. The champions do an amazing job of raising awareness and promoting health and wellbeing in general, taking the time to talk and listen to colleagues about their health and wellbeing and providing encouragement to make lifestyle changes, as well as signposting them to the right information and support as appropriate. What would make your job/service better? A budget / pot of money for low cost incentives and some admin support would be ideal. Everyone likes a freebie and to have the ability to purchase small but useful items for promotion and local events would be great. Items such as pedometers to encourage staff to get active, display boards for use at events and colour printing for promotional material would be great. How has your job/service changed in the last 12 months? The role is new and only commenced in September 2014, so it is changing and developing on a daily basis. What don’t you like about your job/service? Being new to the role there are no negatives, although there are always things that can be developed and improved to make the job/service better. What is the current biggest challenge in your job/to your team? Commitment and sign up from all levels within the organisation. Health and wellbeing is high on the national NHS agenda. With the publication of the NHS Five Year Forward View on 23 October 2014, the health and wellbeing of our workforce is becoming more high profile and we need to get more serious about preventing avoidable illness. The expectations of our workforce are high and they are continually being asked to do more with less to meet the demands on our services. This is having a big impact and getting all levels of staff within the Trust motivated and signed up to improving their overall health and wellbeing and making those small lifestyle changes is a big challenge, especially in such a large, diverse organisation covering multiple sites. How do you see your role developing? Whilst the Trust has done a lot of work over the last few years to address the health and wellbeing of its workforce, it has been fragmented. It therefore hasn’t had the desired impact in reducing absenteeism / presenteeism, engaging staff, increasing morale or improving patients’ / staff satisfaction and productivity. Part of my role therefore is to review where we are now, look at where we want to be and develop a way of getting there. This can only be achieved with commitment and engagement from all levels within the organisation, from Trust Board down, including working closely with staff side colleagues. What aspect of your job/service is the most rewarding? The ability to influence the health and wellbeing agenda within the Trust, working in partnership with staff side colleagues and other members of the health and wellbeing steering group. This enables appropriate and accessible support services and initiatives to be implemented which focus on the promotion of wellbeing and prevention of ill health for all staff. What word best describes your job/service? Challenging A typical day The main aspect of my role is developing and leading the implementation of the HWB action plan and ensuring programmes and initiatives are accessible for all staff. This will include raising awareness via various methods and a typical day may involve preparing articles for the weekly staff bulletin, updating and maintaining the HWB pages on the Trust intranet and engaging with stakeholders and other HWB leads to connect, share and learn. Motivating staff to get involved is paramount and whilst we held site based events in November to raise awareness of the Trust’s health and wellbeing agenda, linked to national initiatives, these were the first of what is hoped will be more to come. Watch out for our ‘Time to Talk’ event on 5 February 2015. 10 News - Trust stories A hotline to Santa THE postnatal ward at North Manchester General Hospital had a personal hotline to Santa in the runup to Christmas. Hosting a post box which went direct to the North Pole, children of patients, visitors and staff could post their Christmas wishes letter into the post box and then receive a personal letter back from the special man himself! Local businesses also helped to make the ward a festive haven during December as ward staff contacted various organisations to see if they would be interested in donating towards Christmas tree and decorations for the unit. Thanks to the companies who donated so generously: B&Q Heap Bridge, Bury for a 7ft Christmas tree; Wilkinsons Arndale, B&M Harpurhey and Sainsburys Heaton Park for baubles; Wilkinsons Salford for £25 gift voucher; Morrisons Heywood for wine, chocolate, biscuits and toiletry gift sets; Asda Eastlands for baby items, gift sets for mums, decorations and chocolates; Asda Radcliffe for £10 gift voucher and decorations, and Kenneth Makin for making the Santa post box. All the baby donations were given to babies on the unit on Christmas day and the other food and drink donations were raffled off so that gifts could be purchased for mums who were giving birth over the festive period. Pictured is Belinda Jackson, postnatal ward manager and Diane Makin, ward clerk. February 2015 Flu campaign - get your free staff flu jab at a time and place that suits you IF you are unable to make one of the pre arranged clinic times then why not call the occupational health department directly and arrange to go there to get your free flu jab? You can also request that a flu nurse comes to your department and your colleagues could also get their flu jab done at the same time. To book an appointment or request that a flu link nurse comes to visit your ward or department, please call one of the numbers below: External reception - 0161 720 2727 or 0161 604 5214 Internal reception - 42727 or 45214 Find out more about the pre arranged flu clinics on the flu page on the staff intranet. You can also download the consent form from this page. Donations to help children enjoy time in UCC THE Urgent Care Centre at Rochdale Infirmary has been lucky enough to secure a piece of equipment from the Starlight Children’s Foundation that is in use in their distraction room. The distraction cubicles were opened last year and have proved an enormous success in the UCC. The new piece of equipment (pictured) provides a TV facility and also has a DVD player and a Wii. Staff in the unit are looking for donations of children’s DVDs or games for the Wii that are suitable for children to use. Any donations will be gratefully received. Please contact Sister Jackie Gunn via email [email protected] or on 57023. Infection prevention accreditation Diary dates 1 Feb - National dignity day. Events happening around the Trust 2 to 6 Feb 19 Feb - Irritable bowel disease, liver disease and research presentations. 2pm to 3pm, education centre, Fairfield General Hospital THE antenatal clinic at Fairfield have achieved their infection prevention accreditation. Pictured left to right are: Kath Howell, unit manager; Sandra Doczyminskyi, midwife and Ann Taylor, infection prevention nurse. 11 News - Trust stories Stunning new artwork in Floyd unit How to access patient records INFORMATION about a patient, their medical treatment and family background may be held on both manual and computerised systems. These records are Trust property but a patient, or their family member can apply for access. This information is vital to the operation of the NHS and is needed to give all patients the best possible healthcare. How to access patient records STUNNING new artwork has been installed in the Floyd neurological rehabilitation unit at Birch Hill Hospital. It is part of a department upgrade with monies identified to improve the environment for patients with dementia care needs. The Floyd unit is an 18 bedded unit which provides a medium to longer term comprehensive rehabilitation service to patients who have a neurological disability, which may have been caused by an accident or illness. A welcoming entrance now showcases a bygone photograph of the Birch Hill Hospital clock tower and other prints are of local scenes from around the Rochdale and Oldham areas. The main mural is in the lounge area and is a striking view of Hollingworth Lake at dusk (pictured above). Karen Gaunt, Floyd unit manager, said: “New furniture has also been purchased for the lounge and dining areas, and the rehabilitation flat. This has enabled the areas to have a far more welcoming and homely feel than a hospital clinical environment. “We have received hugely positive comments from our current patients and also previous patients who are attending outpatient clinics on our upgrade. Staff and visitors are also impressed as our room signage has been improved and is more user friendly.” The mural and artwork was commissioned with the support of Dave Gruber from the estates development department who was also tasked with project management for the upgrade. Karen added: “Huge thanks to Dave and also Stuart the joiner for his continued support. The Floyd unit estate improvement programme is now almost complete - just the final task of ridding the unit of its brown paint!” Trust partners up with LloydsPharmacy to launch pharmacy-led clinic to help ease the pressure on A&E The Pennine Acute Hospital NHS Trust has partnered with LloydsPharmacy to trial an innovative pharmacy-led clinic at its North Manchester General accident and emergency unit. The LloydsPharmacy First Care Clinic will provide free treatment by a clinically trained pharmacist for minor injuries and ailments such as minor burns, scalds and earache within 30 minutes of arrival and 15 minutes after triage. The service aims to improve patient experience by reducing the wait time for treatment and provides increased patient choice, as well as freeing up the A&E team which can be redeployed to patients with more serious conditions. Dr Jimmy Stuart, clinical director of urgent care at The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust said: “By choosing and using the right health services, patients can expect to be seen or treated by an appropriate health professional. The First Care Clinic could be the key to taking the pressure off emergency care which has seen attendance in A&E departments soar. Together we have developed care pathways for 21 minor ailments and injuries which can be treated by the LloydsPharmacy First Care Clinic and we’ll continue to build on these as the clinic evolves.” Patients have the legal right to access their health records at any time. They can ask to simply view their records or receive a hard copy of them. Health records are confidential so a patient’s family members are not allowed to view them unless they have been given written permission to do so. If a patient asks you how to request access to their or a family member’s record, ask them to fill in one of the forms below and send to the Patient Health Records Access Service, Health Records Department, The Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Road, Oldham OL1 2JH. Health record request forms If a patient wishes to request a copy of their health records please ask them to complete the AHR1 form. If a family member wishes to request a copy of someone else’s health records - for example if they are a parent and would like to view their child’s records - please ask them to complete the AHR2 form. If a family member wishes to access the health records of a deceased patient please ask them to complete the AHR3 form. If a patient’s legal representative wishes to view their health records please ask them to complete the AHR4 form. If you would like further information on accessing health records please view the Guidance on Access to Health Records document. Patients can also contact the Pennine Acute Access to Health Records team at The Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Road, Oldham, OL1 2JH or they can phone them on Tel: 0161 656 1215 or 0161 778 5938 or E-mail: [email protected] 12 News - Trust stories February 2015 Thought for the month by Fr David Ryder WE feel we are very busy people. We have our work which takes up such a big part of our daily lives, but there is so much more; housework, shopping, maybe caring for an elderly or infirm relative, looking after the children. We feel the pressures of life and sometimes these pressures can feel overwhelming. It is not just these physical things that we have to do but we are also bombarded with texts, with emails and all the many choices that we face each day. This age more than any other before us has so much crowding in on us so that we can be swamped. In the midst of all this we need to find a little space in our lives to step out of the busy rush to bring a little peace to ourselves so that we might see what is really important. Father David O’ Malley has written in his book, ‘Prayers to start the day’: “I do not need to fill my life with noise, busyness or many people. At times it is good to stop and let the dust of activity settle: to know what I will find in the silence. At first there maybe some disappointment and restlessness, but beneath, there is more: gratitude for life itself, humour at my own silliness, compassion for suffering and a quiet wisdom distilled from a spirit filled life. God’s truth is never far away.” If we seek some inner silence each day there will be some restlessness, particularly at first but we have that opportunity to find so much more; an awareness of our lives in relationship to God, to each other and to our world. As a departing member of the spiritual care team I believe that is important to seek out as we are part of this network and have our part to play in it; a part that no one else can fill. May you seek those moments of peace in our ever busy world. British food fortnight remembering World War I BRITISH food fortnight was celebrated across the Trust in staff restaurants, with an array of classic British cuisine, using seasonal produce. highlighting food in the war, including rationing and the national kitchens which were set up for those who were in need of help. As part of the celebrations each site developed a menu to coincide with the World War 1 centenary. At Fairfield General Hospital, samples of trench cake which were traditionally made by family members and sent to troops on the frontline were produced and offered for staff to try, as were Anzac biscuits. Menu items such as maconochie stew, pea soup and trench stew were served which were staple favourites on the frontline. Sites also produced display boards Donations collected at Fairfield were given to the local Lancashire fusilier’s museum in Bury. AKI alert introduced AN innovative alert system that could help save the lives of patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) has been introduced. Clinicians will be able to use the alert, which will be flagged automatically on biochemistry results, to support early identification and management of acute kidney injury. Formerly known as acute renal failure, AKI is found in one in five hospital admissions, with AKI-related mortality of 25%–30%. Up to a third of cases of AKI are preventable and it is estimated that prevention could save up to 12,000 lives and between £130–£186 million every year. The cost overall to the NHS (excluding costs in the community) is said to be between £434 million and £620 million per year, which is more than the costs associated with breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer combined. Dr Georges Ng Man Kwong, chief clinical information officer, said: “This simple but effective innovation will alert clinicians and raise awareness of acute kidney injury and, when applied through the AKI Care Bundle, a package of simple and vital steps to improve care, will lead to improved patient outcomes. This is part of a wider regional and Trust campaign to raise standards of care in relation to acute kidney injury in order to save lives.” For further information please contact [email protected] (chief clinical information officer) or [email protected] (pathology lead based at Oldham). 13 People Practical clinical exams to help train doctors of the future New TV for patients THE Floyd unit at Rochdale has taken delivery of a new 50” TV, courtesy of Salford Mark Mason. The new TV for the day room was donated after Stewart Hardacre, a member of Salford Mark spent nine months recovering from total paralysis following a nerve complaint. He received outstanding care from the 18-bedded unit which provides a comprehensive rehabilitation service to patients who have a neurological disability, which may have been caused by an accident or injury, and is now back walking again. Salford Mark Mason funded the TV from the East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund. SIXTEEN candidates from the North Western, Yorkshire and London Deaneries recently benefited from an educational training day at Fairfield General Hospital. Consultant in emergency medicine, Dr Yasser Qureshi, said: “The course was offered to trainees across the different regions to introduce the Trust as an avid teaching provider. I feel that The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has all the potential to continue to deliver educational programmes for our trainees to help them in their by far the postgraduate exams. The consultants in Fairfield’s A&E department conducted the day for emergency medicine trainees appearing in the Fellowship and Membership exams of “This was the College of Emergency best course Medicine. for OSCE preparation that I have attended.” Starting with an introductory lecture by course organiser, Dr Yasser Qureshi, the students worked their way around 16 objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) stations which were designed according to the format of the real exam conducted by the College of Emergency Medicine. “The whole activity was conducted smoothly and received an excellent feedback from the emergency medicine trainees. In essence it was truly a fantastic achievement by the A&E consultants at Fairfield General Hospital, who brought a good name to The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in providing education for the higher specialist trainees.” Free event - 9 Feb PROFESSOR Andrew Rowland is hosting a free event which builds on his findings in his report ‘Living on a railway line’. The empowering practice and inspiring innovation: fresh responses to child abuse and sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester is for all frontline practitioners. More information from [email protected] Pipped at the post in charity football tournament MEMBERS of the healthy weight team from the nutrition and dietetics department at Rochdale Infirmary recently took part in a five-a-side charity football tournament. Lloyd Bristow and Conor Donoghue represented Pennine Acute in the tournament with their team, Teamo Supremo. Organised by the Dale Trust and Dale in the Community, the day raised £330 for Springhill Hospice in Rochdale after the 12 teams competed at the Soccer Factory in Castleton. Teamo Supremo showed that they were a force to be reckoned with when they topped their group and then lost in the final to Rochdale Super League Rhinos. Lloyd said: “It was terrific to have the opportunity to represent the Trust in the local area for a charitable cause. The competition was fierce but fair and it was a shame we fell at the last hurdle.” Presented with a runners-up trophy and a medal, Conor said: “Overall it was a tiring yet thoroughly enjoyable day. As we work as part of the healthy weight team in Rochdale promoting healthy lifestyles, it was great to see so many people enjoying being active.” 14 People February 2015 Staff celebrating academic success in annual awards ceremony STAFF members from all sites gathered at the Palmer auditorium, Fairfield education centre in November to celebrate their educational achievements. The event, held annually and chaired by John Jesky, chairman, and attended by Mandie Sunderland, chief nurse, and Justine Steele, head of organisational development, is to recognise the hard work and dedication of learners who have completed a nationally accredited award during the previous twelve months. The variety of awards presented not only reflected the wealth of educational opportunities available at Pennine but also acknowledged the huge contribution that staff make to improve patient care by committing their time to enhance their skills. The Health Education North West Trust apprentice of the year was awarded to Samantha Thinneson, a HCA based at The Royal Oldham Hospital. Sam was nominated for the award because of her commitment to improving patient care by sharing best practice and knowledge with her colleagues. She was also very supportive of other HCAs during their learning experience, and clearly displayed the Trust values in all aspects of her work. John Jesky said: “I am both proud and honoured to be here recognising the success of, and investment in, so many of you, our employees. Your efforts and achievements make a difference to patient care and service delivery. We are committed to the development of our workforce to ensure that staff feel equipped with both knowledge and skills to carry out their roles with confidence, and meet the needs of the modern NHS.” Managers are vital in supporting development of their staff as this year alone saw over 350 members of staff supported by the learning and organisational development department and training partners to achieve a nationally accredited award. 15 People “We are committed to the development of our workforce to ensure that staff feel equipped with both knowledge and skills to carry out their roles with confidence, and meet the needs of the modern NHS.” Blossom Appeal funds complementary therapy sessions for breast cancer patients LOCAL breast cancer charity the Blossom Appeal is funding new complementary therapy sessions for breast cancer patients at The Royal Oldham Hospital. Therapist Salma Chaudhry will be giving patients a choice of foot or chair massages before or after they receive treatment in the chemotherapy unit at the hospital. A fully trained hypnotherapist, she will also be supporting patients with needle phobias and giving stress management advice on breathwork techniques. “Chair massages are much more comfortable for patients who have had surgery,” she explains, “where lying down for a full body massage would be uncomfortable at best and quite painful at worst. Instead, patients sit fully clothed in an ergonomic chair which supports them properly while I deliver a soothing massage over a towel, so they don’t have to worry about getting undressed.” The Blossom Appeal helps to provide better facilities for patients and new equipment that the NHS cannot afford for both North Manchester General Hospital and The Royal Oldham Hospital. Charity Treasurer and Macmillan breast care nurse specialist at North Manchester General Hospital, Frances Rosenberg added: “We already fund aromatherapy massages for patients at North Manchester General Hospital and The Royal Oldham Hospital as well as acupuncture for patients at The Royal Oldham Hospital so we’re delighted to be able to fund this additional therapy.” 16 Staff room - noticeboard February 2015 Staff noticeboard Happy 50th A BIG happy 50th to Diane Buckley Charity fun day who works in children’s outpatients at Fairfield. She celebrated her big birthday on 12 January. Lots of love from Margaret, Sue, Tracey, Angie, Carol and all the team. SWITCHBOARD staff held a charity fun day for Blood Bikes in November. With a tombola, raffles, lucky dips and a cake sale, a fantastic £287 was raised which Steve Moss and Eileen Claybourn presented to the charity. Blood Bikes provides urgent out of hours transportation of blood products and similar medical supplies free of charge to the NHS. Thanks for your commitment Farewell to Miss Jones A CONSULTANT with 25 years service at North Manchester General Hospital is due to retire from the Trust at the end of February. THE resuscitation department would like to say thank you to all the resuscitation link trainers across the Trust, but this year there are a number of staff who have made a significant contribution to the programme. Miss Amanda S Jones, consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, started her consultant work in 1990 at NMGH, having previously been a senior registrar from 1987. Tracey Bidwell (Pharmacy, FGH) As a keen educator she has trained many of the consultants currently working across the region and was admissions tutor for Manchester Medical School for five years. She was the Foundation Programme director and was there at the inception of the Foundation Programme, with close support from the North West Deanery. Pat Dunbar (Pharmacy, FGH) Elizabeth Walker (Pharmacy, FGH) Suzanne Williams (Pharmacy, FGH) A college tutor for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Miss Jones has just finished editing a book for the MRCOG part two examinations, to be published by the RCOG. Emily Thomason (Ward 11a, FGH) With plans to spend more time after retirement with her husband Alwyn, the couple will be travelling across Europe in their camper van and spending time at home growing their own vegetables. Paula Gwilt (Theatres, RI) Esther Fielden (Theatres, RI) Michael Hudson (Theatres, RI) Ann Lake (Outpatients, RI) Miss Jones has been a great source of inspiration for trainees with her educational roles and invaluable support for her colleagues across the Trust. She will be greatly missed. Friends and colleagues wish her a long and happy retirement. Kath Brearley (Day surgery unit, RI) Karen Mill (H4, NMGH) A retirement buffet will be held in the antenatal clinic at NMGH on 18 February, between 1-2pm. Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend. Cheryl Di-Silva (F5, NMGH) Helen Doherty (F5, NMGH) Davina Yates (C3/4, NMGH) Jingle bells and jumpers in booking and scheduling Mandy Mason (Pharmacy, NMGH) Susan Brooks (Children’s ward, NMGH) Linda Devaney (Children’s ward, NMGH) Ruth Keating (G3, TROH) THE booking and scheduling department at Rochdale Infirmary entered into the spirit of Christmas for charity on 12 December, by holding a Christmas jumper day in aid of Save the Children. Louise Edmundson (F9, TROH) Susan Grange (Pharmacy, TROH) An amazing £202.50 was raised as the staff pulled out all the stops, adopting a wardrobe full of colour and festive cheer. Tom Hardman (X-ray, TROH) Kathryn Munir (Physio, TROH) Kirsty Bather, Becky Goodwin and Isma Khatoon, took first place with their elf costumes, but all the staff should get a special mention for the time and effort put into their outfits. Natalie Bush (Physio, TROH) Janet Nicholls, head of booking and scheduling, said: “It was a really good day, everyone entered in to the spirit and I would like to thank Helen Johnstone for organising the fundraising event.”
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