Vo l 2 ISSUE 2 February 2015 A Keele University Teaching Trust e-PoD Positively Different this issue Research and Surveys P.2 Innovation at the Hollies P.8 Values based sky-diving? P.12 and lots, lots more ... Make Some Noise Participant “I’ve started to practice some of the exercises I have learnt here at home which has helped me to improve my skills” Make Some Noise at ‘That Place’ The young people at ‘That Place’ have certainly been making some noise over the last few months with our music project in partnership with ‘Wired for Sound Futures’. This is an East Staffs Borough Council and Brewhouse Arts Centre project, in partnership with Make Some Noise, funded by the National Foundation for Youth Music. “I have been spending time with my friends working on making a band and performing” We initially started with 2 taster sessions that included; Song-writing and Garageband. These sessions enabled the participants to; write their own lyrics and music with the expertise of musicians supporting them, and to develop their skills to create and produce their own music. “I liked recording the people playing and learning to write songs” Following the taster sessions, the Youth Workers at ‘That Place’ facilitated an evaluation session, where the group expressed an interest in participating in a 7 week programme that could result in a nationally recognised accreditation for the young people involved. “Nice to learn, (well try and learn) a new instrument” “Amazing! Had a lot of fun! Different in a good way.” “The sessions were interactive” “Great to record our own recording of a song” “Good to learn a new instrument” The Youth Workers forwarded the feedback to ‘Wired for Sound Futures’, in addition to some of the ideas that the group had expressed an interest in for the programme and the programme commenced soon afterwards. Five of the young people went on to complete the programme, participating in a range of musical opportunities, culminating in a band performance. Some of the group members have even gone onto attending the longer running programmes facilitated by the organisers at other venues within Staffordshire. That Place is a young people’s centre in based in the heart of Burton, and also delivering sessions in Tamworth and Lichfield. The team work with 14-19 year olds who need support with their emotional well-being. Issues regularly encountered are low mood, anxiety, relationships, anger, self-harm, low self-esteem and stress. The majority of work is in 1-2-1 sessions run by the qualified youth workers, but groupwork, such as Make Some Noise is also offered in partnership with other agencies. Young people, and/or thier parents can self-refer into the service, which also accepts referrals from other professionals. Future plans include an art group. Contact: That Place 01283 504860 page 2 Research and Surveys The National Community Mental Health Survey South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare will soon be carrying out this annual survey to find out what service users think about the care they receive. The Clinical Audit Team has administered the survey on behalf of the Trust since 2006 and will be doing so again this year. The survey will commence in February when a questionnaire will be posted to a random sample of 850 service users, aged 18 years and over, who received community mental health services between 1st September and 30th November 2014. Service users are being asked about various aspects of their care, including the quality of care and treatment, medication management, communication with health and social care workers, information, and day to day living. Evaluation of Military Veterans’ Engagement The Trust is working in partnership with Worcestershire University to explore military veterans’ experiences of attending the Veterans Support Service at South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare. The aim is to find out veteran’s perceptions whether the service worked for them and if so what aspects were most helpful, which were not, and any barriers that may have prevented them from fully engaging with the service. The research will also hope to identify lifestyle difficulties which affect our ex services population. The information will primarily be gathered via a questionnaire but a small sample group will be seen for a face to face interview with a researcher from The University of Worcester. Staff or veterans can contact the Veterans Support line 0800 500 3113 to access the services available. For more information, contact Rob Heath, Lead Nurse, Veterans 07791 668829 Why are we doing the survey? Obtaining feedback from service users and taking account of their views and priorities is vital for bringing about improvements in the quality of care. As well as supplying the NHS England with data to assess performance against national targets on patient experience, the survey provides an important source of data for the Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessments. The results will help the Trust see where they perform well and to identify any areas where there is room for improvement. The survey is part of a commitment to design a health service around the needs and priorities of patients and service users, and to take account of their feedback and views. It signals the value and importance of listening to the people who use services to drive improvement. Are Learning Disability Health Checks Working? Gwen Moulster, Clinical Director of the Specialist Learning Disabilities Directorate was one of a team of people who carried out some research on whether people with a learning disability were getting access to health checks. When will the results of the survey be available? Learning Disability Health Checks were introduced in 2008 through GP surgeries as a way of monitoring the health of this vulnerable group of people. People with learning or intellectual disabilities such as Downs Syndrome are likely to have poorer health than other people. This is because they find it more difficult to talk about symptoms and are less likely to make appointments to talk about their health problems. The results will be available in Autumn 2015. By working with both staff and service users we will use the feedback from this survey to further help improve service user’s experiences at the trust. The research looked at whether the first three years of the progamme had improved health care of people with learning disabilities and found that surgeries in the scheme were twice as likely to identify problems. The results of the 2014 survey can be found at www.cqc.org.uk/content/community-mentalhealth-survey-2014 Find out more in a BBC article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ health-30548448 or view the research published in The Lancet at http://tiny.cc/bsxdqx Where can I find out more? For more information about this year’s survey, see www.nhssurveys.org/surveys/820 page 3 Trust Hosts Criminal Justice and Mental Health Workshop Our Trust is hosting one of a series of workshops planned to gather evidence for the Government’s current review of Criminal Justice and Mental Health. This review, commissioned by the Department of Health and Ministry of Justice is seeking views on; • The best way to support people with mental health problems in prison • How to ensure efficient and timely transfer to and from psychiatric hospitals and prison • Resettlement and continuity of care on leaving prison • Alternatives to custody • Mental Health Treatment Requirements • Working with the National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Companies The workshops are being run by the Centre for Mental Health and the session on 2 February 2015 at St George’s Hospital, Stafford will give local partner agencies the opportunity to contribute their views to this important project. Dr Graham Durcan, Associate Director, Criminal Justice Programme at the Centre for Mental Health said “The Government has already established a pilot Liaison and Diversion programme and is funding pilots to explore the benefits of joint working between police and mental health practitioners via Street Triage. The evidence collected at these workshops will contribute to an independent report to be submitted to Ministers in March and will help influence future policy on criminal justice and mental health.” Financial update The Trust continues to be in a strong financial position, and at quarter three it is expecting to report to Monitor (its Regulatory body) a ‘Continuity of Service’ risk rating of a 4 (the highest rating possible). The income & expenditure position shows a Surplus of £8.3m against a year to date plan of £4.5m. The Trust currently anticipates that it will achieve all of its financial targets for the financial year ending 31st March 2015. Work continues on the development of a series of business cases which will help to deliver the Trust’s estates strategy. These will result in a significant capital investment of approximately £31m over a three year period in improving both inpatient facilities and community services. The Divisions are due to commence work on setting their budgets for next financial year and continue to develop sustainable long-term saving plans to help deliver against a challenging Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) during the forthcoming years. So why does the call still come for everyone to make savings? Basically, the answer is that it’s good management and the NHS imposes a required ‘cash releasing efficiency saving’ year on year. We also need to have something in reserve to allow us to meet unforeseen problems, for example, if one of our commissioners was late in paying us, we would need the cash to meet the wage bill – did you know this is around £10million per month! Also, if we build up our reserves we can then spend on longer term projects such as improving our estate – something we have to do to make sure our buildings are safe and fit for purpose. It’s also important to understand the difference between the use of capital, which we only spend once, and use of revenue, which is on-going spending. So a surplus one year isn’t really a surplus at all, its just money put aside for future spending. We still have to continually improve the efficiency of what we do and release further savings for our Trust and the wider health economy. We do, and will continue to, involve clinicians in all the decisions around spending. Jon Shaw, Head of Financial Planning Email : [email protected] 16-22 March 2015 Find out more: www.nutritionandhydrationweek.com Watch this space! Nutrition and Hydration Awareness Week is coming! and events are planned around the Trust including: • Tea dance extravaganzas at East Wing, George Bryan Centre and Baswich, St George’s Hospital • Staff Quiz If you have any queries or would like to get involved Developing peopleNicola Howle (Dietitian) email: please contact for health and [email protected] healthcare Save The Date! Monday 16 March 2015 Health Education West Midlands Regional Sharing Event 2015 We are excited to announce our first LETB Regional Sharing Event. The event will take place on Monday 16th March, and will showcase LETC workforce development and transformation programmes across the West Midlands. More information to follow. Please get in touch if you have any queries . . . [email protected] @HealthEd_WMids wm.hee.nhs.uk page 4 Extended Opening Hours at Redwoods Library Redwoods Library is now open 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday. We have new staff based at Redwoods Library which means we can offer you an extended service – watch out for Staff Profiles in future editions of e-Pod! Don’t forget: You can access both Redwoods and St. George’s Libraries outside of these times including evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays. Just ask in your preferred Library for details, or email [email protected] Staff Profile: Lisa Basini, Librarian, Redwoods Library Recent months have seen two new members of staff join the Library Team, and in the first of two e-Pod profiles we introduce Lisa Basini, the new Librarian who is based at Redwoods Library. Lisa joined the SSSFT Library team in November, and has worked in NHS Libraries for over 5 years as well doing short voluntary roles in a public and school library. Lisa (and her colleague Fiona Rees in Stafford) supports the library service by conducting Literature Searches for Trust staff, as well as providing training in finding guidelines and articles as well as using NHS Athens to access online resources such as eJournals and eBooks. Lisa is also looking to restart our Outreach visits to various teams and departments across the Trust, both at Redwoods Centre and those based in the community. She also does some of the ‘behind the scenes’ things for Redwoods Library, like ordering new books and dealing with comments and suggestions about the library. In her spare time, Lisa is a Brownie Leader and the Chair of the West Midlands sub-division of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, which organises CPD and networking events for cross-sector Library staff throughout the West Midlands. She also enjoys swimming and hiking. Have your say on some new resources for your Library The Library Team is currently reviewing our stock on the following subjects. Use the links below or at library.sssft.nhs.uk to tell us which of the listed books you think would be most useful using this quick & easy online survey tool. Suicide & Self-harm Antenatal & Postnatal Mental Health Paediatrics Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia & Psychosis You can contribute to all 5 surveys or just select one that you are particularly interested in. We really want our stock to reflect your needs & specialities, so if you have any additional suggestions, please include them in the comments. The survey closes on 6th February 2015. Resource Lists are also available from the Library for most of these subjects, and can be found on the same page. You’ll find all of the new suggestions there, with links to bookseller abstracts about these titles, as well as listings of some of the stock we already have in these areas. For any suggestions in areas not covered by the survey, or after the closing date, please e-mail the library on [email protected] Once we have made purchase decisions, the resource lists will be updated & made available on our web pages. E-book of the Month from the Library Service February 2015: Becoming a Reflective Practitioner Becoming a Reflective Practitioner provides a unique insight into reflective practice, exploring the value of using models of reflection, with particular reference to Christopher Johns' own model for structured reflection. • Includes an additional chapter looking at existing studies on reflective practice • Scenarios and case studies provided throughout • A practical guide to using reflection in everyday clinical practice How to use ‘How to read a paper’ • Visit http://goo.gl/JN2ofY or scan the QR code and log in using your NHS ATHENS password • Read online or download to your PC/laptop or Apple or Android phone or tablet for use offline To see the full range of e-books available, visit the library catalogue or the ebook website. For help with e-books or ATHENS logins, contact the library: [email protected] page 5 Skills Based Courses 2015 Visiting Telford United What’s new in 2015 Partnerships in Action Quest and Upper Morton Farm and the Skill Base Team from Adult and Community Learning at Staffordshire County Council have come together to work in partnership to provide two Skills Based Learning Opportunities for service users: WELLIES Project 2015 A new 10 week WELLIES Project funded by The Community Learning Trust, Staffordshire County Council started on Tuesday 27th January 2015, in partnership with Growing Rural Enterprise, Sudbury Hall Estate and Quest Day Opportunities. Participants and are looking forward to doing some tasks in partnership with the gardening team at Sudbury Hall, which will involve an Easter project within Sudbury Hall itself and the remodelling of the willow dome in the grounds of the school. Additionally there will be Spring craft projects, taking cuttings and sowing seeds, dog training and work in the wood. Wellbeing for Work 2015 This is a joint project between Quest, C.A.R.E. and Forestry Commission and will take place at Cannock Chase Forestry Commission starting on 12th February 2015. The project will support learners to gain new or renew existing transferrable skills in a friendly environment. Activities will include outdoor activities, IT (using I-pads), seasonal crafts, healthy cooking, dog therapy, walks and many more fun activities. Learners will be encouraged to take an active part in team work, develop communication skills, share new ideas and plan activities. Quest Service Users had many positive outcomes from previous Wellbeing for Work projects which have included: • • • • • • • • • • Progression to voluntary work One person has a job offer Confidence to attend interviews Gaining paid employment Improved self esteem Improved communication skills Learning leadership skills Making new friends Referrals to Employment Works for employment with support Improved confidence in own abilities through achievements • OCN Level I Award for Progression in Animal Husbandry From 7th January to 4th March 2015 at Upper Morton Farm Units include • Health and Safety • Developing confidence working with animals • Assisting with Moving and Handling small animals • Assisting with accommodation animal • NOCN Level 1 Award in Horticulture Begins on 11th March 2015 for 17 weeks at Upper Morton Farm Units Include • Health and Safety • Understanding Soils and Growing media • Plant Propagation • Weed and Pest Control • Plant Pruning For more information on how to make a referral please contact QUEST: Telephone: 01785 783078 page 6 STEPS TO EMPLOYMENT COURSE Employment Works is South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare’s employment service dedicated to assisting service users who are thinking of finding or returning into paid employment. The service offers one to one support and also delivers the Steps 2 Employment course, a long running and successful in-house employment preparation course. The course is open to service users currently using Trust secondary mental health services. It is run over 6 weekly, 3 hour sessions and covers the following: • Identifying strengths and abilities • Understanding the value of a well written CV and how to create one • How to write application letters • Completing application forms • Preparing for interviews • Explaining gaps in employment when applying for jobs • Disclosure around mental health: what, when and how much to divulge. What are the benefits? There are many studies supporting the fact that work is good for health. According to the Centre for Mental Health there is strong evidence that work: • Promotes recovery and aids rehabilitation • Leads to better health outcomes • Minimises the harmful effects of long-term sickness absence • Improves quality of life and wellbeing • Reduces social exclusion and poverty Attending the course provides new skills, experiences and allow attendees to mix with other learners in a supported, friendly, relaxed atmosphere. The course provides structure and a routine focused on confidence-building activities. It presents the opportunity to meet new people and build new social networks and increases positive thinking about work capabilities. Previous Course feedback People who have previously attended the course and have gained meaningful employment, state that that they are socially and financially better off, with improved status, selfesteem, better able to contribute to their local economy, less dependent on care support services and their increased self-motivation enables them to better manage their mental health by becoming more independent and less reliant on mental health services. Interested? If you want to know more then contact Barbara Wollaston on 07814 683541 or Mark Edwards on 07816975138 Courses The next course will be held in Cannock on a Friday starting on13 February 2015. Depending on referral numbers and demand, further courses are planned in Lichfield, Tamworth, Burton, Seisdon and Stafford later in the year. Engaging the Community In the past year the Equality and Community Engagement Worker has been working with the faith community and young people to raise mental health awareness in the Stafford area. The main aim of the project is to remove the stigma associated with mental health and also breakdown any barriers to treatment. The method of engagement with the faith communities has mainly been through mental health first aid seminars lasting up to 2 hours. This has been a great success with a variety of faiths attending the seminars. To date 109 people have attended these seminars. These seminars not only raise mental health awareness but they also encourage the community to share their concerns which will enable us to build upon the good work that we are already doing. The Equality and Community Engagement Worker has also been engaging with young people in schools, community centres and youth forums. This has been through assemblies and seminars lasting an hour each. The main aim of these seminars is to empower young people with information and to also encourage them to share their views on mental health and our services. We also held a competition asking young people to draw a poster on what mental health means to them. Please be on the lookout for the posters which will be displayed in the next few weeks. The feedback received from our faith communities and young people in Stafford has been overwhelmingly positive. As a result we will be expanding this project into the other areas covered by the Trust. In the next year we will be working in Burton-on-Trent, Tamworth, Lichfield and Cannock. We will be providing regular updates. We would like to ask anyone in the Trust especially clinicians who might be able to offer any of their time and expertise to do so. Your help will be greatly appreciated Felice Manjengwa Equality and Community Engagement Worker 07800 826 886 page 7 • England’s care and support system is changing for the better from 1st April 2015 • The Care Act, which marks the most significant reform in social care for over 60 years, will make care and support more consistent across the country • Anyone who receives care and support, or supports someone as a carer, could benefit from the changes • Any decisions about care and support will take into consideration people’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, with a focus on supporting people to stay healthy and remain independent for longer • To find out more about the changes and how you might benefit, visit www.gov.uk/ careandsupport or speak to your council The works compound at St George’s and work begins on Brocton Update on Upgrade Following the completion of the installation of new windows to Norton ward the next phase of modernising our estate at St George's site will begin on 2nd February 2015. Starting with Brocton, the acute inpatient wards will be having their bedrooms and en-suite facilities upgraded and lounge area redecorated. In order to minimise the impact of the works, 12 acute beds will be provided on Milford Ward. For this first stage, 12 acute beds will move from Brocton to Milford, with six MoD beds and three acute beds remaining on Brocton. Once Brocton Ward has been completed the works on Chebsey Ward will begin, we anticipate that this will be in early summer. In addition to this the works for the forensic wards will be continuing and on the 9th February 2015 the refurbishment of the bedrooms on Ashley will start, followed by Radford during late summer 2015. This will mean that there are a number of contractors on site however we are working closely with them to try to ensure that there is a minimum of disruption during this time. The extension numbers on Milford are 8036 and 8037. Facilities and Estates Helpdesk The Facilities and Estates Helpdesk is an integral part of our Trust, providing a service for reporting and processing maintenance and health and safety jobs, requesting porter services and responding to F&E related queries. In April this year, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service, the Helpdesk will begin operating using the software system “Micad”. This software will provide Trust employees with access to a portal through which any job can be logged, at any time. The many benefits of the new system include: • No need to wait to speak with a member of the Helpdesk – jobs can be logged independently. • Users will be able to check to see whether or not a job has been logged. • Job progress can be tracked by users, with notification of updates automatically sent as emails. Training sessions for the use of the portal will be available in March for nominated staff, with the expectation that training will be easily communicable between staff members. Those interested in receiving this training should email Information Governance Manager Saida Sattar, at [email protected]. Further enquiries are also welcome. page 8 Innovative Partnership Benefits Children “You see me differently”, for one young man the support and input from Clinical Psychologist Corinna Bruder has been a crucial part of the care he has received at The Hollies, a pupil referral unit in Stafford. The unit provides teaching and learning for children who are at risk of exclusion from mainstream school, or who have been excluded. In an innovative partnership approach, the school has employed a dedicated Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) professional for two days a week, an initiative which headteacher, Jane Spensley, believes has made a real difference. Most of the children at The Hollies have emotional or psychological problems and many have previously found it difficult to engage with CAMHS. As Jane explains, “It’s hard enough for these children to engage with the school. They have difficulty establishing relationships and find it hard to trust people. Asking them to attend yet another strange place and open up to an unknown professional is unlikely to work”. It’s also an advantage working within the school environment as there is less stigma attached – there is still a reluctance to get involved with mental health services. By having Corinna based in the school every week, the children can get used to her presence and see her as an integral part of the team. They can interact with her on a casual basis at first, just saying hello, popping in for a game of pool or a cup of tea and a biscuit. Once that relationship is established there is a much greater likelihood that the child will engage in a therapeutic way. She is also there to support staff, both personally in dealing with the stress of working in this sometimes challenging environment, and also in looking for different approaches and techniques for dealing with individual children and situations. This partnership approach also reaches children which traditional CAMHS services wouldn’t – they don’t fit the typical profile of anxiety and depression. However, as Corinna explains, they are frequently very troubled and likely to go on to a lifetime of involvement in mental health services if they aren’t helped now. And potentially they are at risk of harming themselves, or others. “We have had some real successes” adds Corinna, “children who have repeatedly failed to engage with CAMHS are having regular sessions with me and are making real progress”. All involved are convinced this is a great service, but it’s a struggle to continue to fund it. At the moment the District Inclusion Partnership provides 50% of the money with a further 25% coming from SSSFT CAMHS and the school finding the rest. With budgets being continually squeezed, and monies only ever committed for year at a time, it’s a bit of hand to mouth existence. But as Jane Spensley says “it’s the best thing we’ve ever done and I would really encourage those that commission services to support us and take the long view that investing in these children now might save in the future. The children who come here aren’t bad – they just have particular emotional and behavioural needs, and if we can help them to become full participants in everyday life, that’s good news for everyone”. See right for some case studies illustrating the work of the partnership. For more information contact: Corinna Bruder, Clinical Psychologist CAMHS West 01785 221665 page 9 Case studies; Jack* is 14. He came to the Hollies because he had been disruptive at school, challenging and aggressive to teachers, and finally assaulting another pupil. TAKE THE HEART MONTH 10 MINUTE CHALLENGE He continued to display aggressive behaviours at the Hollies and began to attend individual meetings with the CAMHS psychologist to work on his anger. Over time it became clear that Jack used anger and aggression to “keep himself safe”. He recalled being bullied at primary school and on one particular occasion he had reacted by getting really angry and defending himself physically. He realised that if he psyched himself up in this way he could be powerful and frightening to others and so protect himself. Once Jack understood why he was reacting as he did he began to work on other ways to resolve conflict, and also to understand better whether situations were really threatening. With his permission other teachers were helped to understand the way in which he used anger, and they supported him by reinforcing any attempts he made to positively change his behaviour. Jack became a pupil who was well liked and learned to handle conflict through negotiation. He was successfully re-integrated back into his old mainstream school and has remained there since. Harry* was persistently disruptive, refusing to do any school work and not attending his classes. Even at the Hollies, working in small groups, he found it difficult to engage in classroom activities. He appeared very immature, didn’t fit in with his peers and generally appeared to have no confidence in himself. He wasn’t keen to meet with the psychologist and only agreed to do so if he would be given biscuits – so retaining some control. Initially he just came and ate the biscuits, willing to answer direct questions, but not engaging in conversation. As time went on he started to join in games with the psychologist and it became apparent he was more skilful than her in one particular game. He offered suggestions as to how she could improve and, at least in this one area, he had some belief in his abilities. At the same time he began to stay in the classroom more. The psychologist then introduced clay into the sessions and Harry learnt some basic techniques and started making objects. He identified something he wanted to make, did some research on the internet and asked the psychologist to help – there was a sense of shared enjoyment in the sessions and Harry, who had always insisted that he was no good at anything, clearly took pride in his creation once it was completed. Harry also began to make progress in the classroom where teachers worked on building up his confidence. He moved from refusing to read at all, to allowing his teacher to read to him whilst he followed the words with his finger, to at times reading independently himself. He was more accepted by the other children and although there continued to be times when Harry refused to to work, or left the classroom, he was more able to participate in a school day. * not real names Make one small change every day towards a healthier lifestyle. Sign up at bhf.org.uk/heartmonth © British Heart Foundation 2015, registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426). Training on Helping People to Stop Smoking Staff are encouraged to attend training on Helping People Stop Smoking to develop their skills in this important area of physical health support. This is a one day course designed for staff who have regular contact with patients and who wish to support them to stop smoking. The course will cover issues around how to support people to make changes in their health behaviour, the impact of smoking on the health of the general population and people with mental health issues. Participants will also be taken through the Standard Treatment Programme used by specialist stop smoking services and will have an opportunity to explore the range of NRT products available on the market. Advice will be given on the optimum use of NRT to support stop smoking attempts. Participants are encouraged to work through the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) beforehand to familiarise themselves with the wider issues around smoking. This training can be found at http://elearning.ncsct. co.uk/england - please click on the Stop Smoking Practitioner training for the relevant course. The dates are: 12th and 26th February – Therapy Suite – Brocton, St Georges, Stafford 27th February – Redwoods Centre page 10 Update Recitals Facebook reminder Just to encourage anyone out there in Facebook land that Arts for Health would love you to like our page and any of the projects we place on the fb wall? www.facebook.com/ ArtsForHealthSSSFT. At St George’s we had local musician Ashley Wall playing acoustic guitar to 30 service users on Baswich, Bromley, Chebsey and Brocton at the beginning of the month. A mixture of sixties, blues and current songs were well received with the inevitable requests for Beatles songs and an opportunity to join in. Coming up……We will have The Walnuts playing on 4th February, 2.30pm on Baswich and Bromley followed by 3.30pm on Brocton and Chebsey. Some of you may have been lucky enough to watch and hear them play at the AGM back in September. Very accomplished musicians playing a variety of pop songs from different eras. Back by public demand will be Kitten Pyramid with their quirky lyrics and Floyd like riffs. They will play on Wednesday The Walnuts 4th March 2.30pm on Baswich / Bromley and Brocton /Chebsey at 3.30pm At Redwoods in January – kicking off with the ever trusty Steve Roberts on piano – a great start to the year with some old favourites and some tunes to give us inspiration for the year! On the 20th Jan we had Hannah and Brian – a fab pair – vocals and guitar. Some really lovely covers by KT Tunstall – Black Horse and the Cherry Tree which was incredible, some very new songs such as Royals by Lorde and some old favourites such as Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. Hannah sings like a bird! One member of the audience claimed and Brian was pretty nifty on guitar. Some great sounds and we will definitely have them back soon! “Congratulation on the music in the Bistro, brings joy and happiness with some songs to join in. Maintaining good health and wellbeing needs more of the same great effort”. Anthony On 27th Jan we had Nikki Rous – who is very well-known around Shropshire and has the most beautiful voice. Again some lovely covers and some of her own work. Nikki is a Working with Maggie Hollinshead favourite amongst some of our staff who attend the live music! In FEBRUARY – we have Sax and Piano on the 3rd from Geoff James and James Taylor(!) a range of songs including: some melodic jazzincluding by Chick Corea, Charlie Parker and Duke Ellington - really enjoyable! Hannah and Brian On the 10th we have a visit by musicians from Shropshire MIND. The group meet every other Tuesday at Observer House in Shrewsbury to jam together. There will be a mix of musicians and singers and percussionists – it will be worth coming to this one! On the 17th we have a rare event – Much Wenlock Male Voice Choir!! a rousing hour of lovely traditional male voice choir songs. There may be a lot of them – so they will be heard!! The choir are very sought after – they have recorded their own music and have sung nationally and internationally! We are lucky to have them here at the Redwoods Centre. On the 24th we have Ragga Ting – a return visit by these page 11 Evan Dawson Executive Director Live Music Now, Neil Carr CEO SSSFT and Cllr Beverly Baker Mayor of Shrewsbury Silk painting with Sarah Evans two lovely young musicians playing djembe, guitar and vocals. We are also holding an Evening Soirée with Trio Volant on Monday 16 February at 6pm. We will hold this event in the Wrekin Rotunda – it will be an evening of lovely music from Tom, Imogen and Chris (Clarinet, Oboe and Bassoon) – a bagatelle of lively classics – with some nibbles and drinks! Just to give people the headsup – on March 26th at 6pm in Redwoods Bistro, we are holding another NHS Staff singing event. We are trying to widen our singing group to involve staff from other local NHS trusts. We will sing a range of new and well known songs – no auditions or experience necessary – just the desire to have a great big sing! More info from Jessica on 01743 210048 / Jessica. [email protected] Creative Ward Activities Textile artist Maggie Hollinshead said the sessions on Brockington Mother and baby unit and Kinver have been extremely positive and have given Maggie the opportunity to work in different ways. Maggie said these sessions have been very rewarding for her and the service users have concentrated very well working with different materials. Arts for Health has recently made it possible for ward staff on Hatherton and Ellesmere to engage musicians Simon Watson and Chris Watts to deliver drumming and music sessions. Sarah Evans is back at Redwoods delivering a series of mixed media workshops on a Monday afternoon from 1.303.30. We will be exploring a range of techniques including silk painting, decoupage, painting, pastels and some drawing. We are working on our second garden fence project. Reading for Wellbeing continues at Redwoods but the day and time has changed to: Thursday morning at 10.3012pm in the Wrekin Seminar Room. Dance for You Arts for Health applied for funding from Staffordshire County Council just before Christmas. This was the Community Development fund. Arts for Health were successful and now £1875 will support the development of Dance for You for those suffering from dementia and their carers. Songs for You, Cannock Working with practitioner Rachel Liggitt service users and their carers can come along to the pilot sessions which will commence February 3 & 24 the March 10th 2015 at St Mary’s Community Centre, Hall Court Lane, Cannock WS110AA. Rachel Liggitt These first three sessions will take place alongside Songs for You just so we have a captive audience to observe and consult with. There will be more Dance for You sessions and dates will be coordinated very soon so please contact the Arts for Health team on 01785 7128602 or email Helen. [email protected] Songs for You Sessions started back at all three South Staffordshire venues (Cannock, Stafford and Tamworth) in January with new couples starting at two of the venues. Watch this space as we develop more sessions for the three venues with Tamworth aiming to be delivered at George Bryan Centre. Songs for You has started up again in Shrewsbury we have sessions on the following dates: January 29th, February 12th and 24th, March 12th and 24th and April 9th and 23rd. Held at the Trinity Centre in Meole Brace Church at 2.30-3.30pm. Lots of singing plus tea and cake! We are also running trial sessions in Bishop’s Castle at Stone House Residential home on Friday February 27th at 11am – if this is successful we hope that we might continue with this venue – depending on funding we are applying to Arts Council to support. We will keep you posted. Funding The Arts for Health team are busy as ever sourcing and applying for funds to sustain Songs for You, develop Dance for You and provide more activities for service users. Kitten Pyramid the wonderful band who played a recital back in spring last year have kindly raised over £700 which will allow Arts for Health the opportunity to deliver recitals for at least another year. page 12 High flying Values lead to International success Our congratulations go to Rob Gray from the Trust’s IM&T Team who recently competed as part of the Team GB delegation at the Dubai International Sky diving Championships. Rob, along with his four team mates, secured 3rd place, bringing home a bronze medal (and a trophy) for Great Britain. The team who have only been together for 2 years never imagined that they would do so well and were thrilled with the result. Rob attributed the team’s success to its values base, which is very similar to that held by the Trust • Respectful. Each team member brings different qualities to the team. Respecting and embracing these differences increases trust and gives the team the confidence to perform to the “highest” standard (all 11,000 feet of it!). • Honest and trustworthy – this is especially important when falling through the sky at 120 miles per hour together. Being able to openly deal with mistakes led to safer and improved point scoring techniques. • Caring, compassion, and taking the time to listen and talk - Listening and supporting each other through both the training and competition increased motivation and made the team stronger giving us a “Can Do / Can Win” attitude. • Working together – All of the above values along with individual responsibility for self development, self awareness, self responsibility (including safety) made us an International medal winning team. • Leading by example. We were proud to represent Great Britain and the people who live here. It was really important that we conducted ourselves in an appropriate manner to the locals and our international competitors. The Dubai 10 round competition, which took place over the Jumeirah Palm Islands in December, saw France and the USA team take first and second place respectively. The real battle was for the bronze medal (closely followed by the battle to stay focused and in completion mode during each jump when distracted by the incredible view). The Great Britain, Germany and Canadian teams fought all the way and the competition ended in a close finish with Great Britain’s team triumphing to take the bronze medal with 137 points to 136 and 134 respectively. The team consists of five members. Four of whom complete a set of formation sequences during free fall, and one camera flyer, Rob. Rob starts each round by hanging onto the outside of the plane at about 11,000 feet (2 miles) above the ground, and then jumping when the rest of the team exit, positioning himself in the sky above the team, keeping them in close view all the way using two digital video cameras mounted on his helmet. In this competition, he also added a third camera to take highresolution stills to make the most of the scenery. After exit the team complete as many formations as they can. At 4,000 feet the team break apart and track across the sky (James Bond style) to give themselves plenty of time and space to open their parachutes and land safely. The James Bond theme continued after each jump with the team ferried back to base by a fleet of waiting speedboats. Once back at the dropzone, Rob uploaded his footage onto the computerised judging system for the judges to score the team’s performance, giving 1 point for each visibly complete formation. Points are lost if not complete, or if the video does not show each grip clearly. The video was also shown on huge screens for the spectators to enjoy. Rob’s next big challenges include an attempt to break the Wingsuit Large Formation World Record attempt in the USA in October 2015 He currently holds the existing Guinness World Record for the Largest Wingsuit Formation, set in 2012 with 99 other people, flying in a 10 by 10 diamond at 80mph across the sky. His more imminent challenge is to lead on the Windows 7 project ensuring its smooth roll out across the Trust. Please visit http://nww.intranet.sssft. nhs.uk/Rio-Project/Windows-7.aspx to find out more about the Windows 7 roll out and what is involved to update your pc/laptop. For more information on Living our Values and Values Based Recruitment please contact Anna Smith, Living Our Values Project Manager at [email protected] page 13 , The RCN holds a number of awards which recognise the hard work and achievements of its members. They are currently seeking nominations for; Having a mental health problem is hard enough, but sometimes the isolation and stigma can make it even worse. But we can all help to break the silence. Talking about mental health doesn’t need to be difficult and can make a big difference. Time to Change are challenging all of us to take just 5 minutes on the 5th to have a conversation about mental health. The Membership Office along with some Governor members will be at ASDA (Stafford) from 10am – 4:00pm on the 5th encouraging people to take 5 minutes and speak to someone about mental health. Colleagues from Food for Thought will also be taking part. Find out more at http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/timetotalkday The Righteous Muslim - display at the Redwoods Centre 'The Righteous Muslim' exhibition was launched at the Board of Deputies of British Jews in Bloomsbury, central London. The exhibition consists of photographs of 70 Muslims who sheltered Jews during World War II along side stories detailing their acts of heroism. South Shropshire Interfaith Forum have the exhibition from January - February 2015 and it will be on display at the Redwoods Centre all week commencing Monday 9th February. Mark Michael from South Shropshire Interfaith forum will be on hand at the following times if you have any questions or require any other information regarding the exhibition. Monday 9th February 2015 12pm - 2pm Tuesday 10th February 2015 11am - 12.30pm Friday 13th February 2015 12pm- 2pm Qudsia Khan Community Development Worker/ Psychological Counsellor 07968504018 Honorary Degree for Pat Congratulations to Pat Wain, Deputy Director of Nursing who will be awarded an honorary degree by Staffordshire University at their graduation ceremony in July this year. The university writes (we) “bestow honorary degrees on individuals who have provided and who continue to provide inspiration and a positive example to others and whose commitment to their field goes beyond the achievement of their personal ambition. Your nomination is in recognition of your unstinting support for the education and development of student nurses and registered nurses; your role in facilitating events which benefit the wider community and the nurturing of a close working relationship between the University’s Faculty of Health Sciences and South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare. It also recognises your own services to nursing across a wide range of specialisms including cancer care, sexual health and district nursing, and for your role as a pioneer and for the advancement of Nurse Prescribing.” • RCN Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship Awards • RCN Award of Merit • RCN Representative of the Year Award find out more at http://www.rcn. org.uk/aboutus/rcn_awards Submitting an article to e-PoD If you have something you would like included in a future issue, please contact Amanda Godfrey in the Communications Team. amanda.godfrey@sssft. nhs.uk 01785 783041 e-PoD comes out on the first of each month (or the first Monday) and copy is usually required about a week before, but feel free to call or email to discuss your submission. Copy deadline for the March issue will be 23 February 2015. Hope to hear from you. Amanda
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