THE VOICE OF MILLPOND FEBRUARY 2015 Phone: 727-376-1991 / Email: [email protected] PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS……. By G. Bernard Zanetti Millpond Estates had another successful election. The new Board consists of: Jo Anne Boyle Fisher – Secretary Gina Gorup – Treasurer Tony Sorenson – Vice President Tom McConnell – Director at Large G Bernard Zanetti – President Some of the issues discussed while ballots were counted were: ~ The amount of and speed of traffic traveling on Old Millpond Road on a single day. Much of the traffic is people cutting through to avoid SR 54 and Rowan. Many of those people are the ones who throw their garbage out of the car window - PIGS! Another issue was presented that traffic will increase with all the new home/condo construction and malls. A committee is in the forming process to work with Pasco County to do speed and vehicle count. Once this is obtained, plans, with the help of Pasco Road Department, can be formulated to work around the problem. ~ Exiting and entering Millpond via SR 54 can be a problem. Several fatal accidents and many just plain accidents happen here. Not discussed was the fact that many people wanting to make a left turn upon exiting make a right turn and go to the turnaround and then make their left. Another issue is the poor lighting when looking for walkers and bikers after sunset coming from Old County 54. ~ Our two ponds by SR 54 belong to The Community. Owners are permitted to fish in them. The statement was made that many outsiders are using them. We will look into that situation. Also of concern were gators. All our ponds are interconnected so alligators can travel from pond to pond via big pipes. There is no way to stop them from traveling. The issue of legal liability if someone was injured was mentioned by one person. Our attorney Web Milton said they are part of Florida and so long as we do not feed them so they hang around then there is no issue. Gators are part of Florida life. CLUBHOUSE OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9am—1pm Wednesday: 3pm-7pm If you are a new resident to Millpond, you must show proof of ownership to receive a pool/clubhouse FOB. They are $25.00 (cash or check). If you are a tenant and need a FOB, you must have your landlord fill out a “Renters Use of Community Property form”. See Susan at Office. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Trace page 6 Section 1 Page 2 Section 2 Page 6 Section 3 Page 4 Section 4 Page 2 Section 5 Page 5 Section 6 page 5 Section 6A Page 4 Section 7 Page 2 Book Club Page 2 Social Committee Page 3 Impt. Numbers Page 7 Subdivision act. Page 7 Calendar Page 8 (President’s article continued on page 2) 1 President’s Article continued….. ~ One member bought up the issue of nonowners renting out the clubhouse and us making a profit. Making a profit was quickly put down. One responsibility of the Community Board is to maintain the integrity of Millpond Estates assets. Renting to strangers is asking for trouble. Again, we will look into expanding the clubhouse usage by only owners. ~ Our very useful security camera system needs some updating. A few months ago when we had a contingent from the Pasco Sheriffs department view our clubhouse and pool area. They made suggestions. We want to install some of them. A couple of them could help them resolve criminal issues if they arise. By the time you read this the Old Millpond sidewalk leveling project will be finished. It appears to be a correction/leveling event every two years. What isn’t so nice are the many names, artistic renderings and bike tracks imbedded in the fresh wet cement. One of the graphic artists is not funny. When we find out who you are we will rip out the slab with your drawing, refinish it and send you the bill. SECTION 1 If you are planning on doing any exterior work on your house an Architectural Form needs to be completed. Please contact Jerry Massie from First Choice Management to obtain the form. The form must be completed by homeowner and then summit form to First Choice management for approval before starting any work. All dogs must be on a leash when outside. Any problems with loose dogs or excessive barking, please call Animal Control. Problems with speeding cars on your street, please call the Sheriff’s Dept. If you suspect drug activity, please call the Sheriff’s Dept. PLEASE do not contact Board Members with these issues. These problems should be addressed by the proper authorities. Please call Jerry Massie #727-785-8887 of First Choice Management for any questions you may have or documents you need. Thank you, Board of Directors, Section 1 MISSING YOU SECTION 4 SECTION 7 Hello Millpond Section 7 residents: If you have any questions or concerns about Millpond Section 7, please contact Tara Thompson of Parklane Real Estate Services LLC, our property management company for Millpond Section 7. She can be reached at 727-232-1173 or via email at [email protected]. By: Lana Robbins BOOK CLUB In January the Book Club read and discussed "All the Light we Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr, a popular choice since it has been rated No. 1 on the "New York Times" Bestseller List for at least three weeks. The story takes place in France and Germany during World War II without exposing the reader to any of the horrors of the battlefields. Rather, it reveals some of the very subtle and imaginative tactics that were used by ordinary people to communicate and take care of each other. For example, one of the major characters in the book is a little girl who became blind at age 6. Her only relative, her father, used unthinkable ingenuity to build a perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she could memorize how to get around without sight. But when she was 12 she and her father were forced to flee from Paris to the walled city of Saint-Malo, where their only relative, an elderly and reclusive uncle lived. From there, the father is imprisoned but the child never gives up hope. This book portrays family love, devotion and compassion in a uniquely moving way. In February we will be reading "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. We will meet to discuss it on February 17 at 2:00 at the Clubhouse. All Millponders are invited to join us. By: Ruth Kiefer 2 Millpond Estates Social Committee— February 2015 Hopefully all of us who have made New Year’s resolutions are sticking to them! Time now to think about Valentine’s Day and sharing it with someone you care about. It is a good let those special “someones” know that you care about them. Lunch Bunch went to Oasis Café in January. We had a nice group and no matter where we go it is always nice to spend time with our neighbors and friends. On January 10th a few of us got together to take down our decorations in the Clubhouse. We are very lucky to have members of our community do this each year. Some communities have to hire outside help to do this for them. January 22 at 7:00 p.m .Sgt. Wilkett from the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office gave a talk on crime prevention and safety. Unfortunately, since some of our neighborhoods have been victims of car break-ins, I think this is something we could all benefit from. Hopefully you were able to attend this meeting. January 29th Millpond Dine Around was held at Fiddler’s Green. If you haven’t attended one of these get-togethers you should think about signing up. It is a fun evening out. 5:00. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m.. Sign up for this in the White Book and purchase your tickets from Susan in the office. February 17th—9:00 a.m. Breakfast in the Clubhouse will be provided by Brighthouse. Information will be available concerning their services. A representative will be available to answer any questions. Sign up for this in the White Book. Gayle York, Chairman Millpond Social Committee March 17th—St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance— We will be serving corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, bread, beverages and dessert. BYOB. Music will be provided by Buddy & Debbie Vee. The cost for this will be $12.00 for adults, 12 and under $5.00 and under three will be no charge. Doors will open at 5:00 and dinner will be served at 5:30. Sign up for this in the White Book and purchase your tickets from Susan in the office. April 14th-Spring Tea Party and Fashion Show— Mark your calendars. More information on this event will be available next month. There will be no Lunch Bunch in April. The members of the Social Committee continue to try to provide events that all of our residents would enjoy. We are always open to suggestions. If you cannot attend one of our meetings, drop your ideas off in the office. “Instead of pointing a critical finger, try holding out a helping hand.” Originally we had considered a different event for February 21st. But after much consideration, we have decided to bring back our famous Spaghetti Dinner This will be held on February 28, 2015. The cost will be $10.00 per person for adults, 12 and under will be $4.00 and under three will be no charge. Take outs will be available. We will be serving spaghetti, meatballs, sausage, garlic bread and salad. Bring a dessert to share and you will be eligible for a drawing for a $50.00 gift card to Outback Steakhouse. The doors will open at 3 GREETINGS SECTION THREE SECTION 6A – MILLPOND LAKES VILLAS As I write this column, I look out my window and it is sunny, with blue skies and a lovely temperature in the 70’s. It is not the norm for this time of year, but, it is a delightful day and I think back and I am grateful to be living here in “a little bit of paradise” as opposed to the snowy, icy, cold January of the North. We are all blessed by being here. As the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over, we can now look forward to the new beginnings of spring, which is a delightful time of the year here. Welcome back to our snowbirds, Alfons and Gertrude Ebner. I am sure you are delighted to be away from the cold winters of Germany. Mattie Savino had a houseful of guests during the holidays. Her daughter (who lives in South Carolina) and husband and two sons along with Jackie their big black lab visited her. All of Mattie’s grandkids and great grandkids loved Jackie. She was a popular doggie. Frank Doyle is coming along with his recuperation from major surgery. It is nice to see you taking your walks around the neighborhood, Frank. Frank Myers is recuperating in Life Care Center. Keep him in your prayers. We send our condolences to Rosemary Pacheco (Section 4) and family, on the death of her husband Henry. We will miss you Henry. Many of us have your delightful woodwork in our gardens and homes. The Millpond Community Social Committee has many events coming up in the next few months. Check the Social Committee Column (in this newsletter) and our bulletin boards. Also check the bulletin boards for events chaired by Section 6A on the bulletin boards. See you next month, By: Fran Sander ANOTHER MONTH HAS COME AND GONE AND NOW EVERYONE IS BACK TO THEIR NORMAL ROUTINE. IT IS TIME TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT THERE IS NO PARKING ON THE STREETS IN MILLPOND. THIS IS A PASCO COUNTY ORDINANCE DUE TO THE NARROW STREETS IN CASE AN EMERGENCY VEHICLE HAS A CALL IN THE SECTION. IF A VEHCILE IS PARKED ON THE STREET AND THE POLICE ARE CALLED YOU COULD GET A TICKET. ALSO A SECTION THREE RESTRICTION IS THAT NO COMMERICAL VEHICLE OR TRAILER CAN BE PARKED ON THE PROPERTY UNLESS THESE ITEMS ARE HOUSED IN THE GARAGE. IF YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THIS RESTRICTION YOU WILL BE WRITTEN UP AND A LETTER FROM THE FIRST CHOICE MANAGEMENT COMPANY WILL BE SENT TO YOU. WE WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME TWO NEW NEIGHBORS, MARK BENNIS AT 4306 WALTHAM LANE AND KATINA TUCKER & DAUGHTER AT 4310 WALTHAM LANE. WE HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY LIVING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING OUR SECTION, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT MR. JERRY MASSIE OUR MANAGER AT FIRST CHOICE ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT CO. AT 727-785-8887. THANKS AGAIN FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS WHO DELIVER THE VOICE EACH MONTH, JOAN LIPPERT, DERRYL NEVINGER, ROSEMARIE KALMAN AND TONY SORENSON. CONGRATULATIONS TO TONY SORENSON ON HIS NEW POSITION AS VICE PRESIDENT OF THE COMMUNITY BOARD. Tony and Georgia 4 SECTION 5 The Section 5 Annual Meeting was held on Jan. 13, 2015. We are very grateful to all the Residents who were present at the meeting, either in person or by proxy. The Election was held, and the following members were voted in for the 2015 Board: President: Kathy Logue, Vice-President: Jim Kier, Secretary: Walter Fedor, Treasurer: Glenda Ramirez, and Director: Jaime Heeman. We welcome Glenda Ramirez to the Board and look forward to the contributions she will make as Treasurer. We all want to thank George Noorts for his long and honorable service to Section 5. George told us that of the 17 years he and Mary Lou have lived here, he has been on the Board for 15. George really exemplifies what being a “Good Neighbor” means. His home is a show-place and could be on the cover of a magazine. His wife is a Saint for putting up with the calls and conversations trying to get things right for Section 5. Always, George expressed to us his hope and belief that we must take care of Section 5. He wanted to do what was best for all of us. George, like Glen Carroll and Bill Herrmann, worked on the Board to be a positive force for good in a Community they all cared about. George, we will miss you on the Board, but you have assured us that we can all come to you for advice and help. George, Thank You! A President’s Report is posted in the Clubhouse. Section 5 Records Rule: Pertaining to Florida Statute 720.303(5), the Millpond V records are available for review at the Management office during the business hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. An owner or owner’s representative may make an appointment to review the records during this time. Copies will be made for you at $ .25 per page. If you have the capabilities to make your own copies, you may do so. Do not send appointment requests to individual Board members. Such requests must be sent in writing to the management company only. Contact information for appointment requests to review and inspect Section 5 Documents and to report Deed Restriction Violations are as follows: Jerry Massie, Manager First Choice Association Mgmt. Inc. 4174 Woodlands Parkway Palm Harbor, Florida 34685 (727) 785-8887 First Choice is our agent and they have ALL of our official records. Individual Board members do not keep official records. There is a practical business reason for this: Section 5 Board members are all volunteers who serve without compensation. If a document is needed to conduct Section 5 business, it is available during routine business hours at First Choice. If a Board member is out of town, hospitalized, or unavailable, Section 5 business gets done. It is NOT dependent on the health or presence of a particular Board Member. By: Kathy Logue MILLPOND BRIDGE CLUB Every year during the holidays, the Millpond Bridge Club makes a generous donation to a local charity. This year's donation went to The Fisher House at the James Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa. Veterans Hospitals throughout the nation have established residences near hospitals where families may stay while there wounded warrior is being treated. The Millpond Bridge Club is looking for bridge players. Those interested in bridge lessons from scratch or lessons to just brush up on skills please call Ruth Elliott at 376-5531. SECTION 6 – THE LAKES Happy February everyone! We want to welcome back all of our family members, Ken and Barbara, Ina and Frank, Ginlia and Tony, Maryann and John, Irene and Gus and let’s not forget “Rocky” our security dog. We are happy to see all of you again. On a different note we are saddened by the loss of Louis Morelli’s mom Alice. We also want to remember Pat Sharratt and family at the loss of her husband John. Please accept our sympathy as they will be missed. As we go into the second month of 2015 we need to be reminded of the following: ~ Do not use walkways, flowerbeds or roadways as ash trays. ~ Lock your cars before retiring for the evening. ~ Do not leave large furniture items by the dumpster. Container is for trash only. Next meeting for Section 6 will be on Wednesday, February 25, at 7:00pm at the Clubhouse. By: Pat Oxford 5 Hello Section Two!!! Our Annual Meeting was held last night at 7pm. A big THANK YOU to all residents who attended. We had a fantastic turn out. We can’t express enough how much we appreciate your support of Millpond Section Two. The focus of the meeting was to vote for the three available spots on the board. One owner per home was able to cast a vote. The total homes represented at our Annual Meeting or through mail in Proxies totaled 66. Votes were tallied by: Three representatives from Section Two (not affiliated with the board or nominees in any way): Our lawyer Mary Zewalk, West Coast owner Denise Helbig, Our Manager Lydia Spriggs, Cheryl Cronin, Gloria Liegchen, Dan Willrett. The community voted for Lisa McConnell, Alison Gage and Alan Gold to serve on the board. Once ballots were tallied the board then met to elect officers. The positions are as follows: President: Lisa McConnell Vice-President: Alison Gage Director at Large: Alan Gold Harry Newman and Tom McConnell will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary. There is no special insert this month, but keep your eyes peeled for further editions of Section Two 4U! We will have a February meeting with that date and time posted on the Community Board as well as our usual sign at the end of Balharbour. So watch for that posting. We look forward to seeing you again! In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact: Lydia Spriggs, LCAM 4917 Ehrlich Road Suite 104 Tampa FL 33624 Office (813)908-0766 Fax (813)908-6833 Like us on Facebook! westcoastmanagement MILLPOND TRACE Hi Neighbors! Wow, it feels like I just took down my Christmas tree and it's February already! Time just goes way too fast, we had better enjoy it while we can. The weather has been pretty good, get out there and walk, or ride your bike, enjoy talking to your neighbors. It's amazing how refreshed you can feel after some outdoor activities! There isn't anything good on TV anyway. Just want to let you know that we really do have an alligator in the pond on Old Millpond Rd. He's a baby, about 3 foot long. Doesn't bother anyone, so don't bother him! Also, there is no fishing allowed in our ponds, signs are posted. The Senior Prom that was scheduled for February 21 has been canceled for lack of participation. It sounded like fun to some of us, but I guess not all. Hope we have better luck with the St Patrick's Day dinner! Come have some Corned Beef and Cabbage with your neighbors. It sounds too good to miss! The Master board is working with Pasco county to get permission to put speed humps on Old Millpond Road due to the high volume of traffic speeders on that road. It is a good idea especially since plans for Mitchell Ranch will include a Costco, shopping, a movie theater and new homes. We do not want the extra traffic! Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Ciao for Now! JoAnne Boyle-Fisher It is time to refurbish the Military/Service Bulletin Board in the Clubhouse. If you have a picture of yourself or a family member who has military or community service and would like to see it posted. Please give it to Susan by March 1, 2015. Include identifying information. All submissions should be copies—no treasured original photos as they have to be taped/glued/stapled for the display. Contact Kathy Logue if you have any questions. 6 SECTION PRESIDENTS & CONTACTS YOUR COMMUNITY BOARD President—G. Bernard Zanetti Vice-President—Tony Sorenson Secretary—JoAnne Boyle-Fisher Treasurer—Gina Gorup Director—Tom McConnell _______________________________________ For issues pertaining to the Clubhouse, Pool and/or common areas contact: Jim Staub LCAM Qualified Property Management Inc. 5901 US 19 Suite Q New Port Richey, FL 34652 Phone: 727-869-9700 *Any Issues in your section TRACE SECTION 1 SECTION 2 Terri Wheeler June Gennant Lydia Spriggs Monarch Assoc. Mgt. First Choice Prop. Mgt. W.C. Mgmt.Co 727-204-4766 727-785-8887 813-908-0766 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 Georgia Lanphear Jim McDonald First Choice Prop. Mgt. Qualified Prop. Mgt. Kathy Logue First Choice Prop. 727-785-8887 727-869-9700 727-785-8887 SECTION 6 Carmela Rocco SECTION 6A Frank Doyle Qualified Prop. Mgt SECTION 7 Monica Bunn Parklane Real Estate 727-232-1173 727-376-2329 727-869-9700 Please call your Section Contact SHERIFF’S OFFICE MILLPOND ESTATES SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY IMPORTANT STUFF TO KNOW EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS & OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS Emergency & Non-Emergency Services Police (Sheriff), Fire & Medical Emergencies—911 Poison Control Center—1-800-222-1222 Pasco County Sheriff’s Non Emergency– 727-847-8102 (New Number) Water, Gas & Electric Water-FGUA—727-372-0115 Electric-Duke Energy—1-800-700-8744 Waste Management of Pasco: 1-800-255-7172 Telephone & Cable Verizon—1-800-483-4200 Direct TV—1-800-280-4388 Brighthouse—813-684-2000 Dish Network-1-800-424-7085 Daily Newspapers Tampa Tribune-813-259-7422 Tampa Bay Times-813-273-4414 Hospitals Bayonet Point Regional Medical Center 1400 Fivay Road, Hudson, FL 34667 1-800-432-7811 Medical Center of Trinity 9330 State Road 54, Trinity, FL 34655 727-834-4000 Helen Ellis Memorial Hospital 1395 S. Pinellas Ave., Tarpon Springs, FL 34688 727-942-5000 Morton Plant North Bay Hospital 6600 Madison St., New Port Richey, FL 34652 727-842-8468 DATE DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS 12/22/2014 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY WOBURN ST 12/23/2014 WELFARE CHECK BALHARBOUR DR 12/25/2014 UNVERIFIED 911 MC CLUNG DR 12/25/2014 SUSPICIOUS PERSON MC CLUNG DR 12/30/2014 SO INVESTIGATION ONORIO ST 12/30/2014 VEHICLE CRASH RD BLK. NO INJ HANCOCK ST 12/30/2014 VEHICLE SUSPICIOUS MORNINGDALE DR 1/2/2015 BATTERY JUST OCCURRED 1/4/2015 ILLEGAL PARKING 1/5/2015 SERVING CIVIL PROCESS RANDOLPH ST 1/6/2015 SERVING CIVIL PROCESS RANDOLPH ST 1/8/2015 ILLEGAL PARKING 1/8/2015 SPECIAL DETAIL OFF DUTY 1/9/2015 CITIZEN ASSIST 1/13/2015 SPECIAL DETAIL OFF DUTY MORNINGDALE DR 1/13/2015 SPECIAL DETAIL OFF DUTY MORNINGDALE DR 1/14/2015 DISTURBANCE VERBAL IN PROGRESS ANDOVER ST BOSTON CIR/BALHARBOUR ANDOVER ST MORNINGDALE DR HAMLET DR WOBURN ST 1/15/2015 ILLEGAL PARKING ANDOVER ST 1/15/2015 WELFARE CHECK NORTHAMPTON DR 1/19/2015 CITIZEN ASSIST FOXBORO DR 7
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